List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getAttribute
public Attribute getAttribute(final String attname)
This returns the attribute for this element with the given name and within no namespace, or null if no such attribute exists.
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/** * Returns a collection of timeslots extracted from the XML description * * @param map The map document// www .j av a 2s . co m * @return the list of timeSlots */ public ArrayList<TimeSlot> getTimeSlots(Map map) { // Get all the XML nodes representing timeslots List<Element> timeSlotElements = getDom().getRootElement().getChildren("PlagesHoraires").get(0) .getChildren(); // Create the list f timeslots that will be returned ArrayList<TimeSlot> timeslots = new ArrayList<>(); // Loop on timeslots XML nodes for (Element timeSlotElement : timeSlotElements) { // Create current timeslot TimeSlot ts; // Get all deliveries scheduled in the current timeslot List<Element> deliveryElements = timeSlotElement.getChildren("Livraisons").get(0).getChildren(); // Create a list of deliveries to attach to timeslot ArrayList<Delivery> deliveries = new ArrayList<>(); // Loop on each delivery for (Element deliveryElement : deliveryElements) { // Create a delivery element Delivery delivery = null; try { int deliveryId = deliveryElement.getAttribute("id").getIntValue(); int nodeId = deliveryElement.getAttribute("adresse").getIntValue(); delivery = new Delivery(deliveryId, map.getNodeById(nodeId)); } catch (DataConversionException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PlanningDocument.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } // Add the delivery to the collection deliveries.add(delivery); } // Get timeslot attributes int startTime = TypeWrapper.xmlTimeStringToSeconds(timeSlotElement.getAttributeValue("heureDebut")); int endTime = TypeWrapper.xmlTimeStringToSeconds(timeSlotElement.getAttributeValue("heureFin")); // Create new timeslot ts = new TimeSlot(startTime, endTime, deliveries); // Add new timeslot to the collection timeslots.add(ts); } // Return the collection of timeslots return timeslots; }
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/** * Checks the semantic integrity of the XML description using the given Map * * @param map Map used to check the semantic * @return true if the document is correct *//*from w w w . ja va2s . c o m*/ public boolean checkIntegrity(Map map) { Element root = getDom().getRootElement(); // TEST : check if there is only one warehouse if (root.getChildren("Entrepot").size() != 1) { setErrorMsg("The planning specifies zero or more than one warehouse !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } else { // TEST : check warehouse id if (root.getChild("Entrepot").getAttributeValue("adresse") != null) { try { // TEST : check if id of the node referenced by the warehouse exists in the map int id = root.getChild("Entrepot").getAttribute("adresse").getIntValue(); if (map.getNodeById(id) == null) { setErrorMsg("The node referenced by the warehouse is missing in the map !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } } catch (DataConversionException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PlanningDocument.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else { setErrorMsg("Missing <adresse> attribute in warehouse node !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } // TEST : check if planning file specifies one or more timeslots if (root.getChildren("PlagesHoraires").get(0).getChildren().size() < 1) { setErrorMsg("At least one timeslot should be specified by planning file !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } // TEST : check if each timeSlot contains at least one delivery for (Element ts : root.getChildren("PlagesHoraires").get(0).getChildren()) { // TEST : check if timeSlot attributes are not missing and correct int startTime; int endTime; if (ts.getAttributeValue("heureDebut") != null) { startTime = TypeWrapper.xmlTimeStringToSeconds(ts.getAttributeValue("heureDebut")); } else { setErrorMsg("Missing <heureDebut> attribute in at least one timeSlot !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } if (ts.getAttributeValue("heureFin") != null) { endTime = TypeWrapper.xmlTimeStringToSeconds(ts.getAttributeValue("heureFin")); } else { setErrorMsg("Missing <heureFin> attribute in at least one timeSlot !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } // TEST : check if endTime > startTime if (startTime >= endTime) { setErrorMsg("At least one timeSlot has an end time before its start time !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } List<Element> deliveries = ts.getChildren("Livraisons").get(0).getChildren(); if (deliveries.size() < 1) { setErrorMsg("All timeslots must specify at least one delivery !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } ArrayList<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Integer> addresses = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element delivery : deliveries) { // TEST : if delivery has an address if (delivery.getAttributeValue("adresse") == null) { setErrorMsg("At least one delivery doesn't reference it's node id !