List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setLong
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default Query<R> setLong(String name, long val)
From source
@Override public int changePassword(long userId, String newPassword) { try {/*from w ww .j av a 2 s.c om*/ String hql = "update User user set user.password=? where user.userId=?"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); query.setString(0, newPassword); query.setLong(1, userId); query.executeUpdate(); JUserCache.getInstance().removeUser(userId); return Cookie.RESPONSE_SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return Cookie.RESPONSE_SERVER_QUERY_ERROR; } }
From source
@Override public List<Object> getMessages(TypeBeforeAfterRequest req, int mode, long userId) { String condition = "", hql = ""; MessageInterceptor inter = null;/*from ww w .jav a m*/ condition = " and message.updateTime>? and message.updateTime<=? order by message.updateTime desc"; if (req.getType() == Constant.MESSAGE_TYPE_CARGO) { hql = "select new" + "(message.messageId, case when message.type>=1 and message.type<4 then 1 else 0 end, message.weight, message.capacity," + "message.truckType,, message.telephone, message.start, message.end," + "message.description, message.updateTime, message.truckLength, message.companyName, message.companyAddress, message.landlines," + "message.picture, message.avatarAuthenticate, message.userId, message.licenseAuthenticate, message.charges, message.cargoType, message.score, message.orderCount, message.messageCount, message.truckLengthSet) " + "from CargoMessage message where message.userId=? and message.type>=1 and message.type<=4 "; inter = new CargoMessageInterceptor(); } else if (req.getType() == Constant.MESSAGE_TYPE_FIXED) { // Noneed return null; } else if (req.getType() == Constant.MESSAGE_TYPE_TRUCK) { hql = "select new" + "(message.messageId, message.userId, message.start, message.end, message.travelType," + "profile.userName, message.telephone, message.transfer, " + "message.number, message.truckLength, message.truckLoad, message.truckType," + "case when message.type>=" + Constant.TYPE_NORMAL + " then 1 else 0 end, message.description, " + "message.updateTime, profile.picture, message.commonLines, user.avatarAuthenticate, user.numberAuthenticate) " + "from TruckMessage message, Profile profile, User user where user.userId=profile.userId and message.userId=user.userId and message.userId=? "; inter = new TruckMessageInterceptor(); } else { return null; } List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); Long triggerTime = req.getAfter(); if (triggerTime.equals(Long.MAX_VALUE)) { triggerTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } int count = req.getCount(); // for(int i = 0; i < Constant.SEARCH_TABLE_COUNT; i++) { Session session = null; try { inter.setShardCriteria(triggerTime); session = sessionFactory.openSession(inter); Query query = session.createQuery(hql + condition); query.setLong(0, userId); query.setLong(1, req.getBefore()); query.setLong(2, req.getAfter()); query.setFirstResult(0); query.setMaxResults(count); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> tmpList = query.list(); if (tmpList != null && tmpList.size() > 0) { list.addAll(tmpList); if (tmpList.size() >= count) { return list; } count -= tmpList.size(); // min = metaList.get(metaList.size() - 1).getUpdateTime(); } if (inter.isFinishSearch(req.getBefore())) { return list; } triggerTime = inter.getTriggerTime(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); session = null; } } // } return list; }
From source
@Override public void updatePosition(PostPositionRequest req, long userId, Position user) { try {/*from www . j a v a 2s . c om*/ if (PositionHelper.distFrom(req.getLat(), req.getLon(), user.getLat(), user.getLon()) > 5000) { String hql = "update Position user set user.lon=?,, user.positionTime=?,, " + "user.lastEffectLon=?, user.lastEffectLat=?, user.lastPositionTime=?, user.lastEffectCity=?, " + "user.updateTime=? "; hql += " where user.userId=?"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); int i = 0; query.setDouble(i, req.getLon()); query.setDouble(++i, req.getLat()); query.setLong(++i, System.currentTimeMillis()); query.setInteger(++i, req.getCityId()); query.setDouble(++i, req.getLon()); query.setDouble(++i, req.getLat()); query.setLong(++i, System.currentTimeMillis()); query.setInteger(++i, req.getCityId()); query.setLong(++i, System.currentTimeMillis()); query.setLong(++i, userId); query.executeUpdate(); } else { String hql = "update Position user set user.lon=?,, user.positionTime=?,, user.updateTime=? "; hql += " where user.userId=?"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); int i = 0; query.setDouble(i, req.getLon()); query.setDouble(++i, req.getLat()); query.setLong(++i, System.currentTimeMillis()); query.setInteger(++i, req.getCityId()); query.setLong(++i, System.currentTimeMillis()); query.setLong(++i, userId); query.executeUpdate(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
