Java tutorial
// package jmri.jmrit.dispatcher; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import jmri.Scale; import jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditor; import jmri.util.FileUtil; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Handles reading and writing of Dispatcher options to disk as an XML file * called "dispatcher-options.xml" in the user's preferences area * <p> * This class manipulates the files conforming to the dispatcher-options DTD * <p> * The file is written when the user requests that options be saved. If the * dispatcher-options.xmlfile is present when Dispatcher is requested, it is * read and options set accordingly * * <P> * This file is part of JMRI. * <P> * JMRI is open source software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation. See the "COPYING" file for a copy of this license. * <P> * JMRI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * @author Dave Duchamp Copyright (C) 2008 * @version $Revision$ */ public class OptionsFile extends jmri.jmrit.XmlFile { static final ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("jmri.jmrit.dispatcher.DispatcherBundle"); public OptionsFile() { super(); } // operational variables protected DispatcherFrame dispatcher = null; private static String defaultFileName = FileUtil.getUserFilesPath() + "dispatcheroptions.xml"; public static void setDefaultFileName(String testLocation) { defaultFileName = testLocation; } private Document doc = null; private Element root = null; /* * Reads Dispatcher Options from a file in the user's preferences directory * If the file containing Dispatcher Options does not exist this routine returns quietly. */ public void readDispatcherOptions(DispatcherFrame f) throws org.jdom2.JDOMException, { log.debug("entered readDispatcherOptions"); // check if file exists if (checkFile(defaultFileName)) { // file is present, root = rootFromName(defaultFileName); dispatcher = f; if (root != null) { // there is a file Element options = root.getChild("options"); if (options != null) { // there are options defined, read and set Dispatcher options if (options.getAttribute("lename") != null) { // there is a layout editor name selected String leName = options.getAttribute("lename").getValue(); // get list of Layout Editor panels ArrayList<LayoutEditor> layoutEditorList = jmri.jmrit.display.PanelMenu.instance() .getLayoutEditorPanelList(); if (layoutEditorList.size() == 0) { log.warn("Dispatcher options specify a Layout Editor panel that is not present."); } else { boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < layoutEditorList.size(); i++) { if (leName.equals(layoutEditorList.get(i).getTitle())) { found = true; dispatcher.setLayoutEditor(layoutEditorList.get(i)); } } if (!found) { log.warn("Layout Editor panel - " + leName + " - not found."); } } } if (options.getAttribute("usesignaltype") != null) { dispatcher.setSignalType(0x00); if (options.getAttribute("usesignaltype").getValue().equals("signalmast")) { dispatcher.setSignalType(0x01); } } if (options.getAttribute("useconnectivity") != null) { dispatcher.setUseConnectivity(true); if (options.getAttribute("useconnectivity").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setUseConnectivity(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromroster") != null) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromRoster(true); if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromroster").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromRoster(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromtrains") != null) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromTrains(true); if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromtrains").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromTrains(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromuser") != null) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromUser(true); if (options.getAttribute("trainsfromuser").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setTrainsFromUser(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("autoallocate") != null) { dispatcher.setAutoAllocate(false); if (options.getAttribute("autoallocate").getValue().equals("yes")) { dispatcher.setAutoAllocate(true); } } if (options.getAttribute("autoturnouts") != null) { dispatcher.setAutoTurnouts(true); if (options.getAttribute("autoturnouts").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setAutoTurnouts(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("hasoccupancydetection") != null) { dispatcher.setHasOccupancyDetection(true); if (options.getAttribute("hasoccupancydetection").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setHasOccupancyDetection(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("shortactivetrainnamesr") != null) { dispatcher.setShortActiveTrainNames(true); if (options.getAttribute("shortactivetrainnames").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setShortActiveTrainNames(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("shortnameinblock") != null) { dispatcher.setShortNameInBlock(true); if (options.getAttribute("shortnameinblock").