Java tutorial
/* * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Author: Winter Lau ( * */ package com.liusoft.dlog4j.dao; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.ObjectNotFoundException; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.SessionUserObject; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.base.FckUploadFileBeanBase; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.base._PhotoBase; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.base._ReplyBean; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.beans.AlbumBean; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.beans.DiaryBean; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.beans.FckUploadFileBean; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.beans.PhotoBean; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.beans.PhotoOutlineBean; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.beans.PhotoReplyBean; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.beans.SiteBean; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.beans.TagBean; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.db.HibernateUtils; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.util.DLOG4JUtils; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.util.DateUtils; import com.liusoft.dlog4j.util.StringUtils; import; import; /** * * * @author Winter Lau */ public class PhotoDAO extends DAO implements SearchDataProvider { /** * * * @param site_id * @param parent * @return */ public static List listAlbums(int site_id, AlbumBean parent) { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("FROM AlbumBean a WHERE"); if (parent != null) { hql.append(" AND"); hql.append(parent.getId()); } else { hql.append(" AND a.parent IS NULL"); } hql.append(" ORDER BY a.sortOrder"); return findAllCacheable("query.albums_of_site", hql.toString(), site_id); } /** * Sitedays * * @param days * @param count * @return */ public static List listHotPhotos(int days, int count) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); DateUtils.resetTime(cal); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -days); return executeNamedQueryCacheable("query.hot_photos", "LIST_HOT_PHOTOS", 0, count, PhotoOutlineBean.STATUS_NORMAL, cal.getTime(), AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC); } /** * * * @param site * @return */ public static int getPhotoCount(int site) { String hql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PhotoBean AS d WHERE d.status=?"; if (site > 0) { hql += " AND"; return executeStatAsInt(hql, PhotoBean.STATUS_NORMAL, site); } return executeStatAsInt(hql, PhotoBean.STATUS_NORMAL); } /** * () * * @param site * @param user * @param album_id * @param photo_id * @return */ public static PhotoOutlineBean getPrevPhoto(SiteBean site, SessionUserObject user, int album_id, int photo_id) { if (site == null) return null; boolean is_owner = site.isOwner(user); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer( "FROM PhotoOutlineBean AS p WHERE p.status=:photo_status AND AND<:photo"); if (!is_owner) { // hql.append(" AND p.album.type=:album_type"); } if (album_id > 0) { hql.append(" AND"); } hql.append(" ORDER BY DESC"); Session ssn = getSession(); try { Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString()); q.setInteger("photo_status", PhotoBean.STATUS_NORMAL); q.setInteger("site", site.getId()); q.setInteger("photo", photo_id); if (album_id > 0) q.setInteger("album", album_id); if (!is_owner) q.setInteger("album_type", AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC); q.setMaxResults(1); return (PhotoOutlineBean) q.uniqueResult(); } finally { hql = null; } } /** * () * * @param site * @param user * @param album_id * @param photo_id * @return */ public static PhotoOutlineBean getNextPhoto(SiteBean site, SessionUserObject user, int album_id, int photo_id) { if (site == null) return null; StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer( "FROM PhotoOutlineBean AS p WHERE p.status=:photo_status AND AND>:photo"); if (user == null || !site.isOwner(user)) { // hql.append(" AND p.album.type=:album_type"); } if (album_id > 0) { hql.append(" AND"); } hql.append(" ORDER BY ASC"); Session ssn = getSession(); try { Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString()); q.setInteger("photo_status", PhotoBean.STATUS_NORMAL); q.setInteger("site", site.getId()); q.setInteger("photo", photo_id); if (album_id > 0) q.setInteger("album", album_id); if (!site.isOwner(user)) q.setInteger("album_type", AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC); q.setMaxResults(1); return (PhotoOutlineBean) q.uniqueResult(); } finally { hql = null; } } /** * * * @param photo_id * @param incCount * @return */ public static void incViewCount(int photo_id, int incCount) { commitNamedUpdate("INC_PHOTO_VIEW_COUNT", incCount, photo_id); } /** * * * @param photo_id * @return */ public static PhotoBean getPhotoByID(int photo_id) { if (photo_id <= 0) return null; return (PhotoBean) getBean(PhotoBean.class, photo_id); } /** * * * @param photo_id * @return */ public static PhotoOutlineBean getPhotoOutlineByID(int photo_id) { if (photo_id <= 0) return null; return (PhotoOutlineBean) getBean(PhotoOutlineBean.class, photo_id); } /** * * * @param site_id * @return */ public static List listMonths(int site_id) { return findNamedAll("PHOTO_MONTHS", site_id); } /** * * * @param site * @param user * @param album_id * @param month_stamp * ,20050620056 * @param fromIdx * @param count * @return * @see com.liusoft.dlog4j.velocity.DLOG_VelocityTool#list_photos(SiteBean, * int, int) */ public static List listPhotos(SiteBean site, SessionUserObject user, int album_id, int month_stamp, int date, int fromIdx, int count) { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("FROM PhotoOutlineBean AS p WHERE"); if (album_id > 0) hql.append(" AND ( OR"); if (month_stamp > 190000 && month_stamp < 209912) { hql.append(" AND p.year=:year AND p.month=:month"); } if (user == null || site.getOwner().getId() != user.getId()) { hql.append(" AND p.status<>:hidden_status AND p.album.type=:owner_album"); } if (date > 0) { hql.append(" AND"); } hql.append(" ORDER BY DESC"); Session ssn = getSession(); try { Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString()); q.setInteger("site", site.getId()); if (album_id > 0) q.setInteger("album", album_id); if (month_stamp > 190000 && month_stamp < 209912) { q.setInteger("year", month_stamp / 100); q.setInteger("month", month_stamp % 100); } if (user == null || site.getOwner().getId() != user.getId()) { q.setInteger("hidden_status", PhotoBean.STATUS_PRIVATE); q.setInteger("owner_album", AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC); } if (date > 0) { q.setInteger("date", date); } q.setFirstResult(fromIdx); q.setMaxResults(count); return q.list(); } finally { hql = null; } } /** * * * @param album * @param fromIdx * @param count * @return */ public static List listPhotos(AlbumBean album, int fromIdx, int count) { Query q = getSession().getNamedQuery("PHOTOS_OF_ALBUM"); q.setInteger("album", album.getId()); // q.setInteger("hidden_status", PhotoBean.STATUS_PRIVATE); if (fromIdx > 0) q.setFirstResult(fromIdx); if (count > 0) q.setMaxResults(count); return q.list(); } /** * * * @param fromIdx * @param count * @return */ public static List listPhotos(int fromIdx, int count) { String hql = "FROM PhotoOutlineBean AS p ORDER BY DESC"; return executeQuery(hql, fromIdx, count); } /** * * * @return */ public static int photoCount() { String hql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PhotoOutlineBean AS p"; return executeStatAsInt(hql); } /** * * * @param site * @param user * @param album_id * @param month_stamp * ,20050620056 * @param fromIdx * @param count * @return * @see com.liusoft.dlog4j.velocity.DLOG_VelocityTool#list_photos(SiteBean, * int, int) */ public static List listPhotos(int album_id, int month_stamp, int date, int fromIdx, int count) { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("FROM PhotoOutlineBean AS p WHERE 1=1"); if (album_id > 0) hql.append(" AND ( OR"); else { // hql.append(" AND (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS( > // 2)"); } if (month_stamp > 190000 && month_stamp < 209912) { hql.append(" AND p.year=:year AND p.month=:month"); } hql.append(" AND p.status<>:hidden_status AND p.album.type=:owner_album"); if (date > 0) { hql.append(" AND"); } hql.append(" AND ORDER BY DESC"); Session ssn = getSession(); try { Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString()); q.setCacheable(true).setCacheRegion("query.new_photos"); if (album_id > 0) q.setInteger("album", album_id); if (month_stamp > 190000 && month_stamp < 209912) { q.setInteger("year", month_stamp / 100); q.setInteger("month", month_stamp % 100); } q.setInteger("hidden_status", PhotoBean.STATUS_PRIVATE); q.setInteger("owner_album", AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC); if (date > 0) { q.setInteger("date", date); } q.setInteger("site_status", SiteBean.STATUS_NORMAL); q.setFirstResult(fromIdx); q.setMaxResults(count); return q.list(); } finally { hql = null; } } /** * * * @param site * @param user * @param album_id * @param month_stamp * ,20050620056 * @return * @see com.liusoft.dlog4j.velocity.DLOG_VelocityTool#list_photos(SiteBean, * int, int) */ public static int getPhotoCount(SiteBean site, SessionUserObject user, int album_id, int month_stamp, int date) { boolean is_owner = site.isOwner(user); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PhotoBean AS p WHERE"); if (album_id > 0) hql.append(" AND"); if (month_stamp > 190000 && month_stamp < 209912) { hql.append(" AND p.year=:year AND p.month=:month"); } if (!is_owner) { hql.append(" AND p.status=:normal_status AND p.album.type=:public_album"); } if (date > 0) { hql.append(" AND"); } Session ssn = getSession(); try { Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString()); q.setInteger("site", site.getId()); if (album_id > 0) q.setInteger("album", album_id); if (month_stamp > 190000 && month_stamp < 209912) { q.setInteger("year", month_stamp / 100); q.setInteger("month", month_stamp % 100); } if (!is_owner) { q.setInteger("normal_status", PhotoBean.STATUS_NORMAL); q.setInteger("public_album", AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC); } if (date > 0) { q.setInteger("date", date); } return ((Number) q.uniqueResult()).intValue(); } finally { hql = null; } } /** * * * @param photo * @throws SQLException */ public static void delete(_PhotoBase photo) throws SQLException { if (photo == null) return; Session ssn = getSession(); try { beginTransaction(); // int photo_size = DLOG4JUtils.sizeInKbytes(photo.getPhotoInfo().getSize()); photo.getSite().getCapacity().incPhotoUsed(-photo_size); photo.getAlbum().incPhotoCount(-1); photo.getUser().getCount().incPhotoCount(-1); // AlbumBean parent = photo.getAlbum().getParent(); int deep = 0; do { if (parent == null) break; deep++; parent.incPhotoCount(-1); parent = parent.getParent(); } while (deep < 10);// // TagDAO.deleteTagByRefId(photo.getId(), TagBean.TYPE_PHOTO); // List rpls = photo.getReplies(); for (int i = 0; rpls != null && i < rpls.size(); i++) { PhotoReplyBean prb = (PhotoReplyBean) rpls.get(i); if (prb.getUser() != null) { prb.getUser().getCount().incPhotoReplyCount(-1); } } // executeUpdate("UPDATE AlbumBean AS a SET a.cover = NULL WHERE", photo.getId()); ssn.delete(photo); commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { rollback(); throw e; } } /** * * * @param new_album_id * @param photo * @param newKeyword * @param cover * * @throws ObjectNotFoundException * @throws IllegalAccessException */ public static void update(int new_album_id, PhotoBean photo, String newKeyword, boolean cover) throws ObjectNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException { if (photo == null || new_album_id < 1) return; try { beginTransaction(); if (photo.getAlbum().getId() != new_album_id) { // if (photo.getAlbum().getCover() != null && photo.getAlbum().getCover().getId() == photo.getId()) photo.getAlbum().setCover(null); AlbumBean new_album = AlbumDAO.getAlbumByID(new_album_id); if (new_album == null) throw new ObjectNotFoundException(String.valueOf(new_album)); if (new_album.getSite().getId() != photo.getSite().getId()) throw new IllegalAccessException(new_album.getName()); // AlbumBean