Example usage for org.hibernate Query getQueryString

List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query getQueryString


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate Query getQueryString.


String getQueryString();

Source Link


Get the query string.


From source file:kr.debop4j.data.hibernate.repository.impl.HibernateDao.java

License:Apache License

public <T> PaginatedList<T> getPage(Class<T> clazz, Query query, int pageNo, int pageSize,
        HibernateParameter... parameters) {
    Query countQuery = getSession().createQuery(query.getQueryString());
    long itemCount = count(clazz, countQuery, parameters);

    int firstResult = (pageNo - 1) * pageSize;
    List<T> list = find(clazz, query, firstResult, pageSize, parameters);
    return new PaginatedList(list, pageNo, pageSize, itemCount);

From source file:kr.debop4j.data.hibernate.repository.impl.HibernateRepository.java

License:Apache License

public <E> PaginatedList<E> getPage(Query query, int pageNo, int pageSize, HibernateParameter... parameters) {

    Query countQuery = getSession().createQuery(query.getQueryString());
    long itemCount = count(countQuery, parameters);

    int firstResult = (pageNo - 1) * pageSize;
    List<E> list = find(query, firstResult, pageSize, parameters);
    return new PaginatedList(list, pageNo, pageSize, itemCount);

From source file:kr.debop4j.data.hibernate.repository.impl.HibernateRepository.java

License:Apache License

public <E> E findUniqueByNamedQuery(String queryName, HibernateParameter... parameters) {
    if (isTraceEnabled)
        log.trace("NamedQuery . queryName=[{}], parameters=[{}]", queryName,

    Query query = getSession().getNamedQuery(queryName);

    if (isTraceEnabled)
        log.trace("NamedQuery . queryName=[{}], queryString=[{}], parameters=[{}]", queryName,
                query.getQueryString(), StringTool.listToString(parameters));

    return findUnique(query, parameters);

From source file:model.FuncionarioModel.java

public Object validaCPFeCNPJ(String texto) {
    Session objSession = this.objSessionFactory.openSession();
    try {/*from ww w . ja va2s.co  m*/
        Query q = objSession.createSQLQuery("select validaCPFeCNPJ(:texto)");
        q.setParameter("texto", texto);

        return q.uniqueResult();
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return null;

From source file:moos.ssds.dao.DeviceDAO.java


 * This method returns all <code>Device</code>s that are linked (normally
 * means owned) by a <code>Person</code>.
 * /*w w w. jav a  2 s  .co  m*/
 * @param person
 *            is the <code>Person</code> that will be used to search for
 *            devices.
 * @return a <code>Collection</code> of devices that are linked to that
 *         person.
public Collection findByPerson(Person person, String orderByPropertyName, String ascendingOrDescending,
        boolean returnFullObjectGraph) throws MetadataAccessException {

    // The collection to return
    Collection devices = new ArrayList();

    // First validate the incoming person
    if (person == null) {
        return devices;

    // First make sure the person exists
    PersonDAO personDAO = new PersonDAO(getSession());

    // Try to find the equivalent persistent person
    Long personId = personDAO.findId(person);
    if (personId == null) {
        throw new MetadataAccessException(
                "No person was found in the data store" + " that matched the specified person");

    // Construct query and run it
    StringBuffer queryStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    queryStringBuffer.append("from Device device ");
    queryStringBuffer.append("where device.person.id = :personId ");
    // Add order by clause
    if (this.checkIfPropertyOK(orderByPropertyName)) {
                .append(this.getOrderByPropertyNameSQLClause(orderByPropertyName, ascendingOrDescending));
    try {
        Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStringBuffer.toString());
        query.setString("personId", personId.toString());
        logger.debug("Compiled query = " + query.getQueryString());
        devices = query.list();
    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

    // Check relationship init
    if (returnFullObjectGraph)
        devices = getRealObjectsAndRelationships(devices);

    // Now return the real objects
    return devices;

From source file:moos.ssds.dao.DeviceDAO.java


 * This method returns all <code>Device</code>s that are of a certain
 * <code>DeviceType</code>/* w w w . j  a va  2  s . co  m*/
 * @param deviceType
 *            is the <code>DeviceType</code> that will be used to search for
 *            devices.
 * @return a <code>Collection</code> of devices that are categorized by the
 *         given <code>DeviceType</code>
public Collection findByDeviceType(DeviceType deviceType, String orderByPropertyName,
        String ascendingOrDescending, boolean returnFullObjectGraph) throws MetadataAccessException {

    // The collection to return
    Collection devices = new ArrayList();

    // First validate the incoming deviceType
    if (deviceType == null) {
        return devices;

    // Get the DeviceTypeDAO and check the existing of the supplied
    // DeviceType
    DeviceTypeDAO deviceTypeDAO = new DeviceTypeDAO(getSession());

    // Try to find the equivalent persistent deviceType
    Long deviceTypeId = deviceTypeDAO.findId(deviceType);
    if (deviceTypeId == null) {
        throw new MetadataAccessException(
                "No DeviceType was found in the data store" + " that matched the specified DeviceType");

