List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject remove
public Object remove(String key)
From source
public boolean update(JSONObject criteria, JSONObject changes) throws JSONException, IOException { JSONObject js_obj = new JSONObject(this.src_archivo); JSONArray js_array = (JSONArray) js_obj.get(this.nom_coleccion); boolean retorno = false; JSONObject busqueda = this.Select(criteria); if (!busqueda.equals(this.dont_exists)) { Iterator it_changes = changes.keys(); while (it_changes.hasNext()) { String key_c =; busqueda.put(key_c, changes.get(key_c)); }//from w ww . j a v a2 s.c o m int idx = busqueda.getInt("idx"); busqueda.remove("idx"); js_obj.put(this.nom_coleccion, js_array.put(idx, busqueda)); retorno = true; } this.src_archivo = js_obj.toString(4); this.saveFile(); return retorno; }
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/** * return data just as the service layer gives it to the App layer * no extra columns required/*from w ww. java2 s . c o m*/ * @param creds * @param cache * @param filePath * @param servicesurl * @param thisr * @return * @throws ExistException * @throws UnimplementedException * @throws UnderlyingStorageException */ public JSONObject simpleRetrieveJSON(CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String filePath, String servicesurl, Record thisr) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException { String csid = ""; if (filePath == null) { filePath = ""; } String[] path_parts = filePath.split("/"); if (path_parts.length > 1) csid = path_parts[1]; else csid = filePath; JSONObject out = new JSONObject(); try { String softpath = filePath; if (thisr.hasSoftDeleteMethod()) { softpath = softpath(filePath); } if (thisr.hasHierarchyUsed("screen")) { softpath = hierarchicalpath(softpath); } List<JSONObject> tempSons = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); if (thisr.isMultipart()) { ReturnedMultipartDocument doc = conn.getMultipartXMLDocument(RequestMethod.GET, servicesurl + softpath, null, creds, cache); if ((doc.getStatus() < 200 || doc.getStatus() >= 300)) throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Does not exist ", doc.getStatus(), softpath); for (String section : thisr.getServicesRecordPathKeys()) { String path = thisr.getServicesRecordPath(section); String[] parts = path.split(":", 2); if (doc.getDocument(parts[0]) != null) { tempSons.add(convertToJson(out, doc.getDocument(parts[0]), thisr, "GET", section, csid)); } } // If this record has hierarchy, will pull out the relations section and map it to the hierarchy // fields (special case handling of XML-JSON handleHierarchyPayloadRetrieve(thisr, doc, out, csid); } else { ReturnedDocument doc = conn.getXMLDocument(RequestMethod.GET, servicesurl + softpath, null, creds, cache); if ((doc.getStatus() < 200 || doc.getStatus() >= 300)) throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Does not exist ", doc.getStatus(), softpath); tempSons.add(convertToJson(out, doc.getDocument(), thisr, "GET", "common", csid)); } if (r.hasMerged()) { for (FieldSet f : r.getAllMergedFields()) { /* * PAHMA- 469: The above calls to convertToJson called XmlJsonConversion.convertToJson, * which calculated values for merge fields. However, these calculations only looked for * merged values from within one section, so they can produce incorrect results when * merge fields pull values from multiple sections. So, for each merge field, we remove * the previously calculated value, then recalculate the value, looking in all sections. * It may be that the merge field calculation in XmlJsonConversion.convertToJson can * be removed, and the calculation only needs to be done here. However, there are tests * that rely on XmlJsonConversion.convertToJson producing a value for merge fields * (and the value is correct if all merged values come from the same section), so this * is being conservative. */ out.remove(f.getID()); for (String fm : f.getAllMerge()) { if (fm != null && r.hasFieldByOperation(fm, "GET")) { String value = null; for (JSONObject tempSon : tempSons) { if (tempSon.has(fm)) { value = tempSon.getString(fm); break; } } if (value != null && !value.equals("")) { out.put(f.getID(), value); break; } } } } } } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception", e); } /* * Get data for any sub records that are part of this record e.g. contact in person, blob in media */ try { for (FieldSet fs : thisr.getAllSubRecords("GET")) { Boolean validator = true; Record sr = fs.usesRecordId(); if (fs.usesRecordValidator() != null) { validator = false; if (out.has(fs.usesRecordValidator())) { String test = out.getString(fs.usesRecordValidator()); if (test != null && !test.equals("")) { validator = true; } } } if (validator) { String getPath = servicesurl + filePath + "/" + sr.getServicesURL(); if (null != fs.getServicesUrl()) { getPath = fs.getServicesUrl(); } if (fs.getWithCSID() != null) { getPath = getPath + "/" + out.getString(fs.getWithCSID()); } //seems to work for media blob //need to get update and delete working? tho not going to be used for media as handling blob seperately if (fs instanceof Group) { JSONObject outer = simpleRetrieveJSON(creds, cache, getPath, "", sr); JSONArray group = new JSONArray(); group.put(outer); out.put(fs.getID(), group); } if (fs instanceof Repeat) { //NEED TO GET A LIST OF ALL THE THINGS JSONArray repeat = new JSONArray(); String path = getPath; while (!path.equals("")) { JSONObject data = getListView(creds, cache, path, sr.getServicesListPath(), "csid", false, r); if (data.has("listItems")) { String[] results = (String[]) data.get("listItems"); for (String result : results) { JSONObject rout = simpleRetrieveJSON(creds, cache, getPath + "/" + result, "", sr); rout.put("_subrecordcsid", result);//add in csid so I can do update with a modicum of confidence repeat.put(rout); } } if (data.has("pagination")) { Integer ps = Integer .valueOf(data.getJSONObject("pagination").getString("pageSize")); Integer pn = Integer.valueOf(data.getJSONObject("pagination").getString("pageNum")); Integer ti = Integer .valueOf(data.getJSONObject("pagination").getString("totalItems")); if (ti > (ps * (pn + 1))) { JSONObject restrictions = new JSONObject(); restrictions.put("pageSize", Integer.toString(ps)); restrictions.put("pageNum", Integer.toString(pn + 1)); path = getRestrictedPath(getPath, restrictions, sr.getServicesSearchKeyword(), "", false, ""); //need more values } else { path = ""; } } } //group.put(outer); out.put(fs.getID(), repeat); } } } } catch (Exception e) { //ignore exceptions for sub records at the moment - make it more intelligent later //throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception",e); } return out; }
From source
/** * update the item//from www. ja va m * @param root * @param creds * @param cache * @param filePath * @param jsonObject * @param thisr * @param serviceurl * @throws ExistException * @throws UnimplementedException * @throws UnderlyingStorageException */ public void updateJSON(ContextualisedStorage root, CSPRequestCredentials creds, CSPRequestCache cache, String filePath, JSONObject jsonObject, JSONObject restrictions, Record thisr, String serviceurl) throws ExistException, UnimplementedException, UnderlyingStorageException { try { Map<String, Document> parts = new HashMap<String, Document>(); Document doc = null; for (String section : thisr.getServicesRecordPathKeys()) { String path = thisr.getServicesRecordPath(section); String[] record_path = path.split(":", 2); doc = XmlJsonConversion.convertToXml(thisr, jsonObject, section, "PUT"); if (doc != null) { parts.put(record_path[0], doc); //; } } // This checks for hierarchy support, and does nothing if not appropriate. handleHierarchyPayloadSend(thisr, parts, jsonObject, filePath); int status = 0; if (thisr.isMultipart()) { String restrictedPath = getRestrictedPath(serviceurl, filePath, restrictions, null); ReturnedMultipartDocument docm = conn.getMultipartXMLDocument(RequestMethod.PUT, restrictedPath, parts, creds, cache); status = docm.getStatus(); } else { ReturnedDocument docm = conn.getXMLDocument(RequestMethod.PUT, serviceurl + filePath, doc, creds, cache); status = docm.getStatus(); } //XXX Completely untested subrecord update for (FieldSet fs : thisr.getAllSubRecords("PUT")) { Record sr = fs.usesRecordId(); if (sr.isRealRecord()) {//only deal with ones which are separate Records in the services //get list of existing subrecords JSONObject toDeleteList = new JSONObject(); JSONObject toUpdateList = new JSONObject(); JSONArray toCreateList = new JSONArray(); String getPath = serviceurl + filePath + "/" + sr.getServicesURL(); Integer subcount = 0; String firstfile = ""; String[] filepaths = null; while (!getPath.equals("")) { JSONObject data = getListView(creds, cache, getPath, sr.getServicesListPath(), "csid", false, sr); filepaths = (String[]) data.get("listItems"); subcount += filepaths.length; if (firstfile.equals("") && subcount != 0) { firstfile = filepaths[0]; } // need to paginate // if(sr.getID().equals("termlistitem")) for (String uri : filepaths) { String path = uri; if (path != null && path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(1); } toDeleteList.put(path, "original"); } if (data.has("pagination")) { Integer ps = Integer.valueOf(data.getJSONObject("pagination").getString("pageSize")); Integer pn = Integer.valueOf(data.getJSONObject("pagination").getString("pageNum")); Integer ti = Integer.valueOf(data.getJSONObject("pagination").getString("totalItems")); if (ti > (ps * (pn + 1))) { JSONObject pgRestrictions = new JSONObject(); pgRestrictions.put("pageSize", Integer.toString(ps)); pgRestrictions.put("pageNum", Integer.toString(pn + 1)); getPath = getRestrictedPath(getPath, pgRestrictions, sr.getServicesSearchKeyword(), "", false, ""); // need more values } else { getPath = ""; } } } //how does that compare to what we need if (sr.isType("authority")) { //XXX need to use configuredVocabStorage } else { if (fs instanceof Field) { JSONObject subdata = new JSONObject(); //loop thr jsonObject and find the fields I need for (FieldSet subfs : sr.getAllFieldTopLevel("PUT")) { String key = subfs.getID(); if (jsonObject.has(key)) { subdata.put(key, jsonObject.get(key)); } } if (subcount == 0) { //create toCreateList.put(subdata); } else { //update - there should only be one String firstcsid = firstfile; toUpdateList.put(firstcsid, subdata); toDeleteList.remove(firstcsid); } } else if (fs instanceof Group) {//JSONObject //do we have a csid //subrecorddata.put(value); if (jsonObject.has(fs.getID())) { Object subdata = jsonObject.get(fs.getID()); if (subdata instanceof JSONObject) { if (((JSONObject) subdata).has("_subrecordcsid")) { String thiscsid = ((JSONObject) subdata).getString("_subrecordcsid"); //update if (toDeleteList.has(thiscsid)) { toUpdateList.put(thiscsid, (JSONObject) subdata); toDeleteList.remove(thiscsid); } else { //something has gone wrong... best just create it from scratch toCreateList.put(subdata); } } else { //create toCreateList.put(subdata); } } } } else {//JSONArray Repeat //need to find if we have csid's for each one if (jsonObject.has(fs.getID())) { Object subdata = jsonObject.get(fs.getID()); if (subdata instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray subarray = (JSONArray) subdata; for (int i = 0; i < subarray.length(); i++) { JSONObject subrecord = subarray.getJSONObject(i); if (subrecord.has("_subrecordcsid") == true) { String thiscsid = subrecord.getString("_subrecordcsid"); // update if (toDeleteList.has(thiscsid)) { toUpdateList.put(thiscsid, subrecord); toDeleteList.remove(thiscsid); } else { // something has gone wrong... no existing records match the CSID being passed in, so // we will try to create a new record. Could fail if a record with the same short ID already exists toCreateList.put(subrecord); } } else if (subrecord.has("shortIdentifier") == true) { String thisShortID = subrecord.getString("shortIdentifier"); // update String thiscsid = lookupCsid(cache, filepaths, serviceurl, thisShortID); // See if we can find a matching short ID in the current list of items if (thiscsid != null) { toUpdateList.put(thiscsid, subrecord); toDeleteList.remove(thiscsid); } else { // // Since we couldn't find an existing record with that short ID, we need to create it. // toCreateList.put(subrecord); } } else { // create since we couldn't look for existing records via CSID or Short ID toCreateList.put(subrecord); } } } } } String savePath = serviceurl + filePath + "/" + sr.getServicesURL() + "/"; //do delete JSONObject existingcsid = new JSONObject(); Iterator<String> rit = toDeleteList.keys(); while (rit.hasNext()) { String key =; deleteJSON(root, creds, cache, key, savePath, sr); // will fail if this record is a term having active references -i.e., one or more non-deleted records reference it. } //do update JSONObject updatecsid = new JSONObject(); Iterator<String> keys = toUpdateList.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; JSONObject value = toUpdateList.getJSONObject(key); JSONObject subrRestrictions = new JSONObject(); updateJSON(root, creds, cache, key, value, subrRestrictions, sr, savePath); } //do create JSONArray createcsid = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < toCreateList.length(); i++) { JSONObject value = toCreateList.getJSONObject(i); subautocreateJSON(root, creds, cache, sr, value, savePath); } } } } //if(status==404) // throw new ExistException("Not found: "+serviceurl+filePath); if (status > 299 || status < 200) throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Bad response ", status, serviceurl + filePath); } catch (ConnectionException e) { throw new UnderlyingStorageException("Service layer exception" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getStatus(), e.getUrl(), e); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new UnimplementedException("JSONException", e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new UnimplementedException("UnsupportedEncodingException", e); } }
