Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009 Welocalize, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.globalsight.everest.localemgr; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import com.globalsight.diplomat.util.database.ConnectionPool; import; import; import com.globalsight.everest.costing.CostingEngine; import com.globalsight.everest.costing.CostingException; import; import; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobException; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobHandler; import com.globalsight.everest.servlet.util.ServerProxy; import com.globalsight.everest.usermgr.UserManager; import com.globalsight.everest.usermgr.UserManagerException; import com.globalsight.everest.util.system.SystemConfigParamNames; import com.globalsight.everest.util.system.SystemConfiguration; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.Activity; import com.globalsight.persistence.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import com.globalsight.util.GlobalSightLocale; /** * <p> * LocaleManagerLocal * </p> * * <p> * Manages all the locales available for the application and for the users to * translate from/to * </p> * . */ public class LocaleManagerLocal implements LocaleManager { private static final Logger CATEGORY = Logger.getLogger(LocaleManagerLocal.class.getName()); private static String SEPARATOR = "_"; // IANA names for the encodings we most often see private static final String UTF8 = "UTF-8".intern(); private static final String WINDOWS_1252 = "Windows-1252".intern(); /** * Persist a GlobalSightLocale * * @param GlobalSightLocale * @return GlobalSightLocale that is persisted * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public GlobalSightLocale addLocale(GlobalSightLocale p_locale) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { String language = p_locale.getLanguage(); String country = p_locale.getCountry(); addLanguage(language); addCountry(country); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; GlobalSightLocale locale = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); String hql = "from GlobalSightLocale l where l.language = :lang " + "and = :coun"; Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("lang", language); map.put("coun", country); List result =, map); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { locale = (GlobalSightLocale) result.get(0); } else { locale = new GlobalSightLocale(p_locale.getLanguage(), p_locale.getCountry(), false); } session.saveOrUpdate(locale); // only commit if all roles added successfully transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } CATEGORY.error("Failed to add locale " + p_locale.toString(), e); String args[] = { p_locale.toString() }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_LOCALE, args, e); } finally { if (session != null) { // //session.close(); } } return locale; } /** * Add a country to database if it doesn't exist. * * @param country * the country name to be added. */ private void addCountry(String country) { Connection c = null; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { c = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); ps = c.prepareStatement("select * from country where ISO_COUNTRY_CODE = ?"); ps.setString(1, country); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { ps = c.prepareStatement("insert into country values (?)"); ps.setString(1, country); ps.executeUpdate(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new LocaleManagerException("Failed to add country " + country, null, ex); } finally { ConnectionPool.silentClose(rs); ConnectionPool.silentClose(ps); ConnectionPool.silentReturnConnection(c); } } /** * Add a language to database if it doesn't exist. * * @param language */ private void addLanguage(String language) { Connection c = null; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { c = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); ps = c.prepareStatement("select * from language where ISO_LANG_CODE = ?"); ps.setString(1, language); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { ps = c.prepareStatement("insert into language values (?)"); ps.setString(1, language); ps.executeUpdate(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new LocaleManagerException("Failed to add language " + language, null, ex); } finally { ConnectionPool.silentClose(rs); ConnectionPool.silentClose(ps); ConnectionPool.silentReturnConnection(c); } } /** * Get all the available locales supported by the system. * <p> * * @return Vector A vector of all the GlobalSightLocales that the system can * support. * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public Vector getAvailableLocales() throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { try { String hql = "from GlobalSightLocale"; return new Vector(, null)); } catch (Exception pe) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get all available locales", pe); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_LOCALES, null, pe); } } /** * Get all the available locales supported by the system. * <p> * * @return Vector A vector of all the locales (GlobalSightLocales) that is * supported by the UI. * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public Vector getSupportedLocalesForUi() throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { // The supported UI locales will remain the same as long as // the server is up and running. String[] supportedLocales = null; try { SystemConfiguration sc = SystemConfiguration.getInstance(); supportedLocales = sc.getStrings(SystemConfigParamNames.UI_LOCALES); } catch (Exception e) { supportedLocales = new String[1]; supportedLocales[0] = "en_US"; } try { List supportedLocalesList = Arrays.asList(supportedLocales); return vectorizedCollection(supportedLocalesList); } catch (Exception e) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get all supported locales for UI.", e); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_LOCALES, null, e); } } /** * Get a