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } else { try { int address = delivery.getAttribute("adresse").getIntValue(); addresses.add(address); int id = delivery.getAttribute("id").getIntValue(); ids.add(id); // TEST : if delivery reference an existing node in the map if (map.getNodeById(id) == null) { setErrorMsg("At least one delivery has its node missing in the map !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } } catch (DataConversionException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PlanningDocument.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } // TEST : check if two nodes share the same id in the timeslot for (Integer id : ids) { if (Collections.frequency(ids, id) > 1) { setErrorMsg("At least two deliveries share the same id !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } } // TEST : check if two nodes share the same address in the timeslot for (Integer address : addresses) { if (Collections.frequency(addresses, address) > 1) { setErrorMsg("At least two deliveries share the same <adresse> !"); return false; // Interrupt check here } } } } return true; }
From source
public void buildINstanceJDom(String path) { //creating JDOM SAX parser SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); //reading XML document Document xml = null;/*from w ww. j a v a m*/ try { xml = File(path)); } catch (JDOMException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //getting root element from XML document Element root = xml.getRootElement(); List<Element> list = root.getChildren(); for (Element element : list) { List<Element> list1; if (element.getName().equals("board")) { list1 = element.getChildren(); for (Element element2 : list1) { if (element2.getName().equals("size_n")) {//size of the space size_n = Integer.parseInt(element2.getText()); } else if (element2.getName().equals("size_m")) {//size of the space size_m = Integer.parseInt(element2.getText()); //inizializzo matrice solo dop aver letto le due dimensioni //NOTA CHE SIZE_M E SIZE_N devono essere i primi elementi e in quell ordine! boardState = new CellLogicalState[size_n][size_m]; for (int j = 0; j < size_n; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < size_m; k++) { boardState[j][k] = new CellLogicalState(); } } } else if (element2.getName().equals("tile_state")) {//tile states int x, y, value; CellLogicalState state = new CellLogicalState(); String stateString; x = Integer.parseInt(element2.getAttribute("x").getValue()); y = Integer.parseInt(element2.getAttribute("y").getValue()); stateString = element2.getText(); if (stateString.equals("obstacle")) { state.setLocState(LocationState.Obstacle); } else if (stateString.equals("dirty")) { state.setLocState(LocationState.Dirty); value = 1; if (element2.getAttribute("value").getValue() != null) { value = Integer.parseInt(element2.getAttribute("value").getValue()); } state.setDirtyAmount(value); } boardState[x][y] = state; } } } else if (element.getName().equals("agent")) {//agent List<Element> list3 = element.getChildren(); for (Element element3 : list3) { if (element3.getName().equals("x")) { agentPos.setX(Integer.parseInt(element3.getValue())); } else if (element3.getName().equals("y")) { agentPos.setY(Integer.parseInt(element3.getValue())); } else if (element3.getName().equals("energy")) { energy = Double.parseDouble(element3.getValue()); } } } else if (element.getName().equals("base")) {//agent List<Element> list3 = element.getChildren(); for (Element element3 : list3) { if (element3.getName().equals("x")) { basePos.setX(Integer.parseInt(element3.getValue())); } else if (element3.getName().equals("y")) { basePos.setY(Integer.parseInt(element3.getValue())); } } } else if (element.getName().equals("action_costs")) {//agent List<Element> list3 = element.getChildren(); for (Element element3 : list3) { if (element3.getName().equals("up") || element3.getName().equals("left") || element3.getName().equals("down") || element3.getName().equals("right") || element3.getName().equals("suck")) { actionCosts.put(element3.getName(), Double.parseDouble(element3.getValue())); } } } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Support legacy data structures where link metadata is stored as JSON fragment in single HTML5 data attribute. * @param pResourceProps Valuemap to write link metadata to * @param element Link element/* w w w . j a v a 2s . c om*/ */ private boolean getAnchorLegacyMetadataFromSingleData(ValueMap pResourceProps, Element element) { boolean foundAny = false; JSONObject metadata = null; Attribute dataAttribute = element.getAttribute("data"); if (dataAttribute != null) { String metadataString = dataAttribute.getValue(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(metadataString)) { try { metadata = new JSONObject(metadataString); } catch (JSONException ex) { RichTextHandlerImpl.log.debug("Invalid link metadata: " + metadataString, ex); } } } if (metadata != null) { JSONArray names = metadata.names(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); i++) { String name = names.optString(i); pResourceProps.put(name, metadata.opt(name)); foundAny = true; } } return foundAny; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Create a LsDecSignalHead//from w ww . j ava 2s .co m * * @param element Top level Element to unpack. * @return true if successful */ public boolean load(Element element) { // put it together String sys = getSystemName(element); String uname = getUserName(element); DccSignalHead h; if (uname == null) { h = new DccSignalHead(sys); } else { h = new DccSignalHead(sys, uname); } loadCommon(h, element); if (element.getChild("useAddressOffSet") != null) { if (element.getChild("useAddressOffSet").getText().equals("yes")) { h.useAddressOffSet(true); } } List<Element> list = element.getChildren("aspect"); for (Element e : list) { String aspect = e.getAttribute("defines").getValue(); int number = -1; try { String value = e.getChild("number").getValue(); number = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("failed to convert DCC number"); } int indexOfAspect = -1; for (int i = 0; i < h.getValidStates().length; i++) { if (h.getValidStateNames()[i].equals(aspect)) { indexOfAspect = i; break; } } if (indexOfAspect != -1) { h.setOutputForAppearance(h.getValidStates()[indexOfAspect], number); } } InstanceManager.signalHeadManagerInstance().register(h); return true; }
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License:Open Source License
NamedBeanHandle<Turnout> loadTurnout(Object o) { Element e = (Element) o; String name = e.getAttribute("systemName").getValue(); Turnout t = InstanceManager.turnoutManagerInstance().getTurnout(name); return jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.NamedBeanHandleManager.class).getNamedBeanHandle(name, t); }
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License:Open Source License
int loadTurnoutStatus(Object o) { Element e = (Element) o; String rState = e.getAttribute("state").getValue(); int tSetState = Turnout.CLOSED; if (rState.equals("THROWN")) { tSetState = Turnout.THROWN;// w w w.ja va 2 s . c o m } return tSetState; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Create a MergSD2SignalHead/*from www. j a v a2 m*/ * * @param element Top level Element to unpack. * @return true if successful */ public boolean load(Element element) { int aspects = 2; List<Element> l = element.getChildren("turnoutname"); if (l.size() == 0) { l = element.getChildren("turnout"); aspects = l.size() + 1; } NamedBeanHandle<Turnout> input1 = null; NamedBeanHandle<Turnout> input2 = null; NamedBeanHandle<Turnout> input3 = null; String yesno = ""; boolean feather = false; boolean home = true; // put it together String sys = getSystemName(element); String uname = getUserName(element); if (element.getAttribute("feather") != null) { yesno = element.getAttribute("feather").getValue(); } if ((yesno != null) && (!yesno.equals(""))) { if (yesno.equals("yes")) { feather = true; } else if (yesno.equals("no")) { feather = false; } } if (element.getAttribute("home") != null) { yesno = element.getAttribute("home").getValue(); } if ((yesno != null) && (!yesno.equals(""))) { if (yesno.equals("yes")) { home = true; } else if (yesno.equals("no")) { home = false; } } try { aspects = element.getAttribute("aspects").getIntValue(); } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) { log.warn("Could not parse level attribute!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // considered normal if the attribute not present } SignalHead h; //int aspects = l.size()+1; //Number of aspects is equal to the number of turnouts used plus 1. //@TODO could re-arange this so that it falls through switch (aspects) { case 2: input1 = loadTurnout(l.get(0)); break; case 3: input1 = loadTurnout(l.get(0)); input2 = loadTurnout(l.get(1)); break; case 4: input1 = loadTurnout(l.get(0)); input2 = loadTurnout(l.get(1)); input3 = loadTurnout(l.get(2)); break; default: log.error("incorrect number of aspects " + aspects + " when loading Signal " + sys); } if (uname == null) { h = new MergSD2SignalHead(sys, aspects, input1, input2, input3, feather, home); } else { h = new MergSD2SignalHead(sys, uname, aspects, input1, input2, input3, feather, home); } loadCommon(h, element); InstanceManager.signalHeadManagerInstance().register(h); return true; }
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License:Open Source License
NamedBeanHandle<Turnout> loadTurnout(Object o) { Element e = (Element) o; if (e.getName().equals("turnout")) { String name = e.getAttribute("systemName").getValue(); Turnout t;//from ww w . j a va2 s. c o m if (e.getAttribute("userName") != null && !e.getAttribute("userName").getValue().equals("")) { name = e.getAttribute("userName").getValue(); t = InstanceManager.turnoutManagerInstance().getTurnout(name); } else { t = InstanceManager.turnoutManagerInstance().getBySystemName(name); } return jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.NamedBeanHandleManager.class).getNamedBeanHandle(name, t); } else { String name = e.getText(); Turnout t = InstanceManager.turnoutManagerInstance().provideTurnout(name); return jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.NamedBeanHandleManager.class).getNamedBeanHandle(name, t); } }
