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 * Copyright 2009 MBARI
 * Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2.1 
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance 
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package moos.ssds.dao;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;

import moos.ssds.dao.util.MetadataAccessException;
import moos.ssds.metadata.IMetadataObject;
import moos.ssds.metadata.RecordVariable;
import moos.ssds.metadata.StandardUnit;
import moos.ssds.metadata.StandardVariable;
import moos.ssds.metadata.util.MetadataException;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;

 * This is the Data Access Object that provides functionality to support the
 * persitence of <code>StandardVariable</code> objects
 * <hr>
 * @stereotype service
 * @author : $Author: kgomes $
 * @version : $Revision: $
public class StandardVariableDAO extends MetadataDAO {

     * This is the constructor that calls the super constructor and sets the
     * proper class and Hibernate Session
     * @param session
     *            is the <code>Session</code> that will be used in the
     *            persistent operations
     * @throws MetadataAccessException
     *             if something goes weird
    public StandardVariableDAO(Session session) throws MetadataAccessException {
        // Construct the parent DAO with the correct class and session
        super(StandardVariable.class, session);

     * @see IMetadataDAO#findEquivalentPersistentObject(IMetadataObject)
    public IMetadataObject findEquivalentPersistentObject(IMetadataObject metadataObject,
            boolean returnFullObjectGraph) throws MetadataAccessException {
        // First try to cast to a StandardVariable
        StandardVariable standardVariable = this.checkIncomingMetadataObject(metadataObject);

        // The StandardVariable to return
        StandardVariable standardVariableToReturn = null;

        // First try to find by id
        if (standardVariable.getId() != null)
            standardVariableToReturn = (StandardVariable) this.findById(standardVariable.getId(), false);

        // If not found, try to find by name and namespaceUri
        if (standardVariableToReturn == null)
            standardVariableToReturn = this.findByNameAndNamespaceUri(standardVariable.getName(),
                    standardVariable.getNamespaceUriString(), false);

        // Check for object graph
        if (returnFullObjectGraph)
            standardVariableToReturn = (StandardVariable) getRealObjectAndRelationships(standardVariableToReturn);

        // Return the answer
        return standardVariableToReturn;

     * This method returns a <code>Collection</code> of <code>Long</code>s that
     * are the IDs of all the standardVariables that are in SSDS.
     * @return a <code>Collection</code> of <code>Long</code>s that are the IDs
     *         of all standardVariables in SSDS.
     * @throws MetadataAccessException
     *             if something goes wrong in the method call.
    public Collection findAllIDs() throws MetadataAccessException {
        Collection standardVariableIDs = null;

        // Create the query and run it
        try {
            Query query = getSession().createQuery("select distinct from "
                    + "StandardVariable standardVariable order by");
            standardVariableIDs = query.list();
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException(e);
        return standardVariableIDs;

     * @see IMetadataDAO#countFindAllIDs()
    public int countFindAllIDs() throws MetadataAccessException {
        // The count
        int count = 0;
        try {
            Long longCount = (Long) getSession().createQuery(
                    "select count(distinct from " + "StandardVariable standardVariable")
            if (longCount != null)
                count = longCount.intValue();
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

        // Return the result
        return count;

     * This method looks for all <code>StandardVariable</code>s whose name is an
     * exact match of the name supplied.
     * @param name
     *            is the name that will be used to search for
     * @return a <code>Collection</code> of <code>StandardVariable</code>s whose
     *         names exactly match the one specified as the parameter.
    public Collection findByName(String name) throws MetadataAccessException {

        // Make sure argument is not null
        logger.debug("name = " + name);
        if ((name == null) && (name.equals(""))) {
            return new ArrayList();

        // The collection to be returned
        Collection results = new ArrayList();

        // Grab a session and run the query
        try {
            Query query = getSession().createQuery("from StandardVariable sv where = '" + name + "'");
            results = query.list();
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

        // Return the results
        return results;

