Example usage for org.dom4j Node setText

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Node setText


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Node setText.


void setText(String text);

Source Link


Sets the text data of this node or this method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if it is read-only.


From source file:dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.H1HeritrixTemplate.java

License:Open Source License

 * Auxiliary method to modify the orderXMLdoc Document with respect to setting the maximum number of bytes to
 * retrieve per domain. This method updates 'group-max-all-kb' element of the 'QuotaEnforcer' node, which again is a
 * subelement of 'pre-fetch-processors' node. with the value of the argument forceMaxBytesPerDomain
 * @param forceMaxBytesPerDomain The maximum number of byte to retrieve per domain, or -1 for no limit. Note that
 * the number is divided by 1024 before being inserted into the orderXml, as Heritrix expects KB.
 * @throws PermissionDenied If unable to replace the QuotaEnforcer node of the orderXMLdoc Document
 * @throws IOFailure If the group-max-all-kb element cannot be found. TODO This group-max-all-kb check also be
 * performed in TemplateDAO.create, TemplateDAO.update
 *///from  w w  w .  j  a v a  2  s .  co m
public void setMaxBytesPerDomain(Long forceMaxBytesPerDomain) {
    // get and set the group-max-all-kb Node of the orderXMLdoc:
    String xpath = GROUP_MAX_ALL_KB_XPATH;
    Node groupMaxSuccessKbNode = template.selectSingleNode(xpath);
    if (groupMaxSuccessKbNode != null) {
        if (forceMaxBytesPerDomain == 0) {
        } else if (forceMaxBytesPerDomain != Constants.HERITRIX_MAXBYTES_INFINITY) {
            // Divide by 1024 since Heritrix uses KB rather than bytes,
            // and add 1 to avoid to low limit due to rounding.
                    Long.toString((forceMaxBytesPerDomain / Constants.BYTES_PER_HERITRIX_BYTELIMIT_UNIT) + 1));
        } else {
    } else {
        throw new IOFailure("Unable to locate QuotaEnforcer object in order.xml: " + template.asXML());

From source file:dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.H1HeritrixTemplate.java

License:Open Source License

public void setMaxJobRunningTime(Long maxJobRunningTimeSecondsL) {
    // get and set the "max-time-sec" node of the orderXMLdoc
    String xpath = MAXTIMESEC_PATH_XPATH;
    Node groupMaxTimeSecNode = template.selectSingleNode(xpath);
    if (groupMaxTimeSecNode != null) {
        String currentMaxTimeSec = groupMaxTimeSecNode.getText();
        log.trace("Value of groupMaxTimeSecNode changed from " + currentMaxTimeSec + " to "
                + maxJobRunningTimeSecondsL);
    } else {/*  www.  jav  a  2s . co m*/
        throw new IOFailure("Unable to locate xpath '" + xpath + "' in the order.xml: " + template.asXML());

From source file:dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.H1HeritrixTemplate.java

License:Open Source License

public void setRecoverlogNode(File recoverlogGzFile) {
    final String RECOVERLOG_PATH_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/string[@name='recover-path']";
    Node orderXmlNode = template.selectSingleNode(RECOVERLOG_PATH_XPATH);
    if (orderXmlNode != null) {
        log.debug("The Heritrix recover path now refers to '{}'.", recoverlogGzFile.getAbsolutePath());
    } else {//from  www  .j  av a2  s  . co m
        throw new IOFailure("Unable to locate the '" + RECOVERLOG_PATH_XPATH + "' element in order.xml: "
                + template.asXML());

From source file:dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.HarvestController.java

