List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element setText
public Element setText(final String text)
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License:Open Source License
private static void addPluginElement(Element pluginsElement, String groupId, String artifactId, Map<String, String> configuration, Namespace ns) { Element pluginElement = new Element("plugin", ns); Element groupIdElement = new Element("groupId", ns); groupIdElement.setText(groupId); pluginElement.addContent(groupIdElement); Element artifactIdElement = new Element("artifactId", ns); artifactIdElement.setText(artifactId); pluginElement.addContent(artifactIdElement); Element configurationElement = new Element("configuration", ns); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : configuration.entrySet()) { Element keyElement = new Element(entry.getKey(), ns); keyElement.setText(entry.getValue()); configurationElement.addContent(keyElement); }// w w w . java 2 m pluginElement.addContent(configurationElement); pluginsElement.addContent(pluginElement); }
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License:Apache License
private void writeModules(List<String> modules, File pomFile) throws JDOMException, IOException { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document pom =; Namespace pomNs = pom.getRootElement().getNamespace(); Element modulesElem = pom.getRootElement().getChild("modules", pomNs); if (modulesElem == null) { modulesElem = new Element("modules", pomNs); pom.getRootElement().addContent(modulesElem); }//from w ww. j a v a 2 s.c o m for (String module : modules) { boolean exists = false; for (Element existingModule : modulesElem.getChildren()) { if (existingModule.getTextTrim().equals(module)) { exists = true; break; } } if (!exists) { Element moduleElem = new Element("module", pomNs); moduleElem.setText(module); modulesElem.addContent(moduleElem); } } XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat().setIndent("\t")); try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(pomFile)) { xout.output(pom, out); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Given a selectFromPath, it queries the runtime configuration to get the selectable values pointed by that path * and generates the met:possibleValues element that describes it. * @param selectFromPath the path to select from (including a document function, relative to the runtime configuration) * @param metamodelDoc the metamodel document, to extract probabilities from. * @param originalPath the path of the original element at the document * @return the desired met:possibleValues * @throws IOException If there are I/O errors while loading documents to select values from. * @throws JDOMException If there are problems at XML parsing while loading documents to select values from. *///from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c om private Element getPossibleValuesElement(String selectFromPath, Document metamodelDoc, String originalPath) throws JDOMException, IOException { Element possibleValuesElement = new Element("possibleValues", AutoconfXMLConstants.NAMESPACE_AUTOCONF_METADATA); List<String> gatheredPossibleValues = new ArrayList<>(); if (selectFromPath.contains("|")) { String[] singlePaths = selectFromPath.split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < singlePaths.length; i++) { String singlePath = singlePaths[i]; gatheredPossibleValues.addAll(getSelectableValuesFromSinglePath(singlePath)); } } else { gatheredPossibleValues = getSelectableValuesFromSinglePath(selectFromPath); } for (String possibleValue : gatheredPossibleValues) { Element currentPosibleValueElement = new Element("possibleValue", AutoconfXMLConstants.NAMESPACE_AUTOCONF_METADATA); String queryFrequencyStr = "sum(" + originalPath + "/" + metamodelAttributesPrefix + "Value[./@" + metamodelAttributesPrefix + "ValueAttr='" + possibleValue + "']/@" + metamodelAttributesPrefix + "Frequency)"; String queryParentFrequencyStr = "sum(" + originalPath + "/@" + metamodelAttributesPrefix + "Frequency)"; List<Double> queryFrequencyResults; List<Double> queryParentFrequencyResults; if (metamodelDoc != null) { queryFrequencyResults = performJAXENXPath(queryFrequencyStr, metamodelDoc, Filters.fdouble()); queryParentFrequencyResults = performJAXENXPath(queryParentFrequencyStr, metamodelDoc, Filters.fdouble()); } else { queryFrequencyResults = Collections.emptyList(); queryParentFrequencyResults = Collections.emptyList(); } if (queryParentFrequencyResults.size() > 0 && queryFrequencyResults.size() > 0) { double myFrequency = queryFrequencyResults.get(0); double myParentFrequency = queryParentFrequencyResults.get(0); double probability = myFrequency / myParentFrequency; String