Example usage for org.jdom2 Element getNamespaceURI

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getNamespaceURI


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element getNamespaceURI.


public String getNamespaceURI() 

Source Link


Returns the namespace URI mapped to this element's prefix (or the in-scope default namespace URI if no prefix).


From source file:es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.extraction.extractorImpl.TypesExtractorImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Recursive method that traverses an element to extract all the possible information from it.
 * It is recursive because it calls itself for each child of the element (obviously, infinite recursion 
 * is not possible as there are not, or there should not be, parent-child loops).  
 * The index of the current document is necessary in order to add well some information to 
 * the statistics./*from www.j a  va  2  s .com*/
 * @param documentIndex index of current document
 * @param element the element to traverse (as a JDOM2 {@link Element})
 * @param enclosingComplexType the complex type which will contain the current element
private void traverseElement(int documentIndex, Element element, String enclosingComplexType) {
    //Elements in the XSI namespace should be ignored
    if (element.getNamespaceURI().equalsIgnoreCase(XSI_NAMESPACE_URI))
    List<String> realPathUnfiltered = getRealPathOfElementUnfiltered(element, configuration, false,
    String realPathFiltered = filterAndJoinRealPath(realPathUnfiltered);//Path for the statistics
    List<String> typePathUnfiltered = getRealPathOfElementUnfiltered(element, configuration, false,
    List<String> suitablePath = getSuitablePath(typePathUnfiltered);//Path for type name inferencing
    //First, we will register the information of width and depth
    //The root is in a level whose width is 1, if we did not do the following, that width would be never registered
    if (element.isRootElement()) {
        statistics.registerWidth(documentIndex, 1);
    statistics.registerDepth(documentIndex, realPathUnfiltered.size());
    int width = element.getChildren().size();
    if (width > 0) {
        statistics.registerWidth(documentIndex, width);
    TypeNameInferencer typeNameInferencer = configuration.getTypeNameInferencer();
    String complexTypeName = typeNameInferencer.inferTypeName(suitablePath, configuration);//Complex type of this element
    //      //Little workaround that ensures that the same complex type is used 
    //      //when the elements on its path are the same (same name and namespace) but some of them 
    //      //use different namespace prefixes
    //      List<String> realPathUnfilteredKey=getRealPathOfElementUnfiltered(element, configuration, false, solvedNamespaceToPrefixMapping);
    //      List<String> suitablePathKey=getSuitablePath(realPathUnfilteredKey);//Path for type name inferencing
    //      String complexTypeNameKey = typeNameInferencer.inferTypeName(suitablePathKey, configuration);//Complex type of this element
    String complexTypeNameKey = complexTypeName;
    //The complex type object of this element.
    ComplexType complexType = complexTypes.get(complexTypeNameKey);
    if (complexType == null) {
        complexType = new ComplexType(complexTypeName, null, null, null);
        complexTypes.put(complexTypeNameKey, complexType); //New complex type
    complexType.addSourceNodeNamespaceAndName(element.getNamespaceURI(), element.getName());
    //Comment processing
    for (Comment comment : element.getDescendants(Filters.comment())) {
        if (comment.getParentElement().equals(element))

    //Key to find the corresponding SchemaElement
    //This key is: if the SchemaElement has an enclosing complex type (i.e., it is not a valid root), its name will be:
    //If the element is a suitable root, the key is the name of the element.
    String schemaElementKey = (!enclosingComplexType.equals(""))
            ? enclosingComplexType + configuration.getTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator() + element.getName()
            : element.getName();
    if (configuration.getTypeNameInferencer() instanceof NameTypeNameInferencer) {
        schemaElementKey = element.getName(); //If we use a name-based type inferencer, the key is the name and we avoid problems.
    SchemaElement schemaElement = elements.get(element.getNamespaceURI(), schemaElementKey);
    if (schemaElement == null) {
        schemaElement = new SchemaElement(element.getName(), element.getNamespaceURI(), complexType);//Complex type already not known.
        elements.put(element.getNamespaceURI(), schemaElementKey, schemaElement);
    boolean wasAlreadyValidRoot = schemaElement.isValidRoot();
    schemaElement.setValidRoot(wasAlreadyValidRoot || element.isRootElement());

    ComplexTypeStatisticsEntry complexTypeStatisticsEntry = statistics.getComplexTypeInfo().get(complexType);
    if (complexTypeStatisticsEntry == null) {
        complexTypeStatisticsEntry = new ComplexTypeStatisticsEntry(xmlDocuments.size());
        statistics.getComplexTypeInfo().put(complexType, complexTypeStatisticsEntry);

