List of usage examples for org.hibernate SQLQuery setFirstResult
Query<R> setFirstResult(int startPosition);
From source
@Override public List<T> findBySql(String sql, int page, int rows) { SQLQuery q = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); return q.setFirstResult((page - 1) * rows).setMaxResults(rows) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP).list(); }
From source
@Override public List<T> findBySql(String sql, Map<String, Object> params, int page, int rows) { SQLQuery q = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); if (params != null && !params.isEmpty()) { for (String key : params.keySet()) { q.setParameter(key, params.get(key)); }//from w w w . j a va2 s . c o m } return q.setFirstResult((page - 1) * rows).setMaxResults(rows) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP).list(); }
From source
License:Apache License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <K> Page<K> pageSQLQuery(PageConfig pageConfig, SQLQuery sqlQuery, Object... values) { Page<K> page = new Page<K>(pageConfig); String totalSql = "select count(*) as total from(" + sqlQuery.getQueryString() + ")"; Query countQuery = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(totalSql); setParams(countQuery, values);/*from w w w .ja va2 s.c om*/ Number total = (Number) countQuery.uniqueResult(); if (total != null) { page.setTotal(total.longValue()); sqlQuery.setFirstResult(page.getOffset()).setMaxResults(page.getPageSize()); setParams(sqlQuery, values); List<K> list = sqlQuery.list(); page.setRows(list); } else { page.setTotal(0); page.setRows(new ArrayList<K>()); } return page; }
From source
@Override public PagedResult<SaleContractDtoModel> findPages(SaleContractCriteria contractCriteria) { Criteria criteria = dbSupport.getSession().createCriteria(SaleContract.class); //sql// ww w. java 2s. c o m String querySql = "select y.*,sum(c.output_value) sum_output_value from (select x.*,sum(g.gathering_money) sum_gathering_money " + " from (select s.*,sum(b.price_tax_count_money) sum_billing_money " + " from ancon_sys_sale_contract s left join ancon_sys_billing b on " + " and b.is_active=1 group by id) x " + " left join ancon_sys_gathering_management g on and g.is_active=1 group by y " + " left join ancon_sys_construction_value c on AND c.is_active=1 "; String countSql = "select count(*) from ancon_sys_sale_contract y"; String group = " GROUP BY "; String order = " order by y.contract_begin_time desc "; StringBuffer whereCondition = new StringBuffer(" where y.is_active =1 "); // criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("isActive",true)); if (contractCriteria.getBeginTime() != null) { whereCondition.append(" and y.contract_begin_time >"); //whereCondition.append("'"); whereCondition.append(DateHelper.formatDate(contractCriteria.getBeginTime(), "yyyyMMdd")); //whereCondition.append("'"); } if (contractCriteria.getEndTime() != null) { whereCondition.append(" and y.contract_begin_time <"); //whereCondition.append("'"); whereCondition.append(DateHelper.formatDate(contractCriteria.getEndTime(), "yyyyMMdd")); // whereCondition.append("'"); } if (contractCriteria.getCompanyId() != null) { whereCondition.append(" and y.companyId = "); whereCondition.append("'"); whereCondition.append(contractCriteria.getCompanyId()); whereCondition.append("'"); } if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getJiaFangName())) { whereCondition.append(" and y.jia_fang_name like "); whereCondition.append("'%"); whereCondition.append(contractCriteria.getJiaFangName().trim()); whereCondition.append("%'"); } if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getContractType())) { whereCondition.append(" and y.contract_type like "); whereCondition.append("'%"); whereCondition.append(contractCriteria.getContractType().trim()); whereCondition.append("%'"); } if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getProjectMajor())) { whereCondition.append(" and y.project_major like "); whereCondition.append("'%"); whereCondition.append(contractCriteria.getProjectMajor().trim()); whereCondition.append("%'"); } if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getContractStatus())) { whereCondition.append(" and y.contract_status like "); whereCondition.append("'%"); whereCondition.append(contractCriteria.getContractStatus().trim()); whereCondition.append("%'"); } //? // if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getBidNotice()) || !StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getConstructLicense()) || !StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getFinishCheck()) || !StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getProjectSettlement()) || !StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getContractIsReturn()) || !StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getNumber())) { if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getBidNotice())) { if (contractCriteria.getBidNotice().equals("a_bidNotice")) { order = " order by y.bid_notice ASC ";//? } else { order = " order by y.bid_notice DESC ";//? } } //?? CALL usp_dynamic_total_report(); if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getConstructLicense())) { if (contractCriteria.getConstructLicense().equals("a_constrctLicense")) { order = " order by y.construct_license ASC "; } else { order = " order by y.construct_license DESC "; } } //? if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getFinishCheck())) { if (contractCriteria.getFinishCheck().equals("a_finishCheck")) { order = " order by y.finish_check ASC "; } else { order = " order by y.finish_check DESC "; } } //? if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getProjectSettlement())) { if (contractCriteria.getProjectSettlement().equals("a_projectSettlement")) { order = " order by y.project_settlement ASC "; } else { order = " order by y.project_settlement DESC "; } } //??? if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getContractIsReturn())) { if (contractCriteria.getContractIsReturn().equals("a_contractIsReturn")) { order = " order by y.contract_is_return ASC "; } else { order = " order by y.contract_is_return DESC "; } } //??? if (!StringUtils.isNullOrWhiteSpace(contractCriteria.getNumber())) { if (contractCriteria.getNumber().equals("a_number")) { order = " order by y.num ASC "; } else { order = " order by y.num DESC "; } } } else { order = " order by y.contract_begin_time DESC "; } querySql += whereCondition.toString() + group + order; //? Long totalCount = dbSupport.getCountBySql(countSql + whereCondition.toString(), null); // int totalCount = ((Long) criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).uniqueResult()).intValue(); // criteria.setProjection(null); SQLQuery query = dbSupport.getSession().createSQLQuery(querySql); query.setFirstResult((contractCriteria.getPageNumber() - 1) * contractCriteria.getPageSize()) .setMaxResults(contractCriteria.getPageSize()); //?? List<SaleContractDtoModel> result = dbSupport.queryForObjects(SaleContractDtoModel.class, query); for (SaleContractDtoModel dto : result) { // ??-? Date beginTime = new Date(); Date endTime = dto.getContract_end_time(); long intervalMilli = endTime.getTime() - beginTime.getTime(); int days = (int) (intervalMilli / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); dto.setSurplus_day(days); } // List<Map<String,Object>> result =query.list(); return new PagedResult<>(result, contractCriteria.getPageNumber(), contractCriteria.getPageSize(), totalCount.intValue()); }
From source
/** * ? materialGrid.js ?(?)/*from w ww .java 2 s .c o m*/ * @param materialVo * return gridData */ public List<MaterialVo> getAll(MaterialVo materialVo, Pager pager) { List<MaterialVo> returnList = new ArrayList<MaterialVo>(); String sql = "FROM t_material a ,( \n" + "SELECT materialid,COUNT(distinct vendorid) AS materialNums\n" + "FROM t_vendor_material\n" + "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM T_VENDOR d\n" + "WHERE d.vendorid = vendorid\n" + "AND d.type IN ('1','2')\n" + "AND d.evaluation_status = '2') \n" + "GROUP BY materialid) b\n" + "WHERE a.materialid = b.materialid(+) \n"; BigDecimal count = (BigDecimal) materialDao.getHibernateSession().createSQLQuery("select count(1) " + sql) .uniqueResult(); pager.setRecordCount(count.intValue()); sql = "SELECT a.materialid,\n" + "a.materialitemname,\n" + "a.desingnation,\n" + "a.materialstandard,\n" + "a.techniccondition,\n" + "a.demension,\n" + "to_char(nvl(a.warningvalue,0),'FM9999990.000099'),\n" + "a.preserveperiod,\n" + "to_char(nvl(a.referenceprice,0),'FM9999990.000099'),\n" + "a.remarks,\n" + "a.parentid,\n" + "a.materialitemcode, \n" + "nvl(b.materialNums,0), \n" + "(SELECT c.materialtypename FROM t_materialcatalog c WHERE c.materialcatalogid = a.parentid and rownum = 1) \n" + sql; SQLQuery query = materialDao.getHibernateSession().createSQLQuery(sql); if (pager != null) { query.setFirstResult(pager.getStart()); query.setMaxResults(pager.getPageSize()); } // listSize = query.list().size();//??? if (count.intValue() > 0) { List<Object[]> list = query.list(); for (Object[] obj : list) { MaterialVo vo = new MaterialVo(); vo.setMaterialid(String.valueOf(obj[0])); vo.setMaterialItemName(String.valueOf(obj[1])); vo.setDesingnation(String.valueOf(obj[2])); vo.setMaterialStandard(String.valueOf(obj[3])); vo.setTechnicCondition(String.valueOf(obj[4])); vo.setDemension(String.valueOf(obj[5])); vo.setWarningValue(Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(obj[6]))); vo.setPreservePeriod(String.valueOf(obj[7])); vo.setReferencePrice(Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(obj[8]))); vo.setRemarks(String.valueOf(obj[9])); vo.setParentId(String.valueOf(obj[10])); vo.setMaterialitemcode(String.valueOf(obj[11])); vo.setMaterialLinkVendorNum(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(obj[12]))); vo.setParentidName(String.valueOf(obj[13]));//(?) returnList.add(vo); } } return returnList; }
From source
/** * ? materialGrid.js ??(?)/* w ww . jav a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param materialVo * return gridData */ public List<MaterialVo> getSelect(MaterialVo materialVo, Pager pager) { List<MaterialVo> returnList = new ArrayList<MaterialVo>(); String materialItemName = StringUtils.isBlank(materialVo.getMaterialItemName()) ? "" : materialVo.getMaterialItemName(); String desingnation = StringUtils.isBlank(materialVo.getDesingnation()) ? "" : materialVo.getDesingnation(); String materialStandard = StringUtils.isBlank(materialVo.getMaterialStandard()) ? "" : materialVo.getMaterialStandard(); String demension = StringUtils.isBlank(materialVo.getDemension()) ? "" : materialVo.getDemension(); String technicCondition = StringUtils.isBlank(materialVo.getTechnicCondition()) ? "" : materialVo.getTechnicCondition(); String materialitemcode = StringUtils.isBlank(materialVo.getMaterialitemcode()) ? "" : materialVo.getMaterialitemcode(); String