     * This method looks for all <code>StandardVariable</code>s whose name
     * contain the name supplied. It could be an exact match of just contain the
     * name. For you wildcard folks, it is basically looking for all
     * <code>StandardVariable</code>s whose names match *likeName*.
     * @param likeName
     *            is the name that will be used to search for. In SQL terms, it
     *            will do a LIKE '%likeName%'
     * @return a <code>Collection</code> of <code>StandardVariable</code>s that
     *         have names like the one specified as the parameter.
    public Collection findByLikeName(String likeName) throws MetadataAccessException {

        // Make sure argument is not null
        logger.debug("likeName = " + likeName);
        if ((likeName == null) && (likeName.equals(""))) {
            return new ArrayList();

        // The collection to be returned
        Collection results = null;

        // Grab a session and run the query
        try {
            Query query = getSession()
                    .createQuery("from StandardVariable su where " + "like :likeName order by");
            query.setString("likeName", "%" + likeName + "%");
            results = query.list();
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

        // Return the results
        return results;

     * This method returns a collection of <code>java.lang.String</code>s that
     * are all the names of the <code>StandardVariable</code>s in the database
     * @return a <code>Collection</code> of <code>java.lang.String</code>s that
     *         are all the <code>StandardVariable</code> names that are
     *         currently in the system. If there are no names, an empty
     *         collection is returned
    public Collection findAllNames() throws MetadataAccessException {

        // Create the collection to return
        Collection names = new ArrayList();

        // Create the query and run it
        try {
            Query query = getSession().createQuery("select distinct from "
                    + "StandardVariable standardVariable order by");
            names = query.list();
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

        // Now return them
        return names;

     * This method tries to look up all <code>StandardVariable</code>s by their
     * reference scale
     * @param name
     *            is a <code>java.lang.String</code> that will be used to search
     *            for exact matches of a <code>StandardVariable</code>'s
     *            reference scale (this is case in-sensitive)
     * @return a <code>Collection</code> of <code>StandardVariable</code>s that
     *         have a reference scale that exactly matches (case-insensitive)
     *         the one specified. If no matches were found, an empty collection
     *         is returned.
     * @throws MetadataAccessException
     *             if something goes wrong with the search
    public Collection findByReferenceScale(String referenceScale) throws MetadataAccessException {

        // First check to see if the referenceScale is null
        logger.debug("findByReferenceScale called with referenceScale = " + referenceScale);
        if ((referenceScale == null) || (referenceScale.equals(""))) {
            return new ArrayList();

        // The StandardVariables to return
        Collection standardVariablesToReturn = null;

        // Grab a session and run the query
        try {
            Query query = getSession()
                    .createQuery("from StandardVariable sv where " + "sv.referenceScale = :referenceScale");
            query.setString("referenceScale", referenceScale);
            standardVariablesToReturn = query.list();
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

        // Return the first standardVariable
        return standardVariablesToReturn;

     * This method looks for all <code>StandardVariable</code>s whose
     * referenceScale contain the referenceScale supplied. It could be an exact
     * match of just contain the referenceScale. For you wildcard folks, it is
     * basically looking for all <code>StandardVariable</code>s whose
     * referenceScales match *likeReferenceScale*.
     * @param likeReferenceScale
     *            is the referenceScale that will be used to search for. In SQL
     *            terms, it will do a LIKE '%likeReferenceScale%'
     * @return a <code>Collection</code> of <code>StandardVariable</code>s that
     *         have referenceScales like the one specified as the parameter.
    public Collection findByLikeReferenceScale(String likeReferenceScale) throws MetadataAccessException {

        // Make sure argument is not null
        logger.debug("likeReferenceScale = " + likeReferenceScale);
        if ((likeReferenceScale == null) && (likeReferenceScale.equals(""))) {
            return null;

        // The collection to be returned
        Collection results = null;

        // Grab a session and run the query
        try {
            Query query = getSession().createQuery("from StandardVariable sv where sv.referenceScale "
                    + "like :likeReferenceScale order by sv.referenceScale");
            query.setString("likeReferenceScale", "%" + likeReferenceScale + "%");
            results = query.list();
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

        // Return the results
        return results;

