Source code

Java tutorial


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/* Copyright 2010 University of Cambridge
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License (ECL), Version 2.0. You may not use this file except in 
 * compliance with this License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the ECL 2.0 License at

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.collectionspace.chain.csp.persistence.TestBase;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mortbay.jetty.testing.HttpTester;
import org.mortbay.jetty.testing.ServletTester;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class TestRelationsThroughWebapp {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestRelationsThroughWebapp.class);
    private static TestBase tester = new TestBase();

    private JSONObject createMini(String type, String id) throws JSONException {
        JSONObject out = new JSONObject();
        out.put("csid", id);
        out.put("recordtype", type);
        return out;

    private JSONObject createRelation(String src_type, String src, String type, String dst_type, String dst,
            boolean one_way) throws JSONException {
        JSONObject out = new JSONObject();
        out.put("source", createMini(src_type, src));
        out.put("target", createMini(dst_type, dst));
        out.put("type", type);
        out.put("one-way", one_way);
        return out;

    public void testRelationsCreate() throws Exception {
        // First create atester. couple of cataloging
        ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
        HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/",
                tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")), jetty);
        String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
        String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
        String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
        String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
        String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
        String[] path3 = id3.split("/");
        // Now create a pair of relations in: 3<->1, 3->2: a. 1->3, b. 3->1, c.
        // 3->2
        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships",
                createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false), jetty);;
        String relid1 = out.getHeader("Location");
        String csid1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");

        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships",
                createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path2[1], path2[2], true), jetty);;
        String relid2 = out.getHeader("Location");
        String csid2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");

        // Check 1 has relation to 3
        out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
        JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        // that the destination is 3;
        JSONArray rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
        assertEquals(1, rel1.length());
        JSONObject mini1 = rel1.getJSONObject(0);
        assertEquals("cataloging", mini1.getString("recordtype"));
        assertEquals(mini1.getString("csid"), path3[2]);
         * relid and relationshiptype are no longer provided in the relation payload
        String rida = mini1.getString("relid");
        // pull the relation itself, and check it
        out = tester.GETData("/relationships/" + rida, jetty);
        JSONObject rd1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        assertEquals("affects", rd1.getString("type"));
        assertEquals(rida, rd1.getString("csid"));
        JSONObject src1 = rd1.getJSONObject("source");
        assertEquals("cataloging", src1.getString("recordtype"));
        assertEquals(path1[2], src1.get("csid"));
        JSONObject dst1 = rd1.getJSONObject("target");
        assertEquals("cataloging", dst1.getString("recordtype"));
        assertEquals(path3[2], dst1.get("csid"));

        // Check that 2 has no relations at all
        out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
        JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        // that the destination is 3
        JSONObject rel2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations");
        assertEquals(0, rel2.length());
        // Check that 3 has relations to 1 and 2
        out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
        JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        // untangle them
        JSONArray rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
        assertEquals(2, rel3.length());
        int i0 = 0, i1 = 1;
        String rel_a = rel3.getJSONObject(i0).getString("csid");
        String rel_b = rel3.getJSONObject(i1).getString("csid");

