Source code

Java tutorial


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 *    eGov  SmartCity eGovernance suite aims to improve the internal efficiency,transparency,
 *    accountability and the service delivery of the government  organizations.
 *     Copyright (C) 2017  eGovernments Foundation
 *     The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation
 *     is available at
 *     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *     any later version.
 *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *     along with this program. If not, see or
 * .
 *     In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this
 *     program, the following additional terms are to be complied with:
 *         1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this
 *            Legal Notice.
 *            Further, all user interfaces, including but not limited to citizen facing interfaces,
 *            Urban Local Bodies interfaces, dashboards, mobile applications, of the program and any
 *            derived works should carry eGovernments Foundation logo on the top right corner.
 *            For the logo, please refer
 *            For any further queries on attribution, including queries on brand guidelines,
 *            please contact
 *         2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It
 *            is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in
 *            reasonable ways as different from the original version.
 *         3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program
 *            with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names
 *            or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation.
 *   In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.egov.commons.Installment;
import org.egov.demand.model.EgDemand;
import org.egov.infra.admin.master.entity.Boundary;
import org.egov.infra.exception.ApplicationRuntimeException;
import org.egov.infstr.utils.EGovConfig;
import org.egov.portal.entity.Citizen;
import org.egov.ptis.constants.PropertyTaxConstants;
import org.egov.ptis.domain.entity.demand.Ptdemand;
import org.egov.ptis.exceptions.PropertyNotFoundException;
import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion;
import org.hibernate.criterion.DetachedCriteria;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Projection;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

@Repository(value = "propertyDAO")
public class PropertyHibernateDAO implements PropertyDAO {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(PropertyHibernateDAO.class);

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    private Session getCurrentSession() {
        return entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);

    public Property getPropertyByID(String propID) {
        Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from PropertyImpl P where =:ID ");
        qry.setString("ID", propID);
        return (Property) qry.uniqueResult();

     * BasicProperty may have multiple Property references, based on different Src of Info But in this method We return only one
     * of the Property entities.
    public Property getPropertyByBasicPropertyID(BasicProperty basicProperty) {
        Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty");
        qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty);
        return (Property) qry.uniqueResult();

     * This method gives the OnlineWards object for given wardID
     * @param wardId
     * @return List of onlinewards objects
    public List getOnlineDateByWardID(Integer wardId) {
        Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from OnlineWards P where P.wardId =:wardId ");
        qry.setInteger("wardId", wardId);
        return qry.list();

    public List getAllNonDefaultProperties(BasicProperty basicProperty) {
        Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
                "from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty and P.isDefaultProperty='N' and P.status='N' ");
        qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty);
        return qry.list();

    public List getAllProperties(BasicProperty basicProperty) {
        Query qry = getCurrentSession()
                .createQuery("from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty  and P.status='N' ");
        qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty);
        return qry.list();

     * This is used to get a unique property based on 3 parameters
     * BasicProperty,assessmentYearand ProeprtySource, may throw exception in
     * case of multiple resultset.
    public Property getPropertyForInstallment(BasicProperty basicProperty, Installment insatllment,
            PropertySource src) {
        try {
            Property prop = null;
            Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
                    "from PropertyImpl P where  P.basicProperty =:basicProperty  and P.status='N' and P.installment=:insatllment and P.propertySource =:src ");
            qry.setEntity("insatllment", insatllment);
            qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty);
            qry.setEntity("src", src);
            if (qry.uniqueResult() != null) {
                prop = (Property) qry.uniqueResult();
                LOGGER.debug("getPropertyForInstallment : prop : " + prop);
            return prop;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Exception in  getPropertyForInstalment in DAO : " + e.getMessage());
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception in  getPropertyForInstalment" + e);

    public List getAllHistories(BasicProperty bp, PropertySource src) {
        Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
                "from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty and P.status='Y' and P.propertySource =:src ");
        qry.setEntity("basicProperty", bp);
        qry.setEntity("src", src);
        return qry.list();

    public List getWardWiseProperties() {
        StringBuffer selectProperties = new StringBuffer(1500);

