List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject getJSONObject
public JSONObject getJSONObject(String key) throws JSONException
From source
public void onSurfaceCreated(Context context) { // Create the render surfaces for (int i = 0; i < mRenderSurface.length; i++) { mRenderSurface[i] = new RenderSurface(FB_SIZE, FB_SIZE); mRenderSurface[i].setClearColor(Color.argb(0, 255, 255, 255)); }//w w w . j a v a 2 s. c om // Create the blur renderer mBlurRenderer = new BlurRenderer(); // Read in our specific json file String materialFile = FileHelper.loadAsset(context.getAssets(), JSON_FILE); try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(materialFile); // Water particle material. We are utilizing the position and color // buffers returned from LiquidFun directly. mWaterParticleMaterial = new WaterParticleMaterial(context, json.getJSONObject("waterParticlePointSprite")); // Initialize attributes specific to this material mWaterParticleMaterial.addAttribute("aPosition", 2, Material.AttrComponentType.FLOAT, 4, false, 0); mWaterParticleMaterial.addAttribute("aColor", 4, Material.AttrComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 1, true, 0); mWaterParticleMaterial.addAttribute("aWeight", 1, Material.AttrComponentType.FLOAT, 1, false, 0); mWaterParticleMaterial.setBlendFunc(Material.BlendFactor.ONE, Material.BlendFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // Non-water particle material. We are utilizing the position and // color buffers returned from LiquidFun directly. mParticleMaterial = new ParticleMaterial(context, json.getJSONObject("otherParticlePointSprite")); // Initialize attributes specific to this material mParticleMaterial.addAttribute("aPosition", 2, Material.AttrComponentType.FLOAT, 4, false, 0); mParticleMaterial.addAttribute("aColor", 4, Material.AttrComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 1, true, 0); mParticleMaterial.setBlendFunc(Material.BlendFactor.ONE, Material.BlendFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // Scrolling texture when we copy water particles from FBO to screen mWaterScreenRenderer = new ScreenRenderer(context, json.getJSONObject("waterParticleToScreen"), mRenderSurface[0].getTexture()); // Scrolling texture when we copy water particles from FBO to screen mScreenRenderer = new ScreenRenderer(context, json.getJSONObject("otherParticleToScreen"), mRenderSurface[1].getTexture()); // Texture for paper JSONObject materialData = json.getJSONObject(PAPER_MATERIAL_NAME); String textureName = materialData.getString(DIFFUSE_TEXTURE_NAME); mPaperTexture = new Texture(context, textureName); } catch (JSONException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Cannot parse" + JSON_FILE + "\n" + ex.getMessage()); } }
From source
protected Collection<GeocodedLocation> createLocations(String address, String input) throws GeocodingException { final Set<GeocodedLocation> locations = new LinkedHashSet<GeocodedLocation>(); try {/*from w w w. j a v a2 s . c o m*/ JSONArray results = new JSONArray(input); boolean ambiguous = results.length() > 1; for (int i = 0; i < results.length(); i++) { JSONObject result = results.getJSONObject(i); GeocodedLocation loc = new GeocodedLocation(); loc.setAmbiguous(ambiguous); loc.setOriginalAddress(address); loc.setGeocodedAddress(result.getString("display_name")); loc.setLat(Double.parseDouble(result.getString("lat"))); loc.setLon(Double.parseDouble(result.getString("lon"))); loc.setType(getLocationType(result)); if (result.has("address")) { JSONObject obj = result.getJSONObject("address"); if (obj.has("house_number")) loc.setStreetNumber(obj.getString("house_number")); if (obj.has("road")) loc.setRoute(obj.getString("road")); if (obj.has("city")) loc.setLocality(obj.getString("city")); if (obj.has("county")) loc.setAdministrativeAreaLevel2(obj.getString("county")); if (obj.has("state")) loc.setAdministrativeAreaLevel1(obj.getString("state")); if (obj.has("postcode")) loc.setPostalCode(obj.getString("postcode")); if (obj.has("country_code")) loc.setCountry(obj.getString("country_code").toUpperCase()); } locations.add(loc); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new GeocodingException(e.getMessage(), e); } return locations; }
From source
private ArrayList<Post> jsonConvertor(String postJsonStr) { ArrayList<Post> postArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); try {/*from ww w .ja v a 2s .c o m*/ JSONArray baseJsonArray = new JSONArray(postJsonStr); int numberOfItems = baseJsonArray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++) { JSONObject item = baseJsonArray.getJSONObject(i); int id = item.optInt(ID); JSONObject titleObject = item.getJSONObject(TITLE); String title = titleObject.optString(RENDERED); JSONObject contentObject = item.getJSONObject(CONTENT); String content = contentObject.optString(RENDERED); String featured_media = item.optString(FEATURED_MEDIA); Post post = new Post(id, title, featured_media, content); postArrayList.add(post); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Problem parsing the WordPress JSON results", e); } return postArrayList; }
