Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package org.zanata.dao; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Function; import; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.transform.ResultTransformer; import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped; import javax.inject.Named; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.zanata.common.ContentState; import org.zanata.model.HPerson; import org.zanata.model.HTextFlowTarget; import org.zanata.model.HTextFlowTargetHistory; import; import; import; import; import; @Named("textFlowTargetHistoryDAO") @RequestScoped public class TextFlowTargetHistoryDAO extends AbstractDAOImpl<HTextFlowTargetHistory, Long> { public TextFlowTargetHistoryDAO() { super(HTextFlowTargetHistory.class); } public TextFlowTargetHistoryDAO(Session session) { super(HTextFlowTargetHistory.class, session); } /** * Query to get total wordCount of a person(translated_by_id) from * HTextFlowTarget union HTextFlowTargetHistory tables * in a project-version, within given date range group by state and locale. * * HTextFlowTargetHistory: * gets latest of all records translated from user in given version, * locale and dateRange and its target is not translated by same person. * * HTextFlowTarget: * gets all records translated from user in given version, locale and * dateRange. * * @param versionId HProjectIteration identifier * @param personId HPerson identifier * @param from start of date range * @param to end of date range * * @return list of Object[wordCount][contentState][localeId] */ @NativeQuery public List<Object[]> getUserTranslationStatisticInVersion(Long versionId, Long personId, Date fromDate, Date toDate, boolean automatedEntry) { Query query = buildContributionStatisticQuery(true, versionId, personId, fromDate, toDate, automatedEntry); query.setComment("textFlowTargetHistoryDAO.getUserTranslationStatisticInVersion"); return query.list(); } /** * Query to get total wordCount of a person(reviewed_by_id) from * HTextFlowTarget union HTextFlowTargetHistory tables * in a project-version, within given date range group by state and locale. * * HTextFlowTargetHistory: * gets latest of all records reviewed from user in given version, * locale and dateRange and its target is not translated by same person. * * HTextFlowTarget: * gets all records reviewed from user in given version, locale and * dateRange. * * @param versionId HProjectIteration identifier * @param personId HPerson identifier * @param from start of date range * @param to end of date range * * @return list of Object[wordCount][contentState][localeId] */ @NativeQuery public List<Object[]> getUserReviewStatisticInVersion(Long versionId, Long personId, Date fromDate, Date toDate, boolean automatedEntry) { Query query = buildContributionStatisticQuery(false, versionId, personId, fromDate, toDate, automatedEntry); query.setComment("textFlowTargetHistoryDAO.getUserReviewStatisticInVersion"); return query.list(); } private Query buildContributionStatisticQuery(boolean translations, Long versionId, Long personId, Date fromDate, Date toDate, boolean automatedEntry) { String lastModifiedColumn = translations ? "translated_by_id" : "reviewed_by_id"; StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder(); queryString.append("select sum(wordCount), state, localeId from ") .append("(select wordCount, id, state, localeId from ").append("(select h.state,, h.") .append(lastModifiedColumn).append(", tf.wordCount, locale.localeId ") .append("from HTextFlowTargetHistory h ") .append("JOIN HTextFlowTarget tft ON = h.target_id ") .append("JOIN HLocale locale ON = tft.locale ") .append("JOIN HTextFlow tf ON = tft.tf_id ") .append("JOIN HDocument doc ON = tf.document_Id ") .append("where doc.project_iteration_id =:versionId ").append("and h.state in (:states) ") .append("and h.").append(lastModifiedColumn).append(" =:personId ") .append("and h.lastChanged between :fromDate and :toDate ") .append("and h.automatedEntry =:automatedEntry ").append("and tft.").append(lastModifiedColumn) .append(" <> h.").append(lastModifiedColumn).append(" ").append("and h.lastChanged = ") .append("(select max(lastChanged) from HTextFlowTargetHistory where h.target_id = target_id) ") .append("union all ").append("select tft.state,, tft.").append(lastModifiedColumn) .append(", tf.wordCount, locale.localeId ").append("from HTextFlowTarget tft ") .append("JOIN HLocale locale ON = tft.locale ") .append("JOIN HTextFlow tf ON = tft.tf_id ") .append("JOIN HDocument doc ON = tf.document_Id ") .append("where doc.project_iteration_id =:versionId ").append("and tft.state in (:states) ") .append("and tft.automatedEntry =:automatedEntry ").append("and tft.").append(lastModifiedColumn) .append(" =:personId ").append("and tft.lastChanged between :fromDate and :toDate ") .append(") as target_history_union ") .append("group by state, id, localeId, wordCount) as target_history_group ") .append("group by state, localeId"); Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery(queryString.toString()); query.setParameter("versionId", versionId); query.setParameter("personId", personId); if (translations) { query.setParameterList("states", getContentStateOrdinal(ContentState.TRANSLATED_STATES, ContentState.DRAFT_STATES)); } else { query.setParameterList("states", getContentStateOrdinal(ContentState.REVIEWED_STATES)); } query.setBoolean("automatedEntry", automatedEntry); query.setTimestamp("fromDate", fromDate); query.setTimestamp("toDate", toDate); return query; } private List<Integer> getContentStateOrdinal(Collection<ContentState>... contentStatesCollection) { Set<Integer> results = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Collection<ContentState> contentStates : contentStatesCollection) { results.addAll(<ContentState, Integer>) ContentState::ordinal) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } return Lists.newArrayList(results); } public boolean findContentInHistory(HTextFlowTarget target, List<String> contents) { // Ordinal