    // Construct the query and run it
    StringBuffer queryStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    queryStringBuffer.append("from Device device ");
    queryStringBuffer.append("where device.deviceType.id = :deviceTypeId ");
    // Add order by clause
    if (this.checkIfPropertyOK(orderByPropertyName)) {
                .append(this.getOrderByPropertyNameSQLClause(orderByPropertyName, ascendingOrDescending));
    try {
        Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStringBuffer.toString());
        query.setString("deviceTypeId", deviceTypeId.toString());
        logger.debug("Compiled query = " + query.getQueryString());
        devices = query.list();
    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

    if (returnFullObjectGraph)
        devices = getRealObjectsAndRelationships(devices);

    // Now return the real objects
    return devices;

From source file:moos.ssds.dao.DeviceDAO.java


public Collection findBySearchingFields(String id, String uuid, String name, String description,
        String mfgModel, String mfgName, String mfgSerialNumber, String orderByPropertyName,
        String ascendingOrDescending, boolean returnFullObjectGraph) throws MetadataAccessException {

    // The Collection to return
    Collection devices = new ArrayList();

    // First check to see if all fields are empty, if they are, just return
    // the empty collection
    if (isStringEmpty(id) && isStringEmpty(uuid) && isStringEmpty(name) && isStringEmpty(description)
            && isStringEmpty(mfgModel) && isStringEmpty(mfgName) && isStringEmpty(mfgSerialNumber))
        return devices;

    // Since something was specified, formulate the query
    StringBuffer queryBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    queryBuffer.append("from Device device where ");

    // A flag to mark if a clause was specified as the first one
    boolean firstClauseSpecified = false;

    // Check for an ID
    if (!isStringEmpty(id)) {
        queryBuffer.append("device.id = :idSearchTerm");
        firstClauseSpecified = true;/*from  www.  j a  v  a2  s .  co  m*/
    // Add the UUID clause if specified
    if (!isStringEmpty(uuid)) {
        if (firstClauseSpecified)
            queryBuffer.append(" and ");
        queryBuffer.append("device.uuid like :uuidSearchTerm");
        firstClauseSpecified = true;
    // Add the name clause if specified
    if (!isStringEmpty(name)) {
        if (firstClauseSpecified)
            queryBuffer.append(" and ");
        queryBuffer.append("device.name like :nameSearchTerm");
        firstClauseSpecified = true;
    // Add the description clause if specified
    if (!isStringEmpty(description)) {
        if (firstClauseSpecified)
            queryBuffer.append(" and ");
        queryBuffer.append("device.description like :descriptionSearchTerm");
        firstClauseSpecified = true;
    // Add the manufacturer's model if specified
    if (!isStringEmpty(mfgModel)) {
        if (firstClauseSpecified)
            queryBuffer.append(" and ");
        queryBuffer.append("device.mfgModel like :mfgModelSearchTerm");
        firstClauseSpecified = true;

    // Add the manufacturer's name if specified
    if (!isStringEmpty(mfgName)) {
        if (firstClauseSpecified)
            queryBuffer.append(" and ");
        queryBuffer.append("device.mfgName like :mfgNameSearchTerm");
        firstClauseSpecified = true;

    // Add the serial number if specified
    if (!isStringEmpty(mfgSerialNumber)) {
        if (firstClauseSpecified)
            queryBuffer.append(" and ");
        queryBuffer.append("device.mfgSerialNumber like :mfgSerialNumberSearchTerm");
        firstClauseSpecified = true;


    // Check for ordering criteria
    if (this.checkIfPropertyOK(orderByPropertyName)) {
        queryBuffer.append(this.getOrderByPropertyNameSQLClause(orderByPropertyName, ascendingOrDescending));
    try {
        Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryBuffer.toString());
        if (!isStringEmpty(id))
            query.setString("idSearchTerm", id);
        if (!isStringEmpty(uuid))
            query.setString("uuidSearchTerm", "%" + uuid + "%");
        if (!isStringEmpty(name))
            query.setString("nameSearchTerm", "%" + name + "%");
        if (!isStringEmpty(description))
            query.setString("descriptionSearchTerm", "%" + description + "%");
        if (!isStringEmpty(mfgModel))
            query.setString("mfgModelSearchTerm", "%" + mfgModel + "%");
        if (!isStringEmpty(mfgName))
            query.setString("mfgNameSearchTerm", "%" + mfgName + "%");
        if (!isStringEmpty(mfgSerialNumber))
            query.setString("mfgSerialNumberSearchTerm", "%" + mfgSerialNumber + "%");
        logger.debug("Query string = " + query.getQueryString());
        devices = query.list();
        logger.debug("Found " + devices.size() + " devices from that query");
    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

    if (returnFullObjectGraph)
        devices = getRealObjectsAndRelationships(devices);

    return devices;

