Example usage for org.hibernate SQLQuery addScalar

List of usage examples for org.hibernate SQLQuery addScalar


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate SQLQuery addScalar.


SQLQuery<T> addScalar(String columnAlias, Type type);

Source Link


Declare a scalar query result.


From source file:edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database.java

License:Apache License

 * This routine is used to verify that the requester is allowed to perform an operation on a particular data type.
 * This routine will return true if the operation is allowed, otherwise it will throw an exception.
 * @param iamGroupKey contains the iam group key which indicates which group the user is a member of. 
 * @param dataTypeKey contains the data type key associated with the data element.
 * @param accessOperationKey contains the access operation key which indicates the type of operation.
 * @param requestedBy contains the access id of the perform who requested this operation.
 * @return will return true if successful.
 * @throws CprException will be thrown if the access is denied.
 *///  www.j a  v  a 2  s. c  o  m
public boolean isDataActionAuthorizedOldCode(final long iamGroupKey, final long dataTypeKey,
        final long accessOperationKey, final String requestedBy) throws CprException {

    // Verify that the operation being checked is against a valid data key.
    boolean dataKeyValid = false;
    try {

        // Build the query.
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);
        sb.append("SELECT data_types.data_type_key ");
        sb.append("FROM {h-schema}data_types ");
        sb.append("WHERE data_types.data_type_key = :data_type_key_in ");
        sb.append("AND data_types.active_flag = 'Y' ");

        // Create the query, bind the parameters and set the return type.
        final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString());
        query.setParameter("data_type_key_in", dataTypeKey);
        query.addScalar("data_type_key", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);

        final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
        if (it.hasNext()) {
            dataKeyValid = true;
    } finally {
        if (!dataKeyValid) {
            throw new CprException(ReturnType.DATA_CHANGE_EXCEPTION, AccessType.get(dataTypeKey).toString());

    // Do the query to determine if they have access.
    String readFlag = "N";
    String writeFlag = "N";
    String archiveFlag = "N";
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);
    sb.append("SELECT v_group_data_type_access.read_flag, v_group_data_type_access.write_flag, ");
    sb.append("v_group_data_type_access.archive_flag ");
    sb.append("FROM {h-schema}v_group_data_type_access ");
    sb.append("WHERE v_group_data_type_access.iam_group_key = :iam_group_key_in ");
    sb.append("AND v_group_data_type_access.data_type_key = :data_type_key_in");

    // Create the query, bind the parameters and set the return type.
    final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString());
    query.setParameter("iam_group_key_in", iamGroupKey);
    query.setParameter("data_type_key_in", dataTypeKey);
    query.addScalar("read_flag", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
    query.addScalar("write_flag", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);
    query.addScalar("archive_flag", StandardBasicTypes.STRING);

    final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
    if (it.hasNext()) {
        Object[] res = (Object[]) it.next();
        readFlag = (String) res[0];
        writeFlag = (String) res[1];
        archiveFlag = (String) res[2];

    boolean hasAccess = false;
    if (accessOperationKey == AccessType.ACCESS_OPERATION_ARCHIVE.index()) {
        hasAccess = Utility.isOptionYes(archiveFlag);
    } else if (accessOperationKey == AccessType.ACCESS_OPERATION_READ.index()) {
        hasAccess = Utility.isOptionYes(readFlag);
    } else if (accessOperationKey == AccessType.ACCESS_OPERATION_WRITE.index()) {
        hasAccess = Utility.isOptionYes(writeFlag);

    if (!hasAccess) {
        throw new CprException(ReturnType.DATA_CHANGE_EXCEPTION, AccessType.get(dataTypeKey).toString());

    return hasAccess;

From source file:edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database.java

License:Apache License

 * This routine is used to determine if an RA is authorize to assign an affiliation.
 * @param affiliationType - contains the affiliation
 * @param requestedBy - userid of the requestor
 * /*  w  ww  .  j av a 2 s . c o  m*/
 * @return true if ra is authorized for affiliation
 * @throws CprException
public boolean isAffiliationAccessAuthorized(final String affiliationType, final String requestedBy)
        throws CprException {

    final Long affiliationKey = AffiliationsType.valueOf(affiliationType.toUpperCase().trim()).index();
    boolean affiliationKeyValid = false;
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);

