List of usage examples for org.hibernate SQLQuery addScalar
SQLQuery<T> addScalar(String columnAlias, Type type);
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License:Open Source License
@Action(value = "/budget/budgetProposalDetail-ajaxLoadFunctions") public String ajaxLoadFunctions() { final String functionLists = "functionList"; if (getBudgetDetail() != null && getBudgetDetail().getBudget() != null && getBudgetDetail().getExecutingDepartment() != null) { final Budget budget = budgetService.find("from Budget where id=?", getBudgetDetail().getBudget().getId()); final String budgetName = budget.getName(); final Integer deptId = getBudgetDetail().getExecutingDepartment().getId().intValue(); String accountType;//from w ww .ja va 2 s . com accountType = budgetDetailHelper.accountTypeForFunctionDeptMap(budgetName); final String sqlStr = "select distinct ( as name, as id from eg_dept_functionmap m,function f where departmentid=:deptId" + " and budgetaccount_Type=:accountType and m.functionid order by"; final SQLQuery sqlQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(sqlStr); sqlQuery.setInteger("deptId", deptId).setString("accountType", accountType); sqlQuery.addScalar(NAME).addScalar("id", LongType.INSTANCE) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(CFunction.class)); if (!sqlQuery.list().isEmpty()) functionList = sqlQuery.list(); else functionList = employeeService.getAllFunctions(); if (functionList.isEmpty()) dropdownData.put(functionLists, functionService.findAll()); else dropdownData.put(functionLists, functionList); } return FUNCTION; }
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License:Open Source License
@Action(value = "/budget/budgetProposalDetail-ajaxLoadBudgetGroups") public String ajaxLoadBudgetGroups() { request.get("id"); final String sqlStr = "select distinct ( as name , as id from egf_budgetgroup bg where bg.isActive=true " + " order by"; final SQLQuery sqlQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(sqlStr); sqlQuery.addScalar(NAME).addScalar("id", LongType.INSTANCE) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(BudgetGroup.class)); budgetGroupList = sqlQuery.list();// w w w . j av a 2s . co m return BUDGETGROUP; }
From source
License:Open Source License
private void gererateReportForAsOnDate() { String voucherMisTable = ""; String misClause = ""; String misDeptCond = ""; String tsDeptCond = ""; String functionaryCond = ""; String tsfunctionaryCond = ""; String functionIdCond = ""; String tsFunctionIdCond = ""; String fieldIdCond = ""; String tsFieldIdCond = ""; String fundcondition = ""; List<TrialBalanceBean> forAllFunds = new ArrayList<TrialBalanceBean>(); if (rb.getFundId() != null) fundcondition = " and fundid=:fundId"; else/*from w w w. j av a2 s.c o m*/ fundcondition = " and fundid in (select id from fund where isactive=true and isnotleaf!=true )"; // if(LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"fund cond query "+fundcondition); if (null != rb.getDepartmentId() || null != rb.getFunctionaryId()) { voucherMisTable = ",vouchermis mis "; misClause = " and "; } if (null != rb.getDepartmentId()) { misDeptCond = " and mis.DEPARTMENTID= :departmentId"; tsDeptCond = " and DEPARTMENTID= :departmentId"; } if (null != rb.getFunctionaryId()) { functionaryCond = " and mis.FUNCTIONARYID= :functionaryId"; tsfunctionaryCond = " and FUNCTIONARYID= :functionaryId"; } if (null != rb.getFunctionId()) { functionIdCond = " and gl.voucherheaderid in (select distinct(voucherheaderid) from generalledger where functionid =:functionId)"; tsFunctionIdCond = " and FUNCTIONID= functionId"; } if (null != rb.getDivisionId()) { fieldIdCond = " and mis.divisionId= :divisionId"; tsFieldIdCond = " and divisionId= :divisionId"; } String defaultStatusExclude = null; final List<AppConfigValues> listAppConfVal = appConfigValuesService.getConfigValuesByModuleAndKey("EGF", "statusexcludeReport"); if (null != listAppConfVal) defaultStatusExclude = listAppConfVal.get(0).getValue(); else throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exlcude statusses not are not defined for Reports"); final String query = " SELECT gl.glcode AS \"accCode\" , AS \"accName\" ,vh.fundid AS \"fundId\",(SUM(debitamount)+SUM((SELECT case when SUM(OPENINGDEBITBALANCE) is null then 0 else SUM(OPENINGDEBITBALANCE) end FROM transactionsummary WHERE" + " financialyearid=(SELECT id FROM financialyear WHERE startingdate<=:toDate AND endingdate>=:toDate)" + " AND