parentidName = StringUtils.isBlank(materialVo.getParentidName()) ? "" : materialVo.getParentidName(); String materialcatalogName = StringUtils.isBlank(materialVo.getMaterialcatalogName()) ? "" : materialVo.getMaterialcatalogName(); String sql = "FROM t_material a ,( \n" + "SELECT materialid,COUNT(distinct vendorid) AS materialNums\n" + "FROM t_vendor_material\n" + "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM T_VENDOR d\n" + "WHERE d.vendorid = vendorid\n" + "AND d.type IN ('1','2')\n" + "AND d.evaluation_status = '2') \n" + "GROUP BY materialid) b\n" + "WHERE a.materialid = b.materialid(+) \n"; if (!materialItemName.equals("")) { sql += " AND a.materialitemname like '%" + materialItemName + "%' \n"; } if (!desingnation.equals("")) { sql += " AND a.desingnation LIKE '%" + desingnation + "%' \n"; } if (!materialStandard.equals("")) { sql += " AND a.materialstandard LIKE '%" + materialStandard + "%' \n"; } if (!demension.equals("")) { sql += " AND a.demension LIKE '%" + demension + "%' \n"; } if (!technicCondition.equals("")) { sql += " AND a.techniccondition LIKE '%" + technicCondition + "%' \n"; } if (!materialitemcode.equals("")) { sql += " AND a.materialitemcode LIKE '%" + materialitemcode + "%' \n"; } //? if (!parentidName.equals("")) { //sql += " AND a.materialitemname = '"+materialItemName+"' \n"; sql += " AND a.parentid IN (SELECT d.materialcatalogid \n" + " FROM t_materialcatalog d \n" + " WHERE d.materialtypename LIKE '%" + parentidName + "%' ) \n"; } // if (!materialcatalogName.equals("")) { //sql += " AND a.materialitemname = '"+materialItemName+"' \n"; sql += " AND a.parentid IN (SELECT d.materialcatalogid \n" + " FROM t_materialcatalog d " + " start with d.materialtypename LIKE '%" + materialcatalogName + "%' connect by prior d.materialcatalogid = d.parentid ) "; } BigDecimal count = (BigDecimal) materialDao.getHibernateSession().createSQLQuery("select count(1) " + sql) .uniqueResult(); pager.setRecordCount(count.intValue()); sql = "SELECT a.materialid,\n" + "a.materialitemname,\n" + "a.desingnation,\n" + "a.materialstandard,\n" + "a.techniccondition,\n" + "a.demension,\n" + "to_char(nvl(a.warningvalue,0),'FM9999990.000099'),\n" + "a.preserveperiod,\n" + "to_char(nvl(a.referenceprice,0),'FM9999990.000099'),\n" + "a.remarks,\n" + "a.parentid,\n" + "a.materialitemcode, \n" + "nvl(b.materialNums,0), \n" + "(SELECT c.materialtypename FROM t_materialcatalog c WHERE c.materialcatalogid = a.parentid and rownum = 1) \n" + sql; SQLQuery query = materialDao.getHibernateSession().createSQLQuery(sql); if (pager != null) { query.setFirstResult(pager.getStart()); query.setMaxResults(pager.getPageSize()); } if (count.intValue() > 0) { List<Object[]> list = query.list(); for (Object[] obj : list) { MaterialVo vo = new MaterialVo(); vo.setMaterialid(String.valueOf(obj[0])); vo.setMaterialItemName(String.valueOf(obj[1])); vo.setDesingnation(String.valueOf(obj[2])); vo.setMaterialStandard(String.valueOf(obj[3])); vo.setTechnicCondition(String.valueOf(obj[4])); vo.setDemension(String.valueOf(obj[5])); vo.setWarningValue(Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(obj[6]))); vo.setPreservePeriod(String.valueOf(obj[7])); vo.setReferencePrice(Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(obj[8]))); vo.setRemarks(String.valueOf(obj[9])); vo.setParentId(String.valueOf(obj[10])); vo.setMaterialitemcode(String.valueOf(obj[11])); vo.setMaterialLinkVendorNum(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(obj[12]))); vo.setParentidName(String.valueOf(obj[13]));//(?) returnList.add(vo); } } return returnList; }
From source
/** * ? ?// w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m * @param vo * @param pager * @return */ public List<FixedAssetAcceptanceApplyModelVo> getVendorByGroup(FixedAssetAcceptanceApplyModelVo vo, Pager pager) { List<FixedAssetAcceptanceApplyModelVo> returnList = new ArrayList<FixedAssetAcceptanceApplyModelVo>(); //String time = StringUtils.isBlank(vo.getTime()) ? "" : vo.getTime() ;//????? String fuzzyQueryString = StringUtils.isBlank(vo.getFuzzyQueryString()) ? "" : vo.getFuzzyQueryString(); String sql = "SELECT\n" + "a.vendorid,\n" + "a.vendorname,\n" + "a.egal,\n" + ",\n" + ",\n" + "a.zipcode\n" + "FROM t_vendor a \n" + "WHERE 1=1 \n" + "AND EVALUATION_STATUS=2 \n"; if (fuzzyQueryString != "" && fuzzyQueryString != "null" && fuzzyQueryString != null) { sql += "AND a.vendorname LIKE '%" + fuzzyQueryString + "%' or a.egal LIKE '%" + fuzzyQueryString + "%' or LIKE '%" + fuzzyQueryString + "%' \n"; } SQLQuery query = this.getHibernateSession().createSQLQuery(sql); int listSize = query.list().size();//?, pager.setRecordCount(listSize);//? if (pager != null) { query.setFirstResult(pager.getStart()); query.setMaxResults(pager.getPageSize()); } listSize = query.list().size();//??? if (listSize > 0) { List<Object[]> list = query.list(); for (Object[] obj : list) { FixedAssetAcceptanceApplyModelVo thisVo = new FixedAssetAcceptanceApplyModelVo(); /*thisVo.setEngineeringContractId(String.valueOf(obj[0]));//id thisVo.setProjectCode(String.valueOf(obj[1]));//? thisVo.setProjectName(String.valueOf(obj[2]));//?? */ thisVo.setVendorId(String.valueOf(obj[0]));//id thisVo.setContractmanuFacturers(String.valueOf(obj[1]));//?? thisVo.setContactPerson(String.valueOf(obj[2]));// thisVo.setContractmanuFacturersTel(String.valueOf(obj[3]));//? returnList.add(thisVo); } } return returnList; }