From source
public simplePanel() { self = this;//from ww w. j av a 2s. co m final Microphone mic = new Microphone(FLACFileWriter.FLAC);//Instantiate microphone and have final GSpeechDuplex dup = new GSpeechDuplex("AIzaSyBc-PCGLbT2M_ZBLUPEl9w2OY7jXl90Hbc");//Instantiate the API dup.addResponseListener(new GSpeechResponseListener() {// Adds the listener public void onResponse(GoogleResponse gr) { System.out.println("got response"); jTextArea1.setText(gr.getResponse() + "\n" + jTextArea1.getText()); getjLabel1().setText("Awaiting Command"); if (gr.getResponse().contains("temperature")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("temp")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Temperature"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Temperature is " + temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf(".") + 2) + " Celsius"); found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("light") || gr.getResponse().startsWith("li")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("light")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Light"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Light levels are at " + temp + " of 1023 "); found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if ((gr.getResponse().contains("turn on") || gr.getResponse().contains("turn off")) && gr.getResponse().contains("number")) { int numberIndex = gr.getResponse().indexOf("number ") + "number ".length(); String number = gr.getResponse().substring(numberIndex).split(" ")[0]; if (number.equals("for") || number.equals("four")) { number = "4"; } if (number.equals("to") || number.equals("two") || number.equals("cho")) { number = "2"; } if (number.equals("one")) { number = "1"; } if (number.equals("three")) { number = "3"; } try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("sensor/" + number)) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Switch"); if (!(temp.equals("0") || temp.equals("1"))) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Sensor does not provide a switch service man"); } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("turn on") && temp.equals("1")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Switch is already on at sensor " + number + "!"); } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("turn off") && temp.equals("0")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Switch is already off at sensor " + number + "!"); } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("turn on") && temp.equals("0")) { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("turn off") && temp.equals("1")) { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("change") && gr.getResponse().contains("number")) { int numberIndex = gr.getResponse().indexOf("number ") + "number ".length(); String number = gr.getResponse().substring(numberIndex).split(" ")[0]; if (number.equals("for") || number.equals("four")) { number = "4"; } if (number.equals("to") || number.equals("two") || number.equals("cho")) { number = "2"; } if (number.equals("one")) { number = "1"; } if (number.equals("three")) { number = "3"; } try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("sensor/" + number)) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Switch"); if (!(temp.equals("0") || temp.equals("1"))) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Sensor does not provide a switch service man"); } else { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("get all")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; String servicesString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; servicesString += url + "\n"; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, servicesString); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { ChatterBotFactory factory = new ChatterBotFactory(); ChatterBot bot1 = factory.create(CLEVERBOT); ChatterBotSession bot1session = bot1.createSession(); String s = gr.getResponse(); String response = bot1session.think(s); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, response); } catch (Exception e) { } } System.out.println("Google thinks you said: " + gr.getResponse()); System.out.println("with " + ((gr.getConfidence() != null) ? (Double.parseDouble(gr.getConfidence()) * 100) : null) + "% confidence."); System.out.println("Google also thinks that you might have said:" + gr.getOtherPossibleResponses()); } }); initComponents(); jTextField1.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() { @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { String input = jTextField1.getText(); jTextField1.setText(""); textParser(input); } //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } }); jButton1.