Example usage for org.jdom2 Element setText

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element setText


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element setText.


public Element setText(final String text) 

Source Link


Sets the content of the element to be the text given.


From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.AcceleratorKeys.java

License:Open Source License

 * This methos inits the accelerator table of the new entry window's menus. We separate
 * the initialisation of the accelerator tables for each window to keep an better
 * overiew.//from w  ww.  j  av  a2 s . c  o  m
private void initNewEntryKeys() {
    // this is our element variable which will be used below to set all the child elements
    Element acckey;

    // now we have to go through an endless list of accelerator keys. it is important
    // that the attribute values have exactly the same spelling like the actions' names
    // which can be found in the properties-files (resources). This ensures we can easily
    // assign accelerator keys to actions:
    // javax.swing.ActionMap actionMap = org.jdesktop.application.Application.getInstance(zettelkasten.ZettelkastenApp.class).getContext().getActionMap(ZettelkastenView.class, this);
    // AbstractAction ac = (AbstractAction) actionMap.get(CAcceleratorKey.getActionName());
    // KeyStroke ks = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(CAcceleratorKey.getAccelerator());
    // ac.putValue(AbstractAction.ACCELERATOR_KEY, ks);        

    // The actions of the new entry window's file menu

    // the accelerator for the "closeWindow" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "closeWindow")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "closeWindow");
        acckey.setText(mask + " W");
    // the accelerator for the "applyChanges" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "applyChanges")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "applyChanges");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift S");
    // the accelerator for the "retrieveKeywordsFromDisplayedEntry" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "retrieveKeywordsFromDisplayedEntry")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "retrieveKeywordsFromDisplayedEntry");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt G");

    // The actions of the new entry window's edit menu

    // the accelerator for the "selecteAllText" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "selecteAllText")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "selecteAllText");
        acckey.setText(mask + " A");

    // the accelerator for the "addSegmentFromQuickList" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "addSegmentFromQuickList")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addSegmentFromQuickList");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift G");

    // the accelerator for the "addKeywordFromSelection" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "addKeywordFromSelection")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addKeywordFromSelection");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift K");

    // the accelerator for the "addTitleFromSelection" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "addTitleFromSelection")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addTitleFromSelection");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt U");

    // the accelerator for the "addTitleFromFirstLine" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "addTitleFromFirstLine")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addTitleFromFirstLine");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift U");

    // the accelerator for the "undoAction" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "undoAction")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "undoAction");
        acckey.setText(mask + " Z");

    // the accelerator for the "redoAction" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "redoAction")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "redoAction");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift Z");

    // the accelerator for the "replace" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "replace")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "replace");
        acckey.setText(mask + " H");

    // The actions of the new entry window's insert menu

    // the accelerator for the "addAuthorFromMenu" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "addAuthorFromMenu")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addAuthorFromMenu");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift L");

    // the accelerator for the "insertFootnote" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "insertFootnote")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "insertFootnote");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift N");

    // the accelerator for the "insertImage" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "insertImage")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "insertImage");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift I");

    // the accelerator for the "insertTable" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "insertTable")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "insertTable");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift T");

    // the accelerator for the "insertHyperlink" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "insertHyperlink")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "insertHyperlink");
        acckey.setText(mask + " K");

    // the accelerator for the "insertManualLink" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "insertManualLink")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "insertManualLink");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift M");

    // the accelerator for the "insertAttachment" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "insertAttachment")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "insertAttachment");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift A");

    // the accelerator for the "insertSymbol" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "insertSymbol")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "insertSymbol");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt S");

    // the accelerator for the "insertForm" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "insertForm")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "insertForm");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift F");

    // the accelerator for the "insertManualTimestamp" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "insertManualTimestamp")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "insertManualTimestamp");
        acckey.setText(mask + " F7");

    // The actions of the new entry window's format menu

    // the accelerator for the "formatBold" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatBold")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatBold");
        acckey.setText(mask + " B");

    // the accelerator for the "formatItalic" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatItalic")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatItalic");
        acckey.setText(mask + " I");

