Java tutorial
/* * Zettelkasten - nach Luhmann ** Copyright (C) 2001-2014 by Daniel Ldecke ( * * Homepage: * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; * if not, see <>. * * * Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie knnen es unter den Bedingungen der GNU * General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation verffentlicht, weitergeben * und/oder modifizieren, entweder gem Version 3 der Lizenz oder (wenn Sie mchten) * jeder spteren Version. * * Die Verffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, da es Ihnen von Nutzen sein * wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne die implizite Garantie der MARKTREIFE oder * der VERWENDBARKEIT FR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Details finden Sie in der * GNU General Public License. * * Sie sollten ein Exemplar der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem Programm * erhalten haben. Falls nicht, siehe <>. */ package de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.database; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.CImportBibTex; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.CSetBibKey; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.ZettelkastenView; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.util.Constants; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.util.HtmlUbbUtil; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.util.Tools; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.util.FileOperationsUtil; import de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.util.PlatformUtil; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.UIManager; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; /** * * @author danielludecke */ public class Settings { /** * A reference to the accelerator keys class */ private final AcceleratorKeys acceleratorKeys; /** * A reference to the auto-correction class */ private final AutoKorrektur autoKorrekt; /** * A reference to the synonyms-class */ private final Synonyms synonyms; /** * A reference to the steno class */ private final StenoData steno; /** * Stores the filepath of the currently in use settings file */ private final File filepath; /** * Stores the filepath of the currently in use metadatafile */ private final File datafilepath; /** * XML-Document that stores the settings-information */ private Document settingsFile; /** * XML-Document that stores the foreign-words */ private Document foreignWordsFile; /** * Stores the files which we want to retrieve from the settings-file (zettelkasten-settings.zks3). * This file is a zip-container with the file-extension ".zks3" and contains several XML-Files. * We cannot retrieve those file simply with the method "zip.getNextEntry()", since the SAXBuilder * closes the zip-inputstream. To retrieve all XML-files from within the zip-file, without saving * them temporarily to harddisk(!), we need to re-open the zip-container again for each file. * * See method "loadSettings" below for more details. */ private final List<String> filesToLoad = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * Stores the files which we want to retrieve from the meta-data-file (zettelkasten-data.zkd3). * This file is a zip-container with the file-extension ".zkd3" and contains several XML-Files. * We cannot retrieve those file simply with the method "zip.getNextEntry()", since the SAXBuilder * closes the zip-inputstream. To retrieve all XML-files from within the zip-file, without saving * them temporarily to harddisk(!), we need to re-open the zip-container again for each file. * * See method "loadSettings" below for more details. */ private final List<String> dataFilesToLoad = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * Indicates whether the programm is running on a mac with aqua-look and feel or not... * @return {@code true}, if the programm is running on a mac with aqua-look and feel */ public boolean isMacAqua() { return PlatformUtil.isMacOS() & getLookAndFeel().contains("Aqua"); } /** * Indicates whether the programm is either running on a mac with aqua-look and feel. * @return {@code true}, if the programm is running on a mac with aqua-look and feel * @deprecated Use {@link #isMacAqua()} instead. */ public boolean isMacStyle() { return isMacAqua(); } public boolean isSeaGlass() { return getLookAndFeel().equals(Constants.seaGlassLookAndFeelClassName); } public boolean isNimbus() { return getLookAndFeel().contains("nimbus"); } /** * Indicates whether the memory-logging in the main window is activated. * See method {@code toggleMemoryTimer()} in {@code ZettelkastenView.class}. * We store this toggle as a "global variable", so we can check whether memory-logging * is enbaled or not from different jFrames... */ public boolean isMemoryUsageLogged = false; /** * */ private boolean highlightSegments = false; /** * This variable stores an entry-number that was passed as parameter. */ private int initialParamEntry = -1; public static final int FONTNAME = 1; public static final int FONTSIZE = 2; public static final int FONTCOLOR = 3; public static final int FONTSTYLE = 4; public static final int FONTWEIGHT = 5; public static final int SHOWATSTARTUP_FIRST = 0; public static final int SHOWATSTARTUP_LAST = 1; public static final int SHOWATSTARTUP_RANDOM = 2; public static final int QUICK_INPUT_NORMAL = 0; public static final int QUICK_INPUT_MORE = 1; public static final int QUICK_INPUT_LESS = 2; public static final int CUSTOM_CSS_ENTRY = 1; public static final int CUSTOM_CSS_DESKTOP = 2; /** * Amount of stored recent documents */ private static final int recentDocCount = 8; /** * Here we have constants that refer to the elements that store each setting */ private static final String SETTING_FILEPATH = "filepath"; private static final String SETTING_STARTUPENTRY = "startupEntry"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWATSTARTUP = "showatstartup"; private static final String SETTING_LAF = "lookandfeel"; private static final String SETTING_TABLEFONT = "listviewfont"; private static final String SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONT = "desktopoutlinefont"; private static final String SETTING_MAINFONT = "mainfont"; private static final String SETTING_CODEFONT = "codefont"; private static final String SETTING_AUTHORFONT = "authorfont"; private static final String SETTING_REMARKSFONT = "remarksfont"; private static final String SETTING_TITLEFONT = "titlefont"; private static final String SETTING_APPENDIXHEADERFONT = "appendixheaderfont"; private static final String SETTING_HEADERFONT1 = "headerfont1"; private static final String SETTING_HEADERFONT2 = "headerfont2"; private static final String SETTING_QUOTEFONT = "quotefont"; private static final String SETTING_ENTRYHEADERFONT = "entryheaderfont"; private static final String SETTING_DESKTOPHEADERFONT = "desktopheaderfont"; private static final String SETTING_DESKTOPITEMHEADERFONT = "desktopitemheaderfont"; private static final String SETTING_DESKTOPITEMFONT = "desktopitemfont"; private static final String SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTFONT = "desktopcommentfont"; private static final String SETTING_LOGKEYWORDLIST = "logKeywordList"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWGRID_HORIZONTAL = "showgrid"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWGRID_VERTICAL = "showverticalgrid"; private static final String SETTING_CELLSPACING = "cellspacing"; private static final String SETTING_TABLEFONTSIZE = "tablefontsize"; private static final String SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONTSIZE = "desktopoutlinefontsize"; private static final String SETTING_TEXTFIELDFONTSIZE = "textfieldfontsize"; private static final String SETTING_SPELLCORRECT = "spellcorrect"; private static final String SETTING_STENOACTIVATED = "stenoactivated"; private static final String SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORD = "highlightwholeword"; private static final String SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORDSEARCH = "highlightwholewordsearch"; private static final String SETTING_QUICKINPUT = "quckinput"; private static final String SETTING_QUICKINPUTEXTENDED = "quickinputextended"; private static final String SETTING_IMGRESIZE = "imgresize"; private static final String SETTING_IMGRESIZEWIDTH = "imgresizewidth"; private static final String SETTING_IMGRESIZEHEIGHT = "imgresizeheight"; private static final String SETTING_SEARCHWHERE = "searchwhere"; private static final String SETTING_SEARCHWHAT = "searchwhat"; private static final String SETTING_SEARCHOPTION = "searchoption"; private static final String SETTING_REPLACEWHERE = "replacewhere"; private static final String SETTING_REPLACEWHAT = "replacewhat"; private static final String SETTING_REPLACEOPTION = "replaceoption"; private static final String SETTING_DESKTOPDISPLAYITEMS = "desktopdisplayitems"; private static final String SETTING_AUTOBACKUP = "autobackup"; private static final String SETTING_EXTRABACKUP = "extrabackup"; private static final String SETTING_EXTRABACKUPPATH = "extrabackuppath"; private static final String SETTING_PANDOCPATH = "pandocpath"; private static final String SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHRESULTS = "highlightsearchresults"; private static final String SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHSTYLE = "highlightsearchstyle"; private static final String SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDSTYLE = "highlightkeywordstyle"; private static final String SETTING_HIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHSTYLE = "highlightlivesearchstyle"; private static final String SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDS = "highlightkeywords"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTBACKGROUND = "showhighlightbackground"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTKEYWORDBACKGROUND = "showhighlightkeywordbackground"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHBACKGROUND = "showhighlightlivesearchbackground"; private static final String SETTING_HIGHLIGHTBACKGROUNDCOLOR = "highlightbackgroundcolor"; private static final String SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDBACKGROUNDCOLOR = "highlightkeywordbackgroundcolor"; private static final String SETTING_HIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHBACKGROUNDCOLOR = "highlightlivesearchbackgroundcolor"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWSEARCHENTRY = "showsearchentry"; private static final String SETTING_SEARCHTIME = "searchtime"; private static final String SETTING_SEARCHLOG = "searchlog"; private static final String SETTING_SEARCHCOMBOTIME = "searchcombotime"; private static final String SETTING_SEARCHDATETIME = "searchdatetime"; private static final String SETTING_SUPFOOTNOTE = "supfootnote"; private static final String SETTING_JUMPFOOTNOTE = "jumpfootnote"; private static final String SETTING_AUTOUPDATE = "autoupdate"; private static final String SETTING_AUTONIGHTLYUPDATE = "autonightlyupdate"; private static final String SETTING_SEARCHALWAYSSYNONYMS = "searchalwayssynonyms"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWICONS = "showtoolbar"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWALLICONS = "showallicons"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWENTRYHEADLINE = "showentryheadline"; private static final String SETTING_FILLEMPTYPLACES = "fillemptyplaces"; private static final String SETTING_MANUALTIMESTAMP = "manualtimestamp"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWSYNONYMSINTABLE = "showsynintable"; private static final String SETTING_ADDALLTOHISTORY = "addalltohistory"; private static final String SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFILE = "lastusedbibtexfile"; private static final String SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFORMAT = "lastusedbibtexformat"; private static final String SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMPORTDIR = "lastopenedimportdir"; private static final String SETTING_LASTOPENEDEXPORTDIR = "lastopenedexportdir"; private static final String SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMAGEDIR = "lastopenedimagedir"; private static final String SETTING_LASTOPENEDATTACHMENTDIR = "lastopenedattachmentdir"; private static final String SETTING_ALWAYSMACSTYLE = "alwaysmacstyle"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWICONTEXT = "showicontext"; private static final String SETTING_USEMACBACKGROUNDCOLOR = "usemacbackgroundcolor"; private static final String SETTING_EXPORTPARTS = "exportparts"; private static final String SETTING_EXPORTFORMAT = "exportformat"; private static final String SETTING_DESKTOPEXPORTFORMAT = "desktopexportformat"; private static final String SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTEXPORT = "desktopcommentexport"; private static final String SETTING_DISPLAYEDTOOLBARICONS = "displayedtoolbaricons"; private static final String SETTING_MINIMIZETOTRAY = "minimizetotray"; private static final String SETTING_COPYPLAIN = "copyplain"; private static final String SETTING_RECENT_DOC = "recentDoc"; private static final String SETTING_LOCALE = "locale"; private static final String SETTING_REMOVELINESFORDESKTOPEXPORT = "removelinesfordeskopexport"; private static final String SETTING_HIDEMULTIPLEDESKTOPOCCURENCESDLG = "showmultipledesktopoccurencesdlg"; private static final String SETTING_TOCFORDESKTOPEXPORT = "tocfordesktopexport"; private static final String SETTING_GETLASTUSEDDESKTOPNUMBER = "lastuseddesktopnumber"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFOOTNOTE = "latexexportfootnote"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFORMTAG = "latexexportformtag"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWAUTHOR = "latexexportshowauthor"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWMAIL = "latexexportshowmail"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCONVERTQUOTES = "latexexportconvertquotes"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCENTERFORM = "latexexportcenterform"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTLASTUSEDBIBSTYLE = "latexexportlastusedbibstyle"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTDOCUMENTCLASS = "latexexportdocumentclass"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTAUTHORVALUE = "latexexportauthorvalue"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTMAILVALUE = "latexexportmailvalue"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTREMOVENONSTANDARDTAGS = "latexexportremovenonstandardtags"; private static final String SETTING_LATEXEXPORTTABLESTATSTYLE = "latexexporttablestatstyle"; private static final String SETTING_ICONTHEME = "icontheme"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWUPDATEHINTVERSION = "showUpdateHintVersion"; private static final String SETTING_USEXDGOPEN = "usexdgopen"; private static final String SETTING_MANLINKCOLOR = "manlinkcolor"; private static final String SETTING_FNLINKCOLOR = "footnotelinkcolor"; private static final String SETTING_LINKCOLOR = "linkcolor"; private static final String SETTING_DESKTOPSHOWCOMMENTS = "desktopshowcomments"; private static final String SETTING_AUTOCOMPLETETAGS = "autocompletetags"; private static final String SETTING_MARKDOWNACTIVATED = "markdownactivated"; private static final String SETTING_TABLEHEADERCOLOR = "tableheadercolor"; private static final String SETTING_APPENDIXBACKGROUNDCOLOR = "appendixlistbackgroundcolor"; private static final String SETTING_TABLEEVENROWCOLOR = "tableevenrowcolor"; private static final String SETTING_TABLEODDROWCOLOR = "tableoddrowcolor"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWTABLEBORDER = "showtableborder"; private static final String SETTING_ENTRYHEADERBACKGROUNDCOLOR = "entryheaderbackgroundcolor"; private static final String SETTING_QUOTEBACKGROUNDCOLOR = "quotebackgroundcolor"; private static final String SETTING_MAINBACKGROUNDCOLOR = "mainbackgroundcolor"; private static final String SETTING_CONTENTBACKGROUNDCOLOR = "contenbackgroundcolor"; private static final String SETTING_SEARCHFRAMESPLITLAYOUT = "searchframesplitlayout"; private static final String SETTING_CUSTOMCSSENTRY = "customcssentry"; private static final String SETTING_CUSTOMCSSDESKTOP = "customcssdesktop"; private static final String SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSENTRY = "usecustomcssentry"; private static final String SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSDESKTOP = "usecustomcssdesktop"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWLUHMANNENTRYNUMBER = "showluhmannentrynumber"; private static final String SETTING_SHOWDESKTOPENTRYNUMBER = "showdesktopentrynumber"; private static final String SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYCHOICE = "lastusedbibkeychoice"; private static final String SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYTYPE = "lastusedbibkeytype"; private static final String SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBIMPORTSOURCE = "lastusedbibimportsource"; public static final String SETTING_LOGKEYWORDLIST_OR = "OR"; public static final String SETTING_LOGKEYWORDLIST_AND = "AND"; public static final String FONT_ARIAL = "Arial"; public static final String FONT_TIMES = "Times"; public static final String FONT_HELVETICA = "Helvetica"; public static final String FONT_COURIER = "Courier"; /** * get the strings for file descriptions from the resource map */ private final org.jdesktop.application.ResourceMap resourceMap = org.jdesktop.application.Application .getInstance(de.danielluedecke.zettelkasten.ZettelkastenApp.class).getContext() .getResourceMap(ZettelkastenView.class); /** * This class stores all relevant settings for the zettelkasten. we don't use the * properties api or something like that, since we store more data than just settings in * our settings-file. furthermore, saving settings like font-colors etc. in an xml-file * allows easier moving of the whole program including settings-data to other * directories or platforms/coputers. * <br><br> * We combine several xml-files and compress them into a single zip-container, named * "zettelkasten-settings.zks3". here we store the settings as xml-file, the foreign-words-file, * the synonyms-file and several xml-files that store the accelerator-keys for the different * windows. * @param ak * @param ac * @param syn * @param stn */ public Settings(AcceleratorKeys ak, AutoKorrektur ac, Synonyms syn, StenoData stn) { // first of all, store the reference to the CAcceleratorKeys-class, because we // are loading information from this class and pass them to the accKeys class acceleratorKeys = ak; autoKorrekt = ac; synonyms = syn; steno = stn; // here we add all files which are stored in the zipped settings-file in a list-array filesToLoad.add(Constants.settingsFileName); filesToLoad.add(Constants.acceleratorKeysMainName); filesToLoad.add(Constants.acceleratorKeysNewEntryName); filesToLoad.add(Constants.acceleratorKeysDesktopName); filesToLoad.add(Constants.acceleratorKeysSearchResultsName); // here we add all files which are stored in the zipped meta-data-file in a list-array dataFilesToLoad.add(Constants.foreignWordsName); dataFilesToLoad.add(Constants.synonymsFileName); dataFilesToLoad.add(Constants.autoKorrekturFileName); dataFilesToLoad.add(Constants.stenoFileName); // create file path to settings file filepath = createFilePath("zettelkasten-settings.zks3"); datafilepath = createFilePath("zettelkasten-data.zkd3"); // now initiate some empty xml-documents, which store the information initDocuments(); } private File createFilePath(String filename) { // these lines are needed for the portable use of the Zettelkasten // we check whether there's a settings-file in the application's directory. // if so, we use these settings-files, else we use and create in a directory // relative to the user's home-dir. File portableFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separatorChar + filename); // check whether we found a settings-file or not... if (portableFile.exists()) { return portableFile; } // if we found no settings-file in the same directory as the application is stored, // we assume we have no portable version in use... In this case, store settings-file // in a sub-directory of the user's home-dir. String fp = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar; // first of all, we want to check for a subdirectory ".Zettelkasten" in the user's home-directory File fpdir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar + ".Zettelkasten"); // if that directory doesn't exist, try to create it if (!fpdir.exists()) { try { if (fpdir.mkdir()) { fp = fp + ".Zettelkasten" + File.separatorChar; } } catch (SecurityException e) { Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); return