List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setEntity
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Query<R> setEntity(String name, Object val);
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License:Open Source License
@Override public BasicProperty getBasicPropertyByPropertyID(PropertyID propertyID) { Query qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery("from BasicPropertyImpl BP where BP.propertyID =:PropertyID and'Y' "); qry.setEntity("PropertyID", propertyID); return (BasicProperty) qry.uniqueResult(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Category getCategoryForBoundary(Boundary bndry) { Category category = null;//from w ww . j av a 2 m Query qry = null; if (bndry != null) { qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "select C from Category C inner join C.catBoundaries BC where BC.bndry = :bndry AND (" + "(BC.toDate IS NULL AND BC.fromDate <= :currDate) " + "OR " + "(BC.fromDate <= :currDate AND BC.toDate >= :currDate)) "); qry.setEntity(BOUNDARY, bndry); qry.setDate("currDate", new Date()); if (qry.list().size() == 1) category = (Category) qry.uniqueResult(); } return category; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Category getCategoryForBoundaryAndDate(Boundary bndry, Date date) { Category category = null;//from w w w . j ava2s. com Query qry = null; if (bndry != null && date != null) { qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "select C from Category C inner join C.catBoundaries BC where BC.bndry = :bndry AND (" + "(BC.toDate IS NULL AND BC.fromDate <= :date) " + "OR " + "(BC.fromDate <= :date AND BC.toDate >= :date)) "); qry.setEntity(BOUNDARY, bndry); qry.setDate("date", date); if (qry.list().size() == 1) category = (Category) qry.uniqueResult(); } return category; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public BoundaryCategory getBoundaryCategoryByBoundry(Boundary bndry) { BoundaryCategory bndryCategory = null; Query qry = null; if (bndry != null) { qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from BoundaryCategory BC where BC.bndry = :bndry AND (" + "(BC.toDate IS NULL AND BC.fromDate <= :currDate) " + "OR " + "(BC.fromDate <= :currDate AND BC.toDate >= :currDate)) "); qry.setEntity(BOUNDARY, bndry); qry.setDate("currDate", new Date()); if (qry.list().size() == 1) bndryCategory = (BoundaryCategory) qry.uniqueResult(); }/*from w w w . j a v a2s .co m*/ return bndryCategory; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public BoundaryCategory getBoundaryCategoryByBoundryAndDate(Boundary bndry, Date date) { BoundaryCategory bndryCategory = null; Query qry = null; if (bndry != null && date != null) { qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from BoundaryCategory BC where BC.bndry = :bndry AND (" + "(BC.toDate IS NULL AND BC.fromDate <= :date) " + "OR " + "(BC.fromDate <= :date AND BC.toDate >= :date)) "); qry.setEntity(BOUNDARY, bndry); qry.setDate("date", date); if (qry.list().size() == 1) bndryCategory = (BoundaryCategory) qry.uniqueResult(); }/* ww w . ja va 2s. c o m*/ return bndryCategory; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Category getCategoryByBoundryAndUsage(Boundary bndry, PropertyUsage propertyUsage) { Category category = null;/*from w w w . j a v a2s. co m*/ Query qry = null; if (bndry != null && propertyUsage != null) { qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "select C from Category C inner join C.catBoundaries BC where BC.bndry = :bndry and C.propUsage = :propertyUsage AND (" + "(BC.toDate IS NULL AND BC.fromDate <= :currDate) " + "OR " + "(BC.fromDate <= :currDate AND BC.toDate >= :currDate)) "); qry.setEntity(BOUNDARY, bndry); qry.setEntity("propertyUsage", propertyUsage); qry.setDate("currDate", new Date()); if (qry.list().size() == 1) category = (Category) qry.uniqueResult(); } return category; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Category getCategoryByBoundryAndUsageAndDate(Boundary bndry, PropertyUsage propertyUsage, Date date) { Category category = null;/* ww w.java2s . c om*/ Query qry = null; if (bndry != null && propertyUsage != null && date != null) { qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "select C from Category C inner join C.catBoundaries BC where BC.bndry = :bndry and C.propUsage = :propertyUsage AND (" + "(BC.toDate IS NULL AND BC.fromDate <= :date) " + "OR " + "(BC.fromDate <= :date AND BC.toDate >= :date)) "); qry.setEntity(BOUNDARY, bndry); qry.setEntity("propertyUsage", propertyUsage); qry.setDate("date", date); if (qry.list().size() == 1) category = (Category) qry.uniqueResult(); } return category; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public List<Category> getCategoriesByBoundry(Boundary bndry) { List<Category> list = new ArrayList<Category>(); /*// www .j ava 2s .co m * String query = "SELECT cat.id_usage, " + "cat.id_struct_cl, " + * "cat.category_amnt, " + "cat.category_name, " + "bcat.id_bndry " + * "FROM egpt_mstr_category cat, " + "egpt_mstr_bndry_category bcat " + * "WHERE cat.id_category = bcat.id_category " + * "AND bcat.id_bndry =:bndryId "; */ Query qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select bc.category from BoundaryCategory bc where bc.bndry =:Boundary"); qry.setEntity("Boundary", bndry); list = qry.list(); return list; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public Float getCatAmntByPropertyId(String pid) { Query qry = getCurrentSession() .createQuery("select bp.boundary from BasicPropertyImpl bp where bp.upicNo like :pid"); qry.setString("pid", pid); Boundary bndry = (Boundary) qry.uniqueResult(); qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery( "select cat.categoryAmount from BoundaryCategory bCat left join bCat.category cat where bCat.bndry like :bndry"); qry.setEntity("bndry", bndry); Float catAmnt = (Float) qry.uniqueResult(); return catAmnt; }
From source
License:Open Source License
@Override public PropertyDetail getPropertyDetailByProperty(Property property) { Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from PropertyDetail PD where = :property "); qry.setEntity("property", property); return (PropertyDetail) qry.uniqueResult(); }