List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element setText
public Element setText(final String text)
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private static void addTableRow(final Element table, final String[] cells) { final Element tr = new Element("tr"); table.addContent(tr);//w w w .jav a2 s .c o m for (final String columnName : cells) { final Element td = new Element("td"); tr.addContent(td); td.setText(columnName); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void runApolloService() { XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(); XMLDeserializer deserializer = new XMLDeserializer(); InfectiousDiseaseScenario baseScenario = idtes.getInfectiousDiseaseScenarioWithoutIntervention(); // clear all set control strategies in base baseScenario.getInfectiousDiseaseControlStrategies().clear(); List<SoftwareIdentification> modelIds = idtes.getInfectiousDiseaseTransmissionModelIds(); try {/* w w w.j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ DataServiceAccessor dataServiceAccessor = new DataServiceAccessor(); for (SoftwareIdentification modelId : modelIds) { // create a base scenario copy String baseXml = serializer.serializeObject(baseScenario); InfectiousDiseaseScenario baseScenarioCopy = deserializer.getObjectFromMessage(baseXml, InfectiousDiseaseScenario.class); for (InfectiousDiseaseControlStrategy strategy : idtes.getInfectiousDiseaseControlStrategies()) { for (InfectiousDiseaseControlMeasure controlMeasure : strategy.getControlMeasures()) { baseScenarioCopy.getInfectiousDiseaseControlStrategies().add(controlMeasure); } } List<SensitivityAnalysisSpecification> sensitivityAnalyses = idtes.getSensitivityAnalyses(); for (SensitivityAnalysisSpecification sensitivityAnalysis : sensitivityAnalyses) { if (sensitivityAnalysis instanceof OneWaySensitivityAnalysisOfContinousVariableSpecification) { OneWaySensitivityAnalysisOfContinousVariableSpecification owsaocv = (OneWaySensitivityAnalysisOfContinousVariableSpecification) sensitivityAnalysis; double min = owsaocv.getMinimumValue(); double max = owsaocv.getMaximumValue(); double increment = (max - min) / owsaocv.getNumberOfDiscretizations().intValueExact(); String scenarioXML = serializer.serializeObject(baseScenarioCopy); double val = min; while (val <= max) { String param = owsaocv.getUniqueApolloLabelOfParameter(); Document jdomDocument; SAXBuilder jdomBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); try { jdomDocument = new ByteArrayInputStream(scenarioXML.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } catch (JDOMException | IOException ex) { ErrorUtils.reportError(runId, "Error inserting experiment run. Error was " + ex.getMessage(), authentication); return; } Element e = jdomDocument.getRootElement(); List<Namespace> namespaces = e.getNamespacesInScope(); for (Namespace namespace : namespaces) { if (namespace.getURI().contains("")) { param = param.replaceAll("/", "/" + namespace.getPrefix() + ":"); param = param.replaceAll("\\[", "\\[" + namespace.getPrefix() + ":"); break; } } XPathFactory xpf = XPathFactory.instance(); XPathExpression<Element> expr; expr = xpf.compile(param, Filters.element(), null, namespaces); List<Element> elements = expr.evaluate(jdomDocument); for (Element element : elements) { element.setText(Double.toString(val)); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter(); xmlOutputter.output(jdomDocument, baos); InfectiousDiseaseScenario newScenario = deserializer.getObjectFromMessage( new String(baos.toByteArray()), InfectiousDiseaseScenario.class); // new scenario is ready to be staged RunSimulationMessage runSimulationMessage = new RunSimulationMessage(); runSimulationMessage.setAuthentication(authentication); runSimulationMessage .setSimulatorTimeSpecification(message.getSimulatorTimeSpecification()); runSimulationMessage.setSoftwareIdentification(modelId); runSimulationMessage.setInfectiousDiseaseScenario(newScenario); StageMethod stageMethod = new StageMethod(runSimulationMessage, runId); InsertRunResult result = stageMethod.stage(); BigInteger newRunId = result.getRunId(); MethodCallStatus status = dataServiceAccessor.getRunStatus(newRunId, authentication); if (status.getStatus().equals(MethodCallStatusEnum.FAILED)) { ErrorUtils.reportError(runId, "Error inserting run in experiment with run ID " + runId + "" + ". Error was for inserting ID " + newRunId + " with message " + status.getMessage(), authentication); return; } val += increment; } } } } dataServiceAccessor.updateStatusOfRun(runId, MethodCallStatusEnum.TRANSLATION_COMPLETED, "All runs for this experiment have been translated", authentication); } catch (DeserializationException | IOException | SerializationException | RunManagementException ex) { ErrorUtils.reportError(runId, "Error inserting experiment run. Error was " + ex.getMessage(), authentication); return; } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Updates a Document (XML file) with all the attributes from a Pipefile * @throws Exception // www . j a v a 2 s. c o m */ public static Document updateXML(Document doc, Pipefile pipe) throws Exception { Element main = getMainElement(doc); // Update name (attribute) main.setAttribute("name",; // Update package (attribute) main.setAttribute("package", pipe.packageName); // Update description (attribute) main.setAttribute("description", pipe.description); // Update the tags (children) main.removeChildren("tag"); // Remove all old tags String tags = pipe.tags; if (tags != null && tags.length() > 0) { String[] tagArray = tags.split(","); for (String tag : tagArray) { Element child = new Element("tag"); child.setText(tag); main.addContent(child); } } if (pipe.type.equals("Data")) { // Update values (values child => children) Element valuesElement = main.getChild("values"); if (valuesElement == null) { valuesElement = new Element("values"); main.addContent(valuesElement); } valuesElement.removeChildren("value"); // Remove all old values String values = pipe.values; if (values != null && values.length() > 0) { String[] valueArray = values.split("\n"); for (String value : valueArray) { Element valueElement = new Element("value"); valueElement.setText(value); valuesElement.addContent(valueElement); } } // Update formatType (output child => format child => attribute) Element output = main.getChild("output"); if (output == null) { output = new