List of usage examples for org.hibernate ScrollableResults getString
String getString(int col);
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License:Open Source License
/** * sort//w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m * * @param sortierKriterien * SortierKriterium[] * @param selectedId * Object * @return QueryResult */ public QueryResult sort(SortierKriterium[] sortierKriterien, Object selectedId) { this.getQuery().setSortKrit(sortierKriterien); QueryResult result = null; int rowNumber = 0; if (selectedId != null /* && ( (Integer) selectedId).intValue() >= 0 */) { SessionFactory factory = FLRSessionFactory.getFactory(); Session session = null; try { session = factory.openSession(); // flr: 7 String queryString = "select theclient.cnr from FLRTheClient theclient " + this.buildWhereClause() + this.buildOrderByClause(); Query query = session.createQuery(queryString); ScrollableResults scrollableResult = query.scroll(); boolean idFound = false; if (scrollableResult != null) { scrollableResult.beforeFirst(); while ( { // flr: 8 String id = (String) scrollableResult.getString(0); if (selectedId.equals(id)) { rowNumber = scrollableResult.getRowNumber(); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new EJBExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER_FLR, e); } finally { try { session.close(); } catch (HibernateException he) { throw new EJBExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER_FLR, he); } } } if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber >= this.getRowCount()) { rowNumber = 0; } result = this.getPageAt(new Integer(rowNumber)); result.setIndexOfSelectedRow(rowNumber); return result; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * sort/*www.ja va2s. c om*/ * * @param sortierKriterien * SortierKriterium[] * @param selectedId * Object * @return QueryResult */ public QueryResult sort(SortierKriterium[] sortierKriterien, Object selectedId) { this.getQuery().setSortKrit(sortierKriterien); QueryResult result = null; int rowNumber = 0; // flrc: 5 weil selectedId ein zB. auch ein String sein kann if (selectedId != null /* && ( (Integer) selectedId).intValue() >= 0 */) { SessionFactory factory = FLRSessionFactory.getFactory(); Session session = null; try { session = factory.openSession(); // flrc: 6 hier das select formulieren String queryString = "select thejudge.id_comp.c_wer from FLRTheJudge thejudge " + this.buildWhereClause() + this.buildOrderByClause(); Query query = session.createQuery(queryString); ScrollableResults scrollableResult = query.scroll(); boolean idFound = false; if (scrollableResult != null) { scrollableResult.beforeFirst(); while ( { // flrc: 7 String, weil thejudge.id_comp.c_wer ein // String ist. String id = (String) scrollableResult.getString(0); if (selectedId.equals(id)) { rowNumber = scrollableResult.getRowNumber(); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new EJBExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER_FLR, e); } finally { try { session.close(); } catch (HibernateException he) { throw new EJBExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER_FLR, he); } } } if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber >= this.getRowCount()) { rowNumber = 0; } result = this.getPageAt(new Integer(rowNumber)); result.setIndexOfSelectedRow(rowNumber); return result; }
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License:Open Source License
public QueryResult sort(SortierKriterium[] sortierKriterien, Object selectedId) throws EJBExceptionLP { this.getQuery().setSortKrit(sortierKriterien); QueryResult result = null;/*w w w . j av a 2 m*/ int rowNumber = 0; if (selectedId != null /* && ( (Integer) selectedId).intValue() >= 0 */) { SessionFactory factory = FLRSessionFactory.getFactory(); Session session = null; try { session = factory.openSession(); String queryString = "select waehrung.c_nr from FLRWaehrung waehrung " + this.buildWhereClause() + this.buildOrderByClause(); Query query = session.createQuery(queryString); ScrollableResults scrollableResult = query.scroll(); boolean idFound = false; if (scrollableResult != null) { scrollableResult.beforeFirst(); while ( { String id = (String) scrollableResult.getString(0); // TYPE // OF // KEY // ATTRIBUTE // ! // ! // ! if (selectedId.equals(id)) { rowNumber = scrollableResult.getRowNumber(); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new EJBExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER_FLR, e); } finally { closeSession(session); } } if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber >= this.getRowCount()) { rowNumber = 0; } result = this.getPageAt(new Integer(rowNumber)); result.setIndexOfSelectedRow(rowNumber); return result; }
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License:Open Source License
