List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getText
public String getText()
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License:Open Source License
@Override public String addElement(String key, String value) { String result = value;//from w ww . j av a 2s .c om final Element newNode = new Element(XML_ELEMENT_STRING); // Add name to element newNode.setAttribute(XML_ELEMENT_NAME, key, this.namespace); // Set values newNode.setText(value); // If not found Node, create it if (!XMLUtils.addValue(newNode, XML_ELEMENT_NAME, rootNode)) { result = newNode.getText(); } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Add a node to the XML node if it doesn't contains it already. * @param newNode The node to add// w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om * @param id The attribute name to compare * @param baseNode The node to add the new node to. * @return True if the node was added successfully. * False if the node already exists before. */ public static boolean addValue(final Element newNode, final String id, final Element baseNode) { Element findElement = null; // Debug Log ConsoleUtils.displayDebug("Update String : " + newNode.getAttributeValue(id)); findElement = findNode(baseNode, newNode, id); // If not found Node, create it if (findElement == null) { baseNode.addContent(newNode); return true; } else { newNode.setText(findElement.getText()); return false; } }
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License:Apache License
public void setValueIfNotNull(Element e, Object o) { configField.setAccessible(true);/*from w w w. j ava 2 s. c o m*/ if (isSubtag()) { setFieldIfNotNull(configField, o, parseSubtag(e, configField)); } else if (isAttribute()) { setValueFromElementIfAppropriate(e, o); bombIfNullAndNotAllowed(configField, o, configField.getAnnotation(ConfigAttribute.class)); } else if (isConfigValue()) { setFieldIfNotNull(configField, o, e.getText()); } }
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License:Apache License
private List<File> parseFiles(Element filesElement, String fileType) { List files = filesElement.getChild(fileType).getChildren("file"); List<File> modifiedFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (Iterator iterator = files.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element node = (Element); modifiedFiles.add(new File(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(node.getText()))); }/*from ww w. j a va 2*/ return modifiedFiles; }
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License:Apache License
private Modification parseLogEntry(Element logEntry, String path) throws ParseException { Element logEntryPaths = logEntry.getChild("paths"); if (logEntryPaths == null) { /* Path-based access control forbids us from learning * details of this log entry, so skip it. */ return null; }/* w w w . j a v a 2 s.c om*/ Date modifiedTime = convertDate(logEntry.getChildText("date")); String author = logEntry.getChildText("author"); String comment = logEntry.getChildText("msg"); String revision = logEntry.getAttributeValue("revision"); Modification modification = new Modification(author, comment, null, modifiedTime, revision); List paths = logEntryPaths.getChildren("path"); for (Iterator iterator = paths.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element node = (Element); if (underPath(path, node.getText())) { ModifiedAction action = convertAction(node.getAttributeValue("action")); modification.createModifiedFile(node.getText(), null, action); } } return modification; }
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License:Apache License
public List<VersionInfo> getVersionInfo() { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); List<VersionInfo> infos = new ArrayList<VersionInfo>(); try {//www . j ava 2s. c o m Document doc = File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + FILE_NAME)); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); List<Element> softEles = root.getChildren("software"); for (Element softEle : softEles) { String appName = softEle.getAttribute("name").getValue(); String versionCode = softEle.getChildText("latest-version-code"); String versionName = softEle.getChildText("latest-version"); Element detailEles = softEle.getChild("latest-version-detail"); List<Element> detailItemEles = detailEles.getChildren("item"); List<VersionInfoDetail> details = new ArrayList<VersionInfoDetail>(); for (Element detailItem : detailItemEles) { String title = detailItem.getAttributeValue("name"); List<Element> detailEleList = detailItem.getChildren("detail"); List<String> detailList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Element detailEle : detailEleList) { String strDetail = detailEle.getText(); detailList.add(strDetail); } details.add(new VersionInfoDetail(title, detailList)); } VersionInfo versionInfo = new VersionInfo(); versionInfo.setAppName(appName); versionInfo.setVersion(versionName); versionInfo.setVersionCode(Integer.parseInt(versionCode)); versionInfo.setDetails(details); infos.add(versionInfo); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return infos; }