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setShortNameInBlock(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("extracolorforallocated") != null) { dispatcher.setExtraColorForAllocated(true); if (options.getAttribute("extracolorforallocated").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setExtraColorForAllocated(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("nameinallocatedblock") != null) { dispatcher.setNameInAllocatedBlock(true); if (options.getAttribute("nameinallocatedblock").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setNameInAllocatedBlock(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("supportvsdecoder") != null) { dispatcher.setSupportVSDecoder(true); if (options.getAttribute("supportvsdecoder").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setSupportVSDecoder(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("layoutscale") != null) { String s = (options.getAttribute("layoutscale")).getValue(); for (int i = 1; i <= Scale.NUM_SCALES; i++) { if (Scale.getShortScaleID(i).equals(s)) { dispatcher.setScale(i); } } } if (options.getAttribute("usescalemeters") != null) { dispatcher.setUseScaleMeters(true); if (options.getAttribute("usescalemeters").getValue().equals("no")) { dispatcher.setUseScaleMeters(false); } } if (options.getAttribute("userosterentryinblock") != null) { dispatcher.setRosterEntryInBlock(false); if (options.getAttribute("userosterentryinblock").getValue().equals("yes")) { dispatcher.setRosterEntryInBlock(true); } } } } } } /* * Writes out Dispatcher options to a file in the user's preferences directory */ public void writeDispatcherOptions(DispatcherFrame f) throws { log.debug("entered writeDispatcherOptions"); dispatcher = f; root = new Element("dispatcheroptions"); doc = newDocument(root, dtdLocation + "dispatcher-options.dtd"); // add XSLT processing instruction // <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="XSLT/block-values.xsl"?> java.util.Map<String, String> m = new java.util.HashMap<String, String>(); m.put("type", "text/xsl"); m.put("href", xsltLocation + "dispatcheroptions.xsl"); org.jdom2.ProcessingInstruction p = new org.jdom2.ProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", m); doc.addContent(0, p); // save Dispatcher Options in xml format Element options = new Element("options"); LayoutEditor le = dispatcher.getLayoutEditor(); if (le != null) { options.setAttribute("lename", le.getTitle()); } options.setAttribute("useconnectivity", "" + (dispatcher.getUseConnectivity() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("trainsfromroster", "" + (dispatcher.getTrainsFromRoster() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("trainsfromtrains", "" + (dispatcher.getTrainsFromTrains() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("trainsfromuser", "" + (dispatcher.getTrainsFromUser() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("autoallocate", "" + (dispatcher.getAutoAllocate() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("autoturnouts", "" + (dispatcher.getAutoTurnouts() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("hasoccupancydetection", "" + (dispatcher.getHasOccupancyDetection() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("shortactivetrainnames", "" + (dispatcher.getShortActiveTrainNames() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("shortnameinblock", "" + (dispatcher.getShortNameInBlock() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("extracolorforallocated", "" + (dispatcher.getExtraColorForAllocated() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("nameinallocatedblock", "" + (dispatcher.getNameInAllocatedBlock() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("supportvsdecoder", "" + (dispatcher.getSupportVSDecoder() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("layoutscale", Scale.getShortScaleID(dispatcher.getScale())); options.setAttribute("usescalemeters", "" + (dispatcher.getUseScaleMeters() ? "yes" : "no")); options.setAttribute("userosterentryinblock", "" + (dispatcher.getRosterEntryInBlock() ? "yes" : "no")); if (dispatcher.getSignalType() == 0x00) { options.setAttribute("usesignaltype", "signalhead"); } else { options.setAttribute("usesignaltype", "signalmast"); } root.addContent(options); // write out the file try { if (!checkFile(defaultFileName)) { // file does not exist, create it File file = new File(defaultFileName); if (!file.createNewFile()) // create new file and check result { log.error("createNewFile failed"); } } // write content to file writeXML(findFile(defaultFileName), doc); } catch ( ioe) { log.error("IO Exception " + ioe); throw (ioe); } } private static OptionsFile _instance = null; public static OptionsFile instance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new OptionsFile(); } return _instance; } static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OptionsFile.class.getName()); } /* @(#) */