null; } } // else add ".Zettelkasten"-directory to our string else { fp = fp + ".Zettelkasten" + File.separatorChar; } // append filename fp = fp + filename; // return result return new File(fp); } /** * Returns the data-filepath, i.e. the path to the {@code zettelkasten-data.zkd3} file, where * the synonyms, foreign words, steno and spellchecking-data is saved. this method is used * from the main frames makeExtraBackup() method. * @return the filepath to the zettelkasten-data.zkd3-file. */ public File getMetaFilePath() { return datafilepath; } /** * Inits all documents, i.e. creates new document elements */ private void initDocuments() { // first of all, create the empty documents settingsFile = new Document(new Element("settings")); foreignWordsFile = new Document(new Element("foreignwords")); // now fill the initoal elements fillElements(); } /** * Inits all documents, i.e. creates new document elements */ public void clear() { initDocuments(); } /** * This method adds the file from the filepath {@code fp} to the list of recent * documents and rotates that list, if necessary. * @param fp the filepath to the document that should be added to the list of recent documents */ public void addToRecentDocs(String fp) { // check for valid parameter if (null == fp || fp.isEmpty()) return; // check whether file exists File dummy = new File(fp); if (!dummy.exists()) return; // create linked list LinkedList<String> recdocs = new LinkedList<String>(); // add new filepath to linked list recdocs.add(fp); // iterate all current recent documents for (int cnt = 1; cnt <= recentDocCount; cnt++) { // retrieve recent document String recentDoc = getRecentDoc(cnt); // check whether the linked list already contains such a document if (recentDoc != null && !recentDoc.isEmpty()) { // check for existing file dummy = new File(recentDoc); // if not, add it to the list if (dummy.exists() && !recdocs.contains(recentDoc)) recdocs.add(recentDoc); } } // iterate all current recent documents again for (int cnt = 1; cnt <= recentDocCount; cnt++) { // check for valid bounds of linked list if (recdocs.size() >= cnt) { // and set recent document setRecentDoc(cnt, recdocs.get(cnt - 1)); } // else fill remaining recent documents with empty strings else { setRecentDoc(cnt, ""); } } } /** * Retrieves the recent document at the position {@code nr}. Returns {@code null} if recent document * does not exist or is empty * @param nr the number of the requested recent document. use a value from 1 to {@link #recentDocCount recentDocCount}. * @return the recent document (the file path) as string, or {@code null} if no such element or path exists. */ public String getRecentDoc(int nr) { // retrieve element Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_RECENT_DOC + String.valueOf(nr)); // if we have any valid document if (el != null) { // check whether its value is empty String retval = el.getText(); // and if not, return in if (!retval.isEmpty()) return retval; } // else return null return null; } /** * Add a new recent document to the position {@code nr} in the list of recent documents. * @param nr the number of the requested recent document. use a value from 1 to {@link #recentDocCount recentDocCount}. * @param fp the filepath to the recently used document as string */ public void setRecentDoc(int nr, String fp) { // check for valid parameter if (null == fp) return; // retrieve element Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_RECENT_DOC + String.valueOf(nr)); // if element exists... if (el != null) { // add filepath el.setText(fp); } else { // create a filepath-element el = new Element(SETTING_RECENT_DOC + String.valueOf(nr)); // add filepath el.setText(fp); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } } public Color getTableGridColor() { if (isMacAqua()) return Constants.gridcolortransparent; return ((getShowGridHorizontal() || getShowGridVertical()) ? Constants.gridcolor : Constants.gridcolortransparent); } /** * If an entry-number was passed as paramter, use this method to store the entry-number, so * the entry can be displayed immediately after opening a data file. Use -1 to indicate that no * parameter-entry-number should be set * @return the entry-number which was passed as parameter, or -1 if no such paramter was passed */ public int getInitialParamZettel() { return initialParamEntry; } /** * If an entry-number was passed as paramter, use this method to store the entry-number, so * the entry can be displayed immediately after opening a data file. Use -1 to indicate that no * parameter-entry-number should be set * @param nr the entry-number which was passed as parameter, or -1 if no such paramter was passed */ public void setInitialParamZettel(int nr) { initialParamEntry = nr; } /** * This method creates all the settings-child-elements, but only, if they don't * already exist. We do this because when loading older settings-xml-document-structures, * we might have new elements that would not be initialised. but now we can call this * method after loading the xml-document, and create elements and default values for all * new elements. This ensures compatibility to older/news settings-file-versions. */ public void fillElements() { for (int cnt = 0; cnt < recentDocCount; cnt++) { // create field-identifier String fi = SETTING_RECENT_DOC + String.valueOf(cnt + 1); // retrieve content if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(fi)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(fi); el.setText(""); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LOCALE)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LOCALE); el.setText(Locale.getDefault().getLanguage()); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_FILEPATH)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_FILEPATH); el.setText(""); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_PANDOCPATH)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_PANDOCPATH); el.setText("pandoc"); if (PlatformUtil.isMacOS()) { el.setText("/usr/local/bin/pandoc"); } else if (PlatformUtil.isLinux()) { el.setText("/usr/bin/pandoc"); } // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHFRAMESPLITLAYOUT)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHFRAMESPLITLAYOUT); el.setText(String.valueOf(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT)); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_CUSTOMCSSENTRY)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CUSTOMCSSENTRY); el.setText(""); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_CUSTOMCSSDESKTOP)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CUSTOMCSSDESKTOP); el.setText(""); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_GETLASTUSEDDESKTOPNUMBER)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_GETLASTUSEDDESKTOPNUMBER); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTOCOMPLETETAGS)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_AUTOCOMPLETETAGS); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MARKDOWNACTIVATED)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_MARKDOWNACTIVATED); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DISPLAYEDTOOLBARICONS)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_DISPLAYEDTOOLBARICONS); if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().startsWith("mac os")) { el.setText("1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1"); } else { el.setText("1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1"); } // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMPORTDIR)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMPORTDIR); el.setText(""); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDEXPORTDIR)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LASTOPENEDEXPORTDIR); el.setText(""); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMAGEDIR)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMAGEDIR); el.setText(""); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWICONTEXT)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWICONTEXT); el.setText("1"); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_USEMACBACKGROUNDCOLOR)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_USEMACBACKGROUNDCOLOR); el.setText("0"); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDATTACHMENTDIR)) { // create a filepath-element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LASTOPENEDATTACHMENTDIR); el.setText(""); // and add it to the document settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTOBACKUP)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_AUTOBACKUP); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXTRABACKUP)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_EXTRABACKUP); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ALWAYSMACSTYLE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_ALWAYSMACSTYLE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MINIMIZETOTRAY)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_MINIMIZETOTRAY); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ADDALLTOHISTORY)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_ADDALLTOHISTORY); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_COPYPLAIN)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_COPYPLAIN); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXTRABACKUPPATH)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_EXTRABACKUPPATH); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(""); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_FILLEMPTYPLACES)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_FILLEMPTYPLACES); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MANUALTIMESTAMP)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_MANUALTIMESTAMP); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHTIME)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHTIME); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHALWAYSSYNONYMS)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHALWAYSSYNONYMS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWSYNONYMSINTABLE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWSYNONYMSINTABLE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWICONS)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWICONS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWALLICONS)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWALLICONS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWENTRYHEADLINE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWENTRYHEADLINE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ICONTHEME)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_ICONTHEME); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWUPDATEHINTVERSION)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWUPDATEHINTVERSION); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSENTRY)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSENTRY); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSDESKTOP)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSDESKTOP); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_USEXDGOPEN)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_USEXDGOPEN); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MANLINKCOLOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_MANLINKCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0033cc"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_FNLINKCOLOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_FNLINKCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0033cc"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LINKCOLOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LINKCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("003399"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_APPENDIXBACKGROUNDCOLOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_APPENDIXBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("ffffff"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEHEADERCOLOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_TABLEHEADERCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("e4e4e4"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEEVENROWCOLOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_TABLEEVENROWCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("eeeeee"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ENTRYHEADERBACKGROUNDCOLOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_ENTRYHEADERBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("555555"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUOTEBACKGROUNDCOLOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_QUOTEBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("f2f2f2"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MAINBACKGROUNDCOLOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_MAINBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("ffffff"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_CONTENTBACKGROUNDCOLOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CONTENTBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("ffffff"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEODDROWCOLOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_TABLEODDROWCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("f8f8f8"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWTABLEBORDER)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWTABLEBORDER); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWLUHMANNENTRYNUMBER)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWLUHMANNENTRYNUMBER); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWDESKTOPENTRYNUMBER)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWDESKTOPENTRYNUMBER); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPSHOWCOMMENTS)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPSHOWCOMMENTS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(String.valueOf(Constants.DESKTOP_WITH_COMMENTS)); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFORMAT)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFORMAT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTBACKGROUND)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTBACKGROUND); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTKEYWORDBACKGROUND)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTKEYWORDBACKGROUND); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHBACKGROUND)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHBACKGROUND); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHCOMBOTIME)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHCOMBOTIME); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHDATETIME)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHDATETIME); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(""); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHLOG)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHLOG); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHRESULTS)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHRESULTS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDS)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWSEARCHENTRY)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWSEARCHENTRY); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SUPFOOTNOTE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SUPFOOTNOTE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_JUMPFOOTNOTE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_JUMPFOOTNOTE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_STARTUPENTRY)) { // now create an element which stores the last shown entry before closing the program // so we can show this last viewed entry at startup again Element el = new Element(SETTING_STARTUPENTRY); el.addContent("1"); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWATSTARTUP)) { // now create an element which stores the value for what we want to // show directly after startup: either the first entry, a random entry // or the startup entry Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWATSTARTUP); el.addContent("0"); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LOGKEYWORDLIST)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LOGKEYWORDLIST); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(SETTING_LOGKEYWORDLIST_OR); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWGRID_HORIZONTAL)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWGRID_HORIZONTAL); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWGRID_VERTICAL)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWGRID_VERTICAL); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_CELLSPACING)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_CELLSPACING); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1,1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SPELLCORRECT)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SPELLCORRECT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_STENOACTIVATED)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_STENOACTIVATED); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORD)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORD); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORDSEARCH)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORDSEARCH); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUICKINPUT)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_QUICKINPUT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTOUPDATE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_AUTOUPDATE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TOCFORDESKTOPEXPORT)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_TOCFORDESKTOPEXPORT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REMOVELINESFORDESKTOPEXPORT)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_REMOVELINESFORDESKTOPEXPORT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIDEMULTIPLEDESKTOPOCCURENCESDLG)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_HIDEMULTIPLEDESKTOPOCCURENCESDLG); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTONIGHTLYUPDATE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_AUTONIGHTLYUPDATE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUICKINPUTEXTENDED)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_QUICKINPUTEXTENDED); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_IMGRESIZE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_IMGRESIZE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_IMGRESIZEWIDTH)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_IMGRESIZEWIDTH); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("300"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_IMGRESIZEHEIGHT)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_IMGRESIZEHEIGHT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("300"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEFONTSIZE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_TABLEFONTSIZE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONTSIZE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONTSIZE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TEXTFIELDFONTSIZE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_TEXTFIELDFONTSIZE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYCHOICE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYCHOICE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(String.valueOf(CSetBibKey.CHOOSE_BIBKEY_MANUAL)); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYTYPE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYTYPE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(String.valueOf(CSetBibKey.CHOOSE_BIBKEY_MANUAL)); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBIMPORTSOURCE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBIMPORTSOURCE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(String.valueOf(CImportBibTex.BIBTEX_SOURCE_DB)); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFOOTNOTE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFOOTNOTE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFORMTAG)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFORMTAG); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWAUTHOR)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWAUTHOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTREMOVENONSTANDARDTAGS)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTREMOVENONSTANDARDTAGS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTTABLESTATSTYLE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTTABLESTATSTYLE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWMAIL)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWMAIL); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCONVERTQUOTES)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCONVERTQUOTES); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCENTERFORM)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCENTERFORM); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("1"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTLASTUSEDBIBSTYLE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTLASTUSEDBIBSTYLE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTDOCUMENTCLASS)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTDOCUMENTCLASS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTAUTHORVALUE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTAUTHORVALUE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(""); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTMAILVALUE)) { // create an element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTMAILVALUE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(""); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LAF)) { // create element for look and feel Element el = new Element(SETTING_LAF); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); // retrieve all installed Look and Feels UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[] installed_laf = UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels(); // init found-variables boolean laf_aqua_found = false; boolean laf_nimbus_found = false; String aquaclassname = ""; String nimbusclassname = ""; // in case we find "nimbus" LAF, set this as default on non-mac-os // because it simply looks the best. for (UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo laf : installed_laf) { // check whether laf is mac os x if (laf.