                .append("select count(propusage.idUsage),propusage.usageName,,BndryImpl.boundaryNum ");
        selectProperties.append("from BasicPropertyImpl BP left join prop ");
        selectProperties.append("inner join prop.propertyDetail propdetail ");
        selectProperties.append("inner join propdetail.PropertyUsage propusage ");
        selectProperties.append("left join BP.propertyID propid ");
        selectProperties.append("left join propid.wardId BndryImpl ");
        selectProperties.append("group by (propusage.usageName,,BndryImpl.boundaryNum) ");
        selectProperties.append("order by BndryImpl.boundaryNum");

        Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(selectProperties.toString());
        return qry.list();

    public Property getPropertyBySource(String src) {
        Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from PropertyImpl P where like :src ");
        qry.setString("src", src);
        return (Property) qry.uniqueResult();

    public List getAllPropertiesForGivenBndryListAndSrc(List bndryList, String src) {
        List propList = new ArrayList();
        if (src != null && !src.isEmpty() && bndryList != null && !bndryList.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.debug("getAllPropertiesForGivenBndryListAndSrc : bndryList : " + bndryList + " : src : " + src);
            StringBuffer strBuffer = new StringBuffer(200);
            strBuffer.append("select prop from BasicPropertyImpl BP left join prop ");
            if (src != null && !src.equals("")) {
                strBuffer.append(" left join prop.propertySource propsrc ");
                strBuffer.append(" where like :src and ");
            } else
                strBuffer.append(" where ");
            strBuffer.append(" in (:bndryList)");

            final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(strBuffer.toString());
            qry.setString("src", src);
            qry.setParameterList("bndryList", bndryList);
            propList = qry.list();
        LOGGER.debug("getAllPropertiesForGivenBndryListAndSrc : propList.size() : " + propList.size());
        return propList;

    public List getAllPropertiesForGivenBndryListSrcAndInst(final List bndryList, final String src,
            final Installment inst) {
        List propList = new ArrayList(0);
        if (bndryList != null && !bndryList.isEmpty() && src != null && !src.isEmpty() && inst != null) {
            LOGGER.debug("getAllPropertiesForGivenBndryListSrcAndInst : bndryList : " + bndryList + " : src : "
                    + src + " : inst : " + inst);
            final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
                    "select prop from BasicPropertyImpl BP, PropertyImpl prop left join prop.propertySource propsrc "
                            + "where = and like :src and prop.propertyDetail.installment=:inst and in (:bndryList)");
            qry.setString("src", src);
            qry.setEntity("inst", inst);
            qry.setParameterList("bndryList", bndryList);
            propList = qry.list();
        LOGGER.debug("getAllPropertiesForGivenBndryListSrcAndInst propList() : " + propList.size());
        return propList;

    // this method will give list of properties which dont have history by
    // passing parameters as basicproperty and propertysrc objects
    public List getAllNonHistoryPropertiesForSrc(final BasicProperty basicProperty, final PropertySource src) {
        List propList = new ArrayList(0);
        if (basicProperty != null && src != null) {
            final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
                    "from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty and P.status='N' and P.propertySource =:src");
            qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty);
            qry.setEntity("src", src);
            propList = qry.list();
        LOGGER.debug("getAllNonHistoryPropertiesForSrc propList() : " + propList.size());
        return propList;

     * getPropertyBySrcAndBp(BasicProperty basicProperty,PropertySource src) will give property for basicproperty and source
    public Property getPropertyBySrcAndBp(final BasicProperty basicProperty, final PropertySource src)
            throws ApplicationRuntimeException {
        Property prop = null;
        try {
            if (basicProperty != null && src != null) {
                LOGGER.debug("getPropertyBySrcAndBp basicProperty : " + basicProperty);
                final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
                        "from PropertyImpl P where P.basicProperty =:basicProperty and  P.status='N' and P.propertySource =:src");
                qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty);
                qry.setEntity("src", src);
                prop = (Property) qry.uniqueResult();
            return prop;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Exception in getPropertyBySrcAndBp : " + e.getMessage());
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception in  getPropertyBySrcAndBp", e);

