Example usage for org.jdom2 Element getNamespaceURI

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getNamespaceURI


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element getNamespaceURI.


public String getNamespaceURI() 

Source Link


Returns the namespace URI mapped to this element's prefix (or the in-scope default namespace URI if no prefix).


From source file:qtiscoringengine.QTIRubric.java

License:Open Source License

public static QTIRubric fromXML(String source, XmlReader reader, ValidationLog log) {
    Document doc = null;/*from   www.  j a  va  2 s  .c  o m*/
    try {
        doc = reader.getDocument();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.addMessage(null, "Failed to load document. Message: " + e.getMessage());
        return null;
    // this should never be null at this point, but just in case i guess...
    if (doc == null) {
                "Failed to load document. The XmlDocument is null. Sorry for lack of diagnostics.");
        return null;

    Element foo = doc.getRootElement();
    if (foo == null) {
        log.addMessage(null, "Failed to load document. There is no DocumentElement.");
        return null;
    // Create an XmlNamespaceManager for resolving namespaces.
    XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(/* doc.NameTable */);
    boolean foundNamespace = false;
    // add a default value for the namespace
    nsmgr.addNamespace("qti", QTIXmlConstants.NameSpaces[0]);

    String xmlns = foo.getNamespaceURI();
    XmlElement fooAsXml = new XmlElement(foo);

    if (StringHelper.contains(QTIXmlConstants.NameSpaces, xmlns)) {/* contains */
        nsmgr.addNamespace("qti", xmlns);
        foundNamespace = true;
    } else {
        // XmlNodeList namespaceNodes = foo.SelectNodes("//*[@xmlns]");
        List<Element> namespaceNodes = fooAsXml.selectNodes("//*[@xmlns]");
        for (Element elem : namespaceNodes)
            // if
            // (QTIXmlConstants.NameSpaces.Contains(elem.getAttributeValue("xmlns")))
            if (QTIXmlConstants.containsSchemaLocation(elem.getAttributeValue("xmlns"))) {/* contains */
                nsmgr.addNamespace("qti", elem.getAttributeValue("xmlns"));
                foundNamespace = true;

    List<Element> responseDeclarations = fooAsXml.selectNodes(QTIXmlConstants.ResponseDeclaration, nsmgr);
    List<Element> outcomeDeclarations = fooAsXml.selectNodes(QTIXmlConstants.OutcomeDeclaration, nsmgr);

    Element responseProcessing = fooAsXml.selectSingleNode(QTIXmlConstants.ResponseProcessing, nsmgr);
    if (responseProcessing != null) {
        String url = responseProcessing.getAttributeValue("template");
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(url)) {
            try {
                responseProcessing = QTIUtility.getXMLFromURL(url, nsmgr);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // responseProcessing can be the root node, so to keep us from
                // printing the entire
                // xml file we just add the error message without a node
                        "Error getting responseProcessing node. Url='" + url + "', message: " + e.getMessage());

    List<ResponseDeclaration> rdList = new ArrayList<ResponseDeclaration>();
    for (Element node : responseDeclarations) {
        try {
            ResponseDeclaration rd = ResponseDeclaration.fromXML(node, nsmgr, log);
            if (rd != null)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.addMessage(node, e.getMessage());

    List<OutcomeDeclaration> odList = new ArrayList<OutcomeDeclaration>();
    for (Element node : outcomeDeclarations) {
        try {
            OutcomeDeclaration od = OutcomeDeclaration.fromXML(node, nsmgr, log);
            if (od != null)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.addMessage(node, e.getMessage());

    ResponseProcessing responseProcessor = null;
    try {
        responseProcessor = ResponseProcessing.fromXml(responseProcessing, nsmgr, log);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.addMessage(responseProcessing, e.getMessage());

    // if the rubric is empty then it might be because the namespace wasn't
    // recognized
    // as an allowed value. Let the user know.
    if (rdList.size() == 0 && odList.size() == 0 && responseProcessor == null && !foundNamespace)
                "No valid namespace was found in this XML. Maybe you need to add it to the allowed values in QTIXmlConstants?");

    QTIRubric rubric = new QTIRubric(source, rdList, odList, responseProcessor);
    return rubric;