        if (rel_a.equals(path2[2]) && rel_b.equals(path1[2])) {
            i0 = 1;
            i1 = 0;
        JSONObject rel31 = rel3.getJSONObject(i0);
        JSONObject rel32 = rel3.getJSONObject(i1);
        // check desintations
        assertEquals("cataloging", rel31.getString("recordtype"));
        assertEquals(rel31.getString("csid"), path1[2]);
         * relid no longer provided in the payloads
        //String rid31 = rel31.getString("relid");
        assertEquals("cataloging", rel32.getString("recordtype"));
        assertEquals(rel32.getString("csid"), path2[2]);
        //String rid32 = rel32.getString("relid");
        // check actual records
        // 3 -> 1
        // out = tester.GETData("/relationships/" + rid31, jetty);
        // JSONObject rd31 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        // assertEquals("affects", rd31.getString("type"));
        // assertEquals(rid31, rd31.getString("csid"));
        // JSONObject src31 = rd31.getJSONObject("source");
        // assertEquals("cataloging", src31.getString("recordtype"));
        // assertEquals(path3[2], src31.get("csid"));
        // JSONObject dst31 = rd31.getJSONObject("target");
        // assertEquals("cataloging", dst31.getString("recordtype"));
        // assertEquals(path1[2], dst31.get("csid"));
        // 3 -> 2
        // out = tester.GETData("/relationships/" + rid32, jetty);
        // JSONObject rd32 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        // assertEquals("affects", rd32.getString("type"));
        // assertEquals(rid32, rd32.getString("csid"));
        // JSONObject src32 = rd32.getJSONObject("source");
        // assertEquals("cataloging", src32.getString("recordtype"));
        // assertEquals(path3[2], src32.get("csid"));
        // JSONObject dst32 = rd32.getJSONObject("target");
        // assertEquals("cataloging", dst32.getString("recordtype"));
        // assertEquals(path2[2], dst32.get("csid"));

        /* clean up */
        tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid1, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid2, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);

    public void testLoginTest() throws Exception {
        // initially set up with logged in user
        ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
        HttpTester out = tester.GETData("/loginstatus", jetty);
        JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        Boolean rel3 = data3.getBoolean("login");
        // logout the user
        out = tester.GETData("/logout", jetty, 303);
        // should get false
        out = tester.GETData("/loginstatus", jetty);
        JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        Boolean rel2 = data2.getBoolean("login");

    // XXX factor out creation
    public void testRelationsMissingOneWay() throws Exception {
        // First create a couple of cataloging
        ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
        HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/",
                tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")), jetty);

        String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
        String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
        String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
        String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
        String[] path3 = id3.split("/");
        JSONObject data = createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false);
        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships", data, jetty);
        // Get csid
        JSONObject datacs = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        String csid1 = datacs.getString("csid");
        // Just heck they have length 1 (other stuff will be tested by main
        // test)
        out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
        JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONArray rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
        assertEquals(1, rel3.length());
        out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
        JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONArray rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
        assertEquals(1, rel1.length());

        // clean up after
        tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid1, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);

    public void testMultipleCreate() throws Exception {
        // Create test cataloging
        ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
        HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/",
                tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")), jetty);
        String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
        String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
        String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
        String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
        String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
        String[] path3 = id3.split("/");
        // Do the rleation
        JSONObject data1 = createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false);
        JSONObject data2 = createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path2[1], path2[2], false);
        JSONArray datas = new JSONArray();
        JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
        data.put("items", datas);
        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships", data, jetty);
        // Check it
        out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
        JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONArray rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
        assertEquals(2, rel3.length());

        tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);

    // XXX update of two-way relations
    // XXX update of one-wayness
    public void testUpdate() throws Exception {
        // Create test cataloging
        ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
        HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/",
                tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")), jetty);
        String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
        String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
        String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
        String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
        String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
        String[] path3 = id3.split("/");

        // Create a relation 3 -> 1
        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships",
                createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);
        // Get csid
        JSONObject data = new JSONObject(out.getContent());;
        String csid1 = data.getString("csid");

        // Update it to 2 -> 1
        out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
                createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);;
        // Check it

        out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
        JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONObject rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations");

        out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
        JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());;
        JSONArray rel2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");

        out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
        JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONObject rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");

        // clean up after
        tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid1, jetty);

        tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);

        assertEquals(0, rel1.length());
        assertEquals(1, rel2.length());
        assertEquals(0, rel3.length());

    public void testOneWayWorksInUpdate() throws Exception {
        ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
        HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/intake/",
                tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2007.4-a.json")), jetty);
        String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
        String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/acquisition/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2005.017.json")),
        String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
        String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
        String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
        String[] path3 = id3.split("/");
        // Create a relation 3 <-> 1
        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships",
                createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false), jetty);
        // Get csid
        JSONObject data = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        String csid1 = data.getString("csid");

