List of usage examples for org.hibernate Session saveOrUpdate
void saveOrUpdate(Object object);
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public void updateRepository(CVSRepository p_repository) throws RemoteException, CVSConfigException { Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null;/*from w w w.j a v a2 s .c om*/ try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); CVSRepository oldRepository = getRepository(p_repository.getId()); if (oldRepository != null) { oldRepository.setName(p_repository.getName()); oldRepository.setFolderName(p_repository.getFolderName()); oldRepository.setRepository(p_repository.getRepository()); oldRepository.setServer(p_repository.getServer()); oldRepository.setLoginUser(p_repository.getLoginUser()); oldRepository.setLoginPwd(p_repository.getLoginPwd()); oldRepository.setCVSRootEnv(p_repository.getCVSRootEnv()); session.saveOrUpdate(oldRepository); } transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (Exception e2) { } } }
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public void updateModule(CVSModule p_module) throws RemoteException, CVSConfigException { Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null;//from ww w. j a v a 2s . co m try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); CVSModule oldModule = getModule(p_module.getId()); if (oldModule != null) { oldModule.setName(p_module.getName()); oldModule.setModulename(p_module.getModulename()); oldModule.setBranch(p_module.getBranch()); oldModule.setServer(p_module.getServer()); StringBuilder folderPath = new StringBuilder(); folderPath.append(p_module.getServer().getSandbox()).append(File.separator); folderPath.append(p_module.getName()); String path = folderPath.toString(); File fPath = new File(path); if (!fPath.exists() || fPath.isFile()) CVSUtil.createFolder(path); oldModule.setRealPath(CVSUtil.getBaseDocRoot().concat(folderPath.toString().replace("\\", "/"))); oldModule.setLastCheckout(p_module.getLastCheckout()); session.saveOrUpdate(oldModule); } transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (Exception e2) { } } }
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private void editIssues(List<IssuesVo> issuesVos) { IssueImpl issue = null;/*from w ww .j a v a2 s . co m*/ Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Transaction tx = HibernateUtil.getTransaction(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { conn = DbUtil.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); String sqlUpdate = "update ISSUE_HISTORY set DESCRIPTION= ? ," + "REPORTED_DATE = ? " + " Where REPORTED_BY = ? and REPORTED_DATE = ?"; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlUpdate); int batchUpdate = 0; for (IssuesVo vo : issuesVos) { issue = (IssueImpl) session.get(IssueImpl.class, new Long(; issue.setTitle(vo.title); issue.setPriority(vo.priority); issue.setStatus(vo.commentStatus); issue.setCategory(vo.failureType); issue.setOverwrite(false); issue.setShare(false); IssueHistoryImpl ih = (IssueHistoryImpl) issue.getHistory().get(0); Date date = ih.dateReportedAsDate(); Date currentDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); ih.dateReported(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); ih.setComment(vo.comment); session.saveOrUpdate(ih); stmt.setString(1, vo.comment); stmt.setDate(2, new java.sql.Date(currentDate.getTime())); stmt.setString(3, vo.userId); stmt.setDate(4, new java.sql.Date(date.getTime())); batchUpdate++; if (batchUpdate > DbUtil.BATCH_INSERT_UNIT) { stmt.executeBatch(); batchUpdate = 0; } } if (batchUpdate > 0) { stmt.executeBatch(); } HibernateUtil.commit(tx); } catch (Exception ex) { HibernateUtil.rollback(tx); CATEGORY.error("Failed to edit issue.", ex); } finally { // session.close(); DbUtil.silentClose(stmt); if (conn != null) { try { conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { CATEGORY.error(e); } DbUtil.silentReturnConnection(conn); } } }
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public void updateGSEditionActivity(GSEditionActivity p_action) throws RemoteException, GSEditionException { Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null;/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); GSEditionActivity oldAction = getGSEditionActivityByID(p_action.getId()); if (oldAction != null) { oldAction.setName(p_action.getName()); oldAction.setFileProfile(p_action.getFileProfile()); oldAction.setFileProfileName(p_action.getFileProfileName()); oldAction.setGsEdition(p_action.getGsEdition()); oldAction.setDescription(p_action.getDescription()); } session.saveOrUpdate(oldAction); transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (Exception e2) { } } }
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public void updateGSEdition(GSEdition p_action) throws RemoteException, GSEditionException { Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null;// w w w . j av a 2 s . co m try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); GSEdition oldAction = getGSEditionByID(p_action.getId()); if (oldAction != null) { oldAction.setName(p_action.getName()); oldAction.setHostName(p_action.getHostName()); oldAction.setHostPort(p_action.getHostPort()); oldAction.setUserName(p_action.getUserName()); oldAction.setPassword(p_action.getPassword()); oldAction.setCompanyID(p_action.getCompanyID()); oldAction.setDescription(p_action.getDescription()); } session.saveOrUpdate(oldAction); transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (Exception e2) { } } }
