Example usage for org.jdom2 Element getText

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getText


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element getText.


public String getText() 

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Returns the textual content directly held under this element as a string.


From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.DesktopData.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns one of the three notes that can be saved with the desktop.
 * @param nr the number of the notes, either 1, 2 or 3
 * @return the content of the notes-textfield, or an empty if an error occured
 */// w  ww .  j  av  a 2 s  .  c  o m
public String getDesktopNotes(int nr) {
    // check for valid parameter
    if (nr >= 1 && nr <= 3) {
        // get all children from deskopNotes, since we need to find the right
        // desktop-element first...
        List<Element> elementList = desktopNotes.getRootElement().getChildren();
        // create an iterartor
        Iterator<Element> it = elementList.iterator();
        // go through all desktop-elements of the desktopNores-file
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            // retrieve element
            Element desk = it.next();
            // get name sttribute
            String att = desk.getAttributeValue("name");
            // check for desktop-name
            if (att != null && att.equals(getCurrentDesktopName())) {
                // retrieve notes-element
                Element note = desk.getChild("notes" + String.valueOf(nr));
                // return note
                return (note != null) ? note.getText() : "";
    return "";

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.DesktopData.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method retrieves the comment of an entry-element which <i>timestamp</i>-attribute
 * matches the parameter {@code t}.//from w  w  w.j a  v a  2s.  c  o  m
 * @param e the initial element where the search starts. usually, use
 * {@link #getCurrentDesktopElement() getCurrentDesktopElement()} fo this.
 * @param t the timestamp which should match the timestamp-attribute of the entry-element
 * @param c the comment as string. when initially calling this method, pass an empty string
 * as parameter
 * @return the comment as string, or an emtpy string if no comment was found
private String findEntryComment(Element e, String t, String c) {
    // check for valid string
    if (null == c)
        return "";
    // check for valid comment. if we already found a comment,
    // return it
    if (!c.isEmpty())
        return c;
    // get a list with all children of the element
    List<Element> children = e.getChildren();
    // create an iterator
    Iterator<Element> it = children.iterator();
    // go through all children
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        // get the child
        e = it.next();
        // check whether element has a timestamp value at all, and if it matches the parameter "t".
        if (e.getAttributeValue(ATTR_TIMESTAMP) != null && e.getAttributeValue(ATTR_TIMESTAMP).equals(t)) {
            // check whether we have a bullet-point
            if (e.getName().equals(ELEMENT_BULLET)) {
                // if we have a bullet, return the text of it's comment-child.
                Element comel = e.getChild(ATTR_COMMENT);
                return (comel != null) ? comel.getText() : "";
            } else {
                // else return the element's text
                return e.getText();
        // when the new element also has children, call this method again,
        // so we go through the strucuture recursively...
        if (hasChildren(e)) {
            c = findEntryComment(e, t, c);
    return c;

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.DesktopData.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method archives the desktop-data of the desktop with the name {@code name} to a
 * zipped xml-file. The file contains the desktop-data, the modifed-entries-data for those entries
 * that appear on the desktop and the saved desktop-notes.
 * @param name the name of the desktop that should be archived.
 * @return the archived document as XML-focument, or {@code null} if an error occured.
 *//*  ww w  .j  a v a2s .  com*/
public Document archiveDesktop(String name) {
    // create new document
    Document archive = new Document(new Element("archivedDesktop"));
    // add desktop-element of desktop that should be archived
    Element deskel = getDesktopElement(name);
    // if we found a valid value, go on
    if (deskel != null) {
        try {
            // set name attribute
            archive.getRootElement().setAttribute("name", name);
            // create desktop-element
            Element content_desktop = new Element("desktop");
            // clone content from current desktop
            // add element to archive-file
            // now retrieve desktop-notes
            Element noteel = getDesktopNotes(name);
            // if we found a valid value, go on
            if (noteel != null) {
                // create notes-element
                Element content_notes = new Element("desktopNotes");
                // clone content from current desktop-notes
                // add content
            // now retrieve all timestamps from the archived desktop
            // and look for modified entries...
            // create new list that will contain the timestamps
            timestampList = new ArrayList<String>();
            // fill list with all entry-numbers. since we have sub-bullets/levels, we
            // recursevly go through the desktop-data
            // if we have any results, go on...
            if (timestampList.size() > 0) {
                // create base element
                Element modifiedel = new Element("modifiedEntries");
                // add all modified entries that appear on the archived desktop
                String[] timestamps = timestampList.toArray(new String[timestampList.size()]);
                for (String ts : timestamps) {
                    // retrieve modifed entry
                    Element me_dummy = retrieveModifiedEntryElementFromTimestamp(ts);
                    // check for valid value
                    if (me_dummy != null) {
                        // crate new modified-entry-element
                        Element me = new Element(ELEMENT_ENTRY);
                        // set timestamp-attribute
                        me.setAttribute(ATTR_TIMESTAMP, ts);
                        // and add modified text
                        // and add content
        } catch (IllegalNameException ex) {
            Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
            return null;
        } catch (IllegalDataException ex) {
            Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
            return null;
        } catch (IllegalAddException ex) {
            Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
            return null;
    return archive;

