Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package gallery.service.rss; import com.multimedia.service.wallpaper.IWallpaperService; import core.rss.RSSFeedGeneratorImpl; import core.rss.elem.Channel; import core.rss.elem.Item; import core.rss.elem.RSS; import gallery.model.beans.Pages; import gallery.service.autoreplace.IAutoreplaceService; import gallery.service.pages.IPagesService; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults; import; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; /** * * @author */ public class RssServiceImpl implements IRssService { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RssServiceImpl.class.getName()); private IPagesService pages_service; private IWallpaperService wallpaper_service; private IAutoreplaceService autoreplace_service; private String path; private boolean generating = false; public void init() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); common.utils.MiscUtils.checkNotNull(pages_service, "pages_service", sb); common.utils.MiscUtils.checkNotNull(wallpaper_service, "wallpaper_service", sb); common.utils.MiscUtils.checkNotNull(autoreplace_service, "autoreplace_service", sb); common.utils.MiscUtils.checkNotNull(path, "path", sb); if (sb.length() > 0) { throw new NullPointerException(sb.toString()); } } public void setPath(Resource res) { try { File f = res.getFile(); if (f.exists() && f.isDirectory()) path = f.getCanonicalPath() + "/"; else throw new NullPointerException("xml path not found for RSS"); } catch (IOException e) { path = null; throw new NullPointerException("xml path not found for RSS"); } //System.out.println("----------------------------path = "+this.path); } public void setPages_service(IPagesService value) { this.pages_service = value; } public void setWallpaper_service(IWallpaperService value) { this.wallpaper_service = value; } public void setAutoreplace_service(IAutoreplaceService service) { this.autoreplace_service = service; } protected static final String[] MAIN_PROPS = new String[] { "title", "description" }; protected static final String[] MAIN_PSEUDONYMES = new String[] { "id_pages", "active", "type" }; protected static final Object[] MAIN_VALUES = new Object[] { null, Boolean.TRUE, "general_wallpaper_gallery" }; @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public void create() { if (generating) {"xml is allready generating ..."); return; } try { generating = true;"start generate xml"); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); File img_dir = new File(wallpaper_service.getStorePath(), Config.ENCLOSURE_IMG_SUBDIR); //get main wallpaper page Channel chan; List<Pages> temp = pages_service.getByPropertiesValueOrdered(null, MAIN_PSEUDONYMES, MAIN_VALUES, null, null); if (temp.isEmpty()) { chan = new Channel(gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME, gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME, gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME); } else { //TODO localize it !!! IAutoreplaceService.IReplacement repl = autoreplace_service.getAllReplacements("ru"); String title = repl.replaceAll(temp.get(0).getTitle()); String description = repl.replaceAll(temp.get(0).getDescription()); chan = new Channel(title, gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME, description); } RSS rss = new RSS(); chan.setImage(new Channel.Image(gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME + Config.LOGO_WEBDIR, chan.getTitle(), chan.getLink(), 0, 0, null)); chan.setLastBuildDate(new java.util.Date()); rss.addChannel(chan); ScrollableResults sr = wallpaper_service.getScrollableResults( "id, id_pages, description, title, date_upload, name", "active", Boolean.TRUE, new String[] { "date_upload" }, new String[] { "DESC" }); int max_elements = 100; sr.beforeFirst(); while ( && (max_elements-- > 0)) { try { Item item = new Item(sr.getString(2), gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME + "index.htm?id_pages_nav=" + sr.getLong(1) + "&id_photo_nav=" + sr.getLong(0), sr.getString(3)); item.setPubDate(sr.getDate(4)); long fileLen = (new File(img_dir, sr.getString(5))).length(); if (fileLen > 0) { item.setEnclosure(new Item.Enclosure( gallery.web.Config.SITE_NAME + Config.ENCLOSURE_IMG_WEBDIR + sr.getString(5), fileLen, "image/jpeg")); } //item.addCategory(new Item.Category("test")); chan.addItem(item); } finally { //TODO: mb add some logging here } } sr.close(); try { new RSSFeedGeneratorImpl().generateToFile(rss, new File(path, Config.RSS_FILE_NAME), "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error while saving rss to file", e); } time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;"end generate xml. generated in: " + time); } finally { generating = false; } } @Override public void clear() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } public static final class Config { //subdirectory of store path where to get images public static final String ENCLOSURE_IMG_SUBDIR = "medium"; //subdirectory of store path where to get images public static final String ENCLOSURE_IMG_WEBDIR = "images/wallpaper/medium/"; //web path to logo public static final String LOGO_WEBDIR = "img/top/logo.jpg"; //web path to logo public static final String RSS_FILE_NAME = "rss.xml"; private Config() { }; } }