    // Build the query.

    sb.append("SELECT affiliations.affiliation_key ");
    sb.append("FROM {h-schema}affiliations ");
    sb.append("WHERE affiliations.affiliation_key = :affiliation_key_in ");
    sb.append("AND affiliations.active_flag = 'Y' ");

    SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString());
    query.setParameter("affiliation_key_in", affiliationKey);
    query.addScalar("affiliation_key", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);

    Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
    if (it.hasNext()) {
        affiliationKeyValid = true;
    if (!affiliationKeyValid) {
        throw new CprException(ReturnType.DATA_CHANGE_EXCEPTION,
    sb.append("select * FROM {h-schema}ra_affiliation ");
    sb.append("WHERE affiliation_key = :affiliation_key_in ");
    sb.append("AND registration_authority_key= :ra_type_key_in ");
    sb.append("AND end_date is null ");
    // Create the query, bind the parameters and set the return type.
    query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString());
    query.setParameter("affiliation_key_in", affiliationKey);
    query.setParameter("ra_type_key_in", getRegistrationAuthorityKey());

    it = query.list().iterator();
    if (!it.hasNext()) {
        affiliationKeyValid = false;
    if (!affiliationKeyValid) {
        throw new CprException(ReturnType.DATA_CHANGE_EXCEPTION,
    return affiliationKeyValid;

From source file:edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database.java

License:Apache License

 * This routine is used to obtain a person identifier using a psu id number.
 * @param psuId contains the psu id number.
 * @return person id if the psu id can be found, otherwise it will return a -1 to indicate an error.
 * @throws CprException //  w w w.  ja  va2s.com
public long getPersonIdUsingPsuId(final String psuId) throws CprException {

    Long personId = NOT_FOUND_VALUE;

    final String sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}psu_id WHERE psu_id = :psuid AND end_date IS NULL";
    final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
    query.setParameter("psuid", psuId);
    query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
    final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
    if (it.hasNext()) {
        personId = (Long) it.next();

    if (personId.equals(NOT_FOUND_VALUE)) {
        throw new CprException(ReturnType.PERSON_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION);

    return personId;


From source file:edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database.java

License:Apache License

 * This routine is used to obtain a person identifier using a userid.
 * @param userid contains the userid to be used in the search.
 * @return person id if the userid can be found, otherwise it will return a -1 to indicate an error.
 * @throws CprException exception indicates a cpr specific java exception.
 */// w  w  w .  j  a  v a 2s . c  o m
public long getPersonIdUsingUserid(final String userid) throws CprException {

    Long personId = NOT_FOUND_VALUE;

    final String sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}userid WHERE userid = :userid";
    final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
    query.setParameter("userid", userid);
    query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
    final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
    if (it.hasNext()) {
        personId = (Long) it.next();

    if (personId.equals(NOT_FOUND_VALUE)) {
        throw new CprException(ReturnType.PERSON_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION);

    return personId;

From source file:edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database.java

License:Apache License

 * This routine is used to find a person using their id card number.
 * @param idCard contains the id card that is used to be search for.
 * @return will return the person identifier if a user was found with the correct id.
 * @throws CprException will be thrown if there are any CPR specific problems.
 *///  w w  w  .  j a va 2  s .  c o  m
public long getPersonIdUsingIdCard(final String idCard) throws CprException {

    Long personId = NOT_FOUND_VALUE;

    final String sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}person_id_card WHERE id_card_number = :idcard AND end_date IS NULL";
    final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
    query.setParameter("idcard", idCard);
    query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
    final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
    if (it.hasNext()) {
        personId = (Long) it.next();

    if (personId.equals(NOT_FOUND_VALUE)) {
        throw new CprException(ReturnType.PERSON_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION);

    return personId;

From source file:edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database.java