License:Open Source License

 * Insert the correct recoverpath in the order.xml for the given harvestjob.
 * @param job A harvestjob/*from ww  w .  ja v a 2s .  co  m*/
 * @param files Heritrix files related to this harvestjob.
private void insertHeritrixRecoverPathInOrderXML(Job job, HeritrixFiles files) {
    Document order = job.getOrderXMLdoc();
    final String RECOVERLOG_PATH_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/string[@name='recover-path']";
    Node orderXmlNode = order.selectSingleNode(RECOVERLOG_PATH_XPATH);
    if (orderXmlNode != null) {
        log.debug("The Heritrix recover path now refers to '" + files.getRecoverBackupGzFile().getAbsolutePath()
                + "'.");
    } else {
        throw new IOFailure(
                "Unable to locate the '" + RECOVERLOG_PATH_XPATH + "' element in order.xml: " + order.asXML());

From source file:edu.ku.brc.specify.toycode.L18NStringResApp.java

License:Open Source License

 * @param file/* ww  w  .  j  a v  a2  s  .  c  o  m*/
public void process(final File fileArg, final boolean doDiffs) {
    try {
        String dirName = RES_PATH + "values-" + destLocale.getLanguage();
        String path = dirName + File.separator + fileArg.getName();

        File file = fileArg;
        if (doDiffs) {
            file = new File(path);
        Document doc = readFileToDOM4J(new FileInputStream(file));
        Node root = doc.getRootElement();

        for (Object nodeObj : root.selectNodes("/resources/string")) {
            Node node = (Node) nodeObj;
            String name = XMLHelper.getAttr((Element) node, "name", null);

            if (doDiffs) {
                if (baseHash.get(name) != null) {

            String text = node.getText();
            String transText = translate(text);
            if (transText != null) {
            System.out.println(name + "[" + text + "][" + transText + "]");

        File dir = new File(dirName);
        if (!dir.exists()) {

        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path);
        OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
        XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(fos, format);

    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.web.pug.PowerUserGateway.java

License:Apache License

protected Document createStatusDocument(String requestId) throws Exception {
    InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/edu/scripps/fl/pubchem/pug/PugStatus.xml");
    Document doc = getDocument(is);
    Node node = doc.selectSingleNode("//PCT-Request_reqid");
    node.setText("" + requestId);
    return doc;/*from   ww w.j av  a 2s . c  om*/

From source file:edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.web.pug.PUGRequest.java

License:Apache License

private static void setResponseIds2(Document document, Type type, Collection<Object> ids) throws Exception {
    Node node = document.selectSingleNode("//PCT-ID-List_db");
    node = document.selectSingleNode(".//PCT-ID-List_uids");
    for (Node child : (List<Node>) node.selectNodes("*"))
        child.detach();//from  w  w  w. j a v a 2  s. c o m
    for (Object id : ids) {
        Element aidElem = DocumentHelper.createElement("PCT-ID-List_uids_E");
        ((Element) node).add(aidElem);

From source file:edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.web.pug.PUGRequest.java

License:Apache License

public static void setResponseIds(Document document, Type type, Collection<Object> ids) throws Exception {
    String idTypePath = "//PCT-QueryAssayData_";
    idTypePath += Type.AID.equals(type) ? "aids" : "scids";
    Node localRoot = document.selectSingleNode(idTypePath);
    Node node = localRoot.selectSingleNode(".//PCT-ID-List_db");
    node = localRoot.selectSingleNode(".//PCT-ID-List_uids");
    //      if (node == null)
    //         throw new Exception("Cannot find PCT-ID-List_uids node");
    for (Node child : (List<Node>) node.selectNodes("*"))
        child.detach();//  w  w w  .ja va  2  s . c  o m
    for (Object id : ids) {
        Element aidElem = DocumentHelper.createElement("PCT-ID-List_uids_E");
        ((Element) node).add(aidElem);

From source file:edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.web.pug.PUGRequest.java