parent = new_album; int deep = 0; do { if (parent == null) break; deep++; parent.incPhotoCount(1); parent = parent.getParent(); } while (deep < 10);// // parent = photo.getAlbum(); deep = 0; do { if (parent == null) break; deep++; parent.incPhotoCount(-1); parent = parent.getParent(); } while (deep < 10);// photo.setAlbum(new_album); } // if (cover) { photo.getAlbum().setCover(photo); } if (photo.getAlbum().getType() == AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC && photo.getStatus() != PhotoBean.STATUS_PRIVATE) { if (!StringUtils.equals(photo.getKeyword(), newKeyword)) { TagDAO.deleteTagByRefId(photo.getId(), DiaryBean.TYPE_PHOTO); // photo.setKeyword(newKeyword); List tags = photo.getKeywords(); if (tags != null && tags.size() > 0) { int tag_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) { if (tag_count >= MAX_TAG_COUNT) break; String tag_name = (String) tags.get(i); if (tag_name.getBytes().length > MAX_TAG_LENGTH) continue; TagBean tag = new TagBean(); tag.setSite(photo.getSite()); tag.setRefId(photo.getId()); tag.setRefType(DiaryBean.TYPE_PHOTO); tag.setName((String) tags.get(i)); // System.out.println("************************ // tagName: "+tag.getName()); photo.getTags().add(tag); tag_count++; } } } } else { // TagDAO.deleteTagByRefId(photo.getId(), DiaryBean.TYPE_PHOTO); } commit(); evict(PhotoBean.class, photo.getId()); evict(PhotoOutlineBean.class, photo.getId()); } catch (HibernateException e) { rollback(); throw e; } } /** * * * @param album * @param photo * @param cover * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws ObjectNotFoundException */ public static void create(AlbumBean album, PhotoBean photo, boolean cover) throws IllegalAccessException, ObjectNotFoundException { if (photo == null || album == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (album.getSite().getId() != photo.getSite().getId()) throw new IllegalAccessException(album.getName()); photo.setAlbum(album); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); photo.setYear(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); photo.setMonth((cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)); photo.setDate(cal.get(Calendar.DATE)); photo.setCreateTime(cal.getTime()); Session ssn = getSession(); try { beginTransaction(); // site int photo_site = DLOG4JUtils.sizeInKbytes(photo.getPhotoInfo().getSize()); photo.getSite().getCapacity().incPhotoUsed(photo_site); // album.setPhotoCount(album.getPhotoCount() + 1); if (cover) album.setCover(photo); // AlbumBean parent = album.getParent(); int deep = 0; do { if (parent == null) break; deep++; parent.incPhotoCount(1); parent = parent.getParent(); } while (deep < 10);// photo.getUser().getCount().incPhotoCount(1);; if (album.getType() == AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC && photo.getStatus() != PhotoBean.STATUS_PRIVATE) { List tags = photo.getKeywords(); if (tags != null && tags.size() > 0) { int tag_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) { if (tag_count >= MAX_TAG_COUNT) break; String tag_name = (String) tags.get(i); if (tag_name.getBytes().length > MAX_TAG_LENGTH) continue; TagBean tag = new TagBean(); tag.setSite(photo.getSite()); tag.setRefId(photo.getId()); tag.setRefType(DiaryBean.TYPE_PHOTO); tag.setName(tag_name);; tag_count++; } } } commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { rollback(); throw e; } } /** * * * @param sid * @param album_id * @return */ public static int getTotalPhotoSize(int sid, int album_id) { if (sid < 1) return -1; StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("SELECT SUM(p.photoInfo.size) FROM PhotoBean AS p WHERE"); if (album_id > 0) hql.append(" AND"); Session ssn = getSession(); Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString()); q.setInteger(0, sid); if (album_id > 0) q.setInteger(1, album_id); try { Number size = (Number) q.uniqueResult(); return (size != null) ? size.intValue() : 0; } finally { hql = null; } } /** * * * @param sid * @param album_id * @return */ public static int getTotalPhotoCount(int sid, int album_id, int month) { if (sid < 1) return -1; StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PhotoBean AS p WHERE"); if (album_id > 0) hql.append(" AND"); if (month >= 190001 && month <= 209912) { hql.append(" AND p.year = :year AND p.month = :month"); } Session ssn = getSession(); Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString()); q.setInteger("site", sid); if (album_id > 0) q.setInteger("album", album_id); if (month >= 190001 && month <= 209912) { q.setInteger("year", month / 100); q.setInteger("month", month % 100); } try { Number size = (Number) q.uniqueResult(); return (size != null) ? size.intValue() : 0; } finally { hql = null; } } /** * FIXME: photo/show.vm * * @param site * @param loginUser * @param month * @return */ public static int[] statCalendarPhotoCount(SiteBean site, SessionUserObject user, Calendar month) { Calendar firstDate = (Calendar) month.clone(); firstDate.set(Calendar.DATE, 1); DateUtils.resetTime(firstDate); Calendar nextMonthFirstDate = (Calendar) firstDate.clone(); nextMonthFirstDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // Calendar tempCal = (Calendar) nextMonthFirstDate.clone(); tempCal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); int dateCount = tempCal.get(Calendar.DATE); int[] logCounts = new int[dateCount + 1]; // boolean is_owner = site.isOwner(user); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer( "SELECT j.createTime FROM PhotoBean AS j WHERE j.createTime>=:beginTime AND j.createTime<:endTime AND"); if (!is_owner) { // hql.append(" AND j.status=:status AND j.album.type=:album_type"); } try { Session ssn = getSession(); Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString()); q.setCacheable(true); q.setCacheRegion("query.photo_calendar"); q.setTimestamp("beginTime", firstDate.getTime()); q.setTimestamp("endTime", nextMonthFirstDate.getTime()); q.setInteger("site", site.getId()); if (!is_owner) { q.setInteger("status", PhotoBean.STATUS_NORMAL); q.setInteger("album_type", AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC); } int total = 0; Iterator logs = q.list().iterator(); while (logs.hasNext()) { tempCal.setTime((Date); int date = tempCal.get(Calendar.DATE); logCounts[date]++; total++; } logCounts[0] = total; return logCounts; } finally { hql = null; firstDate = null; nextMonthFirstDate = null; tempCal = null; } } /** * @see */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<SearchEnabled> fetchAfter(Date beginTime) throws Exception { return findNamedAll("LIST_PHOTO_AFTER", beginTime, PhotoBean.STATUS_NORMAL, AlbumBean.TYPE_PRIVATE); } public void finish() { HibernateUtils.closeSession(); } /** * * * @param site * @return */ public static int getPhotoReplyCount(int site) { String hql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PhotoReplyBean AS d WHERE d.status=?"; if (site > 0) { hql += " AND"; return executeStatAsInt(hql, PhotoReplyBean.STATUS_NORMAL, site); } return executeStatAsInt(hql, PhotoReplyBean.STATUS_NORMAL); } /** * (p_replies.vm) * * @param site * @param user * @param fromIdx * @param count * @return */ public static int getPhotoReplyCount(SiteBean site, SessionUserObject user) { boolean is_owner = site.isOwner(user); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PhotoReplyBean AS r WHERE r.status=? AND"); if (!is_owner) { // hql.append(" AND AND"); return executeStatAsInt(hql.toString(), PhotoReplyBean.STATUS_NORMAL, site.getId(), AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC, PhotoBean.STATUS_NORMAL); } return executeStatAsInt(hql.toString(), PhotoReplyBean.STATUS_NORMAL, site.getId()); } /** * * * @param site * @param user * @param fromIdx * @param count * @return */ public static List listPhotoReplies(SiteBean site, int fromIdx, int count, SessionUserObject user) { boolean is_owner = site.isOwner(user); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer( "FROM PhotoReplyBean AS r WHERE r.status=:status AND AND"); if (!is_owner) { // hql.append(" AND"); hql.append(" AND (r.ownerOnly = 0 OR"); } hql.append(" ORDER BY DESC"); Session ssn = getSession(); Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString()); q.setCacheable(true).setCacheRegion("query.new_replies_of_site"); q.setInteger("status", PhotoReplyBean.STATUS_NORMAL); q.setInteger("photo_status", PhotoBean.STATUS_NORMAL); q.setInteger("site", site.getId()); if (!is_owner) { q.setInteger("album_type", AlbumBean.TYPE_PUBLIC); q.setInteger("userid", (user != null) ? user.getId() : -1); } if (fromIdx > 0) q.setFirstResult(fromIdx); if (count > 0) q.setMaxResults(count); return q.list(); } /** * * * @param log_id * @param fromIdx * @param count * @return */ public static List listPhotoReplies(int photo_id, int fromIdx, int count) { return executeNamedQuery("REPLIES_OF_PHOTO", fromIdx, count, photo_id); } /** * , * * @param reply */ public static void createPhotoReply(PhotoReplyBean reply) { try { Session ssn = getSession(); int max_reply_count = ConfigDAO.getMaxReplyCount(reply.getSite().getId()); beginTransaction(); reply.getPhoto().incReplyCount(1); if (reply.getPhoto().getReplyCount() >= max_reply_count) reply.getPhoto().setLock(1); reply.getPhoto().setLastReplyTime(new Date()); if (reply.getUser() != null) reply.getUser().getCount().incPhotoReplyCount(1);; commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { rollback(); throw e; } } /** * , * * @param reply */ public static void deletePhotoReply(PhotoReplyBean reply) { Session ssn = getSession(); try { beginTransaction(); reply.getPhoto().incReplyCount(-1); if (reply.getUser() != null) reply.getUser().getCount().incPhotoReplyCount(-1); ssn.delete(reply); commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { rollback(); } } /** * (SearchEnginePlugIn::buildReplyIndex) * * @param date * @return * @throws Exception */ public static List listPhotoRepliesAfter(Date date) { return executeNamedQuery("LIST_PHOTO_REPLIES_AFTER", -1, -1, date, _ReplyBean.STATUS_NORMAL, PhotoBean.STATUS_NORMAL, AlbumBean.TYPE_PRIVATE); } // ================== DLOG 3.5=============== public static List diaryRelating(SiteBean bean, int fromidx, int page) { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); // hql.append(" FROM FckUploadFileBean as fub"); // hql.append(" WHERE = ?"); hql.append(" SELECT,( SELECT d.title FROM DiaryBean as d WHERE,f.uri, "); hql.append(" FROM FckUploadFileBean as f "); hql.append(" WHERE AND f.refType=? "); List objs = executeQuery(hql.toString(), fromidx, page, bean.getId(), FckUploadFileBeanBase.FILE_TYPE_IMAGE); FckUploadFileBean fbean; List fs = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) { int id = ((Number) ((Object[]) objs.get(i))[0]).intValue(); String name1 = (String) ((Object[]) objs.get(i))[1]; String name2 = (String) ((Object[]) objs.get(i))[2]; int sid = ((Number) ((Object[]) objs.get(i))[3]).intValue(); fbean = new FckUploadFileBean(); fbean.setId(id); fbean.setSavePath(name1); fbean.setUri(name2); SiteBean sb = new SiteBean(); sb.setId(sid); fbean.setSite(sb); fs.add(fbean); } return fs; } public static int diaryRelatingCount(SiteBean bean) { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append(" SELECT COUNT(*) "); hql.append(" FROM FckUploadFileBean as fub"); hql.append(" WHERE = ?"); int count = Integer.parseInt(uniqueResult(hql.toString(), bean.getId()).toString()); return count; } public static List list_albums_view(SiteBean bean) { // StringBuffer hql1 = new StringBuffer(); hql1.append(" FROM AlbumBean as ab"); hql1.append(" WHERE = ?"); List list = executeQuery(hql1.toString(), -1, -1, bean.getId()); // StringBuffer hql2 = new StringBuffer(); hql2.append(" FROM FckUploadFileBean as fub"); hql2.append(" WHERE = ? "); //hql2.append(" GROUP BY "); hql2.append(" ORDER BY desc "); FckUploadFileBean fBean = (FckUploadFileBean) uniqueResult(hql2.toString(), bean.getId()); // int count = diaryRelatingCount(bean); // AlbumBean albumBean = new AlbumBean(); PhotoBean cover = new PhotoBean(); String previewURL = ""; if (fBean != null) previewURL = fBean.getUri(); // cover.setPreviewURL(previewURL); albumBean.setId(0); // albumBean.setName(""); // albumBean.setPhotoCount(count); // 4 albumBean.setType(4); // albumBean.setCover(cover); list.add(0, albumBean); return list; } }