formattedProbability = String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f", probability); if (!formattedProbability.equalsIgnoreCase("nan")) { Attribute probabilityAttribute = new Attribute("probability", formattedProbability); currentPosibleValueElement.setAttribute(probabilityAttribute); } } currentPosibleValueElement.setText(possibleValue); possibleValuesElement.addContent(currentPosibleValueElement); } return possibleValuesElement; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Method that, given a {@link PathGroup} object (representing a group of paths), generates a partial element (as an {@link Element} object) with all the information present at it. * @param pathGroup the {@link PathGroup} object * @return the partial element //ww w . j a v a2 s . c o m * @throws IOException If there are I/O errors while loading documents to select values from. * @throws JDOMException If there are problems at XML parsing while loading documents to select values from. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the basePath or any subpath is invalid * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if a path token filter contains a count token and the number of attributes does not match. */ public Element generatePartialNode(PathGroup pathGroup) throws JDOMException, IOException { File metamodelDocFile = new File(pathGroup.getDocumentPath()); if (!metamodelDocFile.isAbsolute()) { metamodelDocFile = new File(this.pathToMetamodel, pathGroup.getDocumentPath()); } Document metamodelDoc; try { metamodelDoc = loadJDOMDocumentFromFile(metamodelDocFile); } catch (IOException e) { metamodelDoc = null; } List<String> basePathTokens = decomposePathTokens(pathGroup.getBasePath()); String basePathToken = basePathTokens.get(basePathTokens.size() - 1); Pattern textAtCurrentNodePattern = Pattern.compile(REGEXP_TEXT_AT_CURRENT_NODE); Matcher textAtCurrentBasePathMatcher = textAtCurrentNodePattern.matcher(basePathToken); Element partialNode; if (textAtCurrentBasePathMatcher.matches()) { String text ="textValue"); basePathToken = basePathTokens.get(basePathTokens.size() - 2); partialNode = generateElementFromPathToken(basePathToken, xpathNamespaces); partialNode.setText(text); } else { partialNode = generateElementFromPathToken(basePathToken, xpathNamespaces); } String basePathSelectFrom = pathGroup.getBasePathSelectFrom(); if (basePathSelectFrom != null && !(basePathSelectFrom.equals(""))) { partialNode.setText(""); Element possibleValuesElement = getPossibleValuesElement(basePathSelectFrom, metamodelDoc, pathGroup.getBasePath()); partialNode.addContent(possibleValuesElement); } for (String subpath : pathGroup.getSubPaths()) { List<String> subpathTokens = decomposePathTokens(subpath); Element currentElement = partialNode; for (int i = 0; i < subpathTokens.size(); i++) { String currentSubpathToken = subpathTokens.get(i); Matcher textAtCurrentNodeMatcher = textAtCurrentNodePattern.matcher(currentSubpathToken); if (textAtCurrentNodeMatcher.matches()) { String text ="textValue"); currentElement.setText(text); continue; } List<Element> newChildList = performJAXENXPath("./" + currentSubpathToken, currentElement); if (newChildList.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Subpath token '" + currentSubpathToken + "' yields more than one child"); } Element newChild; if (newChildList.size() == 1) { newChild = newChildList.get(0); } else { newChild = generateElementFromPathToken(currentSubpathToken, xpathNamespaces); currentElement.addContent(newChild); } currentElement = newChild; } String subpathSelectFrom = pathGroup.getSubPathSelectFrom(subpath); if (subpathSelectFrom != null && !(subpathSelectFrom.equals(""))) { currentElement.setText(""); Element possibleValuesElement = getPossibleValuesElement(subpathSelectFrom, metamodelDoc, pathGroup.getBasePath() + "/" + subpath); currentElement.addContent(possibleValuesElement); } } return partialNode; }
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License:Apache License
public boolean saveVersionInfo(List<VersionInfo> infos, String fullPath) { try {/*w w w .ja va2 s .c o m*/ Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("software-group"); for (VersionInfo info : infos) { Element softEle = new Element("software"); softEle.setAttribute("name", info.getAppName()); Element versionCodeEle = new Element("latest-version-code"); Element versionNameEle = new Element("latest-version"); Element versionPathEle = new Element("latest-version-abspath"); Element startupNameEle = new Element("latest-version-startup"); versionCodeEle.setText(String.valueOf(info.getVersionCode())); versionNameEle.setText(info.getVersion()); versionPathEle.setText(info.getPath()); startupNameEle.setText(info.getStartupName()); softEle.addContent(versionCodeEle); softEle.addContent(versionNameEle); softEle.addContent(versionPathEle); softEle.addContent(startupNameEle); List<VersionInfoDetail> details = info.getDetails(); if (null != details) { Element detailEles = new Element("latest-version-detail"); for (VersionInfoDetail verDetail : details) { Element itemElem = new Element("item"); itemElem.setAttribute("name", verDetail.getTitle()); List<String> detailList = verDetail.getDetail(); for (String detailInfo : detailList) { Element detailEle = new Element("detail"); detailEle.setText(detailInfo); itemElem.addContent(detailEle); } detailEles.addContent(itemElem); } softEle.addContent(detailEles); } List<String> ignoreFiles = info.getIgnoreFiles(); if (ignoreFiles != null) { Element ignoreEles = new Element("ignore-files"); for (String ignoreInfo : ignoreFiles) { Element ignoreItemEle = new Element("item"); ignoreItemEle.setText(ignoreInfo); ignoreEles.addContent(ignoreItemEle); } softEle.addContent(ignoreEles); } root.addContent(softEle); } doc.setRootElement(root); //Save to xml file XMLOutputter xmlOut = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(fullPath); xmlOut = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); xmlOut.output(doc, fos); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (null != fos) { try { fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; }
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License:Apache License
private static Document buildDocument(List<ModulePermissions> modulePermissions) { Element modulePolicy = new Element("modulePolicy"); for (ModulePermissions mps : modulePermissions) { Element module = new Element("module"); module.setAttribute("name", mps.getModuleName()); Set<String> policySet = new HashSet<String>(); for (ModulePermission mp : mps.getPermissions()) { Element permRequired = new Element("permRequired"); permRequired.setAttribute("line", Integer.toString(mp.getLine())); permRequired.setAttribute("className", mp.getClassName()); for (String s : mp.getPolicy()) { Element perm = new Element("perm"); perm.setText(s); permRequired.addContent(perm); }/*w w w . jav a 2 s .c o m*/ module.addContent(permRequired); // TODO: say what caused the permission to be required - see key policySet.addAll(mp.getPolicy()); } CDATA policyData = new CDATA(generatePolicy(policySet)); module.addContent(policyData); modulePolicy.addContent(module); } return new Document(modulePolicy); }
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private Element createFragmentDef(List<Content> contents) { Element html = new Element("html", xmlns); ActiveNamespaces.get().forEach(ns -> html.addNamespaceDeclaration(ns)); html.addContent(NEWLINE);/* w ww .ja v a 2 s . c om*/ Element head = new Element("head", xmlns); html.addContent(head); html.addContent(NEWLINE); Element title = new Element("title", xmlns); title.setText("Thymeleaf Fragment Definition"); head.addContent(NEWLINE); head.addContent(title); head.addContent(NEWLINE); Element body = new Element("body", xmlns); html.addContent(body); html.addContent(NEWLINE); body.addContent(contents); return html; }
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License:Apache License
private void generateXMLForCountry(String countryCode, List<String> translatedText, ArrayList<AndroidStringMapping> stringXmlDOM, HashMap<String, Integer> baseStringResourcesMapping, String outPutFolder) {//from ww w . j a v a2 s . c o m Element resources = new Element("resources"); Document doc = new Document(resources); //System.out.println("Generating XML"); //int totalNumberOfStrings = 0; for (int i = 0; i < stringXmlDOM.size(); i++) { AndroidStringMapping stringMapping = stringXmlDOM.get(i); if (stringMapping.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("string")) { Element string = new Element("string"); string.setAttribute(new Attribute("name", stringMapping.getAttributeName())); //To get the attribute value, use the hasmap and then string array int translatedTextIndex = baseStringResourcesMapping.get(stringMapping.getAttributeValue()); string.setText(translatedText.get(translatedTextIndex)); //Add element to root doc.getRootElement().addContent(string); } else if (stringMapping.