List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getAttribute
public Attribute getAttribute(final String attname)
This returns the attribute for this element with the given name and within no namespace, or null if no such attribute exists.
From source
public void parserXML() { try {//from w w w .j av a 2s .com //variables BD String sql = "INSERT INTO disco VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement; Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); //se obtiene elemento raiz Element discos = this.xmlDocument.getRootElement(); //elementos 2do nivel List<Element> listaDiscos = discos.getChildren(); Iterator<Element> i = listaDiscos.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Element disco =; Attribute id = disco.getAttribute("id"); Attribute idioma = disco.getAttribute("idioma"); Attribute pais = disco.getAttribute("pais"); Attribute disquera = disco.getAttribute("disquera"); Attribute genero = disco.getAttribute("genero"); //Elementos de 3er nivel Element titulo = disco.getChild("titulo"); Element fechalanzamiento = disco.getChild("fechalanzamiento"); Element precio = disco.getChild("precio"); Element cantidad = disco.getChild("cantidad"); Element promocion = disco.getChild("promocion"); Element iva = disco.getChild("iva"); //construye parametros de la query preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStatement.setInt(1, id.getIntValue()); preparedStatement.setString(2, titulo.getText()); preparedStatement.setString(3, fechalanzamiento.getText()); preparedStatement.setDouble(4, Double.parseDouble(precio.getText())); preparedStatement.setInt(5, Integer.parseInt(cantidad.getText())); preparedStatement.setInt(6, idioma.getIntValue()); preparedStatement.setInt(7, pais.getIntValue()); preparedStatement.setInt(8, disquera.getIntValue()); preparedStatement.setInt(9, genero.getIntValue()); preparedStatement.setInt(10, Integer.parseInt(promocion.getText())); preparedStatement.setInt(11, Integer.parseInt(iva.getText())); preparedStatement.execute(); } connection.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { //*** se quit el return porque el mtodo es void System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } }
From source
public void parserXML() { try {/*from w ww .j ava2s . c o m*/ //variables BD String sql = "INSERT INTO estado VALUES (?,?)"; String sqlM = "INSERT INTO municipio VALUES (?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement; Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); //se obtiene elemento raiz Element estado = this.xmlDocumento.getRootElement(); //elementos 2do nivel Element nombre = estado.getChild("nombre"); Element municipios = estado.getChild("municipios"); Attribute id = estado.getAttribute("id"); //construye parametros de la query preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStatement.setInt(1, id.getIntValue()); preparedStatement.setString(2, nombre.getText()); preparedStatement.execute(); List<Element> listaMunicipios = municipios.getChildren("municipio"); Iterator<Element> i = listaMunicipios.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Element municipio =; //Elementos de tercer nivel Attribute idMunicipio = municipio.getAttribute("id"); String nombreMunicipio = municipio.getText(); //construye parametros de la query preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlM); preparedStatement.setInt(1, idMunicipio.getIntValue()); preparedStatement.setString(2, nombreMunicipio); preparedStatement.setInt(3, id.getIntValue()); preparedStatement.execute(); } connection.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { //*** se quit el return porque el mtodo es void System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public RItem load(String id) throws IOException { Element root = files.loadFile(translator, namespace, id + ".xml").getRootElement(); String name = root.getAttributeValue("name"); char glyph = root.getChild("graphics").getAttributeValue("char").charAt(0); Color color = Color.web(root.getChild("graphics").getAttributeValue("color")); RItem.Builder builder = new RItem.Builder(id, name).setGraphics(glyph, color); if (root.getAttribute("price") != null) { builder.setPrice(Integer.parseInt(root.getAttributeValue("price"))); }//from w w w.j a v a2s. c o m if (root.getAttribute("weight") != null) { builder.setWeight(Integer.parseInt(root.getAttributeValue("weight"))); } Element magic = root.getChild("magic"); if (magic != null) { Effect effect = Effect.valueOf(magic.getAttributeValue("effect").toUpperCase()); int magnitude = Integer.parseInt(magic.getAttributeValue("magnitude")); builder.setMagic(effect, magnitude); } switch (root.getName()) { case "armor": return createArmor(root, builder); case "clothing": return createClothing(root, builder); case "weapon": return createWeapon(root, builder); case "coin": return new RItem.Coin(builder); case "container": return new RItem.Container(builder); case "potion": return new RItem.Potion(builder); default: return; } }
