List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setCacheRegion
Query<R> setCacheRegion(String cacheRegion);
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License:Open Source License
/** * //www.j av a2 s.c om * * @param site * @param fromIdx * @param count * @return */ public static List listTags(SiteBean site, int fromIdx, int count) { StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("SELECT,COUNT(*) FROM TagBean t"); if (site != null) hql.append(" WHERE = ?"); hql.append(" GROUP BY ORDER BY 2 DESC"); Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql.toString()); query.setCacheable(true); query.setCacheRegion(CACHE_KEY); if (site != null) query.setInteger(0, site.getId()); if (fromIdx > 0) query.setFirstResult(fromIdx); if (count > 0) query.setMaxResults(count); List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>(); List results = query.list(); for (int i = 0; results != null && i < results.size(); i++) { tags.add((String) ((Object[]) results.get(i))[0]); } return tags; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void prepareQuery(Query queryObject) { if (isCacheQueries()) { queryObject.setCacheable(true);/*from w ww .ja v a 2s .com*/ if (getQueryCacheRegion() != null) { queryObject.setCacheRegion(getQueryCacheRegion()); } } if (getFetchSize() > 0) { queryObject.setFetchSize(getFetchSize()); } if (getMaxResults() > 0) { queryObject.setMaxResults(getMaxResults()); } if (getFlushMode() != null) { queryObject.setFlushMode(CriteriaHibernateImpl.convertFlushModeToHibernate(getFlushMode())); } //SessionFactoryUtils.applyTransactionTimeout(queryObject, getSessionFactory()); }
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License:Apache License
private Query createQuery(String queryString, @Nullable QueryModifiers modifiers, boolean forCount) { Query query = session.createQuery(queryString); HibernateUtil.setConstants(query, getConstants(), getMetadata().getParams()); if (fetchSize > 0) { query.setFetchSize(fetchSize);// ww w. j a v a 2s . c o m } if (timeout > 0) { query.setTimeout(timeout); } if (cacheable != null) { query.setCacheable(cacheable); } if (cacheRegion != null) { query.setCacheRegion(cacheRegion); } if (comment != null) { query.setComment(comment); } if (readOnly != null) { query.setReadOnly(readOnly); } for (Map.Entry<Path<?>, LockMode> entry : lockModes.entrySet()) { query.setLockMode(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue()); } if (flushMode != null) { query.setFlushMode(flushMode); } if (modifiers != null && modifiers.isRestricting()) { if (modifiers.getLimit() != null) { query.setMaxResults(modifiers.getLimit().intValue()); } if (modifiers.getOffset() != null) { query.setFirstResult(modifiers.getOffset().intValue()); } } // set transformer, if necessary List<? extends Expression<?>> projection = getMetadata().getProjection(); if (projection.size() == 1 && !forCount) { Expression<?> expr = projection.get(0); if (expr instanceof FactoryExpression<?>) { query.setResultTransformer( new FactoryExpressionTransformer((FactoryExpression<?>) projection.get(0))); } } else if (!forCount) { FactoryExpression<?> proj = FactoryExpressionUtils.wrap(projection); if (proj != null) { query.setResultTransformer(new FactoryExpressionTransformer(proj)); } } return query; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Get parent node permissions/* w ww .j ava2 s .c o m*/ */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public NodeBase getParentNodePermissions(Session session, String uuid) throws HibernateException { log.debug("getParentNodePermissions({}, {})", session, uuid); String qs = "select nb1.uuid, index(userPermissions), userPermissions, index(rolePermissions), rolePermissions " + "from NodeBase nb1 join nb1.userPermissions userPermissions join nb1.rolePermissions rolePermissions " + "where nb1.uuid = (select nb2.parent from NodeBase nb2 where nb2.uuid=:uuid)"; Query q = session.createQuery(qs).setCacheable(true); q.setCacheRegion(CACHE_PARENT_NODE_PERMISSIONS); q.setString("uuid", uuid); List<Object[]> perms = (List<Object[]>) q.list(); NodeBase nBase = null; if (!perms.isEmpty()) { nBase = new NodeBase(); for (Object[] tupla : (List<Object[]>) q.list()) { if (nBase.getUuid() == null) { nBase.setUuid((String) tupla[0]); } if (!nBase.getUserPermissions().containsKey((String) tupla[1])) { nBase.getUserPermissions().put((String) tupla[1], (Integer) tupla[2]); } if (!nBase.getRolePermissions().containsKey((String) tupla[3])) { nBase.getRolePermissions().put((String) tupla[3], (Integer) tupla[4]); } } } log.debug("getParentNodePermissions: {}", nBase); return nBase; }
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License:Apache License
