Example usage for org.hibernate Query getQueryString

List of usage examples for org.hibernate Query getQueryString


In this page you can find the example usage for org.hibernate Query getQueryString.


String getQueryString();

Source Link


Get the query string.


From source file:au.org.theark.core.dao.StudyDao.java

License:Open Source License

public Collection<ConsentStatusField> getSelectedConsentStatusFieldsForSearch(Search search) {
    String queryString = "select csfs.consentStatusField" + " from ConsentStatusFieldSearch csfs "
            + " where csfs.search=:search " + " order by csfs.consentStatusField.entity ";
    Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
    query.setParameter("search", search);
    log.info("QueryString: " + query.getQueryString());
    log.info("getselectedconsentstatusfieldforsearch results:");
    for (ConsentStatusField c : (List<ConsentStatusField>) query.list()) {
    }//w  w  w  . j  av  a  2  s.co m
    return query.list();

From source file:au.org.theark.core.dao.StudyDao.java

License:Open Source License

private Collection<String> getBioCollectionUIDsNotMatchingTheseBioCollectionIdsOrSubjectIds(Study study,
        Collection<String> bioCollectionUIDs, List<Long> bioCollectionIds, List<Long> subjectIds,
        List<Long> biospecimenIds, List<QueryFilter> biospecimenFilters) {

    Query query = null;
    //      Query query2 = null;
    //if there is nothing to start with get out of here.
    if (bioCollectionUIDs.isEmpty()) {
        return new ArrayList<String>();
    }// w  ww.  j av a2s .c o m

    //if there is nothing to reduce the list by...return original list.
    if ((bioCollectionIds.isEmpty() && subjectIds.isEmpty())) {
        return bioCollectionUIDs;
    } else {
        List<Long> subjectIdsNew = new ArrayList<Long>();
        //add a dummy value=0 to get rid of ".QuerySyntaxException: unexpected end of subtree" due to empty list.
        subjectIds.add(new Long(0));
        String queryString = " select distinct bioCollection.biocollectionUid "
                + " from BioCollection bioCollection " + " where (" + " bioCollection.id not in (:idList) or "
                + " bioCollection.linkSubjectStudy.id not in (:subjectIdList) ) and "
                + " bioCollection.biocollectionUid in (:uidList) " + " and bioCollection.study =:study ";
        query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
        if (!bioCollectionIds.isEmpty())
            query.setParameterList("idList", bioCollectionIds);
        if (!subjectIds.isEmpty())
            query.setParameterList("subjectIdList", subjectIds);
        else {
            query.setParameterList("subjectIdList", subjectIdsNew);
        query.setParameter("study", study);
        query.setParameterList("uidList", bioCollectionUIDs);
        log.info("Query String: " + query.getQueryString());
        List<String> collectionsToDelete = query.list();

        if (biospecimenIds.isEmpty()) {
            //if all biospecimens WERE filtered, then all biocollections deleted
            if (!biospecimenFilters.isEmpty()) {
                return bioCollectionUIDs;
            } else {
                //there were no biospec filters...continue as usual
                return collectionsToDelete;
        } else {
            if (!bioCollectionUIDs.isEmpty() && !subjectIds.isEmpty()) {

                if (!biospecimenFilters.isEmpty()) {
                    List<String> biocollectionsCorrespondingOurFilteredBiospecimens = getBiocollectionUIDsForTheseBiospecimens(
                            biospecimenIds, collectionsToDelete, study);
                    for (String biocollectionUid : bioCollectionUIDs) {
                        if (!biocollectionsCorrespondingOurFilteredBiospecimens.contains(biocollectionUid)) {
        return collectionsToDelete;


From source file:au.org.theark.core.dao.StudyDao.java

License:Open Source License

 * This will get all the pheno data for the given subjects FOR THIS ONE CustomFieldGroup aka questionaire (aka data set)
 * /*from   w  w  w  .  ja  v  a 2 s  .com*/
 * @param allTheData
 * @param search
 * @param idsToInclude
 * @return the updated list of uids that are still left after the filtering. 
private List<Long> applyPhenoDataSetFilters(DataExtractionVO allTheData, Search search,
        List<Long> idsToInclude) {