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("string-array")) { Element stringArray = new Element("string-array"); stringArray.setAttribute(new Attribute("name", stringMapping.getAttributeName())); //Since this is String array it will have a list of string items, get the list of string items ArrayList<String> stringArrayItems = (ArrayList<String>) stringMapping.getAttributeValue(); for (int j = 0; j < stringArrayItems.size(); j++) { int translatedTextIndex = baseStringResourcesMapping.get(stringArrayItems.get(j)); stringArray.addContent(new Element("item").setText(translatedText.get(translatedTextIndex))); } //Add element to root doc.getRootElement().addContent(stringArray); } else { Element stringArray = new Element("plurals"); stringArray.setAttribute(new Attribute("name", stringMapping.getAttributeName())); //Since this is plurals it will have a list of string items with values, get the list of string items ArrayList<AndroidStringPlurals> stringPluralItems = (ArrayList<AndroidStringPlurals>) stringMapping .getAttributeValue(); for (int j = 0; j < stringPluralItems.size(); j++) { int translatedTextIndex = baseStringResourcesMapping .get(stringPluralItems.get(j).getAttributeValue()); Element pluralItem = new Element("item"); pluralItem.setAttribute("quantity", stringPluralItems.get(j).getAttributeName()); pluralItem.setText(translatedText.get(translatedTextIndex)); stringArray.addContent(pluralItem); } //Add element to root doc.getRootElement().addContent(stringArray); } } // new XMLOutputter().output(doc, System.out); XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter(); try { // System.out.println("Saving File"); Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat(); format.setEncoding("UTF-8"); xmlOutput.setFormat(format); File file = new File(outPutFolder + "/values-" + countryCode); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdir(); } file = new File(outPutFolder + "/values-" + countryCode + "/strings.xml"); FileOutputStream fop = new FileOutputStream(file); xmlOutput.output(doc, fop); System.out.println("Translation Successful !!"); // System.out.println("File Saved!"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } }
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private static void createRepoMd(String rootPath, RepoModule... repos) throws IOException { Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("repomd", REPONAMESPACE); doc.addContent(root);/*from www .j a v a 2 s . c om*/ root.addNamespaceDeclaration(RPMNAMESPACE); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (RepoModule repo : repos) { Element data = new Element("data", REPONAMESPACE); data.setAttribute("type", repo.getModule()); Element location = new Element("location", REPONAMESPACE); File xmlGzFie = getXmlGzFile(repo, repo.getXmlGzCode()); location.setAttribute("href", replacePath(FileUtils.getFileRelativePath(repo.getRootPath(), xmlGzFie))); data.addContent(location); Element checksum = new Element("checksum", REPONAMESPACE); checksum.setAttribute("type", ALGORITHM); checksum.setAttribute("pkgid", "YES"); checksum.setText(repo.getXmlGzCode()); data.addContent(checksum); Element size = new Element("size", REPONAMESPACE); size.setText(repo.getXmlGzSize() + ""); data.addContent(size); Element timestamp = new Element("timestamp", REPONAMESPACE); timestamp.setText(now + ""); data.addContent(timestamp); Element openCheckSum = new Element("open-checksum", REPONAMESPACE); openCheckSum.setAttribute("type", ALGORITHM); openCheckSum.setAttribute("pkgid", "YES"); openCheckSum.setText(repo.getXmlCode()); data.addContent(openCheckSum); Element openSize = new Element("open-size", REPONAMESPACE); openSize.setText(repo.getXmlSize() + ""); data.addContent(openSize); Element revision = new Element("revision", REPONAMESPACE); data.addContent(revision); root.addContent(data); } File repoMd = new File(rootPath + File.separator + REPOPATH + File.separator + "repomd" + ".xml"); xmlToFile(doc, repoMd); }
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private static RepoModule createOther(RpmData[] rpmdatas, String rootPath) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { RepoModule repo = new RepoModule(rootPath, "other"); Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("otherdata", OTHERNAMESPACE); doc.addContent(root);//from w w w . j av a2 s . c o m root.setAttribute("packages", rpmdatas.length + ""); for (RpmData rpmdata : rpmdatas) { RpmMetadata rpmMetadata = rpmdata.rpmMetadata; Element packAge = new Element("package", OTHERNAMESPACE); packAge.setAttribute("pkgid", HashFile.getsum(rpmdata.rpm, ALGORITHM)); packAge.setAttribute("name",; packAge.setAttribute("arch", rpmMetadata.architecture); root.addContent(packAge); Element version = new Element("version", OTHERNAMESPACE); version.setAttribute("epoch", rpmMetadata.epoch + ""); version.setAttribute("ver", rpmMetadata.version); version.setAttribute("rel", rpmMetadata.release); packAge.setContent(version); for (ChangeLog log : rpmMetadata.changeLogs) { Element fileElement = new Element("changelog", OTHERNAMESPACE); fileElement.setAttribute("author",; fileElement.setAttribute("date", + ""); fileElement.setText(log.text); packAge.addContent(fileElement); } } yumXmlSave(doc, repo); return repo; }