    AttributeListInferencer attributeListInferencer = attributeListInferencers.get(complexTypeName);

    if (attributeListInferencer == null) {
        attributeListInferencer = inferencersFactory.getAttributeListInferencerInstance(complexTypeName,
                configuration, solvedNamespaceToPrefixMapping, statistics);
        attributeListInferencers.put(complexTypeName, attributeListInferencer);
    attributeListInferencer.learnAttributeList(element.getAttributes(), documentIndex);

    SimpleTypeInferencer simpleTypeInferencer = simpleTypeInferencersOfComplexTypes.get(complexTypeName);
    if (simpleTypeInferencer == null) {
        simpleTypeInferencer = inferencersFactory.getSimpleTypeInferencerInstance(complexTypeName,
        simpleTypeInferencersOfComplexTypes.put(complexTypeName, simpleTypeInferencer);
    simpleTypeInferencer.learnValue(element.getText(), element.getNamespaceURI(), element.getName());

    //      SchemaElement previousChildSchemaElement=null; //We need to store the previous child in order to add the edge between it and the current child.
    List<SchemaElement> schemaElementChildren = new ArrayList<>(element.getChildren().size());
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getChildren().size(); i++) {
        Element child = element.getChildren().get(i);
        traverseElement(documentIndex, child, complexTypeName);
        String childSchemaElementKey = complexTypeName + configuration.getTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator()
                + child.getName();
        if (configuration.getTypeNameInferencer() instanceof NameTypeNameInferencer) {
            childSchemaElementKey = child.getName(); // If we use the name-based type name inferencer, the name is the key
        SchemaElement childSchemaElement = elements.get(child.getNamespaceURI(), childSchemaElementKey);//The SchemaElement object does exist because the method traverseElement is called before this.
        //         if(i==0){
        //            automaton.addEdge(automaton.getInitialState(), childSchemaElement);
        //         }
        //         else {
        //            automaton.addEdge(previousChildSchemaElement, childSchemaElement);
        //            if(i==(element.getChildren().size()-1)){
        //               automaton.addEdge(childSchemaElement, automaton.getFinalState());
        //            }
        //         }
        complexTypeStatisticsEntry.registerElementCount(childSchemaElement, documentIndex);
        //         previousChildSchemaElement=childSchemaElement;

    ExtendedAutomaton automaton = automatons.get(complexTypeName);
    if (automaton == null) {
        automaton = new ExtendedAutomaton();
        SchemaElement initialState = new SchemaElement("initial", DEFAULT_PSEUDOELEMENTS_NAMESPACE, null);
        SchemaElement finalState = new SchemaElement("final", DEFAULT_PSEUDOELEMENTS_NAMESPACE, null);
        automatons.put(complexTypeName, automaton);

    List<SchemaElement> schemaElementChildrenWithInitialAndFinal = new ArrayList<>(schemaElementChildren);
    schemaElementChildrenWithInitialAndFinal.add(0, automaton.getInitialState());

    complexTypeStatisticsEntry.registerValueOfNodeCount(element.getText(), schemaElement, documentIndex);

    statistics.registerElementAtPathCount(realPathFiltered, documentIndex);
    statistics.registerValueAtPathCount(realPathFiltered, element.getText(), documentIndex);
    if (enclosingComplexType.equals("")) {

From source file:nl.b3p.imro.harvester.parser.ParserFactory.java

License:Open Source License

private static boolean isElementEqual(Element elem1, Element elem2) {
    return elem1.getName().equals(elem2.getName()) && elem1.getNamespaceURI().equals(elem2.getNamespaceURI());

From source file:nl.nn.adapterframework.util.XmlBuilder.java

License:Apache License

private void addNamespaceRecursive(Element element, Namespace namespace) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(element.getNamespaceURI())) {
        List<Element> childList = element.getChildren();
        if (!childList.isEmpty()) {
            for (Element child : childList) {
                addNamespaceRecursive(child, namespace);
            }/*w w w.j  a  va2s  . c om*/