     * This method checks if Count of Properties exceed 500
     * @param bndryList
     * @return
    public boolean checkIfPropCountExceeds500(final List bndryList) throws ApplicationRuntimeException {
        boolean chkCntExcds500 = false;
        int count = 0;
        try {
            if (bndryList != null && !bndryList.isEmpty()) {
                final String qryStr = "select count(*) from BasicPropertyImpl BP where in (:bndryList) ";
                final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(qryStr);
                qry.setParameterList("bndryList", bndryList);
                final Integer cnt = (Integer) qry.uniqueResult();
                count = cnt.intValue();
                if (count > 500)
                    chkCntExcds500 = true;
                LOGGER.debug("checkIfPropCountExceeds500 chkCntExcds500 : " + chkCntExcds500);
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOGGER.error("Error occured in PropertyHibernateDao.checkIfPropCountExceeds500" + e.getMessage());
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
                    "Hibernate Exception in checkIfPropCountExceeds500: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (final Exception e1) {
            LOGGER.error("Error occured in PropertyHibernateDao.checkIfPropCountExceeds500" + e1.getMessage());
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception in checkIfPropCountExceeds500 : " + e1.getMessage(),
        return chkCntExcds500;

    public List getBasicPropertyListByDcNo(final String dcNo) throws ApplicationRuntimeException {
        List bpList = null;
        try {
            if (dcNo != null) {
                final Query qry = getCurrentSession()
                        .createQuery("from BasicPropertyImpl BP where and'Y'");
                qry.setString("dcNo", dcNo);
                bpList = qry.list();
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Error occured in PropertyHibernateDao.getBasicPropertyListByDcNo" + e.getMessage());
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception in checkIfPropCountExceeds500 : " + e);
        return bpList;

     * This is used to get all the proposed arv's for that particular property.
    public List getPtDemandArvProposedList(final Property property) {
        final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
                "from PtDemandARV arv where =:property  and arv.isHistory='N' and arv.type='Proposed' ");
        qry.setEntity("property", property);
        return qry.list();

    public Citizen getOwnerByOwnerId(final Long citizenId) {
        Citizen owner = null;
        final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(" FROM Citizen citizen where =:id ");
        qry.setLong("id", citizenId);
        owner = (Citizen) qry.uniqueResult();
        return owner;

    public List getPropertyCollection(final String propertyId) {
        final Query qry = getCurrentSession()
                .createQuery(" select sum(TD.inFlowAmount) from PropertyTaxTxAgent pta left join  "
                        + "pta.myTransactions TI left join TI.transactionDetails TD where TI.isCancelled = '0' and pta.basicProperty.upicNo =:PID ");
        qry.setString("PID", propertyId);
        return qry.list();

    public List getPTDemandArvByNoticeNumber(final String noticeNo) {
        final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
                " FROM PtDemandARV ar where ar.section72No =:id and ar.isHistory='N' and ar.type ='Proposed' ");
        qry.setString("id", noticeNo);
        return qry.list();

    public List getPropsMrkdForDeactByWard(final Boundary boundary) throws PropertyNotFoundException {
        List propertyList = new ArrayList();
        try {
            if (boundary != null) {
                final Query qry = getCurrentSession()
                        .createQuery(" select distinct bp from PropertyImpl pi " + " left join pi.basicProperty bp "
                                + " left join bp.propertyStatusValuesSet psv " + " left join psv.propertyStatus ps "
                                + " where bp.boundary = :boundary and pi.status='N' and'Y' "
                                + " and ps.statusCode='MARK_DEACTIVE' and psv.isActive='Y' ");

                qry.setEntity("boundary", boundary);
                propertyList = qry.list();