        // Update to 2 <-> 1 keeping one-way false
        out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
                createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false), jetty);

        // Check it
        out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
        JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONArray rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
        assertEquals(1, rel1.length());
        out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
        JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONArray rel2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("intake");

        assertEquals(1, rel2.length());
        out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
        JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONObject rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");
        assertEquals(0, rel3.length());
        // Update to 1 -> 3, making one-way true
        //String csid2 = rel1.getJSONObject(0).getString("relid");
        out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
                createRelation(path1[1], path1[2], "affects", path3[1], path3[2], true), jetty);

        // Check it
        out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
        data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("acquisition");
        assertEquals(1, rel1.length());
        out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
        data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONObject rel2a = data2.getJSONObject("relations");
        assertEquals(0, rel2a.length());
        out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
        data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");
        assertEquals(0, rel3.length());
        // Update to 3 -> 1, keeping one way true
        out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
                createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);

        // Check it
        out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
        data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONObject rel1a = data1.getJSONObject("relations");
        assertEquals(0, rel1a.length());
        out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
        data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        rel2a = data2.getJSONObject("relations");
        assertEquals(0, rel2a.length());
        out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
        data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONArray rel3a = data3.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("intake");
        assertEquals(1, rel3a.length());
        // Update to 1 <-> 2, making one way false
        out = tester.PUTData("/relationships/" + csid1,
                createRelation(path1[1], path1[2], "affects", path2[1], path2[2], false), jetty);

        // Check it
        out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
        data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        rel1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
        assertEquals(1, rel1.length());
        out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
        data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        rel2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("intake");
        assertEquals(1, rel2.length());
        out = tester.GETData(id3, jetty);
        data3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        rel3 = data3.getJSONObject("relations");
        assertEquals(0, rel3.length());

        // clean up after
        tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);


    public void testRelationshipType() throws Exception {
        // Create test cataloging
        ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
        HttpTester out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/",
                tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")), jetty);
        String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/intake/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2007.4-a.json")),
        String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
        String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
        String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
        // Relate them
        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships/",
                createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false), jetty);
        String csid = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");
        // Check types
        out = tester.GETData(id1, jetty);
        JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONArray rels1 = data1.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("intake");
        assertEquals(1, rels1.length());
        JSONObject rel1 = rels1.getJSONObject(0);
        assertEquals(rel1.getString("recordtype"), "intake");
        out = tester.GETData(id2, jetty);
        JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        JSONArray rels2 = data2.getJSONObject("relations").getJSONArray("cataloging");
        assertEquals(1, rels2.length());
        JSONObject rel2 = rels2.getJSONObject(0);
        assertEquals(rel2.getString("recordtype"), "cataloging");

        // clean up after
        tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);

    /* this is not testing anything - make it test something
    public void testHierarchical() throws Exception{
       // Check list is empty;
       ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
       String st = "/relationships/hierarchical/search?source=person/a93233e6-ca44-477d-97a0&type=hasBroader";
       HttpTester out = tester.GETData(st, jetty);;

    public void testSearchList() throws Exception {
        // Check list is empty
        ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
        HttpTester out = tester.GETData("/relationships/", jetty);
        JSONArray items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        Integer offset = items.length();
        // assertEquals(0,items.length());
        // Create some cataloging
        out = tester.POSTData("/intake/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2007.4-a.json")),
        String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
        String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/acquisition/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2005.017.json")),
        String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
        String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
        String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
        String[] path3 = id3.split("/");
        // Add a relation rel1: 2 -> 1
        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships/",
                createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);
        String csid1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");