parameters can't be used in NamedQueries due to the following // bug: // Query query; // use named queries for the smaller more common cases if (contents.size() <= 6) { query = getSession().getNamedQuery(HTextFlowTargetHistory.getQueryNameMatchingHistory(contents.size())); } else { StringBuilder queryStr = new StringBuilder( "select count(*) from HTextFlowTargetHistory t where t.textFlowTarget = :tft and size(t.contents) = :contentCount"); for (int i = 0; i < contents.size(); i++) { queryStr.append(" and contents[" + i + "] = :content" + i); } query = getSession().createQuery(queryStr.toString()); } query.setParameter("tft", target); query.setParameter("contentCount", contents.size()); int paramPos = 0; for (String c : contents) { query.setParameter("content" + paramPos++, c); } query.setComment("TextFlowTargetHistoryDAO.findContentInHistory-" + contents.size()); return (Long) query.uniqueResult() != 0; } public boolean findConflictInHistory(HTextFlowTarget target, Integer verNum, String username) { Query query = getSession().createQuery( "select count(*) from HTextFlowTargetHistory t where =:id and t.textFlowRevision > :ver and t.lastModifiedBy.account.username != :username"); query.setParameter("id", target.getId()); query.setParameter("ver", verNum); query.setParameter("username", username); query.setComment("TextFlowTargetHistoryDAO.findConflictInHistory"); Long count = (Long) query.uniqueResult(); return count != 0; } /** * Query to get total wordCount of a person(translated_by_id or * reviewed_by_id) from HTextFlowTarget union HTextFlowTargetHistory tables * within given date range group by lastChangeDate (date portion only), * project version, locale and state. * * HTextFlowTargetHistory: gets all records translated from user in any * version, any locale and dateRange. * * HTextFlowTarget: gets all records translated from user in any version, * any locale and dateRange. * * @param user * a HPerson person * @param fromDate * date from * @param toDate * date to * * @param userZoneOpt * optional DateTimeZone of the user. Only present if it's * different from system time zone * @param systemZone * current system time zone * @param resultTransformer * result transformer to transform query results * @return a list of transformed object */ @NativeQuery(value = "need to use union", specificTo = "mysql due to usage of date() and convert_tz() functions.") public <T> List<T> getUserTranslationMatrix(HPerson user, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, Optional<DateTimeZone> userZoneOpt, DateTimeZone systemZone, ResultTransformer resultTransformer) { // @formatter:off String queryHistory = "select, as iteration, tft.locale as locale, tf.wordCount as wordCount, history.state as state, history.lastChanged as lastChanged " + " from HTextFlowTargetHistory history " + " join HTextFlowTarget tft on = history.target_id " + " join HTextFlow tf on = tft.tf_id " + " join HDocument doc on = tf.document_id " + " join HProjectIteration iter on = doc.project_iteration_id " + " where history.lastChanged >= :fromDate and history.lastChanged <= :toDate " + " and history.last_modified_by_id = :user and (history.translated_by_id is not null or history.reviewed_by_id is not null)" + " and history.state <> :untranslated and history.state <> :rejected and history.automatedEntry =:automatedEntry"; String queryTarget = "select, as iteration, tft.locale as locale, tf.wordCount as wordCount, tft.state as state, tft.lastChanged as lastChanged " + " from HTextFlowTarget tft " + " join HTextFlow tf on = tft.tf_id " + " join HDocument doc on = tf.document_id " + " join HProjectIteration iter on = doc.project_iteration_id " + " where tft.lastChanged >= :fromDate and tft.lastChanged <= :toDate " + " and tft.last_modified_by_id = :user and (tft.translated_by_id is not null or tft.reviewed_by_id is not null)" + " and tft.state <> :untranslated and tft.state <> :rejected and tft.automatedEntry =:automatedEntry"; String convertedLastChanged = convertTimeZoneFunction("lastChanged", userZoneOpt, systemZone); // @formatter:on String dateOfLastChanged = stripTimeFromDateTimeFunction(convertedLastChanged); String queryString = "select " + dateOfLastChanged + ", iteration, locale, state, sum(wordCount)" + " from (" + " (" + queryHistory + ") union (" + queryTarget + ")" + " ) as all_translation" + " group by " + dateOfLastChanged + ", iteration, locale, state " + " order by lastChanged, iteration, locale, state"; Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery(queryString).setParameter("user", user.getId()) .setInteger("untranslated", ContentState.New.ordinal()) .setInteger("rejected", ContentState.Rejected.ordinal()).setBoolean("automatedEntry", false) .setTimestamp("fromDate", fromDate.toDate()).setTimestamp("toDate", toDate.toDate()) .setResultTransformer(resultTransformer); return query.list(); } @VisibleForTesting protected String convertTimeZoneFunction(String columnName, Optional<DateTimeZone> userZoneOpt, DateTimeZone systemZone) { if (userZoneOpt.isPresent()) { String userOffset = getOffsetAsString(userZoneOpt.get()); String systemOffset = getOffsetAsString(systemZone); return String.format("CONVERT_TZ(%s, '%s', '%s')", columnName, systemOffset, userOffset); } // no need to convert timezone return columnName; } // This is so we can override it in test and be able to test it against h2 @VisibleForTesting protected String stripTimeFromDateTimeFunction(String columnName) { return "date(" + columnName + ")"; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> T loadById(Object object, Class<T> entityClass) { return (T) getSession().byId(entityClass).load(((BigInteger) object).longValue()); } private static String getOffsetAsString(DateTimeZone zone) { int standardOffset = zone.getStandardOffset(0); String prefix = ""; if (standardOffset < 0) { prefix = "-"; standardOffset = -standardOffset; } return String.format("%s%02d:00", prefix, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(standardOffset)); } }