    // the accelerator for the "formatUnderline" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatUnderline")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatUnderline");
        acckey.setText(mask + " U");

    // the accelerator for the "formatStrikeThrough" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatStrikeThrough")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatStrikeThrough");
        acckey.setText(mask + " D");

    // the accelerator for the "formatSup" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatSup")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatSup");
        acckey.setText(mask + " " + pluskey);

    // the accelerator for the "formatSub" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatSub")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatSub");
        acckey.setText(ctrlkey + " " + numbersign);

    // the accelerator for the "formatHeading1" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatHeading1")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatHeading1");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift H");

    // the accelerator for the "formatHeading2" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatHeading2")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatHeading2");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt H");

    // the accelerator for the "formatCite" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatCite")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatCite");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift C");

    // the accelerator for the "formatCode" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatCode")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatCode");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt C");

    // the accelerator for the "formatFont" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatFont")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatFont");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt F");

    // the accelerator for the "formatQuote" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatQuote")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatQuote");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift 2");

    // the accelerator for the "alignCenter" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "alignCenter")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "alignCenter");
        acckey.setText(mask + " E");

    // the accelerator for the "alignLeft" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "alignLeft")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "alignLeft");
        acckey.setText(mask + " L");

    // the accelerator for the "alignRight" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "alignRight")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "alignRight");
        acckey.setText(mask + " R");

    // the accelerator for the "alignMargin" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "alignMargin")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "alignMargin");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift R");

    // the accelerator for the "formatHighlight" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatHighlight")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatHighlight");
        acckey.setText(mask + " M");

    // the accelerator for the "formatList" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatList")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatList");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt L");

    // the accelerator for the "formatList" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatOrderedList")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatOrderedList");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt N");

    // the accelerator for the "formatColor" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "formatColor")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "formatColor");
        acckey.setText(mask + " T");

    // The actions of the new entry window's window menu

    // the accelerator for the "setFocusToEditPane" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "setFocusToEditPane")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "setFocusToEditPane");
        acckey.setText(mask + " F2");
    // the accelerator for the "setFocusToKeywordList" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "setFocusToKeywordList")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "setFocusToKeywordList");
        acckey.setText(mask + " F3");
    // the accelerator for the "setFocusToAuthorList" action
    if (!findElement(NEWENTRYKEYS, "setFocusToAuthorList")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "setFocusToAuthorList");
        acckey.setText(mask + " F4");

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.AcceleratorKeys.java

License:Open Source License

 * This methos inits the accelerator table of the desktop window's menus. We separate
 * the initialisation of the accelerator tables for each window to keep an better
 * overiew.//from ww  w. j  a va2  s  . c om
private void initDesktopKeys() {
    // this is our element variable which will be used below to set all the child elements
    Element acckey;

    // now we have to go through an endless list of accelerator keys. it is important
    // that the attribute values have exactly the same spelling like the actions' names
    // which can be found in the properties-files (resources). This ensures we can easily
    // assign accelerator keys to actions:
    // javax.swing.ActionMap actionMap = org.jdesktop.application.Application.getInstance(zettelkasten.ZettelkastenApp.class).getContext().getActionMap(ZettelkastenView.class, this);
    // AbstractAction ac = (AbstractAction) actionMap.get(CAcceleratorKey.getActionName());
    // KeyStroke ks = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(CAcceleratorKey.getAccelerator());
    // ac.putValue(AbstractAction.ACCELERATOR_KEY, ks);        

    // The actions of the desktop window's file menu

    // the accelerator for the "newDesktop" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "newDesktop")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "newDesktop");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift N");

    // the accelerator for the "addBullet" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "addBullet")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addBullet");
        acckey.setText(mask + " B");

    // the accelerator for the "addEntry" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "addEntry")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addEntry");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt N");

    // the accelerator for the "addLuhmann" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "addLuhmann")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addLuhmann");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt I");

    // the accelerator for the "insertEntry" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "insertEntry")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "insertEntry");
        acckey.setText(mask + " N");

    // the accelerator for the "exportDesktop" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "exportDesktop")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "exportDesktop");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift E");