glcodeid =(SELECT id FROM chartofaccounts WHERE glcode=gl.glcode) AND fundid=vh.fundid" + fundcondition + tsDeptCond + tsfunctionaryCond + tsFunctionIdCond + tsFieldIdCond + "))/COUNT(*))-" + " (SUM(creditamount)+SUM((SELECT case when SUM(OPENINGCREDITBALANCE) is null then 0 else SUM(OPENINGCREDITBALANCE) end FROM" + " transactionsummary WHERE financialyearid=(SELECT id FROM financialyear WHERE startingdate<=:toDate AND endingdate>=:toDate)" + " AND glcodeid =(SELECT id FROM chartofaccounts WHERE glcode=gl.glcode) AND fundid=vh.fundid" + fundcondition + tsDeptCond + tsfunctionaryCond + tsFunctionIdCond + tsFieldIdCond + "))/COUNT(*) ) as \"amount\" " + " FROM generalledger gl,chartofaccounts coa,voucherheader vh " + voucherMisTable + " WHERE coa.glcode=gl.glcode AND" + misClause + " AND vh.status not in (" + defaultStatusExclude + ") " + " AND vh.voucherdate<=:toDate AND vh.voucherdate>=(SELECT startingdate FROM financialyear WHERE startingdate<=:toDate AND endingdate>=:toDate) " + fundcondition + " " + misDeptCond + functionaryCond + functionIdCond + fieldIdCond + " GROUP BY gl.glcode,,vh.fundid HAVING (SUM(debitamount)>0 OR SUM(creditamount)>0) And" + " (SUM(debitamount)+SUM((SELECT case when SUM(OPENINGDEBITBALANCE) IS NULL then 0 else SUM(OPENINGDEBITBALANCE) end FROM" + " transactionsummary WHERE financialyearid=(SELECT id FROM financialyear WHERE startingdate <=:toDate" + " AND endingdate >=:toDate) AND glcodeid =(SELECT id FROM chartofaccounts WHERE glcode=gl.glcode) " + fundcondition + tsDeptCond + tsfunctionaryCond + tsFunctionIdCond + tsFieldIdCond + "))/COUNT(*))-" + " (SUM(creditamount)+SUM((SELECT case when SUM(OPENINGCREDITBALANCE) IS NULL then 0 else SUM(OPENINGCREDITBALANCE) end FROM" + " transactionsummary WHERE financialyearid=(SELECT id FROM financialyear WHERE startingdate<=:toDate AND endingdate>=:toDate) " + " AND glcodeid =(SELECT id FROM chartofaccounts WHERE glcode=gl.glcode) " + fundcondition + tsDeptCond + tsfunctionaryCond + tsFunctionIdCond + tsFieldIdCond + "))/COUNT(*) )<>0" + " union" + " SELECT coa.glcode AS \"accCode\" , AS \"accName\" , as \"fundId\", SUM((SELECT case when SUM(OPENINGDEBITBALANCE) IS NULL then 0 else SUM(OPENINGDEBITBALANCE) end " + " FROM transactionsummary WHERE financialyearid=(SELECT id FROM financialyear WHERE startingdate<=:toDate AND endingdate>=:toDate)" + " AND glcodeid =(SELECT id FROM chartofaccounts WHERE glcode=coa.glcode) AND fundid= (select id from fund where" + " " + fundcondition + tsDeptCond + tsfunctionaryCond + tsFunctionIdCond + tsFieldIdCond + ")) - SUM((SELECT case when SUM(OPENINGCREDITBALANCE) IS NULL then 0 else SUM(OPENINGCREDITBALANCE) end as \"amount\" FROM transactionsummary WHERE" + " financialyearid=(SELECT id FROM financialyear WHERE startingdate<=:toDate AND endingdate>=:toDate) AND glcodeid =(SELECT id FROM chartofaccounts" + " WHERE glcode=coa.glcode)AND fundid= (select id from fund where" + fundcondition + tsDeptCond + tsfunctionaryCond + tsFunctionIdCond + tsFieldIdCond + ")) " + " FROM chartofaccounts coa, fund fu WHERE IN(SELECT fundid from transactionsummary WHERE financialyearid = (SELECT id FROM financialyear WHERE startingdate<=:toDate " + " AND endingdate>=:toDate) " + fundcondition + tsDeptCond + tsfunctionaryCond + tsFunctionIdCond + tsFieldIdCond + " AND glcodeid =(SELECT id FROM chartofaccounts WHERE glcode=coa.glcode) ) AND NOT IN(SELECT glcodeid FROM generalledger gl,voucherheader vh " + voucherMisTable + " WHERE " + " vh.status not in (" + defaultStatusExclude + ") " + misClause + misDeptCond + functionaryCond + functionIdCond + fieldIdCond + " AND AND AND vh.voucherdate<=:toDate AND vh.voucherdate>=(SELECT startingdate FROM financialyear WHERE startingdate<=:toDate AND endingdate>=:toDate) " + fundcondition + ")" + " GROUP BY coa.glcode,," + " HAVING((SUM((SELECT case when SUM(OPENINGDEBITBALANCE) IS NULL then 0 else SUM(OPENINGDEBITBALANCE) end FROM transactionsummary WHERE" + " financialyearid=(SELECT id FROM financialyear WHERE startingdate<=:toDate AND endingdate>=:toDate) AND glcodeid =(SELECT id FROM chartofaccounts WHERE glcode=coa.glcode) " + fundcondition + tsDeptCond + tsfunctionaryCond + tsFunctionIdCond + tsFieldIdCond + " )) >0 )" + " OR (SUM((SELECT case when SUM(OPENINGCREDITBALANCE) IS NULL then 0 else SUM(OPENINGCREDITBALANCE) end FROM transactionsummary WHERE financialyearid=(SELECT id FROM financialyear WHERE startingdate<=:toDate AND