Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a link to the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write
 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
 * Copyright Model Based Management Technologies, LLC. (c) 2009 - 2011. All rights reserved.
 * This source code is provided "as is" and without warranties as to performance or merchantability.
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import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.dvlyyon.common.beans.BeanUtil;
import org.jdom2.Element;

 * TODO:
 * @author  Subramaniam Aiylam
 * @since   1.6
public class UnionChoiceHelper {

    /** Logger for tracing */
    static protected final Log s_logger = LogFactory.getLog(UnionChoiceHelper.class.getName());

    NetconfUtil m_parent;

    DataModel m_model;

    UnionChoiceHelper(NetconfUtil parent, DataModel model) {
        m_parent = parent;
        m_model = model;

    void unionToXml(ClassMapping cm, Object unionObject, Element targetNode) {
        // Take the union class and check out every attribute in it one by one
        for (AttributeMapping am : cm.getAttributeMappings()) {
            // The first one that is a non-null is Xml-ized and returned
            // TODO: This could be a nested union, so we should probably recurse
            Object value = BeanUtil.getDirectFieldValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), unionObject);
            if (value != null) {
                String strVal = am.convertValueToString(value);
                if (strVal != null) {

    public static String unionToStringValue(ClassMapping cm, Object unionObject) {
        String ret = null;
        // Take the union class and check out every attribute in it one by one
        for (AttributeMapping am : cm.getAttributeMappings()) {
            // The first one that is a non-null is Xml-ized and returned
            // TODO: It COULD be a nested union; so we should probably recurse
            Object value = BeanUtil.getDirectFieldValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), unionObject);
            if (value != null) {
                String strVal = am.convertValueToString(value);
                if (strVal != null) {
                    ret = strVal;
        return ret;

    Object xmlToUnion(ClassMapping cm, Element unionAttributeNode) {
        // Get to the union class
        Path childPath = Path.fromString(cm.getXmlPath());
        PathSegment ps = new PathSegment(cm.getXmlNamespace(), cm.getXmlTag());
        ps = new PathSegment(unionAttributeNode.getNamespaceURI(), unionAttributeNode.getName());
        ClassMapping unionClass = m_model.getClassMappingByPath(childPath);
        if (unionClass == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Class mapping not found for path: " + childPath);
        // Instantiate the union class
        Object ret = createInstance(unionClass);
        // Check out every attribute in it one by one
        for (AttributeMapping am : unionClass.getAttributeMappings()) {
            Object attribValue = null;
            try {
                attribValue = am.convertStringToValue(unionAttributeNode.getText());
                if (attribValue != null) {
                    boolean valid = am.isValid(attribValue);
                    if (!valid) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid union assigment; constraint mismatch");
            } catch (final Exception ex) {
                attribValue = null;
            if (attribValue != null) {
                // Yay - we found a match; set it
                BeanUtil.setDirectFieldValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), ret, attribValue);
        return ret;

    void choiceToXml(ClassMapping parentCm, ClassMapping cm, Object choiceObject, Element targetNode,
            EditOperation editOperation) {
        // Take the choice class and check out every attribute in it one by one
        // Each attribute must be a case
        for (AttributeMapping am : cm.getAttributeMappings()) {
            // The first one that is a non-null is Xml-ized and returned
            Object value = BeanUtil.getDirectFieldValue(am.getJavaMemberName(), choiceObject);
            if (value != null) {
                // This must be a case; go down into it
                Path childPath = Path.fromString(cm.getXmlPath());
                PathSegment ps = new PathSegment(cm.getXmlNamespace(), cm.getXmlTag());
                ps = new PathSegment(am.getXmlNamespace(), am.getXmlTag());
                ClassMapping caseClass = m_model.getClassMappingByPath(childPath);
                if (caseClass == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Class mapping not found for path: " + childPath);
                caseToXml(parentCm, caseClass, value, targetNode, editOperation);

    void caseToXml(ClassMapping parentCm, ClassMapping cm, Object caseObject, Element targetNode,
            EditOperation editOperation) {
        // Just stuff in every attribute in the case into the target node
        for (AttributeMapping am : cm.getAttributeMappings()) {
            //m_parent.dumpAttributeToXml(am, targetNode, parentCm, null, caseObject, editOperation);
            m_parent.dumpAttributeToXml(am, targetNode, cm, null, caseObject, editOperation);

    Object xmlToChoice(ClassMapping cm, String tag, Element choiceParentNode) throws RuntimeException {
        // Get to the choice class
        Path childPath = Path.fromString(cm.getXmlPath());
        PathSegment ps = new PathSegment(cm.getXmlNamespace(), cm.getXmlTag());
        ps = new PathSegment(choiceParentNode.getNamespaceURI(), tag);
        ClassMapping choiceClass = m_model.getClassMappingByPath(childPath);
        if (choiceClass == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Class mapping not found for path: " + childPath);
        // Instantiate the choice object
        Object choice = createInstance(choiceClass);
        ClassMapping caseClass = null;
        Object caseObject = null;
        List<Element> attribElements = choiceParentNode.getChildren();
        if (attribElements != null && attribElements.size() > 0) {
            for (Element potentialCaseAttribute : attribElements) {
                // Lookup the choice's case mappings and match it to ONE Of the attributes in the case node
                outer: for (AttributeMapping caseMapping : choiceClass.getAttributeMappings()) {
                    if (caseMapping.getType() != AttributeMapping.Type.Class) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(
                                "Invalid metadata - all attributes in a Choice class MUST be Case classes");
                    Path caseXmlPath = Path.fromString(choiceClass.getXmlPath());
                    ps = new PathSegment(choiceClass.getXmlNamespace(), choiceClass.getXmlTag());
                    PathSegment attrPs = new PathSegment(caseMapping.getXmlNamespace(), caseMapping.getXmlTag());
                    caseClass = m_model.getClassMappingByPath(caseXmlPath);
                    if (caseClass == null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Class mapping not found for path : " + caseXmlPath);
                    for (AttributeMapping caseAttrib : caseClass.getAttributeMappings()) {
                        if (potentialCaseAttribute.getName().equals(caseAttrib.getXmlTag())
                                && potentialCaseAttribute.getNamespaceURI().equals(caseAttrib.getXmlNamespace())) {
                            // We found the case - create the case object and set the choice's member to point to this
                            caseObject = createInstance(caseClass);
                            BeanUtil.setDirectFieldValue(caseMapping.getJavaMemberName(), choice, caseObject);
                            break outer;
                if (caseObject != null) {
                    // do an XmlToCase, which is the same as fromXml - given the case class and instance
                    m_parent.setAttributesFromXml(caseObject, choiceParentNode, caseClass);
                    return choice;
        return null;

    Object createInstance(ClassMapping cm) throws RuntimeException {
        Object o = null;
        try {
            Class<?> cls = Class.forName(cm.getJavaClassName());
            o = cls.newInstance();
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Error instantiating class: " + cm.getJavaClassName() + " -- " + ex.getMessage());
        return o;