     * This method returns a collection of <code>java.lang.String</code>s that
     * are all the referenceScales of the <code>StandardVariable</code>s in the
     * database
     * @return a <code>Collection</code> of <code>java.lang.String</code>s that
     *         are all the <code>StandardVariable</code> referenceScales that
     *         are currently in the system. If there are no referenceScales, an
     *         empty collection is returned
    public Collection findAllReferenceScales() throws MetadataAccessException {

        // Create the collection to return
        Collection referenceScales = new ArrayList();

        // Create the query and run it
        try {
            Query query = getSession().createQuery("select distinct standardVariable.referenceScale from "
                    + "StandardVariable standardVariable order by standardVariable.referenceScale");
            referenceScales = query.list();
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

        // Now return them
        return referenceScales;

     * @see #findByNameAndNamespaceUri(String, String, boolean)
     * @param name
     * @param namespaceUri
     * @param returnFullObjectGraph
     * @return
     * @throws MetadataAccessException
    public StandardVariable findByNameAndNamespaceUri(String name, URI namespaceUri, boolean returnFullObjectGraph)
            throws MetadataAccessException {
        return this.findByNameAndNamespaceUri(name, namespaceUri.toASCIIString(), returnFullObjectGraph);

     * This method returns the <code>StandardVariable</code> that matches the
     * specified name and uri string.
     * @param name
     * @param namespaceUriString
     * @return
     * @throws MetadataAccessException
    public StandardVariable findByNameAndNamespaceUri(String name, String namespaceUriString,
            boolean returnFullObjectGraph) throws MetadataAccessException {

        // First check incoming arguments
        if ((name == null) || (name.equals(""))) {
            return null;

        // The StandardVariable to return
        StandardVariable standardVariableToReturn = null;

        // Now construct the query
        StringBuffer queryStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        queryStringBuffer.append("from StandardVariable sv where = '" + name + "'");
        if ((namespaceUriString != null) && (!namespaceUriString.equals(""))) {
            queryStringBuffer.append(" and sv.namespaceUriString = '" + namespaceUriString + "'");
        } else {
            queryStringBuffer.append(" and sv.namespaceUriString IS NULL");

        // Now grab all SV's that match the query
        Collection standardVariablesWithNameAndUriString = null;
        try {
            Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStringBuffer.toString());
            standardVariablesWithNameAndUriString = query.list();
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

        // If a collection was found, grab the first one
        if ((standardVariablesWithNameAndUriString != null) && (standardVariablesWithNameAndUriString.size() > 0)) {
            Iterator it = standardVariablesWithNameAndUriString.iterator();
            standardVariableToReturn = (StandardVariable);

        // Check for graph
        if (returnFullObjectGraph)
            standardVariableToReturn = (StandardVariable) getRealObjectAndRelationships(standardVariableToReturn);

        // Now return the result
        return standardVariableToReturn;

     * This method tries to look up and instantiate a
     * <code>StandardVariable</code> by its name and reference scale
     * @param name
     *            is a <code>java.lang.String</code> that will be used to search
     *            for matches of a <code>StandardVariable</code>'s name
     * @param referenceScale
     *            is a <code>java.lang.String</code> that will be used to search
     *            for matches of a <code>StandardVariable</code>'s reference
     *            scale
     * @return a <code>MetadataObject</code> of class
     *         <code>StandardVariable</code> that has a name and reference scale
     *         that matches the one specified. If no matches were found, and
     *         empty collection is returned
     * @throws MetadataAccessException
     *             if something goes wrong with the search
    public StandardVariable findByNameAndReferenceScale(String name, String referenceScale)
            throws MetadataAccessException {

        // First check to see if the name is null
                "findByNameAndReferenceScale called with name = " + name + ": referenceScale = " + referenceScale);
        if ((name == null) || (name.equals(""))) {
            return null;

        // The StandardVariable to return
        StandardVariable standardVariableToReturn = null;

