List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query setBoolean
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default Query<R> setBoolean(String name, boolean val)
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License:Open Source License
public List<VideoData> findVideoDatas(String baseName, Library library) { if (library == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); }/*from w w w .j a v a2 s . co m*/ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT distinct vd "); sb.append("FROM VideoData vd "); sb.append("JOIN vd.mediaFiles mf "); sb.append("JOIN mf.stageFiles sf "); sb.append("JOIN sf.stageDirectory sd "); sb.append("WHERE sf.fileType=:fileType "); sb.append("AND mf.extra=:extra "); sb.append("AND lower(sf.baseName)=:baseName "); sb.append("AND sd.library=:library "); sb.append("AND sf.status != :deleted "); Query query = currentSession().createQuery(sb.toString()); query.setParameter("fileType", FileType.VIDEO); query.setBoolean("extra", Boolean.FALSE); query.setString("baseName", baseName.toLowerCase()); query.setParameter("library", library); query.setParameter("deleted", StatusType.DELETED); query.setCacheable(true); query.setCacheMode(CacheMode.NORMAL); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
public List<VideoData> findVideoDatas(Collection<StageDirectory> stageDirectories) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(stageDirectories)) { return Collections.emptyList(); }/* w ww . j a va 2 s . co m*/ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT distinct vd "); sb.append("FROM VideoData vd "); sb.append("JOIN vd.mediaFiles mf "); sb.append("JOIN mf.stageFiles sf "); sb.append("WHERE sf.fileType=:fileType "); sb.append("AND mf.extra=:extra "); sb.append("AND sf.stageDirectory in (:stageDirectories) "); sb.append("AND sf.status != :deleted "); Query query = currentSession().createQuery(sb.toString()); query.setParameter("fileType", FileType.VIDEO); query.setBoolean("extra", Boolean.FALSE); query.setParameterList("stageDirectories", stageDirectories); query.setParameter("deleted", StatusType.DELETED); query.setCacheable(true); query.setCacheMode(CacheMode.NORMAL); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
public List<StageFile> findVideoStageFiles(Artwork artwork) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT distinct sf "); long id;/* ww w. ja va2s.c o m*/ if (artwork.getSeries() != null) { id = artwork.getSeries().getId(); sb.append("FROM Series ser "); sb.append("JOIN ser.seasons sea "); sb.append("JOIN sea.videoDatas vd "); sb.append("JOIN vd.mediaFiles mf "); sb.append("JOIN mf.stageFiles sf "); sb.append("WHERE "); } else if (artwork.getSeason() != null) { id = artwork.getSeason().getId(); sb.append("FROM Season sea "); sb.append("JOIN sea.videoDatas vd "); sb.append("JOIN vd.mediaFiles mf "); sb.append("JOIN mf.stageFiles sf "); sb.append("WHERE "); } else { id = artwork.getVideoData().getId(); sb.append("FROM VideoData vd "); sb.append("JOIN vd.mediaFiles mf "); sb.append("JOIN mf.stageFiles sf "); sb.append("WHERE "); } sb.append("AND sf.fileType=:fileType "); sb.append("AND sf.status != :deleted "); Query query = currentSession().createQuery(sb.toString()); query.setLong("id", id); query.setParameter("fileType", FileType.VIDEO); query.setBoolean("extra", Boolean.FALSE); query.setParameter("deleted", StatusType.DELETED); query.setCacheable(true); query.setCacheMode(CacheMode.NORMAL); return query.list(); }
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License:Open Source License