From source file:moos.ssds.dao.DeviceDAO.java


 * This method will take the search term supplied and return all devices
 * that have that term in any of the fields or in the device type name
 * /*from www.  ja v a 2 s . com*/
 * @param searchTerm
 * @param orderByPropertyName
 * @param ascendingOrDescending
 * @param returnFullObjectGraph
 * @return
 * @throws MetadataAccessException
public Collection findBySearchingAllFieldsAndType(String searchTerm, String orderByPropertyName,
        String ascendingOrDescending, boolean returnFullObjectGraph) throws MetadataAccessException {
    // The Collection to return
    Collection devices = new ArrayList();

    // Formulate the query
    StringBuffer queryBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    queryBuffer.append("from Device device where " + "device.uuid like :searchTerm or "
            + "device.name like :searchTerm or " + "device.description like :searchTerm or "
            + "device.mfgModel like :searchTerm or " + "device.mfgName like :searchTerm or "
            + "device.mfgSerialNumber like :searchTerm or " + "device.infoUrlList like :searchTerm or "
            + "device.deviceType.name like :searchTerm or " + "device.person.surname like :searchTerm or "
            + "device.person.firstname like :searchTerm or " + "device.person.email like :searchTerm or "
            + "device.person.username like :searchTerm or " + "device.person.organization like :searchTerm");

    // Check for ordering criteria
    if (this.checkIfPropertyOK(orderByPropertyName)) {
        queryBuffer.append(this.getOrderByPropertyNameSQLClause(orderByPropertyName, ascendingOrDescending));
    try {
        Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryBuffer.toString());
        query.setString("searchTerm", "%" + searchTerm + "%");
        logger.debug("Query string = " + query.getQueryString());
        devices = query.list();
        logger.debug("Found " + devices.size() + " devices from that query");
    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

    if (returnFullObjectGraph)
        devices = getRealObjectsAndRelationships(devices);

    return devices;

From source file:moos.ssds.dao.ResourceDAO.java


 * This method returns all <code>Resource</code>s that are of a certain
 * <code>ResourceType</code>
 *//*from w  w  w  .ja  va2s  . c  om*/
public Collection findByResourceType(ResourceType resourceType, String orderByPropertyName,
        String ascendingOrDescending, boolean returnFullObjectGraph) throws MetadataAccessException {

    // The collection to return
    Collection resources = new HashSet();

    // First validate the incoming deviceType
    if (resourceType == null) {
        return resources;

    // If the resourceType already has an ID, use that, if not look up the
    // ID
    Long resourceTypeId = null;
    if ((resourceType.getId() != null) && (resourceType.getId().longValue() > 0)) {
        resourceTypeId = resourceType.getId();
    } else {
        // Get the ResourceTypeDAO and look up the ID
        ResourceTypeDAO resourceTypeDAO = new ResourceTypeDAO(getSession());
        resourceTypeId = resourceTypeDAO.findId(resourceType);

    // If no ID was found, throw an exception
    if (resourceTypeId == null) {
        throw new MetadataAccessException(
                "No ResourceType was found in the data store" + " that matched the specified ResourceType");

    // Construct the query and run it
    StringBuffer queryStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    queryStringBuffer.append("select distinct from Resource resource ");
    queryStringBuffer.append("where resource.resourceType.id = :resourceTypeId ");
    // Add order by clause
    if (this.checkIfPropertyOK(orderByPropertyName)) {
                .append(this.getOrderByPropertyNameSQLClause(orderByPropertyName, ascendingOrDescending));
    try {
        Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStringBuffer.toString());
        query.setString("resourceTypeId", resourceTypeId.toString());
        logger.debug("Compiled query = " + query.getQueryString());
        resources = query.list();
    } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

    // Check for full object graphs
    if (returnFullObjectGraph)
        resources = getRealObjectsAndRelationships(resources);

    // Now return the results
    return resources;

From source file:moos.ssds.dao.StandardVariableDAO.java


 * This method looks up the <code>StandardVariable</code> that is associated
 * with a <code>RecordVariable</code>.
 * //from w  w w  .  j ava 2s  . c o  m
 * @param recordVariable
 *            is the <code>RecordVariable</code> to search for
 * @return is the <code>StandardVariable</code> that is linked to the given
 *         <code>RecordVariable</code>. Null will be returned if there is no
 *         association defined
public StandardVariable findByRecordVariable(RecordVariable recordVariable) throws MetadataAccessException {

    // Create the StandardVariable to return
    StandardVariable standardVariableToReturn = null;

    // Construct query and run it
    if (recordVariable != null) {
        if (recordVariable.getId() == null) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException("StandardVariableDAO.findByRecordVariable: The incoming "
                    + "RecordVariable does not have an ID, one must exist to "
                    + "find the StandardVariable associated with the RecordVariable");
        try {
            Query query = getSession().createQuery("select recordVariable.standardVariable from RecordVariable "
                    + "recordVariable where recordVariable.id = :recordVariableId");
            query.setString("recordVariableId", recordVariable.getId().toString());
            logger.debug("Compiled query = " + query.getQueryString());
            standardVariableToReturn = (StandardVariable) query.uniqueResult();
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException("HibernateException (" + e.getClass().getName()
                    + ") caught in StandardVariableDAO.findByRecordVariable (Message =  " + e.getMessage()
                    + ")");
    return standardVariableToReturn;