From source
@JsonRpcMethod(method = RemindMeProtocol.AlertsSync.METHOD, requires_login = true) public JSONObject notesSync(final CallContext context) throws JSONException, JsonRpcException { // This method should return a list of updated notes since a current // date, optionally reconciling/merging a set of a local notes. String clientDeviceId = null; UserInfo userInfo = getCurrentUserInfo(context); Date sinceDate;/*from www . j a va 2 s . co m*/ try { clientDeviceId = context.getParams().optString(RemindMeProtocol.ARG_CLIENT_DEVICE_ID); sinceDate = Util .parseDateISO8601(context.getParams().getString(RemindMeProtocol.AlertsSync.ARG_SINCE_DATE)); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new JsonRpcException(400, "Invalid since_date.", e); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new JsonRpcException(400, "Invalid since_date.", e); } JSONObject responseJson = new JSONObject(); JSONArray notesJson = new JSONArray(); Transaction tx = context.getPersistenceManager().currentTransaction(); Date newSinceDate = new Date(); try { tx.begin(); List<Alert> localAlerts = new ArrayList<Alert>(); if (context.getParams().has(RemindMeProtocol.AlertsSync.ARG_LOCAL_ALERTS)) { JSONArray localChangesJson = context.getParams() .getJSONArray(RemindMeProtocol.AlertsSync.ARG_LOCAL_ALERTS); for (int i = 0; i < localChangesJson.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject noteJson = localChangesJson.getJSONObject(i); if (noteJson.has("id")) { Key existingAlertKey = Alert.makeKey(userInfo.getId(), noteJson.get("id").toString()); try { Alert existingAlert = (Alert) context.getPersistenceManager() .getObjectById(Alert.class, existingAlertKey); if (!existingAlert.getOwnerId().equals(userInfo.getId())) { // User doesn't have permission to edit this note. Instead of // throwing an error, just re-create it on the server side. //throw new JsonRpcException(403, // "You do not have permission to modify this note."); noteJson.remove("id"); } } catch (JDOObjectNotFoundException e) { // Alert doesn't exist, instead of throwing an error, // just re-create the note on the server side (unassign its ID). //throw new JsonRpcException(404, "Alert with ID " // + noteJson.get("id").toString() + " does not exist."); noteJson.remove("id"); } } noteJson.put("owner_id", userInfo.getId()); Alert localAlert = new Alert(noteJson); localAlerts.add(localAlert); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new JsonRpcException(400, "Invalid local note content.", e); } } } // Query server-side note changes. Query query = context.getPersistenceManager().newQuery(Alert.class); query.setFilter("ownerKey == ownerKeyParam && modifiedDate > sinceDate"); query.setOrdering("modifiedDate desc"); query.declareParameters(Key.class.getName() + " ownerKeyParam, java.util.Date sinceDate"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Alert> alerts = (List<Alert>) query.execute(userInfo.getKey(), sinceDate); // Now merge the lists and conflicting objects. Reconciler<Alert> reconciler = new Reconciler<Alert>() { @Override public Alert reconcile(Alert o1, Alert o2) { boolean pick1 = o1.getModifiedDate().after(o2.getModifiedDate()); // Make sure only the chosen version of the note is persisted context.getPersistenceManager().makeTransient(pick1 ? o2 : o1); return pick1 ? o1 : o2; } }; Collection<Alert> reconciledAlerts = reconciler.reconcileLists(alerts, localAlerts); for (Alert alert : reconciledAlerts) { // Save the note. context.getPersistenceManager().makePersistent(alert); // Put it in the response output. notesJson.put(alert.toJSON()); } tx.commit(); } finally { if (tx.isActive()) { tx.rollback(); } } enqueueDeviceMessage(context.getPersistenceManager(), userInfo, clientDeviceId); responseJson.put(RemindMeProtocol.AlertsSync.RET_ALERTS, notesJson); responseJson.put(RemindMeProtocol.AlertsSync.RET_NEW_SINCE_DATE, Util.formatDateISO8601(newSinceDate)); return responseJson; }
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@Override public Pair<JSONObject, byte[]> splitRaw(JSONObject json) { byte[] raw = Base64.decode(json.optString(DATA), Base64.DEFAULT); json.remove(DATA); return new Pair<JSONObject, byte[]>(json, raw); }