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { // it record FLAC file. File file = new File("CRAudioTest.flac");//The File to record the buffer to. //You can also create your own buffer using the getTargetDataLine() method. System.out.println("Start Talking Honey"); try { mic.captureAudioToFile(file);//Begins recording } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace();//Prints an error if something goes wrong. } //System.out.println("You can stop now"); //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { try { mic.close();//Stops recording //Sends 10 second voice recording to Google byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(mic.getAudioFile().toPath());//Saves data into memory. dup.recognize(data, (int) mic.getAudioFormat().getSampleRate(), self); //mic.getAudioFile().delete();//Deletes Buffer file //REPEAT } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace();//Prints an error if something goes wrong. } System.out.println("You can stop now"); } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } }); setVisible(true); }
From source
public void textParser(String input) { boolean served = false; jTextArea1.setText(input + "\n" + jTextArea1.getText()); getjLabel1().setText("Awaiting Command"); if (input.contains("temperature")) { try {//from ww w. j ava 2s. co m String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("temp")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Temperature"); if (temp.length() > 4) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Temperature is " + temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf(".") + 2) + " Celsius"); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Temperature is " + temp + " Celsius"); } found = true; } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "I can't know! There are no sensors for that!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (input.contains("light") || input.startsWith("li")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("light")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Light"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Light levels are at " + temp + " of 1023 "); found = true; } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "I can't know! There are no sensors for that!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if ((input.contains("turn on") || input.contains("turn off")) && input.contains("number")) { int numberIndex = input.indexOf("number ") + "number ".length(); String number = input.substring(numberIndex).split(" ")[0]; if (number.equals("for") || number.equals("four")) { number = "4"; } if (number.equals("to") || number.equals("two") || number.equals("cho")) { number = "2"; } if (number.equals("one")) { number = "1"; } if (number.equals("three")) { number = "3"; } try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("sensor/" + number)) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Switch"); if (!(temp.equals("0") || temp.equals("1"))) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Sensor does not provide a switch service man"); } else if (input.contains("turn on") && temp.equals("1")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Switch is already on at sensor " + number + "!"); } else if (input.contains("turn off") && temp.equals("0")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Switch is already off at sensor " + number + "!"); } else if (input.contains("turn on") && temp.equals("0")) { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } else if (input.contains("turn off") && temp.equals("1")) { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (input.contains("change") && input.contains("number")) { int numberIndex = input.indexOf("number ") + "number ".length(); String number = input.substring(numberIndex).split(" ")[0]; if (number.equals("for") || number.equals("four")) { number = "4"; } if (number.equals("to") || number.equals("two") || number.equals("cho")) { number = "2"; } if (number.equals("one")) { number = "1"; } if (number.equals("three")) { number = "3"; } try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("sensor/" + number)) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Switch"); if (!(temp.equals("0") || temp.equals("1"))) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Sensor does not provide a switch service man"); } else { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } if (input.contains("get all")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; served = true; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; String servicesString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; servicesString += url + "\n"; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, servicesString); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (input.contains("humidity") || input.startsWith("humidity")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("humi")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Humidity"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Humidity levels are at " + temp + " of 1023 "); found = true; } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "I can't know! There are no sensors for that!