From source
public GridResult getLstPayment(FeeForm searchFeeForm, Long fileId, int start, int count, String sortField) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files filesBo = fdhe.findById(fileId); String sql;// ww w . ja v a 2 s .c o m if (filesBo != null && (filesBo.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.APPROVED) || filesBo.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.COMPARED) || filesBo.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.COMPARED_FAIL) || filesBo.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.ALERT_COMPARISON)) && filesBo.getIsSignPdf() != null && (filesBo.getIsSignPdf() != 0)) { sql = "from fee f inner join fee_payment_info fpi " + "on f.fee_id = fpi.fee_id " + "where fpi.file_id = ? " + "and f.is_Active=1 " + "and fpi.is_Active=1"; } else if (filesBo != null && filesBo.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.GIVE_BACK) && filesBo.getIsSignPdf() != null && (filesBo.getIsSignPdf() != 0)) { sql = "from fee f inner join fee_payment_info fpi on f.fee_id = fpi.fee_id " + "where fpi.file_id = ? " + "and f.is_Active=1 " + "and fpi.is_Active=1 " + "and (f.fee_type = 2 or f.fee_type = 1)"; } else { sql = "from fee f inner join fee_payment_info fpi on f.fee_id = fpi.fee_id " + "where fpi.file_id = ? " + "and f.is_Active=1 " + "and fpi.is_Active=1 and f.fee_type = 2"; } List lstParam = new ArrayList(); lstParam.add(fileId); if (searchFeeForm.getFeeName() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeForm.getFeeName().trim())) { sql += "and f.fee_name like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeForm.getFeeName() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeForm.getPrice() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeForm.getPrice())) { sql += " and f.price = ?"; lstParam.add(searchFeeForm.getPrice()); } if (searchFeeForm.getFeeType() != null && searchFeeForm.getFeeType() != -1) { sql += " and f.fee_type = ?"; lstParam.add(searchFeeForm.getFeeType()); } if (searchFeeForm.getStatus() != null && searchFeeForm.getStatus() != -1) { sql += " and fpi.status = ?"; lstParam.add(searchFeeForm.getStatus()); } SQLQuery countQuery = (SQLQuery) getSession().createSQLQuery("select count(*) " + sql); SQLQuery query = (SQLQuery) getSession().createSQLQuery("select f.fee_Id," + "f.fee_Name," + "f.description," + "fpi.cost," + "f.fee_Type," + "fpi.status," + "fpi.fee_Payment_Type_Id, " + "f.price," + "fpi.payment_Person," + "fpi.payment_Date," + "fpi.payment_Info," + "fpi.bill_path," + "fpi.payment_info_id," + "fpi.payment_code," + "fpi.payment_confirm," + "fpi.bill_code," + "fpi.date_confirm," + "fpi.comment_reject " + sql); for (int i = 0; i < lstParam.size(); i++) { countQuery.setParameter(i, lstParam.get(i)); query.setParameter(i, lstParam.get(i)); } query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(count); int total = Integer.parseInt(countQuery.uniqueResult().toString()); List lstResult = query.list(); FeePaymentFileForm item = new FeePaymentFileForm(); List result = new ArrayList<FeePaymentFileForm>(); //Hiepvv 4Star boolean isHaveFee = false; if (filesBo != null && filesBo.getFileType() != null && filesBo.getFileType() > 0L) { ProcedureDAOHE pDAO = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure p = pDAO.findById(filesBo.getFileType()); if (p != null) { if (p.getDescription() != null && p.getDescription().equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_4STAR)) { isHaveFee = true; } if (p.getDescription() != null && p.getDescription().equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE05)) { isHaveFee = true; } } } for (int i = 0; i < lstResult.size(); i++) { Object[] row = (Object[]) lstResult.get(i); if (row.length > 0) { if (row[0] != null && !"".equals(row[0])) { item.setFeeId(Long.parseLong(row[0].toString())); } if (row[1] != null && !"".equals(row[1])) { item.setFeeName(row[1].toString()); } if (row[2] != null && !"".equals(row[2])) { item.setDescription(row[2].toString()); } //Hiepvv 4Star if (isHaveFee) { if (row[3] != null && !"".equals(row[3])) { item.setPrice(Long.parseLong(row[3].toString())); } } else if (row[7] != null && !"".equals(row[7])) { item.setPrice(Long.parseLong(row[7].toString())); } if (row[4] != null && !"".equals(row[4])) { item.setFeeType(Long.parseLong(row[4].toString())); } if (row[5] != null && !"".equals(row[5])) { item.setStatus(Long.parseLong(row[5].toString())); } if (row[6] != null && !"".equals(row[6])) { item.setFeePaymentType(Long.parseLong(row[6].toString())); } if (row[8] != null && !"".equals(row[8])) { item.setPaymentPerson(row[8].toString()); } if (row[9] != null && !"".equals(row[9])) { item.setPaymentDate(row[9].toString()); } if (row[10] != null && !"".equals(row[10])) { item.setPaymentInfo(row[10].toString()); } if (row[11] != null && !"".equals(row[11])) { item.setBillPath(row[11].toString()); } if (row[12] != null && !"".equals(row[12])) { item.setPaymentInfoId(Long.parseLong(row[12].toString())); } if (row[13] != null && !"".equals(row[13])) { item.setPaymentCode(row[13].toString()); } if (row[14] != null && !"".equals(row[14])) { item.setPaymentConfirm(row[14].toString()); } if (row[15] != null && !"".equals(row[15])) { item.setBillCode(row[15].toString()); } if (row[16] != null && !"".equals(row[16])) { Date confirmDate = (Date) row[16]; item.setDateConfirm(DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(confirmDate, "dd/MM/yyyy")); } if (row[17] != null && !"".equals(row[17])) { item.setCommentReject(row[17].toString()); } } result.add(item); item = new FeePaymentFileForm(); } GridResult gr = new GridResult(total, result); return gr; }