private Query createQuery(@Nullable QueryModifiers modifiers, boolean forCount) { JPQLSerializer serializer = serialize(forCount); String queryString = serializer.toString(); logQuery(queryString, serializer.getConstantToLabel()); Query query = session.createQuery(queryString); HibernateUtil.setConstants(query, serializer.getConstantToLabel(), getMetadata().getParams()); if (fetchSize > 0) { query.setFetchSize(fetchSize);/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ } if (timeout > 0) { query.setTimeout(timeout); } if (cacheable != null) { query.setCacheable(cacheable); } if (cacheRegion != null) { query.setCacheRegion(cacheRegion); } if (comment != null) { query.setComment(comment); } if (readOnly != null) { query.setReadOnly(readOnly); } for (Map.Entry<Path<?>, LockMode> entry : lockModes.entrySet()) { query.setLockMode(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue()); } if (flushMode != null) { query.setFlushMode(flushMode); } if (modifiers != null && modifiers.isRestricting()) { Integer limit = modifiers.getLimitAsInteger(); Integer offset = modifiers.getOffsetAsInteger(); if (limit != null) { query.setMaxResults(limit); } if (offset != null) { query.setFirstResult(offset); } } // set transformer, if necessary Expression<?> projection = getMetadata().getProjection(); if (!forCount && projection instanceof FactoryExpression) { query.setResultTransformer(new FactoryExpressionTransformer((FactoryExpression<?>) projection)); } return query; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Executes find using <code>org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback</code> * with additional query info; with arguments and their types * * @param hql Query to execute/*from w w w.ja va2 s .c o m*/ * @param queryInfo Object with additional information for query, currently offset and limit * @param args Arguments to add to query. If <code>null</code>, nothing will be added. * @param types Types of arguments. If <code>null</code>, Hibernate will determine types by itself. * @param cacheable <code>true</code> if the query is cacheable * @param cacheRegion region of cache. E.g. one that used in configuration file of EHCahce (ehcache.xml) * @return List of found entities * @see org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback * @see com.blandware.atleap.common.util.QueryInfo */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected List executeFind(final String hql, final QueryInfo queryInfo, final Object[] args, final Type[] types, final boolean cacheable, final String cacheRegion) { return getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setCacheable(cacheable); if (cacheRegion != null) { query.setCacheRegion(cacheRegion); } if (args != null) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Object arg = args[i]; Type type = null; if (types != null && i < types.length) { type = types[i]; } if (type == null) { query.setParameter(i, arg); } else { query.setParameter(i, arg, type); } } } if (queryInfo != null) { if (queryInfo.getLimit() != null) { query.setMaxResults(queryInfo.getLimit().intValue()); } if (queryInfo.getOffset() != null) { query.setFirstResult(queryInfo.getOffset().intValue()); } } return query.list(); } }); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Returns unique result matching specified query using <code>org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback</code> * with arguments and their types/* w w w . jav a 2 s . c om*/ * * @param hql Query to execute * @param args Arguments to set * @param types Types of arguments * @param cacheable <code>true</code> if the query is cacheable * @param cacheRegion region of cache. E.g. one that used in configuration file of EHCahce (ehcache.xml) * @return Unique result matching specified query */ public Object findUniqueResult(final String hql, final Object[] args, final Type[] types, final boolean cacheable, final String cacheRegion) { return getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setCacheable(cacheable); if (cacheRegion != null) { query.setCacheRegion(cacheRegion); } if (args != null) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Object arg = args[i]; Type type = null; if (types != null && i < types.length) { type = types[i]; } if (type == null) { query.setParameter(i, arg); } else { query.setParameter(i, arg, type); } } } return query.uniqueResult(); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Query.list() method returns generic List public List<State> getAll() { Query query = getSession().createQuery("from " + State.class.getName() + " order by name"); query.setCacheRegion("org.hibernate.cache.StateQueryCache"); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
private void process(final Query query, final Object namedParameters) { hibernateQueryHandler.setQueryParameters(query, namedParameters); if (queryCacheRegion != null) { query.setCacheable(true);/*from w w w . j a v a2 s. c o m*/ query.setCacheRegion(queryCacheRegion); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * List the query with hibernate//from w w w .j a v a 2 s .co m */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <E> List<E> simpleList(final String cacheRegion, final String hql, final Object namedParameters, final PageParameters pageParameters, final Relationship... fetch) { final List<E> list = getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback<List<E>>() { //@Override public List<E> doInHibernate(final Session session) throws HibernateException { final Query query = session.createQuery(hql); setQueryParameters(query, namedParameters); applyPageParameters(pageParameters, query); if (cacheRegion != null) { query.setCacheable(true); query.setCacheRegion(cacheRegion); } return query.list(); } }); if (fetch != null && fetch.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { final Entity entity = (Entity) list.get(i); list.set(i, (E) fetchDao.fetch(entity, fetch)); } } return list; }