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (input.contains("pressure") || input.startsWith("pressure")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("pres")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Pressure"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Pressure levels are at " + temp + " of 1023 "); found = true; } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "I can't know! There are no sensors for that!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!served) { try { ChatterBotFactory factory = new ChatterBotFactory(); ChatterBot bot1 = factory.create(CLEVERBOT); ChatterBotSession bot1session = bot1.createSession(); String s = input; String response = bot1session.think(s); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, response, "Jarvis says", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception e) { } } }
From source
private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton2ActionPerformed try {/*from www.j a va 2 s . c o m*/ String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("temp")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Temperature"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Temperature is " + temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf(".") + 2) + " Celsius"); found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
@Override public void run(JSONObject json) throws IOException { int startTime = json.getInt("startTime"); if (startTime != -1) return; // prevent double call JSONObject song = json.getJSONObject("song"); JSONObject songInfo = json.getJSONObject("songInfo"); String playlistId = song.getString("_id"); String userId = song.getString("userid"); String roomId = song.getString("roomid"); long time = song.getLong("created"); String songId = song.getString("songid"); String songName = songInfo.getString("name"); long songLength = songInfo.getLong("songLength"); String sourceTypeId = songInfo.getString("type"); SongInfo.SourceType sourceType = SongInfo.SourceType.valueOf(sourceTypeId.toUpperCase()); String sourceId = songInfo.getString("fkid"); RoomImpl room = dubtrack.loadRoom(roomId); User user = room.getOrLoadUser(userId); SongInfo sInfo = new SongInfo(songName, songLength, sourceType); if (sourceType == SongInfo.SourceType.YOUTUBE) { sInfo.setYoutubeId(sourceId);/*www . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ } else { sInfo.setSoundcloudId(sourceId); } Song s = new SongImpl(dubtrack, songId, user, room, sInfo); Song previous = room.getCurrentSong(); room.setCurrent(s); room.setPlaylistId(playlistId); room.getInternalRoomQueue().remove(previous); room.loadRoomQueue(); // updating the queue dubtrack.getEventBus().post(new SongChangeEvent(previous, s, room)); }
From source
/** * ??// w w w.j a va 2 s . co m * @throws JSONException */ private void makeTodayData() throws JSONException { int l = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length(); if (quoteData.isNull("joTMP")) {//temp?? newStockhandler(); return; } if (!quoteData.getBoolean("tradeFlag")) { //?????? //???0?? return; } JSONObject tempvalue = quoteData.getJSONObject("joTMP"); double zrsp = quoteData.getDouble("zrsp"); period = quoteData.getString("period"); if (period.equals("week") || period.equals("month") || period.equals("year")) { if (tempvalue.getString(period) != null) { if (tempvalue.isNull("ma") || quoteData.isNull("MA") || quoteData.isNull("K")) { makeTmpData(); return; } int tp = quoteData.getInt("tp"); if (tp == 1) { String date = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getString("date"); if (DateTool.isSameWeekMonthYear(date, period)) { quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("open")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("high")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("low")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(4, zrsp); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjsl")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjje")); //quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(0, ) ; zrsp = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("close"); } } else { int spayday = quoteData.getInt("spday"); double cjsl = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(5); double cjje = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(6); if (spayday == 