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.DesktopData.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method imports an archived desktop-file and appends it to the current desktop-data.
 * desktop-content, desktop-notes and modifed entries are being added.
 * @param archive the archive-file as xml-Document
 * @return one of the following return values:<br>
 * <ul>//from  ww  w  .java  2  s . c  o m
 * <li>{@link #IMPORT_ARCHIVE_OK IMPORT_ARCHIVE_OK} in case the import was successful</li>
 * the desktop-name already exists, so the user is asked to enter another name</li>>
 * <li>{@link #IMPORT_ARCHIVE_ERR_OTHER IMPORT_ARCHIVE_ERR_OTHER} in case a general error occured</li>
 * </ul>
public int importArchivedDesktop(Document archive) {
    // get imported desktopname
    String name = archive.getRootElement().getAttributeValue("name");
    // check whether we have any name at all. if not, return false
    if (null == name || name.isEmpty())
    // first of all, go through all desktops and check whether the name
    // already exist, to avoid double naming...
    // when such a desktopname as "name" already exists, return false
    for (int cnt = 0; cnt < getCount(); cnt++)
        if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(getDesktopName(cnt)))
    // create new element
    Element d = new Element("desktop");
    try {
        // set the desktop's name as attribute
        d.setAttribute("name", name);
        // get desktop-content from archive
        // add the element to the desktop
        // set currentDesktop index to the new desktop-element
        currentDesktop = desktop.getRootElement().getContentSize() - 1;
        // also add new desktop-notes-element
        Element desk = new Element("desktop");
        // set name attribute
        desk.setAttribute("name", name);
        // create notes elements
        Element n1 = new Element("notes1");
        Element n2 = new Element("notes2");
        Element n3 = new Element("notes3");
        // get notes-child
        Element noteschild = archive.getRootElement().getChild("desktopNotes");
        // check whether we have any content
        if (noteschild != null) {
            // get and add notes...
            Element nc1 = noteschild.getChild("notes1");
            if (nc1 != null)
            // get and add notes...
            Element nc2 = noteschild.getChild("notes2");
            if (nc2 != null)
            // get and add notes...
            Element nc3 = noteschild.getChild("notes3");
            if (nc3 != null)
        // add notes-sub-elements
        // add element to desktop-notes
        // finally, add modified entries...
        List<Element> modent = archive.getRootElement().getChild("modifiedEntries").getChildren();
        // create iterator
        Iterator<Element> modit = modent.iterator();
        // and add all mofied entries
        while (modit.hasNext()) {
            // get element
            Element mod = modit.next();
            // and add modified entry
            addModifiedEntry(mod.getAttributeValue(ATTR_TIMESTAMP), mod.getText());
    } catch (IllegalNameException ex) {
        Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
    } catch (IllegalDataException ex) {
        Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
    } catch (IllegalAddException ex) {
        Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage());