From source
/** * * @param searchFeeFormNew//from w ww. j a va 2 s . c o m * @param userId * @param start * @param count * @param sortField * @return */ public GridResult getLstFeeManage(FeePaymentFileForm searchFeeFormNew, Long userId, int start, int count, String sortField) { UsersDAOHE udhe = new UsersDAOHE(); Users user = udhe.findById(userId); String sql = "from files f inner join fee_payment_info fpi on f.file_id = fpi.file_id " + "where fpi.fee_id in (select f.fee_id from fee f " + " where f.fee_type = 1 and f.is_active = 1 ) " //+ "and f.agency_id =" + user.getDeptId() + " " // comment 11/11/2014 viethd + "and f.agency_id = ? " + "and (f.status = 15 or f.status=16 or f.status=6 or f.status=22 or f.status = 23) " //+ "and (f.status=6) " + "and fpi.is_active=1 " + "and f.is_active = 1 "; //+ "and fpi.status <> 0 "; List lstParam = new ArrayList(); lstParam.add(user.getDeptId()); if (searchFeeFormNew.getFileCode() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getFileCode().trim())) { //sql += " and lower(f.file_code) like '%" + searchFeeFormNew.getFileCode().toLowerCase().trim().replace("/", "//").replace("_", "/_").replace("%", "/%") + "%'"; // comment 11/11/2014 viethd sql += " and lower(f.file_code) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getFileCode().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getFilesCode() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getFilesCode())) { // comment 11/11/2014 viethd sql += " and lower(fpi.files_code) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getFilesCode().toString().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); //lstParam.add(searchFeeFormNew.getFilesCode()); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getProductName() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getProductName().trim())) { //sql += " and lower(f.product_name) like '%" + searchFeeFormNew.getProductName().toLowerCase().trim().replace("/", "//").replace("_", "/_").replace("%", "/%") + "%'"; // comment 11/1/2014 viethd sql += " and lower(f.product_name) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getProductName().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getCost() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getCost())) { //sql += " and lower(fpi.cost) like '%" + searchFeeFormNew.getCost().toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace("/", "//").replace("_", "/_").replace("%", "/%") + "%'"; sql += " and lower(fpi.cost) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getCost().toString().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getStatus() != null && searchFeeFormNew.getStatus() != -1) { if (searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() == null) { if (searchFeeFormNew.getStatus() == 0) { sql += " and fpi.status > 2"; } else { //sql += "and fpi.status = " + searchFeeFormNew.getStatus(); // 11/11/2014 viethd sql += "and fpi.status = ? "; lstParam.add(searchFeeFormNew.getStatus()); } } } if (searchFeeFormNew.getBusinessName() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getBusinessName().trim())) { //sql += " and lower(f.business_name) like '%" + searchFeeFormNew.getBusinessName().toLowerCase().trim().replace("/", "//").replace("_", "/_").replace("%", "/%") + "%'"; sql += " and lower(f.business_name) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getBusinessName().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getFeePaymentType() != null && searchFeeFormNew.getFeePaymentType() != -1) { // 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and fpi.fee_Payment_type_id = " + searchFeeFormNew.getFeePaymentType(); sql += " and fpi.fee_Payment_type_id = ? "; lstParam.add(searchFeeFormNew.getFeePaymentType()); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getPaymentConfirm() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getPaymentConfirm().trim())) { // comment 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and lower(f.product_name) like '%" + searchFeeFormNew.getProductName().toLowerCase().trim().replace("/", "//").replace("_", "/_").replace("%", "/%") + "%'"; sql += " and lower(fpi.payment_confirm) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getPaymentConfirm().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getDateFrom() != null) { // 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and fpi.payment_date >= to_date('" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateFrom(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 00:00:00','dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; sql += " and fpi.payment_date >= to_date( ? ,'dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; String param = "" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateFrom(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 00:00:00"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getDateTo() != null) { // 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and fpi.payment_date <= to_date('" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateTo(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 23:59:59','dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; sql += " and fpi.payment_date <= to_date( ?,'dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; String param = "" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateTo(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 23:59:59"; lstParam.add(param); } // ngay xac nhan if (searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchFrom() != null) { // 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and fpi.date_confirm >= to_date('" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchFrom(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 00:00:00','dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; sql += " and fpi.date_confirm >= to_date( ?,'dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; String param = "" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchFrom(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 00:00:00"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchTo() != null) { // 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and fpi.date_confirm <= to_date('" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchTo(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 23:59:59','dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; sql += " and fpi.date_confirm <= to_date( ?,'dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; String param = "" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchTo(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 23:59:59"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() != null && searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() == 5) { sql += " and fpi.status = 1 "; } if (searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() != null && searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() == 6) { sql += " and fpi.status > 2 "; } //sql += " order by fpi.payment_date desc "; //sql += " order by fpi.payment_date asc "; sql += " order by f.send_date asc "; SQLQuery countQuery = (SQLQuery) getSession() .createSQLQuery("select count (distinct fpi.payment_info_id) " + sql); SQLQuery query = (SQLQuery) getSession().createSQLQuery("select distinct f.file_code," + "f.product_name,fpi.payment_date,fpi.cost,fpi.bill_path," + "fpi.fee_payment_type_id,fpi.status,fpi.fee_id,fpi.file_id,fpi.payment_info_id," + "fpi.payment_person,f.business_name,fpi.payment_code,fpi.payment_confirm," + "fpi.bill_code,fpi.date_confirm,fpi.comment_reject,f.business_address,f.send_date,fpi.files_code " + sql); query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(count); int paramSize = lstParam.size(); for (int i = 0; i < paramSize; i++) { countQuery.setParameter(i, lstParam.get(i)); query.setParameter(i, lstParam.get(i)); } int total = Integer.parseInt(countQuery.uniqueResult().toString()); List lstResult = query.list(); FeePaymentFileForm item = new FeePaymentFileForm(); List result = new ArrayList<FeePaymentFileForm>(); if (lstResult != null && lstResult.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lstResult.size(); i++) { Object[] row = (Object[]) lstResult.get(i); if (row.length > 0) { if (row[0] != null && !"".equals(row[0])) { item.setFileCode(row[0].toString()); } if (row[1] != null && !"".equals(row[1])) { item.setProductName(row[1].toString()); } if (row[2] != null && !"".equals(row[2])) { Date paymentDate = (Date) row[2]; item.setPaymentDate(DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(paymentDate, "dd/MM/yyyy")); } if (row[3] != null && !"".equals(row[3])) { item.setCost(Long.parseLong(row[3].toString())); } if (row[7] != null && !"".equals(row[7])) { item.setFeeId(Long.parseLong(row[7].toString())); } if (row[4] != null && !"".equals(row[4])) { item.setBillPath(row[4].toString()); } if (row[5] != null && !"".equals(row[5])) { item.setFeePaymentType(Long.parseLong(row[5].toString())); } if (row[6] != null && !"".equals(row[6])) { item.setStatus(Long.parseLong(row[6].toString())); } if (row[8] != null && !"".equals(row[8])) { item.setFileId(Long.parseLong(row[8].toString())); } if (row[9] != null && !"".equals(row[9])) { item.setPaymentInfoId(Long.parseLong(row[9].toString())); } if (row[10] != null && !"".equals(row[10])) { item.setPaymentPerson((row[10].toString())); } if (row[11] != null && !"".equals(row[11])) { item.setBusinessName((row[11].toString())); } if (row[12] != null && !"".equals(row[12])) { item.setPaymentCode(((row[12].toString()))); } if (row[13] != null && !"".equals(row[13])) { item.setPaymentConfirm((row[13].toString())); } if (row[14] != null && !"".equals(row[14])) { item.setBillCode((row[14].toString())); } if (row[15] != null && !"".equals(row[15])) { Date confirmDate = (Date) row[15]; item.setDateConfirm(DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(confirmDate, "dd/MM/yyyy")); } if (row[16] != null && !"".equals(row[16])) { item.setCommentReject(row[16].toString()); } if (row[17] != null && !"".equals(row[17])) { item.setBusinessAddress(row[17].toString()); } if (row[19] != null && !"".equals(row[19])) { item.setBusinessAddress(row[19].toString()); } } result.add(item); item = new FeePaymentFileForm(); } } GridResult gr = new GridResult(total, result); return gr; }
From source