0) {//0??temp????? quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, Math.max(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(2), tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("high"))); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, Math.min(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(3), tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("low"))); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5, cjsl + tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjsl")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6, cjje + tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjje")); } else { quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, Math.max(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(2), tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("high"))); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, Math.min(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(3), tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("low"))); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjsl")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjje")); } double jrkp = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("open"); if (jrkp != 0) { quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, jrkp); } zrsp = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("close"); } } } String qt = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getString(0); double high = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(2); double low = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(3); double zjcj = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(4); double cjsl = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(5); double summa4 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMa4"); double summa9 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMa9"); double summa19 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMa19"); double summa59 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMa59"); double sumvolma4 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMavol4"); double sumvolma9 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("ma").getDouble("sumMavol9"); if (mainIndicatorType.toUpperCase().equals("MA") || mainIndicatorType.toUpperCase().equals("BOLL")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").put(new JSONArray()); quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); double ma5 = 0; if (l > 4) ma5 = (summa4 + zjcj) / 5; quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, ma5); double ma10 = 0; if (l > 9) ma10 = (summa9 + zjcj) / 10; quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, ma10); double ma20 = 0; if (l > 19) ma20 = (summa19 + zjcj) / 20; quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, ma20); double ma60 = 0; if (l > 59) ma60 = (summa59 + zjcj) / 60; quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(4, ma60); } double mavol5 = (sumvolma4 + cjsl) / 5; quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5, mavol5); double mavol10 = (sumvolma9 + cjsl) / 10; quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6, mavol10); if (mainIndicatorType.equals("BOLL")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("BOLL").put(new JSONArray()); double mid = 0; double upper = 0; double lower = 0; if (l > 25) { double sumClose = tempvalue.getJSONObject("boll").getDouble("sumClose"); double sumPowClose = tempvalue.getJSONObject("boll").getDouble("sumPowClose"); double maPow = 0; double temp; if (l > 25) { mid = (sumClose + zjcj) / 26; maPow = (sumPowClose + zjcj * zjcj) / 26; temp = (maPow - mid * mid); if (temp < 0) temp = 0; upper = mid + 2 * Math.sqrt((temp * 26) / (26 - 1)); lower = mid - 2 * Math.sqrt((temp * 26) / (26 - 1)); } } quoteData.getJSONArray("BOLL").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); quoteData.getJSONArray("BOLL").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, mid); quoteData.getJSONArray("BOLL").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, upper); quoteData.getJSONArray("BOLL").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, lower); } if (indicatorType.equals("MACD")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("MACD").put(new JSONArray()); double prevemashort = 0; double prevemalong = 0; double prevdea = 0; double dif = 0; double dea = 0; double macd = 0; double emashort = 0; double emalong = 0; prevemashort = tempvalue.getJSONObject("macd").getDouble("emaShort"); prevemalong = tempvalue.getJSONObject("macd").getDouble("emaLong"); prevdea = tempvalue.getJSONObject("macd").getDouble("dea"); if (l > 1) { emashort = (2 * zjcj + (12 - 1) * prevemashort) / (12 + 1); emalong = (2 * zjcj + (26 - 1) * prevemalong) / (26 + 1); dif = emashort - emalong; dea = (2 * dif + (9 - 1) * prevdea) / (9 + 1); macd = (dif - dea) * 2; } quoteData.getJSONArray("MACD").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); quoteData.getJSONArray("MACD").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, dif); quoteData.getJSONArray("MACD").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, dea); quoteData.getJSONArray("MACD").