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License:Open Source License
private void loadEvents(Element events) { // gewone tasks for (Element event : events.getChildren("task")) { String description = event.getAttributeValue("desc"); if (event.getAttribute("script") != null) { String script = event.getAttributeValue("script"); queue.add(description, new ScriptAction(script)); }//from w ww .j a v a 2 s. co m } // getimede tasks for (Element event : events.getChildren("timer")) { String[] ticks = event.getAttributeValue("tick").split(":"); int start = Integer.parseInt(ticks[0]); int period = Integer.parseInt(ticks[1]); int stop = Integer.parseInt(ticks[2]); switch (event.getAttributeValue("task")) { case "script": queue.add(event.getAttributeValue("script"), start, period, stop); break; case "magic": Effect effect = Effect.valueOf(event.getAttributeValue("effect").toUpperCase()); float magnitude = Float.parseFloat(event.getAttributeValue("magnitude")); String script = event.getAttributeValue("script"); SpellType type = SpellType.valueOf(event.getAttributeValue("type").toUpperCase()); Entity caster = null; if (event.getAttribute("caster") != null) { caster = Engine.getGame().getEntity(Long.parseLong(event.getAttributeValue("caster"))); } Entity target = null; if (event.getAttribute("target") != null) { target = Engine.getGame().getEntity(Long.parseLong(event.getAttributeValue("target"))); } Spell spell = new Spell(target, caster, effect, magnitude, script, type); queue.add(new MagicTask(spell, stop), start, stop, period); break; } } }
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License:Open Source License
public IContainer(Element properties) { super(properties); for (Element e : properties.getChildren("item")) { RItem ri = (RItem) Editor.resources.getResource(e.getAttributeValue("id")); contents.add(new IObject(ri, 0, 0, 0, Integer.parseInt(e.getAttributeValue("uid")))); }/*from w w w . j av a 2s . com*/ if (properties.getAttribute("lock") != null) { lock = Integer.parseInt(properties.getAttributeValue("lock")); key = (RItem) Editor.resources.getResource(properties.getAttributeValue("key")); } if (properties.getAttribute("trap") != null) { trap = Integer.parseInt(properties.getAttributeValue("trap")); spell = (RSpell.Enchantment) Editor.resources.getResource(properties.getAttributeValue("spell"), "magic"); } }
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License:Open Source License
public IDoor(Element properties, RZone zone) { super(properties); if (properties.getAttribute("state") != null) { state = State.valueOf(properties.getAttributeValue("state")); } else {/* ww w .j a m*/ state =; } if (properties.getAttribute("lock") != null) { lock = Integer.parseInt(properties.getAttributeValue("lock")); key = (RItem) Editor.resources.getResource(properties.getAttributeValue("key")); } if (properties.getAttribute("trap") != null) { trap = Integer.parseInt(properties.getAttributeValue("trap")); spell = (RSpell.Enchantment) Editor.resources.getResource(properties.getAttributeValue("spell"), "magic"); } if (properties.getChild("dest") != null) { Element dest = properties.getChild("dest"); if (dest.getAttribute("theme") != null) { destTheme = (RDungeonTheme) Editor.resources.getResource(dest.getAttributeValue("theme"), "theme"); } else { if (dest.getAttribute("map") != null) { int uid = Integer.parseInt(dest.getAttributeValue("map")); for (RMap map : Editor.resources.getResources(RMap.class)) { if (map.uid == uid) { destMap = map; } } } else { destMap =; } if (dest.getAttribute("z") != null) { destZone = destMap.getZone(Integer.parseInt(dest.getAttributeValue("z"))); } else { destZone = destMap.getZone(0); } if (dest.getAttribute("x") != null && dest.getAttribute("y") != null) { int x = Integer.parseInt(dest.getAttributeValue("x")); int y = Integer.parseInt(dest.getAttributeValue("y")); destPos = new Point(x, y); } } text = dest.getAttributeValue("sign"); } }
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License:Open Source License
public Instance(Element properties) { x = Integer.parseInt(properties.getAttributeValue("x")); y = Integer.parseInt(properties.getAttributeValue("y")); if (properties.getAttribute("w") != null) { width = Integer.parseInt(properties.getAttributeValue("w")); }/* www . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ if (properties.getAttribute("h") != null) { height = Integer.parseInt(properties.getAttributeValue("h")); } if (properties.getAttribute("l") != null) { z = Byte.parseByte(properties.getAttributeValue("l")); } }
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License:Open Source License