  "List of properties By Query" + propertyList.size());
            return propertyList;
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOGGER.error("Error occured in PropertyHibernateDao.getPropsMrkdForDeactByWard" + e.getMessage());
            final PropertyNotFoundException er = new PropertyNotFoundException(
                    "Hibernate Exception In getAllPropertiesMarkedForDeactivationByWard: " + e);
            throw er;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Error occured in PropertyHibernateDao.getPropsMrkdForDeactByWard" + e.getMessage());
            throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception in  getAllPropertiesMarkedForDeactivationByWard" + e);

     * To get the list of required values as of the Projection,restriction and order in which the client passes as parameters.All
     * these values are taken from PropertyMaterlizeView table.
     * @param org .hibernate.criterion.Projection projection
     * @param org .hibernate.criterion.Criterion criterion
     * @param org .hibernate.criterion.Order order
     * @return Projection list(i.e mentioned in Projection parameter) from PropertyMaterlizeView table.

    public List getPropMaterlizeViewList(final Projection projection, final Criterion criterion,
            final Order order) {
        final Criteria criteria = getCurrentSession().createCriteria(PropertyMaterlizeView.class);
        if (projection != null)
        if (criterion != null)
        if (order != null)

        return criteria.list();

     * To get the list of required values as of the Projection,restriction and order in which the client passes as parameters..
     * @param Class classObj
     * @param org .hibernate.criterion.Projection classObj
     * @param org .hibernate.criterion.Criterion criterion
     * @param org .hibernate.criterion.Order order
     * @return Projection list(i.e mentioned in Projection parameter) .

    public List getResultsList(final Class classObj, final Projection projection, final Criterion criterion,
            final Order order) {
        final Criteria criteria = getCurrentSession().createCriteria(classObj);
        if (projection != null)
        if (criterion != null)
        if (order != null)

        return criteria.list();

     * To get the list of required values
     * @param org .hibernate.criterion.DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria
     * @return Projection list(i.e mentioned in DetachedCriteria).
    public List getResultsList(final DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria) {
        Criteria criteria = null;
        if (detachedCriteria != null)
            criteria = detachedCriteria.getExecutableCriteria(getCurrentSession());
        return criteria.list();

    public List getDmdCollAmtInstWise(final EgDemand egDemand) {
        new ArrayList();
        final StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(2000);
                " select dmdRes.id_installment, sum(dmdDet.amount) as amount, sum(dmdDet.amt_collected) as amt_collected, sum(dmdDet.amt_rebate) as amt_rebate, inst.start_date "
                        + "from eg_demand_details dmdDet,eg_demand_reason dmdRes,eg_installment_master inst,eg_demand_reason_master dmdresmas "
                        + "where " + "and dmdDet.id_demand =:dmdId "
                        + "and dmdRes.id_installment = "
                        + "and = dmdres.id_demand_reason_master " + "and dmdresmas.code not in ('"
                        + PropertyTaxConstants.ADVANCE_DMD_RSN_CODE + "','"
                        + PropertyTaxConstants.PENALTY_DMD_RSN_CODE + "','"
                        + PropertyTaxConstants.DEMANDRSN_CODE_PENALTY_FINES + "') "
                        + "group by dmdRes.id_installment, inst.start_date " + "order by inst.start_date ");
        final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(strBuf.toString()).setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId());
        return qry.list();

    public List getPenaltyDmdCollAmtInstWise(final EgDemand egDemand) {
        new ArrayList();
        final StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(2000);
                " select dmdRes.id_installment, sum(dmdDet.amount) as amount, sum(dmdDet.amt_collected) as amt_collected, sum(dmdDet.amt_rebate) as amt_rebate, inst.start_date "
                        + "from eg_demand_details dmdDet,eg_demand_reason dmdRes,eg_installment_master inst,eg_demand_reason_master dmdresmas "
                        + "where " + "and dmdDet.id_demand =:dmdId "
                        + "and dmdRes.id_installment = "
                        + "and = dmdres.id_demand_reason_master " + "and dmdresmas.code = :dmdRsnCode "
                        + "group by dmdRes.id_installment, inst.start_date " + "order by inst.start_date ");
        final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(strBuf.toString()).setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId())
                .setString("dmdRsnCode", PropertyTaxConstants.DEMANDRSN_CODE_PENALTY_FINES);
        return qry.list();