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, macd); } if (indicatorType.equals("BIAS")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("BIAS").put(new JSONArray()); double sum5 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("bias").getDouble("sum5"); double sum11 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("bias").getDouble("sum11"); double sum23 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("bias").getDouble("sum23"); double bias1 = l >= 6 ? (zjcj - (sum5 + zjcj) / 6) / ((sum5 + zjcj) / 6) * 100 : 0; double bias2 = l >= 12 ? (zjcj - (sum11 + zjcj) / 12) / ((sum11 + zjcj) / 12) * 100 : 0; double bias3 = l >= 24 ? (zjcj - (sum23 + zjcj) / 24) / ((sum23 + zjcj) / 24) * 100 : 0; quoteData.getJSONArray("BIAS").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); quoteData.getJSONArray("BIAS").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, bias1); quoteData.getJSONArray("BIAS").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, bias2); quoteData.getJSONArray("BIAS").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, bias3); } if (indicatorType.equals("RSI")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").put(new JSONArray()); double rsi1 = 0; double rsi2 = 0; double rsi3 = 0; if (l > 1 && tempvalue.has("rsi")) { double smaMax1 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaMax1"); double smaMax2 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaMax2"); double smaMax3 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaMax3"); double smaAbs1 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaAbs1"); double smaAbs2 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaAbs2"); double smaAbs3 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("rsi").getDouble("smaAbs3"); double rsiMax1 = (Math.max(zjcj - zrsp, 0.0) * 1 + smaMax1 * (6 - 1)) / 6; double rsiAbs1 = (Math.abs(zjcj - zrsp) * 1 + smaAbs1 * (6 - 1)) / 6; if (rsiAbs1 == 0) rsi1 = 0; else rsi1 = rsiMax1 / rsiAbs1 * 100; double rsiMax2 = (Math.max(zjcj - zrsp, 0.0) * 1 + smaMax2 * (12 - 1)) / 12; double rsiAbs2 = (Math.abs(zjcj - zrsp) * 1 + smaAbs2 * (12 - 1)) / 12; if (rsiAbs2 == 0) rsi2 = 0; else rsi2 = rsiMax2 / rsiAbs2 * 100; double rsiMax3 = (Math.max(zjcj - zrsp, 0.0) * 1 + smaMax3 * (24 - 1)) / 24; double rsiAbs3 = (Math.abs(zjcj - zrsp) * 1 + smaAbs3 * (24 - 1)) / 24; if (rsiAbs3 == 0) rsi3 = 0; else rsi3 = rsiMax3 / rsiAbs3 * 100; } quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, rsi1); quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, rsi2); quoteData.getJSONArray("RSI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, rsi3); } if (indicatorType.equals("KDJ")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").put(new JSONArray()); double newk = 0; double newd = 0; double newj = 0; if (l > 1 && tempvalue.has("kdj")) { double K = quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 2).getDouble(1); double D = quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 2).getDouble(2); double HHV = tempvalue.getJSONObject("kdj").getDouble("hhv"); double LLV = tempvalue.getJSONObject("kdj").getDouble("llv"); double nowllv = 0.0; if (LLV < low) // l? nowllv = LLV; else nowllv = low; double nowhhv = 0.0; if (HHV > high) nowhhv = HHV; else nowhhv = high; double rsv; if (Math.abs(nowhhv - nowllv) < 0.0001) { rsv = 0; } else { rsv = (zjcj - nowllv) / (nowhhv - nowllv) * 100; } newk = (rsv * 1 + K * (3 - 1)) / 3; newd = (newk * 1 + D * (3 - 1)) / 3; newj = 3 * newk - 2 * newd; } quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, newk); quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, newd); quoteData.getJSONArray("KDJ").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, newj); } if (indicatorType.equals("CCI")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("CCI").put(new JSONArray()); double CCI = 0; if (l > 13 && tempvalue.has("cci")) { JSONArray typlist = tempvalue.getJSONObject("cci").getJSONArray("typ"); double sumTyp = 0; double TYP = (zjcj + high + low) / 3; double rit = 0; for (int i = 0; i < typlist.length(); i++) { rit = typlist.getDouble(i); if (i == 13) break; sumTyp += rit; } sumTyp += TYP; double ma = sumTyp / 14; sumTyp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < typlist.length(); i++) { rit = typlist.getDouble(i); if (i == 13) break; sumTyp += Math.abs(rit - ma); } sumTyp += Math.abs(TYP - ma); double avedev = sumTyp / 14; if (avedev == 0) CCI = 0; else CCI = (TYP - ma) / (0.015 * avedev); } quoteData.getJSONArray("CCI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); quoteData.getJSONArray("CCI").