    // the accelerator for the "exportMultipleDesktop" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "exportMultipleDesktop")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "exportMultipleDesktop");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift X");

    // the accelerator for the "printContent" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "printContent")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "printContent");
        acckey.setText(mask + " P");

    // the accelerator for the "closeWindow" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "closeWindow")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "closeWindow");
        acckey.setText(mask + " W");

    // The actions of the desktop window's edit menu

    // the accelerator for the "cutNode" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "cutNode")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "cutNode");
        acckey.setText(mask + " X");

    // the accelerator for the "copyNode" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "copyNode")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "copyNode");
        acckey.setText(mask + " C");

    // the accelerator for the "pasteNode" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "pasteNode")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "pasteNode");
        acckey.setText(mask + " V");

    // the accelerator for the "editEntry" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "editEntry")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "editEntry");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt E");

    // the accelerator for the "modifiyEntry" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "modifiyEntry")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "modifiyEntry");
        acckey.setText(mask + " E");

    // the accelerator for the "applyModificationsToOriginalEntry" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "applyModificationsToOriginalEntry")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "applyModificationsToOriginalEntry");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift P");

    // the accelerator for the "applyAllModificationsToOriginalEntries" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "applyAllModificationsToOriginalEntries")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "applyAllModificationsToOriginalEntries");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt P");

    // the accelerator for the "moveNodeUp" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "moveNodeUp")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "moveNodeUp");
        acckey.setText(mask + " UP");

    // the accelerator for the "moveNodeDown" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "moveNodeDown")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "moveNodeDown");
        acckey.setText(mask + " DOWN");

    // the accelerator for the "renameBullet" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "renameBullet")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "renameBullet");

    // the accelerator for the "commentNode" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "commentNode")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "commentNode");
        acckey.setText(mask + " K");

    // the accelerator for the "deleteNode" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "deleteNode")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "deleteNode");

    // The actions of the desktop window's find menu

    // the accelerator for the "findLive" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "findLive")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "findLive");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift F");

    // the accelerator for the "findLiveNext" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "findLiveNext")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "findLiveNext");
        acckey.setText(mask + " G");

    // the accelerator for the "findLivePrev" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "findLivePrev")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "findLivePrev");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift G");

    // The actions of the desktop window's view menu

    // the accelerator for the "updateView" action
    if (!findElement(DESKTOPKEYS, "updateView")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "updateView");

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.AcceleratorKeys.java

License:Open Source License

 * This methos inits the accelerator table of the desktop window's menus. We separate
 * the initialisation of the accelerator tables for each window to keep an better
 * overiew.//from ww w . j a va2s  .  c  om
private void initSearchResultsKeys() {
    // this is our element variable which will be used below to set all the child elements
    Element acckey;

    // now we have to go through an endless list of accelerator keys. it is important
    // that the attribute values have exactly the same spelling like the actions' names
    // which can be found in the properties-files (resources). This ensures we can easily
    // assign accelerator keys to actions:
    // javax.swing.ActionMap actionMap = org.jdesktop.application.Application.getInstance(zettelkasten.ZettelkastenApp.class).getContext().getActionMap(ZettelkastenView.class, this);
    // AbstractAction ac = (AbstractAction) actionMap.get(CAcceleratorKey.getActionName());
    // KeyStroke ks = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(CAcceleratorKey.getAccelerator());
    // ac.putValue(AbstractAction.ACCELERATOR_KEY, ks);        

    // The actions of the search results window's edit menu

    // the accelerator for the "removeSearchResult" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "removeSearchResult")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "removeSearchResult");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift " + delkey);

    // the accelerator for the "removeAllSearchResults" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "removeAllSearchResults")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "removeAllSearchResults");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt shift " + delkey);

    // the accelerator for the "exportEntries" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "exportEntries")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "exportEntries");
        acckey.setText(mask + " shift E");

    // the accelerator for the "closeWindow" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "closeWindow")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "closeWindow");
        acckey.setText(mask + " W");

    // The actions of the search results window's edit menu

    // the accelerator for the "selectAll" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "selectAll")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "selectAll");
        acckey.setText(mask + " A");