particular locale based on the id. * <p> * * @return A locale based on the specified id. * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public GlobalSightLocale getLocaleById(long p_id) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { try { return (GlobalSightLocale) HibernateUtil.get(GlobalSightLocale.class, p_id, false); } catch (Exception pe) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get Locale by Id " + p_id, pe); String messageArgs[] = { String.valueOf(p_id) }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_LOCALE, messageArgs, pe); } } /** * Get a particular locale based on the string "language code"_"country * code" * <p> * * @return A locale based on the specified string or NULL if it couldn't be * found. * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public GlobalSightLocale getLocaleByString(String p_localeString) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { GlobalSightLocale locale = null; if (p_localeString == null || p_localeString.length() <= 1) { return null; } if (p_localeString.equalsIgnoreCase("iw_IL")) { p_localeString = "he_IL"; } StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(p_localeString, SEPARATOR); // should at least be 2 (ll_cc) or at most 3 (ll_cc_vv) String language = tokenizer.nextToken(); String country = ""; if (p_localeString.length() > 3) { country = tokenizer.nextToken(); } try { String hql = "from GlobalSightLocale l " + "where l.language = :language and = :country"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("language", language); map.put("country", country); List locales =, map); if (locales != null && locales.size() > 0) { locale = (GlobalSightLocale) locales.get(0); } else { // In the database, the special new locale (he, yi, id) can be // storied as old locale (iw, ji, in). map.put("language", handleSpecialLocales(language)); locales =, map); if (locales != null && locales.size() > 0) { locale = (GlobalSightLocale) locales.get(0); } } } catch (Exception pe) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get locale by string " + p_localeString, pe); String messageArgs[] = { p_localeString }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_LOCALE, messageArgs, pe); } return locale; } /** * Returns a string representation of the object. Converts any old iso * language codes and the new codes. * * @return a string representation of the object. */ private String handleSpecialLocales(String language) { if ("he".equals(language)) { language = "iw"; return language; } if ("iw".equals(language)) { language = "he"; return language; } if ("yi".equals(language)) { language = "ji"; return language; } if ("ji".equals(language)) { language = "yi"; return language; } if ("id".equals(language)) { language = "in"; return language; } if ("in".equals(language)) { language = "id"; return language; } return language; } /** * Add a source/target locales pair. After this, the source/target locale * pair becomes valid for a localization profile. * <p> * * @param p_source * The source locale * @param p_target * The target locale * @param companyId * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public LocalePair addSourceTargetLocalePair(GlobalSightLocale p_source, GlobalSightLocale p_target, long companyId) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; LocalePair lp = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); String hql = "from LocalePair l where = :sId " + "and = :tId and l.companyId = :cId"; Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("sId", p_source.getIdAsLong()); map.put("tId", p_target.getIdAsLong()); map.put("cId", companyId); List result =, map); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { lp = (LocalePair) result.get(0); lp.setIsActive(true); } else { lp = new LocalePair(p_source, p_target, companyId); } session.saveOrUpdate(lp); // add all the roles addRoles(p_source, p_target); // only commit if all roles added successfully transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } CATEGORY.error("Failed to add a locale pair" + p_source.toString() + " : " + p_target.toString(), e); String args[] = { p_source.toString(), p_target.toString() }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_LOCALE_PAIR, args, e); } finally { if (session != null) { // //session.close(); } } return lp; } /** * Remove a source/target locales pair * <p> * * @param LocalePair * The locales Pair * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public void removeSourceTargetLocalePair(LocalePair p_thePair) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { try { // When modify Role, this method need to be modified. removeRoles(p_thePair); HibernateUtil.delete(p_thePair); } catch (Exception e) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to remove locale pair " + p_thePair.toString(), e); String args[] = { p_thePair.getSource().toString(), p_thePair.getTarget().toString() }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_LOCALE_PAIR, args, e); } } /** * Get all the locales which are the source locale in all the source/target * locale pairs with specified company id * <p> * * @return A vector all the GlobalSightLocales that are specified as sources * in LocalePairs. * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public Vector getAllSourceLocalesByCompanyId(String p_companyId) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { if (p_companyId == null || p_companyId.trim().length() == 0) { return new Vector(); } try { String hql = "select distinct lp.source from LocalePair lp" + " where lp.isActive = 'Y' and lp.companyId = :companyId"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(p_companyId)); return new Vector(, map)); } catch (Exception pe) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get all source locales", pe); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_SOURCE_LOCALES, null, pe); } } /** * Get all the locales which are the source locale in all the source/target * locale pairs * <p> * * @return A vector all the GlobalSightLocales