Example usage for org.joda.time DateTime getMinuteOfHour

List of usage examples for org.joda.time DateTime getMinuteOfHour


In this page you can find the example usage for org.joda.time DateTime getMinuteOfHour.


public int getMinuteOfHour() 

Source Link


Get the minute of hour field value.


From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.finalDegreeWork.Scheduleing.java

License:Open Source License

public void setStartOfProposalPeriodDateTime(final DateTime dateTime) {
    setStartOfProposalPeriodTimeHourMinuteSecond(new HourMinuteSecond(dateTime.getHourOfDay(),
            dateTime.getMinuteOfHour(), dateTime.getSecondOfMinute()));

From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.finalDegreeWork.Scheduleing.java

License:Open Source License

public void setEndOfProposalPeriodDateTime(final DateTime dateTime) {
    setEndOfProposalPeriodTimeHourMinuteSecond(new HourMinuteSecond(dateTime.getHourOfDay(),
            dateTime.getMinuteOfHour(), dateTime.getSecondOfMinute()));

From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.finalDegreeWork.Scheduleing.java

License:Open Source License

public void setStartOfCandidacyPeriodDateTime(final DateTime dateTime) {
    setStartOfCandidacyPeriodTimeHourMinuteSecond(new HourMinuteSecond(dateTime.getHourOfDay(),
            dateTime.getMinuteOfHour(), dateTime.getSecondOfMinute()));

From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.finalDegreeWork.Scheduleing.java

License:Open Source License

public void setEndOfCandidacyPeriodDateTime(final DateTime dateTime) {
    setEndOfCandidacyPeriodTimeHourMinuteSecond(new HourMinuteSecond(dateTime.getHourOfDay(),
            dateTime.getMinuteOfHour(), dateTime.getSecondOfMinute()));

From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.onlineTests.StudentTestLog.java

License:Open Source License

public static String getChecksum(DistributedTest distributedTest, Registration student, DateTime dateTime) {
    StringBuilder checksumCode = new StringBuilder();
    final DateTime thisDateTime = new DateTime(dateTime.getYear(), dateTime.getMonthOfYear(),
            dateTime.getDayOfMonth(), dateTime.getHourOfDay(), dateTime.getMinuteOfHour(),
            dateTime.getSecondOfMinute(), 0);
    return (Hashing.sha1().hashString(checksumCode.toString(), Charsets.UTF_8)).toString();

From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.vigilancy.UnavailablePeriod.java

License:Open Source License

public String getUnavailableAsString() {
    DateTime begin = this.getBeginDate();
    DateTime end = this.getEndDate();

    return String.format("%02d/%02d/%d (%02d:%02d) - %02d/%02d/%d (%02d:%02d): %s", begin.getDayOfMonth(),
            begin.getMonthOfYear(), begin.getYear(), begin.getHourOfDay(), begin.getMinuteOfHour(),
            end.getDayOfMonth(), end.getMonthOfYear(), end.getYear(), end.getHourOfDay(), end.getMinuteOfHour(),

From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.presentationTier.Action.vigilancy.ConvokeManagement.java

License:Open Source License

public ActionForward confirmConvokes(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

    Boolean havingVigilantsThatAreTeachers = false;

    ConvokeBean beanWithTeachers = null;

    if (RenderUtils.getViewState("selectVigilantsThatAreTeachers") != null) {
        beanWithTeachers = (ConvokeBean) RenderUtils.getViewState("selectVigilantsThatAreTeachers")
    }// ww  w. j a  va 2s  .  co  m

    ConvokeBean beanWithVigilants = (ConvokeBean) RenderUtils.getViewState("selectVigilants").getMetaObject()

    ConvokeBean beanWithUnavailables = (ConvokeBean) RenderUtils

    List<VigilantWrapper> teachers = null;
    List<VigilantWrapper> vigilants, unavailables;

    if (RenderUtils.getViewState("selectVigilantsThatAreTeachers") != null) {
        teachers = beanWithTeachers.getSelectedTeachers();

    vigilants = beanWithVigilants.getVigilants();
    unavailables = beanWithUnavailables.getSelectedUnavailableVigilants();

    String convokedVigilants = beanWithVigilants.getTeachersAsString();
    String teachersVigilancies = null;

    if (RenderUtils.getViewState("selectVigilantsThatAreTeachers") != null) {
        teachersVigilancies = beanWithTeachers.getVigilantsAsString();
    } else {
        teachersVigilancies = RenderUtils.getResourceString("VIGILANCY_RESOURCES", "label.vigilancy.noone");


    String email = RenderUtils.getResourceString("VIGILANCY_RESOURCES", "label.vigilancy.emailConvoke");
    MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat(email);
    WrittenEvaluation evaluation = beanWithVigilants.getWrittenEvaluation();
    DateTime beginDate = evaluation.getBeginningDateTime();
    String date = beginDate.getDayOfMonth() + "/" + beginDate.getMonthOfYear() + "/" + beginDate.getYear();

