Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009 Welocalize, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.customAttribute.TMAttribute; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.databaseprofile.DatabaseProfileImpl; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.fileprofile.FileProfile; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.fileprofile.FileProfileImpl; import com.globalsight.diplomat.util.database.ConnectionPool; import com.globalsight.diplomat.util.database.ConnectionPoolException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.Job; import com.globalsight.everest.permission.Permission; import com.globalsight.everest.permission.PermissionSet; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.PersistenceException; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.l10nprofile.L10nProfileDescriptorModifier; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.l10nprofile.L10nProfileForGUIQueryResultHandler; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.l10nprofile.L10nProfileQueryResultHandler; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.l10nprofile.WorkflowTemplateInfoDescriptorModifier; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.project.ProjectDescriptorModifier; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.project.ProjectQueryResultHandler; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.project.ProjectUnnamedQueries; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.exporter.ExportManager; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.importer.ImportManager; import com.globalsight.everest.request.WorkflowRequest; import com.globalsight.everest.servlet.util.ServerProxy; import com.globalsight.everest.usermgr.UserInfo; import com.globalsight.everest.usermgr.UserManager; import com.globalsight.everest.usermgr.UserManagerException; import com.globalsight.everest.util.jms.JmsHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.projects.ProjectHandlerHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.users.SetDefaultRoleUtil; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.vendors.ProjectComparator; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.workflow.WorkflowTemplateHandlerHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.projects.l10nprofiles.WorkflowInfos; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.Activity; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowConstants; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowOwners; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowTask; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowTemplate; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.Workflow; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.WorkflowStatePosts; import com.globalsight.exporter.ExporterException; import com.globalsight.exporter.IExportManager; import com.globalsight.importer.IImportManager; import com.globalsight.importer.ImporterException; import; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.TmVersion; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.persistence.DbUtil; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.core.DefaultManager; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.core.TM3Manager; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.core.TM3Tm; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.GSDataFactory; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.GSTuvData; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.segmenttm.SegmentTmAttribute; import com.globalsight.persistence.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import com.globalsight.util.ArrayConverter; import com.globalsight.util.CacheData; import com.globalsight.util.GeneralException; import com.globalsight.util.GlobalSightLocale; import com.globalsight.util.SessionInfo; import com.globalsight.util.StringUtil; import com.globalsight.util.system.LogManager; import com.globalsight.util.system.LogType; /** * This class is responsible for managing projects and localization profiles * which are assigned to projects. */ public class ProjectHandlerLocal implements ProjectHandler { private static final Logger c_category = Logger.getLogger(ProjectHandlerLocal.class); public static final String ALL_TM_PROFILES_SQL = " select * from tm_profile " + " where company_id >= :" + CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_START_ARG + " and company_id <= :" + CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_END_ARG; private ResourceBundle p_resourceBundle = null; public ProjectHandlerLocal() throws ProjectHandlerException { super(); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN: Localization Profiles ///////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Add a localization profile to the system. * <p> * * @param p_l10nProfile * The localization profile to add. * @return long Return the unique id of the newly added oprofile. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Failed to add the profile; the cause is indicated by the * exception code. */ public long addL10nProfile(L10nProfile p_l10nProfile) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { BasicL10nProfile basicProfile = null; org.hibernate.Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; if (!(p_l10nProfile instanceof BasicL10nProfile)) { basicProfile = L10nProfileFactory.makeBasicL10nProfile(p_l10nProfile); } else { basicProfile = (BasicL10nProfile) p_l10nProfile; } try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); basicProfile.setTimestamp(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));; Set<WorkflowTemplateInfo> workflowTemplateInfos = basicProfile.getWorkflowTemplates(); for (Iterator it = workflowTemplateInfos.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { WorkflowTemplateInfo wfInfo = (WorkflowTemplateInfo); L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo lnWfInfo = new L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo(); L10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey key = new L10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey(); key.setL10nProfileId(basicProfile.getId()); key.setWfTemplateId(wfInfo.getId()); key.setMtProfileId(wfInfo.getMtProfileId()); lnWfInfo.setKey(key); lnWfInfo.setIsActive(true); saveL10nProfileWfTemplateInfo(session, lnWfInfo); } transaction.commit(); return basicProfile.getId(); } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(p_l10nProfile.toString() + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_l10nProfile.getName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_PROFILE, args, pe); } } /** * Duplicate the specified localization profile. * <p> * * @param p_profileId * The primary ID of the localization profile. * @return The duplicate copy of the specified localization profile. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Miscellaneous exception, most likely occuring in the * persistence component. */ public void duplicateL10nProfile(long p_profileId, String p_newName, Collection p_localePairs, String p_displayRoleName) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { org.hibernate.Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); BasicL10nProfile profileToBeDuplicated = (BasicL10nProfile) getL10nProfile(p_profileId); Collection workflowTemplateInfos = profileToBeDuplicated.getWorkflowTemplateInfos(); if (workflowTemplateInfos.size() > 1) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_DUPLICATE_PROFILE); } Iterator ite = workflowTemplateInfos.iterator(); WorkflowTemplateInfo workflowTemplateInfo = null; if (ite.hasNext()) { workflowTemplateInfo = (WorkflowTemplateInfo); } WorkflowTemplate iflowTemplate = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer() .getWorkflowTemplateById(workflowTemplateInfo.getWorkflowTemplateId()); Iterator it = p_localePairs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { LocalePair localePair = (LocalePair); BasicL10nProfile duplicatedProfile = L10nProfileFactory .makeDuplicateL10nProfile(profileToBeDuplicated, localePair.getSource()); String autoName = generateAutoName(p_newName, localePair);"The value of name is " + autoName); duplicatedProfile.setName(autoName); duplicatedProfile.setSourceLocale(localePair.getSource()); WorkflowTemplateInfo wftInfo = duplicateWorkflowTemplate(autoName, workflowTemplateInfo.getId(), localePair, iflowTemplate, p_displayRoleName); Vector v = new Vector(); v.add(wftInfo); duplicatedProfile.setWorkflowTemplateInfos(v); Set tmProfiles = new HashSet(); tmProfiles.addAll(profileToBeDuplicated.getTmProfiles()); duplicatedProfile.setTmProfiles(tmProfiles);; L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo lnWfInfo = new L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo(); L10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey key = new L10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey(); key.setL10nProfileId(duplicatedProfile.getId()); key.setWfTemplateId(wftInfo.getId()); lnWfInfo.setKey(key); lnWfInfo.setIsActive(wftInfo.isActive()); saveL10nProfileWfTemplateInfo(session, lnWfInfo); } transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(p_profileId); c_category.error(e.getMessage() + " " + Long.toString(p_profileId), e); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_DUPLICATE_PROFILE, args, e); } finally { if (session != null) { // session.close(); } } } /** * Modify an existing localization profile in the system. * <p> * The original localization profile is left as is. Instead we create a new * localization profile which has a new profile sequence number (PK). This * will allow for executing references to original profile intact an * operational. * <p> * An entry in profile version table is made which contains a pair of * original and modified profile sequence number. This allows for building a * version tree in future. * <p> * * @param p_l10nProfile * The modified localization profile. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Failed to modify the profile; the cause is indicated by * the exception code. */ public void modifyL10nProfile(L10nProfile p_l10nProfile, Vector<WorkflowInfos> workflowInfos, long originalLocId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { // Clone the modified profile so that it can be inserted to // system. The modified profile is created with a new profile id. BasicL10nProfile modifiedProfile = null; // if this is a modify or copy/duplication BasicL10nProfile originalProfile = null; // "false" = copy/duplication org.hibernate.Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); modifiedProfile = (BasicL10nProfile) p_l10nProfile; if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("The value of tm choice in p_l10nProfile is " + p_l10nProfile.getTmChoice()); c_category.debug("The modified l10n profile is " + modifiedProfile.toDebugString()); c_category.debug("The value of tm choice is " + modifiedProfile.getTmChoice()); } modifiedProfile.setId(-1L); session.saveOrUpdate(modifiedProfile); // Now create a version node in profile version table if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("ProfileID Before = " + originalLocId + " Modified == " + modifiedProfile.getId()); } L10nProfileVersion versionInfo = new L10nProfileVersion(originalLocId, modifiedProfile.getId());; // delete the old version of it (logically deleted) // this is a modification so get the original profile. originalProfile = (BasicL10nProfile) session.get(BasicL10nProfile.class, new Long(originalLocId)); if (originalProfile != null) { originalProfile.deactivate(); session.update(originalProfile); } // Update those objects dependant on a modified l10nProfile. String hql = "from FileProfileImpl f where f.isActive = 'Y' and " + "f.l10nProfileId = :lId"; Map<String, Long> map = new HashMap<String, Long>(); map.put("lId", new Long(originalLocId)); List fProfiles =, map); for (int i = 0; i < fProfiles.size(); i++) { FileProfileImpl fProfile = (FileProfileImpl) fProfiles.get(i); fProfile.setL10nProfileId(modifiedProfile.getId()); // Need update the "L10N_PROFILE_ID" for reference file profile // of XLZ (in fact it is XLF file profile). if (fProfile.getReferenceFP() > 0) { long refFPId = fProfile.getReferenceFP(); FileProfileImpl refXlzFP = HibernateUtil.get(FileProfileImpl.class, refFPId, false); refXlzFP.setL10nProfileId(modifiedProfile.getId()); } } Iterator<?> iterator = fProfiles.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { session.update(; } // HibernateUtil.update(fProfiles); hql = "from DatabaseProfileImpl d where d.l10nProfileId = :lId"; List dProfiles =, map); for (int i = 0; i < dProfiles.size(); i++) { DatabaseProfileImpl dProfile = (DatabaseProfileImpl) dProfiles.get(i); dProfile.setL10nProfileId(modifiedProfile.getId()); } iterator = dProfiles.