License:Apache License

public static void setOutputType(Document document, Output output) throws Exception {
    Node node = document.selectSingleNode("//PCT-QueryAssayData_output");
    if (node == null)
        throw new Exception("Document does not contain a PCT-QueryAssayData_output node");
    if (Output.XML.equals(output)) {
        ((Element) node).attribute("value").setText("assay-xml");
    } else if (Output.ASN1.equals(output)) {
        ((Element) node).attribute("value").setText("assay-text-asn");
    } else if (Output.CSV.equals(output)) {
        ((Element) node).attribute("value").setText("csv");
    }//w w  w  .  j a  v a  2 s. com

From source file:edu.ucsd.library.xdre.imports.RDFDAMS4ImportHandler.java

 * Procedure to populate the RDF metadata and ingest the files
 *//*  w  w  w. j  a v a2 s  .co  m*/
public boolean execute() throws Exception {
    if (filesPaths != null) {
        File file = null;
        // List the source files
        for (int i = 0; i < filesPaths.length; i++) {
            file = new File(filesPaths[i]);
            if (file.exists()) {
                listFile(filesMap, file);

    String message = "";
    Document doc = null;
    DamsURI damsURI = null;

    String oid = null;
    int fLen = rdfFiles.length;
    String currFile = null;
    SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader();
    for (int i = 0; i < fLen && !interrupted; i++) {
        currFile = rdfFiles[i].getName();
                "Processing external import for file " + currFile + " (" + (i + 1) + " of " + fLen + ") ... ");
        try {
            doc = saxReader.read(rdfFiles[i]);
            List<Node> nodes = doc.selectNodes("//@rdf:about");
            for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++) {
                Node nUri = nodes.get(j);
                String iUri = nUri.getStringValue();
                Node parentNode = nUri.getParent();
                String nName = parentNode.getName();
                if (iUri.endsWith("/COL") || !(iUri.startsWith("http") && iUri.indexOf("/ark:/") > 0)) {
                    // Assign ARK
                    if (nName.endsWith("Object") || nName.endsWith("Component") || nName.endsWith("File")
                            || (((Element) parentNode).isRootElement()
                                    || (parentNode.getParent().isRootElement()
                                            && parentNode.getParent().getName().equals("RDF")))) {
                        String objId = iUri;

                        if (nName.endsWith("Component") || nName.endsWith("File")) {
                            damsURI = DamsURI.toParts(iUri, null);
                            objId = damsURI.getObject();
                        String srcObjKey = objId + "::" + rdfFiles[i].getAbsolutePath();
                        oid = idsMap.get(srcObjKey);

                        // Assign new ARK
                        if (oid == null) {
                            oid = getNewId();
                            idsMap.put(srcObjKey, oid);