        // Grab a session and run the query
        StringBuffer queryStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        queryStringBuffer.append("from StandardVariable sv where = '" + name + "' and sv.referenceScale ");
        if ((referenceScale == null) || (referenceScale.equals(""))) {
            queryStringBuffer.append("is null");
        } else {
            queryStringBuffer.append("= '" + referenceScale + "'");
        Collection standardVariablesWithNameAndReferenceScale = null;
        try {
            Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryStringBuffer.toString());
            standardVariablesWithNameAndReferenceScale = query.list();
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

        // If a collection was found
        if ((standardVariablesWithNameAndReferenceScale != null)
                && (standardVariablesWithNameAndReferenceScale.size() > 0)) {
            Iterator it = standardVariablesWithNameAndReferenceScale.iterator();
            standardVariableToReturn = (StandardVariable);
        // Return the first standardVariable
        return standardVariableToReturn;

     * This method looks up the <code>StandardVariable</code> that is associated
     * with a <code>RecordVariable</code>.
     * @param recordVariable
     *            is the <code>RecordVariable</code> to search for
     * @return is the <code>StandardVariable</code> that is linked to the given
     *         <code>RecordVariable</code>. Null will be returned if there is no
     *         association defined
    public StandardVariable findByRecordVariable(RecordVariable recordVariable) throws MetadataAccessException {

        // Create the StandardVariable to return
        StandardVariable standardVariableToReturn = null;

        // Construct query and run it
        if (recordVariable != null) {
            if (recordVariable.getId() == null) {
                throw new MetadataAccessException("StandardVariableDAO.findByRecordVariable: The incoming "
                        + "RecordVariable does not have an ID, one must exist to "
                        + "find the StandardVariable associated with the RecordVariable");
            try {
                Query query = getSession().createQuery("select recordVariable.standardVariable from RecordVariable "
                        + "recordVariable where = :recordVariableId");
                query.setString("recordVariableId", recordVariable.getId().toString());
                logger.debug("Compiled query = " + query.getQueryString());
                standardVariableToReturn = (StandardVariable) query.uniqueResult();
            } catch (HibernateException e) {
                throw new MetadataAccessException("HibernateException (" + e.getClass().getName()
                        + ") caught in StandardVariableDAO.findByRecordVariable (Message =  " + e.getMessage()
                        + ")");
        return standardVariableToReturn;

    public Collection findByStandardUnit(StandardUnit standardUnit, String orderByPropertyName,
            String ascendingOrDescending, boolean returnFullObjectGraph) throws MetadataAccessException {
        // The results to return
        Collection results = new HashSet();

        // If the standardUnit is null return null
        if (standardUnit == null)
            return results;

        // First make sure the standardUnit exists
        StandardUnitDAO standardUnitDAO = new StandardUnitDAO(getSession());
        StandardUnit persistentStandardUnit = (StandardUnit) standardUnitDAO
                .findEquivalentPersistentObject(standardUnit, false);
        if (persistentStandardUnit == null)
            return results;

        // The query string
        StringBuffer sqlStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();

        // Now create the query
        Query query = null;

        sqlStringBuffer.append("select distinct standardVariable from "
                + "StandardVariable standardVariable, StandardUnit standardUnit where");
        sqlStringBuffer.append(" = :standardUnitID and ");
        sqlStringBuffer.append(" standardUnit in elements(standardVariable.standardUnits)");
        if ((orderByPropertyName != null) && (checkIfPropertyOK(orderByPropertyName))) {
            sqlStringBuffer.append(" order by standardVariable." + orderByPropertyName);
            if ((ascendingOrDescending != null) && ((ascendingOrDescending.equals(MetadataDAO.ASCENDING_ORDER))
                    || (ascendingOrDescending.equals(MetadataDAO.DESCENDING_ORDER)))) {
                sqlStringBuffer.append(" " + ascendingOrDescending);
        try {
            query = this.getSession().createQuery(sqlStringBuffer.toString());
            query.setLong("standardUnitID", persistentStandardUnit.getId().longValue());
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

        results = query.list();

        if (returnFullObjectGraph)
            results = getRealObjectsAndRelationships(results);

        return results;