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { session.update(; } // HibernateUtil.update(dProfiles); ProjectHandler ph = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler(); for (int i = 0; i < workflowInfos.size(); i++) { L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo l10nProfileWFTemplateInfo = new L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo(); L10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey l10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey = new L10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey(); l10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey.setL10nProfileId(modifiedProfile.getId()); l10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey.setWfTemplateId(workflowInfos.get(i).getWfId()); l10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey.setMtProfileId(workflowInfos.get(i).getMtProfileId()); l10nProfileWFTemplateInfo.setKey(l10nProfileWFTemplateInfoKey); l10nProfileWFTemplateInfo.setIsActive(workflowInfos.get(i).isActive()); if (ph.isPrimaryKeyExist(modifiedProfile.getId(), workflowInfos.get(i).getWfId())) { updateL10nProfileWfTemplateInfo(session, l10nProfileWFTemplateInfo); } else { saveL10nProfileWfTemplateInfo(session, l10nProfileWFTemplateInfo); } } transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception pe) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } c_category.error(p_l10nProfile.toString() + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(originalLocId); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_MODIFY_PROFILE, args, pe); } } /** * Remove the localization profile from the system. This method assumes that * all dependencies have been checked and already taken care of by calling * the L10nProfileDependencyChecker. * <p> * * @param p_l10nProfile * The localization profile to remove. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Failed to remove the profile; the cause is indicated by * the exception code. */ public void removeL10nProfile(L10nProfile p_l10nProfile) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { HibernateUtil.delete(p_l10nProfile); } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error("Couldn't remove the L10nProfile", pe); String args[] = { Long.toString(p_l10nProfile.getId()) }; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_PROFILE, args, pe); } } /** * Returns all the localization profiles in the system. * <p> * * @return Return all the localization profiles as a vector. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception GeneralException * Miscellaneous exception, most likely occuring in the * persistence component. */ public Collection getAllL10nProfiles() throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { HashMap map = CompanyWrapper.addCompanyIdBoundArgs(CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_START_ARG, CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_END_ARG); return HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(L10nProfileDescriptorModifier.CURRENT_PROFILES_SQL, map, BasicL10nProfile.class); } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ALL_PROFILES, null, pe); } } @Override public Collection getL10ProfilesByProjectId(long projectId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { String hql = "FROM BasicL10nProfile L1 where L1.isActive = 'Y' and" + projectId + " order by"; return; } catch (Exception pe) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ALL_PROFILES, null, pe); } } /** * Get both active and inactive L10nProfiles for current company. */ public Collection getAllL10nProfilesData() throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { String hql = "FROM BasicL10nProfile L1 where L1.companyId=" + CompanyWrapper.getCurrentCompanyId() + " order by"; return; } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ALL_PROFILES, null, pe); } } /** * Returns all the localization profiles for GUI in the system. * <p> * * @return Return all the localization profiles for GUI as a vector. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception GeneralException * Miscellaneous exception, most likely occuring in the * persistence component. */ public Vector getAllL10nProfilesForGUI() throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { Vector args = CompanyWrapper.addCompanyIdBoundArgs(new Vector()); HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put(CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_START_ARG, args.get(0)); map.put(CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_END_ARG, args.get(1)); ArrayList result = (ArrayList) HibernateUtil .searchWithSql(L10nProfileDescriptorModifier.CURRENT_PROFILEINFOS_GUI_SQL, map); return L10nProfileForGUIQueryResultHandler.handleResult(result); } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ALL_PROFILES_FOR_GUI, null, pe); } } public Vector getAllL10nProfilesForGUI(String[] filterParams, Locale uiLocale) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = DbUtil.getConnection(); st = conn.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery(getQueryL10nProfileInfoSql(filterParams)); Vector v = new Vector(); while ( { long id = Long.valueOf(rs.getString("id")); String name = rs.getString("name"); String description = rs.getString("description"); String companyId = rs.getString("companyid"); String tmpName = rs.getString("tmpname"); String projectName = rs.getString("project_name"); char isAutoDispatch = rs.getString("is_auto_dispatch").toCharArray()[0]; String srcLocaleId = rs.getString("source_locale_id"); int wftCount = Integer.valueOf(rs.getString("countwft")); BasicL10nProfileInfo basicL10nProfileInfo = new BasicL10nProfileInfo(id, name, description, companyId); basicL10nProfileInfo.setTmProfileName(tmpName); basicL10nProfileInfo.setProjectName(projectName); basicL10nProfileInfo.setIsAutoDispatch(isAutoDispatch); basicL10nProfileInfo.setSrcLocaleName(CacheData.getLocaleDisplayNameById(srcLocaleId, uiLocale)); basicL10nProfileInfo.setWFTCount(wftCount); v.add(basicL10nProfileInfo); } return v; } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ALL_PROFILES_FOR_GUI, null, pe); } finally { DbUtil.silentClose(rs); DbUtil.silentClose(st); DbUtil.silentReturnConnection(conn); } } private String getQueryL10nProfileInfoSql(String[] filterParams) { Vector args = CompanyWrapper.addCompanyIdBoundArgs(new Vector()); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer( "select l10n.ID, l10n.NAME, l10n.DESCRIPTION,l10n.COMPANYID,tmp.NAME TMPNAME, p.PROJECT_NAME,l10n.IS_AUTO_DISPATCH,l10n.SOURCE_LOCALE_ID,count(lpwi.WF_TEMPLATE_ID) countwft"); sql.append( " from l10n_profile l10n, l10n_profile_tm_profile lptp, tm_profile tmp, project p, company c,l10n_profile_wftemplate_info lpwi"); sql.append(" where 1 = 1"); sql.append(" and l10n.IS_ACTIVE = 'Y'"); sql.append(" and lpwi.IS_ACTIVE = 'Y'"); sql.append(" and l10n.ID = lpwi.L10N_PROFILE_ID"); sql.append( " and l10n.ID = (select max(l10n2.ID) from l10n_profile l10n2 where l10n2.NAME = l10n.NAME and l10n2.COMPANYID = l10n.COMPANYID)"); sql.append(" and l10n.COMPANYID >= " + args.get(0)); sql.append(" and l10n.COMPANYID <= " + args.get(1)); if (filterParams[0] != null && filterParams[0].trim().length() > 0) { sql.append(" and l10n.NAME LIKE '%" + filterParams[0] + "%'"); } sql.append(" and l10n.COMPANYID = c.ID"); if (filterParams[1] != null && filterParams[1].trim().length() > 0) { sql.append(" and c.NAME LIKE '%" + filterParams[1] + "%'"); } sql.append(" and l10n.ID = lptp.l10n_profile_id"); sql.append(" and lptp.tm_profile_id = tmp.ID "); if (filterParams[2] != null && filterParams[2].trim().length() > 0) { sql.append(" and tmp.NAME LIKE '%" + filterParams[2] + "%'"); } sql.append(" and l10n.PROJECT_ID = p.PROJECT_SEQ"); if (filterParams[3] != null && filterParams[3].trim().length() > 0) { sql.append(" and p.PROJECT_NAME LIKE '%" + filterParams[3] + "%'"); } sql.append(" group by l10n.ID, l10n.NAME, l10n.DESCRIPTION, " + "l10n.COMPANYID, tmp.NAME, p.PROJECT_NAME, " + "l10n.IS_AUTO_DISPATCH,l10n.SOURCE_LOCALE_ID"); sql.append(" order by l10n.NAME "); return sql.toString(); } /** * Get the names (and primary keys) of all the localization profiles. The * key in the hashtable is the primary key. * <p> * * @return Return all the localization profiles names as a hashtable. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Miscellaneous exception, most likely occuring in the * persistence component. */ public Hashtable getAllL10nProfileNames() throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { HashMap map = CompanyWrapper.addCompanyIdBoundArgs(CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_START_ARG, CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_END_ARG); String sql = L10nProfileDescriptorModifier.CURRENT_PROFILEINFOS_SQL; ArrayList result = (ArrayList) HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(sql, map); return L10nProfileQueryResultHandler.handleResult(result); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { c_category.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ALL_PROFILE_NAMES, null, pe); } } /** * Get a localization profile by its ID. * <p> * * @param p_profileId * The primary ID of the localization profile. * @return The localization profile. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Miscellaneous exception, most likely occuring in the * persistence component. */ public L10nProfile getL10nProfile(long p_profileId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { // There should be one localization profile returned from the querey try { // Ignore the isActive is Y or N L10nProfile l10nProfile = (L10nProfile) HibernateUtil.getSession().get(BasicL10nProfile.class, p_profileId); if (l10nProfile != null) { return l10nProfile; } // throw exception c_category.error("Failed to find L10nProfile " + p_profileId); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(p_profileId); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_LOCALIZATION_PROFILE, args, null); } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(Long.toString(p_profileId) + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(p_profileId); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_LOCALIZATION_PROFILE, args, pe); } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END: Localization Profiles /////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN: Projects ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Add a project to the system. * <p> * * @param p_project * The project to be added. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Failed to add the project; the cause is indicated by the * exception code. */ public void addProject(Project p_project) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try {; SetDefaultRoleUtil.setUserDefaultRoleToProject(p_project); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { c_category.error(p_project.toString() + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_project.getName(); // if a sql exception - duplicate value probably if (pe.getOriginalException().getClass() == java.sql.SQLException.class) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_PROJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS, args, pe); } throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_PROJECT, args, pe); } catch (Exception te) { c_category.error(p_project.toString() + " " + te.getMessage(), te); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_project.getName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_PROJECT, args, te); } try { // add project to all vendors that are marked to be added // to any future projects ServerProxy.getVendorManagement().addVendorsToProject(p_project); } catch (Exception e) { String args[] = { p_project.getName() }; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_VENDORS_TO_PROJECT, args, e); } } /** * Create a project. * <p> * * @return Return the project that is created. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Failed to create the project; the cause is indicated by * the exception code. */ public Project createProject() throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { return new ProjectImpl(); } /** * @see ProjectHandler.modifyProject(Project, String) */ public void modifyProject(Project p_project, String p_modifierId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { org.hibernate.Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; ProjectImpl originalProject = (ProjectImpl) p_project; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); ProjectImpl clone = (ProjectImpl) session.get(ProjectImpl.class, new Long(originalProject.getId())); String originalPm = clone.getProjectManagerId(); // merge the changes in clone.setName(originalProject.getName()); clone.setDescription(originalProject.getDescription()); clone.setProjectManager(originalProject.getProjectManager()); clone.setQuotePerson(null); clone.setTermbaseName(originalProject.getTermbaseName()); clone.setUserIds(originalProject.getUserIds()); clone.setCompanyId(Long.parseLong(CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue())); clone.setAttributeSet(originalProject.getAttributeSet()); clone.setPMCost(originalProject.getPMCost()); clone.setPoRequired(originalProject.getPoRequired()); clone.setAutoAcceptTrans(originalProject.getAutoAcceptTrans()); clone.setAutoSendTrans(originalProject.getAutoSendTrans()); clone.setReviewOnlyAutoAccept(originalProject.getReviewOnlyAutoAccept()); clone.setReviewOnlyAutoSend(originalProject.getReviewOnlyAutoSend()); clone.setReviewReportIncludeCompactTags(originalProject.isReviewReportIncludeCompactTags()); clone.setAutoAcceptPMTask(originalProject.getAutoAcceptPMTask()); clone.setCheckUnTranslatedSegments(originalProject.isCheckUnTranslatedSegments()); clone.setSaveTranslationsEditReport(originalProject.getSaveTranslationsEditReport()); clone.setSaveReviewersCommentsReport(originalProject.getSaveReviewersCommentsReport()); clone.setSaveOfflineFiles(originalProject.getSaveOfflineFiles()); clone.setAllowManualQAChecks(originalProject.getAllowManualQAChecks()); clone.setAutoAcceptQATask(originalProject.getAutoAcceptQATask()); clone.setAutoSendQAReport(originalProject.getAutoSendQAReport()); clone.setManualRunDitaChecks(originalProject.getManualRunDitaChecks()); clone.setAutoAcceptDitaQaTask(originalProject.getAutoAcceptDitaQaTask()); clone.setAutoSendDitaQaReport(originalProject.getAutoSendDitaQaReport()); String quotePersonId = originalProject.getQuotePersonId(); if (quotePersonId != null && !"".equals(quotePersonId)) { if ("0".equals(quotePersonId)) { clone.setQuotePerson("0"); } else { User quotePerson = null; try { quotePerson = lookupUserManager().getUser(quotePersonId); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (quotePerson != null) { clone.setQuotePerson(quotePerson); } else { clone.setQuotePerson("0"); } } } session.update(clone); transaction.commit(); SetDefaultRoleUtil.setUserDefaultRoleToProject(originalProject); if (!originalProject.getProjectManagerId().equals(originalPm)) { Serializable msg = new ProjectUpdateMessage(p_modifierId, originalPm, originalProject.getProjectManagerId(), originalProject.getIdAsLong()); try { JmsHelper.sendMessageToQueue(msg, JmsHelper.JMS_PROJECT_UPDATE_QUEUE); } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error("Failed to send JMS message for project update.", e); } } } catch (PersistenceException pe) { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } c_category.error(p_project.toString() + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(p_project.getId()); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_MODIFY_PROJECT, args, pe); } } /** * Delete a project from the system. * <p> * * @param p_project * The project to be deleted. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Failed to delete the project; the cause is indicated by * the exception code. */ public void deleteProject(Project p_project) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("deleteProject " + ((ProjectImpl) p_project).toDebugString()); } List projects = new ArrayList(); projects.add(p_project); Collection l10nProfiles = getL10nProfiles(projects); if (!l10nProfiles.isEmpty()) { throw new ProjectHandlerDeleteConstrainedProjectException( p_project.getName() + " with id " + ((ProjectImpl) p_project).getIdAsLong().toString() + " is associated with L10nProfile " + l10nProfiles.toString()); } try { // remove all vendors that are part of this project ServerProxy.getVendorManagement().addVendorsToProject(p_project); HibernateUtil.delete(p_project); } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(p_project.toString() + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(p_project.getId()); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_PROJECT, args, pe); } } /** * Returns all the projects in the system. * <p> * * @return Return all the projects in the system. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Miscellaneous exception, most likely occuring in the * persistence component. */ public Collection<Project> getAllProjects() throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { String hql = "from ProjectImpl project where project.isActive = 'Y' "; String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql = hql + " and project.companyId =" + Long.parseLong(currentId); } List queryResult =; for (Iterator i = queryResult.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Project project = (Project); User pm = null; try { pm = lookupUserManager().getUser(project.getProjectManagerId()); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (pm != null) { project.setProjectManager(pm); } String quotePersonId = project.getQuotePersonId(); if (quotePersonId != null && !"".equals(quotePersonId)) { if ("0".equals(quotePersonId)) { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } else { User quotePerson = null; try { quotePerson = lookupUserManager().getUser(quotePersonId); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (quotePerson != null) { project.setQuotePerson(quotePerson); } else { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } } } } return queryResult; } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ALL_PROJECTS, null, pe); } } /** * @see ProjectHandler.getAllProjectInfosForGUI. */ public List<ProjectInfo> getAllProjectInfosForGUI() throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { return getAllProjectInfosForGUIbyCondition(""); } public List<ProjectInfo> getAllProjectInfosForGUIbyCondition(String condition) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { String hql = "select new com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectInfo" + "( p )" + " from ProjectImpl p ,Company c where p.isActive = 'Y' and"; Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql += " and p.companyId = " + Long.parseLong(currentId); } hql += condition; List<ProjectInfo> queryResult = session.createQuery(hql).list(); List<ProjectInfo> projectInfos = new ArrayList<ProjectInfo>(); List allUsers = (List) lookupUserManager().getUsers(); HashMap<String, String> idViewName = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Iterator iter = allUsers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { User user = (User); idViewName.put(user.getUserId(), user.getUserName()); } for (int i = 0; i < queryResult.size(); i++) { ProjectInfo pi = (ProjectInfo) queryResult.get(i); if (pi != null && pi.getProjectManagerName() == null) { String usrName = idViewName.get(pi.getProjectManagerId()); if (usrName != null) { pi.setProjectManagerName(usrName); } else { pi.setProjectManagerName(""); } projectInfos.add(pi); } } return projectInfos; } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ALL_PROJECTS_FOR_GUI, null, pe); } } /** * Get the names (and primary keys) of all the projects. The key in the * hashtable is the primary key. * <p> * * @return All the names and keys of all projects. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Miscellaneous exception, most likely occuring in the * persistence component. */ public Hashtable getAllProjectNames() throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Hashtable projectNames = new Hashtable(); try { String hql = "select, from ProjectImpl p " + " where p.isActive = 'Y' " + " p.companyId >=:companyIdStart " + " and p.companyId <=:companyIdEnd"; HashMap map = CompanyWrapper.addCompanyIdBoundArgs("companyIdStart", "companyIdEnd"); ArrayList setOfProjectNames = (ArrayList) ProjectQueryResultHandler .handleResult(, map)); if (setOfProjectNames != null && setOfProjectNames.size() > 0) projectNames = (Hashtable) setOfProjectNames.get(0); if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("getAllProjectNames returns " + projectNames.toString()); } return projectNames; } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ALL_PROJECTS, null, pe); } } /** * Get project by the project id. * <p> * * @param p_id * The project id. * @return Return the specified project. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException */ public Project getProjectById(long p_id) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Project project = null; try { project = (Project) HibernateUtil.get(ProjectImpl.class, p_id); if (project == null) { return null; } User pm = null; try { pm = lookupUserManager().getUser(project.getProjectManagerId()); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (pm != null) { project.setProjectManager(pm); } String quotePersonId = project.getQuotePersonId(); if (quotePersonId != null && !"".equals(quotePersonId)) { if ("0".equals(quotePersonId)) { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } else { User quotePerson = null; try { quotePerson = lookupUserManager().getUser(quotePersonId); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (quotePerson != null) { project.setQuotePerson(quotePerson); } else { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } } } if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("getProjectById " + Long.toString(p_id) + " returned " + ((ProjectImpl) project).toDebugString()); } return project; } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(Long.toString(p_id) + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(p_id); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECT_BY_ID, args, pe); } } /** * Get project by the project name and company id. */ public Project getProjectByNameAndCompanyId(String p_name, long companyId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Project project = null; try { String hql = "from ProjectImpl p where = :name " + "and p.companyId = :companyId"; HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("name", p_name); map.put("companyId", companyId); Collection result =, map); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return null; } // set the user object to the project through the user manager id project = (Project) result.iterator().next(); User pm = null; try { pm = lookupUserManager().getUser(project.getProjectManagerId()); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (pm != null) { project.setProjectManager(pm); } String quotePersonId = project.getQuotePersonId(); if (quotePersonId != null && !"".equals(quotePersonId)) { if ("0".equals(quotePersonId)) { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } else { User quotePerson = null; try { quotePerson = lookupUserManager().getUser(quotePersonId); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (quotePerson != null) { project.setQuotePerson(quotePerson); } else { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } } } if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("getProjectByNameAndCompanyId " + p_name + " returned " + ((ProjectImpl) project).toDebugString()); } return project; } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(p_name + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_name; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECT_BY_NAME, args, pe); } } /** * Get projects by company id. * * @param companyId * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Project> getProjectsByCompanyId(long companyId) { List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<Project>(); try { String hsql = "from ProjectImpl p where p.isActive = 'Y'"; if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(String.valueOf(companyId))) { hsql += " and p.companyId =" + companyId; } projects = (List<Project>); return projects; } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error("Failed to query projects by company id.", e); return null; } } /** * @deprecated I don't think this method is reliable (York). * * Get project by the project name. * <p> * * @param p_name * The project to be found under this name. * @return Return the specified project. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * */ public Project getProjectByName(String p_name) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Project project = null; try { String hql = "from ProjectImpl p where = :name"; HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("name", p_name); String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql += " and p.companyId = :companyId"; map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } Collection result =, map); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return null; } // set the user object to the project through the user manager id project = (Project) result.iterator().next(); User pm = null; try { pm = lookupUserManager().getUser(project.getProjectManagerId()); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (pm != null) { project.setProjectManager(pm); } String quotePersonId = project.getQuotePersonId(); if (quotePersonId != null && !"".equals(quotePersonId)) { if ("0".equals(quotePersonId)) { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } else { User quotePerson = null; try { quotePerson = lookupUserManager().getUser(quotePersonId); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (quotePerson != null) { project.setQuotePerson(quotePerson); } else { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } } } if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug( "getProjectByName " + p_name + " returned " + ((ProjectImpl) project).toDebugString()); } return project; } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(p_name + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_name; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECT_BY_NAME, args, pe); } } /** * @see ProjectHandler.getProjectsByUserPermission(User) */ public List<Project> getProjectsByUserPermission(User p_user) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { // use a set nad comparator off of the project name // so no duplicate projects are returned ProjectComparator pc = new ProjectComparator(new Locale(p_user.getDefaultUILocale())); Set<Project> projects = new TreeSet<Project>(pc); try { PermissionSet