private Query buildContributionStatisticQuery(boolean translations, Long versionId, Long personId, Date fromDate, Date toDate, boolean automatedEntry) { String lastModifiedColumn = translations ? "translated_by_id" : "reviewed_by_id"; StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder(); queryString.append("select sum(wordCount), state, localeId from ") .append("(select wordCount, id, state, localeId from ").append("(select h.state,, h.") .append(lastModifiedColumn).append(", tf.wordCount, locale.localeId ") .append("from HTextFlowTargetHistory h ") .append("JOIN HTextFlowTarget tft ON = h.target_id ") .append("JOIN HLocale locale ON = tft.locale ") .append("JOIN HTextFlow tf ON = tft.tf_id ") .append("JOIN HDocument doc ON = tf.document_Id ") .append("where doc.project_iteration_id =:versionId ").append("and h.state in (:states) ") .append("and h.").append(lastModifiedColumn).append(" =:personId ") .append("and h.lastChanged between :fromDate and :toDate ") .append("and h.automatedEntry =:automatedEntry ").append("and tft.").append(lastModifiedColumn) .append(" <> h.").append(lastModifiedColumn).append(" ").append("and h.lastChanged = ") .append("(select max(lastChanged) from HTextFlowTargetHistory where h.target_id = target_id) ") .append("union all ").append("select tft.state,, tft.").append(lastModifiedColumn) .append(", tf.wordCount, locale.localeId ").append("from HTextFlowTarget tft ") .append("JOIN HLocale locale ON = tft.locale ") .append("JOIN HTextFlow tf ON = tft.tf_id ") .append("JOIN HDocument doc ON = tf.document_Id ") .append("where doc.project_iteration_id =:versionId ").append("and tft.state in (:states) ") .append("and tft.automatedEntry =:automatedEntry ").append("and tft.").append(lastModifiedColumn) .append(" =:personId ").append("and tft.lastChanged between :fromDate and :toDate ") .append(") as target_history_union ") .append("group by state, id, localeId, wordCount) as target_history_group ") .append("group by state, localeId"); Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery(queryString.toString()); query.setParameter("versionId", versionId); query.setParameter("personId", personId); if (translations) { query.setParameterList("states", getContentStateOrdinal(ContentState.TRANSLATED_STATES, ContentState.DRAFT_STATES)); } else {// www . ja v a 2 s. com query.setParameterList("states", getContentStateOrdinal(ContentState.REVIEWED_STATES)); } query.setBoolean("automatedEntry", automatedEntry); query.setTimestamp("fromDate", fromDate); query.setTimestamp("toDate", toDate); return query; }
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License:Apache License
public List<ArchetypeData> getArchetypeDataList(String pSessionId, String pContextId) { ArchetypeDataDAO dao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); Query q = dao.getSession() .createQuery("from ArchetypeData where sessionId = ? and contextId = ? and deleted = ?"); q.setString(0, pSessionId);/*from ww w . j ava2 s. co m*/ q.setString(1, pContextId); q.setBoolean(2, false); return q.list(); }
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License:Apache License
private void testHibernateBasedUpdates() { ArchetypeDataDAO dao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); dao.getSession().getTransaction().begin(); ArchetypeData d = new ArchetypeData(); Query q = dao.getSession().createQuery( "UPDATE ArchetypeData SET deleted = ? where archetypePath = ? and contextId = ? and sessionId = ?"); q.setBoolean(0, true); q.setString(1, "/data[at0001]/events[at0002]/data[at0003]/items[at0004]/items[at0049]/items[at0050]/value"); q.setString(2, "Test patient Id22"); q.setString(3, "84d2a249-f3dc-4766-8669-99b867c8b6b4"); q.executeUpdate();//from www .j av m dao.getSession().getTransaction().commit(); }
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License:Apache License
protected List<ArchetypeData> getArchetypeDataList(String pSessionId, String pContextId) { ArchetypeDataDAO dao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); Query q = dao.getSession() .createQuery("from ArchetypeData where sessionId = ? and contextId = ? and deleted = ?"); q.setString(0, pSessionId);/*from w w w . j a va2s .c o m*/ q.setString(1, pContextId); q.setBoolean(2, false); return q.list(); }
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License:Apache License