        out = tester.GETData("/relationships/" + csid1, jetty);
        JSONObject rel1 = new JSONObject(out.getContent());
        assertEquals(path2[2], rel1.getJSONObject("source").getString("csid"));
        assertEquals(path1[2], rel1.getJSONObject("target").getString("csid"));
        // Add some more relations: rel2: 2 -> 3 ; rel 3: 3 -> 1 (new type)
        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships/",
                createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path3[1], path3[2], true), jetty);
        String csid2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");
        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships/",
                createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "broader", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);
        String csid3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");
        // Total length should be 3 XXX pagination & offset
        // out = GETData("/relationships",jetty);
        // items=new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        // assertEquals(3,items.length());
        // Should be two starting at 2
        out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?source=" + path2[1] + "/" + path2[2], jetty);
        items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        assertEquals(2, items.length());
        // Should be one staring at 3, none at 1
        out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?source=" + path3[1] + "/" + path3[2], jetty);
        items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        assertEquals(1, items.length());
        out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?source=" + path1[1] + "/" + path1[2], jetty);
        items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        assertEquals(0, items.length());
        // Targets: two at 1, none at 2, one at 3
        out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?target=" + path1[1] + "/" + path1[2], jetty);
        items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        assertEquals(2, items.length());
        out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?target=" + path2[1] + "/" + path2[2], jetty);
        items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        assertEquals(0, items.length());
        out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?target=" + path3[1] + "/" + path3[2], jetty);
        items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        assertEquals(1, items.length());

        // out=GETData("/relationships/search?type=broader",null);
        // items=new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        // assertEquals(1,items.length());
        // Combination: target = 1, type = affects; just one
        out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?type=affects&target=" + path1[1] + "/" + path1[2], jetty);
        items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        assertEquals(1, items.length());
        // Combination: source = 2, target = 3; just one
        out = tester.GETData("/relationships/search?source=" + path2[1] + "/" + path2[2] + "&target=" + path3[1]
                + "/" + path3[2], jetty);
        items = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        assertEquals(1, items.length());

        // clean up after
        tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid1, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid2, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid3, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);

    public void testDelete() throws Exception {
        // Check size of initial is empty
        ServletTester jetty = tester.setupJetty();
        HttpTester out = tester.GETData("/relationships/", jetty);
        JSONArray itemsall = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getJSONArray("items");
        Integer offset = itemsall.length();

        // Create some cataloging
        out = tester.POSTData("/intake/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2007.4-a.json")),
        String id1 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/cataloging/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("obj3.json")),
        String id2 = out.getHeader("Location");
        out = tester.POSTData("/acquisition/", tester.makeSimpleRequest(tester.getResourceString("2005.017.json")),
        String id3 = out.getHeader("Location");
        String[] path1 = id1.split("/");
        String[] path2 = id2.split("/");
        String[] path3 = id3.split("/");
        // Create three relationships, one two way
        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships/",
                createRelation(path2[1], path2[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], true), jetty);
        String csid2 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");
        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships/",
                createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path1[1], path1[2], false), jetty);
        String csid = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");

        out = tester.POSTData("/relationships/",
                createRelation(path3[1], path3[2], "affects", path2[1], path2[2], false), jetty);
        String csid3 = new JSONObject(out.getContent()).getString("csid");

        //delete first relationship
        tester.DELETEData("/relationships/" + csid2, jetty);

        //delete second relationship
        String path = "/relationships/0?source=" + id3 + "&target=" + id1 + "&type=affects";
        tester.DELETEData(path, jetty);

        //delete third relationship
        JSONObject delrel = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject source = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject target = new JSONObject();
        source.put("csid", path3[2]);
        source.put("recordtype", path3[1]);
        target.put("csid", path2[2]);
        target.put("recordtype", path2[1]);
        delrel.put("source", source);
        delrel.put("target", target);
        delrel.put("type", "affects");
        delrel.put("one-way", "false");
        tester.DELETEData("/relationships/0", jetty, delrel.toString());

        tester.DELETEData(id1, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id2, jetty);
        tester.DELETEData(id3, jetty);