endingdate>=:toDate)" + " AND glcodeid =(SELECT id FROM chartofaccounts WHERE glcode=coa.glcode) " + fundcondition + tsDeptCond + tsfunctionaryCond + tsFunctionIdCond + tsFieldIdCond + "))>0 )) ORDER BY \"accCode\""; if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("&&&query " + query); try { new Double(0); final SQLQuery SQLQuery = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(query); SQLQuery.addScalar("accCode").addScalar("accName").addScalar("fundId", StringType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("amount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(TrialBalanceBean.class)); if (null != rb.getFundId()) SQLQuery.setInteger("fundId", rb.getFundId()); if (null != rb.getDepartmentId()) SQLQuery.setInteger("departmentId", rb.getDepartmentId()); if (null != rb.getFunctionaryId()) SQLQuery.setInteger("functionaryId", rb.getFunctionaryId()); if (null != rb.getFunctionId()) SQLQuery.setInteger("functionId", rb.getFunctionId()); if (null != rb.getDivisionId()) SQLQuery.setInteger("divisionId", rb.getDivisionId()); if (null != rb.getFromDate()) SQLQuery.setDate("fromDate", rb.getFromDate()); SQLQuery.setDate("toDate", rb.getToDate()); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"query ---->" + SQLQuery); forAllFunds = SQLQuery.list(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error in getReport" + e.getMessage(), e); } for (final Fund f : fundList) fundWiseTotalMap.put(f.getId() + "_amount", BigDecimal.ZERO); // List<> try { final Map<String, TrialBalanceBean> nonDuplicateMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, TrialBalanceBean>(); for (final TrialBalanceBean tb : forAllFunds) if (nonDuplicateMap.containsKey(tb.getAccCode())) { // tb1=nonDuplicateMap.get(tb.getAccCode()); if (tb.getAmount().signum() == -1) { nonDuplicateMap.get(tb.getAccCode()).addToAmountMap(tb.getFundId() + "_amount", numberToString(tb.getAmount().abs().toString()).toString() + " Cr"); if (nonDuplicateMap.get(tb.getAccCode()).getCreditAmount() != null) nonDuplicateMap.get(tb.getAccCode()).setCreditAmount( nonDuplicateMap.get(tb.getAccCode()).getCreditAmount().add(tb.getAmount())); else nonDuplicateMap.get(tb.getAccCode()).setCreditAmount(tb.getAmount()); totalAmount = fundWiseTotalMap.get(tb.getFundId() + "_amount") .subtract(tb.getAmount().abs()); fundWiseTotalMap.put(tb.getFundId() + "_amount", totalAmount); } else if (tb.getAmount().signum() == 1) { nonDuplicateMap.get(tb.getAccCode()).addToAmountMap(tb.getFundId() + "_amount", numberToString(tb.getAmount().toString()).toString() + " Dr"); if (nonDuplicateMap.get(tb.getAccCode()).getDebitAmount() != null) nonDuplicateMap.get(tb.getAccCode()).setDebitAmount( nonDuplicateMap.get(tb.getAccCode()).getDebitAmount().add(tb.getAmount())); else nonDuplicateMap.get(tb.getAccCode()).setDebitAmount(tb.getAmount()); totalAmount = fundWiseTotalMap.get(tb.getFundId() + "_amount").add(tb.getAmount()); fundWiseTotalMap.put(tb.getFundId() + "_amount", totalAmount); } } else { if (tb.getAmount().signum() == -1) { tb.addToAmountMap(tb.getFundId() + "_amount", numberToString(tb.getAmount().abs().toString()).toString() + " Cr"); tb.setCreditAmount(tb.getAmount()); totalAmount = fundWiseTotalMap.get(tb.getFundId() + "_amount") .subtract(tb.getAmount().abs()); fundWiseTotalMap.put(tb.getFundId() + "_amount", totalAmount); } else if (tb.getAmount().signum() == 1) { tb.addToAmountMap(tb.getFundId() + "_amount", numberToString(tb.getAmount().toString()).toString() + " Dr"); tb.setDebitAmount(tb.getAmount()); totalAmount = fundWiseTotalMap.get(tb.getFundId() + "_amount").add(tb.getAmount()); fundWiseTotalMap.put(tb.getFundId() + "_amount", totalAmount); } nonDuplicateMap.put(tb.getAccCode(), tb); } final Collection<TrialBalanceBean> values = nonDuplicateMap.values(); for (final TrialBalanceBean tb : values) { if (tb.getDebitAmount() != null) tb.setDebit(numberToString(tb.getDebitAmount().toString()).toString() + " Dr"); else tb.setDebit("0.00"); if (tb.getCreditAmount() != null) tb.setCredit(numberToString(tb.getCreditAmount().abs().toString()).toString() + " Cr"); else tb.setCredit("0.00"); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(tb); if (tb.getDebitAmount() != null && tb.getCreditAmount() != null) { final BigDecimal add = tb.getDebitAmount().subtract(tb.getCreditAmount().abs()); totalCreditAmount = totalCreditAmount.add(add); if (add.signum() == -1) tb.setAmount1(numberToString(add.abs().toString()) + " Cr"); else