List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setCacheRegion
Query<R> setCacheRegion(String cacheRegion);
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Pesquisa as configuraes que so semelhantes ao exemplo * /*from www . ja va2*/ * @param exemplo * Uma configurao de exemplo para a pesquisa. * @return Lista de configuraes encontradas. */ public List<WfConfiguracao> consultar(final WfConfiguracao exemplo) { Query query = getSessao().getNamedQuery("consultarWfConfiguracoes"); query.setLong("idTpConfiguracao", exemplo.getCpTipoConfiguracao().getIdTpConfiguracao()); query.setCacheable(true); query.setCacheRegion(CACHE_QUERY_CONFIGURACAO); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Get a User for the given Principal./*from w ww . j av a 2 s .co m*/ * * @param principal the Principal to search for * @param status optional status to limit. * * @return a User, or null if none exists for the given Principal */ @Nullable public User getUserForPrincipal(@Nullable Principal principal, @Nullable PrincipalStatus... status) { if (principal == null) return null; String queryString = "SELECT u FROM User u INNER JOIN u.principal p WHERE p = :principal"; final boolean hasStatus = status != null && status.length > 0; if (hasStatus) queryString += " AND p.status IN (:status)"; final Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString); query.setCacheable(true); query.setCacheRegion(ProjectCacheRegions.MEMBER_QUERY); query.setParameter("principal", principal); if (hasStatus) query.setParameterList("status", status); return (User) query.uniqueResult(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Get users matching the specified parameters. * All parameters are optional. If none are specified, an empty list is returned. * * @param firstName first name./*from w ww . ja va2 s. c om*/ * @param lastName last name. * @param email email address. * @param exclude optional exclusion collection. * * @return the user list. */ public List<User> getUsers(@Nullable String firstName, @Nullable String lastName, @Nullable String email, @Nullable Collection<User> exclude) { boolean hasFirst = !isEmptyString(firstName); boolean hasLast = !isEmptyString(lastName); boolean hasEmail = !isEmptyString(email); boolean hasExclude = exclude != null && !exclude.isEmpty(); if (!hasFirst && !hasLast && !hasEmail) return new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); hql.append("SELECT DISTINCT user FROM User user \n" + " INNER JOIN user.principal as p\n" + " LEFT JOIN as c \n"); if (hasFirst || hasLast) { hql.append(" LEFT JOIN as n\n"); } if (hasEmail) { hql.append(" LEFT JOIN c.emailAddresses as ea\n"); } hql.append(" WHERE ("); if (hasFirst) { hql.append(" LOWER(n.first) LIKE :firstName"); } if (hasLast) { if (hasFirst) hql.append(" OR"); hql.append(" LOWER(n.last) LIKE :lastName"); } if (hasEmail) { if (hasFirst || hasLast) hql.append(" OR"); hql.append(" LOWER( LIKE :email"); } hql.append(')'); if (hasExclude) { hql.append(" AND user NOT IN (:exclude)"); } final Session session = getSession(); final Query query = session.createQuery(hql.toString()); query.setCacheable(true); query.setCacheRegion(ProjectCacheRegions.MEMBER_QUERY); if (hasFirst) query.setParameter("firstName", '%' + firstName.trim().toLowerCase() + '%'); if (hasLast) query.setParameter("lastName", '%' + lastName.trim().toLowerCase() + '%'); if (hasEmail) query.setParameter("email", '%' + email.trim().toLowerCase() + '%'); if (hasExclude) query.setParameterList("exclude", exclude); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<User> list = query.list(); return list; }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Get users matching the specified parameters. * All parameters are optional. If none are specified, an empty list is returned. * * @param firstName first name./*from w w w . java 2 s. c o m*/ * @param lastName last name. * @param email email address. * @param exclude optional exclusion collection. * @param company the company * * @return the user list. */ public List<User> getUsers(@Nullable String firstName, @Nullable String lastName, @Nullable String email, @Nullable Collection<User> exclude, @Nonnull Company company) { boolean hasFirst = !isEmptyString(firstName); boolean hasLast = !isEmptyString(lastName); boolean hasEmail = !isEmptyString(email); boolean hasExclude = exclude != null && !exclude.isEmpty(); if (!hasFirst && !hasLast && !hasEmail) return new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); hql.append("SELECT DISTINCT user FROM Company ce\n" + " INNER JOIN ce.users user\n" + " INNER JOIN user.principal as p\n" + " LEFT JOIN as c \n"); if (hasFirst || hasLast) { hql.append(" LEFT JOIN as n\n"); } if (hasEmail) { hql.append(" LEFT JOIN c.emailAddresses as ea\n"); } hql.append(" WHERE ("); if (hasFirst) { hql.append(" LOWER(n.first) LIKE :firstName"); } if (hasLast) { if (hasFirst) hql.append(" OR"); hql.append(" LOWER(n.last) LIKE :lastName"); } if (hasEmail) { if (hasFirst || hasLast) hql.append(" OR"); hql.append(" LOWER( LIKE :email"); } hql.append(")\n"); if (hasExclude) { hql.append(" AND user NOT IN (:exclude)\n"); } hql.append("AND = :ceid"); final Session session = getSession(); final Query query = session.createQuery(hql.toString()); query.setCacheable(true); query.setCacheRegion(ProjectCacheRegions.MEMBER_QUERY); if (hasFirst) query.setParameter("firstName", '%' + firstName.trim().toLowerCase() + '%'); if (hasLast) query.setParameter("lastName", '%' + lastName.trim().toLowerCase() + '%'); if (hasEmail) query.setParameter("email", '%' + email.trim().toLowerCase() + '%'); if (hasExclude) query.setParameterList("exclude", exclude); query.setParameter("ceid", company.getId()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<User> list = query.list(); return list; }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Prepare the given Query object, applying cache settings and/or a * transaction timeout.