that are specified as sources * in LocalePairs. * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public Vector getAllSourceLocales() throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { try { String hql = "select distinct lp.source from LocalePair lp where lp.isActive = 'Y'"; HashMap map = null; String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql += " and lp.companyId = :companyId"; map = new HashMap(); map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } return new Vector(, map)); } catch (Exception pe) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get all source locales", pe); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_SOURCE_LOCALES, null, pe); } } /** * Get all the distinct locales which are the targets locale in all the * source/target locale pairs * * @return A vector of all the GlobalSightLocales that are specified as * sources in LocalePairs. * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public Vector getAllTargetLocales() throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { try { String hql = "select distinct from LocalePair lp where lp.isActive = 'Y'"; HashMap map = null; String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql += " and lp.companyId = :companyId"; map = new HashMap(); map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } return new Vector(, map)); } catch (Exception pe) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get all target locales.", pe); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_TARGET_LOCALES, null, pe); } } /** * Get all the source/target locales pairs * <p> * * @return A list of LocalePair's (the source/target locale pairs) * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public Vector getSourceTargetLocalePairs() throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { try { String hql = "from LocalePair lp where lp.isActive = 'Y'"; HashMap map = null; String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql += " and lp.companyId = :companyId"; map = new HashMap(); map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } return new Vector(, map)); } catch (Exception pe) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get all locale pairs.", pe); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_LOCALE_PAIRS, null, pe); } } /** * Get a source/target locales pair based on the given id. * * @return A LocalePair object (the source/target locale pair) * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public LocalePair getLocalePairById(long p_localePairId) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { try { return (LocalePair) HibernateUtil.get(LocalePair.class, p_localePairId); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(p_localePairId); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_LOCALE_PAIR_BY_ID, args, e); } } /** * Get a locale pair object based on the given source and target ids. * * @return A LocalePair object (the source/target locale pair) * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public LocalePair getLocalePairBySourceTargetIds(long p_sourceLocaleId, long p_targetLocaleId) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { LocalePair localePair = null; try { String hql = "from LocalePair lp where lp.isActive = 'Y' " + "and = :sId and = :tId"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("sId", new Long(p_sourceLocaleId)); map.put("tId", new Long(p_targetLocaleId)); String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql += " and lp.companyId = :companyId"; map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } List localePairs =, map); if (localePairs != null && localePairs.size() > 0) { localePair = (LocalePair) localePairs.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[2]; args[0] = Long.toString(p_sourceLocaleId); args[1] = Long.toString(p_targetLocaleId); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_LOCALE_PAIR_BY_SRC_TRGT_IDs, args, e); } return localePair; } /** * Get a locale pair object based on the given source, target string (ie. * en_US, fr_FR_), and a company ID. * * @return A LocalePair object (the source/target locale pair) * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public LocalePair getLocalePairBySourceTargetAndCompanyStrings(String p_sourceLocaleString, String p_targetLocaleString, long companyId) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { if (p_sourceLocaleString == null || p_sourceLocaleString.length() <= 1 || p_targetLocaleString == null || p_targetLocaleString.length() <= 1) { return null; } LocalePair localePair = null; // source StringTokenizer srcTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(p_sourceLocaleString, SEPARATOR); // should at least be 2 (ll_cc) or at most 3 (ll_cc_vv) String language = srcTokenizer.nextToken(); String country = ""; if (p_sourceLocaleString.length() > 3) { country = srcTokenizer.nextToken(); } HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("sLanguage", language); map.put("sCountry", country); // target StringTokenizer trgTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(p_targetLocaleString, SEPARATOR); language = trgTokenizer.nextToken(); country = ""; if (p_targetLocaleString.length() > 3) { country = trgTokenizer.nextToken(); } map.put("tLanguage", language); map.put("tCountry", country); try { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append("from LocalePair lp where lp.isActive = 'Y'").append(" and lp.source.language = :sLanguage ") .append(" and = :sCountry ").append(" and = :tLanguage ") .append(" and = :tCountry"); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(companyId)) { hql.append(" and lp.companyId = :companyId"); map.put("companyId", companyId); } List localePairs =, map); if (localePairs != null && localePairs.size() > 0) { localePair = (LocalePair) localePairs.