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License:Open Source License
public void readDispatcherOptions(DispatcherFrame f) throws org.jdom2.JDOMException, { log.debug("entered readDispatcherOptions"); // check if file exists if (checkFile(defaultFileName)) { // file is present, root = rootFromName(defaultFileName); dispatcher = f;/* w w w .ja v a 2s .com*/ if (root != null) { // there is a file Element options = root.getChild("options"); if (options != null) { // there are options defined, read and set Dispatcher options if (options.getAttribute("lename") != null) { // there is a layout editor name selected String leName = options.getAttribute("lename").getValue(); // get list of Layout Editor panels ArrayList<LayoutEditor> layoutEditorList = jmri.jmrit.display.PanelMenu.instance() .getLayoutEditorPanelList(); if (layoutEditorList.size() == 0) { log.warn("Dispatcher options specify a Layout Editor panel that is not present."); } else { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < layoutEditorList.size(); i++) { if (leName.equals(layoutEditorList.get(i).getTitle())) { found = true; dispatcher.setLayoutEditor(layoutEditorList.get(i)); } } if (!found) { log.warn("Layout Editor panel - " + leName + " - not found."); } } } if (options.getAttribute("usesignaltype") != null) { dispatcher.setSignalType(0x00); if (options.getAttribute("usesignaltype").getValue().equals("signalmast")) { dispatcher.setSignalType(0x01); } } if (options.getAttribute("useconnectivity") != null) { dispatcher.setUseConnectivity(true); if (options.getAttribute("useconnectivity").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setUseConnectivity(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromroster") != null) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromRoster(true); if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromroster").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromRoster(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromtrains") != null) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromTrains(true); if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromtrains").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromTrains(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromuser") != null) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromUser(true); if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromuser").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromUser(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("autoallocate") != null) { dispatcher.setAutoAllocate(false); if (options.getAttribute("autoallocate").getValue().equals("yes")) { dispatcher.setAutoAllocate(true); } } if (options.getAttribute("autoturnouts") != null) { dispatcher.setAutoTurnouts(true); if (options.getAttribute("autoturnouts").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setAutoTurnouts(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("hasoccupancydetection") != null) { dispatcher.setHasOccupancyDetection(true); if (options.getAttribute("hasoccupancydetection").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setHasOccupancyDetection(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("shortactivetrainnamesr") != null) { dispatcher.setShortActiveTrainNames(true); if (options.getAttribute("shortactivetrainnames").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setShortActiveTrainNames(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("shortnameinblock") != null) { dispatcher.setShortNameInBlock(true); if (options.getAttribute("shortnameinblock").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setShortNameInBlock(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("extracolorforallocated") != null) { dispatcher.setExtraColorForAllocated(true); if (options.getAttribute("extracolorforallocated").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setExtraColorForAllocated(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("nameinallocatedblock") != null) { dispatcher.setNameInAllocatedBlock(true); if (options.getAttribute("nameinallocatedblock").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setNameInAllocatedBlock(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("supportvsdecoder") != null) { dispatcher.setSupportVSDecoder(true); if (options.getAttribute("supportvsdecoder").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setSupportVSDecoder(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("layoutscale") != null) { String s = (options.getAttribute("layoutscale")).getValue(); for (int i = 1; i <= Scale.NUM_SCALES; i++) { if (Scale.getShortScaleID(i).equals(s)) { dispatcher.setScale(i); } } } if (options.getAttribute("usescalemeters") != null) { dispatcher.setUseScaleMeters(true); if (options.getAttribute("usescalemeters").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setUseScaleMeters(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("userosterentryinblock") != null) { dispatcher.setRosterEntryInBlock(false); if (options.getAttribute("userosterentryinblock").getValue().equals("yes")) { dispatcher.setRosterEntryInBlock(true); } } } } } }