public QueryResult sort(SortierKriterium[] sortierKriterien, Object selectedId) throws EJBExceptionLP { this.getQuery().setSortKrit(sortierKriterien); QueryResult result = null;/* w w w .java2 s . co m*/ int rowNumber = 0; if (selectedId != null /* && ( (Integer) selectedId).intValue() >= 0 */) { SessionFactory factory = FLRSessionFactory.getFactory(); Session session = null; try { session = factory.openSession(); String queryString = "select kurs." + SystemFac.FLR_WECHSELKURS_WAEHRUNG_C_NR_ZU + " from FLRWechselkurs kurs " + this.buildWhereClause() + this.buildOrderByClause(); Query query = session.createQuery(queryString); ScrollableResults scrollableResult = query.scroll(); boolean idFound = false; if (scrollableResult != null) { scrollableResult.beforeFirst(); while ( { String id = (String) scrollableResult.getString(0); // TYPE // OF // KEY // ATTRIBUTE // ! // ! // ! if (selectedId.equals(id)) { rowNumber = scrollableResult.getRowNumber(); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new EJBExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER_FLR, e); } finally { try { session.close(); } catch (HibernateException he) { throw new EJBExceptionLP(EJBExceptionLP.FEHLER_FLR, he); } } } if (rowNumber < 0 || rowNumber >= this.getRowCount()) { rowNumber = 0; } result = this.getPageAt(new Integer(rowNumber)); result.setIndexOfSelectedRow(rowNumber); return result; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public long renewResolution(StatusBean sb) { File f;//from w w w.jav a 2s.c om BufferedImage bi; sb.setTotal((Long) wallpaper_service.getSinglePropertyU("count(*)")); ScrollableResults sr = wallpaper_service.getScrollableResults("id, name", null, null, null, null); File img_dir = new File(wallpaper_service.getStorePath(), "full"); sr.beforeFirst(); while ( { f = new File(img_dir, sr.getString(1)); try { bi = ImageUtils.readImage(f).getImage(); wallpaper_service.updateObjectArrayShortByProperty(WALLPAPER_RESOLUTION, new Object[] { bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight() }, "id", new Object[] { sr.getLong(0) }); sb.increaseDone(1); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("while trying to read wallpaper's resolution id = " + sr.getLong(0), ex); } } return sb.getDone(); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public Map<String, Double> getTags(int maxTags) { ScrollableResults wallpaper_tags = dao.getScrollableResults("tags", "active", Boolean.TRUE, null, null); Map<String, Double> tags = new HashMap<String, Double>(); if (wallpaper_tags.first()) { String tag;/* www .ja v a2s . c o m*/ Double score; String[] tags_parsed; String tag_parsed; do { tag = wallpaper_tags.getString(0); if (tag != null) { tags_parsed = tag.split(","); for (int i = 1; i < tags_parsed.length; i++) { tag_parsed = tags_parsed[i].trim(); if (!black_word_list.contains(tag_parsed)) { score = tags.get(tag_parsed); if (score == null) { tags.put(tag_parsed, new Double(1.0)); } else { tags.put(tag_parsed, (score + 1)); } } } } } while (; } wallpaper_tags.close(); //keeping only maxTags quantity Set<Entry<String, Double>> i = tags.entrySet(); List<Entry<String, Double>> l = new LinkedList<Entry<String, Double>>(i); java.util.Collections.sort(l, new WallpaperServiceImpl.EntryComparatorDesc()); if (maxTags > 0) { for (int j = maxTags; j < l.size(); j++) { tags.remove(l.get(j).getKey()); } } return tags; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * <p>Look over invoice adjustments and transform them into into sales and tax invoice item facts. * Thus an adjustment amount is added into discount column of the fact table and this is only * currency column affected.</p>/* w w w . j a va2 s . co m*/ * * @param session Hibernate session * @throws GenericEntityException */ public static void loadInvoiceAdjustments(Session session, Delegator delegator) throws GenericEntityException { Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); // retrieve data as scrollable result set. // this is join of InvoiceAdjustment and Invoice entities and each record has all required data // to create new fact row Query invAdjQry = session.createQuery( "select IA.invoiceAdjustmentId, IA.invoiceId, IA.amount, I.partyIdFrom, I.invoiceDate, I.currencyUomId from InvoiceAdjustment IA, Invoice I where IA.invoiceId = I.invoiceId and I.invoiceTypeId = 'SALES_INVOICE' and I.statusId not in ('INVOICE_IN_PROCESS', 'INVOICE_CANCELLED', 'INVOICE_VOIDED', 'INVOICE_WRITEOFF')"); ScrollableResults adjustments = invAdjQry.scroll(); // iterate over record set while ( { // keep result fields in variables as a matter of convenience String invoiceId = adjustments.getString(1); String invoiceAdjustmentId = adjustments.getString(0); BigDecimal amount = adjustments.getBigDecimal(2); String organizationPartyId = adjustments.getString(3); Timestamp invoiceDate = (Timestamp) adjustments.get(4); String currencyUomId = adjustments.getString(5); // lookup date dimension DateFormat dayOfMonthFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("dd"); DateFormat monthOfYearFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("MM"); DateFormat yearNumberFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); String dayOfMonth = dayOfMonthFmt.format(invoiceDate); String monthOfYear = monthOfYearFmt.format(invoiceDate); String yearNumber = yearNumberFmt.format(invoiceDate); EntityCondition dateDimConditions = EntityCondition.makeCondition(EntityOperator.AND, EntityCondition.makeCondition("dayOfMonth", dayOfMonth), EntityCondition.makeCondition("monthOfYear", monthOfYear), EntityCondition.makeCondition("yearNumber", yearNumber)); Long