Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2012 Sevket Seref Arikan, David Ingram * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import org.hibernate.Query; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openehr.rm.RMObject; import org.openehr.rm.datatypes.basic.DataValue; import org.openehr.rm.datatypes.text.CodePhrase; import org.openehr.rm.datatypes.text.DvCodedText; import; import; import; import; import; import; /* * This class is used to handle DV_CODED_TEXT instances which are bound to an external * terminology server. */ public class CodedTextValueConstraintBindingWrapper extends CodedTextValueWrapper { public CodedTextValueConstraintBindingWrapper(CObject pvalue, ArchetypeWrapper pcontainerArchetype, IWrapperNavigator parent) { super(pvalue, pcontainerArchetype, parent); } @Override public Object getTestInstance() throws Exception { String type = "DvCodedText"; Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); CComplexObject ccompx = (CComplexObject) wrappedObject; CSingleAttribute atr = (CSingleAttribute) ccompx.getAttribute("defining_code"); ConstraintRef constRef = (ConstraintRef) atr.getChildren().get(0); //normally the queryIdentifier should be sent to a service which should resolve it to a //subset in the terminology server, but for now, we won't use it, we'll simply get all codes //it is created here just to be a reminder for future way of doing this. String queryIdentifier = constRef.getReference(); List<TerminologyItem> tItems = TerminologyProvider.getAllTerms(); String actualCode = null; String rubric = null; if (tItems != null && tItems.size() > 0) { int randomCodeIndex = new Random().nextInt(tItems.size() - 1); actualCode = tItems.get(randomCodeIndex).getCode(); if (actualCode != null) rubric = tItems.get(randomCodeIndex).getSnomedPreferredName(); boolean generatedBefore = false; for (String existingCode : generatedCodes) { if (actualCode != null && actualCode.equals(existingCode)) { generatedBefore = true; break; } } if (generatedBefore) return null; } else //no code, no rm value to return in exchnage throw new Exception( "Terminology server did not return any terminology items in Coded text value wrapper"); if (actualCode == null || rubric == null) //term. server returned items, but we could not get a code and/or rubric from these items return null; CodePhrase definingCode = new CodePhrase(TerminologyProvider.SNOMED_CT, actualCode); generatedCodes.add(actualCode); values.put("value", rubric); values.put("definingCode", definingCode); RMObject obj = getBuilder().construct(type, values); return obj; } @Override public Object getValue() { //TODO: should be context dependent-> return default val or actual etc.. CodedTextInfo info = new CodedTextInfo(); CComplexObject ccompx = (CComplexObject) wrappedObject; CSingleAttribute atr = (CSingleAttribute) ccompx.getAttribute("defining_code"); if (atr != null) { //normally the url in constref should be used to get a subset //at the moment, we are fetching all the codes ConstraintRef constRef = (ConstraintRef) atr.getChildren().get(0); List<TerminologyItem> termItems = TerminologyProvider.getAllTerms(); if (termItems != null) { String currentCode = null; //single code in a code list if (dataValue != null) { currentCode = ((DvCodedText) dataValue).getDefiningCode().getCodeString(); fillInfoCodesUsingTerminology(info, termItems); info.setCurrentSelectionCode(currentCode); //also set rubric info.setCurrentSelectionRubric(((DvCodedText) dataValue).getValue()); } //where multiple codes can be added else if (dataValue == null && dataValueList.size() > 0) { for (DataValue dVal : dataValueList) { String codeToAdd = ((DvCodedText) dVal).getDefiningCode().getCodeString(); info.getCodesOfCurrentSelections().add(codeToAdd); info.getNamesOfCurrentSelections().add(((DvCodedText) dVal).getValue()); } //also fill the list of codes/values fillInfoCodesUsingTerminology(info, termItems); } //there is a terminology, but no single or multiple value is set } //terminology items are null. No terminology to use } return info; } protected void fillInfoCodesUsingTerminology(CodedTextInfo