    public List getDmdDetIdFromInstallandEgDemand(final Installment installment, final EgDemand egDemand) {
        List dmdIdList = new ArrayList();
        if (egDemand != null && installment != null) {
            final StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(2000);
                    " select from eg_demand_details dmdet, eg_demand_reason res where dmdet.id_demand_reason= and dmdet.id_demand =:dmdId and res.id_installment =:instlId ");
            final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(strBuf.toString());
            qry.setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId());
            qry.setInteger("instlId", installment.getId());
            dmdIdList = qry.list();
        return dmdIdList;

     * Method called to get the EgptProperty Id from the Bill Id.Property is linked with EgDemand which internally linked with
     * egBill.
     * @param billId - Id of the EgBill Object .
     * @return java.math.BigDecimal - returns the EgptProperty Id. If the billId is null then null is returned.

    public BigDecimal getEgptPropertyFromBillId(final Long billId) {
        BigDecimal propertyId = null;
        if (billId != null) {
            final StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(2000);
            strBuf.append(" select ptdem.id_property from ")
                    .append("egpt_ptdemand ptdem, eg_demand dmd, eg_bill bill ")
                    .append("where bill.id_demand = and = ptdem.id_demand ")
                    .append("and dmd.is_history = 'N' and = :billId ");
            final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(strBuf.toString());
            qry.setLong("billId", billId).setMaxResults(1);
            propertyId = (BigDecimal) qry.uniqueResult();
        return propertyId;

     * Method called to get all the Demands(i.,e including the history and non history) for a BasicProperty.
     * @param basicProperty - BasicProperty Object in which Demands needs are to retrieved
     * @return java.util.List - returns the list of Demands for the basicProperty. If the basicPrperty is null then null is
     * returned
    public List getAllDemands(final BasicProperty basicProperty) {
        List demandIds = null;
        if (basicProperty != null) {
            demandIds = new ArrayList();
            final String qryStr = "SELECT ptdem.id_demand " + "FROM egpt_basic_property bas, "
                    + "  egpt_property prop, " + "  egpt_ptdemand ptdem " + "WHERE bas.ID = prop.ID_BASIC_PROPERTY "
                    + "AND = ptdem.ID_PROPERTY " + "AND bas.propertyid = :PropId ";

            final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(qryStr);
            qry.setString("PropId", basicProperty.getUpicNo());
            demandIds = qry.list();
        return demandIds;


     * Method called to get EgDemandDetails Ids based on given EgDemand,Installment and Mastercode.
     * @param installment - Installment in which DemandDetail belongs.
     * @param egDemand -EgDemand Object.
     * @param demandReasonMasterCode - EgDemandReasonMaster code
     * @return egDemand - returns the list of Demands for the basicProperty.

    public List getDmdDetIdFromInstallandEgDemand(final Installment installment, final EgDemand egDemand,
            final String demandReasonMasterCode) {
        List dmdIdList = new ArrayList();
        if (egDemand != null && installment != null) {
            final StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(2000);
                    " SELECT FROM eg_demand_details dmdet, eg_demand_reason res , eg_demand_reason_master mast ");
                    " WHERE dmdet.id_demand_reason= AND dmdet.id_demand =:dmdId AND res.id_installment =:instlId ");
            strBuf.append(" AND = res.id_demand_reason_master AND mast.code =:masterCode ");
            final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(strBuf.toString());
            qry.setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId());
            qry.setInteger("instlId", installment.getId());
            qry.setString("masterCode", demandReasonMasterCode);
            dmdIdList = qry.list();
        return dmdIdList;