private static Dungeon loadDungeon(Element root, int uid) { if (root.getChild("header").getAttribute("theme") != null) { String name = root.getChild("header").getChildText("name"); return loadThemedDungeon(name, root.getChild("header").getAttributeValue("theme"), uid); }//from w w w.j a v a 2s .co m Dungeon map = new Dungeon(root.getChild("header").getChildText("name"), uid); for (Element l : root.getChildren("level")) { int level = Integer.parseInt(l.getAttributeValue("l")); String name = l.getAttributeValue("name"); if (l.getAttribute("theme") != null) { RZoneTheme theme = (RZoneTheme) Engine.getResources().getResource(l.getAttributeValue("theme"), "theme"); map.addZone(level, name, theme); if (l.getAttribute("out") != null) { String[] connections = l.getAttributeValue("out").split(","); for (String connection : connections) { map.addConnection(level, Integer.parseInt(connection)); } } } else { map.addZone(level, name); loadZone(l, map, level, uid); } } return map; }
From source
License:Open Source License
private static Door loadDoor(Element door, String id, int x, int y, long itemUID, int mapUID) { Door d = (Door) EntityFactory.getItem(id, x, y, itemUID); // lock difficulty int lock = 0; if (door.getAttribute("lock") != null) { lock = Integer.parseInt(door.getAttributeValue("lock")); d.lock.setLockDC(lock);/* w ww .j ava2 s .c om*/ } // sleutel if (door.getAttribute("key") != null) { RItem key = (RItem) Engine.getResources().getResource(door.getAttributeValue("key")); d.lock.setKey(key); } // state van de deur (open, dicht of gesloten) if (door.getAttributeValue("state").equals("locked")) { if (lock > 0) { d.lock.setState(Lock.LOCKED); } else { // als er geen lock is, state in closed veranderen d.lock.setState(Lock.CLOSED); } } else if (door.getAttributeValue("state").equals("closed")) { d.lock.setState(Lock.CLOSED); } // trap int trap = 0; if (door.getAttribute("trap") != null) { trap = Integer.parseInt(door.getAttributeValue("trap")); d.trap.setTrapDC(trap); } // spell if (door.getAttribute("spell") != null) { String spell = door.getAttributeValue("spell"); RSpell.Enchantment enchantment = (RSpell.Enchantment) Engine.getResources().getResource(spell, "magic"); d.setMagicComponent(new Enchantment(enchantment, 0, d.getUID())); } // bestemming van de deur Element dest = door.getChild("dest"); Point destPos = null; int destLevel = 0; int destMapUID = 0; String theme = null; String sign = null; if (door.getChild("dest") != null) { int destX = -1; int destY = -1; if (dest.getAttribute("x") != null) { destX = Integer.parseInt(dest.getAttributeValue("x")); } if (dest.getAttribute("y") != null) { destY = Integer.parseInt(dest.getAttributeValue("y")); } if (destX > -1 && destY > -1) { destPos = new Point(destX, destY); } if (dest.getAttributeValue("z") != null) { destLevel = Integer.parseInt(dest.getAttributeValue("z")); } if (dest.getAttributeValue("map") != null) { destMapUID = (mapUID & 0xFFFF0000) + Integer.parseInt(dest.getAttributeValue("map")); } theme = dest.getAttributeValue("theme"); sign = dest.getAttributeValue("sign"); } if (dest != null) { d.portal.setDestination(destPos, destLevel, destMapUID); } d.portal.setDestTheme(theme); d.setSign(sign); return d; }
From source
License:Open Source License
private static Container loadContainer(Element container, String id, int x, int y, long itemUID, int mapUID) { Container cont = (Container) EntityFactory.getItem(id, x, y, itemUID); // lock difficulty if (container.getAttribute("lock") != null) { int lock = Integer.parseInt(container.getAttributeValue("lock")); cont.lock.setLockDC(lock);//from w w w . ja va 2s .c o m cont.lock.setState(Lock.LOCKED); } // sleutel RItem key = null; if (container.getAttribute("key") != null) { key = (RItem) Engine.getResources().getResource(container.getAttributeValue("key")); cont.lock.setKey(key); } // trap int trap = 0; if (container.getAttribute("trap") != null) { trap = Integer.parseInt(container.getAttributeValue("trap")); cont.trap.setTrapDC(trap); } // spell if (container.getAttribute("spell") != null) { String spell = container.getAttributeValue("spell"); RSpell.Enchantment enchantment = (RSpell.Enchantment) Engine.getResources().getResource(spell, "magic"); cont.setMagicComponent(new Enchantment(enchantment, 0, cont.getUID())); } if (!container.getChildren("item").isEmpty()) { // indien items in map file for (Element e : container.getChildren("item")) { long contentUID = UIDStore.getObjectUID(mapUID, Integer.parseInt(e.getAttributeValue("uid"))); Engine.getGame().getStore().addEntity(EntityFactory.getItem(e.getAttributeValue("id"), contentUID)); cont.addItem(contentUID); } } else { // en anders default items for (String s : ((RItem.Container) cont.resource).contents) { Item i = EntityFactory.getItem(s, Engine.getGame().getStore().createNewEntityUID()); Engine.getGame().getStore().addEntity(i); cont.addItem(i.getUID()); } } return cont; }