From source file:org.dvlyyon.net.netconf.marshalling.UnionChoiceHelper.java

License:Open Source License

Object xmlToUnion(ClassMapping cm, Element unionAttributeNode) {
    // Get to the union class
    Path childPath = Path.fromString(cm.getXmlPath());
    PathSegment ps = new PathSegment(cm.getXmlNamespace(), cm.getXmlTag());
    childPath.addSegment(ps);//w  ww.  ja va 2 s  .  c om
    ps = new PathSegment(unionAttributeNode.getNamespaceURI(), unionAttributeNode.getName());
    ClassMapping unionClass = m_model.getClassMappingByPath(childPath);
    if (unionClass == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Class mapping not found for path: " + childPath);
    // Instantiate the union class
    Object ret = createInstance(unionClass);
    // Check out every attribute in it one by one
    for (AttributeMapping am : unionClass.getAttributeMappings()) {
        Object attribValue = null;
        try {
            attribValue = am.convertStringToValue(unionAttributeNode.getText());
            if (attribValue != null) {
                boolean valid = am.isValid(attribValue);
                if (!valid) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid union assigment; constraint mismatch");
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            attribValue = null;
        if (attribValue != null) {
            // Yay - we found a match; set it
            BeanUtil.setDirectFieldValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), ret, attribValue);
    return ret;

From source file:org.dvlyyon.net.netconf.marshalling.UnionChoiceHelper.java

License:Open Source License

Object xmlToChoice(ClassMapping cm, String tag, Element choiceParentNode) throws RuntimeException {
    // Get to the choice class
    Path childPath = Path.fromString(cm.getXmlPath());
    PathSegment ps = new PathSegment(cm.getXmlNamespace(), cm.getXmlTag());
    childPath.addSegment(ps);//  www. j  ava2s .com
    ps = new PathSegment(choiceParentNode.getNamespaceURI(), tag);
    ClassMapping choiceClass = m_model.getClassMappingByPath(childPath);
    if (choiceClass == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Class mapping not found for path: " + childPath);
    // Instantiate the choice object
    Object choice = createInstance(choiceClass);
    ClassMapping caseClass = null;
    Object caseObject = null;
    List<Element> attribElements = choiceParentNode.getChildren();
    if (attribElements != null && attribElements.size() > 0) {
        for (Element potentialCaseAttribute : attribElements) {
            // Lookup the choice's case mappings and match it to ONE Of the attributes in the case node
            outer: for (AttributeMapping caseMapping : choiceClass.getAttributeMappings()) {
                if (caseMapping.getType() != AttributeMapping.Type.Class) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            "Invalid metadata - all attributes in a Choice class MUST be Case classes");
                Path caseXmlPath = Path.fromString(choiceClass.getXmlPath());
                ps = new PathSegment(choiceClass.getXmlNamespace(), choiceClass.getXmlTag());
                PathSegment attrPs = new PathSegment(caseMapping.getXmlNamespace(), caseMapping.getXmlTag());
                caseClass = m_model.getClassMappingByPath(caseXmlPath);
                if (caseClass == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Class mapping not found for path : " + caseXmlPath);
                for (AttributeMapping caseAttrib : caseClass.getAttributeMappings()) {
                    if (potentialCaseAttribute.getName().equals(caseAttrib.getXmlTag())
                            && potentialCaseAttribute.getNamespaceURI().equals(caseAttrib.getXmlNamespace())) {
                        // We found the case - create the case object and set the choice's member to point to this
                        caseObject = createInstance(caseClass);
                        BeanUtil.setDirectFieldValue(caseMapping.getJavaMemberName(), choice, caseObject);
                        break outer;
            if (caseObject != null) {
                // do an XmlToCase, which is the same as fromXml - given the case class and instance
                m_parent.setAttributesFromXml(caseObject, choiceParentNode, caseClass);
                return choice;
    return null;