License:Apache License

 * This routine is used to determine whether a userid/person id is valid and whether the userid is still active.
 * @param personId contains the person identifier to do the query for.
 * @param userid contains the userid to do the query for.
 * @return will return true if valid, otherwise it will return false.
 *//*from   ww w  . j  a  v a  2 s . c om*/
public boolean isValidUserid(final Long personId, final String userid) {

    boolean found = false;

    final String sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}userid WHERE userid = :userid AND person_id = :person_id AND end_date IS NULL";
    final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
    query.setParameter("person_id", personId);
    query.setParameter("userid", userid);
    query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
    found = (query.list().size() == 0) ? false : true;

    return found;

From source file:edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database.java

License:Apache License

 * This routine is used to determine if a person with a person identifier exists in the CPR or not.  
 * @param personId contains the person identifier to do a search for.
 * @return returns the person identifier found.
 * @throws CprException exception indicates a cpr specific java exception.
 *//*w  ww . j av a 2  s.  c  om*/
public long getPersonIdUsingPersonId(final long personId) throws CprException {

    Long personIdOut = NOT_FOUND_VALUE;

    final String sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}person WHERE person_id = :personid";
    final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
    query.setParameter("personid", personId);
    query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
    final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
    if (it.hasNext()) {
        personIdOut = (Long) it.next();

    if (personIdOut.equals(NOT_FOUND_VALUE)) {
        throw new CprException(ReturnType.PERSON_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION);

    return personId;

From source file:edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database.java

License:Apache License

 * This routine is used to obtain a person identifier using a SOR identifier.
 * @param identifierType contains the identifier type.
 * @param identifier contains the identifier value.
 * @return will return the person identifier or throw an exception.
 * @throws CprException will be thrown if there is a CPR specific problem.
 *//*from w w  w  .jav  a2s . c  o  m*/
public long getPersonIdUsingPersonIdentifier(final IdentifierType identifierType, final String identifier)
        throws CprException {

    Long personId = NOT_FOUND_VALUE;

    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE);
    sb.append("SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}person_identifier WHERE type_key = :type_key ");
    sb.append("AND identifier_value = :identifier_value ");
    sb.append("AND end_date IS NULL");
    final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sb.toString());
    query.setParameter("type_key", identifierType.getTypeKey());
    query.setParameter("identifier_value", identifier);
    query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
    final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
    if (it.hasNext()) {
        personId = (Long) it.next();

    if (personId.equals(NOT_FOUND_VALUE)) {
        throw new CprException(ReturnType.PERSON_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION);

    return personId;

From source file:edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database.java

License:Apache License

 * This routine will called a stored function to determine if a person is active in the CPR or not.
 * @param personId person identifier from the Central Person Registry.
 * @return true if the person is active.
 * @throws CprException exception indicates a cpr specific java exception.
 *///from w w w  .  j  ava2  s . c om
public boolean isPersonActive(final long personId) throws CprException {

    long personIdOut = NOT_FOUND_VALUE;

    final String sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}person WHERE person_id = :personid AND end_date IS NULL";
    final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
    query.setParameter("personid", personId);
    query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
    final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
    if (it.hasNext()) {
        personIdOut = (Long) it.next();

    if (personId != personIdOut) {
        throw new CprException(ReturnType.PERSON_NOT_ACTIVE_EXCEPTION);

    return true;

From source file:edu.psu.iam.cpr.core.database.Database.java

License:Apache License

 * doesPsuIdExist accepts a single parameter the psuId and checks to see if it exists in the CPR.
 * @param psuId contains the psu id to check for existence.
 * @throws CprException exception indicates a cpr specific java exception.
 *///from  w ww  .  ja v  a  2  s . c om
public void doesPsuIdExist(final String psuId) throws CprException {

    Long personId = NOT_FOUND_VALUE;

    final String sqlQuery = "SELECT person_id FROM {h-schema}psu_id WHERE psu_id = :psuid AND end_date IS NULL";
    final SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlQuery);
    query.setParameter("psuid", psuId);
    query.addScalar("person_id", StandardBasicTypes.LONG);
    final Iterator<?> it = query.list().iterator();
    if (it.hasNext()) {
        personId = (Long) it.next();

    if (personId.equals(NOT_FOUND_VALUE)) {
        throw new CprException(ReturnType.PSUID_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION);