Java tutorial
/* * The DecidR Development Team licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package de.decidr.model.commands.workitem; import java.util.Set; import org.hibernate.Query; import de.decidr.model.DecidrGlobals; import de.decidr.model.XmlTools; import de.decidr.model.acl.permissions.Permission; import de.decidr.model.acl.roles.Role; import de.decidr.model.commands.AclAwareCommand; import de.decidr.model.commands.file.AssociateFileWithWorkItemCommand; import de.decidr.model.entities.User; import de.decidr.model.entities.WorkItem; import de.decidr.model.entities.WorkflowInstance; import de.decidr.model.enums.WorkItemStatus; import de.decidr.model.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException; import de.decidr.model.exceptions.TransactionException; import de.decidr.model.notifications.NotificationEvents; import de.decidr.model.schema.decidrtypes.ObjectFactory; import de.decidr.model.schema.decidrtypes.THumanTaskData; import de.decidr.model.transactions.TransactionStartedEvent; /** * Creates a new work item with the given specs in the database and notifies the * user that a new work item has been created. * * @author Daniel Huss * @version 0.1 */ public class CreateWorkItemCommand extends AclAwareCommand { private Long userId; private Long deployedWorkflowModelId; private String odePid; private String name; private String description; private THumanTaskData data; private Boolean notifyUser; private Long workItemId = null; /** * Creates a new instance of the CreateWorkItemCommand. * * @param role * user which executes the command * @param userId * the ID of the user which owns the new workitem * @param deployedWorkflowModelId * the ID of the WorkflowModel * @param odePid * the Process ID of the instance at the ODE * @param name * the name of the new workitem * @param description * the description of the workitem (what has the user to do) * @param data * the workitem data * @param notifyUser * true if user should be notified that he has a new workitem, * else false * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if any parameter is <code>null</code>. */ public CreateWorkItemCommand(Role role, Long userId, Long deployedWorkflowModelId, String odePid, String name, String description, THumanTaskData data, Boolean notifyUser) { super(role, (Permission) null); if ((userId == null) || (deployedWorkflowModelId == null) || (odePid == null) || (name == null) || (description == null) || (data == null) || (notifyUser == null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No parameter can be null."); } this.userId = userId; this.deployedWorkflowModelId = deployedWorkflowModelId; this.odePid = odePid; = name; this.description = description; = data; this.notifyUser = notifyUser; } /** * @return the id of the new work item. */ public Long getWorkItemId() { return workItemId; } /** * @param newWorkItem * newly created workitem to associate files with. * @throws TransactionException * if the transaction is aborted for any reason. */ private void persistAndAssociateFiles(WorkItem newWorkItem) throws TransactionException { Set<Long> fileIds = XmlTools.getFileIds(data); for (Long fileId : fileIds) { DecidrGlobals.getTransactionCoordinator() .runTransaction(new AssociateFileWithWorkItemCommand(role, fileId, newWorkItem.getId())); } } @Override public void transactionAllowed(TransactionStartedEvent evt) throws TransactionException { /* * A workflow instance is also uniquely identified by its deployed * workflow model and the ode process id. We're using this fact here to * find the workflow instance that "owns" the new work item. */ String hql = "from WorkflowInstance w where w.odePid = :odePid " + "and = :deployedWorkflowModelId"; Query q = evt.getSession().createQuery(hql); q.setString("odePid", odePid); q.setLong("deployedWorkflowModelId", deployedWorkflowModelId); WorkflowInstance owningInstance = (WorkflowInstance) q.uniqueResult(); if (owningInstance == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException(WorkflowInstance.class, "PID: " + odePid + ", DWFMID: " + deployedWorkflowModelId); } User owningUser = (User) evt.getSession().get(User.class, userId); if (owningUser == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException(User.class, userId); } WorkItem newWorkItem = new WorkItem(); newWorkItem.setCreationDate(DecidrGlobals.getTime().getTime()); newWorkItem.setData(XmlTools.marshalJaxbEntityIntoByteArray(new ObjectFactory().createHumanTaskData(data))); newWorkItem.setDescription(description); newWorkItem.setName(name); newWorkItem.setStatus(WorkItemStatus.Fresh.toString()); newWorkItem.setUser(owningUser); newWorkItem.setWorkflowInstance(owningInstance); evt.getSession().save(newWorkItem); /* * Now that we have saved the work item, we must persist and associate * any files that the HumanTaskData references. */ persistAndAssociateFiles(newWorkItem); workItemId = newWorkItem.getId(); if (notifyUser) { NotificationEvents.createdWorkItem(newWorkItem); } } }