    String minutes = String.format("%02d", new Object[] { beginDate.getMinuteOfHour() });

    Object[] args = { evaluation.getFullName(), date, beginDate.getHourOfDay(), minutes,
            beanWithVigilants.getRoomsAsString(), teachersVigilancies, convokedVigilants,
            beanWithVigilants.getSelectedVigilantGroup().getRulesLink() };
    request.setAttribute("bean", beanWithVigilants);
    return mapping.findForward("confirmConvokes");

From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.presentationTier.TagLib.GanttDiagramTagLib.java

License:Open Source License

private int calculateTimeOfDay(DateTime time) {

    int hourOfDay = time.getHourOfDay();
    int minuteOfHour = time.getMinuteOfHour();

    switch (getViewTypeEnum()) {

    case WEEKLY://from   w w  w.  j  ava  2 s . com

        // unit = 15 minutes
        int result = (hourOfDay + 1) * 2;
        if (minuteOfHour <= 30) {
            return result - 1;
        } else {
            return result;

    case DAILY:

        // unit = 5 minutes
        for (int i = 1, j = 0; j < 60; j += 5, i++) {
            if (minuteOfHour < j + 5) {
                return i + (12 * hourOfDay);

    case MONTHLY:

        // unit = hour of day
        return hourOfDay;

    case YEAR_DAILY:

        // unit = hour of day
        return hourOfDay;

        return 0;

From source file:net.stickycode.scheduled.aligned.AlignedPeriodicSchedule.java

License:Open Source License

 * The delay in seconds to wait before the initial execution to align the schedule as specified.
 * <b>An alignment of 0 means there is no delay</b>
 * <p>//from ww w.  j  a  v  a2  s.c  om
 * e.g.
 * <ul>
 * <li>if the user configured a schedule as 'every hour at 15 minutes past'</li>
 * <li>and the service started at 10 minutes past</li>
 * <li>then the period would be 60 * 60 seconds</li>
 * <li>and the delay would be 5 * 60 seconds such that the first execution is 15 minutes past</li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
public long getInitialDelay() {
    if (alignment == 0)
        return 0;

    DateTime time = new DateTime();
    switch (alignmentUnit) {
    case HOURS:
        return calculateDelay(time.getHourOfDay(), alignment, 24);

    case MINUTES:
        return calculateDelay(time.getMinuteOfHour(), alignment, 60);

    case SECONDS:
        return calculateDelay(time.getSecondOfMinute(), alignment, 60);

        return calculateDelay(time.getMillisOfSecond(), alignment, 1000);

        throw new AlignmentNotSupportedException(alignmentUnit);

From source file:net.tourbook.database.TourDatabase.java

License:Open Source License

 * Persist {@link TourData} in the database and updates the tour data cache with the persisted
 * tour<br>//from w  ww . j  a  va 2 s.  co m
 * <br>
 * When a tour has no person the tour will not be saved, a person must be set first before the
 * tour can be saved
 * @param tourData
 * @return persisted {@link TourData} or <code>null</code> when saving fails
public static TourData saveTour(final TourData tourData) {

     * prevent saving a tour which was deleted before
    if (tourData.isTourDeleted) {
        return null;

     * prevent saving a tour when a person is not set, this check is for internal use that all
     * data are valid
    if (tourData.getTourPerson() == null) {
        StatusUtil.log("Cannot save a tour without a person: " + tourData); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return null;

     * check size of varcar fields
    if (tourData.isValidForSave() == false) {
        return null;

    final DateTime dtNow = new DateTime();

    final long dtSaved = (dtNow.getYear() * 10000000000L) + (dtNow.getMonthOfYear() * 100000000L)
            + (dtNow.getDayOfMonth() * 1000000L) + (dtNow.getHourOfDay() * 10000L)
            + (dtNow.getMinuteOfHour() * 100L) + dtNow.getSecondOfMinute();

    EntityManager em = TourDatabase.getInstance().getEntityManager();

    TourData persistedEntity = null;

    if (em != null) {

        final EntityTransaction ts = em.getTransaction();

        try {


                final TourData tourDataEntity = em.find(TourData.class, tourData.getTourId());
                if (tourDataEntity == null) {

                    // tour is not yet persisted



                    persistedEntity = tourData;

                } else {


                    persistedEntity = em.merge(tourData);

        } catch (final Exception e) {

            StatusUtil.showStatus(Messages.Tour_Database_TourSaveError, e);

        } finally {
            if (ts.isActive()) {

    if (persistedEntity != null) {

        em = TourDatabase.getInstance().getEntityManager();
        try {

            persistedEntity = em.find(TourData.class, tourData.getTourId());

        } catch (final Exception e) {



    return persistedEntity;