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("mac os x") || laf.getClassName().contains("Aqua")) { laf_aqua_found = true; aquaclassname = laf.getClassName(); } // check whether laf is nimbus if (laf.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("nimbus") || laf.getClassName().contains("Nimbus")) { laf_nimbus_found = true; nimbusclassname = laf.getClassName(); } } // check which laf was found and set appropriate default value if (laf_aqua_found) el.setText(aquaclassname); else if (laf_nimbus_found) el.setText(nimbusclassname); else el.setText(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHWHERE)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHWHERE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); // combine fields which should be initiated when opening the search dialog int where = Constants.SEARCH_CONTENT | Constants.SEARCH_TITLE | Constants.SEARCH_KEYWORDS | Constants.SEARCH_REMARKS; el.setText(String.valueOf(where)); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REPLACEWHERE)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_REPLACEWHERE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); // combine fields which should be initiated when opening the search dialog int where = Constants.SEARCH_CONTENT | Constants.SEARCH_TITLE | Constants.SEARCH_KEYWORDS | Constants.SEARCH_REMARKS; el.setText(String.valueOf(where)); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXPORTPARTS)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_EXPORTPARTS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); // combine fields which should be initiated when opening the search dialog int where = Constants.EXPORT_TITLE | Constants.EXPORT_CONTENT | Constants.EXPORT_AUTHOR | Constants.EXPORT_REMARKS; el.setText(String.valueOf(where)); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXPORTFORMAT)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_EXPORTFORMAT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(String.valueOf(Constants.EXP_TYPE_DESKTOP_DOCX)); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPEXPORTFORMAT)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPEXPORTFORMAT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(String.valueOf(Constants.EXP_TYPE_DESKTOP_DOCX)); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTEXPORT)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTEXPORT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPDISPLAYITEMS)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPDISPLAYITEMS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); // combine fields which should be initiated when opening the desktop dialog int where = Constants.DESKTOP_SHOW_REMARKS | Constants.DESKTOP_SHOW_AUTHORS; el.setText(String.valueOf(where)); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHWHAT)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHWHAT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(""); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REPLACEWHAT)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_REPLACEWHAT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(""); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHOPTION)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHOPTION); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REPLACEOPTION)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_REPLACEOPTION); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("0"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFILE)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFILE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(""); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHSTYLE)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHSTYLE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setAttribute("size", "0"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "normal"); el.setAttribute("color", "0000ff"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDSTYLE)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDSTYLE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setAttribute("size", "0"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "normal"); el.setAttribute("color", "0000ff"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHSTYLE)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHSTYLE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setAttribute("size", "0"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "normal"); el.setAttribute("color", "0000ff"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTBACKGROUNDCOLOR)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("ffff66"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDBACKGROUNDCOLOR)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("ffff66"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHBACKGROUNDCOLOR)) { // create element Element el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText("ffff66"); } // init standard font. on mac, it's helvetica String font = "Helvetica"; // on older windows arial if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) { font = "Arial"; // on new windows Calibri if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows 7") || System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows 8")) { font = "Calibri"; } } // and on linux we take Nimbus Sans L Regular else if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Linux")) { font = "Nimbus Sans L Regular"; } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_TABLEFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MAINFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_MAINFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "11"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "normal"); el.setAttribute("color", "000000"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUOTEFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_QUOTEFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "11"); el.setAttribute("color", "333333"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ENTRYHEADERFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_ENTRYHEADERFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "10"); el.setAttribute("color", "F4F4F4"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTHORFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_AUTHORFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "10"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "normal"); el.setAttribute("color", "333333"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_CODEFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_CODEFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "11"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "normal"); el.setAttribute("color", "333333"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REMARKSFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_REMARKSFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "10"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "normal"); el.setAttribute("color", "333333"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPHEADERFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPHEADERFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "14"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "bold"); el.setAttribute("color", "000000"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPITEMHEADERFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPITEMHEADERFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "12"); el.setAttribute("style", "italic"); el.setAttribute("weight", "normal"); el.setAttribute("color", "555555"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPITEMFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPITEMFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "10"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "normal"); el.setAttribute("color", "808080"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "9"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "normal"); el.setAttribute("color", "333333"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TITLEFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_TITLEFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "13"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "bold"); el.setAttribute("color", "800000"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_APPENDIXHEADERFONT)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_APPENDIXHEADERFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "13"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "bold"); el.setAttribute("color", "555555"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HEADERFONT1)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_HEADERFONT1); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "12"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "bold"); el.setAttribute("color", "000040"); } if (null == settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HEADERFONT2)) { // create element for font Element el = new Element(SETTING_HEADERFONT2); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); el.setText(font); el.setAttribute("size", "11"); el.setAttribute("style", "normal"); el.setAttribute("weight", "bold"); el.setAttribute("color", "000000"); } } /** * Loads the settings file */ public void loadSettings() { // if file exists, go on... if (filepath != null && filepath.exists()) { // first of all, we load the basic-settings. when we have done this, we load // the meta-data, like spellchecking-data, synonyms and foreignwords. these files // are not related to a certain zettelkasten-data-file, but general. thus, they are // not stored in the .zkn3-files. however, these meta-data is not only pure settings. // it is better to have them separated, in the base-zkn-directory (zkn-path) if possible, // so whenever the user removes the program directory, the other data is still there. try { for (String filesToLoad1 : filesToLoad) { // open the zip-file ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(filepath)); ZipEntry entry; // now iterate the zip-file, searching for the requested file in it while ((entry = zip.getNextEntry()) != null) { String entryname = entry.getName(); // if the found file matches the requested one, start the SAXBuilder if (entryname.equals(filesToLoad1)) { try { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); // Document doc = new Document(); Document doc =; // compare, which file we have retrieved, so we store the data // correctly on our data-object if (entryname.equals(Constants.settingsFileName)) settingsFile = doc; if (entryname.equals(Constants.acceleratorKeysMainName)) acceleratorKeys.setDocument(AcceleratorKeys.MAINKEYS, doc); if (entryname.equals(Constants.acceleratorKeysNewEntryName)) acceleratorKeys.setDocument(AcceleratorKeys.NEWENTRYKEYS, doc); if (entryname.equals(Constants.acceleratorKeysDesktopName)) acceleratorKeys.setDocument(AcceleratorKeys.DESKTOPKEYS, doc); if (entryname.equals(Constants.acceleratorKeysSearchResultsName)) acceleratorKeys.setDocument(AcceleratorKeys.SEARCHRESULTSKEYS, doc); break; } catch (JDOMException e) { Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } zip.close(); // now fill/create all child-elements that do not already exist fillElements(); acceleratorKeys.initAcceleratorKeys(); } } catch (IOException e) { Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } if (datafilepath != null && datafilepath.exists()) { // now we load the meta-data. see comment above for more information... try { for (String dataFilesToLoad1 : dataFilesToLoad) { // open the zip-file ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(datafilepath)); ZipEntry entry; // now iterate the zip-file, searching for the requested file in it while ((entry = zip.getNextEntry()) != null) { String entryname = entry.getName(); // if the found file matches the requested one, start the SAXBuilder if (entryname.equals(dataFilesToLoad1)) { try { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); // Document doc = new Document(); Document doc =; // compare, which file we have retrieved, so we store the data // correctly on our data-object if (entryname.equals(Constants.foreignWordsName)) foreignWordsFile = doc; if (entryname.equals(Constants.synonymsFileName)) synonyms.setDocument(doc); if (entryname.equals(Constants.autoKorrekturFileName)) autoKorrekt.setDocument(doc); if (entryname.equals(Constants.stenoFileName)) steno.setDocument(doc); break; } catch (JDOMException e) { Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } zip.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } /** * Saves the settings file * * @return */ public boolean saveSettings() { // initial value boolean saveok = true; try { // open the outputstream ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filepath)); // I first wanted to use a pretty output format, so advanced users who // extract the data file can better watch the xml-files. but somehow, this // lead to an error within the method "retrieveElement" in the class "", // saying the a org.jdom.text cannot be converted to org.jdom.element?!? // XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(); // save settings zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Constants.settingsFileName)); out.output(settingsFile, zip); // save settings // here we retrieve the acceleratorkey-file for the mainwindow zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Constants.acceleratorKeysMainName)); out.output(acceleratorKeys.getDocument(AcceleratorKeys.MAINKEYS), zip); // save settings // here we retrieve the acceleratorkey-file for the new-entry-window zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Constants.acceleratorKeysNewEntryName)); out.output(acceleratorKeys.getDocument(AcceleratorKeys.NEWENTRYKEYS), zip); // save settings // here we retrieve the acceleratorkey-file for the desktop-window zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Constants.acceleratorKeysDesktopName)); out.output(acceleratorKeys.getDocument(AcceleratorKeys.DESKTOPKEYS), zip); // save settings // here we retrieve the acceleratorkey-file for the search-results-window zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Constants.acceleratorKeysSearchResultsName)); out.output(acceleratorKeys.getDocument(AcceleratorKeys.SEARCHRESULTSKEYS), zip); // close zipfile zip.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // log error Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); // change return value saveok = false; } // first, create temporary backup of data-file // therefor, create tmp-file-path File tmpdatafp = new File(datafilepath.toString() + ".tmp"); // check whether we have any saved data at all if (datafilepath.exists()) { try { // check whether we already have a temporary file. if so, delete it if (tmpdatafp.exists()) { try { tmpdatafp.delete(); } catch (SecurityException e) { Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } // and now copy the datafile FileOperationsUtil.copyFile(datafilepath, tmpdatafp, 1024); } catch (IOException e) { Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } // save original data-file. in case we get an error here, we can copy // back the temporary saved file... try { // open the outputstream ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(datafilepath)); // I first wanted to use a pretty output format, so advanced users who // extract the data file can better watch the xml-files. but somehow, this // lead to an error within the method "retrieveElement" in the class "", // saying the a org.jdom.text cannot be converted to org.jdom.element?!? // XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(); // save foreign words zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Constants.foreignWordsName)); out.output(foreignWordsFile, zip); // save settings zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Constants.synonymsFileName)); out.output(synonyms.getDocument(), zip); // save settings zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Constants.stenoFileName)); out.output(steno.getDocument(), zip); // save auto-correction zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(Constants.autoKorrekturFileName)); out.output(autoKorrekt.getDocument(), zip); // close zip-file zip.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // log error message Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); // change return value saveok = false; // first, create basic backup-file File checkbackup = FileOperationsUtil.getBackupFilePath(datafilepath); // rename temporary file as backup-file tmpdatafp.renameTo(checkbackup); // log path. Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.INFO, "A backup of the meta-data was saved to {0}", checkbackup.toString()); // tell user that an error occured JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, resourceMap.getString("metadataSaveErrMsg", "\"" + checkbackup.getName() + "\""), resourceMap.getString("metadataSaveErrTitle"), JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } catch (SecurityException e) { // log error message Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage()); // change return value saveok = false; // first, create basic backup-file File checkbackup = FileOperationsUtil.getBackupFilePath(datafilepath); // rename temporary file as backup-file tmpdatafp.renameTo(checkbackup); // log path. Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.INFO, "A backup of the meta-data was saved to {0}", checkbackup.toString()); // tell user that an error occured JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, resourceMap.getString("metadataSaveErrMsg", "\"" + checkbackup.getName() + "\""), resourceMap.getString("metadataSaveErrTitle"), JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } // finally, delete temp-file tmpdatafp = new File(datafilepath.toString() + ".tmp"); // check whether we already have a temporary file. if so, delete it if (tmpdatafp.exists()) { try { tmpdatafp.delete(); } catch (SecurityException e) { Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } // return result return saveok; } /** * Retrieves the filepath of the last used main datafile * @return the filepath of the last used main datafile, or null if no filepath was specified. */ public File getFilePath() { // we do this step by step rather that appending a ".getText()" to the line below, because // by doing so we can check whether the child element exists or not, and avoiding null pointer // exceptions // first, get the filepath, which is in relation to the zkn-path Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_FILEPATH); // create an empty string as return value String value = ""; // is the element exists, copy the text to the return value if (el != null) value = el.getText(); // when we have no filename, return null if (value.isEmpty()) return null; // else return filepath return new File(value); } /** * Sets the filepath of the currently used main datafile * @param fp (the filepath of the currently used main datafile) */ public void setFilePath(File fp) { // try to find filepath-element Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_FILEPATH); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_FILEPATH); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } // set new file path which should be now relative to the zkn-path el.setText((null == fp) ? "" : fp.toString()); } /** * * @return */ public String getFileName() { // get filename and find out where extension begins, so we can just set the filename as title File f = getFilePath(); // check whether we have any valid filepath at all if (f != null && f.exists()) { String fname = f.getName(); // find file-extension int extpos = fname.lastIndexOf(Constants.ZKN_FILEEXTENSION); // set the filename as title if (extpos != -1) { // return file-name return fname.substring(0, extpos); } } return null; } /** * Retrieves the filepath of the last used image path when inserting images to a new entry * @return the filepath of the last opened image directory, or null if no filepath was specified. */ public File getLastOpenedImageDir() { // we do this step by step rather that appending a ".getText()" to the line below, because // by doing so we can check whether the child element exists or not, and avoiding null pointer // exceptions // first, get the filepath, which is in relation to the zkn-path Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMAGEDIR); // create an empty string as return value String value = ""; // is the element exists, copy the text to the return value if (el != null) value = el.getText(); // when we have no filename, return null if (value.isEmpty()) return null; // else return filepath return new File(value); } /** * Sets the filepath of the last used image path when inserting images to a new entry * @param fp the filepath of the last opened image directory */ public void setLastOpenedImageDir(File fp) { // try to find filepath-element Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMAGEDIR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMAGEDIR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } // set new file path which should be now relative to the zkn-path el.setText((null == fp) ? "" : fp.toString()); } /** * Retrieves the filepath of the last used import path when data was imported * @return the filepath of the last opened import directory, or null if no filepath was specified. */ public File getLastOpenedImportDir() { // we do this step by step rather that appending a ".getText()" to the line below, because // by doing so we can check whether the child element exists or not, and avoiding null pointer // exceptions // first, get the filepath, which is in relation to the zkn-path Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMPORTDIR); // create an empty string as return value String value = ""; // is the element exists, copy the text to the return value if (el != null) value = el.getText(); // when we have no filename, return null if (value.isEmpty()) return null; // else return filepath return new File(value); } /** * Sets the filepath of the last used import path when data was imported * @param fp the filepath of the last opened import directory */ public void setLastOpenedImportDir(File fp) { // try to find filepath-element Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMPORTDIR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LASTOPENEDIMPORTDIR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } // set new file path which should be now relative to the zkn-path el.setText((null == fp) ? "" : fp.toString()); } /** * Retrieves the filepath of the last used import path when data was imported * @return the filepath of the last opened import directory, or null if no filepath was specified. */ public File getLastOpenedExportDir() { // we do this step by step rather that appending a ".getText()" to the line below, because // by doing so we can check whether the child element exists or not, and avoiding null pointer // exceptions // first, get the filepath, which is in relation to the zkn-path Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDEXPORTDIR); // create an empty string as return value String value = ""; // is the element exists, copy the text to the return value if (el != null) value = el.getText(); // when we have no filename, return null if (value.isEmpty()) return null; // else return filepath return new File(value); } /** * Sets the filepath of the last used import path when data was imported * @param fp the filepath of the last opened import directory */ public void setLastOpenedExportDir(File fp) { // try to find filepath-element Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDEXPORTDIR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LASTOPENEDEXPORTDIR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } // set new file path which should be now relative to the zkn-path el.setText((null == fp) ? "" : fp.toString()); } /** * Retrieves the filepath of the last used image path when inserting images to a new entry * @return the filepath of the last opened image directory, or null if no filepath was specified. */ public File getLastOpenedAttachmentDir() { // we do this step by step rather that appending a ".getText()" to the line below, because // by doing so we can check whether the child element exists or not, and avoiding null pointer // exceptions // first, get the filepath, which is in relation to the zkn-path Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDATTACHMENTDIR); // create an empty string as return value String value = ""; // is the element exists, copy the text to the return value if (el != null) value = el.getText(); // when we have no filename, return null if (value.isEmpty()) return null; // else return filepath return new File(value); } /** * Sets the filepath of the last used image path when inserting images to a new entry * @param fp the filepath of the last opened image directory */ public void setLastOpenedAttachmentDir(File fp) { // try to find filepath-element Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTOPENEDATTACHMENTDIR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LASTOPENEDATTACHMENTDIR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } // set new file path which should be now relative to the zkn-path el.setText((null == fp) ? "" : fp.toString()); } /** * Retrieves the filepath for the external backup when leaving the application * @return the filepath of the external backup, or null if no path was specified */ public File getExtraBackupPath() { // first, get the filepath, which is in relation to the zkn-path Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXTRABACKUPPATH); // create an empty string as return value String value = ""; // is the element exists, copy the text to the return value if (el != null) value = el.getText(); // when we have no filename, return null if (value.isEmpty()) return null; // else return filepath return new File(value); } /** * Sets the filepath for the external backup when leaving the application * @param fp the filepath of the external backup */ public void setExtraBackupPath(String fp) { // try to find filepath-element Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXTRABACKUPPATH); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_EXTRABACKUPPATH); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } // set new file path which should be now relative to the zkn-path el.setText(fp); } /** * Retrieves the filepath for the external converter tool "pandoc" * @return the filepath for the external converter tool "pandoc" */ public String getPandocPath() { // first, get the filepath, which is in relation to the zkn-path Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_PANDOCPATH); // create an empty string as return value String value = ""; // is the element exists, copy the text to the return value if (el != null) value = el.getText(); // when we have no filename, return null if (value.isEmpty()) return null; // else return filepath return value; } /** * Sets the filepath for the for the external converter tool "pandoc" * @param fp the filepath to the external converter tool "pandoc" */ public void setPandocPath(String fp) { // try to find filepath-element Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_PANDOCPATH); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_PANDOCPATH); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } // set new file path which should be now relative to the zkn-path el.setText(fp); } /** * Retrieves the filepath of the last used bibtex-file. we need this path when exporting * entries (from the desktop or the export-method from the main frame), and the user wants * to create a separate BibTex-File out of the authors that have been exported. * * @return the filepath of the last used bixb text file, or null if no path is saved */ public File getLastUsedBibTexFile() { // first, get the filepath, which is in relation to the zkn-path Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFILE); // create an empty string as return value String value = ""; // is the element exists, copy the text to the return value if (el != null) value = el.getText(); // when we have no filename, return null if (value.isEmpty()) return null; // else return filepath return new File(value); } /** * Sets the filepath of the last used bibtex-file. we need this path when exporting * entries (from the desktop or the export-method from the main frame), and the user wants * to create a separate BibTex-File out of the authors that have been exported. * * @param fp the filepath of the last used bixb text file */ public void setLastUsedBibTexFile(String fp) { // try to find filepath-element Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFILE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFILE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } // set new file path which should be now relative to the zkn-path el.setText(fp); } /** * Retrieves the image path, where images used in entries are stored. This is typically * the directory "img", which is a subdirectroy of the filepath directory. * * @param userpath a path to the user-defined directory for storing images. as default, * use the {@code Daten.getUserImagePath()} method to retrieve this path. * @param trailingSeparator if true, a file-separator-char will be appended, if false not * @return the directory to the img-path, , or an empty string if no path was found */ public String getImagePath(File userpath, boolean trailingSeparator) { return getImagePath(userpath, trailingSeparator, Constants.IMAGEPATH_SUBDIR); } /** * Retrieves the image path, where images used in entries are stored. This is typically * the directory "forms", which is a subdirectroy of the filepath directory. * * @param userpath a path to the user-defined directory for storing images. as default, * use the {@code Daten.getUserImagePath()} method to retrieve this path. * @param trailingSeparator if true, a file-separator-char will be appended, if false not * @return the directory to the img-path, , or an empty string if no path was found */ public String getFormImagePath(File userpath, boolean trailingSeparator) { return getImagePath(userpath, trailingSeparator, Constants.FORMIMAGEPATH_SUBDIR); } /** * * @param userpath * @param trailingSeparator * @param subdir * @return */ private String getImagePath(File userpath, boolean trailingSeparator, String subdir) { StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder(""); // check whether we have a user-defined attachment path. if yes, // use this as attachment-path, else get the base directory if (userpath != null && userpath.exists()) { // get userpath retval.append(userpath.toString()); } else { // get base dir File f = getBaseDir(); // if we have no valid filepath, return empty string if (null == f) return ""; // create a new image path from the basdir plus appending "/img/" directory retval.append(f.getPath()).append(File.separatorChar).append(subdir); } // check whether a trailing separator char should be added if (trailingSeparator) { // indicates whether we already have a trailing seperator char boolean sepcharalreadyexists = false; // if so, check whether we don't already have such a trailing separator char try { sepcharalreadyexists = (retval.charAt(retval.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { } // if we don't already have a separator char, append it now... if (!sepcharalreadyexists) retval.append(File.separatorChar); } // if no trailing separator char requested, delete it, if any else { // indicates whether we already have a trailing seperator char boolean sepcharalreadyexists = false; // if so, check whether we don't already have such a trailing separator char try { sepcharalreadyexists = (retval.charAt(retval.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { } // if we already have a separator char, delete it now... if (sepcharalreadyexists) try { retval.deleteCharAt(retval.length() - 1); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { } } // return result. return retval.toString(); } /** * Retrieves the image path, where attachments used in entries are stored. This is typically * the directory "attachments", which is a subdirectroy of the filepath directory. * * @param userpath * @param trailingSeparator if true, a file-separator-char will be appended, if false not * @return the directory to the attachment-path, or an empty string if no path was found */ public String getAttachmentPath(File userpath, boolean trailingSeparator) { // init variables StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder(""); // check whether we have a user-defined attachment path. if yes, // use this as attachment-path, else get the base directory if (userpath != null && userpath.exists()) { // get userpath retval.append(userpath.toString()); } else { // get base dir File f = getBaseDir(); // if we have no valid filepath, return empty string if (null == f) return ""; // create a new attachment path from the basdir plus appending "/attachment/" directory retval.append(f.getPath()).append(File.separatorChar).append("attachments"); } // check whether a trailing separator char should be added if (trailingSeparator) { // indicates whether we already have a trailing seperator char boolean sepcharalreadyexists = false; // if so, check whether we don't already have such a trailing separator char try { sepcharalreadyexists = (retval.charAt(retval.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { } // if we don't already have a separator char, append it now... if (!sepcharalreadyexists) retval.append(File.separatorChar); } // if no trailing separator char requested, delete it, if any else { // indicates whether we already have a trailing seperator char boolean sepcharalreadyexists = false; // if so, check whether we don't already have such a trailing separator char try { sepcharalreadyexists = (retval.charAt(retval.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { } // if we already have a separator char, delete it now... if (sepcharalreadyexists) try { retval.deleteCharAt(retval.length() - 1); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { } } // retrieve attachment-path String convertSeparatorChars = Tools.convertSeparatorChars(retval.toString(), this); // return result. return convertSeparatorChars; } /** * Gets the startup entry. This is the entry which is displayed immediately after opening * a data file. * @return the number of the startup entry */ public int getStartupEntry() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_STARTUPENTRY); int retval = -1; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { retval = -1; } } return retval; } /** * Gets the startup entry. This is the entry which is displayed immediately after opening * a data file. * @param nr (the number of the last viewed/activated entry) */ public void setStartupEntry(int nr) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_STARTUPENTRY); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_STARTUPENTRY); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(nr)); } /** * this method gets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the find-dialog, which * is opened from the main window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @return an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public int getSearchWhere() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHWHERE); int retval = Constants.SEARCH_CONTENT | Constants.SEARCH_TITLE | Constants.SEARCH_KEYWORDS | Constants.SEARCH_REMARKS; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return Constants.SEARCH_CONTENT | Constants.SEARCH_TITLE | Constants.SEARCH_KEYWORDS | Constants.SEARCH_REMARKS; } } return retval; } /** * this method sets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the find-dialog, which * is opened from the main window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @param where an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public void setSearchWhere(int where) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHWHERE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHWHERE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(where)); } /** * this method gets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the replace-dialog, which * is opened from the main window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @return an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public int getReplaceWhere() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REPLACEWHERE); int retval = Constants.SEARCH_CONTENT | Constants.SEARCH_TITLE | Constants.SEARCH_KEYWORDS | Constants.SEARCH_REMARKS; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return Constants.SEARCH_CONTENT | Constants.SEARCH_TITLE | Constants.SEARCH_KEYWORDS | Constants.SEARCH_REMARKS; } } return retval; } /** * this method sets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the replace-dialog, which * is opened from the main window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @param where an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public void setReplaceWhere(int where) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REPLACEWHERE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_REPLACEWHERE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(where)); } /** * this method gets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the desktop-display-dialog, which * is opened from the desktop-window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @return an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public int getDesktopDisplayItems() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPDISPLAYITEMS); int retval = Constants.DESKTOP_SHOW_REMARKS | Constants.DESKTOP_SHOW_AUTHORS; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return Constants.DESKTOP_SHOW_REMARKS | Constants.DESKTOP_SHOW_AUTHORS; } } return retval; } /** * this method sets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the desktop-display-dialog, which * is opened from the desktop-window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @param items an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public void setDesktopDisplayItems(int items) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPDISPLAYITEMS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPDISPLAYITEMS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(items)); } /** * this method gets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the find-dialog, which * is opened from the main window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @return an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public int getSearchOptions() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHOPTION); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } return retval; } /** * this method sets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the find-dialog, which * is opened from the main window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @param nr an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public void setSearchOptions(int nr) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHOPTION); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHOPTION); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(nr)); } /** * this method gets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the export-dialog, which * is opened from the main window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @return an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public int getExportParts() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXPORTPARTS); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } return retval; } /** * this method sets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the export-dialog, which * is opened from the main window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @param val an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public void setExportParts(int val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXPORTPARTS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_EXPORTPARTS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } /** * @return