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { String[] errorArgs = new String[2]; errorArgs[0] = p_sourceLocaleString; errorArgs[1] = p_targetLocaleString; throw new LocaleManagerException( LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_LOCALE_PAIR_BY_SRC_TRGT_STRINGS, errorArgs, e); } return localePair; } /** * Get a locale pair object based on the given source and target string (ie. * en_US, fr_FR_) * * @return A LocalePair object (the source/target locale pair) * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public LocalePair getLocalePairBySourceTargetStrings(String p_sourceLocaleString, String p_targetLocaleString) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { if (p_sourceLocaleString == null || p_sourceLocaleString.length() <= 1 || p_targetLocaleString == null || p_targetLocaleString.length() <= 1) { return null; } LocalePair localePair = null; // source StringTokenizer srcTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(p_sourceLocaleString, SEPARATOR); // should at least be 2 (ll_cc) or at most 3 (ll_cc_vv) String language = srcTokenizer.nextToken(); String country = ""; if (p_sourceLocaleString.length() > 3) { country = srcTokenizer.nextToken(); } HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("sLanguage", language); map.put("sCountry", country); // target StringTokenizer trgTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(p_targetLocaleString, SEPARATOR); language = trgTokenizer.nextToken(); country = ""; if (p_targetLocaleString.length() > 3) { country = trgTokenizer.nextToken(); } map.put("tLanguage", language); map.put("tCountry", country); try { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append("from LocalePair lp where lp.isActive = 'Y'").append(" and lp.source.language = :sLanguage ") .append(" and = :sCountry ").append(" and = :tLanguage ") .append(" and = :tCountry"); String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql.append(" and lp.companyId = :companyId"); map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } List localePairs =, map); if (localePairs != null && localePairs.size() > 0) { localePair = (LocalePair) localePairs.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { String[] errorArgs = new String[2]; errorArgs[0] = p_sourceLocaleString; errorArgs[1] = p_targetLocaleString; throw new LocaleManagerException( LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_LOCALE_PAIR_BY_SRC_TRGT_STRINGS, errorArgs, e); } return localePair; } /** * For a given source locale, get the list of target locales that it is * paired with and specified company id. * <p> * * @param GlobalSightLocale * The source locale * @return A list of GlobalSightLocale's (the target locales) * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public Vector getTargetLocalesByCompanyId(GlobalSightLocale p_sourceLocale, String p_companyId) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { try { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append("select distinct from LocalePair lp ") .append(" where lp.isActive = 'Y' and = :sId") .append(" and lp.companyId = :companyId"); HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("sId", p_sourceLocale.getIdAsLong()); map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(p_companyId)); return new Vector(, map)); } catch (Exception pe) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get all target locales associated with " + "source locale " + p_sourceLocale.toString(), pe); String args[] = { p_sourceLocale.toString() }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_TARGET_LOCALES_BY_SOURCE, args, pe); } } /** * For a given source locale, get the list of target locales that it is * paired with. * <p> * * @param GlobalSightLocale * The source locale * @return A list of GlobalSightLocale's (the target locales) * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public Vector getTargetLocales(GlobalSightLocale p_sourceLocale) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { try { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append("select distinct from LocalePair lp ") .append(" where lp.isActive = 'Y' and = :sId"); HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("sId", p_sourceLocale.getIdAsLong()); String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql.append(" and lp.companyId = :companyId"); map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } return new Vector(, map)); } catch (Exception pe) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get all target locales associated with " + "source locale " + p_sourceLocale.toString(), pe); String args[] = { p_sourceLocale.toString() }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_TARGET_LOCALES_BY_SOURCE, args, pe); } } /** * For a given source locale, get the list of target locales that it is * paired with. * <p> * * @param GlobalSightLocale * The source locale * @return A list of GlobalSightLocale's (the target locales) * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public Vector getTargetLocalesByProject(GlobalSightLocale p_sourceLocale, String p_project) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { try { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append("select distinct wf.targetLocale from WorkflowTemplateInfo wf") .append(" where = :pId and wf.isActive='Y' and = :sId"); HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("sId", p_sourceLocale.getIdAsLong()); map.put("pId", Long.parseLong(p_project)); String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql.append(" and wf.companyId = :companyId"); map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } return new Vector(, map)); } catch (Exception pe) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get all target locales associated with " + "source locale " + p_sourceLocale.toString(), pe); String args[] = { p_sourceLocale.toString() }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_TARGET_LOCALES_BY_SOURCE, args, pe); } } private Vector vectorizedCollection(Collection p_collection) { return new Vector(p_collection); } /** * Retrieve all codesets in the datastore * * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public Vector