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, CCI); } if (indicatorType.equals("OBV")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").put(new JSONArray()); double obv = 0, maobv = 0; if (tempvalue.has("obv")) { if (zjcj > zrsp) { obv = tempvalue.getJSONObject("obv").getDouble("obv") + cjsl; } if (zjcj == zrsp) { obv = 0; } if (zjcj < zrsp) { obv = tempvalue.getJSONObject("obv").getDouble("obv") - cjsl; } if (l >= 29) { maobv = (tempvalue.getJSONObject("obv").getDouble("sumObv29") + obv) / 30; } else { maobv = 0; } } quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, obv); quoteData.getJSONArray("OBV").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, maobv); } if (indicatorType.equals("PSY")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("PSY").put(new JSONArray()); double countPsy = 0, psy = 0, psyma = 0; if (zjcj > zrsp) { countPsy = 1; } else { countPsy = 0; } if (l >= 11 && tempvalue.has("psy")) { countPsy += tempvalue.getJSONObject("psy").getDouble("psyCount11"); psy = countPsy / 12 * 100; psyma = (tempvalue.getJSONObject("psy").getDouble("sumPsy") + psy) / 6; } else { psy = 0; } quoteData.getJSONArray("PSY").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); quoteData.getJSONArray("PSY").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, psy); quoteData.getJSONArray("PSY").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, psyma); } if (indicatorType.equals("ROC")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("ROC").put(new JSONArray()); double roc = 0, rocma = 0; if (l > 12 && tempvalue.has("roc")) { double refClose12 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("roc").getDouble("refClose12"); if (refClose12 == 0) { roc = 0; } else { roc = 100 * (zjcj - refClose12) / refClose12; } rocma = (tempvalue.getJSONObject("roc").getDouble("sumRoc") + roc) / 6; } else { roc = 0; } quoteData.getJSONArray("ROC").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); quoteData.getJSONArray("ROC").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, roc); quoteData.getJSONArray("ROC").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, rocma); } if (indicatorType.equals("WR")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("WR").put(new JSONArray()); double wr = 0, wr2 = 0; if (l > 9 && tempvalue.has("wr")) { double llv = tempvalue.getJSONObject("wr").getDouble("llv"); double hhv = tempvalue.getJSONObject("wr").getDouble("hhv"); hhv = Math.max(hhv, high); llv = Math.min(llv, low); if (hhv == llv) { wr = 0; } else { wr = 100 * (hhv - zjcj) / (hhv - llv); } } else { wr = 0; } if (l > 5 && tempvalue.has("wr")) { double llv2 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("wr").getDouble("llv2"); double hhv2 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("wr").getDouble("hhv2"); hhv2 = Math.max(hhv2, high); llv2 = Math.min(llv2, low); if (hhv2 == llv2) { wr2 = 0; } else { wr2 = 100 * (hhv2 - zjcj) / (hhv2 - llv2); } } else { wr2 = 0; } quoteData.getJSONArray("WR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); quoteData.getJSONArray("WR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, wr); quoteData.getJSONArray("WR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, wr2); } if (indicatorType.equals("VR")) { quoteData.getJSONArray("VR").put(new JSONArray()); double vr = 0, vrma = 0; if (l >= 24 && tempvalue.has("vr")) { double sum1 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("vr").getDouble("sum1"); double sum2 = tempvalue.getJSONObject("vr").getDouble("sum2"); if (zjcj > zrsp) { sum1 += cjsl; } else { sum2 += cjsl; } if (sum2 == 0) { vr = 0; } else { vr = 100 * sum1 / sum2; } } else { vr = 0; } if (l >= 6) vrma = (tempvalue.getJSONObject("vr").getDouble("sumVr") + vr) / 6; quoteData.getJSONArray("VR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(0, qt); quoteData.getJSONArray("VR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, vr); quoteData.getJSONArray("VR").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, vrma); } }
From source
private void makeTmpData() throws JSONException { JSONObject tempvalue = quoteData.getJSONObject("joTMP"); int l = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length(); double zrsp = quoteData.getDouble("zrsp"); // quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(1, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("open")) ; // quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(2, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("high")) ; // quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(3, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("low")) ; // //quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(4, zrsp) ; // quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(5, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjsl")) ; // quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(6, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjje")) ; int tp = quoteData.getInt("tp"); if (tp == 1) { String date = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getString("date"); Log.i("#####date####", date + ">>>>>>>>" + DateTool.isSameWeekMonthYear(date, period)); if (DateTool.isSameWeekMonthYear(date, period)) { quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("open")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("high")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("low")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(4, zrsp); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjsl")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjje")); //quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l-1).put(0, ) ; zrsp = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(0); }//w ww . j ava2s . c o m } else { int spayday = quoteData.getInt("spday"); double cjsl = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(5); double cjje = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(6); if (spayday == 0) {//0??temp????? quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, Math.max(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(2), tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("high"))); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, Math.min(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(3), tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("low"))); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5, cjsl + tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjsl")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6, cjje + tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjje")); } else { quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(2, Math.max(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(2), tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("high"))); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(3, Math.min(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).getDouble(3), tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("low"))); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(5, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjsl")); quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(6, tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("cjje")); } double jrkp = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("open"); if (jrkp != 0) { quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(l - 1).put(1, jrkp); } zrsp = tempvalue.getJSONObject(period).getDouble("close"); } if (quoteData.isNull("MA") && mainIndicatorType.toUpperCase().equals("BOLL")) { JSONArray jMA = new JSONArray(); jMA.put(0, 0); jMA.put(1, 0); jMA.put(2, 0); jMA.put(3, 0); jMA.put(4, 0); jMA.put(5, 0); jMA.put(6, 0); quoteData.put("MA", new JSONArray().put(jMA)); } Log.i("#######MA#########", quoteData.isNull("MA") + ">>>>>>>>>>>"); if (quoteData.isNull("MA")) { JSONArray jMA = new JSONArray(); jMA.put(0, 0); jMA.put(1, 0); jMA.put(2, 0); jMA.put(3, 0); jMA.put(4, 0); jMA.put(5, 0); jMA.put(6, 0); quoteData.put(mainIndicatorType.toUpperCase(), new JSONArray().put(jMA)); } else { if (quoteData.getJSONArray("MA").length() == 0) { JSONArray jMA = new JSONArray(); jMA.put(0, 0); jMA.put(1, 0); jMA.put(2, 0); jMA.put(3, 0); jMA.put(4, 0); jMA.put(5, 0); jMA.put(6, 0); quoteData.put("MA", new JSONArray().put(jMA)); } } Log.i("#######MA#########" + indicatorType.toUpperCase(), quoteData.isNull(indicatorType.toUpperCase()) + ">>>>>>>>>>>"); if (quoteData.isNull(indicatorType.toUpperCase())) { JSONArray jIn = new JSONArray(); jIn.put(0, 0); jIn.put(1, 0); jIn.put(2, 0); jIn.put(3, 0); quoteData.put(indicatorType.toUpperCase(), new JSONArray().put(jIn)); } if (tempvalue.isNull("ma") && quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length() > 1) //?? actualDataLen = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length() - 1; else actualDataLen = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length(); if (actualDataLen < visualKLineCount) { count = actualDataLen; } else { count = visualKLineCount; } if (this.actualDataLen - this.actualPos - 1 <= this.visualKLineCount) { actualPos = actualDataLen - count; } Log.i("#######makeTmpData########" + actualPos, actualDataLen + ">>>>>>>>" + count); }
From source
public SusiReader learn(JSONObject json) { // initialize temporary json objects JSONObject syn = json.has("synonyms") ? json.getJSONObject("synonyms") : new JSONObject(); JSONArray fill = json.has("filler") ? json.getJSONArray("filler") : new JSONArray(); JSONObject cat = json.has("categories") ? json.getJSONObject("categories") : new JSONObject(); // add synonyms for (String canonical : syn.keySet()) { JSONArray a = syn.getJSONArray(canonical); a.forEach(synonym -> synonyms.put(((String) synonym).toLowerCase(), canonical)); }/*from w w w.ja v a 2 s . com*/ // add filler fill.forEach(word -> filler.add((String) word)); // add categories for (String canonical : cat.keySet()) { JSONArray a = cat.getJSONArray(canonical); a.forEach(synonym -> categories.put(((String) synonym).toLowerCase(), canonical)); } return this; }