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/** * This sets the state of the job to be READY_TO_BE_DISPATCHED * //w w w . j a v a 2s. c om * @param Job * p_job * @throws JobException, * RemoteException */ public void notifyJobReadyToBeDispatchedEvent(Job p_job) throws JobException, RemoteException { JobImpl jobImplClone = null; Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); jobImplClone = (JobImpl) p_job; Iterator it = jobImplClone.getWorkflows().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { WorkflowImpl wf = (WorkflowImpl); // only change the state if not cancelled, import failed or // if already in the correct state if (!wf.getState().equals(Job.READY_TO_BE_DISPATCHED) && !wf.getState().equals(Workflow.CANCELLED) && !wf.getState().equals(Workflow.IMPORT_FAILED)) { WorkflowImpl wfClone = (WorkflowImpl) session.get(WorkflowImpl.class, wf.getIdAsLong()); wfClone.setState(Job.READY_TO_BE_DISPATCHED); session.update(wfClone); } } jobImplClone.setState(Job.READY_TO_BE_DISPATCHED); session.saveOrUpdate(jobImplClone); transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } throw new JobException(JobException.MSG_FAILED_TO_READY_TO_BE_DISPATCHED, null, e); } finally { if (session != null) { //session.close(); } } }
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/** * Persist a GlobalSightLocale// ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om * * @param GlobalSightLocale * @return GlobalSightLocale that is persisted * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public GlobalSightLocale addLocale(GlobalSightLocale p_locale) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { String language = p_locale.getLanguage(); String country = p_locale.getCountry(); addLanguage(language); addCountry(country); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; GlobalSightLocale locale = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); String hql = "from GlobalSightLocale l where l.language = :lang " + "and = :coun"; Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("lang", language); map.put("coun", country); List result =, map); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { locale = (GlobalSightLocale) result.get(0); } else { locale = new GlobalSightLocale(p_locale.getLanguage(), p_locale.getCountry(), false); } session.saveOrUpdate(locale); // only commit if all roles added successfully transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } CATEGORY.error("Failed to add locale " + p_locale.toString(), e); String args[] = { p_locale.toString() }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_LOCALE, args, e); } finally { if (session != null) { // //session.close(); } } return locale; }
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/** * Add a source/target locales pair. After this, the source/target locale * pair becomes valid for a localization profile. * <p>/*from w w w .j a v a2s . c o m*/ * * @param p_source * The source locale * @param p_target * The target locale * @param companyId * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public LocalePair addSourceTargetLocalePair(GlobalSightLocale p_source, GlobalSightLocale p_target, long companyId) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; LocalePair lp = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); String hql = "from LocalePair l where = :sId " + "and = :tId and l.companyId = :cId"; Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("sId", p_source.getIdAsLong()); map.put("tId", p_target.getIdAsLong()); map.put("cId", companyId); List result =, map); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { lp = (LocalePair) result.get(0); lp.setIsActive(true); } else { lp = new LocalePair(p_source, p_target, companyId); } session.saveOrUpdate(lp); // add all the roles addRoles(p_source, p_target); // only commit if all roles added successfully transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } CATEGORY.error("Failed to add a locale pair" + p_source.toString() + " : " + p_target.toString(), e); String args[] = { p_source.toString(), p_target.toString() }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_LOCALE_PAIR, args, e); } finally { if (session != null) { // //session.close(); } } return lp; }
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/** * Updates the exporting page in the specified Export Batch. */// w w w .j a v a 2 s . c om private boolean updateExportingPage(long p_batchId, String p_pageId, HttpServletRequest p_request) throws ExportEventObserverException { ExportingPage page = null; Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { s_logger.debug("Looking up export batch id: " + p_batchId + ", pageId: " + p_pageId); String responseType = p_request.getParameter(ExportConstants.RESPONSE_TYPE); String newState = responseType.equals(ExportConstants.SUCCESS) ? ExportingPage.EXPORTED : ExportingPage.EXPORT_FAIL; long endTime = Long.parseLong(p_request.getParameter(ExportConstants.EXPORTED_TIME)); String details = p_request.getParameter(ExportConstants.RESPONSE_DETAILS); String exportPath = p_request.getParameter(ExportConstants.ABSOLUTE_EXPORT_PATH); String isComponentPage = p_request.getParameter(ExportConstants.IS_COMPONENT_PAGE); page = getExportingPageById(p_batchId, Long.parseLong(p_pageId), false); if (page != null) { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); session.evict(page); page = (ExportingPage) session.get(ExportingPage.class, page.getIdAsLong()); page.setEndTime(endTime); page.setErrorMessage(details); page.setState(newState); page.setExportPath(exportPath); char isComp = (isComponentPage == null || isComponentPage.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) ? 'N' : 'Y'; page.setComponentPage(isComp); session.saveOrUpdate(page); transaction.commit(); s_logger.debug("updateExportingPage: ExportBatchId " + p_batchId + " was found and the results were recorded " + "for pageId " + p_pageId); return true; } else { s_logger.warn("updateExportingPage: PageId " + p_pageId + " in ExportBatch " + p_batchId + " was NOT found. Either the BatchId or the PageId are not valid."); return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } // just warn, but do not throw an exception s_logger.warn("updateExportingPage: PageId " + p_pageId + "in ExportBatch " + p_batchId + " was NOT found. Either the BatchId or the PageId are not valid."); } finally { if (session != null) { // session.close(); } } return false; }