an integer value indicating which export-format (docx, rtf, txt...) was lastly * selected by the user. */ public int getExportFormat() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXPORTFORMAT); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } return retval; } /** * @param val an integer value indicating which export-format (docx, rtf, txt...) was lastly * selected by the user. */ public void setExportFormat(int val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXPORTFORMAT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_EXPORTFORMAT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } /** * @return an integer value indicating which export-format (docx, rtf, txt...) was lastly * selected by the user. */ public int getDesktopExportFormat() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPEXPORTFORMAT); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } return retval; } /** * @param val an integer value indicating which export-format (docx, rtf, txt...) was lastly * selected by the user. */ public void setDesktopExportFormat(int val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPEXPORTFORMAT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPEXPORTFORMAT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } /** * @return an integer value indicating whether the user wants to export the desktop-data (entries) * with their comments, without comments or if only entries with comments at all should be exported. * <br><br> * Returns on of the following constants:<br> * - {@code EXP_COMMENT_YES}<br> * - {@code EXP_COMMENT_NO}<br> * - {@code EXP_COMMENT_ONLY}<br> */ public int getDesktopCommentExport() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTEXPORT); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } return retval; } /** * @param val an integer value indicating whether the user wants to export the desktop-data (entries) * with their comments, without comments or if only entries with comments at all should be exported. * <br><br> * Use following constants:<br> * - {@code EXP_COMMENT_YES}<br> * - {@code EXP_COMMENT_NO}<br> * - {@code EXP_COMMENT_ONLY}<br> */ public void setDesktopCommentExport(int val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTEXPORT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTEXPORT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } /** * this method gets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the replace-dialog, which * is opened from the main window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @return an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public int getReplaceOptions() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REPLACEOPTION); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } return retval; } /** * this method sets the initiated fields (checkboxes) for the replace-dialog, which * is opened from the main window. depending on this variable (and the set bits of it) * we can figure out which checkboxes should be initially selected. * * @param nr an integer value, where the single bits indicate whether a checkbox should be * selected or not. */ public void setReplaceOptions(int nr) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REPLACEOPTION); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_REPLACEOPTION); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(nr)); } /** * This method gets the last used search term which was entered in the main window's * find dialog. * * @return the last used search term for the find dialog */ public String getSearchWhat() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHWHAT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } /** * This method sets the last used search term which was entered in the main window's * find dialog. * * @param searchterm the last used search term for the find dialog */ public void setSearchWhat(String searchterm) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHWHAT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHWHAT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(searchterm); } /** * This method gets the last used replace term which was entered in the main window's * replace dialog. * * @return the last used replaceterm for the replace dialog */ public String getReplaceWhat() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REPLACEWHAT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } /** * This method sets the last used replace term which was entered in the main window's * replace dialog. * * @param replaceterm the last used replace term for the replace dialog */ public void setReplaceWhat(String replaceterm) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REPLACEWHAT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_REPLACEWHAT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(replaceterm); } /** * Retrieves the base filepath, i.e. the usual directory where the data file is stored. Setting * this base path enables relative path-settings for images, data files and e.g. linked * files (like DOCXs etc.), so the user can easily move his "data directory" and then simply * change the base path. * * @return {@code null}, if no value is set... else the directory of the data-file, <i>without</i> trailing * separator char */ public File getBaseDir() { // first, get the filepath, which is in relation to the zkn-path Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_FILEPATH); // create an empty string as return value String value = ""; // is the element exists, copy the text to the return value if (el != null) value = el.getText(); // when we have no filename, return null if (value.isEmpty()) return null; // find last separator char to get the base-directory of the data-file int index = value.lastIndexOf(String.valueOf(File.separatorChar)); // if nothing found, return null if (-1 == index) return null; try { // else cut off the filename, so we only have the data-file's directory value = value.substring(0, index); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { return null; } // else return filepath return new File(value); } /** * Retrieves the logical combination for filtering the link-list when the user * selectes a keyword in the jListKeywords. See method "filterLinks()" in "" * for more details * @return */ public String getLogKeywordlist() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LOGKEYWORDLIST); String retval = ""; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } /** * Sets the logical combination for filtering the link-list when the user * selectes a keyword in the jListKeywords. See method "filterLinks()" in "" * for more details * @param path */ public void setLogKeywordlist(String path) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LOGKEYWORDLIST); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LOGKEYWORDLIST); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(path); } /** * Retrieves the setting which java-look'n'feel the user wants to have set * @return the string for the look'n'feel's classname */ public String getLookAndFeel() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LAF); String retval = ""; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } /** * Saves the look'n'feel setting so we know which look'n'feel to be set * when the program is started. * @param laf (the look'n'feel's classname) */ public void setLookAndFeel(String laf) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LAF); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LAF); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(laf); } /** * Gets the show-grid-variable. If true, the <i>horizontal</i> grids in lists and tables * should be displayed. * * @return {@code true} if the <i>horizontal</i> grids in lists and tables should be displayed, * flase otherwise */ public boolean getShowGridHorizontal() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWGRID_HORIZONTAL); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the show-grid-variable. If true, the <i>horizontal</i> grids in lists and tables should * be displayed. * * @param show true if the grids should be displayed, false otherweise */ public void setShowGridHorizontal(boolean show) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWGRID_HORIZONTAL); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWGRID_HORIZONTAL); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((show) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the show-grid-variable. If true, the <i>vertical</i> grids in lists and tables * should be displayed. * * @return {@code true} if the <i>vertical</i> grids in lists and tables should be displayed, * flase otherwise */ public boolean getShowGridVertical() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWGRID_VERTICAL); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the show-grid-variable. If true, the <i>vertical</i> grids in lists and tables should * be displayed. * * @param show true if the grids should be displayed, false otherweise */ public void setShowGridVertical(boolean show) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWGRID_VERTICAL); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWGRID_VERTICAL); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((show) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Whether or not the searches from the tables, which are not started via the find-dialog, but via * the (context-)menus, should include synonym-search or not. * @return {@code true} if the search should include synonyms, false otherwise */ public boolean getSearchAlwaysSynonyms() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHALWAYSSYNONYMS); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Whether or not the searches from the tables, which are not started via the find-dialog, but via * the (context-)menus, should include synonym-search or not. * @param val true if the search should include synonyms, false otherwise */ public void setSearchAlwaysSynonyms(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHALWAYSSYNONYMS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHALWAYSSYNONYMS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Whether or not keyword-synonyms should be displayed in the jTableKeywords * @return {@code true} keyword-synonyms should be displayed in the jTableKeywords, false otherwise */ public boolean getShowSynonymsInTable() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWSYNONYMSINTABLE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Whether or not keyword-synonyms should be displayed in the jTableKeywords * @param val true keyword-synonyms should be displayed in the jTableKeywords, false otherwise */ public void setShowSynonymsInTable(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWSYNONYMSINTABLE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWSYNONYMSINTABLE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * This setting gets the spacing between table cells. * @return a dimension value, holding the horizontal and vertical cellspacing-values */ public Dimension getCellSpacing() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_CELLSPACING); if (el != null) { // parse both string-values to an array String[] dummy = el.getText().split(","); // first value indicates horizontal spacing int space_hor = Integer.parseInt(dummy[0]); // second value indicates vertical distance int space_ver = Integer.parseInt(dummy[1]); // return values as dimension return new Dimension(space_hor, space_ver); } return new Dimension(1, 1); } /** * This setting stores the spacing between table cells. * @param hor the horizontal distance between the table cells * @param ver the vertical distance between the table cells */ public void setCellSpacing(int hor, int ver) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_CELLSPACING); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_CELLSPACING); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } // create string builder StringBuilder dummy = new StringBuilder(""); // add horizontal value dummy.append(String.valueOf(hor)); // add separating comma dummy.append(","); // add vertical value dummy.append(String.valueOf(ver)); // store values el.setText(dummy.toString()); } /** * Gets the setting for the quick input of keywords. * @return {@code true} if the keyword-quickinput should be activated */ public boolean getQuickInput() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUICKINPUT); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting for the keyword-quick-input when editing new entries.. * @param val true if the keyword-quickinput should be activated */ public void setQuickInput(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUICKINPUT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_QUICKINPUT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting for the autobackup-option. * @return {@code true} if autobackup should be activated */ public boolean getAutoBackup() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTOBACKUP); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting for the autobackup-option * @param val true if the autobackup should be activated */ public void setAutoBackup(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTOBACKUP); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_AUTOBACKUP); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting for the minimize to tray-option. * @return {@code true} if minimizing to tray should be activated */ public boolean getMinimizeToTray() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MINIMIZETOTRAY); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting for the minimizing to tray-option * @param val true if minimizing to tray should be activated */ public void setMinimizeToTray(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MINIMIZETOTRAY); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_MINIMIZETOTRAY); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting for the autobackup-option. * @return {@code true} if autobackup should be activated */ public boolean getAutoUpdate() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTOUPDATE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting for the autobackup-option * @param val true if the autobackup should be activated */ public void setAutoUpdate(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTOUPDATE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_AUTOUPDATE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting whether the warning dialog in the desktop window, that tells the user * if added entries already have been added before, should be shown or not. * @return {@code true} if the warning dialog in the desktop window, that tells the user * if added entries already have been added before, should be shown */ public boolean getHideMultipleDesktopOccurencesDlg() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIDEMULTIPLEDESKTOPOCCURENCESDLG); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting whether the warning dialog in the desktop window, that tells the user * if added entries already have been added before, should be shown or not. * @param val {@code true} if the warning dialog in the desktop window, that tells the user * if added entries already have been added before, should be shown */ public void setHideMultipleDesktopOccurencesDlg(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIDEMULTIPLEDESKTOPOCCURENCESDLG); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_HIDEMULTIPLEDESKTOPOCCURENCESDLG); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting whether a table of contents should be created when exporting desktop data. * @return {@code true} if a table of contents should be created when exporting desktop data. */ public boolean getTOCForDesktopExport() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TOCFORDESKTOPEXPORT); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting whether a table of contents should be created when exporting desktop data. * @param val {@code true} if a table of contents should be created when exporting desktop data. */ public void setTOCForDesktopExport(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TOCFORDESKTOPEXPORT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_TOCFORDESKTOPEXPORT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting whether multiple lines in the output file of the desktop data should be * removed or not. * @return {@code true} if multiple lines in the output file of the desktop data should be * removed */ public boolean getRemoveLinesForDesktopExport() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REMOVELINESFORDESKTOPEXPORT); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting whether multiple lines in the output file of the desktop data should be * removed or not. * @param val {@code true} if multiple lines in the output file of the desktop data should be * removed */ public void setRemoveLinesForDesktopExport(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REMOVELINESFORDESKTOPEXPORT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_REMOVELINESFORDESKTOPEXPORT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting for the autobackup-option. * @return {@code true} if autobackup should be activated */ public boolean getAutoNightlyUpdate() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTONIGHTLYUPDATE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting for the autobackup-option * @param val true if the autobackup should be activated */ public void setAutoNightlyUpdate(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTONIGHTLYUPDATE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_AUTONIGHTLYUPDATE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting for the autobackup-option. * @return {@code true} if autobackup should be activated */ public boolean getShowIconText() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWICONTEXT); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting for the autobackup-option * @param val true if the autobackup should be activated */ public void setShowIconText(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWICONTEXT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWICONTEXT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getAutoCompleteTags() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTOCOMPLETETAGS); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setAutoCompleteTags(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTOCOMPLETETAGS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_AUTOCOMPLETETAGS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getUseMacBackgroundColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_USEMACBACKGROUNDCOLOR); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setUseMacBackgroundColor(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_USEMACBACKGROUNDCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_USEMACBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getMarkdownActivated() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MARKDOWNACTIVATED); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setMarkdownActivated(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MARKDOWNACTIVATED); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_MARKDOWNACTIVATED); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting for the autobackup-option. * @return {@code true} if autobackup should be activated */ public boolean getExtraBackup() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXTRABACKUP); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting for the autobackup-option * @param val true if the autobackup should be activated */ public void setExtraBackup(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_EXTRABACKUP); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_EXTRABACKUP); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public String getCustomCSS(int what) { String ch; switch (what) { case CUSTOM_CSS_ENTRY: ch = SETTING_CUSTOMCSSENTRY; break; case CUSTOM_CSS_DESKTOP: ch = SETTING_CUSTOMCSSDESKTOP; break; default: ch = SETTING_CUSTOMCSSENTRY; break; } Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(ch); if (el != null) return el.getText(); return null; } public void setCustomCSS(int what, String css) { String ch; switch (what) { case CUSTOM_CSS_ENTRY: ch = SETTING_CUSTOMCSSENTRY; break; case CUSTOM_CSS_DESKTOP: ch = SETTING_CUSTOMCSSDESKTOP; break; default: ch = SETTING_CUSTOMCSSENTRY; break; } Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(ch); if (null == el) { el = new Element(ch); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(css); } /** * Gets the setting for the default locale * @return a string with a lowercase-2-letter-country-code for the default languags */ public String getLanguage() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LOCALE); if (el != null) return el.getText(); return Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); } /** * Sets the default language * @param lang a string with a lowercase-2-letter-country-code for the default languags */ public void setLanguage(String lang) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LOCALE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LOCALE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(lang.toLowerCase()); } /** * Gets the setting whether all displayed/watched entries should be added to the history * of displayed entries, or whether only the activated entries should be added to * the history list * * @return {@code true} if every displayed entry should be added to the history list, {@code false} if only * activated entries should be added to it. */ public boolean getAddAllToHistory() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ADDALLTOHISTORY); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Gets the setting whether all displayed/watched entries should be added to the history * of displayed entries, or whether only the activated entries should be added to * the history list * * @param val {@code true} if every displayed entry should be added to the history list, {@code false} if only * activated entries should be added to it. */ public void setAddAllToHistory(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ADDALLTOHISTORY); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_ADDALLTOHISTORY); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * retrieves the desktop-number of the last used desktop. * @param count the amount of desktops * @return the number of the last used desktop, or {@code -1} if no desktop exists. if a lastly used * desktop was deleted, a {@code 0} is returned instead. if no desktop exists at all, {@code -1} is * returned. */ public int getLastUsedDesktop(int count) { // check for any desktops at all if (count < 1) return -1; // get attribute which stores last used desktop number Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_GETLASTUSEDDESKTOPNUMBER); // check for valid value if (el != null) { try { // retrieve value int retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); // check for valid bounds if (retval >= count) retval = 0; // return value return retval; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } return 0; } /** * Stores the currently used desktop, so this desktop can be shown on next program * startup. * @param val the index-number of the currently used desktop, starting with the index-number {code 0} * for the first desktop. */ public void setLastUsedDesktop(int val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_GETLASTUSEDDESKTOPNUMBER); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_GETLASTUSEDDESKTOPNUMBER); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } public int getSearchFrameSplitLayout() { // get attribute which stores last used desktop number Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHFRAMESPLITLAYOUT); // check for valid value if (el != null) { try { // retrieve value return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT; } } return JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT; } public void setSearchFrameSplitLayout(int val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHFRAMESPLITLAYOUT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHFRAMESPLITLAYOUT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } /** * Gets the setting whether new entries should be inserted at empty positions of previous * deleted entries or not. * @return {@code true} if new entries should be inserted at empty positions; false if new entries should * be inserted at the end of the data file */ public boolean getInsertNewEntryAtEmpty() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_FILLEMPTYPLACES); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting whether new entries should be inserted at empty positions of previous * deleted entries or not. * @param val true if new entries should be inserted at empty positions; false if new entries should * be inserted at the end of the data file */ public void setInsertNewEntryAtEmpty(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_FILLEMPTYPLACES); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_FILLEMPTYPLACES); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the settings, whether highlighting searchresults and keywords should highlight * the background, i.e. setting a background-color or not * @param style * @return {@code true} if a background-color for highlighting should be shown, false otherwise */ public boolean getShowHighlightBackground(int style) { String hs_style; switch (style) { case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_SEARCHRESULTS: hs_style = SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTBACKGROUND; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_KEYWORDS: hs_style = SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTKEYWORDBACKGROUND; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_LIVESEARCH: hs_style = SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHBACKGROUND; break; default: hs_style = SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTBACKGROUND; break; } Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(hs_style); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Gets the settings, whether highlighting searchresults and keywords should highlight * the background, i.e. setting a background-color or not * @param val true if a background-color for highlighting should be shown, false otherwise * @param style */ public void setShowHighlightBackground(boolean val, int style) { String hs_style; switch (style) { case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_SEARCHRESULTS: hs_style = SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTBACKGROUND; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_KEYWORDS: hs_style = SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTKEYWORDBACKGROUND; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_LIVESEARCH: hs_style = SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHBACKGROUND; break; default: hs_style = SETTING_SHOWHIGHLIGHTBACKGROUND; break; } Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(hs_style); if (null == el) { el = new Element(hs_style); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the settings, whether highlighting searchresults and keywords should highlight * the background, i.e. setting a background-color or not * @param style * @return {@code true} if a background-color for highlighting should be shown, false otherwise */ public String getHighlightBackgroundColor(int style) { String hs_style; switch (style) { case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_SEARCHRESULTS: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTBACKGROUNDCOLOR; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_KEYWORDS: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDBACKGROUNDCOLOR; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_LIVESEARCH: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHBACKGROUNDCOLOR; break; default: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTBACKGROUNDCOLOR; break; } Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(hs_style); if (el != null) return el.getText(); return "ffff66"; } /** * Gets the settings, whether highlighting searchresults and keywords should highlight * the background, i.e. setting a background-color or not * @param col * @param style */ public void setHighlightBackgroundColor(String col, int style) { String hs_style; switch (style) { case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_SEARCHRESULTS: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTBACKGROUNDCOLOR; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_KEYWORDS: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDBACKGROUNDCOLOR; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_LIVESEARCH: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHBACKGROUNDCOLOR; break; default: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTBACKGROUNDCOLOR; break; } Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(hs_style); if (null == el) { el = new Element(hs_style); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } /** * * @return */ public String getAppendixBackgroundColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_APPENDIXBACKGROUNDCOLOR); if (el != null) return el.getText(); return "f2f2f2"; } /** * * @param col */ public void setReflistBackgroundColor(String col) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_APPENDIXBACKGROUNDCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_APPENDIXBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } /** * * @return */ public String getTableHeaderColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEHEADERCOLOR); if (el != null) return el.getText(); return "e4e4e4"; } /** * * @param col */ public void setTableHeaderColor(String col) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEHEADERCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_TABLEHEADERCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } /** * * @return */ public String getTableRowEvenColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEEVENROWCOLOR); if (el != null) return el.getText(); return "eeeeee"; } /** * * @param col */ public void setTableRowEvenColor(String col) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEEVENROWCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_TABLEEVENROWCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } /** * * @return */ public String getTableRowOddColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEODDROWCOLOR); if (el != null) return el.getText(); return "f8f8f8"; } /** * * @param col */ public void setTableRowOddColor(String col) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEODDROWCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_TABLEODDROWCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } /** * Gets the setting for the highlighting of search results. when activated, the search terms * in the search results window (CSearchResults) are highlighted. * @return {@code true} if search terms should be highlighted */ public boolean getHighlightSearchResults() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHRESULTS); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting for the highlighting of search results. when activated, the search terms * in the search results window (CSearchResults) are highlighted. * @param val {@code true} if search terms should be highlighted */ public void setHighlightSearchResults(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHRESULTS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHRESULTS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting for the highlighting of keywords in the main frame's entry-content. * when activated, the keywords of an entry that appear in the entry-content are highlighted. * @return {@code true} if keywords should be highlighted */ public boolean getHighlightKeywords() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDS); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting for the highlighting of keywords in the main frame's entry-content. * when activated, the keywords of an entry that appear in the entry-content are highlighted. * @param val {@code true} if keywords should be highlighted */ public void setHighlightKeyword(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getHighlightSegments() { return highlightSegments; } public void setHighlightSegments(boolean val) { highlightSegments = val; } /** * Gets the setting for showing an entry from the search results window immediatley. * when activated, a selected entry in the search results window is immediately displayed * in the main window. * @return {@code true} if entry should be displayed at once */ public boolean getShowSearchEntry() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWSEARCHENTRY); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting for showing an entry from the search results window immediatley. * when activated, a selected entry in the search results window is immediately displayed * in the main window. * @param val {@code true} if entry should be displayed at once */ public void setShowSearchEntry(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWSEARCHENTRY); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWSEARCHENTRY); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting whether the footnotes should be superscripted or not. A superscripted * footnote is displayed smaller, but changes the line-height. * @return {@code true} if footnote should be superscripted */ public boolean getSupFootnote() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SUPFOOTNOTE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting whether the footnotes should be superscripted or not. A superscripted * footnote is displayed smaller, but changes the line-height. * @param val use true, if footnote should be superscripted */ public void setSupFootnote(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SUPFOOTNOTE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SUPFOOTNOTE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting whether a click on the footnotes should open the tab with the authorlist * and select the related author or not. * @return {@code true} if footnote should show the related author in the tabbed pane */ public boolean getJumpFootnote() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_JUMPFOOTNOTE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting whether a click on the footnotes should open the tab with the authorlist * and select the related author or not. * @param val {@code true} if footnote should show the related author in the tabbed pane */ public void setJumpFootnote(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_JUMPFOOTNOTE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_JUMPFOOTNOTE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting whether a search request should search in entries within a certain * date-range. * @return {@code true} if search should look for entries with a certain date (timestamp) */ public boolean getSearchTime() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHTIME); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting whether a search request should search in entries within a certain * date-range. * @param val {@code true} if search should look for entries with a certain date (timestamp) */ public void setSearchTime(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHTIME); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHTIME); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting which logicalk-combination the user chose for the last search request. * @return 0 if search was log-and; 1 for log-or and 2 for log-not. */ public int getSearchLog() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHLOG); if (el != null) { return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } return 0; } /** * Sets the setting which logicalk-combination the user chose for the last search request. * @param val 0 if search was log-and; 1 for log-or and 2 for log-not. */ public void setSearchLog(int val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHLOG); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHLOG); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } /** * Gets the setting for the thumbnail width of images. This value indicates the maximum * width of images which are displayed in the textfield. larger images are resized to fit * the preferred maximum size and a link to the original image is inserted. * * @return the preferred maximum width of an image */ public int getImageResizeWidth() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_IMGRESIZEWIDTH); if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); return 300; } /** * Sets the setting for the thumbnail width of images. This value indicates the maximum * width of images which are displayed in the textfield. larger images are resized to fit * the preferred maximum size and a link to the original image is inserted. * * @param val the preferred maximum width of an image */ public void setImageResizeWidth(int val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_IMGRESIZEWIDTH); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_IMGRESIZEWIDTH); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } /** * Gets the setting for the thumbnail width of images. This value indicates the maximum * width of images which are displayed in the textfield. larger images are resized to fit * the preferred maximum size and a link to the original image is inserted. * * @return the preferred maximum width of an image */ public int getImageResizeHeight() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_IMGRESIZEHEIGHT); if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); return 300; } /** * Sets the setting for the thumbnail width of images. This value indicates the maximum * width of images which are displayed in the textfield. larger images are resized to fit * the preferred maximum size and a link to the original image is inserted. * * @param val the preferred maximum width of an image */ public void setImageResizeHeight(int val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_IMGRESIZEHEIGHT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_IMGRESIZEHEIGHT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } /** * This method returns the default font-size for tables and lists. The user cannot * choose the font or color, but at least a bigger font-size for better viewing is * possible. * * @return the value for which the original font size should be increased. */ public int getTableFontSize() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEFONTSIZE); if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); return 0; } /** * This method sets the default font-size for tables and lists. The user cannot * choose the font or color, but at least a bigger font-size for better viewing is * possible. * * @param size the value for which the original font-size should be increased */ public void setTableFontSize(int size) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEFONTSIZE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_TABLEFONTSIZE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(size)); } public int getDesktopOutlineFontSize() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONTSIZE); if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); return 0; } public void setDesktopOutlineFontSize(int size) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONTSIZE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONTSIZE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(size)); } /** * This method returns the index-value for the manual timestamp that can be inserted when * editing a new entry (see CNewEntry-dlg). For the different String-values that are used * to create the DateFormat, see {@code CConstants.manualTimestamp}. * * @return the index-value for the manual timestamp */ public int getManualTimestamp() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MANUALTIMESTAMP); if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); return 0; } /** * This method sets the index-value for the manual timestamp that can be inserted when * editing a new entry (see CNewEntry-dlg). For the different String-values that are used * to create the DateFormat, see {@code CConstants.manualTimestamp}. * * @param val the index-value for the manual timestamp */ public void setManualTimestamp(int val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MANUALTIMESTAMP); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_MANUALTIMESTAMP); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } /** * This method returns the default font-size for textfields in the CNewEntry-dialog. The user cannot * choose the font or color, but at least a bigger font-size for better viewing is * possible. * * @return the value for which the original font size should be increased. */ public int getTextfieldFontSize() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TEXTFIELDFONTSIZE); if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); return 0; } /** * This method sets the default font-size for textfields in the CNewEntry-dialog. The user cannot * choose the font or color, but at least a bigger font-size for better viewing is * possible. * * @param size the value for which the original font-size should be increased */ public void setTextfieldFontSize(int size) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TEXTFIELDFONTSIZE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_TEXTFIELDFONTSIZE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(size)); } public