    // the accelerator for the "editEntry" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "editEntry")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "editEntry");
        acckey.setText(mask + " E");

    // the accelerator for the "findAndReplace" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "findAndReplace")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "findAndReplace");
        acckey.setText(mask + " R");

    // the accelerator for the "removeEntry" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "removeEntry")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "removeEntry");

    // the accelerator for the "addToManLinks" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "addToManLinks")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addToManLinks");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt L");

    // the accelerator for the "addToLuhmann" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "addToLuhmann")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addToLuhmann");
        acckey.setText(mask + " alt I");

    // the accelerator for the "addToBookmarks" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "addToBookmarks")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addToBookmarks");
        acckey.setText(mask + " B");

    // the accelerator for the "addToDesktop" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "addToDesktop")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "addToDesktop");

    // the accelerator for the "showEntryInDesktop" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "showEntryInDesktop")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "showEntryInDesktop");
        acckey.setText(mask + " F9");

    // the accelerator for the "toggleHighlightResults" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "toggleHighlightResults")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "toggleHighlightResults");

    // the accelerator for the "switchLayout" action
    if (!findElement(SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, "switchLayout")) {
        acckey = new Element("key");
        acckey.setAttribute("action", "switchLayout");
        acckey.setText(mask + " F7");

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.AcceleratorKeys.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method sets an accelerator key of an related action. To change an accelerator key,
 * provide the action's name and the keystroke-value as string parameters. furthermore, we
 * have to tell the method, to which file the changes should be applied (param what).
 * /*from   w w w.  j ava  2s.  c o  m*/
 * Following constants should be used as parameters:<br>
 * @param what (uses constants, see global field definition at top of source)
 * @param action (the action's name, as string, e.g. "newEntry")
 * @param keystroke (the keystroke, e.g. "ctrl N" (win/linux) or "meta O" (mac)
public void setAccelerator(int what, String action, String keystroke) {
    // create a list of all elements from the xml file
    try {
        List<?> elementList = getDocument(what).getRootElement().getContent();
        // and an iterator for the loop below
        Iterator<?> iterator = elementList.iterator();

        // counter for the return value if a found element attribute matches the parameter
        int cnt = 1;
        // iterate loop
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            // retrieve each single element
            Element acckey = (Element) iterator.next();
            // if action-attribute matches the parameter string...
            if (action.equals(acckey.getAttributeValue("action"))) {
                // ...set the new keystroke
                // and leave method
            // else increase counter
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage());

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.AutoKorrektur.java

License:Open Source License

 * Adds a new pair of false/correct words to the document
 * //  w w w.  j  a  v  a 2 s  .co  m
 * @param falsch the wrong or mispelled word
 * @param richtig the correct writing
 * @return {@code true} if element was successfully addes, {@code false} if "falsch" already existed or
 * one of the parameters were invalid
public boolean addElement(String falsch, String richtig) {
    // check for minimum length
    if (null == falsch || falsch.length() < 2 || null == richtig || richtig.length() < 2) {
        return false;
    // check for existence
    if (exists(falsch)) {
        return false;
    // if it doesn't already exist, create new element
    Element e = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_ENTRY);
    try {
        // set id-attribute
        e.setAttribute("id", falsch);
        // set content
        // and add it to the document
    } catch (IllegalAddException ex) {
        Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
        return false;
    } catch (IllegalDataException ex) {
        Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
        return false;
    // return success
    return true;

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.Bookmarks.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method sets the comment of a given bookmark "nr".
 * /*from w  w w . j  ava 2  s  .  c  o  m*/
 * @param nr the bookmark-number of which comment should be changes
 * @param c
 * @return false if element/bookmark does not exist, true if comment was successfully changed
public boolean setComment(int nr, String c) {
    // retrieve the bookmark-element
    Element bm = retrieveBookmarkElement(nr);
    // if element does not exist, return false
    if (null == bm) {
        return false;
    // else set comment
    // change modified-state
    // everythings OK
    return true;