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@Override public Pair<JSONObject, byte[]> handleOutgoing(JSONObject json) { byte[] bytes = Base64.decode(json.optString(DATA), Base64.DEFAULT); json.remove(DATA); return new Pair<JSONObject, byte[]>(json, bytes); }
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@Override public Pair<JSONObject, byte[]> handleUnprocessed(Context context, JSONObject msg) { byte[] bytes = FastBase64.decode(msg.optString(DATA)); msg.remove(DATA); return new Pair<JSONObject, byte[]>(msg, bytes); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private Object getValue(JSONObject jObj, String param, Class<?> clazz) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException, Exception { try {//from w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m if (clazz.equals(String.class)) { return jObj.getString(param); } else if (clazz.equals(int.class)) { return jObj.getInt(param); } else if (clazz.equals(long.class)) { return jObj.getLong(param); } else if (clazz.equals(float.class)) { return (float) jObj.getDouble(param); } else if (clazz.equals(double.class)) { return jObj.getDouble(param); } else if (clazz.equals(boolean.class)) { return jObj.getBoolean(param); } else if (mAdapters.containsKey(clazz)) { return mAdapters.get(clazz).load(param, jObj); } else if (clazz.isEnum()) { return Enum.valueOf((Class<? extends Enum>) clazz, jObj.getString(param)); } else if (clazz.isArray()) { return getValue(jObj.getJSONArray(param), clazz.getComponentType()); } else { return load(jObj.getJSONObject(param), clazz); } } catch (JSONException e) { return null; } finally { jObj.remove(param); } }
From source
public void sendChangesToCozy() { List<Sms> unSyncedSms = Sms.getAllUnsynced(); int i = 0;/*from ww w . j a v a2s.c o m*/ for (Sms sms : unSyncedSms) { URL urlO = null; try { JSONObject jsonObject = sms.toJsonObject(); mBuilder.setProgress(unSyncedSms.size(), i, false); mBuilder.setContentText("Syncing " + jsonObject.getString("docType") + ":"); mNotifyManager.notify(notification_id,; EventBus.getDefault() .post(new SmsSyncEvent(SYNC_MESSAGE, getString(R.string.lbl_sms_status_read_phone))); String remoteId = jsonObject.getString("remoteId"); String requestMethod = ""; if (remoteId.isEmpty()) { urlO = new URL(syncUrl); requestMethod = "POST"; } else { urlO = new URL(syncUrl + remoteId + "/"); requestMethod = "PUT"; } HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlO.openConnection(); conn.setConnectTimeout(5000); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"); conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", authHeader); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setRequestMethod(requestMethod); // set request body jsonObject.remove("remoteId"); long objectId = jsonObject.getLong("id"); jsonObject.remove("id"); OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream(); os.write(jsonObject.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); os.flush(); // read the response InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(in, writer, "UTF-8"); String result = writer.toString(); JSONObject jsonObjectResult = new JSONObject(result); if (jsonObjectResult != null && jsonObjectResult.has("_id")) { result = jsonObjectResult.getString("_id"); sms.setRemoteId(result);; } in.close(); conn.disconnect(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new SmsSyncEvent(SERVICE_ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage())); e.printStackTrace(); stopSelf(); } catch (ProtocolException e) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new SmsSyncEvent(SERVICE_ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage())); e.printStackTrace(); stopSelf(); } catch (IOException e) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new SmsSyncEvent(SERVICE_ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage())); e.printStackTrace(); stopSelf(); } catch (JSONException e) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new SmsSyncEvent(SERVICE_ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage())); e.printStackTrace(); stopSelf(); } i++; } }
From source
private void removeFromIndex(String indexName, String keyName) throws DrumlinAccountsException { try {/*from w ww . jav a2 s.c o m*/ final JSONObject o = fIndex.getJSONObject(indexName); o.remove(keyName); fStore.overwrite(fStore.indexToAddress(0), fIndex); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new DrumlinAccountsException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DrumlinAccountsException(e); } }