    Set<QueryFilter> filters = search.getQueryFilters();

    Collection<PhenoDataSetGroup> pdsgWithFilters = getPhenoDataSetGroupsForPhenoFilters(search, filters);
    List<Long> phenoCollectionIdsSoFar = new ArrayList<Long>();

    for (PhenoDataSetGroup phenoGroup : pdsgWithFilters) {
        log.info("Pheno group: " + phenoGroup.getName());
        if (idsToInclude != null && !idsToInclude.isEmpty()) {
            String queryToGetPhenoIdsForGivenSearchAndCFGFilters = getQueryForPhenoIdsForSearchAndCFGFilters(
                    search, phenoGroup);

            if (!queryToGetPhenoIdsForGivenSearchAndCFGFilters.isEmpty()) {
                Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryToGetPhenoIdsForGivenSearchAndCFGFilters);
                query.setParameterList("idList", idsToInclude);//TODO ASAP...this should be pheno list and not subjuid list now

                QueryTranslatorFactory translatorFactory = new ASTQueryTranslatorFactory();
                SessionFactoryImplementor factory = (SessionFactoryImplementor) getSession()
                QueryTranslator translator = translatorFactory.createQueryTranslator(query.getQueryString(),
                        query.getQueryString(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP, factory);
                translator.compile(Collections.EMPTY_MAP, false);

                List<Long> phenosForThisCFG = query.list();
                log.info("rows returned = " + phenoCollectionIdsSoFar.size());
            } else {
                log.info("there were no pheno custom data filters, therefore don't run filter query");
        } else {
            log.info("there are no id's to filter.  therefore won't run filtering query");
    //now that we have all the phenoCollection IDs...get the updated list of subjects
    if (phenoCollectionIdsSoFar.isEmpty()) {
        if (!pdsgWithFilters.isEmpty()) {
            //there were no phenocollectionid's returned because they were validly filtered.  leave idsToIncludeAsItWas
            idsToInclude = new ArrayList<Long>();
        } else {
            //there were no filters so just leave the list of subjects ias it was
    } else {
        idsToInclude = getSubjectIdsForPhenoDataIds(phenoCollectionIdsSoFar);

    //now that we have the pheno collection id, we just find the data for the selected customfields

    if (!idsToInclude.isEmpty()) {
        Collection<PhenoDataSetFieldDisplay> customFieldToGet = getSelectedPhenoDataSetFieldDisplaysForSearch(
        // We have the list of phenos, and therefore the list of pheno custom data - now bring back all the custom data rows IF they have any data they need 
        if ((!phenoCollectionIdsSoFar.isEmpty()
                || (phenoCollectionIdsSoFar.isEmpty() && pdsgWithFilters.isEmpty()))
                && !customFieldToGet.isEmpty()) {
            String queryString = "select data from PhenoDataSetData data  "
                    + " left join fetch data.phenoDataSetCollection phenoDataSetCollection"
                    + " left join fetch data.phenoDataSetFieldDisplay phenoDataSetFieldDisplay "
                    + " left join fetch phenoDataSetFieldDisplay.phenoDataSetField phenoField "
                    + (((phenoCollectionIdsSoFar.isEmpty() && pdsgWithFilters.isEmpty())
                            ? (" where data.phenoDataSetCollection.linkSubjectStudy.id in (:idsToInclude) ")
                            : (" where data.phenoDataSetCollection.id in (:phenoIdsToInclude)")))
                    + " and data.phenoDataSetFieldDisplay in (:customFieldsList)"
                    + " order by data.phenoDataSetCollection.id";
            Query query2 = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
            if (phenoCollectionIdsSoFar.isEmpty() && pdsgWithFilters.isEmpty()) {
                query2.setParameterList("idsToInclude", idsToInclude);
            } else {
                query2.setParameterList("phenoIdsToInclude", phenoCollectionIdsSoFar);
            query2.setParameterList("customFieldsList", customFieldToGet);

