Example usage for org.json JSONObject getJSONObject

List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject getJSONObject


In this page you can find the example usage for org.json JSONObject getJSONObject.


public JSONObject getJSONObject(String key) throws JSONException 

Source Link


Get the JSONObject value associated with a key.


From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.relation.TestRelationsThroughWebapp.java

public void testMultipleCreate() throws Exception {
    // Create test cataloging
    ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
    HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/",
            tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")), jetty);
    String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
            jetty);/*from w  ww.  j a v a 2  s.c  o  m*/
    String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
    String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
    String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
    String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
    String[] path3 = id3.split("/");
    // Do the rleation
    JSONObject data1 = createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false);
    JSONObject data2 = createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path2[1], path2[2], false);
    JSONArray datas = new JSONArray();
    JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
    data.put("items", datas);
    out = tester.POSTData("/relationships", data, jetty);
    // Check it
    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONArray rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
    assertEquals(2, rel3.length());

    tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);

From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.relation.TestRelationsThroughWebapp.java

public void testUpdate() throws Exception {
    // Create test cataloging
    ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
    HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/",
            tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")), jetty);
    String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
            jetty);// w  w  w . j a va  2 s .  co m
    String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
    String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
    String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
    String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
    String[] path3 = id3.split("/");

    // Create a relation 3 -> 1
    out = tester.POSTData("/relationships",
            createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);
    // Get csid
    JSONObject data = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    String csid1 = data.getString("csid");

    // Update it to 2 -> 1
    out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
            createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);

    // Check it

    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONObject rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations");

    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONArray rel2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");

    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONObject rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");

    // clean up after
    tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid1, jetty);

    tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);

    assertEquals(0, rel1.length());
    assertEquals(1, rel2.length());
    assertEquals(0, rel3.length());

From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.relation.TestRelationsThroughWebapp.java

public void testOneWayWorksInUpdate() throws Exception {
    ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
    HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/intake/",
            tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2007.4-a.json")), jetty);
    String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
            jetty);//from  w  w w. j a va  2s.  c  om
    String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/acquisition/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2005.017.json")),
    String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
    String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
    String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
    String[] path3 = id3.split("/");
    // Create a relation 3 <-> 1
    out = tester.POSTData("/relationships",
            createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false), jetty);
    // Get csid
    JSONObject data = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    String csid1 = data.getString("csid");

    // Update to 2 <-> 1 keeping one-way false
    out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
            createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false), jetty);

    // Check it
    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONArray rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
    assertEquals(1, rel1.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONArray rel2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("intake");

    assertEquals(1, rel2.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONObject rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel3.length());
    // Update to 1 -> 3, making one-way true
    //String csid2 = rel1.getJSONObject(0).getString("relid");
    out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
            createRelation(path1[1], path1[2], "affects", path3[1], path3[2], true), jetty);

    // Check it
    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("acquisition");
    assertEquals(1, rel1.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONObject rel2a = data2.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel2a.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel3.length());
    // Update to 3 -> 1, keeping one way true
    out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
            createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);

    // Check it
    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONObject rel1a = data1.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel1a.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel2a = data2.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel2a.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONArray rel3a = data3.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("intake");
    assertEquals(1, rel3a.length());
    // Update to 1 <-> 2, making one way false
    out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
            createRelation(path1[1], path1[2], "affects", path2[1], path2[2], false), jetty);

    // Check it
    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
    assertEquals(1, rel1.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("intake");
    assertEquals(1, rel2.length());
    out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
    data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");
    assertEquals(0, rel3.length());

    // clean up after
    tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);


From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.relation.TestRelationsThroughWebapp.java

public void testRelationshipType() throws Exception {
    // Create test cataloging
    ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
    HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/",
            tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")), jetty);
    String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/intake/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2007.4-a.json")),
            jetty);/*from ww w.ja  va2 s.c o m*/
    String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
    String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
    String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
    // Relate them
    out = tester.POSTData("/relationships/",
            createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false), jetty);
    String csid = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");
    // Check types
    out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
    JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONArray rels1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("intake");
    assertEquals(1, rels1.length());
    JSONObject rel1 = rels1.getJSONObject(0);
    assertEquals(rel1.getString("recordtype"), "intake");
    out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
    JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    JSONArray rels2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
    assertEquals(1, rels2.length());
    JSONObject rel2 = rels2.getJSONObject(0);
    assertEquals(rel2.getString("recordtype"), "cataloging");

    // clean up after
    tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);