                        if (nName.endsWith("Object")) {
                            objId = oid;
                            objRecords.put(objId, currFile);
                        } else if (nName.endsWith("Component") || nName.endsWith("File")) {
                            // XXX
                            // Assign cid and fid for Component and FIle if required
                            objId = damsURI.toString();
                        } else
                            objId = oid;
                        updateReference(doc, iUri, objId);
                    } else {
                        String field = null;
                        Node tNode = null;
                        String xPath = null;
                        Map<String, String> props = new TreeMap<String, String>();
                        String elemXPath = parentNode.getPath();
                        if (nName.endsWith("Collection") || nName.endsWith("CollectionPart")) {
                            // Retrieve the Collection record
                            field = "title_tesim";
                            xPath = "dams:title/mads:Title/mads:authoritativeLabel";
                            tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                            if (tNode == null) {
                                // Loop through to locate the rdfs:label if not selected by xPath.
                                Node n = parentNode.selectSingleNode("dams:title");
                                for (Iterator<Element> it = ((Element) n).elementIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                                    Element elem = it.next();
                                    if (elem.getNamespacePrefix().equals("mads")
                                            && elem.getName().equals("Title"))
                                        tNode = elem.selectSingleNode("mads:authoritativeLabel");
                        } /* else if (nName.endsWith("Language") || nName.endsWith("Authority") || nName.endsWith("Subject") || nName.endsWith("Name") || nName.endsWith("Topic") || nName.endsWith("GenreForm") || nName.endsWith("Temporal") || nName.endsWith("Geographic")){
                            // Subject, Authority records use mads:authoritativeLabel
                            field = "name_tesim";
                            xPath = "mads:authoritativeLabel";
                            tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                          } */else if (nName.endsWith(COPYRIGHT)) {
                            // Copyright records use dams:copyrightStatus, plus other properties in the next step.
                            field = "status_tesim";
                            xPath = "dams:copyrightStatus";
                            tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                            props = copyrightProperties(parentNode);
                        } else if (nName.endsWith(LICENSE)) {
                            // License records use dams:LicenseNote, plus other properties in the next step.
                            field = "note_tesim";
                            xPath = "dams:licenseNote";
                            tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                            props = licenseProperties(parentNode);
                        } else if (nName.endsWith(OTHERRIGHTS)) {
                            // Copyright records use dams:copyrightStatus, plus other properties in the next step.
                            field = "otherRightsBasis_tesim";
                            xPath = "dams:otherRightsBasis";
                            tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                            props = licenseProperties(parentNode);
                        } else if (nName.endsWith(RELATEDRESOURCE)) {
                            // RelatedResource records use dams:description, plus other properties in the next step.
                            field = "description_tesim";
                            xPath = "dams:description";
                            tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                            props = relatedResourceProperties(parentNode);
                        } else if (nName.endsWith(SOURCECAPTURE)) {
                            // SourceCapture records use dams:sourceType, plus other properties in the next step.
                            field = "sourceType_tesim";
                            xPath = "dams:sourceType";
                            tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                            props = sourceCaptureProperties(parentNode);
                        } else if (elemXPath.indexOf("mads", elemXPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) >= 0) {
                            // MADSScheme and Language
                            if (nName.endsWith(MADSSCHEME) || nName.equals(LANGUAGE)) {
                                field = "code_tesim";
                                xPath = "mads:code";
                                tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                                if (tNode == null) {
                                    field = "name_tesim";
                                    xPath = "rdfs:label";
                                    tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                                    if (tNode == null) {
                                        // Loop through to locate the rdfs:label if not selected by xPath.
                                        for (Iterator<Element> it = ((Element) parentNode).elementIterator(); it
                                                .hasNext();) {
                                            Element elem = it.next();
                                            if (elem.getNamespacePrefix().equals("rdfs")
                                                    && elem.getName().equals("label"))
                                                tNode = elem;
                            } else {
                                // Subject, Authority records use mads:authoritativeLabel
                                field = "name_tesim";
                                xPath = "mads:authoritativeLabel";
                                tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                                if (tNode == null) {
                                    // Try to use the mads:code for mapping when mads:authoritativeLabel is not available
                                    field = "code_tesim";
                                    xPath = "mads:code";
                                    tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                                // Mapping for mads:isMemberOfMADSScheme
                                String madsScheme = null;
                                Node madsSchemeNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode("mads:isMemberOfMADSScheme");
                                if (madsSchemeNode != null) {
                                    Node msValueNode = madsSchemeNode.selectSingleNode("@rdf:resource");
                                    if (msValueNode != null) {
                                        madsScheme = madsSchemeNode.getStringValue();
                                        props.put("scheme_tesim", madsScheme);
                                    } else if ((madsSchemeNode = madsSchemeNode
                                            .selectSingleNode("mads:MADSScheme")) != null
                                            && madsSchemeNode.hasContent()) {
                                        if ((msValueNode = madsSchemeNode
                                                .selectSingleNode("mads:code")) != null) {
                                            madsScheme = msValueNode.getText();
                                            props.put("scheme_code_tesim", madsScheme);
                                        } else if ((msValueNode = madsSchemeNode
                                                .selectSingleNode("rdfs:label")) != null) {
                                            madsScheme = msValueNode.getText();
                                            props.put("scheme_name_tesim", madsScheme);
                                    } else {
                                        props.put("scheme_tesim", "");
                                } else {
                                    props.put("scheme_tesim", null);

