List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setEntity
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Query<R> setEntity(String name, Object val);
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License:Open Source License
@Override public PropertyDetail getPropertyDetailByRegNum(String regNum) {"getPropertyDetailByRegNum Invoked"); BasicProperty basicProperty = basicPropertyDAO.getBasicPropertyByRegNum(regNum);"basicProperty : " + basicProperty); Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty = :BasicProperty "); qry.setEntity("BasicProperty", basicProperty); Property property = (Property) qry.uniqueResult();"property : " + property); Query qry1 = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from PropertyDetail PD where =:Property "); qry1.setEntity("Property", property); return (PropertyDetail) qry1.uniqueResult(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Property getPropertyByBasicPropertyID(BasicProperty basicProperty) { Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty"); qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty); qry.setMaxResults(1);/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. c om*/ return (Property) qry.uniqueResult(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public List getAllNonDefaultProperties(BasicProperty basicProperty) { Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty and P.isDefaultProperty='N' and P.status='N' "); qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty); return qry.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public List getAllProperties(BasicProperty basicProperty) { Query qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery("from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty and P.status='N' "); qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty); return qry.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * This is used to get a unique property based on 3 parameters * BasicProperty,assessmentYearand ProeprtySource, may throw exception in * case of multiple resultset./*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . com*/ */ @Override public Property getPropertyForInstallment(BasicProperty basicProperty, Installment insatllment, PropertySource src) { try { Property prop = null; Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty and P.status='N' and P.installment=:insatllment and P.propertySource =:src "); qry.setEntity("insatllment", insatllment); qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty); qry.setEntity("src", src); if (qry.uniqueResult() != null) { prop = (Property) qry.uniqueResult(); LOGGER.debug("getPropertyForInstallment : prop : " + prop); } return prop; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception in getPropertyForInstalment in DAO : " + e.getMessage()); throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception in getPropertyForInstalment" + e); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public List getAllHistories(BasicProperty bp, PropertySource src) { Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty and P.status='Y' and P.propertySource =:src "); qry.setEntity("basicProperty", bp); qry.setEntity("src", src); return qry.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public List getAllPropertiesForGivenBndryListSrcAndInst(final List bndryList, final String src, final Installment inst) { List propList = new ArrayList(0); if (bndryList != null && !bndryList.isEmpty() && src != null && !src.isEmpty() && inst != null) { LOGGER.debug("getAllPropertiesForGivenBndryListSrcAndInst : bndryList : " + bndryList + " : src : " + src + " : inst : " + inst); final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "select prop from BasicPropertyImpl BP, PropertyImpl prop left join prop.propertySource propsrc " + "where = and like :src and prop.propertyDetail.installment=:inst and in (:bndryList)"); qry.setString("src", src); qry.setEntity("inst", inst); qry.setParameterList("bndryList", bndryList); propList = qry.list();/* w ww . j a va2s . co m*/ } LOGGER.debug("getAllPropertiesForGivenBndryListSrcAndInst propList() : " + propList.size()); return propList; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public List getAllNonHistoryPropertiesForSrc(final BasicProperty basicProperty, final PropertySource src) { List propList = new ArrayList(0); if (basicProperty != null && src != null) { final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty and P.status='N' and P.propertySource =:src"); qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty); qry.setEntity("src", src); propList = qry.list();/*from w w w .j a va m*/ } LOGGER.debug("getAllNonHistoryPropertiesForSrc propList() : " + propList.size()); return propList; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Property getPropertyBySrcAndBp(final BasicProperty basicProperty, final PropertySource src) throws ApplicationRuntimeException { Property prop = null;//from w w w. j ava 2s . c om try { if (basicProperty != null && src != null) { LOGGER.debug("getPropertyBySrcAndBp basicProperty : " + basicProperty); final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty and P.status='N' and P.propertySource =:src"); qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty); qry.setEntity("src", src); prop = (Property) qry.uniqueResult(); } return prop; } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception in getPropertyBySrcAndBp : " + e.getMessage()); throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception in getPropertyBySrcAndBp", e); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * This is used to get all the proposed arv's for that particular property. *///from w ww . ja v a 2s . c om @Override public List getPtDemandArvProposedList(final Property property) { final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from PtDemandARV arv where =:property and arv.isHistory='N' and arv.type='Proposed' "); qry.setEntity("property", property); return qry.list(); }