            QueryTranslatorFactory translatorFactory = new ASTQueryTranslatorFactory();
            SessionFactoryImplementor factory = (SessionFactoryImplementor) getSession().getSessionFactory();
            QueryTranslator translator = translatorFactory.createQueryTranslator(query2.getQueryString(),
                    query2.getQueryString(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP, factory);
            translator.compile(Collections.EMPTY_MAP, false);
            List<PhenoDataSetData> phenoData = query2.list();

            HashMap<String, ExtractionVO> hashOfPhenosWithTheirPhenoCustomData = allTheData

            ExtractionVO valuesForThisPheno = new ExtractionVO();
            HashMap<String, String> map = null;
            Long previousPhenoId = null;
            //will try to order our results and can therefore just compare to last LSS and either add to or create new Extraction VO
            for (PhenoDataSetData data : phenoData) {

                if (previousPhenoId == null) {
                    map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    previousPhenoId = data.getPhenoDataSetCollection().getId();
                } else if (data.getPhenoDataSetCollection().getId().equals(previousPhenoId)) {
                    //then just put the data in
                } else { //if its a new LSS finalize previous map, etc
                    hashOfPhenosWithTheirPhenoCustomData.put(("" + previousPhenoId), valuesForThisPheno);
                    previousPhenoId = data.getPhenoDataSetCollection().getId();
                    map = new HashMap<String, String>();//reset
                    valuesForThisPheno = new ExtractionVO();

                //if any error value, then just use that - though, yet again I really question the acceptance of error data
                if (data.getErrorDataValue() != null && !data.getErrorDataValue().isEmpty()) {
                } else {
                    // Determine field type and assign key value accordingly
                    if (data.getPhenoDataSetFieldDisplay().getPhenoDataSetField().getFieldType().getName()
                            .equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FIELD_TYPE_DATE)) {
                    if (data.getPhenoDataSetFieldDisplay().getPhenoDataSetField().getFieldType().getName()
                            .equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FIELD_TYPE_NUMBER)) {
                    if (data.getPhenoDataSetFieldDisplay().getPhenoDataSetField().getFieldType().getName()
                            .equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FIELD_TYPE_CHARACTER)) {

            //finalize the last entered key value sets/extraction VOs
            if (map != null && previousPhenoId != null) {
                hashOfPhenosWithTheirPhenoCustomData.put("" + previousPhenoId, valuesForThisPheno);

            //can probably now go ahead and add these to the dataVO...even though inevitable further filters may further axe this list or parts of it.

    return idsToInclude;


From source file:au.org.theark.core.dao.StudyDao.java

License:Open Source License

 * //from   w ww  .  java  2  s. c o  m
 * @param allTheData
 * @param personFields
 * @param lssFields
 * @param addressFields
 * @param phoneFields
 * @param otherIDFields
 * @param subjectCFDs
 * @param search
 * @param idsAfterFiltering
private void addDataFromMegaDemographicQuery(DataExtractionVO allTheData,
        Collection<DemographicField> personFields, Collection<DemographicField> lssFields,
        Collection<DemographicField> addressFields, Collection<DemographicField> phoneFields,
        Collection<DemographicField> otherIDFields, Collection<DemographicField> linkSubjectTwinsFields,
        Collection<CustomFieldDisplay> subjectCFDs, Search search, List<Long> idsAfterFiltering) {
    log.info("in addDataFromMegaDemographicQuery"); //if no id's, no need to run this
    if ((!lssFields.isEmpty() || !personFields.isEmpty() || !addressFields.isEmpty() || !phoneFields.isEmpty()
            || !linkSubjectTwinsFields.isEmpty() || !subjectCFDs.isEmpty()) && !idsAfterFiltering.isEmpty()) { // hasEmailFields(dfs)
        //note.  filtering is happening previously...we then do the fetch when we have narrowed down the list of subjects to save a lot of processing
        String queryString = "select distinct lss " // , address, lss, email " +
                + " from LinkSubjectStudy lss "
                + ((!personFields.isEmpty()) ? " left join fetch lss.person person " : "")
                + ((!addressFields.isEmpty()) ? " left join lss.person.addresses a " : "")
                + ((!phoneFields.isEmpty()) ? " left join lss.person.phones p " : "")
                + ((!linkSubjectTwinsFields.isEmpty())
                        ? " left join lss.linkSubjectTwinsAsFirstSubject lstAsFirst  "
                        : "")
                + ((!linkSubjectTwinsFields.isEmpty())
                        ? " left join lss.linkSubjectTwinsAsSecondSubject lstAsSecond  "
                        : "")
                + " where lss.study.id = " + search.getStudy().getId() + " and lss.id in (:idsToInclude) "
                + " order by lss.subjectUID";

        Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
        query.setParameterList("idsToInclude", idsAfterFiltering);
        List<LinkSubjectStudy> subjects = query.list();

        QueryTranslatorFactory translatorFactory = new ASTQueryTranslatorFactory();
        SessionFactoryImplementor factory = (SessionFactoryImplementor) getSession().getSessionFactory();
        QueryTranslator translator = translatorFactory.createQueryTranslator(query.getQueryString(),
                query.getQueryString(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP, factory);
        translator.compile(Collections.EMPTY_MAP, false);

        // DataExtractionVO devo; = new DataExtractionVO();
        HashMap<String, ExtractionVO> hashOfSubjectsWithTheirDemographicData = allTheData.getDemographicData();

        /* this is putting the data we extracted into a generic kind of VO doc that will be converted to an appopriate format later (such as csv/xls/pdf/xml/etc) */
        for (LinkSubjectStudy lss : subjects) {
            ExtractionVO sev = new ExtractionVO();
            sev.setKeyValues(constructKeyValueHashmap(lss, personFields, lssFields, addressFields, phoneFields,
                    otherIDFields, linkSubjectTwinsFields));
            hashOfSubjectsWithTheirDemographicData.put(lss.getSubjectUID(), sev);


From source file:Bean.LandingPageBean.java

License:Apache License

private void updateMetadataFields(Query query, BaseTable baseTable) {

    if (query != null) {
        PersistentIdentifierAPI pidApi = new PersistentIdentifierAPI();

        this.logger.info("Setting metadata fields");
        this.metaPid = query.getPID();
        this.metaSubsetURL = pidApi.getPIDObjectFromPIDString(this.metaPid).getURI();
        this.metaParentPid = baseTable.getBaseTablePID();

        this.metaParentURL = pidApi.getPIDObjectFromPIDString(this.metaParentPid).getURI();
        this.metaExecutionDate = query.getExecution_timestamp().toString();
        this.metaResultSetHash = query.getResultSetHash();
        this.metaQueryHash = query.getQueryHash();
        this.metaDescription = query.getQueryDescription();
        this.metaSQLString = query.getQueryString();
        this.metaParentAuthor = baseTable.getAuthor();
        this.metaAuthor = query.getUserName();
        this.metaTitle = query.getSubSetTitle();
        this.metaParentTitle = baseTable.getDataSetTitle();
        this.metaSuggestedCitationString = this.metaAuthor + " ("
                + this.getYearFromDate(query.getExecution_timestamp()) + ") \"" + this.metaTitle
                + "\" created at " + this.metaExecutionDate.toString() + ", PID [ark:" + this.metaPid
                + "]. Subset of " + this.metaParentAuthor + ": \"" + this.getMetaParentTitle() + "\", PID [ark:"
                + this.metaParentPid + "]";

    } else {// ww  w  .j a  va 2s  .  c om
        this.logger.severe("basetable or subset does not exist");
        if (query == null) {
            this.logger.info("This was not a query pid. Checking base tables");

            if (baseTable == null) {
                this.logger.severe("Not a valid Pid!");
            } else {
                this.logger.info("Base table found!");



From source file:cgi.lemans.portail.domaine.gamaweb.impl.OrdreDeTravailDao.java

public List<OrdreDeTravail> findAllDemande(String idRessource) {
    String hql = "from OrdreDeTravail a "

            + "where a.typeActivite!='HTM' "

            + "and a.ressource.idRessource = :idRessource";
    Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql);
    query.setParameter("idRessource", idRessource);

    List<OrdreDeTravail> results = query.list();
    return results;