//from w ww .j a va2s. c o m * * @param queryObject * the Query object to prepare * @see #setCacheQueries * @see #setQueryCacheRegion * @see SessionProviderHolder#applyTransactionTimeout */ protected void prepareQuery(Query queryObject) { if (isCacheQueries()) { queryObject.setCacheable(true); if (getQueryCacheRegion() != null) { queryObject.setCacheRegion(getQueryCacheRegion()); } } if (getFetchSize() > 0) { queryObject.setFetchSize(getFetchSize()); } if (getMaxResults() > 0) { queryObject.setMaxResults(getMaxResults()); } if (getFirstResult() > 0) { queryObject.setFirstResult(getFirstResult()); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * ()/*from w ww . j a va2s . c om*/ * @param hql * @param args * @return */ protected static List executeQueryCacheable(String cache_region, String hql, int fromIdx, int fetchCount, Object... args) { Session ssn = getSession(); Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql).setReadOnly(true).setCacheable(true); if (cache_region != null) q.setCacheRegion(cache_region); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { q.setParameter(i, args[i]); } if (fromIdx > 0) q.setFirstResult(fromIdx); if (fetchCount > 0) q.setMaxResults(fetchCount); return q.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * /*from www .jav a 2s .c om*/ * <b></b> * @param hql * @param args * @return */ protected static Object uniqueResultCacheable(String cache_region, String hql, Object... args) { Session ssn = getSession(); Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql).setReadOnly(true).setCacheable(true); if (cache_region != null) q.setCacheRegion(cache_region); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { q.setParameter(i, args[i]); } //q.setMaxResults(1); return q.uniqueResult(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * ()// ww w . j a va 2 s . c o m * @param hql * @param args * @return */ protected static List executeNamedQueryCacheable(String cache_region, String hql, int fromIdx, int fetchCount, Object... args) { Session ssn = getSession(); Query q = ssn.getNamedQuery(hql).setReadOnly(true).setCacheable(true); if (cache_region != null) q.setCacheRegion(cache_region); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { q.setParameter(i, args[i]); } if (fromIdx > 0) q.setFirstResult(fromIdx); if (fetchCount > 0) q.setMaxResults(fetchCount); return q.list(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * // w w w.j a va 2 s .co m * <b></b> * @param hql * @param args * @return */ protected static Object namedUniqueResultCacheable(String cache_region, String hql, Object... args) { Session ssn = getSession(); Query q = ssn.getNamedQuery(hql).setReadOnly(true).setCacheable(true); if (cache_region != null) q.setCacheRegion(cache_region); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { q.setParameter(i, args[i]); } //q.setMaxResults(1); return q.uniqueResult(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * FIXME: photo/show.vm/* www. j a va 2s. com*/ * * @param site * @param loginUser * @param month * @return */ public static int[] statCalendarPhotoCount(SiteBean site, SessionUserObject user, Calendar month) { Calendar firstDate = (Calendar) month.clone(); firstDate.set(Calendar.DATE, 1); DateUtils.resetTime(firstDate); Calendar nextMonthFirstDate = (Calendar) firstDate.clone(); nextMonthFirstDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // Calendar tempCal = (Calendar) nextMonthFirstDate.clone(); tempCal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); int dateCount = tempCal.get(Calendar.DATE); int[] logCounts = new int[dateCount + 1]; // boolean is_owner = site.isOwner(user); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer( "SELECT j.createTime FROM PhotoBean AS j WHERE j.createTime>=:beginTime AND j.createTime<:endTime AND"); if (!is_owner) { // hql.append(" AND j.status=:status AND j.album.type=:album_type"); } try { Session ssn = getSession(); Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString()); q.setCacheable(true); q.setCacheRegion("query.photo_calendar"); q.setTimestamp("beginTime", firstDate.getTime()); q.setTimestamp("endTime", nextMonthFirstDate.getTime()); q.setInteger("site", site.getId()); if (!is_owner) { q.setInteger("status", PhotoBean.STATUS_NORMAL); q.setInteger("album_type", AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC); } int total = 0; Iterator logs = q.list().iterator(); while (logs.hasNext()) { tempCal.setTime((Date); int date = tempCal.get(Calendar.DATE); logCounts[date]++; total++; } logCounts[0] = total; return logCounts; } finally { hql = null; firstDate = null; nextMonthFirstDate = null; tempCal = null; } }