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@Override public void doImport(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException, ParseException { PDFTextStripper pdfStripper = new PDFTextStripper(); BufferedInputStream inStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileName)); try (PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(inStream)) { txtOutput = pdfStripper.getText(document); try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(cfg.getTmpDir() + cfg.getFileSep() + "pdfOut.txt")) { writer.write(txtOutput);//from www. ja va2 s . com writer.close(); txtReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(cfg.getTmpDir() + cfg.getFileSep() + "pdfOut.txt")); String text = ""; while (text != null) { text = txtReader.readLine(); buffer.put(currentLine++, text); } } getConfig(); currentLine = 0; Element root = xmlDoc.getRootElement(); int maxLines = buffer.size() - 3; int markedLine = 0; // Scan the output and mark the start of each section for (Element el : root.getChildren()) { for (Element section : el.getChildren()) { String sectionName = section.getAttributeValue("content"); Element startElement = section.getChild("start"); Element endElement = section.getChild("end"); if (startElement != null) { boolean endHasBounds = true; if (endElement.getAttribute("bounded") != null) { String bounds = endElement.getAttributeValue("bounded"); if (bounds.equals("false")) { endHasBounds = false; } } Pattern linePattern = Pattern.compile(startElement.getText()); String text = ""; boolean elementFound = false; while (currentLine < maxLines) { text = buffer.get(currentLine++); if (linePattern.matcher(text).matches()) { markedLine = currentLine - 1; markers.put(sectionName, markedLine); elementFound = true; if (!endHasBounds) { currentLine--; } break; } } if (!elementFound) { currentLine = markedLine; } } } } ArrayList<Integer> lineNumbers = new ArrayList<>(markers.values()); lineNumbers.sort(new Comparator<Integer>() { @Override public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); sectionMarks = new TreeSet(markers.values()); currentLine = 0; for (Element element : root.getChildren()) { int lines = 0; if (element.getAttribute("lines") != null) { lines = element.getAttribute("lines").getIntValue(); } for (Element section : element.getChildren()) { String contentDesc; contentDesc = (section.getAttribute("content") == null ? "" : section.getAttributeValue("content")); if (markers.containsKey(contentDesc)) { currentLine = markers.get(contentDesc); processSection(section); } } } } catch (DataConversionException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PDFImporter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (ElementNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PDFImporter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } entries.sort(LedgerEntry.LedgerComparator); for (LedgerEntry item : entries) { java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(DateConvertor.toLong(item.getDate(), "MM/dd/yyyy")); String amountString = item.getAmount(); boolean isCredit = true; if (item.getAmount().startsWith("-")) { isCredit = false; String amt = item.getAmount().replaceFirst("-", ""); item.setAmount(amt); } float amount = Float.parseFloat(amountString); if (isCredit) { lastBalance += amount; totalDeposits += amount; } else { lastBalance -= amount; totalWithdrawals += amount; } Ledger ledger = new Ledger(null, date, amount, lastBalance, accountId); if (item.getDescription().length() > 120) { item.setDescription(item.getDescription().substring(0, 119)); } if (item.getCheckNumber() != null && !item.getCheckNumber().isEmpty()) { ledger.setCheckNum(item.getCheckNumber()); totalChecks -= amount; } ledger.setTransDesc(item.getDescription()); getItemList().add(ledger); } }