tb.setAmount1(numberToString(add.toString()) + " Dr"); } else if (tb.getDebitAmount() != null) tb.setAmount1(numberToString(tb.getDebitAmount().toString()) + " Dr"); else if (tb.getCreditAmount() != null) tb.setAmount1(numberToString(tb.getCreditAmount().abs().toString()) + " Cr"); else tb.setAmount1("0.00"); } al.addAll(values); /* * for(TrialBalanceBean c:al) { if(LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Items Before Sorting"+c); } */ Collections.sort(al, new COAcomparator()); /* * for(TrialBalanceBean c:al) { if(LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Items After Sorting"+c); } */ final TrialBalanceBean tbTotal = new TrialBalanceBean(); tbTotal.setAccCode("Total"); for (final String key : fundWiseTotalMap.keySet()) { String totalStr = "0.0"; final BigDecimal total = fundWiseTotalMap.get(key); if (total != null && total.signum() == -1) totalStr = numberToString(total.abs().toString()) + " Cr"; else if (total != null && total.signum() == 1) totalStr = numberToString(total.toString()) + " Dr"; tbTotal.addToAmountMap(key, totalStr); if (totalCreditAmount != null && totalCreditAmount.signum() == -1) totalStr = numberToString(total.abs().toString()) + " Cr"; else if (totalCreditAmount != null && totalCreditAmount.signum() == 1) totalStr = numberToString(total.toString()) + " Dr"; tbTotal.setAmount1(totalStr); } al.add(tbTotal); } catch (final Exception e) { } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * * @param dept// www. j a va 2 s . c o m * @param bankaccount * @return This query depends on back update of data remittancedate. If remittance date is null it will pick the amount else * it will ignore Voucher cancellation of remittance should reflect in setting remittancedate in gl to null This is taken * care. Should be maintained as same. */ private List<AutoRemittanceBean> getNonControleCodeReceiptRecoveries(final Integer dept, final int bankaccount) { final StringBuffer qry = new StringBuffer(2048); qry.append(" SELECT DISTINCT AS generalledgerId, vh.fundid AS fundId, gl.debitAmount " + " AS gldtlAmount, " + bankaccount + " AS bankAccountId " + " FROM VOUCHERHEADER vh , VOUCHERMIS mis, GENERALLEDGER gl , VOUCHERHEADER payinslip,fund f, " + " EGF_INSTRUMENTHEADER ih,EGF_INSTRUMENTOTHERDETAILS io , egcl_collectionvoucher cv,egcl_collectioninstrument ci, TDS recovery " + " WHERE recovery.GLCODEID =gl.GLCODEID AND vh.ID =gl.VOUCHERHEADERID" + " AND gl.remittanceDate IS NULL AND mis.VOUCHERHEADERID =vh.ID AND vh.STATUS =0 and " + " AND io.payinslipid and " + " and cv.voucherheaderid= and ci.collectionheaderid= cv.collectionheaderid and ci.instrumentmasterid= " + " and payinslip.status=0 AND ih.id_status NOT IN (" + " select id from egw_status where moduletype='Instrument' and description in ('" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_CANCELLED_STATUS + "','" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_SURRENDERED_STATUS + "','" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_SURRENDERED_FOR_REASSIGN_STATUS + "') )" + " AND recovery.ID =" + recovery.getId() + " AND payinslip.voucherdate >= :startdate "); if (lastRunDate != null) qry.append(" and payinslip.voucherdate <= :lastrundate"); if (receiptFundCodes != null && !receiptFundCodes.isEmpty()) qry.append(" and f.code in (:fundCodes) "); final SQLQuery query = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(qry.toString()); query.addScalar("generalledgerId", IntegerType.INSTANCE).addScalar("fundId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("gldtlAmount", DoubleType.INSTANCE).addScalar("bankAccountId", IntegerType.INSTANCE); if (lastRunDate != null) query.setDate("lastrundate", new java.sql.Date(lastRunDate.getTime())); if (startDate != null) query.setDate("startdate", new java.sql.Date(startDate.getTime())); if (receiptFundCodes != null && !receiptFundCodes.isEmpty()) query.setParameterList("fundCodes", receiptFundCodes); query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(AutoRemittanceBean.class)); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("ReceiptRecoveries query " + qry); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