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.SearchRequests.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method retrieves the searchterms for a given search-request.
 * //from  w  w  w  .j  a v a2  s .c  om
 * @param nr The number of the search request
 * @return the searchterms as string array, or null if an error occured
public String[] getSearchTerms(int nr) {
    // get the element
    Element el = retrieveElement(nr);
    // if we found an element, go on...
    if (el != null) {
        // retrieve a list with all search terms
        List<?> terms = el.getChild("searchterms").getChildren();
        // if we have no elements, return null
        if ((terms.isEmpty()) || (terms.size() < 1)) {
            return null;
        // create linked list for return results
        LinkedList<String> st = new LinkedList<String>();
        // create iterator
        Iterator<?> i = terms.iterator();
        // go through all search terms
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            // get each search-term-element
            Element e = (Element) i.next();
            // if it has text, add it to linked list
            if (!e.getText().isEmpty()) {
        // when we searched for entries whithout authors or keywords e.g., the
        // searchterms are emptry. in this case, return null
        if (st.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        // copy all children to an array
        String[] retval = st.toArray(new String[st.size()]);
        // return results
        return retval;
    return null;

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.SearchRequests.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method retrieves the searchterms for a given search-request.
 * @param nr The number of the search request
 * @return {@code true} if the search was a synonym-search, false otherweise
 *//*from w ww  . ja  v a2s.  co m*/
public boolean isSynonymSearch(int nr) {
    // get the element
    Element el = retrieveElement(nr);
    // if we found an element, return "true"
    if (el != null) {
        // retrieve synonyms-child-element
        el = el.getChild("synonyms");
        // if we have any element, return value
        if (el != null) {
            return (el.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
    return false;

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.SearchRequests.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method retrieves the reg-ex-state, i.e. whether a search contained regular expressions
 * as search terms or "normal" search terms
 * @param nr The number of the search request
 * @return {@code true} if the search was a regular-expression-search, false otherweise
 *///from  w  w  w.  j  a  va 2  s.c o  m
public boolean isRegExSearch(int nr) {
    // get the element
    Element el = retrieveElement(nr);
    // if we found an element, return "true"
    if (el != null) {
        // retrieve synonyms-child-element
        el = el.getChild("regex");
        // if we have any element, return value
        if (el != null) {
            return (el.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
    return false;

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.Settings.java

License:Open Source License

 * Retrieves the recent document at the position {@code nr}. Returns {@code null} if recent document
 * does not exist or is empty/*from  w  w  w .  j  a  va  2s.  co m*/
 * @param nr the number of the requested recent document. use a value from 1 to {@link #recentDocCount recentDocCount}.
 * @return the recent document (the file path) as string, or {@code null} if no such element or path exists.
public String getRecentDoc(int nr) {
    // retrieve element
    Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_RECENT_DOC + String.valueOf(nr));
    // if we have any valid document
    if (el != null) {
        // check whether its value is empty
        String retval = el.getText();
        // and if not, return in
        if (!retval.isEmpty())
            return retval;
    // else return null
    return null;

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.Settings.java

License:Open Source License

 * Retrieves the filepath of the last used main datafile
 * @return the filepath of the last used main datafile, or null if no filepath was specified.
 *//*from ww  w.j a  v  a2  s.  c om*/
public File getFilePath() {
    // we do this step by step rather that appending a ".getText()" to the line below, because
    // by doing so we can check whether the child element exists or not, and avoiding null pointer
    // exceptions
    // first, get the filepath, which is in relation to the zkn-path
    Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_FILEPATH);
    // create an empty string as return value
    String value = "";
    // is the element exists, copy the text to the return value
    if (el != null)
        value = el.getText();
    // when we have no filename, return null
    if (value.isEmpty())
        return null;
    // else return filepath
    return new File(value);

From source file:de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database.Settings.java

License:Open Source License

 * Retrieves the filepath of the last used image path when inserting images to a new entry
 * @return the filepath of the last opened image directory, or null if no filepath was specified.
 *//* ww w  .  j a  v  a  2 s  .  c  o m*/
public File getLastOpenedImageDir() {
    // we do this step by step rather that appending a ".getText()" to the line below, because
    // by doing so we can check whether the child element exists or not, and avoiding null pointer
    // exceptions
    // first, get the filepath, which is in relation to the zkn-path
    Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMAGEDIR);
    // create an empty string as return value
    String value = "";
    // is the element exists, copy the text to the return value
    if (el != null)
        value = el.getText();
    // when we have no filename, return null
    if (value.isEmpty())
        return null;
    // else return filepath
    return new File(value);