Example usage for Java org.hibernate ScrollableResults fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
void | beforeFirst() Go to a location just before first result, This is the location of the cursor on a newly returned scrollable result. |
void | close() Release resources immediately. |
boolean | first() Go to the first result. |
Object | get(int i) Get the ith object in the current row of results, without initializing any other results in the row. |
Object[] | get() Get the current row of results. |
BigDecimal | getBigDecimal(int col) Convenience method to read a BigDecimal. |
byte[] | getBinary(int col) Convenience method to read a binary (byte[]). |
Date | getDate(int col) Convenience method to read a Date. |
Integer | getInteger(int col) Convenience method to read an integer. |
Long | getLong(int col) Convenience method to read a long. |
int | getRowNumber() Get the current position in the results. |
String | getString(int col) Convenience method to read a string. |
Type | getType(int i) Get the type of the ith column of results. |
boolean | isLast() Is this the last result? |
boolean | last() Go to the last result. |
boolean | next() Advance to the next result. |
boolean | previous() Retreat to the previous result. |
boolean | scroll(int positions) Scroll the specified number of positions from the current position. |
boolean | setRowNumber(int rowNumber) Set the current position in the result set. |