From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.services.relation.TestRelationsThroughWebapp.java

public void testSearchList() throws Exception {
    // Check list is empty
    ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
    HttpTester out = tester.GETData("/relationships/", jetty);
    JSONArray items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
    Integer offset = items.length();
    // assertEquals(0,items.length());
    // Create some cataloging
    out = tester.POSTData("/intake/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2007.4-a.json")),
            jetty);//from  w  ww .j  av  a2s  .  com
    String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
    String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
    out = tester.POSTData("/acquisition/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2005.017.json")),
    String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
    String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
    String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
    String[] path3 = id3.split("/");
    // Add a relation rel1: 2 -> 1
    out = tester.POSTData("/relationships/",
            createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);
    String csid1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");

    out = tester.GETData("/relationships/" + csid1, jetty);
    JSONObject rel1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
    assertEquals(path2[2], rel1.getJSONObject("source").getString("csid"));
    assertEquals(path1[2], rel1.getJSONObject("target").getString("csid"));
    // Add some more relations: rel2: 2 -> 3 ; rel 3: 3 -> 1 (new type)
    out = tester.POSTData("/relationships/",
            createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path3[1], path3[2], true), jetty);
    String csid2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");
    out = tester.POSTData("/relationships/",
            createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "broader", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);
    String csid3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");
    // Total length should be 3 XXX pagination & offset
    // out = GETData("/relationships",jetty);
    // items=new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
    // assertEquals(3,items.length());
    // Should be two starting at 2
    out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?source=" + path2[1] + "/" + path2[2], jetty);
    items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
    assertEquals(2, items.length());
    // Should be one staring at 3, none at 1
    out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?source=" + path3[1] + "/" + path3[2], jetty);
    items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
    assertEquals(1, items.length());
    out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?source=" + path1[1] + "/" + path1[2], jetty);
    items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
    assertEquals(0, items.length());
    // Targets: two at 1, none at 2, one at 3
    out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?target=" + path1[1] + "/" + path1[2], jetty);
    items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
    assertEquals(2, items.length());
    out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?target=" + path2[1] + "/" + path2[2], jetty);
    items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
    assertEquals(0, items.length());
    out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?target=" + path3[1] + "/" + path3[2], jetty);
    items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
    assertEquals(1, items.length());

    // out=GETData("/relationships/search?type=broader",null);
    // items=new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
    // assertEquals(1,items.length());
    // Combination: target = 1, type = affects; just one
    out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?type=affects&target=" + path1[1] + "/" + path1[2], jetty);
    items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
    assertEquals(1, items.length());
    // Combination: source = 2, target = 3; just one
    out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?source=" + path2[1] + "/" + path2[2] + "&target=" + path3[1]
            + "/" + path3[2], jetty);
    items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
    assertEquals(1, items.length());

    // clean up after
    tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid1, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid2, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid3, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
    tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);

From source file:com.facebook.android.MainPage.java

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
@Override/* w  w w .ja  va2s  .co  m*/
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (APP_ID == null) {
        Util.showAlert(this, "Warning",
                "Facebook Applicaton ID must be " + "specified before running this example: see Example.java");

    mMovieNameInput = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.title);
    mMediaSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.media);
    mSearchButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.search);
    mFacebook = new Facebook(APP_ID);
    mAsyncRunner = new AsyncFacebookRunner(mFacebook);

    SessionStore.restore(mFacebook, this);
    SessionEvents.addAuthListener(new SampleAuthListener());
    SessionEvents.addLogoutListener(new SampleLogoutListener());
    // set up the Spinner for the media list selection
    ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> adapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this, R.array.media_list,

    //for search button         
    final Context context = this;
    mSearchButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            String servletURL;
            String movieName = mMovieNameInput.getText().toString();
            // check the input text of movie, if the text is empty give user alert
            movieName = movieName.trim();
            if (movieName.length() == 0) {
                Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, "Please enter a movie name", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
                toast.setGravity(Gravity.TOP | Gravity.CENTER, 0, 70);
            // if movie name is not empty
            else {
                // remove any extra whitespace
                movieName = movieName.replaceAll("\\s+", "+");
                String mediaList = mMediaSpinner.getSelectedItem().toString();
                if (mediaList.equals("Feature Film")) {
                    mediaList = "feature";
                mediaList = mediaList.replaceAll("\\s+", "+");
                // construct the query string
                // construct the final URL to Servlet
                //String servletString = "?" + "title=" + movieName + "&" + "title_type=" + mediaList;
                //servletURL = "http://cs-server.usc.edu:10854/examples/servlet/Amovie"
                //+ servletString;
                //String servletString = "?" + "title=" + movieName + "&" + "media=" + mediaList;
                //servletURL = "http://cs-server.usc.edu:34404/examples/servlet/HelloWorldExample?title=" + movieName + "&" + "media=" + mediaList;
                //+ servletString;
                servletURL = "http://cs-server.usc.edu:10854/examples/servlet/Amovie?title=" + movieName + "&"
                        + "title_type=" + mediaList;
                BufferedReader in = null;
                try {
                    // REFERENCE: this part of code is modified from:
                    // "Example of HTTP GET Request using HttpClient in Android"
                    // http://w3mentor.com/learn/java/android-development/android-http-services/example-of-http-get-request-using-httpclient-in-android/
                    // get response (JSON string) from Servlet 
                    HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
                    HttpGet request = new HttpGet();
                    request.setURI(new URI(servletURL));
                    HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
                    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent()));
                    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
                    String line = "";
                    String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator");
                    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
                        sb.append(line + NL);
                    String page = sb.toString();
                    //test for JSON string
                    /*LinearLayout lView = new LinearLayout(context);
                    TextView myText = new TextView(context);