userPerms = Permission.getPermissionManager().getPermissionSetForUser(p_user.getUserId()); // if the user has permission to look at all projects then // return all if (userPerms.getPermissionFor(Permission.GET_ALL_PROJECTS)) { // if PM isn't in all projects, then return the project which PM // belongs to. if (!p_user.isInAllProjects()) { projects.addAll(getProjectsByUser(p_user.getUserId())); } else { projects.addAll(getAllProjects()); } } else { // if the user manages projects and can get all projects they // manage if (userPerms.getPermissionFor(Permission.PROJECTS_MANAGE) && userPerms.getPermissionFor(Permission.GET_PROJECTS_I_MANAGE)) { projects.addAll(getProjectsManagedByUser(p_user, Permission.GROUP_MODULE_GLOBALSIGHT)); } // if the user can get the projects they belong to also if (userPerms.getPermissionFor(Permission.GET_PROJECTS_I_BELONG)) { projects.addAll(getProjectsByUser(p_user.getUserId())); } } } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error("Couldn't get the projects by permission for user " + p_user.getUserName()); String args[] = { p_user.getUserName() }; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECTS_BY_PERMISSION, args, e); } return new ArrayList<Project>(projects); } /** * @see ProjectHandler.getProjectInfosManagedByUser(User, String) */ public List getProjectInfosManagedByUser(User p_user, String p_module) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { List projectInfos = null; try { PermissionSet userPerms = Permission.getPermissionManager().getPermissionSetForUser(p_user.getUserId()); if (userPerms.getPermissionFor(Permission.GET_ALL_PROJECTS)) { // get all project infos since the requestor can see all // projects projectInfos = getAllProjectInfosForGUI(); } else if (userPerms.getPermissionFor(Permission.GET_PROJECTS_I_MANAGE)) { projectInfos = getProjectInfosByProjectManager(p_user); } else { projectInfos = getProjectInfosByUser(p_user.getUserId()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(e.getMessage()); } return projectInfos; } /** * @see ProjectHandler.getProjectsManagedByUser(User, String) */ public List<Project> getProjectsManagedByUser(User p_user, String p_module) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<Project>(); PermissionSet userPerms = null; try { userPerms = Permission.getPermissionManager().getPermissionSetForUser(p_user.getUserId()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(e.getMessage()); } if (userPerms.getPermissionFor(Permission.GET_ALL_PROJECTS)) { // get all project since the requestor is an admin projects.addAll(getAllProjects()); } else if (userPerms.getPermissionFor(Permission.GET_PROJECTS_I_MANAGE)) { projects.addAll(getProjectsByProjectManager(p_user)); } else { projects = getProjectsByUser(p_user.getUserId()); } return projects; } /** * @see ProjectHandler.getProjectInfosByUser(String) */ public List getProjectInfosByUser(String p_userId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { List projectInfos = null; HashMap map = CompanyWrapper.addCompanyIdBoundArgs(CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_START_ARG, CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_END_ARG); map.put("userId", p_userId); List list = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(ProjectDescriptorModifier.PROJECT_INFO_BY_USER_ID_SQL, map, ProjectImpl.class); Collection queryResult = ProjectQueryResultHandler.handleResultForGUI(list); if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("getProjectInfosByUser " + p_userId + " returns " + queryResult.toString()); } if (!queryResult.isEmpty()) { projectInfos = new ArrayList(queryResult); } else { projectInfos = new ArrayList(); } return projectInfos; } catch (PersistenceException pe) { c_category.error("Failed to get all the project infos for a " + " user " + p_userId, pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_userId; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECT_INFOS_BY_USER, args, pe); } } /** * @see ProjectHandler.getProjectsByUser(String) */ public List<Project> getProjectsByUser(String p_userId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { List projects = null; HashMap map = CompanyWrapper.addCompanyIdBoundArgs(CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_START_ARG, CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_END_ARG); map.put(ProjectDescriptorModifier.USER_ID_ARG, p_userId); Collection queryResult = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(ProjectDescriptorModifier.PROJECTS_BY_USER_ID_SQL, map, ProjectImpl.class); // setting the user object to the project through the user // manager id for (Iterator i = queryResult.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Project project = (Project); User pm = null; try { pm = lookupUserManager().getUser(project.getProjectManagerId()); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (pm != null) { project.setProjectManager(pm); } String quotePersonId = project.getQuotePersonId(); if (quotePersonId != null && !"".equals(quotePersonId)) { if ("0".equals(quotePersonId)) { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } else { User quotePerson = null; try { quotePerson = lookupUserManager().getUser(quotePersonId); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (quotePerson != null) { project.setQuotePerson(quotePerson); } else { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } } } } if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("getProjectsByUser " + p_userId + " returns " + queryResult.toString()); } if (!queryResult.isEmpty()) { projects = new ArrayList(queryResult); } else { projects = new ArrayList(); } return projects; } catch (PersistenceException pe) { c_category.error("Failed to get all the projects for a " + " user " + p_userId, pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_userId; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECTS_BY_USER_ID, args, pe); } } /** * @see ProjectHandler.getProjectsByVendor(long) */ public List getProjectsByVendor(long p_vendorId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { List projects = null; HashMap map = CompanyWrapper.addCompanyIdBoundArgs(CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_START_ARG, CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_END_ARG); map.put(ProjectDescriptorModifier.VENDOR_ID_ARG, new Long(p_vendorId)); Collection queryResult = HibernateUtil .searchWithSql(ProjectDescriptorModifier.PROJECTS_BY_VENDOR_ID_SQL, map, ProjectImpl.class); // setting the user object to the project through the user // manager id for (Iterator i = queryResult.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Project project = (Project); User pm = null; try { pm = lookupUserManager().getUser(project.getProjectManagerId()); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (pm != null) { project.setProjectManager(pm); } String quotePersonId = project.getQuotePersonId(); if (quotePersonId != null && !"".equals(quotePersonId)) { if ("0".equals(quotePersonId)) { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } else { User quotePerson = null; try { quotePerson = lookupUserManager().getUser(quotePersonId); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (quotePerson != null) { project.setQuotePerson(quotePerson); } else { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } } } } if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("getProjectsByVendor " + p_vendorId + " returns " + queryResult.toString()); } if (!queryResult.isEmpty()) { projects = new ArrayList(queryResult); } else { projects = new ArrayList(); } return projects; } catch (PersistenceException pe) { c_category.error("Failed to get all the projects for " + " vendor " + p_vendorId, pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(p_vendorId); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECTS_BY_VENDOR_ID, args, pe); } } /** * Get projects by the workflow instance ids. * <p> * * @param p_workflowInstanceIds * An array of workflow instance ids. * @return Return all the projects by the specified id. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException */ public Collection<Project> getProjectsByWorkflowInstanceId(long[] p_workflowInstanceIds) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Project project = null; int size = p_workflowInstanceIds.length; StringBuffer querySBuffer = new StringBuffer(p_workflowInstanceIds.length * 5); querySBuffer.append("{"); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { querySBuffer.append(p_workflowInstanceIds + (i != size - 1 ? ", " : "")); } querySBuffer.append("}"); try { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM project WHERE project_seq IN " + "(SELECT DISTINCT * FROM l10n_profile WHERE profile_seq IN " + "(SELECT * FROM job WHERE job_seq IN " + "(SELECT * FROM workflow WHERE workflow_id = :workflowIds"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("workflowIds", querySBuffer.toString()); List resultSetObjects = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(sql, map, ProjectImpl.class); for (int i = 0; i < resultSetObjects.size(); i++) { project = (Project) resultSetObjects.get(i); User pm = null; try { pm = lookupUserManager().getUser(project.getProjectManagerId()); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (pm != null) { project.setProjectManager(pm); } String quotePersonId = project.getQuotePersonId(); if (quotePersonId != null && !"".equals(quotePersonId)) { if ("0".equals(quotePersonId)) { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } else { User quotePerson = null; try { quotePerson = lookupUserManager().getUser(quotePersonId); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (quotePerson != null) { project.setQuotePerson(quotePerson); } else { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } } } } if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug( "getProjectsByWorkflowInstanceId " + ArrayConverter.asList(p_workflowInstanceIds).toString() + " returns " + resultSetObjects.toString()); } return resultSetObjects; } catch (PersistenceException pe) { c_category.error(querySBuffer.toString() + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = querySBuffer.substring(1, querySBuffer.length() - 2); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECTS_BY_WFI_ID, args, pe); } } /** * @see ProjectHandler.addUserToProjects(String, List) */ public void addUserToProjects(String p_userId, List p_projects) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { StringBuffer projectIdList = new StringBuffer(); Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); Set s = new TreeSet(); s.add(p_userId); for (Iterator pi = p_projects.iterator(); pi.hasNext();) { Project p = (Project); p.addUserIds(s); projectIdList.append(Long.toString(p.getId())); if (pi.hasNext()) { projectIdList.append(", "); } session.saveOrUpdate(p); } // commit all the user additions to projects tx.commit(); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { c_category.error("Failed to add user " + p_userId + " to projects " + projectIdList.toString(), pe); String[] args = new String[2]; args[0] = p_userId; args[1] = projectIdList.toString(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_USER_TO_PROJECTS, args, pe); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @see ProjectHandler.removeUserFromProjects(String, List) */ public void removeUserFromProjects(String p_userId, List p_projects) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { StringBuffer projectIdList = new StringBuffer(); Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); Set s = new TreeSet(); s.add(p_userId); for (Iterator pi = p_projects.iterator(); pi.hasNext();) { Project p = (Project); p.removeUserIds(s); projectIdList.append(Long.toString(p.getId())); if (pi.hasNext()) { projectIdList.append(", "); } session.update(p); } // commit all the user removals from projects tx.commit(); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { c_category.error("Failed to remove user " + p_userId + " from projects " + projectIdList.toString(), pe); String[] args = new String[2]; args[0] = p_userId; args[1] = projectIdList.toString(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_USER_FROM_PROJECTS, args, pe); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @see ProjectHandler.associateUserWithProjectsById(String, List) */ public void associateUserWithProjectsById(String p_userId, List p_projectIds) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; try { // get all the current projects a user is in List projects = getProjectsByUser(p_userId); session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); for (Iterator i = projects.