@Override public PasswordResponse findPasswordById(Long id) { try {/*from w w w. jav a 2 s . c om*/ Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery( "select new, user.sessionId, user.announceTime, user.type) from User user where user.userId=?"); query.setLong(0, id); return (PasswordResponse) query.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
From source
@Override public User findByIdFromDB(Long userId) { try {/*from w w w . j a va2 s . c o m*/ Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from User user where user.userId=?"); query.setLong(0, userId); return (User) query.uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
From source
@Override public void clearToken(long userId, String token) { try {/*from w w w .j av a 2 s. com*/ // Changed 20140429: For Send SMS to //update User user set user.token='', user.sessionId=0 where user.userId=? String hql = "update User user set user.sessionId=0 where user.userId=?"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); query.setLong(0, userId); JUserCache.getInstance().removeUser(userId); query.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
@Override public int getOnlineUser(int cityId) { try {/*from w w w . j a va 2 s . co m*/ long onlineTriggerTime = TimeUtils.getStartOfDay(System.currentTimeMillis());// - Constant.HOUR_IN_MILLI;//PushExecutor.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL * 2500;//1000*2.5 // String hql = "select new, count( " + // "from User user, Profile profile " + // "where user.userId=profile.userId and profile.userType=? and user.positionTime>? and>0 " + // "group by"; String hql = "select count(user.userId) " + "from User user, Profile profile " + "where user.userId=profile.userId and profile.userType=? and user.updateTime>? and"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); query.setInteger(0, Constant.USER_TYPE_TRUCKER); query.setLong(1, onlineTriggerTime); query.setInteger(2, cityId); return ((Long) query.uniqueResult()).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 0; } }
From source
@Override public List<Object> getLongUnloginUserToken(int appType, Long startId, int count, Long threshTime) { try {/*ww w . j a va 2s .c o m*/ // String content, Integer pushType, String token, // Integer notificationType, int badgeCount String hql = "select new'" + Constant.LONG_UNLOGIN_MSG_CONTENT + "', user.loginFrom, user.token, " + PushUtil.NOTIFICATION_TYPE_BROADCAST + ", 0) " + "from User user, Profile profile, Token token " + "where user.userId=token.userId and user.token=token.token and user.userId=profile.userId and user.userId>? "; if (appType != Cookie.APP_TYPE_ALL) { hql = hql + " and user.loginFrom=? "; } hql = hql + " and profile.userType=? and user.lastLogin<? order by user.userId asc"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); int i = 0; query.setLong(i, startId); if (appType != Cookie.APP_TYPE_ALL) { query.setInteger(++i, appType); } query.setInteger(++i, Constant.USER_TYPE_TRUCKER); query.setLong(++i, threshTime); query.setFirstResult(0); query.setMaxResults(count + 1); return query.list(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
From source
@Override public List<Object> getTodayLoginUsers(IdTypeBeforeAfterRequest req) { String hql = ""; try {//www. j a va2 s . co m if (req.getId().intValue() <= Constant.CITY_ALL) { hql = "select new, user.telephone, user.lastLogin) " + "from User user, Profile profile " + "where user.userId=profile.userId and user.lastLogin>? and user.lastLogin<? "; if (req.getType() == Constant.USER_TYPE_TRUCKER) { hql = hql + " and profile.userType=?"; } else { hql = hql + " and profile.userType<>?"; } hql = hql + " order by user.lastLogin desc"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); // query.setLong(0, TimeUtils.getStartOfDay(System.currentTimeMillis())); query.setLong(0, req.getBefore()); query.setLong(1, req.getAfter()); query.setInteger(2, Constant.USER_TYPE_TRUCKER); query.setFirstResult(0); query.setMaxResults(req.getCount()); return query.list(); } else { hql = "select new, user.telephone, user.lastLogin) " + "from User user, Profile profile " + "where user.userId=profile.userId and user.lastLogin>? and user.lastLogin<? "; if (req.getType() == Constant.USER_TYPE_TRUCKER) { hql = hql + " and profile.userType=?"; } else { hql = hql + " and profile.userType<>?"; } hql = hql + " and order by user.lastLogin desc"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); query.setLong(0, req.getBefore()); query.setLong(1, req.getAfter()); query.setInteger(2, Constant.USER_TYPE_TRUCKER); query.setInteger(3, req.getId().intValue()); query.setFirstResult(0); query.setMaxResults(req.getCount()); return query.list(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
From source
@Override public int updatePushConfig(TypeRequest req, long userId) { try {/*from w w w .ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ String hql = "update User user set user.pushSubscribe=? where user.userId=?"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); query.setInteger(0, req.getType()); query.setLong(1, userId); if (query.executeUpdate() > 0) { JUserCache.getInstance().removeUser(userId); } return Cookie.RESPONSE_SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return Cookie.RESPONSE_SERVER_QUERY_ERROR; } }