Example usage for org.joda.time DateTime getMinuteOfHour

List of usage examples for org.joda.time DateTime getMinuteOfHour


In this page you can find the example usage for org.joda.time DateTime getMinuteOfHour.


public int getMinuteOfHour() 

Source Link


Get the minute of hour field value.


From source file:org.openhab.binding.stiebelheatpump.internal.CommunicationService.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method set the time of the heat pump to the current time
 * /*from   www. j  a v  a  2 s .  c o m*/
 * @return true if time has been updated
public Map<String, String> setTime() throws StiebelHeatPumpException {

    Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();

    Request timeRequest = null;

    for (Request request : heatPumpSettingConfiguration) {
        if (request.getName().equals("Time")) {
            timeRequest = request;

    if (timeRequest == null) {
        logger.warn("Could not find request definition for time settings! Skip setting time.");
        return data;

    logger.debug("Loading current time data ...");
    try {
        // get time from heat pump
        byte[] requestMessage = createRequestMessage(timeRequest);
        byte[] response = getData(requestMessage);

        // get current time from local machine
        DateTime dt = DateTime.now();
        logger.debug("Current time is : {}", dt.toString());
        String weekday = Integer.toString(dt.getDayOfWeek() - 1);
        String day = Integer.toString(dt.getDayOfMonth());
        String month = Integer.toString(dt.getMonthOfYear());
        String year = Integer.toString(dt.getYearOfCentury());
        String seconds = Integer.toString(dt.getSecondOfMinute());
        String hours = Integer.toString(dt.getHourOfDay());
        String minutes = Integer.toString(dt.getMinuteOfHour());

        data = parser.parseRecords(response, timeRequest);

        boolean updateRequired = false;
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : data.entrySet()) {
            String entryName = entry.getKey();
            String entryValue = entry.getValue();
            RecordDefinition currentRecord = null;

            for (RecordDefinition record : timeRequest.getRecordDefinitions()) {
                if (record.getName().equals(entryName)) {
                    currentRecord = record;
            if (entryName.equals("WeekDay") && !entryValue.equals(weekday)) {
                updateRequired = true;
                response = parser.composeRecord(weekday, response, currentRecord);
                logger.debug("WeekDay needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, weekday);
            if (entryName.equals("Hours") && !entryValue.equals(hours)) {
                updateRequired = true;
                response = parser.composeRecord(hours, response, currentRecord);
                logger.debug("Hours needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, hours);
            if (entryName.equals("Minutes") && !entryValue.equals(minutes)) {
                updateRequired = true;
                response = parser.composeRecord(minutes, response, currentRecord);
                logger.debug("Minutes needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, minutes);
            if (entryName.equals("Seconds") && !entryValue.equals(seconds)) {
                updateRequired = true;
                response = parser.composeRecord(seconds, response, currentRecord);
                logger.debug("Seconds needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, seconds);
            if (entryName.equals("Year") && !entryValue.equals(year)) {
                updateRequired = true;
                response = parser.composeRecord(year, response, currentRecord);
                logger.debug("Year needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, year);
            if (entryName.equals("Month") && !entryValue.equals(month)) {
                updateRequired = true;
                response = parser.composeRecord(month, response, currentRecord);
                logger.debug("Month needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, month);
            if (entryName.equals("Day") && !entryValue.equals(day)) {
                updateRequired = true;
                response = parser.composeRecord(day, response, currentRecord);
                logger.debug("Day needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, day);

        if (updateRequired) {
            logger.info("Time need update. Set time to " + dt.toString());

            response = getData(requestMessage);
            data = parser.parseRecords(response, timeRequest);
            dt = DateTime.now();
            logger.debug("Current time is : {}", dt.toString());

        return data;

    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new StiebelHeatPumpException(e.toString());