     * @see IMetadataDAO#makePersistent(IMetadataObject)
    public Long makePersistent(IMetadataObject metadataObject) throws MetadataAccessException {

        logger.debug("makePersistent called");

        // A flag to indicate if the object was persisted in the past
        boolean persistedBefore = false;

        // Check incoming variable
        StandardVariable standardVariable = this.checkIncomingMetadataObject(metadataObject);

        // Check the persistent store for the matching object
        StandardVariable persistentStandardVariable = (StandardVariable) this
                .findEquivalentPersistentObject(metadataObject, false);

        // The handle to the actual object that will be persisted
        StandardVariable standardVariableToPersist = null;

        // Copy over any non-null, changed values to the persistent object (if
        // it exists)
        if (persistentStandardVariable != null) {
            String standardVariableBeforeUpdate = persistentStandardVariable.toStringRepresentation("<li>");
            if (this.updateDestinationObject(standardVariable, persistentStandardVariable)) {
                        "A StandardVariable was changed in SSDS<br><b>Before</b><ul><li>"
                                + standardVariableBeforeUpdate + "</ul><br><b>After</b><ul><li>"
                                + persistentStandardVariable.toStringRepresentation("<li>") + "</ul><br>");

            // Set the flag
            persistedBefore = true;

            // Assign to the handle
            standardVariableToPersist = persistentStandardVariable;
        } else {
            // This means this will be a new StandardVariable so make sure the
            // alternate primary key is populated
            if ((standardVariable.getName() == null) || (standardVariable.getName().equals(""))) {
                // Generate a random number
                try {
                    standardVariable.setName("StandardVariable_" + getUniqueNameSuffix());
                } catch (MetadataException e) {
                    logger.error("MetadataException trying to auto-generate " + "the name of a StandardVariable: "
                            + e.getMessage());
                        "A name was auto-generated " + "for a StandardVariable:<br><ul><li>"
                                + standardVariable.toStringRepresentation("<li>") + "</ul><br>");

            // Clear the flag
            persistedBefore = false;

            // Assign to the handle
            standardVariableToPersist = standardVariable;

        // -------------------------
        // StandardUnit Relationship
        // -------------------------
        // First make sure the standardUnit relationship exists
        if (standardVariable.getStandardUnits() != null) {
            // Now check to make sure it is initialized. If it is not, no
            // changes have taken place and we don't need to do anything
            if (Hibernate.isInitialized(standardVariable.getStandardUnits())) {

                // Grab the DAO for StandardUnit
                StandardUnitDAO standardUnitDAO = new StandardUnitDAO(this.getSession());

                // Make sure the are standardUnits to iterate over
                if (standardVariable.getStandardUnits().size() > 0) {

                    // Now iterate over the StandardUnits and persist them
                    Iterator standardUnitIter = standardVariable.getStandardUnits().iterator();
                    while (standardUnitIter.hasNext()) {
                        StandardUnit tempStandardUnit = (StandardUnit);

                    // Create a copy of the collection associated with the
                    // standardVariable to prevent concurrent modifications
                    Collection standardVariableStandardUnitCopy = new ArrayList(

                    // Now we need to make the correct associations. Currently,
                    // you have a collection of StandardUnit objects that have
                    // their values marked for persistence. Now the object will
                    // either be in the session or not depending on if they were
                    // previously persisted.
                    Iterator standardVariableStandardUnitCopyIterator = standardVariableStandardUnitCopy.iterator();
                    while (standardVariableStandardUnitCopyIterator.hasNext()) {
                        StandardUnit currentStandardUnit = (StandardUnit) standardVariableStandardUnitCopyIterator
                        StandardUnit currentStandardUnitInSession = null;
                        // Is this StandardUnit already in the session?
                        if (!getSession().contains(currentStandardUnit)) {
                            // No, so grab the one that is
                            currentStandardUnitInSession = (StandardUnit) standardUnitDAO
                                    .findEquivalentPersistentObject(currentStandardUnit, false);
                        } else {
                            currentStandardUnitInSession = currentStandardUnit;
                        // Now if the parent standardVariable was persisted
                        // before, just check to make sure the sessioned
                        // StandardUnit is in the collection associated with the
                        // standardVariable that will be persisted
                        if (persistedBefore) {
                            if (!standardVariableToPersist.getStandardUnits()
                        } else {
                            // This means that the standardVariable has not been
                            // persisted before. If the StandardUnit is already
                            // in the session, there is nothing to do, but if
                            // not, we need to replace it with the sessioned one
                            if (!getSession().contains(currentStandardUnit)) {