                        } else {
                            // XXX Other Rights records like Statute, License, Other Rights etc. 
                            field = "value_tesim";
                            xPath = "rdf:value";
                            tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                            field = "code_tesim";
                            if (tNode == null) {
                                xPath = "dams:code";
                                tNode = parentNode.selectSingleNode(xPath);
                        if (tNode == null) {
                            throw new Exception("Element " + xPath + " is missing from the " + nName
                                    + " record " + iUri + " in file " + currFile + ".");
                        updateDocument(doc, parentNode, field, tNode.getText(), props);
                } else if (nName.endsWith("Object")) {
                    objRecords.put(iUri, currFile);

            String dams4Rdf = doc.asXML();
            logData("dams4_" + rdfFiles[i].getName(), dams4Rdf);

            // Ingest the records
            String subjectId = null;
            DamsURI objURI = null;
            List<DamsURI> objURIs = null;
            RDFStore graph = null;

            rdfStore = new RDFStore();
            Model rdf = rdfStore.loadRDFXML(dams4Rdf);

            Model iRdf = null;
            int jLen = items.size();

            for (int j = 0; j < jLen && !interrupted; j++) {
                graph = new RDFStore();
                // Add subject
                subjectId = items.get(j);
                try {
                    setStatus("Processing metadata for record " + subjectId + " (" + (j + 1) + " of " + jLen
                            + ") in file " + currFile + " ... ");
                    boolean succeeded = false;
                    objURIs = objects.get(subjectId);

                    for (int k = 0; k < objURIs.size(); k++) {
                        objURI = objURIs.get(k);
                        iRdf = rdfStore.querySubject(objURI.toString());

                    // Update object
                    //log.info(j + " ingesting record " + subjectId + ":\n" + graph.export(RDFStore.RDFXML_ABBREV_FORMAT) + "\n\n");

                    succeeded = damsClient.updateObject(subjectId, graph.export(RDFStore.RDFXML_ABBREV_FORMAT),

                    if (!succeeded) {
                        if (metadataFailed.indexOf(currFile) < 0)
                        metadataFailed.append(subjectId + " (" + currFile + "), \n");
                        message = "Metadata import for record " + subjectId + " failed (" + (j + 1) + " of "
                                + jLen + ") in file " + currFile + ".";
                        logError(message + "\n Error RDF: \n" + graph.export(RDFStore.RDFXML_ABBREV_FORMAT));
                    } else {
                        message = "Metadata import for record " + subjectId + " succeeded (" + (j + 1) + " of "
                                + jLen + ") in file " + currFile + ". ";

                        // Update SOLR fre records ingested.

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (metadataFailed.indexOf(currFile) < 0)
                    metadataFailed.append(subjectId + " (" + currFile + "), \n");
                    message = "Metadata import failed: " + e.getMessage();
                    setStatus(message + " (" + (j + 1) + " of " + jLen + ") in file " + currFile + ".");

                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    interrupted = true;
                    metadataFailed.append(subjectId + " (" + currFile + ") \n");
                    message = "Metadata import interrupted for subject " + subjectId + ". \n Error: "
                            + e.getMessage() + "\n";

            // Ingest the source file
            if (importOption.equalsIgnoreCase("metadataAndFiles")) {
                uploadFiles(rdf, currFile);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            message = "Import failed for " + currFile + ": " + e.getMessage();
            setStatus(message + " (" + (i + 1) + " of " + fLen + ").");
        } finally {
            // Update SOLR for files uploaded
            int iLen = objWithFiles.size();
            for (int j = 0; j < iLen && !interrupted; j++) {

        setProgressPercentage(((i + 1) * 100) / fLen);

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            interrupted = true;
            message = "Import interrupted for oject in " + currFile + ". \n Error: " + e.getMessage() + "\n";
    return exeResult;