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Project p = (Project); Long pId = p.getIdAsLong(); if (!p_projectIds.contains(pId)) { // deleted user from project and remove from existing id // list so it leaves only the NEW ones in the list p.removeUserId(p_userId); p_projectIds.remove(pId); session.saveOrUpdate(p); } } // add the new projects to the user for (Iterator pi = p_projectIds.iterator(); pi.hasNext();) { long projectId = ((Long); Project p = getProjectById(projectId); p.addUserId(p_userId); session.saveOrUpdate(p); } tx.commit(); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { c_category.error("Failed to associate " + p_userId + " with projects " + p_projectIds.toString(), pe); String[] args = new String[2]; args[0] = p_userId; args[1] = p_projectIds.toString(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ASSOCIATE_USER_WITH_PROJECTS, args, pe); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @see ProjectHandler.getAllPossibleUserInfos(User) */ public List<UserInfo> getAllPossibleUserInfos(User p_manager) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { ArrayList userInfos = new ArrayList(); try { // for NOW get all the information for all active users // and NOT just by project. // will change once the shared/locked/hidden concept has been added UserManager um = lookupUserManager(); userInfos = new ArrayList(um.getUserInfos()); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { c_category.error("Failed to get all the users project manager " + p_manager.getUserName() + " can manage." + " Could not retrieve one or more users from UserManager.", ume); String[] args = { p_manager.getUserName() }; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_ALL_USERS_PM_MANAGES, args, ume); } return userInfos; } /** * @see ProjectHandler.getUserIdsInSameProjects(User) */ public List getUserIdsInSameProjects(User p_user) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { // Get all projects that the project manager manages List projects = getProjectsByUser(p_user.getUserId()); // get all the DISTINCT users in the projects Set userIds = new TreeSet(); for (Iterator pi = projects.iterator(); pi.hasNext();) { Project p = (Project); Set pUserIds = p.getUserIds(); for (Iterator i = pUserIds.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { // add the user id - if it already exists in the set // it'll just be a NOP userIds.add((String); } } return new ArrayList(userIds); } /** * @see ProjectHandler.getProjectsWithUsers(List) */ public HashMap getProjectsWithUsers(List p_users) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { HashMap hm = new HashMap(); if (p_users != null && p_users.size() > 0) { // query for all projects that contain the users ids passed in Vector userIds = new Vector(); for (Iterator i = p_users.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { User u = (User); userIds.add(u.getUserId()); } Collection ps = null; try { String sql = ProjectUnnamedQueries.PROJECTS_WITH_USERS_SQL + ProjectUnnamedQueries.buildUserIdsInClause(userIds); ps = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(sql, null, ProjectImpl.class); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { c_category.error("Failed to query for all projects associated with a set of user ids.", pe); String[] args = { userIds.toString() }; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECTS_BY_USER_IDS, args, pe); } // now loop through them and create the hashmap // that contains the projects and the users that are in them for (Iterator pi = ps.iterator(); pi.hasNext();) { Project p = (Project); List prjUsers = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator ui = p_users.iterator(); ui.hasNext();) { User u = (User); if (p.getUserIds().contains(u.getUserId())) { prjUsers.add(u); } } hm.put(String.valueOf(p.getId()), prjUsers); } } return hm; } /** * Get the L10nProfiles associated with the projects. * * @param p_projects * Collection of Projects. * @returns List of L10nProfiles associated with the Projects. */ public Collection<L10nProfile> getL10nProfiles(Collection<Project> p_projects) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { // This should be implemented with a query, not this way. Collection l10nProfiles = getAllL10nProfiles(); List returnL10nProfiles = new ArrayList(l10nProfiles.size()); Iterator l10nProfilesIt = l10nProfiles.iterator(); while (l10nProfilesIt.hasNext()) { L10nProfile l10nProfile = (L10nProfile); Project l10nProfileProject = l10nProfile.getProject(); Iterator it = p_projects.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Project project = (Project); if (project.equals(l10nProfileProject)) { returnL10nProfiles.add(l10nProfile); break; } } } return returnL10nProfiles; } /** * Allocates a helper object to import project-related data into the * database. */ public IImportManager getProjectDataImportManager(User p_user, long p_projectId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException, ImporterException { if (p_user == null) { // TODO: throw exception. } // check if user can import data for this project. Project project = getProjectById(p_projectId); return new ImportManager(project, new SessionInfo(p_user.getUserId(), "")); } /** * Allocates a helper object to export project-related data from the * database to files (CSV or XML). */ public IExportManager getProjectDataExportManager(User p_user, long p_projectId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException, ExporterException { if (p_user == null) { // throw exception. } // check if user can export data for this project. Project project = getProjectById(p_projectId); return new ExportManager(project, new SessionInfo(p_user.getUserId(), "")); } /** * Get all the projects the specified project manager manages. * <p> * * @param p_user * The projects found under this user. * @return Return all the projects assigned to this user. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException */ public Collection<Project> getProjectsByProjectManager(User p_user) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { String hql = "from ProjectImpl p where p.managerUserId=:user_id"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("user_id", p_user.getUserId()); String currentCompanyId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentCompanyId)) { hql = hql + " and p.companyId=:company_id"; map.put("company_id", Long.parseLong(currentCompanyId)); } List queryResult =, map); for (Iterator i = queryResult.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Project project = (Project); User pm = null; try { pm = lookupUserManager().getUser(project.getProjectManagerId()); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (pm != null) { project.setProjectManager(pm); } String quotePersonId = project.getQuotePersonId(); if (quotePersonId != null && !"".equals(quotePersonId)) { if ("0".equals(quotePersonId)) { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } else { User quotePerson = null; try { quotePerson = lookupUserManager().getUser(quotePersonId); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { // do nothing } if (quotePerson != null) { project.setQuotePerson(quotePerson); } else { project.setQuotePerson("0"); } } } } if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug( "getProjectsByProjectManager " + p_user.toString() + " returns " + queryResult.toString()); } return queryResult; } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(p_user.toString() + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_user.getUserName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECTS_BY_PM, args, pe); } } /** * Get information about the projects a project manager manages (the user). * <p> * * @param p_user * The projects found under this user. * @return Return all the projects assigned to this user. * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException */ private List getProjectInfosByProjectManager(User p_pm) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { List projectInfos = null; String hql = "select p.* from project p where p.manager_user_id=:user_id"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("user_id", p_pm.getUserId()); String currentCompanyId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentCompanyId)) { hql = hql + " and p.companyid=:company_id"; map.put("company_id", currentCompanyId); } List list = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(hql, map, ProjectImpl.class); Collection queryResult = ProjectQueryResultHandler.handleResultForGUI(list); if (!queryResult.isEmpty()) { projectInfos = new ArrayList(queryResult); } else { projectInfos = new ArrayList(); } if (c_category.isDebugEnabled()) { c_category.debug("getProjectsByProjectManager " + p_pm.getUserName() + " (" + p_pm.toString() + ") " + "returns " + queryResult.toString()); } return projectInfos; } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error(p_pm.toString() + " " + pe.getMessage(), pe); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_pm.getUserName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECTS_BY_PM, args, pe); } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END: Projects //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin: Workflow Template Info // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @see ProjectHandler.findWorkflowTemplates(WfTemplateSearchParameters) */ public Collection findWorkflowTemplates(WfTemplateSearchParameters p_searchParameters) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { WfTemplateSearchCriteria criteria = new WfTemplateSearchCriteria(); return; } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error("Failed to get workflow templates by criteria.", e); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_WFIS, null, e); } } /** * Create a workflow template info object (contains the workflow template * designed via the graphical workflow UI). * * @param p_workflowTemplateInfo * The workflow template info to be created. * * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Component specific exception */ public void createWorkflowTemplateInfo(WorkflowTemplateInfo p_workflowTemplateInfo) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try {; } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_workflowTemplateInfo.getName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_CREATE_WFI, args, e); } } /** * Duplicate a workflow template info object based on the given new name * (contains the workflow template designed via the graphical workflow UI). * * @param p_newName * - The new name given to the duplicated workflow template info. * @param p_wfTemplateInfo * - The workflow template info to be duplicated. * * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Component specific exception */ public void duplicateWorkflowTemplates(long p_wfTemplateInfoId, String p_newName, Project project, WorkflowTemplate p_iflowTemplate, Collection p_localePairs, String p_displayRoleName) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { WorkflowTemplateInfo origWorkflowTemplateInfo = null; Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); List<WorkflowTemplateInfo> listAll = WorkflowTemplateHandlerHelper.getAllWorkflowTemplateInfos(); try { origWorkflowTemplateInfo = getWorkflowTemplateInfoById(p_wfTemplateInfoId); WorkflowTemplate workflowTemplate = p_iflowTemplate; Iterator it = p_localePairs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { LocalePair localePair = (LocalePair); String name = generateAutoName(p_newName, localePair); Iterator<WorkflowTemplateInfo> it2 = listAll.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { WorkflowTemplateInfo wf =; String nameWf = wf.getName(); if (nameWf.equals(name)) return; }"The value of name is " + name); WorkflowTemplateInfo dupWorkflowTemplateInfo = createDuplicateWorkflowTemplateInfo(name, project, localePair, origWorkflowTemplateInfo, false); WorkflowTemplate iflowTempDup = createIFlowDuplicate(name, workflowTemplate, localePair, origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getProjectManagerId(), origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getWorkflowManagerIds(), p_displayRoleName, false); dupWorkflowTemplateInfo.setWorkflowTemplate(iflowTempDup);; } tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getName(); tx.rollback(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_DUPLICATE_WFI, args, e); } } /** * Import a workflow template info object based on the given new name * * @param p_newName * - The new name given to the workflow template info. * * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Component specific exception */ public void importWorkflowTemplates(Document doc, String p_newName, Collection p_localePairs, String p_displayRoleName, String projectId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); WorkflowTemplate workflowTemplate = new WorkflowTemplate(); try { Iterator it = p_localePairs.iterator(); // UnitOfWork uow = PersistenceService.getInstance() // .acquireUnitOfWork(); while (it.hasNext()) { LocalePair localePair = (LocalePair); List rolesNodes = doc.selectNodes("/process-definition/task-node/task/assignment/roles"); GlobalSightLocale source = localePair.getSource(); GlobalSightLocale target = localePair.getTarget(); Iterator iter = rolesNodes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element rolesElement = (Element); String content = rolesElement.getText(); content = content.substring(0, content.indexOf(source.toString()) + source.toString().length()); rolesElement.setText(content + " " + target.toString()); } List rolesNameNodes = doc.selectNodes("/process-definition/task-node/task/assignment/role_name"); Iterator ite = rolesNameNodes.iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { Element element = (Element); element.setText(p_displayRoleName); } List