List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setLong
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default Query<R> setLong(String name, long val)
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@Override public MyGroup findById(Long id) { Query query = getSession().createQuery("from MyGroup where id = :id"); query.setLong("id", id); query.setMaxResults(1);/* w w w . j av a 2s .co m*/ return (MyGroup) query.uniqueResult(); }
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public ElementType get(Long id, String queryName) { ElementType entity = null;/*from w ww.jav a2s. c o m*/ Session session = this.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query createQuery = session.getNamedQuery(queryName); createQuery.setLong(getMetadata().getIdentifierPropertyName(), id); List<ElementType> list = createQuery.list(); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) entity = list.get(0); tx.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw ex; } finally { session.close(); } return entity; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void transactionStarted(TransactionStartedEvent evt) { if ((workflowInstanceIds == null) || (workflowInstanceIds.length == 0)) { isWorkflowAdmin = false;// w w w. j ava 2s. c om } else { /* * The user administrates the workflow instance if explicitly stated * by the database relation user_administrates_workflow_instance or * if the is the administrator of the tenant that owns the workflow * instance. * * The default tenant is a special case: every user is a workflow * admin there. */ String hql = "select from UserAdministratesWorkflowInstance rel where " + " = :workflowInstanceId and " + " = :userId"; Query relationQuery = evt.getSession().createQuery(hql).setLong("userId", userId) .setLong("defaultTenantId", DecidrGlobals.DEFAULT_TENANT_ID).setMaxResults(1); hql = "select WorkflowInstance wi where " + " = :workflowInstanceId and " + "( = :userId or " + " = :defaultTenantId)"; Query adminQuery = evt.getSession().createQuery(hql).setLong("userId", userId) .setLong("defaultTenantId", DecidrGlobals.DEFAULT_TENANT_ID).setMaxResults(1); isWorkflowAdmin = true; // assume the user is a workflow admin until proven false for (Long workflowInstanceId : workflowInstanceIds) { relationQuery.setLong("workflowInstanceId", workflowInstanceId); Object found = relationQuery.uniqueResult(); if (found == null) { adminQuery.setParameter("workflowInstanceId", workflowInstanceId); isWorkflowAdmin = adminQuery.uniqueResult() != null; } if (!isWorkflowAdmin) { break; } } } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void transactionStarted(TransactionStartedEvent evt) { if (workflowModelIds == null) { isWorkflowAdmin = false;//w w w .ja v a2 s .c om } else { /* * The user administrates the workflow model if explicitly stated by * the database relation user_administrates_workflow_model or if he * is the administrator of the tenant that owns the workflow model. * This also covers the special case of the default tenant because * the super admin is the tenant admin of the default tenant. */ Query relationQuery = evt.getSession() .createQuery("select from UserAdministratesWorkflowModel rel where " + " = :workflowModelId and " + " = :userId") .setLong("userId", userId).setMaxResults(1); Query adminQuery = evt .getSession().createQuery("select from WorkflowModel wm where " + " = :workflowModelId and " + " = :userId") .setLong("userId", userId).setMaxResults(1); isWorkflowAdmin = true; // assume the user is a workflow admin until proven false for (Long workflowModelId : workflowModelIds) { relationQuery.setLong("workflowModelId", workflowModelId); Object found = relationQuery.uniqueResult(); if (found == null) { adminQuery.setLong("workflowModelId", workflowModelId); isWorkflowAdmin = adminQuery.uniqueResult() != null; } if (!isWorkflowAdmin) { break; } } } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void transactionStarted(TransactionStartedEvent evt) { // a user is a member of a tenant if he is the admin or a regular member String hql = "select from User