private Collection<? extends AutoRemittanceBean> getNonControleCodeGJVRecovries(final Integer dept, final int bankaccount) { final StringBuffer qry = new StringBuffer(2048); qry.append(" SELECT DISTINCT AS generalledgerId, vh.fundid AS fundId, gl.creditamount " + " AS gldtlAmount, " + bankaccount + " AS bankAccountId " + " FROM VOUCHERHEADER vh , VOUCHERMIS mis, GENERALLEDGER gl , fund f, TDS recovery " + " WHERE recovery.GLCODEID =gl.GLCODEID AND vh.ID =gl.VOUCHERHEADERID" + " AND gl.remittanceDate IS NULL AND mis.VOUCHERHEADERID =vh.ID AND vh.STATUS =0 and " + " and'" + FinancialConstants.JOURNALVOUCHER_NAME_GENERAL + "' and vh.moduleid is null " + " AND recovery.ID =" + recovery.getId() + " AND vh.voucherdate >= :startdate "); if (lastRunDate != null) qry.append(" and vh.voucherdate <= :lastrundate"); if (receiptFundCodes != null && !receiptFundCodes.isEmpty()) qry.append(" and f.code in (:fundCodes) "); final SQLQuery query = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(qry.toString()); query.addScalar("generalledgerId", IntegerType.INSTANCE).addScalar("fundId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("gldtlAmount", DoubleType.INSTANCE).addScalar("bankAccountId", IntegerType.INSTANCE); if (lastRunDate != null) query.setDate("lastrundate", new java.sql.Date(lastRunDate.getTime())); if (startDate != null) query.setDate("startdate", new java.sql.Date(startDate.getTime())); if (receiptFundCodes != null && !receiptFundCodes.isEmpty()) query.setParameterList("fundCodes", receiptFundCodes); query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(AutoRemittanceBean.class)); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("ReceiptRecoveries query " + qry); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
private List<AutoRemittanceBean> getNonControleCodeJVRecoveries(final Integer dept) { final StringBuffer qry = new StringBuffer(2048); qry.append(" SELECT DISTINCT AS generalledgerId, vh.fundid AS fundId, gl.creditamount " + " AS gldtlAmount,ih.bankaccountid AS bankAccountId " + " FROM VOUCHERHEADER vh , VOUCHERMIS mis, GENERALLEDGER gl , VOUCHERHEADER payment, " + " EGF_INSTRUMENTHEADER ih, EGF_INSTRUMENTVOUCHER iv ,TDS recovery,miscbilldetail mb " + " WHERE recovery.GLCODEID =gl.GLCODEID AND vh.ID =gl.VOUCHERHEADERID " + " AND gl.remittanceDate IS NULL AND mis.VOUCHERHEADERID =vh.ID AND vh.STATUS =0 " + " AND =iv.instrumentheaderid " + " AND iv.voucherheaderid and payment.status=0 AND ih.id_status NOT IN (" + "select id from egw_status where moduletype='Instrument' and description in ('" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_CANCELLED_STATUS + "','" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_SURRENDERED_STATUS + "','" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_SURRENDERED_FOR_REASSIGN_STATUS + "') " + " ) and and " + " AND recovery.ID =" + recovery.getId() + " "); if (lastRunDate != null) qry.append(" and (ih.instrumentdate<= :lastrundate or ih.transactiondate<=:lastrundate )"); if (startDate != null) qry.append(" and (ih.instrumentdate >=:startdate or ih.transactiondate>=:startdate )"); final SQLQuery query = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(qry.toString()); query.addScalar("generalledgerId", IntegerType.INSTANCE).addScalar("fundId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("gldtlAmount", DoubleType.INSTANCE).addScalar("bankAccountId", IntegerType.INSTANCE); if (lastRunDate != null) query.setDate("lastrundate", new java.sql.Date(lastRunDate.getTime())); if (startDate != null) query.setDate("startdate", new java.sql.Date(startDate.getTime())); query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(AutoRemittanceBean.class)); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("getNonControleCodeJVRecoveries query " + qry); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * * @param gjvBankAccountId/*from w ww. j av a 2 s .c o m*/ * @param glcode will return all GJV recoveries which dont have payments attached to it fund condition is not added as we have * to search . Whatever mapped in app config should succed others should fail */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<AutoRemittanceBean> getGJVRecovries(final Integer deptId, final Integer gjvBankAccountId) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Fetching GJVRecovries"); final StringBuffer queryStr = new StringBuffer( "SELECT distinct as generalledgerId, vh.fundid AS fundId, egr.GLDTLAMT AS gldtlAmount, gld.DETAILTYPEID AS detailtypeId," + " gld.DETAILKEYID AS detailkeyId, egr.ID AS remittanceGldtlId, " + gjvBankAccountId + " as bankAccountId, " + " egr.GLDTLAMT- (SELECT case when SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) = NULL then 0 else SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) end " + " FROM EG_REMITTANCE_GLDTL egr1, eg_remittance_detail egd, eg_remittance eg, voucherheader vh WHERE vh.status! =4 " + " AND eg.PAYMENTVHID AND AND =egd.remittancegldtlid " + " AND ) AS pendingAmount FROM VOUCHERHEADER vh , " + " VOUCHERMIS mis, GENERALLEDGER gl ," + " GENERALLEDGERDETAIL gld, EG_REMITTANCE_GLDTL egr, TDS recovery5_ WHERE recovery5_.GLCODEID =gl.GLCODEID AND" + " gld.ID =egr.GLDTLID AND gl.ID =gld.GENERALLEDGERID AND vh.ID =gl.VOUCHERHEADERID " + " and gl.remittanceDate is null " + " AND mis.VOUCHERHEADERID =vh.ID AND vh.STATUS=0 and vh.moduleid is null and '" + FinancialConstants.JOURNALVOUCHER_NAME_GENERAL + "'" + " AND mis.departmentid = " + deptId + " AND vh.moduleid is null" + " AND egr.GLDTLAMT- (SELECT case when SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) = NULL then 0 else SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) end FROM EG_REMITTANCE_GLDTL egr1, " + " eg_remittance_detail egd, eg_remittance eg, voucherheader vh WHERE vh.status !=4 " + " AND eg.PAYMENTVHID AND egd.remittanceid AND =egd.remittancegldtlid " + " AND ) >0 AND recovery5_.ID =" + recovery.getId()); if (lastRunDate != null) queryStr.append(" and vh.voucherdate<= '" + sdf.format(lastRunDate) + "' "); if (startDate != null) queryStr.append(" and vh.voucherdate>= '" + sdf.format(startDate) + "' "); final SQLQuery query = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(queryStr.toString()); query.addScalar("generalledgerId", IntegerType.INSTANCE).addScalar("fundId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("gldtlAmount", DoubleType.INSTANCE).addScalar("detailtypeId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("detailkeyId", IntegerType.INSTANCE).addScalar("remittanceGldtlId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("pendingAmount", DoubleType.INSTANCE).addScalar("bankAccountId", IntegerType.INSTANCE); /* * if(lastRunDate!=null) { query.setDate("lastrundate", new java.sql.Date(lastRunDate.getTime())); } if(lastRunDate!=null) * { query.setDate("startdate", new java.sql.Date(startDate.getTime())); } */ query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(AutoRemittanceBean.class)); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Query for GJVRecovries" + queryStr); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * * @param recoveryId Will return all voucher recoveries which are billpayment done and check also assigned * @param deptId// ww w . j av a 2 s . co m * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private List<AutoRemittanceBean> getJVRecoveries(final Integer deptId) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Fetching JVRecoveries"); final StringBuffer queryStr = new StringBuffer( "SELECT distinct as generalledgerId, vh.fundid AS fundId, egr.GLDTLAMT AS gldtlAmount, gld.DETAILTYPEID AS detailtypeId," + " gld.DETAILKEYID AS detailkeyId, egr.ID AS remittanceGldtlId,ih.bankaccountid as bankAccountId, " + " egr.GLDTLAMT- (SELECT case when SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) = NULL then 0 else SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) end " + " FROM EG_REMITTANCE_GLDTL egr1, eg_remittance_detail egd, eg_remittance eg, voucherheader vh WHERE vh.status! =4 " + " AND eg.PAYMENTVHID AND AND =egd.remittancegldtlid " + " AND ) AS pendingAmount FROM VOUCHERHEADER vh left outer JOIN miscbilldetail mb on , " + " VOUCHERMIS mis, GENERALLEDGER gl, voucherheader ph, egf_instrumentheader ih, egf_instrumentvoucher iv ," + " GENERALLEDGERDETAIL gld, EG_REMITTANCE_GLDTL egr, TDS recovery5_ WHERE recovery5_.GLCODEID =gl.GLCODEID AND" + " gld.ID =egr.GLDTLID AND gl.ID =gld.GENERALLEDGERID AND vh.ID =gl.VOUCHERHEADERID " + " and gl.remittanceDate is null " + " AND mis.VOUCHERHEADERID =vh.ID AND vh.STATUS=0 AND mb.payvhid AND =iv.instrumentheaderid " + " AND iv.voucherheaderid and ph.status!=4 AND ih.id_status NOT IN (" + " select id from egw_status where moduletype='Instrument' and description in ('" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_CANCELLED_STATUS + "','" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_SURRENDERED_STATUS + "','" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_SURRENDERED_FOR_REASSIGN_STATUS + "') " + " ) AND mis.departmentid = " + deptId + " AND egr.GLDTLAMT- (SELECT case when SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) = NULL then 0 else SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) end FROM EG_REMITTANCE_GLDTL egr1, " + " eg_remittance_detail egd, eg_remittance eg, voucherheader vh WHERE vh.status !