rolesTypeNodes = doc.selectNodes("/process-definition/task-node/task/assignment/role_type"); ite = rolesTypeNodes.iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { Element element = (Element); element.setText("false"); } String name = generateAutoName(p_newName, localePair);"The value of name is " + name); Attribute attribute = (Attribute) doc.selectSingleNode("/process-definition/@name"); attribute.setValue(name); workflowTemplate.setName(name); WorkflowTemplateInfo workflowTemplateInfo = createNewWorkflowTemplateInfo(name, localePair, projectId); WorkflowTemplate jbpmTemp = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().importWorkflowTemplate(workflowTemplate, doc); workflowTemplateInfo.setWorkflowTemplate(jbpmTemp); // uow.registerObject(dupWorkflowTemplateInfo);; } // uow.commit(); tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = workflowTemplate.getName(); tx.rollback(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_DUPLICATE_WFI, args, e); } } /** * @see ProjectHandler.replaceWorkflowTemplateInL10nProfile(long, long) */ public L10nProfile replaceWorkflowTemplateInL10nProfile(long p_profileId, long p_workflowTemplateInfoId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); try { L10nProfile profile = (L10nProfile) session.get(BasicL10nProfile.class, new Long(p_profileId)); WorkflowTemplateInfo template = (WorkflowTemplateInfo) session.get(WorkflowTemplateInfo.class, new Long(p_workflowTemplateInfoId)); GlobalSightLocale sourceLocale = profile.getSourceLocale(); profile.setSourceLocale(sourceLocale); GlobalSightLocale targetLocale = template.getTargetLocale(); template.setSourceLocale(sourceLocale); template.setTargetLocale(targetLocale); // finally replace the workflow in the specified l10nProfile. profile.putWorkflowTemplateInfo(template); session.saveOrUpdate(template); session.saveOrUpdate(profile); tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { tx.rollback(); c_category.error( "Failed to replace workflow " + p_workflowTemplateInfoId + " in L10nProfile " + p_profileId, e); String args[] = { Long.toString(p_profileId), Long.toString(p_workflowTemplateInfoId) }; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_REPLACE_WFI_IN_PROFILE, args, e); } return getL10nProfile(p_profileId); } /** * Duplicate a workflow template info object based on the given new name * (contains the workflow template designed via the graphical workflow UI). * * @param p_newName * - The new name given to the duplicated workflow template info. * @param p_wfTemplateInfo * - The workflow template info to be duplicated. * * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Component specific exception */ public WorkflowTemplateInfo duplicateWorkflowTemplate(String p_newName, long p_wfTemplateInfoId, LocalePair p_localePair, WorkflowTemplate p_iflowTemplate, String p_displayRoleName) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { WorkflowTemplateInfo origWorkflowTemplateInfo = null; WorkflowTemplateInfo dupWorkflowTemplateInfo = null; try { origWorkflowTemplateInfo = getWorkflowTemplateInfoById(p_wfTemplateInfoId); WorkflowTemplate workflowTemplate = p_iflowTemplate; dupWorkflowTemplateInfo = createDuplicateWorkflowTemplateInfo(p_newName, null, p_localePair, origWorkflowTemplateInfo, false); WorkflowTemplate iflowDuplicate = createIFlowDuplicate(p_newName, workflowTemplate, p_localePair, origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getProjectManagerId(), origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getWorkflowManagerIds(), p_displayRoleName, false); dupWorkflowTemplateInfo.setWorkflowTemplate(iflowDuplicate);; } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error("The exception while duplicating a template is " + e); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_DUPLICATE_WFI, args, e); } return dupWorkflowTemplateInfo; } /** * @see ProjectHandler.duplicateWorkflowTemplate(String, long, * WorkflowTemplate) */ public WorkflowTemplateInfo duplicateWorkflowTemplate(String p_newName, long p_wfTemplateInfoId, WorkflowTemplate p_iflowTemplate) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { WorkflowTemplateInfo origWorkflowTemplateInfo = null; WorkflowTemplateInfo dupWorkflowTemplateInfo = null; try { origWorkflowTemplateInfo = getWorkflowTemplateInfoById(p_wfTemplateInfoId); LocalePair lp = ServerProxy.getLocaleManager().getLocalePairBySourceTargetIds( origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getSourceLocale().getId(), origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getTargetLocale().getId()); dupWorkflowTemplateInfo = createDuplicateWorkflowTemplateInfo(p_newName, null, lp, origWorkflowTemplateInfo, true); WorkflowTemplate iflowDuplicate = createIFlowDuplicate(p_newName, p_iflowTemplate, lp, origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getProjectManagerId(), origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getWorkflowManagerIds(), "", true); dupWorkflowTemplateInfo.setWorkflowTemplate(iflowDuplicate);; } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error("The exception while duplicating a template is " + e); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_DUPLICATE_WFI, args, e); } return dupWorkflowTemplateInfo; } /** * Get a workflow template info object for the given id. * * @param p_wfTemplateInfoId * - The id of the workflow to be queried. * * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Component specific exception */ public WorkflowTemplateInfo getWorkflowTemplateInfoById(long p_wfTemplateInfoId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { return getWfTemplateById(new Long(p_wfTemplateInfoId), true); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(p_wfTemplateInfoId); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_WFI, args, e); } } /** * Get a list of all active workflow template infos. * * @return A list of workflow template info objects. * * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Component specific exception */ public Collection<WorkflowTemplateInfo> getAllWorkflowTemplateInfos() throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { String hql = "from WorkflowTemplateInfo w where w.isActive = 'Y'"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); String currentCompanyId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentCompanyId)) { hql = hql + " and w.companyId=:companyId"; map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentCompanyId)); } List queryResult =, map); return queryResult; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_WFIS, null, e); } } /** * Modify a workflow template info object (contains the workflow template * designed via the graphical workflow UI). * * @param p_workflowTemplateInfo * - The workflow template info to be updated. * * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Component specific exception */ public void modifyWorkflowTemplate(WorkflowTemplateInfo p_workflowTemplateInfo) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { // For GBS-1652: Deletes unselected leverage locale try { long wftiID = p_workflowTemplateInfo.getId(); String locale = ""; GlobalSightLocale lls; Set<GlobalSightLocale> nowLeverageLocales = p_workflowTemplateInfo.getLeveragingLocales(); for (Iterator it = nowLeverageLocales.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { lls = (GlobalSightLocale); locale = locale + String.valueOf(lls.getIdAsLong()) + ","; } if (locale.length() > 0) { locale = locale.trim().substring(0, locale.length() - 1); locale = " AND LOCALE_ID NOT IN (" + locale + ")"; String sql = "DELETE FROM LEVERAGE_LOCALES WHERE WORKFLOW_INFO_ID = " + wftiID; sql = sql + locale; HibernateUtil.executeSql(sql); } } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error("Exception: There is error when modifyWorkflowTemplate"); } // GBS-1652 for (Iterator it2 = p_workflowTemplateInfo.getLeveragingLocalesSet().iterator(); it2.hasNext();) { LeverageLocales leverageLocales = (LeverageLocales); leverageLocales.setBackPointer(p_workflowTemplateInfo); } HibernateUtil.update(p_workflowTemplateInfo); } /** * Remove the workflow template info object based on the given id. The * remove process will check for dependencies first. If there are no * dependencies, it'll deactivate the workflow template info. Otherwise, an * exception will be thrown indicating the dependencies. * * @param p_wfTemplateInfoId * - The id of the workflow template info to be removed. * * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Component specific exception */ public void removeWorkflowTemplate(long p_wfTemplateInfoId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { WorkflowTemplateInfo wfti = getWorkflowTemplateInfoById(p_wfTemplateInfoId); try { wfti.deactivate(); HibernateUtil.saveOrUpdate(wfti); } catch (Exception pe) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_WFI); } } /** * @see ProjectHandler.removeWorkflowTemplatesByLocalePair */ public void removeWorkflowTemplatesByLocalePair(LocalePair p_localPair) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { // tbd - To be implemented.... // check that no l10nprofile points to it try { Collection templates = getAllWorkflowTemplateInfosByLocalePair(p_localPair); HibernateUtil.delete(templates); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(1); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_PROFILE, args, e); } } // ===========================private methods======================= private String generateAutoName(String p_name, LocalePair p_localePair) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(p_name); sb.append("_"); sb.append(p_localePair.getSource().toString()); sb.append("_"); sb.append(p_localePair.getTarget().toString()); String name = sb.toString(); return name; } /* * This duplicates the CAP Workflow Template Info Object in memory. No * interaction with database */ private WorkflowTemplateInfo createDuplicateWorkflowTemplateInfo(String p_newName, Project project, LocalePair p_localePair, WorkflowTemplateInfo p_origWorkflowTemplateInfo, boolean p_exactDuplicate) { WorkflowTemplateInfo workflowTemplateInfo = new WorkflowTemplateInfo(); workflowTemplateInfo.setName(p_newName); workflowTemplateInfo.setCodeSet(p_origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getCodeSet()); workflowTemplateInfo.setDescription(p_origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getDescription()); workflowTemplateInfo.setCompanyId(Long.parseLong(CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue())); LeverageLocales leverageLocales = null; Set<LeverageLocales> lls = new HashSet<LeverageLocales>(); if (!p_exactDuplicate) // just create one for the main target { leverageLocales = new LeverageLocales(p_localePair.getTarget()); leverageLocales.setBackPointer(workflowTemplateInfo); lls.add(leverageLocales); } else // copy all of them { Set<LeverageLocales> origLls = p_origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getLeveragingLocalesSet(); for (Iterator it = origLls.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { LeverageLocales l = ((LeverageLocales); l.setBackPointer(workflowTemplateInfo); lls.add(l); } } workflowTemplateInfo.setLeveragingLocalesSet(lls); workflowTemplateInfo.setSourceLocale(p_localePair.getSource()); workflowTemplateInfo.setTargetLocale(p_localePair.getTarget()); if (project == null) { workflowTemplateInfo.setProject(p_origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getProject()); List<String> wfManagerIds = new ArrayList<String>(); wfManagerIds.addAll(p_origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getWorkflowManagerIds()); workflowTemplateInfo.setWorkflowManagerIds(wfManagerIds); } else { workflowTemplateInfo.setProject(project); } workflowTemplateInfo.notifyProjectManager(p_origWorkflowTemplateInfo.notifyProjectManager()); workflowTemplateInfo.setWorkflowType(p_origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getWorkflowType()); workflowTemplateInfo.setScorecardShowType(p_origWorkflowTemplateInfo.getScorecardShowType()); return workflowTemplateInfo; } private WorkflowTemplateInfo createNewWorkflowTemplateInfo(String name, LocalePair localePair, String projectId) { // Sets leverage locale. Set<LeverageLocales> leveragingLocales = new HashSet<LeverageLocales>(); LeverageLocales leverageLocale = new LeverageLocales(localePair.getTarget()); leveragingLocales.add(leverageLocale); // Sets workflowtemplateInfo. Project project; project = ProjectHandlerHelper.getProjectById(Long.valueOf(projectId)); WorkflowTemplateInfo wfti = new WorkflowTemplateInfo(name, "", project, true, null, localePair.getSource(), localePair.getTarget(), "UTF-8", leveragingLocales); wfti.setWorkflowType(WorkflowTypeConstants.TYPE_TRANSLATION); // Sets company. wfti.setCompanyId(Long.parseLong(CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue())); leverageLocale.setBackPointer(wfti); return wfti; } private WorkflowTemplate createIFlowDuplicate(String p_newName, WorkflowTemplate p_workflowTemplate, LocalePair p_localePair, String p_projectManagerId, List p_workflowManagerIds, String p_displayRoleName, boolean p_exactDuplicate) throws ProjectHandlerException { WorkflowTemplate workflowTemplate = new