getAllCodeSets() throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { Vector codeSets = null; try { String hql = "from CodeSetImpl"; codeSets = new Vector(, null)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_CODE_SETS, null, ex); } reOrderCodeSets(codeSets); return codeSets; } /** * Reorders the codesets such that utf8 and windows1252 are at the front of * the list in sorted order */ private void reOrderCodeSets(Vector p_codeSets) { int size = p_codeSets.size(); CodeSet utf8 = null; CodeSet win1252 = null; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { CodeSet cs = (CodeSet) p_codeSets.get(i); String codeSet = cs.getCodeSet().intern(); if (UTF8 == codeSet) { utf8 = cs; } else { if (WINDOWS_1252 == codeSet) { win1252 = cs; } } if (utf8 != null && win1252 != null) break; } if (utf8 != null && win1252 != null) { p_codeSets.remove(utf8); p_codeSets.remove(win1252); p_codeSets.insertElementAt(utf8, 0); p_codeSets.insertElementAt(win1252, 1); } } /** * Retrieve all codesets associated with the specific locale id. * * @exception LocaleManagerException * Specifies the error, probably persistence exception * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception */ public Vector getAllCodeSets(long p_localeId) throws LocaleManagerException, RemoteException { Vector codeSets = null; try { String hql = "select distinct lSet.codeSet from LocaleCodeSet lSet where = :lId"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("lId", new Long(p_localeId)); codeSets = new Vector(, map)); } catch (Exception ex) { String args[] = { String.valueOf(p_localeId) }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_CODE_SETS_BY_LOCALE, args, ex); } return codeSets; } /** * Adds container roles for the source and target locale pair combined with * the available activities. */ private void addRoles(GlobalSightLocale p_sourceLocale, GlobalSightLocale p_targetLocale) throws LocaleManagerException { Role role = null; try { JobHandler jh = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); UserManager um = ServerProxy.getUserManager(); Collection cActivities = jh.getAllActivities(); Object activities[] = cActivities.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < activities.length; i++) { Activity curActivity = (Activity) activities[i]; // create all the container roles for this // source/target locale pair combination with activity role = um.createContainerRole(); role.setActivity(curActivity); role.setSourceLocale(p_sourceLocale.toString()); role.setTargetLocale(p_targetLocale.toString()); um.addRole(role); } } catch (JobException je) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get all the activities for creating roles for locale pair " + p_sourceLocale + " to " + p_targetLocale, je); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ACTIVITES, null, je); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to add role " + role.toString(), ume); String args[] = { role.toString() }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_ROLE, args, ume); } catch (Exception ge) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get or bind to another component " + "needed for adding roles.", ge); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_BIND_TO_COMPONENT, null, ge); } } /** * Removes all roles (container and user roles) associated with this locale * pair. */ private void removeRoles(LocalePair p_thePair) throws LocaleManagerException { Role curRole = null; GlobalSightLocale sourceLocale = p_thePair.getSource(); GlobalSightLocale targetLocale = p_thePair.getTarget(); try { JobHandler jh = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); UserManager um = ServerProxy.getUserManager(); CostingEngine ce = ServerProxy.getCostingEngine(); long lpCompnayId = p_thePair.getCompanyId(); Collection cActivities = jh.getAllActivities(); Object activities[] = cActivities.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < activities.length; i++) { Activity curActivity = (Activity) activities[i]; if (curActivity.getCompanyId() != lpCompnayId) { continue; } String curActivityName = curActivity.getActivityName(); // remove all the container roles Collection cRoles = um.getContainerRoles(curActivityName, sourceLocale.toString(), targetLocale.toString()); if (cRoles != null && cRoles.size() > 0) { Object roles[] = cRoles.toArray(); for (int k = 0; k < roles.length; k++) { curRole = (Role) roles[k]; // remove the rates (deactive) that are associated with // the role // and then remove the roles. // The rates are stored in database and the roles in // LDAP, // so the // dependancy between then must be kept in the code and // not in the DB. ce.deleteRatesOnRole(curRole); um.removeRole(curRole); } } // remove all the user roles Collection uRoles = um.getUserRoles(curActivityName, sourceLocale.toString(), targetLocale.toString()); if (uRoles != null && uRoles.size() > 0) { Object roles[] = uRoles.toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < roles.length; j++) { curRole = (Role) roles[j]; um.removeRole(curRole); } } } } catch (JobException je) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get all the activities for removing roles for locale pair " + sourceLocale + " to " + targetLocale, je); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ACTIVITES, null, je); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to remove role " + curRole.toString(), ume); String args[] = { curRole.toString() }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_ROLE, args, ume); } catch (CostingException ce) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to remove the rates for role " + curRole.getName()); // tbd String msgArgs[] = { curRole.getName() }; throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_DELETE_RATES, msgArgs, ce); } catch (Exception e) { CATEGORY.error("Failed to get or bind to another component " + "needed for removing roles.", e); throw new LocaleManagerException(LocaleManagerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_BIND_TO_COMPONENT, null, e); } } }