pInfo, List<TerminologyItem> pCodes) { for (int i = 0; i < pCodes.size(); i++) { pInfo.values.add(pCodes.get(i).getSnomedPreferredName());; } } protected DataValue createRMInstance(String pValue) throws RMObjectBuildingException { String selectedCode = pValue.replaceAll("\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]", ""); //find rubric String rubric = null; List<TerminologyItem> termItems = TerminologyProvider.getAllTerms(); boolean codeExistsInTerminology = false; for (TerminologyItem ti : termItems) { if (ti.getCode().equals(selectedCode)) { codeExistsInTerminology = true; rubric = ti.getSnomedPreferredName(); break; } } if (rubric == null || !codeExistsInTerminology)//we should have found the rubric for this code, if not, there must be a problem return null; CodePhrase definingCode = new CodePhrase(TerminologyProvider.SNOMED_CT, selectedCode); Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String type = "DvCodedText"; values.put("value", rubric); values.put("definingCode", definingCode); return (DvCodedText) getBuilder().construct(type, values); } //TODO: Normally, saveValueToDB should be implemented at CodedTextValueWrapper //this implementation should move up to parent class, but that class is using value field of //dvcodedtext at the moment, which is WRONG. The correct way is to use defining_code's code field //see below @Override public void saveValueToDB() throws Exception { if (dataValue == null && oneOftheMultipleInstances) { //now save updates if there are any. this is going to be a set of inserts for our case if (dataValueList != null && dataValueList.size() > 0) { ArchetypeDataDAO insertDao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); insertDao.getSession().beginTransaction(); for (DataValue dv : dataValueList) { ArchetypeData data = new ArchetypeData(); data.setContextId(containerArchetype.getContextId()); data.setArchetypeName(containerArchetype.getAdlFileName()); data.setArchetypePath(wrappedObject.path()); data.setSessionId(containerArchetype.getPersistenceSessionId()); data.setArchetypeCreatedAt(containerArchetype.getArchetypeCreationDate()); data.setFieldCreatedAt(containerArchetype.getArchetypeCreationDate()); data.setInstanceIndex(0); data.setInstanceIndex(0); data.setDeleted(false); data.setName("value"); data.setValueString(((DvCodedText) dv).getDefiningCode().getCodeString());; } insertDao.getSession().getTransaction().commit(); } } else if (dataValue == null && !oneOftheMultipleInstances && archetypeDataInstance != null) { //this means there is a db row corresponding to this node, but its value is now NULL //this is interpreted as deleting that db row ArchetypeDataDAO dao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); dao.getSession().getTransaction().begin(); ArchetypeData d = new ArchetypeData(); Query q = dao.getSession().createQuery( "UPDATE ArchetypeData SET deleted = ? where archetypePath = ? and contextId = ? and sessionId = ?"); q.setBoolean(0, true); q.setString(1, wrappedObject.path()); q.setString(2, containerArchetype.getContextId()); q.setString(3, containerArchetype.getPersistenceSessionId()); q.executeUpdate(); dao.getSession().getTransaction().commit(); } else if (dataValue != null) { ArchetypeData data = getContextBasedArcetypeData(); data.setName("value"); data.setValueString(((DvCodedText) dataValue).getDefiningCode().getCodeString()); archetypeDataInstance = saveWithDelayedPersistenceCheck(data); } } @Override public String getJSFWidget() { //this shared id is going to be used by client side javascript to manage code selection widget related functionality String sharedControlId = "#{archetypeBinder.randomGroupId.inNode['" + wrappedObject.path() + "']}"; String widgetTextSingleSelection = "<div id=\"termRubric" + sharedControlId + "\" jsf2dojo=\"true\" style=\"display:inline;\"><h:inputText value=\"#{archetypeBinder.dvcodedtext.selectedTerminologyItemName.inNode['" + wrappedObject.path() + "']}\"/>\r\n" + " </div>\r\n" + " <div id=\"termCode" + sharedControlId + "\" jsf2dojo=\"true\" style=\"display:inline;\"><h:inputHidden value=\"#{archetypeBinder.dvcodedtext.selectedTerminologyItemCode.inNode['" + wrappedObject.path() + "']}\"/>\r\n" + " </div> \r\n" + " </div> \r\n" + " <div id=\"dropDownContainerMarker" + sharedControlId + "\" style=\"display:none;\">" + sharedControlId + "</div><div id=\"dropDownContainer" + sharedControlId + "\" style=\"display:inline;\">\r\n" + " <div dojoType=\"dijit.form.DropDownButton\" id=\"dropDown" + sharedControlId + "\" > \r\n" + " <span>...