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.Bookmarks.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method changes the name of the category at position "pos"
 * /*w w w .j av a2 s  . co m*/
 * @param pos the position of the requested category
 * @param name the new name of the category
public void setCategory(int pos, String name) {
    // retrieve category element
    Element cat = retrieveCategoryElement(pos);
    // set new category name
    if (cat != null) {

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.Bookmarks.java

License:Open Source License

 * Adds a new bookmark to the bookmark-file. First, we have to check whether
 * the bookmark already exists. If not, add it. Then we have to check for the
 * category. If it already exists, retrieve the category's index-number. Else
 * add a new category./*ww  w  .  j  av  a 2s.  c o  m*/
 * <br><br>
 * Use "getCompleteBookmark" for retrieving a bookmark's entry-number, category
 * and comment.
 * @param index the index-number of the bookmark, i.e. the entry's number
 * @param cat the category, under which the bookmark should appear.
 * @param comment an optional comment for the bookmark
public void addBookmark(int index, String cat, String comment) {
    // first check whether this index-number was already bookmarked...
    // if not, a -1 is return, else the index-number
    // if the bookmark already exists, do nothing
    if (-1 == getBookmarkPosition(index)) {
        try {
            // retrieve the position of the category
            int catpos = getCategoryPosition(cat);
            // check whether the category exists
            if (-1 == catpos) {
                // if the category doesn't already exist, add it
                catpos = addCategory(cat);
            // create new bookmark-element
            Element bm = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_ENTRY);
            // set the id, i.e. the number of the entry which is bookmarked
            bm.setAttribute("id", String.valueOf(index));
            // set the category-index for this bookmark
            bm.setAttribute("cat", String.valueOf(catpos));
            // and add the comment
            if (null == comment) {
                comment = "";
            // retrieve the bookmark-"root"-element
            Element bookbase = bookmarks.getRootElement().getChild("bookmark");
            // and add the bookmark-element
            // change modified-state
        } catch (IllegalAddException ex) {
            Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
        } catch (IllegalNameException ex) {
            Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
        } catch (IllegalDataException ex) {
            Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.Bookmarks.java

License:Open Source License

 * Changes an existing bookmark in the bookmark-file. First, we have to check whether
 * the bookmark already exists. If not, leave method. Then we have to check for the
 * category. If it already exists, retrieve the category's index-number. Else
 * add a new category./*from ww  w  .java  2s .co  m*/
 * @param index the index-number of the bookmark, i.e. the entry's number
 * @param cat the category, under which the bookmark should appear.
 * @param comment an optional comment for the bookmark
public void changeBookmark(int index, String cat, String comment) {
    // get the bookmark position
    int pos = getBookmarkPosition(index);
    // check whether it exists and go on...
    if (pos != -1) {
        // retrieve the position of the category
        int catpos = getCategoryPosition(cat);
        // check whether the category exists
        if (-1 == catpos) {
            // if the category doesn't already exist, add it
            catpos = addCategory(cat);
        try {
            // get bookmark-element
            Element bm = retrieveBookmarkElement(pos);
            // set the id, i.e. the number of the entry which is bookmarked
            bm.setAttribute("id", String.valueOf(index));
            // set the category-index for this bookmark
            bm.setAttribute("cat", String.valueOf(catpos));
            // and add the comment
            // change modified-state
        } catch (IllegalNameException ex) {
            Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
        } catch (IllegalDataException ex) {
            Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.Bookmarks.java

License:Open Source License

 * Adds a new category string to the bookmarks category list.
 * /*  w  w w  .  java  2 s  .c  o  m*/
 * @param cat a string with the new category-name
 * @return the index of the currently added category (which equals the new size of the amount 
 * of categories - 1)
public int addCategory(String cat) {
    // get the sub-element "category" of the bookmarks xml datafile
    Element category = bookmarks.getRootElement().getChild("category");
    // create a new category element
    Element newCat = new Element(Daten.ELEMENT_ENTRY);
    // add the new category element to the bookmarks datafile
    // and finally add the parameter (new category string) to the recently created
    // category element
    // return the new size of the categories, i.e. the category position of 
    // the recently added category entry
    return bookmarks.getRootElement().getChild("category").getContentSize() - 1;