/** * * @param searchFeeFormNew/*w w w. j ava2s. c o m*/ * @param userId * @param start * @param count * @param sortField * @return */ public GridResult getLstFeePayManage(FeePaymentFileForm searchFeeFormNew, Long userId, int start, int count, String sortField) { String sql = "from files f inner join fee_payment_info fpi on f.file_id = fpi.file_id " + "where fpi.fee_id in (select f.fee_id from fee f where f.fee_type = 2 and f.is_active = 1 ) " + "and fpi.is_active = 1 " + "and ((f.is_active = 1) or (f.is_active=2)) " //+ "and f.agency_id = ? " + "and (f.user_Signed is not null or f.status = 18) " + "and f.status <> -1"; UsersDAOHE udhe = new UsersDAOHE(); // Users user = udhe.findById(userId); List lstParam = new ArrayList(); // lstParam.add(user.getDeptId()); if (searchFeeFormNew.getBusinessName() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getBusinessName().trim())) { // comment 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and lower(f.business_name) like '%" + searchFeeFormNew.getBusinessName().toLowerCase().trim().replace("/", "//").replace("_", "/_").replace("%", "/%") + "%'"; sql += " and lower(f.business_name) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getBusinessName().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getFileCode() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getFileCode().trim())) { // comment 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and lower(f.file_code) like '%" + searchFeeFormNew.getFileCode().toLowerCase().trim().replace("/", "//").replace("_", "/_").replace("%", "/%") + "%'"; sql += " and lower(f.file_code) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getFileCode().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getProductName() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getProductName().trim())) { // comment 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and lower(f.product_name) like '%" + searchFeeFormNew.getProductName().toLowerCase().trim().replace("/", "//").replace("_", "/_").replace("%", "/%") + "%'"; sql += " and lower(f.product_name) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getProductName().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getPaymentConfirm() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getPaymentConfirm().trim())) { sql += " and lower(fpi.payment_confirm) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getPaymentConfirm().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getCost() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getCost())) { // comment 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and lower(fpi.cost) like '%" + searchFeeFormNew.getCost().toString().toLowerCase().trim().replace("/", "//").replace("_", "/_").replace("%", "/%") + "%'"; sql += " and lower(fpi.cost) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getCost().toString().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getFilesCode() != null && !"".equals(searchFeeFormNew.getFilesCode())) { // comment 11/11/2014 viethd sql += " and lower(fpi.files_code) like ? "; String param = "%" + searchFeeFormNew.getFilesCode().toString().toLowerCase().trim() + "%"; lstParam.add(param); //lstParam.add(searchFeeFormNew.getFilesCode()); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getStatus() != null && searchFeeFormNew.getStatus() != -1) { if (searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() == null) { if (searchFeeFormNew.getStatus() == 0) { sql += " and fpi.status > 2"; } else { //sql += "and fpi.status = " + searchFeeFormNew.getStatus(); // 11/11/2014 viethd sql += "and fpi.status = ? "; lstParam.add(searchFeeFormNew.getStatus()); } } } if (searchFeeFormNew.getFeePaymentType() != null && searchFeeFormNew.getFeePaymentType() != -1) { // 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and fpi.fee_Payment_type_id = " + searchFeeFormNew.getFeePaymentType() + " "; sql += " and fpi.fee_Payment_type_id = ? "; lstParam.add(searchFeeFormNew.getFeePaymentType()); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getDateFrom() != null) { // 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and fpi.payment_date >= to_date('" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateFrom(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 00:00:00','dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; sql += " and fpi.payment_date >= to_date(?, 'dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; lstParam.add("" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateFrom(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 00:00:00"); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getDateTo() != null) { // 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and fpi.payment_date <= to_date('" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateTo(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 23:59:59','dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; sql += " and fpi.payment_date <= to_date(?, 'dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; lstParam.add("" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateTo(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 23:59:59"); } // ngay xac nhan if (searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchFrom() != null) { // 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and fpi.date_confirm >= to_date('" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchFrom(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 00:00:00','dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; sql += " and fpi.date_confirm >= to_date(?, 'dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; lstParam.add("" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchFrom(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 00:00:00"); } if (searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchTo() != null) { // 11/11/2014 viethd //sql += " and fpi.date_confirm <= to_date('" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchTo(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 23:59:59','dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; sql += " and fpi.date_confirm <= to_date(?, 'dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') "; lstParam.add( "" + DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(searchFeeFormNew.getDateConfirmSearchTo(), "dd/MM/yyyy") + " 23:59:59"); } // hieptq them nhom san pham 17.11.14 if (searchFeeFormNew.getProductType() != null && searchFeeFormNew.getProductType() != -1) { if (searchFeeFormNew.getProductType() == 1) { sql += " and fpi.cost = 1500000 "; } else { sql += " and fpi.cost = 500000 "; } } //hieptq update searchType //searchType = 1 searchFeeFormNew.status=" + 1 + "&searchFeeFormNew.productType=" + 2 + "&searchFeeFormNew.feePaymentType=-1 if (searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() != null && searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() == 1) { sql += " and fpi.status = 1 and fpi.cost = 500000 "; } //searchType = 2 searchFeeFormNew.status=" + 0 + "&searchFeeFormNew.productType=" + 2 + "&searchFeeFormNew.feePaymentType=-1 if (searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() != null && searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() == 2) { sql += " and fpi.status > 2 and fpi.cost = 500000 "; } //searchType = 3 searchFeeFormNew.status=" + 1 + "&searchFeeFormNew.productType=" + 1 + "&searchFeeFormNew.feePaymentType=-1 if (searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() != null && searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() == 3) { sql += " and fpi.status = 1 and fpi.cost = 1500000 "; } //searchType = 4 searchFeeFormNew.status=" + 0 + "&searchFeeFormNew.productType=" + 1 + "&searchFeeFormNew.feePaymentType=-1 if (searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() != null && searchFeeFormNew.getSearchType() == 4) { sql += " and fpi.status > 2 and fpi.cost = 1500000 "; } //sql += " order by fpi.payment_date desc "; //sql += " order by fpi.payment_date asc "; sql += " order by f.send_date asc "; SQLQuery countQuery = (SQLQuery) getSession() .createSQLQuery("select count (distinct fpi.payment_info_id) " + sql); SQLQuery query = (SQLQuery) getSession().createSQLQuery("select distinct f.business_name,f.product_name," + "fpi.payment_date,fpi.cost,fpi.bill_path,fpi.fee_payment_type_id,fpi.status," + "fpi.fee_id,fpi.file_id,fpi.payment_info_id,fpi.payment_person,f.file_code," + "fpi.payment_code,fpi.payment_confirm,fpi.bill_code,fpi.date_confirm," + "fpi.comment_reject,f.business_address,f.send_date,fpi.files_code " + sql); query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(count); int paramSize = lstParam.size(); for (int i = 0; i < paramSize; i++) { countQuery.setParameter(i, lstParam.get(i)); query.setParameter(i, lstParam.get(i)); } int total = Integer.parseInt(countQuery.uniqueResult().toString()); List lstResult = query.list(); FeePaymentFileForm item = new FeePaymentFileForm(); List result = new ArrayList<FeePaymentFileForm>(); if (lstResult != null && lstResult.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lstResult.size(); i++) { Object[] row = (Object[]) lstResult.get(i); if (row.length > 0) { if (row[0] != null && !"".equals(row[0])) { item.setBusinessName(row[0].toString()); } if (row[1] != null && !"".equals(row[1])) { item.setProductName(row[1].toString()); } if (row[2] != null && !"".equals(row[2])) { Date paymentDate = (Date) row[2]; item.setPaymentDate(DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(paymentDate, "dd/MM/yyyy")); } if (row[3] != null && !"".equals(row[3])) { item.setCost(Long.parseLong(row[3].toString())); } if (row[7] != null && !"".equals(row[7])) { item.setFeeId(Long.parseLong(row[7].toString())); } if (row[4] != null && !"".equals(row[4])) { item.setBillPath(row[4].toString()); } if (row[5] != null && !"".equals(row[5])) { item.setFeePaymentType(Long.parseLong(row[5].toString())); } if (row[6] != null && !"".equals(row[6])) { item.setStatus(Long.parseLong(row[6].toString())); } if (row[8] != null && !"".equals(row[8])) { item.setFileId(Long.parseLong(row[8].toString())); } if (row[9] != null && !"".equals(row[9])) { item.setPaymentInfoId(Long.parseLong(row[9].toString())); } if (row[10] != null && !"".equals(row[10])) { item.setPaymentPerson((row[10].toString())); } if (row[11] != null && !"".equals(row[11])) { item.setFileCode((row[11].toString())); } if (row[12] != null && !"".equals(row[12])) { item.setPaymentCode((row[12].toString())); } if (row[13] != null && !"".equals(row[13])) { item.setPaymentConfirm((row[13].toString())); } if (row[14] != null && !"".equals(row[14])) { item.setBillCode((row[14].toString())); } if (row[15] != null && !"".equals(row[15])) { Date confirmDate = (Date) row[15]; item.setDateConfirm(DateTimeUtils.convertDateToString(confirmDate, "dd/MM/yyyy")); } if (row[16] != null && !"".equals(row[16])) { item.setCommentReject(row[16].toString()); } if (row[17] != null && !"".equals(row[17])) { item.setBusinessAddress(row[17].toString()); } if (row[19] != null && !"".equals(row[19])) { item.setFilesCode(row[19].toString()); } } result.add(item); item = new FeePaymentFileForm(); } } GridResult gr = new GridResult(total, result); return gr; }