From source file:org.openmainframe.ade.ext.main.VerifyLinuxTraining.java

License:Open Source License

 * Count the number of occurences of unique messages IDs in the given time range
 * for all of the sources, assumed to be from a single model group.
 * Also sets the member variables for the number of intervals and the number
 * of intervals containing messages./*from  w w  w .j  av  a 2s .  c  om*/
 * @param sourceSet
 * @param start
 * @param end
 * @return MessageMetrics - interesting data to use in computing whether the training can proceed.
 * @throws AdeException
private static MessageMetrics computeMessageMetrics(Ade ade, Set<ISource> sourceSet, Date start, Date end)
        throws AdeException {
    int numIntervals = 0;
    int numIntervalsWithMessages = 0;
    final Map<Integer, Integer> occurrence = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

    System.out.println("Start computeMessageMetrics ");

     * Get data from the database
     * get list of periods from start date to end date for each source
    final Collection<IPeriod> periods = new ArrayList<IPeriod>();
    for (ISource source : sourceSet) {
        periods.addAll(Ade.getAde().getDataStore().periods().getAllPeriods(source, start, end));

    /* return if no periods */
    if (periods.isEmpty()) {
        return new MessageMetrics(0, 0, 0);

    /* extract data from the database for each period */
    final List<IInterval> curIntervals = new ArrayList<IInterval>();
    final Comparator<IInterval> intervalComparator = new Comparator<IInterval>() {
        public int compare(IInterval int1, IInterval int2) {
            final long diff = int1.getIntervalStartTime() - int2.getIntervalStartTime();

            // Casting to an int isn't a shortcut here.
            if (diff < 0) {
                return -1;
            } else if (diff > 0) {
                return 1;
            } else {
                return 0;

    // Periods are days. 120 with default training params for Linux.
    for (IPeriod period : periods) {
        final FramingFlowType framingFlowType = Ade.getAde().getFlowFactory().getFlowByName("LINUX")
        final IAdeIterator<IInterval> iterator = ade.getDataStore().periods().getPeriodIntervals(period,

        try {
            /* For each interval update count of messages
             *   fetch data

            // Because intervals overlap (each includes 50 minutes of the previous interval),
            // we only want to count one interval with messages per hour so sort the intervals
            // by time and make sure that intervals in the same hour don't increases the amount
            // of messages multiple times
            IInterval curInt;
            while ((curInt = iterator.getNext()) != null) {

            Collections.sort(curIntervals, intervalComparator);

            // We need the total number of intervals for notification messages.
            numIntervals += curIntervals.size();

            DateTime lastIntervalTime = null;
            boolean addedMessage = false;

            for (IInterval curInterval : curIntervals) {
                // Check to see if this interval is for the same hour as the previously processed one,
                // if it's not set it as the new interval and allow the amount of intervals with messages
                // to be incremented
                if (lastIntervalTime == null) {
                    lastIntervalTime = new DateTime(curInterval.getIntervalStartTime());
                } else {
                    DateTime currentIntervalTime = new DateTime(curInterval.getIntervalStartTime());
                    currentIntervalTime = currentIntervalTime

                    if (!lastIntervalTime.isEqual(currentIntervalTime)) {
                        lastIntervalTime = currentIntervalTime;
                        addedMessage = false;

                final Collection<IMessageSummary> msgSummaries = curInterval.getMessageSummaries();
                if (!msgSummaries.isEmpty() && !addedMessage) {
                    addedMessage = true;
                for (IMessageSummary msgSummary : msgSummaries) {
                    final int msgID = msgSummary.getMessageInternalId();
                    if (occurrence.containsKey(msgID)) {
                        /* get number of occurrences for this msgID (internal msgID)
                         * increment it and put back again */
                        occurrence.put(msgID, occurrence.get(msgID) + 1);
                    } else {
                        /* this is first time we see this word, set value '1' */
                        occurrence.put(msgID, 1);
        } finally {

    return new MessageMetrics(occurrence.size(), numIntervalsWithMessages, numIntervals);