                    // convert the JSON string to real JSON and get out the movie JSON array
                    // to check if there is any movie data
                    JSONObject finalJson;
                    JSONObject movieJson;
                    JSONArray movieJsonArray;
                    finalJson = new JSONObject(page);
                    movieJson = finalJson.getJSONObject("results");
                    movieJsonArray = movieJson.getJSONArray("result");

                    // if the response contains some movie data
                    if (movieJsonArray.length() != 0) {

                        // start the ListView activity, and pass the JSON string to it
                        Intent intent = new Intent(context, MovieListActivity.class);
                        intent.putExtra("finalJson", page);
                    // if the response does not contain any movie data,
                    // show user that there is no result for this search
                    else {
                        Toast toast = Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "No movie found for this search",
                        toast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0);
                } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                } finally {
                    if (in != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {

From source file:org.hubiquitus.twitter4j_1_1.stream.HStream.java

public void fireEvent(JSONObject item) {
    int code = item.has("text") ? 1
            : item.has("warning") ? 2
                    : item.has("delete") ? 3
                            : item.has("scrub_geo") ? 4
                                    : item.has("limit") ? 5
                                            : item.has("status_withheld") ? 6
                                                    : item.has("user_withheld") ? 7
                                                            : item.has("disconnect") ? 8 : 0;

    for (HStreamListner listener : listeners) {
        switch (code) {
        case 1:/*from  ww w .  j  a  va  2  s . c om*/
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
        case 7:
        case 8:

    if (code == 8) {
        try {
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            log.error("can not fetch the error code for disconnection", e);
        loop = new Loop(this);


From source file:org.eclipse.orion.server.tests.servlets.git.GitAddTest.java

public void testAddChanged() throws Exception {
    URI workspaceLocation = createWorkspace(getMethodName());

    JSONObject project = createProjectOrLink(workspaceLocation, getMethodName(), gitDir.toString());

    JSONObject testTxt = getChild(project, "test.txt");
    modifyFile(testTxt, "hello");

    addFile(testTxt);/*from w ww . java 2 s.co m*/

    JSONObject gitSection = project.getJSONObject(GitConstants.KEY_GIT);
    String gitStatusUri = gitSection.getString(GitConstants.KEY_STATUS);

    assertStatus(new StatusResult().setChanged(1), gitStatusUri);

From source file:org.eclipse.orion.server.tests.servlets.git.GitAddTest.java

public void testAddMissing() throws Exception {
    URI workspaceLocation = createWorkspace(getMethodName());

    String projectName = getMethodName();
    JSONObject project = createProjectOrLink(workspaceLocation, projectName, gitDir.toString());
    JSONObject testTxt = getChild(project, "test.txt");

    deleteFile(testTxt);/*from  w  w w . j  ava  2 s . c  o m*/

    JSONObject gitSection = project.getJSONObject(GitConstants.KEY_GIT);
    String gitStatusUri = gitSection.getString(GitConstants.KEY_STATUS);

    assertStatus(new StatusResult().setMissingNames("test.txt"), gitStatusUri);


    assertStatus(new StatusResult().setRemoved(1), gitStatusUri);

From source file:org.eclipse.orion.server.tests.servlets.git.GitAddTest.java

public void testAddAll() throws Exception {
    URI workspaceLocation = createWorkspace(getMethodName());

    String projectName = getMethodName();
    JSONObject project = createProjectOrLink(workspaceLocation, projectName, gitDir.toString());
    String projectId = project.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_ID);

    JSONObject testTxt = getChild(project, "test.txt");
    modifyFile(testTxt, "hello");

    String fileName = "new.txt";
    WebRequest request = getPostFilesRequest("", getNewFileJSON(fileName).toString(), fileName);
    WebResponse response = webConversation.getResponse(request);
    assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED, response.getResponseCode());

    JSONObject folder = getChild(project, "folder");
    JSONObject folderTxt = getChild(folder, "folder.txt");
    deleteFile(folderTxt);/*  ww  w . ja  v  a 2  s . co m*/

    JSONObject gitSection = project.getJSONObject(GitConstants.KEY_GIT);
    String gitIndexUri = gitSection.getString(GitConstants.KEY_INDEX);
    String gitStatusUri = gitSection.getString(GitConstants.KEY_STATUS);

    assertStatus(new StatusResult().setMissing(1).setModified(1).setUntracked(1), gitStatusUri);

    request = getPutGitIndexRequest(gitIndexUri /* add all */, null);
    response = webConversation.getResponse(request);
    assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, response.getResponseCode());

    assertStatus(new StatusResult().setAdded(1).setChanged(1).setRemoved(1), gitStatusUri);