dateDimId = UtilEtl.lookupDimension("DateDim", "dateDimId", dateDimConditions, delegator); // lookup currency dimension Long currencyDimId = UtilEtl.lookupDimension("CurrencyDim", "currencyDimId", EntityCondition.makeCondition("uomId", currencyUomId), delegator); // lookup organization dimension Long organizationDimId = UtilEtl.lookupDimension("OrganizationDim", "organizationDimId", EntityCondition.makeCondition("organizationPartyId", organizationPartyId), delegator); // creates rows for both fact tables TaxInvoiceItemFact taxFact = new TaxInvoiceItemFact(); taxFact.setDateDimId(dateDimId); taxFact.setStoreDimId(0L); taxFact.setTaxAuthorityDimId(0L); taxFact.setCurrencyDimId(currencyDimId); taxFact.setOrganizationDimId(organizationDimId); taxFact.setInvoiceId(invoiceId); taxFact.setInvoiceAdjustmentId(invoiceAdjustmentId); taxFact.setGrossAmount(BigDecimal.ZERO); taxFact.setDiscounts(amount); taxFact.setRefunds(BigDecimal.ZERO); taxFact.setNetAmount(BigDecimal.ZERO); taxFact.setTaxable(BigDecimal.ZERO); taxFact.setTaxDue(BigDecimal.ZERO);; SalesInvoiceItemFact salesFact = new SalesInvoiceItemFact(); salesFact.setDateDimId(dateDimId); salesFact.setStoreDimId(0L); salesFact.setCurrencyDimId(currencyDimId); salesFact.setOrganizationDimId(organizationDimId); salesFact.setInvoiceId(invoiceId); salesFact.setInvoiceAdjustmentId(invoiceAdjustmentId); salesFact.setGrossAmount(BigDecimal.ZERO); salesFact.setDiscounts(amount); salesFact.setRefunds(BigDecimal.ZERO); salesFact.setNetAmount(BigDecimal.ZERO);; } adjustments.close(); tx.commit(); // persist result, don't move this statement upper }
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License:Apache License
@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true)/*from ww 2 s . com*/ public void create() { if (generating) {"xml is allready generating ..."); return; } try { generating = true;"start generate xml"); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); File img_dir = new File(wallpaper_service.getStorePath(), Config.ENCLOSURE_IMG_SUBDIR); //get main wallpaper page Channel chan; List<Pages> temp = pages_service.getByPropertiesValueOrdered(null, MAIN_PSEUDONYMES, MAIN_VALUES, null, null); if (temp.isEmpty()) { chan = new Channel(gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME, gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME, gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME); } else { //TODO localize it !!! IAutoreplaceService.IReplacement repl = autoreplace_service.getAllReplacements("ru"); String title = repl.replaceAll(temp.get(0).getTitle()); String description = repl.replaceAll(temp.get(0).getDescription()); chan = new Channel(title, gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME, description); } RSS rss = new RSS(); chan.setImage(new Channel.Image(gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME + Config.LOGO_WEBDIR, chan.getTitle(), chan.getLink(), 0, 0, null)); chan.setLastBuildDate(new java.util.Date()); rss.addChannel(chan); ScrollableResults sr = wallpaper_service.getScrollableResults( "id, id_pages, description, title, date_upload, name", "active", Boolean.TRUE, new String[] { "date_upload" }, new String[] { "DESC" }); int max_elements = 100; sr.beforeFirst(); while ( && (max_elements-- > 0)) { try { Item item = new Item(sr.getString(2), gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME + "index.htm?id_pages_nav=" + sr.getLong(1) + "&id_photo_nav=" + sr.getLong(0), sr.getString(3)); item.setPubDate(sr.getDate(4)); long fileLen = (new File(img_dir, sr.getString(5))).length(); if (fileLen > 0) { item.setEnclosure(new Item.Enclosure( gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME + Config.ENCLOSURE_IMG_WEBDIR + sr.getString(5), fileLen, "image/jpeg")); } //item.addCategory(new Item.Category("test")); chan.addItem(item); } finally { //TODO: mb add some logging here } } sr.close(); try { new RSSFeedGeneratorImpl().generateToFile(rss, new File(path, Config.RSS_FILE_NAME), "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error while saving rss to file", e); } time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;"end generate xml. generated in: " + time); } finally { generating = false; } }
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License:Apache License
public String getStringValue(ScrollableResults rs, String[] returnAliases, ColumnMapping mapping) { int index = -1; if (mapping.isUsingColumnIndex()) { index = mapping.getColumnIndex(); } else {//from ww w.j a v a 2s . c om index = getIndex(returnAliases, mapping); } Type type = rs.getType(index); String result; if (type instanceof StringType) { result = rs.getString(index); } else { result = rs.get(index).toString(); } return result; }
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License:Apache License
public String getStringValue(ScrollableResults rs, int columnIndex) { Type type = rs.getType(columnIndex); String result;//w w w .j a v a 2s .c om if (type instanceof StringType) { result = rs.getString(columnIndex); } else { result = rs.get(columnIndex).toString(); } return result; }