u where = :userId and " + "exists(from UserIsMemberOfTenant rel where " + " = :userId and = :tenantId) " + " or exists(from Tenant t where " + " = :userId and = :tenantId)"; // The "tenantId" parameter is set in the for loop below Query q = evt.getSession().createQuery(hql).setMaxResults(1); if (tenantIds == null) { // no tenant ids to check against, so we're returning false userIsMember = false;//from w w w . j a v a2 s . c om } else { // the user must be a member of each given tenant userIsMember = true; for (Long tenantId : tenantIds) { q.setLong("userId", userId); q.setLong("tenantId", tenantId); boolean isMember = q.uniqueResult() != null; userIsMember = userIsMember && isMember; if (!userIsMember) { break; } } } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void transactionStarted(TransactionStartedEvent evt) { notParticipating = false;//from www. j av a2s. co m Query q = evt.getSession().createQuery( "select from UserParticipatesInWorkflow rel " + "where = :userId"); q.setLong("userId", userid).setMaxResults(1); notParticipating = q.uniqueResult() == null; }
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License:Apache License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override//from w ww . ja v a 2s .c o m public void transactionAllowed(TransactionStartedEvent evt) throws TransactionException { DeploymentResult result = null; /* * Find the existing deployed workflow model. */ WorkflowModel workflowModel = fetchWorkflowModel(evt.getSession()); Query q = evt.getSession().createQuery("from DeployedWorkflowModel where (version = :version)" + "and (originalWorkflowModel = :original)"); q.setLong("version", workflowModel.getVersion()); q.setEntity("original", workflowModel); q.setMaxResults(1); DeployedWorkflowModel existing = (DeployedWorkflowModel) q.uniqueResult(); if (existing == null) { /* * There is no current deployed version of our workflow model, so we * have to deploy it now. */ Deployer deployer = new Deployer(); // Fill deployedWorkflowModel with data DeployedWorkflowModel dwfm = new DeployedWorkflowModel(); dwfm.setOriginalWorkflowModel(workflowModel); dwfm.setTenant(workflowModel.getTenant()); dwfm.setName(workflowModel.getName()); dwfm.setDescription(workflowModel.getDescription()); dwfm.setDwdl(new byte[0]); dwfm.setVersion(workflowModel.getVersion()); // XXX remove deprecated wsdl and soap template from database schema // ~dh dwfm.setWsdl(new byte[0]); dwfm.setSoapTemplate(new byte[0]); dwfm.setDeployDate(DecidrGlobals.getTime().getTime()); evt.getSession().save(dwfm); // Update DWDL TWorkflow dwdl = XmlTools.unmarshalJaxbEntity(workflowModel.getDwdl(), TWorkflow.class); dwdl.setId(workflowModel.getId()); dwdl.setTargetNamespace(StringConventions.getWorkflowTargetNamespace(workflowModel.getId())); dwfm.setDwdl(XmlTools.marshalJaxbEntityIntoByteArray(new ObjectFactory().createWorkflow(dwdl))); /* * Get some potential deployment targets (servers) */ String hqlString = "from ServerLoadView where serverType = :type)"; Query q2 = evt.getSession().createQuery(hqlString).setString("type", ServerTypeEnum.Ode.toString()); List<ServerLoadView> serverStatistics = q2.list(); // deploy it try { result = deployer.deploy(dwdl, workflowModel.getTenant().getName(), serverStatistics, new StandardDeploymentStrategy()); // get servers on which it has been deployed List<Long> serverIds = result.getServers(); Set<WorkflowModelIsDeployedOnServer> isDeployedRelations = new HashSet<WorkflowModelIsDeployedOnServer>(); for (Long sid : serverIds) { WorkflowModelIsDeployedOnServer entry = new WorkflowModelIsDeployedOnServer(); entry.setDeployedWorkflowModel(dwfm); entry.setServer((Server) evt.getSession().get(Server.class, sid)); entry.setId(new WorkflowModelIsDeployedOnServerId(dwfm.getId(), sid)); evt.getSession().save(entry); isDeployedRelations.add(entry); } dwfm.setDeployDate(DecidrGlobals.getTime().getTime()); dwfm.setSoapTemplate(new byte[0]); dwfm.setWorkflowModelIsDeployedOnServers(isDeployedRelations); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransactionException(e); } // write changes