From source file:org.dvlyyon.net.netconf.transport.ssh.AsyncSshConnection.java

License:Open Source License

 * Called when a regular (non-hello) message is received. The message can be one of three types:<ol>
 * <li>rpc-reply - This would be a response to the <b>create-subscription</b> message</li>
 * <li>replayComplete - This is an indicator that says old notifications have been replayed - ignored</li>
 * <li>notification - This is an actual notification - call the registered listener</li>
 * </ol>/* w  ww  . jav  a  2 s .  co m*/
protected void handleResponse(Element response) {
    try {
        // We are interested in three types of responses
        // RPC-OK (in response to create-subscription); verify using the message ID and OK response
        String responseType = response.getName();
        if (responseType.equals("rpc-reply")) {
            // This must be a response to the create-subscription message; verify using the message ID
            Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(BASE_NAMESPACE);
            String messageId = response.getAttributeValue("message-id");
            if (m_createSubscriptionMessageId.equals(messageId)) {
                Element ok = response.getChild("ok", ns);
                if (ok != null) {
                    s_logger.debug("Got an OK response to create-subscription.");
                    m_readyToReceiveNotifications = true;
                } else {
                    s_logger.warn("Expected an OK response to create-subscription; did not get one");
                    s_logger.warn("Actual response: " + XmlUtils.toXmlString(response));
            } else {
                s_logger.info("Reply received to keep-alive ping on async. channel");
        } else if (responseType.equals("replayComplete")) {
            // We don't really care about this one
            s_logger.info("Received ReplayComplete indicator from device");
        } else if (responseType.equals("notification")) {
            Element root = null;
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Top-level notification XML: " + XmlUtils.toXmlString(response));
            // Notifications (call the listener)
            s_logger.debug("Got a notification from device: " + responseType);
            Timestamp eventTime = null;
            ArrayList<Element> dataNodes = new ArrayList<Element>();
            List<Element> kids = (List<Element>) response.getChildren();
            for (Element kid : kids) {
                if (kid.getName().equals("eventTime") && kid.getNamespaceURI().equals(NOTIF_NAMESPACE)) {
                    try {
                        eventTime = new RFC3399Timestamp(kid.getText()).getSqlTimestamp();
                    } catch (final Exception ex) {
                        s_logger.warn("Error parsing event date: " + kid.getText() + " using current time");
                        eventTime = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
                } else {
            if (dataNodes.size() > 0) {
                root = new Element("data");
                for (Element dataNode : dataNodes) {
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    s_logger.debug("Notification data: " + XmlUtils.toXmlString(root));
            m_lastReceivedNotificationTime = eventTime;
            m_listener.notify(eventTime, root);
        } else {
            s_logger.warn("Unexpected XML message received from device: " + responseType);
    } catch (final Exception fex) {
        // Any exception in event processing should just ignore the event, instead of throwing it to the
        // caller (since the thread it is being called in will bag out otherwise)
        s_logger.error("Error processing notification: " + XmlUtils.toXmlString(response, true));
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.error(fex, fex);

From source file:org.jahia.utils.osgi.parsers.AbstractXmlFileParser.java

License:Open Source License

public void dumpElementNamespaces(Element element) {
    Namespace mainNamespace = element.getNamespace();
    getLogger().debug("Main namespace prefix=[" + mainNamespace.getPrefix() + "] uri=[" + mainNamespace.getURI()
            + "] getNamespaceURI=[" + element.getNamespaceURI() + "]");
    for (Namespace additionalNamespace : (List<Namespace>) element.getAdditionalNamespaces()) {
        getLogger().debug("Additional namespace prefix=" + additionalNamespace.getPrefix() + " uri="
                + additionalNamespace.getURI());
    }// w w w.  ja v  a  2s  .c om

From source file:org.jahia.utils.osgi.parsers.TldXmlFileParser.java

License:Open Source License

public static String getTaglibUri(Element tldRootElement) throws JDOMException {
    boolean hasDefaultNamespace = !StringUtils.isEmpty(tldRootElement.getNamespaceURI());

    Element uriElement = null;/*from w w  w .  j a v a2s . c  o  m*/
    if (hasDefaultNamespace) {
        uriElement = getElement(tldRootElement, "/xp:taglib/xp:uri");
    } else {
        uriElement = getElement(tldRootElement, "/taglib/uri");
    return uriElement != null ? uriElement.getTextTrim() : null;

From source file:org.jahia.utils.osgi.parsers.TldXmlFileParser.java

License:Open Source License

public void parse(String fileName, Element rootElement, String fileParent, boolean externalDependency,
        boolean optionalDependency, String version, ParsingContext parsingContext) throws JDOMException {
    dumpElementNamespaces(rootElement);/*  w  w w  . ja  v a2s  .  c  o m*/
    boolean hasDefaultNamespace = !StringUtils.isEmpty(rootElement.getNamespaceURI());
    if (hasDefaultNamespace) {
        getLogger().debug("Using default namespace XPath queries");

    String uri = getTaglibUri(rootElement);
    if (uri == null) {
        getLogger().warn("Couldn't find /taglib/uri tag in " + fileParent + " / " + fileName
                + ", aborting TLD parsing !");
    getLogger().debug("Taglib URI=" + uri);
    Set<PackageInfo> taglibPackageSet = parsingContext.getTaglibPackages().get(uri);
    if (taglibPackageSet == null) {
        taglibPackageSet = new TreeSet<PackageInfo>();