WorkflowTemplate(); WorkflowTemplate iflowTemplate = null; long NO_RATE = -1; try { Vector tasks = p_workflowTemplate.getWorkflowTasks(); Iterator it = tasks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { WorkflowTask workflowTask = (WorkflowTask); if (workflowTask.getType() == WorkflowConstants.ACTIVITY) { // not an exact copy if (!p_exactDuplicate) { String activityName = workflowTask.getActivityName(); Activity activity = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getActivityByCompanyId(activityName, String.valueOf(p_localePair.getCompanyId())); String[] containerRole = { getContainerRole(activity, p_localePair.getSource().toString(), p_localePair.getTarget().toString()) }; workflowTask.setRoles(containerRole); workflowTask.setRoleType(false); workflowTask.setRevenueRateId(NO_RATE); workflowTask.setExpenseRateId(NO_RATE); workflowTask.setDisplayRoleName(p_displayRoleName); } else { // don't make any changes to it } } workflowTemplate.addWorkflowTask(workflowTask); } workflowTemplate.setName(p_newName); String desc = ""; workflowTemplate.setDescription(desc); String[] wfManagerIds = new String[p_workflowManagerIds.size()]; wfManagerIds = (String[]) p_workflowManagerIds.toArray(wfManagerIds); WorkflowOwners workflowOwners = new WorkflowOwners(p_projectManagerId, wfManagerIds); iflowTemplate = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().createWorkflowTemplate(workflowTemplate, workflowOwners); } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error( "Unable to duplicate i flow plan for original plan name " + p_workflowTemplate.getName()); c_category.error("The exception is " + e); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_workflowTemplate.getName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_DUPLICATE_IFLOW_PLAN, args, e); } return iflowTemplate; } private String getContainerRole(Activity p_activity, String p_sourceLocale, String p_targetLocale) throws Exception { String roleName = ""; try { ContainerRole cr = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getContainerRole(p_activity, p_sourceLocale, p_targetLocale); if (cr == null) { roleName = ""; } else { roleName = cr.getName(); } } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error("Unable to retrieve container role from User Manager" + e); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_activity.getName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ACCESS_USERMANAGER, args, e); } return roleName; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End: Workflow Template Info // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get a workflow template info object based on the given id. If // the p_editable parameter is true, the returned object is // editable. Otherwise it's just a read-only object. private WorkflowTemplateInfo getWfTemplateById(Long p_wfTemplateInfoId, boolean p_editable) throws Exception { return (WorkflowTemplateInfo) HibernateUtil.get(WorkflowTemplateInfo.class, p_wfTemplateInfoId); } /** * @see ProjectHandler.getAllWorkflowTemplateInfosbyParameters(long, long, * long) */ public Collection getAllWorkflowTemplateInfosByParameters(long p_sourceLocaleId, long p_targetLocaleId, long p_projectId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Collection workflowTemplateInfos = null; try { HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put(WorkflowTemplateInfoDescriptorModifier.SOURCE_LOCALE_ID, new Long(p_sourceLocaleId)); map.put(WorkflowTemplateInfoDescriptorModifier.TARGET_LOCALE_ID, new Long(p_targetLocaleId)); map.put(WorkflowTemplateInfoDescriptorModifier.PROJECT_ID, new Long(p_projectId)); String sql = WorkflowTemplateInfoDescriptorModifier.TEMPLATE_BY_PARAMETERS_SQL; workflowTemplateInfos = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(sql, map, WorkflowTemplateInfo.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_WFIS, null, e); } return workflowTemplateInfos; } public Collection getAllWorkflowTemplateInfosByL10nProfileId(Job p_job) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Collection result = null; long l10nProfileId = p_job.getL10nProfileId(); try { HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put(WorkflowTemplateInfoDescriptorModifier.L10N_PROFILE_ID, new Long(l10nProfileId)); result = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql( WorkflowTemplateInfoDescriptorModifier.TEMPLATE_BY_L10PROFILE_ID_SQL, map, WorkflowTemplateInfo.class); // Remove the templates that are contained in the current workflow. HashMap existingWorkflows = getWorkflows(p_job); Iterator it2 = result.iterator(); boolean isWorkflowDisplay = false; while (it2.hasNext()) { WorkflowTemplateInfo template = (WorkflowTemplateInfo); isWorkflowDisplay = false; isWorkflowDisplay = hasExistingLocale(template, existingWorkflows); if (isWorkflowDisplay == true) { it2.remove(); } } Iterator it3 = p_job.getWorkflowRequestList().iterator(); // A job can have the workflow templates already added so // by the "add" workflow feature.Lets prune the list further. while (it3.hasNext()) { WorkflowRequest wr = (WorkflowRequest); Iterator it4 = wr.getWorkflowTemplateList().iterator(); while (it4.hasNext()) { WorkflowTemplateInfo template = (WorkflowTemplateInfo); removeWorkflowTemplates(result, template, existingWorkflows); } } } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error( "Unable to retrieve workflow templates for given source locale and project manager id " + e); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_WFIS, null, e); } return result; } private void removeWorkflowTemplates(Collection p_templates, WorkflowTemplateInfo p_addedWFT, HashMap p_existingWorkflows) { Iterator it = p_templates.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { WorkflowTemplateInfo availableWFT = (WorkflowTemplateInfo); String addedTargetLocale = p_addedWFT.getTargetLocale().toString(); Workflow existingWorkflow = (Workflow) p_existingWorkflows.get(addedTargetLocale); if (existingWorkflow != null) { if (availableWFT.getTargetLocale().toString().equals(addedTargetLocale) && !existingWorkflow.getState().equals(Workflow.CANCELLED)) { it.remove(); } } } } private boolean hasExistingLocale(WorkflowTemplateInfo p_template, HashMap p_currentWorkflows) { String templateTargetLocale = p_template.getTargetLocale().toString(); Workflow workflow = (Workflow) p_currentWorkflows.get(templateTargetLocale); if (workflow != null) { if (templateTargetLocale.equals(workflow.getTargetLocale().toString()) && !workflow.getState().equals(Workflow.CANCELLED)) { return true; } } return false; } private HashMap getWorkflows(Job p_job) { HashMap map = new HashMap(); Iterator it = p_job.getWorkflows().iterator(); // key : target locale string // value : workflow while (it.hasNext()) { Workflow workflow = (Workflow); if (!Workflow.CANCELLED.equals(workflow.getState())) { map.put(workflow.getTargetLocale().toString(), workflow); } } return map; } /** * Return all workflow template infos with a particular source and target * locale. */ public Collection getAllWorkflowTemplateInfosByLocalePair(LocalePair p_localPair) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Collection workflowTemplateInfos = null; try { HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put(WorkflowTemplateInfoDescriptorModifier.SOURCE_LOCALE_ID, p_localPair.getSource().getIdAsLong()); map.put(WorkflowTemplateInfoDescriptorModifier.TARGET_LOCALE_ID, p_localPair.getTarget().getIdAsLong()); map.put(WorkflowTemplateInfoDescriptorModifier.COMPANY_ID, new Long(p_localPair.getCompanyId())); workflowTemplateInfos = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql( WorkflowTemplateInfoDescriptorModifier.TEMPLATES_BY_LOCALE_PAIR_SQL, map, WorkflowTemplateInfo.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_WFIS, null, e); } return workflowTemplateInfos; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin: Translation Memory Profile // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Create a translation memory profile object (contains the translation * memory profile designed via the GUI). * * @param p_tmProfile * - The translation memory profile to be created. * * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Component specific exception */ public void createTranslationMemoryProfile(TranslationMemoryProfile p_tmProfile) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { p_tmProfile.setAllLeverageProjectTMs(p_tmProfile.getNewProjectTMs());; } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_tmProfile.getName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_CREATE_TMP, args, e); } } /** * Get a Tm Profile object based on the given id. If the p_editable * parameter is true, the returned object is editable. Otherwise it's just a * read-only object. */ public TranslationMemoryProfile getTMProfileById(long p_tmProfileId, boolean p_editable) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { TranslationMemoryProfile tmProfile = null; try { tmProfile = (TranslationMemoryProfile) HibernateUtil.get(TranslationMemoryProfile.class, new Long(p_tmProfileId)); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = new Long(p_tmProfileId).toString(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_TM_PROFILE_BY_ID, args, e); } return tmProfile; } /** * Create a translation memory profile object (contains the translation * memory profile designed via the GUI). * * @param p_tmProfile * - The translation memory profile to be created. * * @exception RemoteException * System or network related exception. * @exception ProjectHandlerException * Component specific exception */ public void modifyTranslationMemoryProfile(TranslationMemoryProfile p_tmProfile) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); try { session.update(p_tmProfile); Vector newProjectTMs = p_tmProfile.getNewProjectTMs(); if (newProjectTMs != null && newProjectTMs.size() != 0) { Iterator it2 = newProjectTMs.iterator(); TranslationMemoryProfile tmProfile = (TranslationMemoryProfile) session .get(TranslationMemoryProfile.class, new Long(p_tmProfile.getId())); Iterator it = tmProfile.getProjectTMsToLeverageFrom().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { LeverageProjectTM levProjTM = (LeverageProjectTM); session.delete(levProjTM); } Vector v = new Vector(); while (it2.hasNext()) { LeverageProjectTM levProjTM = (LeverageProjectTM); levProjTM.setTMProfile(tmProfile); v.add(levProjTM); } tmProfile.setAllLeverageProjectTMs(v); session.saveOrUpdate(tmProfile); } tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { tx.rollback(); String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = p_tmProfile.getName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_MODIFY_TMP, args, e); } } public Collection getAllTMProfiles() throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Collection tmProfiles = null; try { HashMap map = CompanyWrapper.addCompanyIdBoundArgs(CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_START_ARG, CompanyWrapper.COPMANY_ID_END_ARG); tmProfiles = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(ALL_TM_PROFILES_SQL, map, TranslationMemoryProfile.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_TM_PROFILES, null, e); } return tmProfiles; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin: Project TMs // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Collection<ProjectTM> getAllProjectTMs() throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { return getAllProjectTMs(null); } public Collection<ProjectTM> getAllProjectTMs(String cond) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Collection<ProjectTM> projectTMs = null; try { String hql = "from ProjectTM pt where 1=1"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); String currentCompanyId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentCompanyId)) { hql += " and pt.companyId=:company_id and pt.status=:status"; map.put("company_id", Long.parseLong(currentCompanyId)); map.put("status", ""); } if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(cond)) hql += " and " + cond; projectTMs = (Collection<ProjectTM>), map); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECT_TMS, null, e); } return projectTMs; } public Collection<ProjectTM> getAllProjectTMs(boolean isSuperAdmin) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { return getAllProjectTMs(isSuperAdmin, null); } public Collection<ProjectTM> getAllProjectTMs(boolean isSuperAdmin, String cond) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { if (!isSuperAdmin) return getAllProjectTMs(); Collection<ProjectTM> projectTMs = null; try { String hql = "from ProjectTM pt"; if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(cond)) hql += " where " + cond; projectTMs = (Collection<ProjectTM>); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECT_TMS, null, e); } return projectTMs; } public void createProjectTM(ProjectTM p_projectTM) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { Company company = ServerProxy.getJobHandler() .getCompanyById(CompanyWrapper.getCurrentCompanyIdAsLong()); if (company.getTmVersion().equals(TmVersion.TM3)) { // We need to create the tm3 storage. Use the shared TM pool for // this company. TM3Manager mgr = DefaultManager.create(); TM3Tm<GSTuvData> tm3tm = mgr.createMultilingualSharedTm(new GSDataFactory(), SegmentTmAttribute.inlineAttributes(), company.getId()); p_projectTM.setTm3Id(tm3tm.getId()); }; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_CREATE_PROJECT_TM, null, e); } } public ProjectTM getProjectTMById(long p_projectTMId, boolean p_editable) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { ProjectTM projectTM = null; try { projectTM = (ProjectTM) HibernateUtil.get(ProjectTM.class, new Long(p_projectTMId)); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = String.valueOf(p_projectTMId); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECT_TM_BY_ID, args, e); } return projectTM; } /** * Get a ProjectTM by Name * * @param p_projectTmName * @param p_editable * @return * @exception RemoteException * @exception ProjectHandlerException */ public ProjectTM getProjectTMByName(String p_projectTmName, boolean p_editable) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { ProjectTM projectTM = null; try { String hql = "from ProjectTM p where = :name "; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("name", p_projectTmName); String currentCompanyId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentCompanyId)) { hql += " and p.companyId = :companyId"; map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentCompanyId)); } projectTM = (ProjectTM) HibernateUtil.getFirst(hql, map); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = String.valueOf(p_projectTmName); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECT_TM_BY_ID, args, e); } return projectTM; } /** * Retrieves a TM by tm3 id. * * @param p_id * TM id. * @return Tm object, or null if the TM does not exist. * @throws RemoteException * when a communication-related error occurs. */ public ProjectTM getProjectTMByTm3id(long p_tm3id) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { ProjectTM tm = null; try { String sql = " select * from project_tm " + " where TM3_ID = ? "; tm = (ProjectTM) HibernateUtil.getFirstWithSql(ProjectTM.class, sql, new Long(p_tm3id)); } catch (Exception pe) { String[] args = { String.valueOf(p_tm3id) }; c_category.error(pe.getMessage(), pe); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECT_TM_BY_ID, args, pe); } if (tm == null) { c_category.error("getTmByTm3id queryResult empty: " + p_tm3id); String[] args = { String.valueOf(p_tm3id) }; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECT_TM_BY_ID, args, null); } return tm; } public void modifyProjectTM(ProjectTM p_projectTM) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { ProjectTM clone = getProjectTMById(p_projectTM.getId(), true); clone.setName(p_projectTM.getName()); clone.setDomain(p_projectTM.getDomain()); clone.setDescription(p_projectTM.getDescription()); clone.setOrganization(p_projectTM.getOrganization()); clone.setCreationDate(p_projectTM.getCreationDate()); clone.setCompanyId(p_projectTM.getCompanyId()); clone.setIndexTarget(p_projectTM.isIndexTarget()); clone.setIsRemoteTm(p_projectTM.getIsRemoteTm()); clone.setGsEditionId(p_projectTM.getGsEditionId()); clone.setRemoteTmProfileId(p_projectTM.getRemoteTmProfileId()); clone.setRemoteTmProfileName(p_projectTM.getRemoteTmProfileName()); List<TMAttribute> tmAttributes = clone.getAllTMAttributes(); if (tmAttributes != null && tmAttributes.size() > 0) { for (TMAttribute tmAttribute : tmAttributes) { clone.getAttributes().remove(tmAttribute); HibernateUtil.delete(tmAttribute); } } clone.setAttributes(p_projectTM.getAttributes()); HibernateUtil.update(clone); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(p_projectTM.getId()); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_MODIFY_PROJECT_TM, args, e); } } public void removeProjectTm(long p_tmId) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { ProjectTM tm = getProjectTMById(p_tmId, true); try { Set<TMAttribute> attrs = tm.getAttributes(); HibernateUtil.delete(tm); HibernateUtil.delete(tm.getAttributes()); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = String.valueOf(p_tmId); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_PROJECT_TM, args, e); } } // return the UserManager remote interface. private UserManager lookupUserManager() throws ProjectHandlerException { try { return ServerProxy.getUserManager(); } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_ACCESS_USERMANAGER, null, e); } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin: FileProfiles Template Info public Collection findFileProfileTemplates(FileProfileSearchParameters p_searchParameters) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { try { FileProfileSearchCriteria criteria = new FileProfileSearchCriteria(); return; } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error("Failed to get fileprofile templates by criteria.", e); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_FPIS, null, e); } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End: FileProfiles Template Info @Override public L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo getL10nProfileWfTemplateInfo(long profileId, long workflowId) { String hql = "from L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo l where l.key.l10nProfileId = :ProfileId and l.key.wfTemplateId = :TemplateId"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("ProfileId", profileId); map.put("TemplateId", workflowId); List list =, map); if (list.size() > 0) { return (L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo) list.get(0); } return null; } public void saveL10nProfileWfTemplateInfo(org.hibernate.Session session, L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo profileWFTemplateInfo) { try { if (profileWFTemplateInfo.getIsActive()) { L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo lpi = new L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo(); lpi.setIsActive(profileWFTemplateInfo.getIsActive()); lpi.setKey(profileWFTemplateInfo.getKey());; } } catch (Exception ex) { c_category.error("database error", ex); throw new LingManagerException(ex); } } /* * @Override public void saveL10nProfileWfTemplateInfo( * L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo profileWFTemplateInfo) { try { * L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo lpi = new L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo(); * lpi.setIsActive(profileWFTemplateInfo.getIsActive()); * lpi.setKey(profileWFTemplateInfo.getKey());; } * catch (Exception ex) { c_category.error("database error", ex); throw new * LingManagerException(ex); } } */ public void updateL10nProfileWfTemplateInfo(org.hibernate.Session session, L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo profileWFTemplateInfo) { L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo lpi = new L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo(); lpi.setIsActive(profileWFTemplateInfo.getIsActive()); lpi.setKey(profileWFTemplateInfo.getKey()); try { session.update(lpi); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new LingManagerException(e); } } /* * public void updateL10nProfileWfTemplateInfo( L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo * profileWFTemplateInfo) { L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo lpi = new * L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo(); * lpi.setIsActive(profileWFTemplateInfo.getIsActive()); * lpi.setKey(profileWFTemplateInfo.getKey()); * * try { HibernateUtil.update(lpi); } catch (Exception e) { * e.printStackTrace(); throw new LingManagerException(e); } } */ @Override public boolean isPrimaryKeyExist(long lnprofileId, long workflowId) { String hql = "from L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo l where l.key.l10nProfileId=" + lnprofileId + " and l.key.wfTemplateId=" + workflowId; List<L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo> list = (List<L10nProfileWFTemplateInfo>); return list.size() != 0; } public void removeTmProfile(TranslationMemoryProfile tmprofile) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement query = null; try { connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "delete from tm_profile_project_tm_info where tm_profile_id = " + tmprofile.getId(); query = connection.prepareStatement(sql); query.execute(); sql = "delete from l10n_profile_tm_profile where tm_profile_id = " + tmprofile.getId(); query = connection.prepareStatement(sql); query.execute(); connection.commit(); HibernateUtil.delete(tmprofile); LogManager.log(LogType.TMProfile, LogManager.EVENT_TYPE_REMOVE, tmprofile.getId(), "Delete Translation Memory Profile [" + tmprofile.getName() + "]", tmprofile.getCompanyId()); } catch (ConnectionPoolException cpe) { c_category.error("Fail to get connection: " + cpe.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException sqle) { c_category.error("SQL error: " + sqle.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = String.valueOf(tmprofile.getId()); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_TM_PROFILE, args, e); } finally { if (query != null) { try { query.close(); } catch (Exception e) { c_category.error("Closing query error", e); } } try { ConnectionPool.returnConnection(connection); } catch (Exception cpe) { } } } public void setResourceBundle(ResourceBundle p_resourceBundle) { this.p_resourceBundle = p_resourceBundle; } public HashSet getFileProfilesByProject(Project project) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { ArrayList coll = new ArrayList(); coll.add(project); Collection lions = getL10nProfiles(coll); HashSet allProfileOfProject = new HashSet(); Iterator ite = lions.iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { L10nProfile l10nProfile = (L10nProfile); Set fileprofiles = l10nProfile.getFileProfiles(); Iterator fps = fileprofiles.iterator(); while (fps.hasNext()) { FileProfileImpl fp = (FileProfileImpl); if (!allProfileOfProject.contains(fp) && fp.isActive()) { allProfileOfProject.add(fp); } } } return allProfileOfProject; } /** * Get FileProfiles whose "Terminology Approval" is "Yes" for specified * project. * * @param project * -- Project object. */ public ArrayList<FileProfile> fileProfileListTerminology(Project project) throws RemoteException, ProjectHandlerException { HashSet allProfileOfProject = getFileProfilesByProject(project); Iterator ite = allProfileOfProject.iterator(); ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); while (ite.hasNext()) { FileProfileImpl fp = (FileProfileImpl); if (fp.getTerminologyApproval() == 1) { al.add(fp); } } return al; } public List<ProjectImpl> getProjectsByTermbaseDepended(String termbaseName, long companyId) { String hql = "from ProjectImpl p where p.termbase='" + termbaseName + "' and p.companyId=" + companyId; List<ProjectImpl> list = (List<ProjectImpl>); return list; } public List<WorkflowStatePosts> getAllWorkflowStatePostProfie(String[] filterParams) { try { List<WorkflowStatePosts> queryResult = new ArrayList<WorkflowStatePosts>(); List<WorkflowStatePosts> qureyList = getAllWorkflowStatePostInfos(); for (WorkflowStatePosts wfStatePost : qureyList) { if (wfStatePost.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf(filterParams[0].toLowerCase()) != -1 && wfStatePost.getListenerURL().toLowerCase().indexOf(filterParams[1].toLowerCase()) != -1 && CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(wfStatePost.getCompanyId()).toLowerCase() .indexOf(filterParams[2].toLowerCase()) != -1) { queryResult.add(wfStatePost); } } return queryResult; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_WFIS, null, e); } } @Override public List<WorkflowStatePosts> getAllWorkflowStatePostInfos() { try { String hql = "from WorkflowStatePosts wfs where 1 = 1"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); String currentCompanyId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentCompanyId)) { hql = hql + " and wfs.companyId=:companyId"; map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentCompanyId)); } List queryResult =, map); return queryResult; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_WFIS, null, e); } } @Override public void createWfStatePostProfile(WorkflowStatePosts wfStatePost) { try {; } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = wfStatePost.getName(); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_CREATE_WFI, args, e); } } @Override public WorkflowStatePosts getWfStatePostProfile(long wfStatePostId) { try { return getWfStatePostProfile(new Long(wfStatePostId), true); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = Long.toString(wfStatePostId); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_WFI, args, e); } } private WorkflowStatePosts getWfStatePostProfile(Long wfStatePostId, boolean editable) { return (WorkflowStatePosts) HibernateUtil.get(WorkflowStatePosts.class, wfStatePostId); } @Override public void modifyWfStatePostProfile(WorkflowStatePosts wfstaPosts) { HibernateUtil.update(wfstaPosts); } @Override public void removeWorkflowStatePost(WorkflowStatePosts wfstaPosts) { try { HibernateUtil.delete(wfstaPosts); } catch (Exception pe) { c_category.error("Couldn't remove the WorkflowStatePosts", pe); String args[] = { Long.toString(wfstaPosts.getId()) }; throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_WF_STATE_POST_PROFILE, args, pe); } } }