Element("output"); main.addContent(output); } Element format = output.getChild("format"); if (format == null) { format = new Element("format"); main.addContent(format); } format.setAttribute("type", pipe.formatType); } if (pipe.type.equals("Modules")) { // Update location (attribute) main.setAttribute("location", pipe.location); } if (pipe.type.equals("Modules") || pipe.type.equals("Groups")) { // Update uri (child) Element uri = main.getChild("uri"); // If child not present, create if (uri == null) { uri = new Element("uri"); main.addContent(uri); } uri.setText(pipe.uri); } return doc; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Add the given department to the parent element as an affiliation if it is not already present * * @param dept//from ww w . j a v a 2s .c o m * @param parentEl * @param affilIndex * @param affiliationSet * @return True if an affiliation was added */ private boolean addAffiliation(String dept, Element parentEl, int affilIndex, Set<String> affiliationSet) { // Prevent duplicate departments from being added if (dept != null && !affiliationSet.contains(dept)) { Element newAffilEl = new Element("affiliation", parentEl.getNamespace()); newAffilEl.setText(dept); // Insert the new element near where the original was try { parentEl.addContent(affilIndex, newAffilEl); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { parentEl.addContent(newAffilEl); } affiliationSet.add(dept); return true; } return false; }
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License:Apache License
/** * TextNode Update//from w ww . j a v a 2s . c o m * * @param element - ? Element * @param list - update TextNode */ public void updTextNode(Element element, List<?> list) { List<?> childList = element.getChildren(); if (childList.size() != 0) { for (int yy = 0; yy < childList.size(); yy++) { Element tmp = (Element) childList.get(yy); for (int tt = 0; tt < list.size(); tt++) { SharedObject sobj = (SharedObject) list.get(tt); if (tmp.getValue().equals((String) sobj.getKey())) { tmp.setText((String) sobj.getValue()); break; } } updTextNode(tmp, list); } } else { for (int tt = 0; tt < list.size(); tt++) { SharedObject sobj = (SharedObject) list.get(tt); if (element.getValue().equals((String) sobj.getKey())) { element.setText((String) sobj.getValue()); break; } } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Node //from w w w .j a va 2 s. com * * @param element - ? Element * @param addNDName - ? * @param list - add TextNode */ public void addNode(Element element, String addNDName, List<?> list) { List<?> childList = element.getChildren(); if (childList.size() != 0) { for (int yy = 0; yy < childList.size(); yy++) { Element tmp = (Element) childList.get(yy); if (tmp.getName().equals(addNDName)) { for (int tt = 0; tt < list.size(); tt++) { SharedObject sobj = (SharedObject) list.get(tt); Element enew = new Element((String) sobj.getKey()); enew.setText((String) sobj.getValue()); tmp.addContent(enew); } } addNode(tmp, addNDName, list); } } else { if (element.getName().equals(addNDName)) { for (int tt = 0; tt < list.size(); tt++) { SharedObject sobj = (SharedObject) list.get(tt); Element enew = new Element((String) sobj.getKey()); enew.setText((String) sobj.getValue()); element.addContent(enew); } } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * XML ?//from w w w. j a v a2s .c o m * * @param root - Root Element * @param list - Element */ public void createXML(Element root, List<?> list) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { SharedObject sobj = (SharedObject) list.get(i); Element elm = new Element(sobj.getKey()); elm.setText((String) sobj.getValue()); root.addContent(elm); } }
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License:Open Source License
public Element saveToXML() throws IOException { Element element = new Element("annotation"); // Add labels attribute StringBuilder labelsString = new StringBuilder(); for (Label l : labels) { labelsString.append(l.toString()); labelsString.append(" "); }//from w ww . ja m element.setAttribute("labels", labelsString.toString().trim()); // Add comment if (commentary != null) { element.setText(commentary.trim()); } // Add optional attributes if (author != null) { element.setAttribute("author", author.trim()); } if (date != null) { element.setAttribute("date", dateFormat.format(date)); } if (target != null) { element.setAttribute("target", target); } if (localFile != null) { element.setAttribute("localFile", localFile); } if (targetFile != null) { element.setAttribute("targetFile", targetFile); } return element; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void saveInner(Element e) throws IOException { e.setAttribute("class", this.getClass().getName()); e.setText(getPattern().trim()); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Method that generates the general statistics of width and depth * @param statistics statistics Statistics object * @return the generalStatistics element of the statistics document, as a JDOM2 {@link Element} object. *//*from w ww . j a va2 s.c o m*/ protected Element generateGeneralStatistics(Statistics statistics) { Element generalStatisticsElement = new Element("generalStatistics", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE); Element depthElement = new Element("depth", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE); Element depthMaxElement = new Element("max", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE); depthMaxElement.setText(Long.toString(statistics.getMaxDepth())); depthElement.addContent(depthMaxElement); Element depthAvgElement = new Element("avg", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE); depthAvgElement.setText(roundingFormat.format(statistics.getAvgDepth())); depthElement.addContent(depthAvgElement); generalStatisticsElement.addContent(depthElement); Element widthElement = new Element("width", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE); Element widthMaxElement = new Element("max", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE); widthMaxElement.setText(Long.toString(statistics.getMaxWidth())); widthElement.addContent(widthMaxElement); Element widthAvgElement = new Element("avg", STATISTICS_NAMESPACE); widthAvgElement.setText(roundingFormat.format(statistics.getAvgWidth())); widthElement.addContent(widthAvgElement); generalStatisticsElement.addContent(widthElement); return generalStatisticsElement; }