protected List<ArchetypeData> getArchetypeDataList() { ArchetypeDataDAO dao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); Query q = dao.getSession() .createQuery("from ArchetypeData where sessionId = ? and contextId = ? and deleted = ?"); q.setString(0, persistenceSessionId); q.setString(1, contextId);/* w w w. j av a2 s. co m*/ q.setBoolean(2, false); return q.list(); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void saveValueToDB() throws Exception { if (dataValue == null && oneOftheMultipleInstances) { //now save updates if there are any. this is going to be a set of inserts for our case if (dataValueList != null && dataValueList.size() > 0) { ArchetypeDataDAO insertDao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); insertDao.getSession().beginTransaction(); for (DataValue dv : dataValueList) { ArchetypeData data = new ArchetypeData(); data.setContextId(containerArchetype.getContextId()); data.setArchetypeName(containerArchetype.getAdlFileName()); data.setArchetypePath(wrappedObject.path()); data.setSessionId(containerArchetype.getPersistenceSessionId()); data.setArchetypeCreatedAt(containerArchetype.getArchetypeCreationDate()); data.setFieldCreatedAt(containerArchetype.getArchetypeCreationDate()); data.setInstanceIndex(0); data.setInstanceIndex(0); data.setDeleted(false);/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ data.setName("value"); data.setValueString(((DvCodedText) dv).getDefiningCode().getCodeString());; } insertDao.getSession().getTransaction().commit(); } } else if (dataValue == null && !oneOftheMultipleInstances && archetypeDataInstance != null) { //this means there is a db row corresponding to this node, but its value is now NULL //this is interpreted as deleting that db row ArchetypeDataDAO dao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); dao.getSession().getTransaction().begin(); ArchetypeData d = new ArchetypeData(); Query q = dao.getSession().createQuery( "UPDATE ArchetypeData SET deleted = ? where archetypePath = ? and contextId = ? and sessionId = ?"); q.setBoolean(0, true); q.setString(1, wrappedObject.path()); q.setString(2, containerArchetype.getContextId()); q.setString(3, containerArchetype.getPersistenceSessionId()); q.executeUpdate(); dao.getSession().getTransaction().commit(); } else if (dataValue != null) { ArchetypeData data = getContextBasedArcetypeData(); data.setName("value"); data.setValueString(((DvCodedText) dataValue).getDefiningCode().getCodeString()); archetypeDataInstance = saveWithDelayedPersistenceCheck(data); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void updatePersistedValue() throws Exception { //there are values to add and remove, if (oneOftheMultipleInstances && containerArchetype.getMode().equals(ArchetypeWrapper.MODE_UPDATE)) { //remove all existing ones, and add new ones from db, if no new ones, it means simply removing old ones. ArchetypeDataDAO dao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); dao.getSession().getTransaction().begin(); ArchetypeData d = new ArchetypeData(); Query q = dao.getSession().createQuery( "UPDATE ArchetypeData SET deleted = ? where archetypePath = ? and contextId = ? and sessionId = ?"); q.setBoolean(0, true); q.setString(1, wrappedObject.path()); q.setString(2, containerArchetype.getContextId()); q.setString(3, containerArchetype.getPersistenceSessionId()); q.executeUpdate();/* w w w . j av a2s . co m*/ dao.getSession().getTransaction().commit(); //now save updates if there are any. this is going to be a set of inserts for our case if (dataValueList != null && dataValueList.size() > 0) { ArchetypeDataDAO insertDao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); insertDao.getSession().beginTransaction(); for (DataValue dv : dataValueList) { ArchetypeData data = new ArchetypeData(); data.setContextId(containerArchetype.getContextId()); data.setArchetypeName(containerArchetype.getAdlFileName()); data.setArchetypePath(wrappedObject.path()); data.setSessionId(containerArchetype.getPersistenceSessionId()); data.setArchetypeCreatedAt(containerArchetype.getArchetypeCreationDate()); data.setInstanceIndex(0); data.setInstanceIndex(0); data.setDeleted(false); data.setName("value"); data.setValueString(((DvCodedText) dv).getDefiningCode().getCodeString()); data.setFieldCreatedAt(containerArchetype.getArchetypeCreationDate());; } insertDao.getSession().getTransaction().commit(); } } else if (containerArchetype.getMode().equals(ArchetypeWrapper.MODE_UPDATE)) saveValueToDB(); }