=4 " + " AND eg.PAYMENTVHID AND egd.remittanceid AND =egd.remittancegldtlid " + " AND ) >0 AND recovery5_.ID =" + recovery.getId()); if (lastRunDate != null) queryStr.append(" and (ih.instrumentdate<='" + sdf.format(lastRunDate) + "' or ih.transactiondate<='" + sdf.format(lastRunDate) + "') "); if (startDate != null) queryStr.append(" and (ih.instrumentdate>='" + sdf.format(startDate) + "' or ih.transactiondate>='" + sdf.format(startDate) + "' ) "); final SQLQuery query = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(queryStr.toString()); query.addScalar("generalledgerId", IntegerType.INSTANCE).addScalar("fundId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("gldtlAmount", DoubleType.INSTANCE).addScalar("detailtypeId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("detailkeyId", IntegerType.INSTANCE).addScalar("remittanceGldtlId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("pendingAmount", DoubleType.INSTANCE).addScalar("bankAccountId", IntegerType.INSTANCE); /* * if(lastRunDate!=null) { query.setDate("lastrundate", new java.sql.Date(lastRunDate.getTime())); } if(lastRunDate!=null) * { query.setDate("startdate", new java.sql.Date(startDate.getTime())); } */ query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(AutoRemittanceBean.class)); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("JVRecoveries query " + queryStr); return query.list(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * * @param recoveryId Will return all receipt recoveries which are Remitted and approved * @param deptId//from w w w . ja v a2 s .c om * @param lastRunDate * @param startDate * @param receiptBankAccountId * @return * */ private List getReceiptRecoveries(final Integer deptId, final Integer receiptBankAccountId) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("Fetching ReceiptRecoveries"); final StringBuffer queryStr = new StringBuffer( "SELECT distinct as generalledgerId, vh.fundid AS fundId, egr.GLDTLAMT AS gldtlAmount, gld.DETAILTYPEID AS detailtypeId," + " gld.DETAILKEYID AS detailkeyId, egr.ID AS remittanceGldtlId," + receiptBankAccountId + " as bankAccountId, " + " egr.GLDTLAMT- (SELECT case when SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) = NULL then 0 else SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) end " + " FROM EG_REMITTANCE_GLDTL egr1, eg_remittance_detail egd, eg_remittance eg, voucherheader vh WHERE vh.status! =4 " + " AND eg.PAYMENTVHID AND AND =egd.remittancegldtlid " + " AND ) AS pendingAmount FROM VOUCHERHEADER vh , " + " VOUCHERMIS mis, GENERALLEDGER gl, voucherheader payinslip, fund f, egf_instrumentheader ih, egf_instrumentotherdetails io," + " GENERALLEDGERDETAIL gld, EG_REMITTANCE_GLDTL egr, egcl_collectionvoucher cv, egcl_collectioninstrument ci,TDS recovery5_ WHERE recovery5_.GLCODEID =gl.GLCODEID AND" + " gld.ID =egr.GLDTLID AND gl.ID =gld.GENERALLEDGERID AND vh.ID =gl.VOUCHERHEADERID " + " and gl.remittanceDate is null and " + " AND mis.VOUCHERHEADERID =vh.ID AND vh.STATUS=0 AND io.payinslipid " + " and cv.voucherheaderid= and ci.collectionheaderid= cv.collectionheaderid and ci.instrumentmasterid=" + " and payinslip.status=0 AND ih.id_status NOT IN (" + "select id from egw_status where moduletype='Instrument' and description in ('" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_CANCELLED_STATUS + "','" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_SURRENDERED_STATUS + "','" + FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_SURRENDERED_FOR_REASSIGN_STATUS + "') " + " ) AND mis.departmentid = " + deptId + " AND egr.GLDTLAMT- (SELECT case when SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) = NULL then 0 else SUM(egd.REMITTEDAMT) end FROM EG_REMITTANCE_GLDTL egr1, " + " eg_remittance_detail egd, eg_remittance eg, voucherheader vh WHERE vh.status !=4 " + " AND eg.PAYMENTVHID AND egd.remittanceid AND =egd.remittancegldtlid " + " AND ) >0 AND recovery5_.ID =" + recovery.getId()); if (lastRunDate != null) queryStr.append(" and payinslip.voucherdate<='" + sdf.format(lastRunDate) + "' "); if (startDate != null) queryStr.append(" and payinslip.voucherdate>='" + sdf.format(startDate) + "'"); if (receiptFundCodes != null && !receiptFundCodes.isEmpty()) queryStr.append(" and f.code in (:fundCodes) "); final SQLQuery query = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery(queryStr.toString()); query.addScalar("generalledgerId", IntegerType.INSTANCE).addScalar("fundId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("gldtlAmount", DoubleType.INSTANCE).addScalar("detailtypeId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("detailkeyId", IntegerType.INSTANCE).addScalar("remittanceGldtlId", IntegerType.INSTANCE) .addScalar("pendingAmount", DoubleType.INSTANCE).addScalar("bankAccountId", IntegerType.INSTANCE); /* * if(lastRunDate!