        // If the StandardVariable was not persisted before, save it
        if (!persistedBefore) {
            addMessage(ssdsAdminEmailToAddress, "A new StandardVariable was added to SSDS<br><ul><li>"
                    + standardVariableToPersist.toStringRepresentation("<li>") + "</ul><br>");

        // Now return the ID
        if (standardVariableToPersist != null) {
            return standardVariableToPersist.getId();
        } else {
            return null;

     * @see IMetadataDAO#makeTransient(IMetadataObject)
    public void makeTransient(IMetadataObject metadataObject) throws MetadataAccessException {
        logger.debug("makeTransient called");

        // Check incoming object
        StandardVariable standardVariable = this.checkIncomingMetadataObject(metadataObject);

        // Check the persistent store for the matching object
        StandardVariable persistentStandardVariable = (StandardVariable) this
                .findEquivalentPersistentObject(standardVariable, false);

        // If no matching standardVariable was found, do nothing
        if (persistentStandardVariable == null) {
            logger.debug("No matching standardVariable could be found in the persistent store, "
                    + "no delete performed");
        } else {
            // Clear the StandardUnits

            // Now clear any with RecordVariable
            Collection recordVariablesByStandardVariable = null;
            RecordVariableDAO recordVariableDAO = new RecordVariableDAO(getSession());
            recordVariablesByStandardVariable = recordVariableDAO.findByStandardVariable(persistentStandardVariable,
                    null, null, false);
            if (recordVariablesByStandardVariable != null) {
                Iterator recordVariablesIterator = recordVariablesByStandardVariable.iterator();
                while (recordVariablesIterator.hasNext()) {
                    RecordVariable recordVariable = (RecordVariable);

            logger.debug("Existing object was found, so we will try to delete it");
            try {
                addMessage(ssdsAdminEmailToAddress, "A StandardVariable was removed from SSDS<br><ul><li>"
                        + persistentStandardVariable.toStringRepresentation("<li>") + "</ul><br>");
            } catch (HibernateException e) {
                logger.error("HibernateException caught (will be re-thrown):" + e.getMessage());
                throw new MetadataAccessException(e);

     * This method checks to make sure an incoming <code>MetadataObject</code>
     * is not null and is in fact of the correct class. It then converts it to
     * the correct class and returns it
     * @param metadataObject
     *            the <code>MetadataObject</code> to check and return as a
     *            <code>StandardVariable</code>
     * @return a <code>StandardVariable</code> that is same object that came in
     * @throws MetadataAccessException
     *             if something is wrong
    private StandardVariable checkIncomingMetadataObject(IMetadataObject metadataObject)
            throws MetadataAccessException {

        logger.debug("Checking incoming object to see if it is StandardVariable");
        // Check for null argument
        if (metadataObject == null) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException("Failed: incoming StandardVariable was null");

        // Try to cast the incoming object into the correct class
        StandardVariable standardVariable = null;
        try {
            standardVariable = (StandardVariable) metadataObject;
        } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
            throw new MetadataAccessException("Could not cast the incoming object into a StandardVariable");

        logger.debug("Yep, conversion to StandardVariable went OK, will return");
        return standardVariable;

    // protected void initializeRelationships(IMetadataObject metadataObject)
    // throws MetadataAccessException {
    // if (metadataObject == null)
    // return;
    // // For StandardVariables, you want to initialize StandardUnits
    // StandardVariable sv = this.checkIncomingMetadataObject(metadataObject);
    // if (sv.getStandardUnits() != null)
    // Hibernate.initialize(sv.getStandardUnits());
    // }

     * A log4j logger
    static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(StandardVariableDAO.class);