to DB evt.getSession().update(dwfm); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void transactionAllowed(TransactionStartedEvent evt) throws TransactionException { /*/* www.j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * A workflow instance is also uniquely identified by its deployed * workflow model and the ode process id. We're using this fact here to * find the workflow instance that "owns" the new work item. */ String hql = "from WorkflowInstance w where w.odePid = :odePid " + "and = :deployedWorkflowModelId"; Query q = evt.getSession().createQuery(hql); q.setString("odePid", odePid); q.setLong("deployedWorkflowModelId", deployedWorkflowModelId); WorkflowInstance owningInstance = (WorkflowInstance) q.uniqueResult(); if (owningInstance == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException(WorkflowInstance.class, "PID: " + odePid + ", DWFMID: " + deployedWorkflowModelId); } User owningUser = (User) evt.getSession().get(User.class, userId); if (owningUser == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException(User.class, userId); } WorkItem newWorkItem = new WorkItem(); newWorkItem.setCreationDate(DecidrGlobals.getTime().getTime()); newWorkItem.setData(XmlTools.marshalJaxbEntityIntoByteArray(new ObjectFactory().createHumanTaskData(data))); newWorkItem.setDescription(description); newWorkItem.setName(name); newWorkItem.setStatus(WorkItemStatus.Fresh.toString()); newWorkItem.setUser(owningUser); newWorkItem.setWorkflowInstance(owningInstance); evt.getSession().save(newWorkItem); /* * Now that we have saved the work item, we must persist and associate * any files that the HumanTaskData references. */ persistAndAssociateFiles(newWorkItem); workItemId = newWorkItem.getId(); if (notifyUser) { NotificationEvents.createdWorkItem(newWorkItem); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void transactionAllowed(TransactionStartedEvent evt) { Query q = evt.getSession().createQuery("delete from WorkItem w where = :workItemId"); q.setLong("workItemId", workItemId); q.executeUpdate();//from w w w .ja v a 2s . c om }
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License:Apache License
public void onDeleted(String id, Object data) { logger.debug("onDeleted()"); if (data != null && data instanceof Collaborationuser) { Collaborationuser user = (Collaborationuser) data; logger.debug("User deaktivieren: " + user.getName()); // Person aus der Datenbank lschen Session hb_session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); hb_session.getTransaction().begin(); try {// w w w .j a v a 2 s . c om Collaborationuser user_db = (Collaborationuser) hb_session.get(Collaborationuser.class, user.getId()); user_db.getRoles().clear(); user_db.getDiscussiongroups().clear(); user_db.getPrivileges().clear(); user_db.setUsername(""); user_db.setPassword(""); user_db.setSalt(""); user_db.setCity(""); user_db.setCountry(""); user_db.setEmail(""); user_db.setNote(""); user_db.setPhone(""); user_db.setStreet(""); user_db.setTitle(""); user_db.setZip(""); user_db.setSendMail(false); user_db.setActivated(false); user_db.setActivationTime(null); user_db.setActivationMd5(""); user_db.setHidden(false); user_db.setEnabled(false); user_db.setDeleted(true); hb_session.update(user_db); //Check for userAssignment Query q = hb_session.createQuery("from Discussiongroup WHERE head= :p_head"); q.setLong("p_head", user_db.getId()); List<Discussiongroup> dgList = q.list(); for (Discussiongroup dg : dgList) { Discussiongroup dg_db = (Discussiongroup) hb_session.get(Discussiongroup.class, dg.getId()); dg.getCollaborationusers().clear(); dg.getPrivileges().clear(); dg.getDiscussiongroupobjects().clear(); hb_session.delete(dg_db); } hb_session.getTransaction().commit();"Benutzer wurde erfolgreich gelscht.", "Benutzer lschen", Messagebox.OK, Messagebox.INFORMATION); } catch (Exception e) { hb_session.getTransaction().rollback();"Fehler beim Lschen des Benutzers: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), "Benutzer lschen", Messagebox.OK, Messagebox.EXCLAMATION); initList(); } hb_session.close(); } }