Java tutorial
/* * Copyright [2015] [Stefan Prll] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * Copyright [2015] [Stefan Prll] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * Copyright [2015] [Stefan Prll] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * Copyright [2015] [Stefan Prll] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package Bean; import Database.DatabaseOperations.DatabaseTools; import QueryStore.BaseTable; import QueryStore.Query; import QueryStore.QueryStoreAPI; import at.stefanproell.PersistentIdentifierMockup.PersistentIdentifierAPI; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.hibernate.Session; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedProperty; import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.model.SelectItem; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Created by stefan on 12.02.15. */ @ManagedBean(name = "landingPageBean") @SessionScoped public class LandingPageBean implements Serializable { private Logger logger; private String selectedBaseTable; // +getter +setter private String selectedSubset; private List<SelectItem> availableBaseTables; // +getter (no setter necessary) private List<SelectItem> availableSubsets; private String metaPid; private String metaParentPid; private String metaExecutionDate; private String metaResultSetHash; private String metaQueryHash; private String metaDescription; private String metaSQLString; private String metaParentAuthor; private String metaAuthor; private String metaSuggestedCitationString; private String metaTitle; private String metaParentTitle; private String metaParentURL; private String metaSubsetURL; private int metaParentActiveRecords; private String requestPID; private Date metaParentUploadTimestamp; public LandingPageBean() { this.logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());"Database Name Bean"); } @PostConstruct public void init() {"Initializing DatabaseTableNameBean"); this.availableBaseTables = this.retrieveBaseTablesFromDatabase(); this.selectedBaseTable = this.availableBaseTables.get(0).getValue().toString(); this.availableSubsets = this.retrieveSubsetsFromDatabase(this.selectedBaseTable); } public void handleDropDownChangeBaseTables() { //based on the number provided, change "regions" attribute."change listener. Base table is now " + this.selectedBaseTable); this.availableSubsets = this.retrieveSubsetsFromDatabase(this.selectedBaseTable); } public void handleDropDownChangeSubsets() { //based on the number provided, change "regions" attribute."change subsets. Subset is is now " + this.selectedSubset); QueryStoreAPI queryAPI = new QueryStoreAPI(); Query query = queryAPI.getQueryByPID(this.selectedSubset); BaseTable baseTable = queryAPI.getBaseTableByTableNameOnly(this.selectedBaseTable); this.updateMetadataFields(query, baseTable); SessionManager sm = new SessionManager(); sm.setLandingPageSelectedSubset(this.selectedSubset); sm.setLandingPageSelectedParent(this.selectedBaseTable); } public String getSelectedBaseTable() { return selectedBaseTable; } public void setSelectedBaseTable(String selectedBaseTable) {"Selected Basetable " + selectedBaseTable); this.selectedBaseTable = selectedBaseTable; } public List<SelectItem> getAvailableBaseTables() { return availableBaseTables; } public void setAvailableBaseTables(List<SelectItem> availableBaseTables) { this.availableBaseTables = availableBaseTables; } public String getSelectedSubset() { return selectedSubset; } public void setSelectedSubset(String selectedSubset) {"Selected Subset: " + selectedSubset); this.selectedSubset = selectedSubset; } private List<SelectItem> retrieveBaseTablesFromDatabase() { QueryStoreAPI queryAPI = new QueryStoreAPI(); Map<String, String> availableBaseTablesMap = queryAPI.getAvailableBaseTables(); List<SelectItem> availableBaseTables = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : availableBaseTablesMap.entrySet()) { String baseTableName = entry.getKey(); String baseTablePid = entry.getValue(); availableBaseTables.add(new SelectItem(baseTableName, baseTablePid + "( " + baseTableName + " )")); }"Found " + availableBaseTables.size() + " base tables"); return availableBaseTables; } private List<SelectItem> retrieveSubsetsFromDatabase(String baseTableName) { QueryStoreAPI queryAPI = new QueryStoreAPI(); Map<String, String> availableSubsetsMap = queryAPI.getAvailableSubsetsFromBase(baseTableName); List<SelectItem> availableSubsets = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : availableSubsetsMap.entrySet()) { String pid = entry.getKey(); String execDateString = entry.getValue(); availableSubsets.add(new SelectItem(pid, pid + " ( " + execDateString + " )")); }"Found " + availableSubsets.size() + " base tables"); return availableSubsets; } private void updateMetadataFields(Query query, BaseTable baseTable) { if (query != null) { PersistentIdentifierAPI pidApi = new PersistentIdentifierAPI();"Setting metadata fields"); this.metaPid = query.getPID(); this.metaSubsetURL = pidApi.getPIDObjectFromPIDString(this.metaPid).getURI(); this.metaParentPid = baseTable.getBaseTablePID(); this.metaParentURL = pidApi.getPIDObjectFromPIDString(this.metaParentPid).getURI(); this.metaExecutionDate = query.getExecution_timestamp().toString(); this.metaResultSetHash = query.getResultSetHash(); this.metaQueryHash = query.getQueryHash(); this.metaDescription = query.getQueryDescription(); this.metaSQLString = query.getQueryString(); this.metaParentAuthor = baseTable.getAuthor(); this.metaAuthor = query.getUserName(); this.metaTitle = query.getSubSetTitle(); this.metaParentTitle = baseTable.getDataSetTitle(); this.metaSuggestedCitationString = this.metaAuthor + " (" + this.getYearFromDate(query.getExecution_timestamp()) + ") \"" + this.metaTitle + "\" created at " + this.metaExecutionDate.toString() + ", PID [ark:" + this.metaPid + "]. Subset of " + this.metaParentAuthor + ": \"" + this.getMetaParentTitle() + "\", PID [ark:" + this.metaParentPid + "]"; } else { this.logger.severe("basetable or subset does not exist"); if (query == null) {"This was not a query pid. Checking base tables"); if (baseTable == null) { this.logger.severe("Not a valid Pid!"); } else {"Base table found!"); this.updateBaseTableFields(baseTable); } } } } private String getYearFromDate(Date execDate) { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date date = null; try { date = format.parse(execDate.toString()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); String year = df.format(date); return year; } public List<SelectItem> getAvailableSubsets() { return availableSubsets; } public void setAvailableSubsets(List<SelectItem> availableSubsets) { this.availableSubsets = availableSubsets; } public String getMetaPid() { return metaPid; } public void setMetaPid(String metaPid) { this.metaPid = metaPid; } public String getMetaParentPid() { return metaParentPid; } public void setMetaParentPid(String metaParentPid) { this.metaParentPid = metaParentPid; } public String getMetaExecutionDate() { return metaExecutionDate; } public void setMetaExecutionDate(String metaExecutionDate) { this.metaExecutionDate = metaExecutionDate; } public String getMetaResultSetHash() { return metaResultSetHash; } public void setMetaResultSetHash(String metaResultSetHash) { this.metaResultSetHash = metaResultSetHash; } public String getMetaQueryHash() { return metaQueryHash; } public void setMetaQueryHash(String metaQueryHash) { this.metaQueryHash = metaQueryHash; } public String getMetaDescription() { return metaDescription; } public void setMetaDescription(String metaDescription) { this.metaDescription = metaDescription; } public String getMetaSQLString() { return metaSQLString; } public void setMetaSQLString(String metaSQLString) { this.metaSQLString = metaSQLString; } public String getMetaParentAuthor() { return metaParentAuthor; } public void setMetaParentAuthor(String metaParentAuthor) { this.metaParentAuthor = metaParentAuthor; } public String getMetaAuthor() { return metaAuthor; } public void setMetaAuthor(String metaAuthor) { this.metaAuthor = metaAuthor; } public String getMetaSuggestedCitationString() { return metaSuggestedCitationString; } public void setMetaSuggestedCitationString(String metaSuggestedCitationString) { this.metaSuggestedCitationString = metaSuggestedCitationString; } public int countChar(String text) { int rows = (int) (text.length() / 60); return rows; } public Date getMetaParentUploadTimestamp() { return metaParentUploadTimestamp; } public void setMetaParentUploadTimestamp(Date metaParentUploadTimestamp) { this.metaParentUploadTimestamp = metaParentUploadTimestamp; } public String getMetaTitle() { return metaTitle; } public void setMetaTitle(String metaTitle) { this.metaTitle = metaTitle; } public String getMetaParentTitle() { return metaParentTitle; } public void setMetaParentTitle(String metaParentTitle) { this.metaParentTitle = metaParentTitle; } public String getRequestPID() { return requestPID; } public void setRequestPID(String requestPID) { this.requestPID = requestPID; } public void initPidRequest() { if (requestPID != null) { SessionManager sm = new SessionManager();"Set request: " + requestPID); QueryStoreAPI queryAPI = new QueryStoreAPI(); Query query = queryAPI.getQueryByPID(requestPID); if (query == null) {"This was not a subset pid. Checking base tables"); BaseTable baseTable = queryAPI.getBaseTableByPID(requestPID); if (baseTable == null) { this.logger.severe("Not a valid Pid!"); } else {"Base table found!"); this.updateBaseTableFields(baseTable); sm.setLandingPageSelectedParent(requestPID); } } else { BaseTable baseTable = query.getBaseTable(); this.updateMetadataFields(query, baseTable); sm.setLandingPageSelectedParent(baseTable.getBaseTablePID()); sm.setLandingPageSelectedSubset(requestPID); } } } private void updateBaseTableFields(BaseTable baseTable) { if (baseTable != null) { PersistentIdentifierAPI pidApi = new PersistentIdentifierAPI();"Setting metadata fields"); this.metaPid = ""; this.metaParentPid = baseTable.getBaseTablePID(); this.metaParentURL = pidApi.getPIDObjectFromPIDString(this.metaParentPid).getURI(); this.metaExecutionDate = ""; this.metaResultSetHash = ""; this.metaQueryHash = ""; this.metaDescription = baseTable.getDescription(); this.metaSQLString = ""; this.metaParentAuthor = baseTable.getAuthor(); this.metaAuthor = ""; this.metaTitle = ""; this.metaParentTitle = baseTable.getDataSetTitle(); this.metaParentUploadTimestamp = baseTable.getUploadDate(); this.metaParentActiveRecords = baseTable.getNumberOfActiveRecords(); this.metaSuggestedCitationString = this.metaParentAuthor + " (" + this.getYearFromDate(this.metaParentUploadTimestamp) + "): \"" + this.getMetaParentTitle() + "\", PID [ark:" + this.metaParentPid + "]"; } else { this.logger.severe("basetable or subset does not exist"); } } public void loadData() {"Loading data"); this.availableBaseTables = this.retrieveBaseTablesFromDatabase(); this.selectedBaseTable = this.availableBaseTables.get(0).getValue().toString(); this.availableSubsets = this.retrieveSubsetsFromDatabase(this.selectedBaseTable); } public String getMetaParentURL() {"Getting url: " + metaParentURL); return metaParentURL; } public void setMetaParentURL(String metaParentURL) { this.metaParentURL = metaParentURL; } public String getMetaSubsetURL() { return metaSubsetURL; } public void setMetaSubsetURL(String metaSubsetURL) { this.metaSubsetURL = metaSubsetURL; } public int getMetaParentActiveRecords() { return metaParentActiveRecords; } public void setMetaParentActiveRecords(int metaParentActiveRecords) { this.metaParentActiveRecords = metaParentActiveRecords; } }