From source file:org.opensmartgridplatform.adapter.protocol.dlms.domain.commands.DlmsHelperService.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates a COSEM date-time object based on the given {@code dateTime}.
 * <p>//from  w  w  w  .j a v a 2  s.  co m
 * The deviation and clock status (is daylight saving active or not) are
 * based on the zone of the given {@code dateTime}.
 * <p>
 * To use a DateTime as indication of the instant of time to be used with a
 * specific deviation (that does not have to match the zone of the
 * DateTime), use {@link #asDataObject(DateTime, int, boolean)} instead.
 * @param dateTime
 *            a DateTime to translate into COSEM date-time format.
 * @return a DataObject having a CosemDateTime matching the given DateTime
 *         as value.
public DataObject asDataObject(final DateTime dateTime) {

    final CosemDate cosemDate = new CosemDate(dateTime.getYear(), dateTime.getMonthOfYear(),
    final CosemTime cosemTime = new CosemTime(dateTime.getHourOfDay(), dateTime.getMinuteOfHour(),
            dateTime.getSecondOfMinute(), dateTime.getMillisOfSecond() / 10);
    final int deviation = -(dateTime.getZone().getOffset(dateTime.getMillis()) / MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE);
    final ClockStatus[] clockStatusBits;
    if (dateTime.getZone().isStandardOffset(dateTime.getMillis())) {
        clockStatusBits = new ClockStatus[0];
    } else {
        clockStatusBits = new ClockStatus[1];
        clockStatusBits[0] = ClockStatus.DAYLIGHT_SAVING_ACTIVE;
    final CosemDateTime cosemDateTime = new CosemDateTime(cosemDate, cosemTime, deviation, clockStatusBits);
    return DataObject.newDateTimeData(cosemDateTime);

From source file:org.opensmartgridplatform.adapter.protocol.dlms.domain.commands.DlmsHelperService.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates a COSEM date-time object based on the given {@code dateTime}.
 * This COSEM date-time will be for the same instant in time as the given
 * {@code dateTime} but may be for another time zone.
 * <p>//from  ww  w  .  j  a  va  2 s .c  o  m
 * Because the time zone with the {@code deviation} may be different than
 * the one with the {@code dateTime}, and the {@code deviation} alone does
 * not provide sufficient information on whether daylight savings is active
 * for the given instant in time, {@code dst} has to be provided to indicate
 * whether daylight savings are active.
 * <p>
 * If a DateTime for an instant in time is known with the correct time zone
 * set, you can use {@link #asDataObject(DateTime)} as a simpler
 * alternative.
 * @param dateTime
 *            a DateTime indicating an instant in time to be used for the
 *            COSEM date-time.
 * @param deviation
 *            the deviation in minutes of local time to GMT to be included
 *            in the COSEM date-time.
 * @param dst
 *            {@code true} if daylight savings are active for the instant of
 *            the COSEM date-time, otherwise {@code false}.
 * @return a DataObject having a CosemDateTime for the instant of the given
 *         DateTime, with the given deviation and DST status information, as
 *         value.
public DataObject asDataObject(final DateTime dateTime, final int deviation, final boolean dst) {
     * Create a date time that may not point to the right instant in time,
     * but that will give proper values getting the different fields for the
     * COSEM date and time objects.
    final DateTime dateTimeWithOffset = dateTime.toDateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC).minusMinutes(deviation);
    final CosemDate cosemDate = new CosemDate(dateTimeWithOffset.getYear(), dateTimeWithOffset.getMonthOfYear(),
    final CosemTime cosemTime = new CosemTime(dateTimeWithOffset.getHourOfDay(),
            dateTimeWithOffset.getMinuteOfHour(), dateTimeWithOffset.getSecondOfMinute(),
            dateTimeWithOffset.getMillisOfSecond() / 10);
    final ClockStatus[] clockStatusBits;

    if (dst) {
        clockStatusBits = new ClockStatus[1];
        clockStatusBits[0] = ClockStatus.DAYLIGHT_SAVING_ACTIVE;
    } else {
        clockStatusBits = new ClockStatus[0];
    final CosemDateTime cosemDateTime = new CosemDateTime(cosemDate, cosemTime, deviation, clockStatusBits);
    return DataObject.newDateTimeData(cosemDateTime);