=null) { query.setDate("lastrundate", new java.sql.Date(lastRunDate.getTime())); } if(startDate!=null) { * query.setDate("startdate", new java.sql.Date(startDate.getTime())); } */ if (receiptFundCodes != null && !receiptFundCodes.isEmpty()) query.setParameterList("fundCodes", receiptFundCodes); query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(AutoRemittanceBean.class)); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("ReceiptRecoveries query " + queryStr); return query.list(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Object> schemeUtilizationBy(final Integer schemeId, final Integer subSchemeId, final Date fromDate, final Date toDate, final List<Integer> projectCodeIdList, final Integer fundId) { final Accountdetailtype detailType = (Accountdetailtype) find("from Accountdetailtype where upper(name)=?", "PROJECTCODE"); final StringBuffer schemeUtilSql = new StringBuffer(512); String pcStr = ""; if (projectCodeIdList != null && projectCodeIdList.size() > 0) { pcStr = projectCodeIdList.toString(); pcStr = pcStr.replace("[", "("); pcStr = pcStr.replace("]", ")"); }/*from ww w . j ava 2 s .c om*/ if (subSchemeId != null) { schemeUtilSql.append( "select as subScheme, pc.code as code, vh.voucherNumber as vouchernumber, vh.voucherDate as voucherdate, gld.amount as amount, gld.detailkeyid as id " + "from voucherheader vh, generalledger gl, generalledgerdetail gld , egf_subscheme_project ssp, egw_projectcode pc" + ",sub_scheme ss " + " where " + " gl.voucherheaderid and vh.status not in (1,2,4) " + " and gld.generalledgerid "); if (fromDate != null) schemeUtilSql.append(" and vh.voucherdate>='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(fromDate) + "'"); if (toDate != null) schemeUtilSql.append(" and vh.voucherdate<='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(toDate) + "'"); schemeUtilSql.append(" and gld.detailtypeid=" + detailType.getId() + " and gld.detailkeyid= ssp.projectcodeid " + " and ssp.subschemeid=" + subSchemeId + " and" + subSchemeId + " and" + " and gld.detailkeyid " + " and ssp.projectcodeid and vh.fundid=" + fundId + " "); if (projectCodeIdList != null && projectCodeIdList.size() > 0) schemeUtilSql.append(" and ssp.projectcodeid in " + pcStr + " "); schemeUtilSql.append("ORDER by, pc.code,vh.voucherdate "); } else if (schemeId != null) { schemeUtilSql.append( "select as subScheme, pc.code as code, vh.voucherNumber as vouchernumber, vh.voucherDate as voucherdate, gld.amount as amount, gld.detailkeyid as id " + "from voucherheader vh, generalledger gl, generalledgerdetail gld , egf_subscheme_project ssp, egw_projectcode pc" + ",sub_scheme ss,scheme s " + " where " + " gl.voucherheaderid and vh.status not in (1,2,4) " + " and gld.generalledgerid "); if (fromDate != null) schemeUtilSql.append(" and vh.voucherdate>='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(fromDate) + "'"); if (toDate != null) schemeUtilSql.append(" and vh.voucherdate<='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(toDate) + "'"); schemeUtilSql.append( " and gld.detailtypeid=" + detailType.getId() + " and gld.detailkeyid= ssp.projectcodeid " + " and" + " and" + " and" + schemeId + " and" + " and gld.detailkeyid " + " and ssp.projectcodeid and vh.fundid=" + fundId + " "); if (projectCodeIdList != null && projectCodeIdList.size() > 0) schemeUtilSql.append(" and ssp.projectcodeid in " + pcStr + " "); schemeUtilSql.append(" ORDER by, pc.code,vh.voucherdate "); } final String schemeUtilSqlQry = schemeUtilSql.toString(); final SQLQuery schemeUtilQry = getSession().createSQLQuery(schemeUtilSqlQry); schemeUtilQry.addScalar("subScheme").addScalar("code").addScalar("voucherNumber").addScalar("voucherDate") .addScalar("amount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE).addScalar("id", LongType.INSTANCE) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(LoanGrantBean.class)); final List<Object> projecCodeResultList = schemeUtilQry.list(); return projecCodeResultList; }