     * Returns installment wise demand and collection for all the Demand reasons
     * @param egDemand -EgDemand Object.
     * @return returns list of installment and respective demand and collection and rebate.
    public List getDmdCollForAllDmdReasons(final EgDemand egDemand) {
        new ArrayList();
        final StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(2000);
                " select dmdRes.ID_INSTALLMENT, sum(dmdDet.amount) as amount, sum(dmdDet.amt_collected) as amt_collected, sum(dmdDet.amt_rebate) as rebate, inst.start_date, dmdresmas.code as reason "
                        + "from eg_demand_details dmdDet ,eg_demand_reason dmdRes, eg_installment_master inst, eg_demand_reason_master dmdresmas "
                        + "where " + "and dmdDet.id_demand =:dmdId "
                        + "and dmdRes.id_installment = "
                        + "and = dmdres.id_demand_reason_master "
                        + "group by dmdRes.id_installment, inst.start_date, dmdresmas.code "
                        + "order by inst.start_date ");
        final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(strBuf.toString()).setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId());
        return qry.list();

    public List getTotalDemandDetailsIncludingPenalty(final EgDemand egDemand) {
        new ArrayList();
        final StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(2000);
                " select dmdRes.id_installment, sum(dmdDet.amount) as amount, sum(dmdDet.amt_collected) as amt_collected, sum(dmdDet.amt_rebate) as amt_rebate, inst.start_date "
                        + "from eg_demand_details dmdDet,eg_demand_reason dmdRes,eg_installment_master inst,eg_demand_reason_master dmdresmas "
                        + "where " + "and dmdDet.id_demand =:dmdId "
                        + "and dmdRes.id_installment = "
                        + "and = dmdres.id_demand_reason_master "
                        + "group by dmdRes.id_installment, dmdresmas.code, dmdDet.amount,dmdDet.amt_collected, inst.start_date "
                        + "order by inst.start_date ");
        final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(strBuf.toString()).setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId());
        return qry.list();

    public List<?> getInstallmentAndReasonWiseDemandDetails(final EgDemand egDemand) {
        final StringBuilder strBul = new StringBuilder(2000);
                " select dmdRes.id_installment,  dmdresmas.code, dmdDet.amount , dmdDet.amt_collected, inst.start_date "
                        + "from eg_demand_details dmdDet,eg_demand_reason dmdRes,eg_installment_master inst,eg_demand_reason_master dmdresmas "
                        + "where " + "and dmdDet.id_demand =:dmdId "
                        + "and dmdRes.id_installment = "
                        + "and = dmdres.id_demand_reason_master "
                        + "group by dmdRes.id_installment,dmdresmas.code, dmdDet.amount , dmdDet.amt_collected, inst.start_date "
                        + "order by inst.start_date ");
        final Query qry = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(strBul.toString()).setLong("dmdId", egDemand.getId());
        return qry.list();

    public Property findById(final Integer id, final boolean lock) {

        return null;

    public List<Property> findAll() {

        return null;

    public Property create(final Property property) {

        return null;

    public void delete(final Property property) {


    public Property update(final Property property) {

        return null;

     * API gives the latest GIS survey property for the basicproperty
    public Property getLatestGISPropertyForBasicProperty(BasicProperty basicProperty) {
        Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
                "from PropertyImpl where basicProperty =:basicProperty and status = 'G' order by id desc ");
        qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty);
        return (Property) qry.uniqueResult();

     * API gives the history property for the basicproperty
    public Property getHistoryPropertyForBasicProperty(BasicProperty basicProperty) {
        Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
                "from PropertyImpl where basicProperty =:basicProperty and status = 'H' order by id desc ");
        qry.setEntity("basicProperty", basicProperty);
        return (Property) qry.uniqueResult();

     * API gives the latest Demand for history property
    public Ptdemand getLatestDemand(Property oldProperty) {
        Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery(
                "from Ptdemand where egptProperty =:oldProperty and isHistory='N' order by egInstallmentMaster.installmentYear desc");
        qry.setEntity("oldProperty", oldProperty);
        return (Ptdemand) qry.uniqueResult();

    public Property getPropertyByApplicationNo(String applicationNo) {
        Query qry = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from PropertyImpl where applicationNo =:applicationNo ");
        qry.setString("applicationNo", applicationNo);
        return (Property) qry.uniqueResult();