    List<Element> tagClassElements = new LinkedList<Element>();
            getElements(rootElement, hasDefaultNamespace ? "//xp:tag/xp:tag-class" : "//tag/tag-class"));
            getElements(rootElement, hasDefaultNamespace ? "//xp:tag/xp:tei-class" : "//tag/tei-class"));
            hasDefaultNamespace ? "//xp:tag/xp:attribute/xp:type" : "//tag/attribute/type"));
            .addAll(getElements(rootElement, hasDefaultNamespace ? "//xp:tag/xp:tagclass" : "//tag/tagclass"));
            .addAll(getElements(rootElement, hasDefaultNamespace ? "//xp:tag/xp:teiclass" : "//tag/teiclass"));
    for (Element tagClassElement : tagClassElements) {
        getLogger().debug(fileName + " Found tag class " + tagClassElement.getTextTrim() + " package="
                + PackageUtils.getPackagesFromClass(tagClassElement.getTextTrim(), optionalDependency, version,
                        fileParent + "/" + fileName, parsingContext).toString());
                optionalDependency, version, fileParent + "/" + fileName, parsingContext));

    // Parsing function class
    List<Element> functionClassElements = null;
    if (hasDefaultNamespace) {
        functionClassElements = getElements(rootElement, "//xp:function/xp:function-class");
    } else {
        functionClassElements = getElements(rootElement, "//function/function-class");
    for (Element functionClassElement : functionClassElements) {
                .debug(fileName + " Found function class " + functionClassElement.getTextTrim() + " package="
                        + PackageUtils.getPackagesFromClass(functionClassElement.getTextTrim(),
                                optionalDependency, version, fileParent + "/" + fileName, parsingContext)
                optionalDependency, version, fileParent + "/" + fileName, parsingContext));

    // Parsing function signature
    for (Element functionSignatureElement : getElements(rootElement,
            hasDefaultNamespace ? "//xp:function/xp:function-signature" : "//function/function-signature")) {
        List<PackageInfo> pkgs = getPackagesFromFunctionSignature(functionSignatureElement.getTextTrim(),
                fileParent + "/" + fileName, optionalDependency, version, parsingContext);
        if (pkgs != null && !pkgs.isEmpty()) {
                    fileName + " Found packages in function signature " + functionSignatureElement.getTextTrim()
                            + " packages=[" + StringUtils.join(pkgs, ", ") + "]");

    // Parsing a special "hint" in comments
    for (Object comment : selectNodes(rootElement, "//comment()")) {
        if (comment instanceof Comment) {
            String text = ((Comment) comment).getText();
            List<PackageInfo> pkgs = getPackagesFromTagFileComment(text, fileParent + "/" + fileName,
            if (pkgs != null && !pkgs.isEmpty()) {
                getLogger().debug(fileName + " Found import packages hint in comment " + text + " packages=["
                        + StringUtils.join(pkgs, ", ") + "]");

    // Parse tag files
    for (Element tagFilePathElement : getElements(rootElement,
            hasDefaultNamespace ? "//xp:tag-file/xp:path" : "//tag-file/path")) {
        String tagFilePath = tagFilePathElement.getTextTrim();
        if (tagFilePath.startsWith("/")) {
            tagFilePath = tagFilePath.substring(1);
        getLogger().debug("Adding tag file to be parsed later in the process: " + tagFilePath);

    Set<PackageInfo> effectivePackages = new TreeSet<PackageInfo>(taglibPackageSet);
    for (PackageInfo pkg : taglibPackageSet) {
        if (knownTransitiveImportPackages.containsKey(pkg.getName())) {

    parsingContext.putTaglibPackages(uri, effectivePackages);
    parsingContext.putExternalTaglib(uri, externalDependency);

From source file:org.shaman.rpg.editor.project.elements.JdomElements.java

 * <b>Do not use, an instance is provided in the project's lookup</b>.
 * @param projectRoot /* www  .ja v  a  2s  .c  o  m*/
public JdomElements(FileObject projectRoot) {
    try {
        file = projectRoot.getFileObject(FILENAME);
        if (file == null) {
            file = projectRoot.createData(FILENAME);
            //set hidden flag
            root = newDoc();
        } else {
            SAXBuilder b = new SAXBuilder();
            try (InputStream in = file.getInputStream()) {
                doc = b.build(in);
            } catch (JDOMException ex) {
                //create new file
                root = newDoc();
            //validate file
            org.jdom2.Element e = doc.getRootElement();
            if (!e.getName().equals(ROOT_NAME) || !e.getNamespaceURI().equals(ROOT_NAMESPACE)) {
                //invalid root file -> corrupt file -> create new file
                LOG.warning("corrupt elements file: invalid root node");
                root = newDoc();
            //create root group
            root = new JdomGroup(null, this, e, 0);
    } catch (IOException e) {