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/** * Modify an existing localization profile in the system. * <p>// w ww . j a v a2 s. c om * The original localization profile is left as is. Instead we create a new * localization profile which has a new profile sequence number (PK). This * will allow for executing references to original profile intact an * operational. * <p> * An entry in profile version table is made which contains a pair of * original and modified profile sequence number. This allows for building a * version tree in future. * <p> * * @param p_l10nProfile * The modified localization profile. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Failed to modify the profile; the cause is indicated by * the exception code. */ public void modifyL10nProfile(L10nProfile p_l10nProfile, Vector<WorkflowInfos> workflowInfos, long originalLocId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { // Clone the modified profile so that it can be inserted to // system. The modified profile is created with a new profile id. BasicL10nProfile modifiedProfile = null; // if this is a modify or copy/duplication BasicL10nProfile originalProfile = null; // "false" = copy/duplication org.hibernate.Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); modifiedProfile = (BasicL10nProfile) p_l10nProfile; if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("The value of tm choice in p_l10nProfile is " + p_l10nProfile.getTmChoice()); c_category.debug("The modified l10n profile is " + modifiedProfile.toDebugString()); c_category.debug("The value of tm choice is " + modifiedProfile.getTmChoice()); } modifiedProfile.setId(-1L); session.saveOrUpdate(modifiedProfile); // Now create a version node in profile version table if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("ProfileID Before = " + originalLocId + " Modified == " + modifiedProfile.getId()); } L10nProfileVersion versionInfo = new L10nProfileVersion(originalLocId, modifiedProfile.getId());; // delete the old version of it (logically deleted) // this is a modification so get the original profile. originalProfile = (BasicL10nProfile) session.get(BasicL10nProfile.class, new Long(originalLocId)); if (originalProfile != null) { originalProfile.deactivate(); session.update(originalProfile); } // Update those objects dependant on a modified l10nProfile. String hql = "from FileProfileImpl f where f.isActive = 'Y' and " + "f.l10nProfileId = :lId"; Map<String, Long> map = new HashMap<String, Long>(); map.put("lId", new Long(originalLocId)); List fProfiles =, map); for (int i = 0; i < fProfiles.size(); i++) { FileProfileImpl fProfile = (FileProfileImpl) fProfiles.get(i); fProfile.setL10nProfileId(modifiedProfile.getId()); // Need update the "L10N_PROFILE_ID" for reference file profile // of XLZ (in fact it is XLF file profile). if (fProfile.getReferenceFP() > 0) { long refFPId = fProfile.getReferenceFP(); FileProfileImpl refXlzFP = HibernateUtil.get(FileProfileImpl.class, refFPId, false); refXlzFP.setL10nProfileId(modifiedProfile.getId()); } } Iterator<?> iterator = fProfiles.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { session.update(; } // HibernateUtil.update(fProfiles); hql = "from DatabaseProfileImpl d where d.l10nProfileId = :lId"; List dProfiles =, map); for (int i = 0; i < dProfiles.size(); i++) { DatabaseProfileImpl dProfile = (DatabaseProfileImpl) dProfiles.get(i); dProfile.setL10nProfileId(modifiedProfile.getId()); } iterator = dProfiles.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { session.update(; } // HibernateUtil.update(dProfiles); ProjectHandler ph = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler(); for (int i = 0; i < workflowInfos.size(); i++) { L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo l10nProfileWFTemplateInfo = new L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo(); L10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey l10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey = new L10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey(); l10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey.setL10nProfileId(modifiedProfile.getId()); l10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey.setWfTemplateId(workflowInfos.get(i).getWfId()); l10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey.setMtProfileId(workflowInfos.get(i).getMtProfileId()); l10nProfileWFTemplateInfo.setKey(l10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey); l10nProfileWFTemplateInfo.setIsActive(workflowInfos.get(i).isActive()); if (ph.isPrimaryKeyExist(modifiedProfile.getId(), workflowInfos.get(i).getWfId())) { updateL10nProfileWfTemplateInfo(session, l10nProfileWFTemplateInfo); } else { saveL10nProfileWfTemplateInfo(session, l10nProfileWFTemplateInfo); } } transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception pe) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } c_category.error(p_l10nProfile.toString() + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(originalLocId); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_MODIFY_PROFILE, args, pe); } }