From source file:org.openvpms.web.workspace.workflow.appointment.AbstractMultiDayScheduleGrid.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns the no. of slots an event occupies, from the specified slot.
 * <p>/*from  w w w  .  ja  v  a2  s.  com*/
 * If the event begins prior to the slot, the remaining slots will be returned.
 * @param event the event
 * @param slot  the starting slot
 * @return the no. of slots that the event occupies
public int getSlots(PropertySet event, int slot) {
    DateTime endTime = new DateTime(event.getDate(ScheduleEvent.ACT_END_TIME));
    int endSlot = Days.daysBetween(new DateTime(getStartDate()), endTime).getDays();
    if (endTime.getHourOfDay() > 0 || endTime.getMinuteOfHour() > 0) {
    return endSlot - slot;

From source file:org.openvpms.web.workspace.workflow.appointment.FreeAppointmentSlotQuery.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns the next slot nearest to the specified time.
 * @param time the slot time//  w  ww .j a v a 2  s  .  c  o m
 * @return the next nearest slot
private Date getNextSlot(Date time) {
    Date from;
    int slotSize = 15;
    DateTime dt = new DateTime(time);
    int min = (dt.getMinuteOfHour() / slotSize) * slotSize;
    if (dt.getMinuteOfHour() % slotSize != 0) {
        min += slotSize;
        if (min >= 60) {
            dt = dt.plusHours(1);
            min = 0;
    from = dt.withMinuteOfHour(min).minuteOfDay().roundFloorCopy().toDate();
    return from;

From source file:org.pidome.server.services.clients.remoteclient.RemoteClient.java

License:Apache License

 * Returns the date since this client connected (From successful login).
 * @return /*ww  w  . ja  v a  2s .  co m*/
public final String getConnectedSinceDateTime() {
    DateTime dt = new DateTime(connectedSince);
    return TimeUtils.composeDDMMYYYYDate(dt.getDayOfMonth(), dt.getMonthOfYear(), dt.getYear()) + " "
            + TimeUtils.compose24Hours(dt.getHourOfDay(), dt.getMinuteOfHour());

From source file:org.richfaces.fragment.calendar.TimeEditor.java

License:Open Source License

public TimeEditor setTime(DateTime time, SetValueBy inputType) {
    return setTime(time.getHourOfDay(), time.getMinuteOfHour(), time.getSecondOfMinute(), inputType);

From source file:org.richfaces.tests.page.fragments.impl.calendar.common.editor.time.RichFacesTimeEditor.java

License:Open Source License

public TimeEditor setTime(DateTime time, SetValueBy inputType) {
    return setTime(time.getHourOfDay(), time.getMinuteOfHour(), time.getSecondOfMinute(), inputType);

From source file:org.rockholla.date.DateUtility.java

License:Open Source License

 * Formats a datetime for use in a MySQL datetime field
 * //from ww  w . j  a  v a2 s  .  c o  m
 * @param dateTime   the org.joda.time.DateTime value to format
 * @param offset   offset the input datetime by this amount of hours
 * @return         the formatted datetime
public static String getMySqlDate(DateTime dateTime, int offset) {

    if (offset > 0 || offset < 0) {
        dateTime = dateTime.plusHours(offset);

    String result = String.valueOf(dateTime.getYear()) + "-"
            + NumberUtility.format(dateTime.getMonthOfYear(), NumberUtility.FORMAT.TWO_CHARACTER_INTEGER) + "-"
            + NumberUtility.format(dateTime.getDayOfMonth(), NumberUtility.FORMAT.TWO_CHARACTER_INTEGER) + " "
            + NumberUtility.format(dateTime.getHourOfDay(), NumberUtility.FORMAT.TWO_CHARACTER_INTEGER) + ":"
            + NumberUtility.format(dateTime.getMinuteOfHour(), NumberUtility.FORMAT.TWO_CHARACTER_INTEGER) + ":"
            + NumberUtility.format(dateTime.getSecondOfMinute(), NumberUtility.FORMAT.TWO_CHARACTER_INTEGER);

    return result;