int getLastUsedSetBibyKeyChoice() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYCHOICE); if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); return CSetBibKey.CHOOSE_BIBKEY_FROM_DB; } public void setLastUsedSetBibyKeyChoice(int choice) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYCHOICE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYCHOICE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(choice)); } public int getLastUsedSetBibyKeyType() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYTYPE); if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); return CSetBibKey.TYPE_BIBKEY_NEW; } public void setLastUsedSetBibyKeyType(int type) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYTYPE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBKEYTYPE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(type)); } public int getLastUsedBibtexImportSource() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBIMPORTSOURCE); if (el != null) return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); return CImportBibTex.BIBTEX_SOURCE_DB; } public void setLastUsedBibtexImportSource(int source) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBIMPORTSOURCE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LASTUSEDSETBIBIMPORTSOURCE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(source)); } /** * Gets the setting for the thumbnail activation. This value indicates whether iamges * should always be display in original size, or whether large images should be resized * * @return {@code true} if large images should be resized. */ public boolean getImageResize() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_IMGRESIZE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the setting for the thumbnail activation. This value indicates whether iamges * should always be display in original size, or whether large images should be resized * * @param val whether thumbnail-display is enabled or not */ public void setImageResize(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_IMGRESIZE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_IMGRESIZE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getShowTableBorder() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWTABLEBORDER); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setShowTableBorder(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWTABLEBORDER); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWTABLEBORDER); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getShowLuhmannEntryNumber() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWLUHMANNENTRYNUMBER); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setShowLuhmannEntryNumber(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWLUHMANNENTRYNUMBER); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWLUHMANNENTRYNUMBER); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getShowDesktopEntryNumber() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWDESKTOPENTRYNUMBER); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setShowDesktopEntryNumber(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWDESKTOPENTRYNUMBER); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWDESKTOPENTRYNUMBER); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getShowEntryHeadline() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWENTRYHEADLINE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setShowEntryHeadline(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWENTRYHEADLINE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWENTRYHEADLINE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the setting for the extended quick input of keywords. * @return {@code true} if the extended keyword-quickinput should be activated */ public int getQuickInputExtended() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUICKINPUTEXTENDED); if (el != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } return 0; } /** * Sets the setting for the extended keyword-quick-input when editing new entries.. * @param val true if the extended keyword-quickinput should be activated */ public void setQuickInputExtended(int val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUICKINPUTEXTENDED); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_QUICKINPUTEXTENDED); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(val)); } /** * Gets the spell-correction-variable. If true, the grids in lists and tables should be displayed. * @return */ public boolean getSpellCorrect() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SPELLCORRECT); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the spell-correction-variable. If true, the grids in lists and tables should be displayed. * @param val (true if the spelling should be automatically corrected, false otherwise) */ public void setSpellCorrect(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SPELLCORRECT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SPELLCORRECT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * Gets the steno-variable. If true, steno is activated, false otherwise * @return {@code true} if steno is activated, false otherwise */ public boolean getStenoActivated() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_STENOACTIVATED); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * Sets the steno-variable. If true, steno is activated, false otherwise * @param val {@code true} if steno is activated, false otherwise */ public void setStenoActivated(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_STENOACTIVATED); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_STENOACTIVATED); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getHighlightWholeWord() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORD); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setHighlightWholeWord(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORD); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORD); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getHighlightWholeWordSearch() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORDSEARCH); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } public void setHighlightWholeWordSearch(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORDSEARCH); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_HIGHLIGHTWHOLEWORDSEARCH); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } public Font getTableFont() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEFONT); if (el != null) { return new Font(el.getText(), Font.PLAIN, 12); } return null; } public void setTableFont(String f) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TABLEFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_TABLEFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(f); } public Font getDesktopOutlineFont() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONT); if (el != null) { return new Font(el.getText(), Font.PLAIN, 12); } return null; } public void setDesktopOutlineFont(String f) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPOUTLINEFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(f); } /** * Retrieves settings for the mainfont (the font used for the main-entry-textfield). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getMainfont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MAINFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the main font as font-object. * @return the main-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getMainFont() { String style = getMainfont(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getMainfont(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getMainfont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getMainfont(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the mainfont (the font used for the main-entry-textfield). * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setMainfont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MAINFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_MAINFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Retrieves settings for the mainfont (the font used for the main-entry-textfield). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getAuthorFont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTHORFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the authir font as font-object. * @return the author-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getAuthorFont() { // get the font style. String style = getAuthorFont(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getAuthorFont(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getAuthorFont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getAuthorFont(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the mainfont (the font used for the main-entry-textfield). * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setAuthorFont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_AUTHORFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_AUTHORFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } public String getCodeFont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_CODEFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the authir font as font-object. * @return the author-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getCodeFont() { // get the font style. String style = getCodeFont(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getCodeFont(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getCodeFont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getCodeFont(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the mainfont (the font used for the main-entry-textfield). * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setCodeFont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_CODEFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_CODEFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Retrieves settings for the mainfont (the font used for the main-entry-textfield). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getRemarksFont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REMARKSFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the remarks font as font-object. * @return the remarks-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getRemarksFont() { String style = getRemarksFont(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getRemarksFont(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getRemarksFont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getRemarksFont(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the mainfont (the font used for the main-entry-textfield). * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setRemarksFont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_REMARKSFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_REMARKSFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Retrieves settings for the desktop-window's main headers. * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getDesktopHeaderfont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPHEADERFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the header font as font-object. * @return the header-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getDesktopHeaderFont() { String style = getDesktopHeaderfont(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getDesktopHeaderfont(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getDesktopHeaderfont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getDesktopHeaderfont(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the desktop-window's main header font. * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setDesktopHeaderfont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPHEADERFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPHEADERFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Retrieves settings for the desktop-window's item headers (additional display items). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getDesktopItemHeaderfont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPITEMHEADERFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the header font as font-object. * @return the header-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getDesktopItemHeaderFont() { String style = getDesktopItemHeaderfont(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getDesktopItemHeaderfont(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getDesktopItemHeaderfont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getDesktopItemHeaderfont(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the desktop-window's item header font (additional display items). * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setDesktopItemHeaderfont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPITEMHEADERFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPITEMHEADERFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Retrieves settings for the desktop-window's items (additional display items). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getDesktopItemfont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPITEMFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the header font as font-object. * @return the header-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getDesktopItemFont() { String style = getDesktopItemfont(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getDesktopItemfont(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getDesktopItemfont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getDesktopItemfont(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the desktop-window's item font (additional display items). * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setDesktopItemfont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPITEMFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPITEMFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Retrieves settings for the style of highlighting the search terms in the search result window. * @param what indicates, which style-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @param style * @return the related style-information as string. */ public String getHighlightSearchStyle(int what, int style) { String hs_style; switch (style) { case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_SEARCHRESULTS: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHSTYLE; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_KEYWORDS: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDSTYLE; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_LIVESEARCH: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHSTYLE; break; default: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHSTYLE; break; } Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(hs_style); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Changes settings for the style of highlighting the search terms in the search result window. * @param value the new value for the style-characteristic * @param what indicates, which style-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @param style */ public void setHighlightSearchStyle(String value, int what, int style) { String hs_style; switch (style) { case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_SEARCHRESULTS: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHSTYLE; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_KEYWORDS: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTKEYWORDSTYLE; break; case HtmlUbbUtil.HIGHLIGHT_STYLE_LIVESEARCH: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTLIVESEARCHSTYLE; break; default: hs_style = SETTING_HIGHLIGHTSEARCHSTYLE; break; } Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(hs_style); if (null == el) { el = new Element(hs_style); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Retrieves settings for the desktop-window's comment font. * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getDesktopCommentfont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the header font as font-object. * @return the header-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getDesktopCommentFont() { String style = getDesktopCommentfont(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getDesktopCommentfont(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getDesktopCommentfont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getDesktopCommentfont(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the desktop-window's commentfont. * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setDesktopCommentfont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPCOMMENTFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Retrieves settings for the titlefont (the font used for the main-entry's title). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getTitleFont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TITLEFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the title font as font-object. * @return the title-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getTitleFont() { // get the font style. String style = getTitleFont(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getTitleFont(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getTitleFont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getTitleFont(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the titlefont (the font used for the main-entry's title). * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setTitleFont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_TITLEFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_TITLEFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Retrieves settings for the titlefont (the font used for the main-entry's title). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getAppendixHeaderFont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_APPENDIXHEADERFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the title font as font-object. * @return the title-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getAppendixHeaderFont() { // get the font style. String style = getAppendixHeaderFont(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getAppendixHeaderFont(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getAppendixHeaderFont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getAppendixHeaderFont(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the titlefont (the font used for the main-entry's title). * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setAppendixHeaderFont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_APPENDIXHEADERFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_APPENDIXHEADERFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Retrieves settings for the header-1-font (the font used for the main-entry's 1st heading-tags). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getHeaderfont1(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HEADERFONT1); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the header font as font-object. * @return the header-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getHeaderFont1() { String style = getHeaderfont1(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getHeaderfont1(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getHeaderfont1(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getHeaderfont1(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the header-1-font (the font used for the main-entry's 1st heading-tags). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setHeaderfont1(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HEADERFONT1); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_HEADERFONT1); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Retrieves settings for the header-2-font (the font used for the main-entry's 2nd heading-tags). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getHeaderfont2(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HEADERFONT2); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; case FONTSTYLE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("style"); break; case FONTWEIGHT: retval = el.getAttributeValue("weight"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the header font as font-object. * @return the header-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getHeaderFont2() { String style = getHeaderfont2(FONTSTYLE); String weight = getHeaderfont2(FONTWEIGHT); // init default values int fstyle = Font.PLAIN; // convert the css-string-style into a font-integer-style if (style.equals("normal")) fstyle = Font.PLAIN; else if (style.equals("italic")) fstyle = Font.ITALIC; // in css, the bold-property is not a style-attribute, but a font-weight-attribute // that's why we have separated this here if (weight.equals("bold")) fstyle = fstyle + Font.BOLD; // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getHeaderfont2(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getHeaderfont2(FONTNAME), fstyle, fsize); } /** * Retrieves settings for the header-2-font (the font used for the main-entry's 2nd heading-tags). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getQuoteFont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUOTEFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves settings for the header-2-font (the font used for the main-entry's 2nd heading-tags). * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> * @return the related font-information as string. */ public String getEntryHeaderFont(int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ENTRYHEADERFONT); String retval = ""; if (el != null) { switch (what) { case FONTNAME: retval = el.getText(); break; case FONTSIZE: retval = el.getAttributeValue("size"); break; case FONTCOLOR: retval = el.getAttributeValue("color"); break; } } return retval; } /** * Retrieves the header font as font-object. * @return the header-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getQuoteFont() { // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getQuoteFont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getQuoteFont(FONTNAME), Font.PLAIN, fsize); } /** * Retrieves the header font as font-object. * @return the header-font as {@code Font} variable. */ public Font getEntryHeaderFont() { // convert the size int fsize = Integer.parseInt(getEntryHeaderFont(FONTSIZE)); return new Font(getEntryHeaderFont(FONTNAME), Font.PLAIN, fsize); } /** * Changes settings for the header-2-font (the font used for the main-entry's 2nd heading-tags). * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setHeaderfont2(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_HEADERFONT2); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_HEADERFONT2); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; case FONTSTYLE: el.setAttribute("style", value); break; case FONTWEIGHT: el.setAttribute("weight", value); break; } } /** * Changes settings for the header-2-font (the font used for the main-entry's 2nd heading-tags). * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setQuoteFont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUOTEFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_QUOTEFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; } } /** * Changes settings for the header-2-font (the font used for the main-entry's 2nd heading-tags). * @param value (the new value for the font-characteristic) * @param what (indicates, which font-characteristic we want to have. use following constants:<br> * - FONTNAME<br> * - FONTSIZE<br> * - FONTCOLOR<br> * - FONTSTYLE<br> * - FONTWEIGHT<br> */ public void setEntryHeadeFont(String value, int what) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ENTRYHEADERFONT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_ENTRYHEADERFONT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } switch (what) { case FONTNAME: el.setText(value); break; case FONTSIZE: el.setAttribute("size", value); break; case FONTCOLOR: el.setAttribute("color", value); break; } } public String getManlinkColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MANLINKCOLOR); String retval = "0033cc"; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } public void setManlinkColor(String col) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MANLINKCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_MANLINKCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } public String getFootnoteLinkColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_FNLINKCOLOR); String retval = "0033cc"; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } public void setFootnoteLinkColor(String col) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_FNLINKCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_FNLINKCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } public String getLinkColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LINKCOLOR); String retval = "003399"; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } public void setLinkColor(String col) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LINKCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LINKCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } public String getEntryHeadingBackgroundColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ENTRYHEADERBACKGROUNDCOLOR); String retval = "f2f2f2"; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } public void setEntryHeadingBackgroundColor(String col) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ENTRYHEADERBACKGROUNDCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_ENTRYHEADERBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } public String getQuoteBackgroundColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUOTEBACKGROUNDCOLOR); String retval = "f2f2f2"; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } public void setQuoteBackgroundColor(String col) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_QUOTEBACKGROUNDCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_QUOTEBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } public String getMainBackgroundColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MAINBACKGROUNDCOLOR); String retval = "ffffff"; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } public void setMainBackgroundColor(String col) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_MAINBACKGROUNDCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_MAINBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } public String getContentBackgroundColor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_CONTENTBACKGROUNDCOLOR); String retval = "ffffff"; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } public void setContentBackgroundColor(String col) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_CONTENTBACKGROUNDCOLOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_CONTENTBACKGROUNDCOLOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(col); } public int getShowAtStartup() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWATSTARTUP); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { retval = 0; } } return retval; } public void setShowAtStartup(int value) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWATSTARTUP); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWATSTARTUP); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(value)); } /** * This method keeps the selection of the combobox in the search dialog (CSearchDlg), which stores * the information whether the user wanted to search for entries with a certain create-date, changed-date * or both. * * @return the index of the selected item. */ public int getSearchComboTime() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHCOMBOTIME); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { retval = 0; } } return retval; } /** * This method keeps the selection of the combobox in the search dialog (CSearchDlg), which stores * the information whether the user wanted to search for entries with a certain create-date, changed-date * or both. * * @param value the index of the selected item. */ public void setSearchComboTime(int value) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHCOMBOTIME); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHCOMBOTIME); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(value)); } /** * When the user wants to search for entries with a certain creation or modified-date, this * setting stores the values from the last entered date-input from the user * * @return a string value, comma separated, which holds to dates: the beginning and the end-date * of the period the user wanted to search for entries. */ public String getSearchDateTime() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHDATETIME); String retval = ""; if (el != null) retval = el.getText(); return retval; } /** * When the user wants to search for entries with a certain creation or modified-date, this * setting stores the values from the last entered date-input from the user * * @param value a string value, comma separated, which holds to dates: the beginning and the end-date * of the period the user wanted to search for entries. these strings are taken from the formatted * textfields in the CSearchDlg. */ public void setSearchDateTime(String value) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SEARCHDATETIME); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SEARCHDATETIME); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(value); } /** * * @return */ public boolean getShowIcons() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWICONS); boolean retval = true; if (el != null) retval = el.getText().equals("1"); return retval; } /** * * @param value */ public void setShowIcons(boolean value) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWICONS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWICONS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(value ? "1" : "0"); } /** * * @return */ public boolean getShowAllIcons() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWALLICONS); boolean retval = true; if (el != null) retval = el.getText().equals("1"); return retval; } /** * * @param value */ public void setShowAllIcons(boolean value) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWALLICONS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWALLICONS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(value ? "1" : "0"); } /** * @return returns the last used bibtex-format, i.e. the format (encoding) of the currently * attached bibtex-file. following constants are used:<br> * 0: UTF-8 (Bibliographix)<br> * 1: UTF-8 (Citavi)<br> * 2: ISO8859_1 (Emacs with AucTex/RefTex)<br> * 3: UTF-8 (Endnote)<br> * 4: ISO8859_1 (JabRef)<br> * 5: UTF-8 (Refworks) */ public int getLastUsedBibtexFormat() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFORMAT); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { retval = 0; } } return retval; } /** * Sets the character-encoding of the currently attached bibtex-file. * * @param value set the last used bibtex-format, i.e. the format (encoding) of the currently * attached bibtex-file. following constants are used:<br> * 0: UTF-8 (Bibliographix)<br> * 1: UTF-8 (Citavi)<br> * 2: ISO8859_1 (Emacs with AucTex/RefTex)<br> * 3: UTF-8 (Endnote)<br> * 4: ISO8859_1 (JabRef)<br> * 5: UTF-8 (Refworks) */ public void setLastUsedBibtexFormat(int value) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFORMAT); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LASTUSEDBIBTEXFORMAT); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(value)); } /** * @return returns the display-option of the desktop window, i.e. * whether comments should be displayed in the desktop window or not, * or if only comments should be displayed. * * following constants are used:<br> * <ul> * <li>Constants.DESKTOP_WITH_COMMENTS</li> * <li>Constants.DESKTOP_WITHOUT_COMMENTS</li> * <li>Constants.DESKTOP_ONLY_COMMENTS</li> * </ul> */ public int getDesktopCommentDisplayOptions() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPSHOWCOMMENTS); int retval = Constants.DESKTOP_WITH_COMMENTS; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { retval = 0; } } return retval; } /** * Sets the display-option of the desktop window, i.e. * whether comments should be displayed in the desktop window or not, * or if only comments should be displayed. * * @param value the display-option. * following constants are used:<br> * <ul> * <li>Constants.DESKTOP_WITH_COMMENTS</li> * <li>Constants.DESKTOP_WITHOUT_COMMENTS</li> * <li>Constants.DESKTOP_ONLY_COMMENTS</li> * </ul> */ public void setDesktopCommentDisplayOptions(int value) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_DESKTOPSHOWCOMMENTS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_DESKTOPSHOWCOMMENTS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(value)); } public String getShowUpdateHintVersion() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWUPDATEHINTVERSION); if (el != null) return el.getText(); return "0"; } public void setShowUpdateHintVersion(String currentBuildNr) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_SHOWUPDATEHINTVERSION); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_SHOWUPDATEHINTVERSION); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (currentBuildNr != null && !currentBuildNr.isEmpty()) el.setText(currentBuildNr); else el.setText("0"); } public boolean getUseXDGOpen() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_USEXDGOPEN); boolean retval = true; if (el != null) retval = el.getText().equals("1"); return retval; } /** * * @param value */ public void setUseXDGOpen(boolean value) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_USEXDGOPEN); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_USEXDGOPEN); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(value ? "1" : "0"); } public boolean getUseCustomCSS(int what) { String ch; switch (what) { case CUSTOM_CSS_ENTRY: ch = SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSENTRY; break; case CUSTOM_CSS_DESKTOP: ch = SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSDESKTOP; break; default: ch = SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSENTRY; break; } Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(ch); boolean retval = false; if (el != null) retval = el.getText().equals("1"); return retval; } /** * * @param what * @param value */ public void setUseCustomCSS(int what, boolean value) { String ch; switch (what) { case CUSTOM_CSS_ENTRY: ch = SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSENTRY; break; case CUSTOM_CSS_DESKTOP: ch = SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSDESKTOP; break; default: ch = SETTING_USECUSTOMCSSENTRY; break; } Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(ch); if (null == el) { el = new Element(ch); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(value ? "1" : "0"); } /** * @return returns the currently used icon theme. following constants are used:<br> * 0: standard<br> * 1: Tango<br> */ public int getIconTheme() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ICONTHEME); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { retval = 0; } } return retval; } /** * * @param value sets the currently used icon theme. following constants are used:<br> * 0: standard<br> * 1: Tango<br> */ public void setIconTheme(int value) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_ICONTHEME); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_ICONTHEME); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(value)); } public String getIconThemePath() { // retrieve basic icon theme int theme = getIconTheme(); // check whether value is out of bounds if (theme >= Constants.iconThemes.length) theme = 0; // get default path String defpath = Constants.standardIconThemePath; // check whether we have os x if (isMacAqua() || isSeaGlass()) { defpath = defpath + "osx/"; } else { defpath = defpath + Constants.iconThemes[theme]; } // return path return defpath; } /** * * @return */ public boolean getLatexExportCreateFormTags() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFORMTAG); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * * @param val */ public void setLatexExportCreateFormTags(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFORMTAG); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFORMTAG); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * {@code true} when author-references should be references in a footnote, when * exporting to LaTex. If {@code false}, references are directly in the text. * * @return */ public boolean getLatexExportFootnoteRef() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFOOTNOTE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * * @param val */ public void setLatexExportFootnoteRef(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFOOTNOTE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTFOOTNOTE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * * @return */ public int getLastUsedLatexBibStyle() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTLASTUSEDBIBSTYLE); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { retval = 0; } } return retval; } /** * * @param value */ public void setLastUsedLatexBibStyle(int value) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTLASTUSEDBIBSTYLE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTLASTUSEDBIBSTYLE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(value)); } /** * * @return */ public int getLastUsedLatexDocClass() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTDOCUMENTCLASS); int retval = 0; if (el != null) { try { retval = Integer.parseInt(el.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { retval = 0; } } return retval; } /** * * @param value */ public void setLastUsedLatexDocClass(int value) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTDOCUMENTCLASS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTDOCUMENTCLASS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText(String.valueOf(value)); } /** * * @return */ public boolean getLatexExportShowAuthor() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWAUTHOR); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * * @param val */ public void setLatexExportShowAuthor(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWAUTHOR); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWAUTHOR); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * * @return */ public boolean getLatexExportShowMail() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWMAIL); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * * @param val */ public void setLatexExportShowMail(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWMAIL); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTSHOWMAIL); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * * @return */ public boolean getLatexExportConvertQuotes() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCONVERTQUOTES); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * * @param val */ public void setLatexExportConvertQuotes(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCONVERTQUOTES); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCONVERTQUOTES); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * * @return */ public boolean getLatexExportCenterForm() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCENTERFORM); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * * @param val */ public void setLatexExportCenterForm(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCENTERFORM); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTCENTERFORM); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * * @return */ public boolean getLatexExportRemoveNonStandardTags() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTREMOVENONSTANDARDTAGS); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * * @param val */ public void setLatexExportRemoveNonStandardTags(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTREMOVENONSTANDARDTAGS); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTREMOVENONSTANDARDTAGS); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * * @return */ public boolean getLatexExportStatisticTableStyle() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTTABLESTATSTYLE); if (el != null) return el.getText().equals("1"); return false; } /** * * @param val */ public void setLatexExportStatisticTableStyle(boolean val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTTABLESTATSTYLE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTTABLESTATSTYLE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } el.setText((val) ? "1" : "0"); } /** * * @return */ public String getLatexExportAuthorValue() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTAUTHORVALUE); if (el != null) return el.getText(); return ""; } /** * * @param val */ public void setLatexExportAuthorValue(String val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTAUTHORVALUE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTAUTHORVALUE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (val != null && !val.isEmpty()) el.setText(val); else el.setText(""); } /** * * @return */ public String getLatexExportMailValue() { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTMAILVALUE); if (el != null) return el.getText(); return ""; } /** * * @param val */ public void setLatexExportMailValue(String val) { Element el = settingsFile.getRootElement().getChild(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTMAILVALUE); if (null == el) { el = new Element(SETTING_LATEXEXPORTMAILVALUE); settingsFile.getRootElement().addContent(el); } if (val != null && !val.isEmpty()) el.setText(val); else el.setText(""); } }