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public void processSection(Element section) throws ElementNotFoundException { String name = section.getName(); boolean hasEntry = false; String contentDesc = (section.getAttribute("content") == null ? "" : section.getAttributeValue("content")); int lines = 1; int maxLines = 0; int linesProcessed = 0; boolean endHasBounds = true; Element startElement = section.getChild("start"); Element endElement = section.getChild("end"); Element dataDefinition = section.getChild("data"); Element lineDefinition = section.getChild("line"); Pattern dataPattern = null;//from w ww. ja v a 2 s .c om Pattern linePattern = null; String transType = (section.getAttribute("type") == null ? "info" : section.getAttributeValue("type")); String prevLine = ""; int nextSection = buffer.size() - 1; if (sectionMarks.higher(currentLine) != null) { nextSection = (int) sectionMarks.higher(currentLine); } if (startElement.getAttributeValue("lines") != null) { lines = Integer.parseInt(startElement.getAttributeValue("lines")); currentLine += lines; } if (lineDefinition != null) { linePattern = Pattern.compile(lineDefinition.getText()); if (lineDefinition.getAttribute("lines") != null) { String l = lineDefinition.getAttributeValue("lines"); if (!l.equals("+")) { maxLines = Integer.parseInt(lineDefinition.getAttributeValue("lines")); } } } if (endElement.getAttribute("bounded") != null) { String bounds = endElement.getAttributeValue("bounded"); if (bounds.equals("false")) { endHasBounds = false; } } Pattern endPattern = Pattern.compile(endElement.getText()); while (currentLine < nextSection) { prevLine = buffer.get(currentLine - 1); String text = buffer.get(currentLine++); Matcher lineMatcher = null; if (lineDefinition != null) { lineMatcher = linePattern.matcher(text); } Matcher endMatcher = endPattern.matcher(text); if (endMatcher.matches()) { if (!endHasBounds) { currentLine -= 1; } break; } else { if (currentLine >= buffer.size()) { throw new ElementNotFoundException("Not found"); } } if (lineMatcher != null && lineMatcher.matches()) { if (!contentDesc.equals("discard")) { // System.out.println(text); } hasEntry = false; if (dataDefinition != null) { LedgerEntry entry = new LedgerEntry(); for (Element dataLine : dataDefinition.getChildren()) { String tag = dataLine.getAttributeValue("content"); String regex = dataLine.getText(); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(text); String value = ""; if (matcher.find()) { value =; } switch (tag) { case "beginningBalance": beginningBalance = Float.parseFloat(value.replaceAll(",", "")); break; case "totalDeposits": value.replaceAll(",", ""); totalDeposits = Float.parseFloat(value.replaceAll(",", "")); break; case "totalWithdrawals": value.replaceAll(",", ""); totalWithdrawals = Float.parseFloat(value.replaceAll(",", "")); break; case "endingBalance": value.replaceAll(",", ""); endingBalance = Float.parseFloat(value.replaceAll(",", "")); break; case "accountNumber": summary.put("accountNumber", value); break; case "periodFrom": summary.put("startDate", value); break; case "periodTo": summary.put("endDate", value); break; case "date": entry.setDate(value); text = matcher.replaceFirst(""); break; case "check": entry.setCheckNumber(value); break; case "amount": if (transType.equals("debit")) { value = "-" + value; } entry.setAmount(value); text = matcher.replaceFirst(""); if (section.getAttributeValue("content").equals("fees")) { String amt = entry.getAmount(); amt = amt.replaceAll("-", ""); amt = amt.replaceAll(",", ""); totalFees += Float.parseFloat(amt); } break; case "description": entry.setDescription(value); break; } } if (maxLines > 0 && ++linesProcessed == maxLines) { return; } if (!contentDesc.equals("dailyBalance") && !contentDesc.endsWith("Info")) { entries.add(entry); hasEntry = true; } } } else { if (linePattern.matcher(prevLine).matches() && hasEntry) { if (!contentDesc.equals("dailyBalance")) { int lastEntry = entries.size() - 1; LedgerEntry entry = entries.get(lastEntry); entry.setDescription(entry.getDescription() + " " + text); entries.set(lastEntry, entry); hasEntry = false; } } } } }
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private void getConfig() { jdomBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); String xmlSource = cfg.getInstallDir() + cfg.getFileSep() + "pnc.xml"; try {/*from w w w .j a v a2 s .com*/ xmlDoc =; Element root = xmlDoc.getRootElement(); List<Content> configContent = root.getContent(); List<Element> childElements = root.getChildren(); Element header = root.getChild("header"); for (Element e : header.getChildren()) { String content = e.getAttributeValue("content"); String format = e.getAttributeValue("format"); String text = e.getText(); } } catch (JDOMException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PDFImporter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PDFImporter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
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License:Apache License
public static String getElementText(Element parent, String localName, Namespace ns) { if (parent == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("parent element not found"); }//from w w w .ja v a 2s. com Element child = parent.getChild(localName, ns); if (child == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("child element '%s' not found", localName)); } return child.getText(); }