From source file:cgi.lemans.portail.domaine.gamaweb.impl.RessourceTmaDao.java

public List<RessourceTma> findQuiEquipe(String tag) {
    String hql = "from RessourceTma a " + "where a.tags " + "like :tag";
    Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql);
    query.setParameter("tag", tag);

    List<RessourceTma> results = query.list();
    return results;


From source file:cognition.pipeline.data.DNCWorkUnitDao.java

License:Apache License

private Object getObjectFromCoordinate(DNCWorkCoordinate coordinate) {
    SessionWrapper sessionWrapper = createSourceSession();
    try {//from www.ja  v  a 2 s  . c o m
        Query coordinateQuery = sessionWrapper.getNamedQuery("getObjectFromCoordinate");
        String queryString = coordinateQuery.getQueryString();
        queryString = queryString.replace(":sourceTable", coordinate.getSourceTable())
                .replace(":sourceColumn", coordinate.getSourceColumn())
                .replace(":pkColumnName", coordinate.getPkColumnName())
                .replace(":id", Long.toString(coordinate.getIdInSourceTable()));

        List result = getSQLResultFromSource(queryString);

        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(result)) {
            throw new WorkCoordinateNotFound("Coordinate is invalid. No data found at " + coordinate);

        return result.get(0);
    } finally {

From source file:cognition.pipeline.data.DNCWorkUnitDao.java

License:Apache License

 * This method saves the conversion result in the specified saveTextToCoordinate
 * named query.//w  ww . j  a va  2s. c o m
 * @param coordinate The original coordinate of the text
public void saveConvertedText(DNCWorkCoordinate coordinate) {
    SessionWrapper sessionWrapper = createTargetSession();
    try {
        Query query = sessionWrapper.getNamedQuery("saveTextToCoordinate");
        String queryString = query.getQueryString();
        SQLQuery sqlQuery = sessionWrapper.createSQLQuery(queryString);
        sqlQuery.setParameter(0, coordinate.getPatientId());
        sqlQuery.setParameter(1, coordinate.getSourceTable());
        sqlQuery.setParameter(2, coordinate.getSourceColumn());
        sqlQuery.setParameter(3, coordinate.getIdInSourceTable());
        sqlQuery.setParameter(4, coordinate.getConversionResult());
    } finally {

From source file:com.abiquo.abiserver.scheduler.SchedulerRestrictions.java

License:Mozilla Public License

 * Get all the available PhysicalMachines with enough resources for the VirtualImage. It access
 * DB throw Hibernate.//from   w  w  w .j  a  v a  2s.  c o m
 * @param required, the resources capacity used on the target VirtualImage (ram, hd,
 *            dataCenter).
 * @return all PhysicalMachines available to instantiate a VirtualMachine for the target
 *         VirtualImage.
 * @throws SchedulerException, if there is not any PhysicalMachine with enough resources.
// PhysicalmachineHB
private List<PhysicalMachine> getFilteredMachines(ImageRequired required) throws SchedulerException {
    List<PhysicalMachine> machines;
    List<PhysicalmachineHB> machinesHibernate;

    Query physicalFiler;
    Session session;

    session = HibernateUtil.getSession();

    physicalFiler = session.createQuery("select pm "
            + "from com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.infrastructure.PhysicalmachineHB pm "
            + "join pm.rack rk " + "join rk.datacenter dc " + "where " + "dc.name in  ('"
            + required.getDataCenter() + "') and " + "(pm.ram - pm.ramUsed) >= " + required.getRam() + " "
            + "and (pm.hd  - pm.hdUsed)  >= " + required.getHd());

    log.debug("HQL : " + physicalFiler.getQueryString());

    machinesHibernate = physicalFiler.list();

    if (machinesHibernate.size() == 0) {

        throw new SchedulerException(
                "Not enough physical machine capacity to instantiate the required virtual appliance", required);

    machines = new ArrayList<PhysicalMachine>();

    for (PhysicalmachineHB machineHib : machinesHibernate) {
        log.debug("PhysicalMachine candidate : " + machineHib.getName());
        machines.add((PhysicalMachine) machineHib.toPojo());

    return machines;