</span>\r\n" + " <div dojoType=\"dijit.TooltipDialog\" id=\"dlgChooseTermItem" + sharedControlId + "\" onFocus=\"configureTooltipHandlers('" + sharedControlId + "');\" onBlur=\"performTooltipDialogShutdown('" + sharedControlId + "');\" style=\"width:550px;height:400px;\" title=\"Choose a terminology item\" > \r\n" + " <table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n" + " <tr> \r\n" + " <td>\r\n" + " <input type=\"text\" id=\"txtkeyword" + sharedControlId + "\" name=\"txtkeyword" + sharedControlId + "\" value=\"\" style=\"margin-bottom:10px;\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.TextBox\" trim=\"true\" /> \r\n" + " </td>\r\n" + " </tr>\r\n" + " <tr> \r\n" + " <td>\r\n" + " <div style=\"width:100%;height:300px;\">\r\n" + " <div jsid=\"grid" + sharedControlId + "\" id=\"grid" + sharedControlId + "\" dojoType=\"dojox.Grid\" structure=\"layout\" class=\"terminologyGrid\"></div>\r\n" + " </div>\r\n" + " </td>\r\n" + " </tr>\r\n" + " <tr> \r\n" + " <td align=\"center\">\r\n" + " <button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" id=\"selectTermCode" + sharedControlId + "\" onClick=\"performTooltipDialogShutdown('" + sharedControlId + "');\" name=\"selectTermCode" + sharedControlId + "\" type=\"submit\">OK</button>\r\n" + " </td>\r\n" + " </tr>\r\n" + " </table>\r\n" + " </div>\r\n" + " </div>\r\n" + " <div dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onClick=\"clearCodeandRubric('" + sharedControlId + "');\">\r\n" + " <img src=\"images/delete.gif\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\"/> \r\n" + " </div> "; return widgetTextSingleSelection; } //TODO: Normally, updatePersistedValue should be implemented at CodedTextValueWrapper //this implementation should move up to parent class, but that class is using value field of //dvcodedtext at the moment, which is WRONG. The correct way is to use defining_code's code field //see below @Override public void updatePersistedValue() throws Exception { //there are values to add and remove, if (oneOftheMultipleInstances && containerArchetype.getMode().equals(ArchetypeWrapper.MODE_UPDATE)) { //remove all existing ones, and add new ones from db, if no new ones, it means simply removing old ones. ArchetypeDataDAO dao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); dao.getSession().getTransaction().begin(); ArchetypeData d = new ArchetypeData(); Query q = dao.getSession().createQuery( "UPDATE ArchetypeData SET deleted = ? where archetypePath = ? and contextId = ? and sessionId = ?"); q.setBoolean(0, true); q.setString(1, wrappedObject.path()); q.setString(2, containerArchetype.getContextId()); q.setString(3, containerArchetype.getPersistenceSessionId()); q.executeUpdate(); dao.getSession().getTransaction().commit(); //now save updates if there are any. this is going to be a set of inserts for our case if (dataValueList != null && dataValueList.size() > 0) { ArchetypeDataDAO insertDao = new ArchetypeDataDAO(); insertDao.getSession().beginTransaction(); for (DataValue dv : dataValueList) { ArchetypeData data = new ArchetypeData(); data.setContextId(containerArchetype.getContextId()); data.setArchetypeName(containerArchetype.getAdlFileName()); data.setArchetypePath(wrappedObject.path()); data.setSessionId(containerArchetype.getPersistenceSessionId()); data.setArchetypeCreatedAt(containerArchetype.getArchetypeCreationDate()); data.setInstanceIndex(0); data.setInstanceIndex(0); data.setDeleted(false); data.setName("value"); data.setValueString(((DvCodedText) dv).getDefiningCode().getCodeString()); data.setFieldCreatedAt(containerArchetype.getArchetypeCreationDate());; } insertDao.getSession().getTransaction().commit(); } } else if (containerArchetype.getMode().equals(ArchetypeWrapper.MODE_UPDATE)) saveValueToDB(); } }