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 * #%L
 * Netarchivesuite - harvester
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 The Royal Danish Library, the Danish State and University Library,
 *             the National Library of France and the Austrian National Library.
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * <>.
 * #L%
package dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;

import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.Node;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.ArgumentNotValid;
import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IOFailure;
import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.IllegalState;
import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.PermissionDenied;
import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.Settings;
import dk.netarkivet.common.utils.XmlUtils;
import dk.netarkivet.harvester.HarvesterSettings;
import dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.eav.EAV.AttributeAndType;

 * Class encapsulating the Heritrix order.xml. Enables verification that dom4j Document obey the constraints required by
 * our software, specifically the Job class.
 * <p>
 * The class assumes the type of order.xml used in configuring Heritrix version 1.10+. Information about the Heritrix
 * crawler, and its processes and modules can be found in the Heritrix developer and user manuals found on <a
 * href=""><a/>
public class H1HeritrixTemplate extends HeritrixTemplate implements Serializable {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(H1HeritrixTemplate.class);

    /** the dom4j Document hiding behind this instance of HeritrixTemplate. */
    private Document template;

    /** has this HeritrixTemplate been verified. */
    private boolean verified;

    /** Xpath needed by Job.editOrderXML_maxBytesPerDomain(). */
    public static final String QUOTA_ENFORCER_ENABLED_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/map[@name='pre-fetch-processors']"
            + "/newObject[@name='QuotaEnforcer']" + "/boolean[@name='enabled']";;
    /** Xpath needed by Job.editOrderXML_maxBytesPerDomain(). */
    public static final String GROUP_MAX_ALL_KB_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/map[@name='pre-fetch-processors']"
            + "/newObject[@name='QuotaEnforcer']" + "/long[@name='group-max-all-kb']";
    /** Xpath needed by Job.editOrderXML_maxObjectsPerDomain(). */
    public static final String GROUP_MAX_FETCH_SUCCESS_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/map[@name='pre-fetch-processors']"
            + "/newObject[@name='QuotaEnforcer']" + "/long[@name='group-max-fetch-successes']";
    /** Xpath needed by Job.editOrderXML_maxObjectsPerDomain(). */
    public static final String QUEUE_TOTAL_BUDGET_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/newObject[@name='frontier']"
            + "/long[@name='queue-total-budget']";
    /** Xpath needed by Job.editOrderXML_crawlerTraps(). */
    public static final String DECIDERULES_MAP_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/newObject"
            + "/newObject[@name='decide-rules']" + "/map[@name='rules']";
    /** Xpath needed by Job.editOrderXML_crawlerTraps(). */
    public static final String DECIDERULES_ACCEPT_IF_PREREQUISITE_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/newObject"
            + "/newObject[@name='decide-rules']" + "/map[@name='rules']/newObject[@class="
            + "'org.archive.crawler.deciderules.PrerequisiteAcceptDecideRule']";

    /** Xpath checked by Heritrix for correct user-agent field in requests. */
    public static final String HERITRIX_USER_AGENT_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/map[@name='http-headers']"
            + "/string[@name='user-agent']";
    /** Xpath checked by Heritrix for correct mail address. */
    public static final String HERITRIX_FROM_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/map[@name='http-headers']/"
            + "string[@name='from']";
    /** Xpath to check, that all templates use the DecidingScope. */
    public static final String DECIDINGSCOPE_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/newObject[@name='scope']"
            + "[@class='" + Heritrix1Constants.DECIDINGSCOPE_CLASSNAME + "']";
     * Xpath for the deduplicator node in order.xml documents.
    public static final String DEDUPLICATOR_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/map[@name='write-processors']"
            + "/newObject[@name='DeDuplicator']";

     * Xpath to check, that all templates use the same ARC archiver path,
     * {@link dk.netarkivet.common.Constants#ARCDIRECTORY_NAME}. The archive path tells Heritrix to which directory it
     * shall write its arc files.
    public static final String ARC_ARCHIVER_PATH_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/map[@name='write-processors']/"
            + "newObject[@name='Archiver']/stringList[@name='path']/string";

     * Xpath to check, that all templates use the same WARC archiver path,
     * {@link dk.netarkivet.common.Constants#WARCDIRECTORY_NAME}. The archive path tells Heritrix to which directory it
     * shall write its arc files.
    public static final String WARC_ARCHIVER_PATH_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/map[@name='write-processors']/"
            + "newObject[@name='WARCArchiver']/stringList[@name='path']/string";

     * Xpath for the deduplicator index directory node in order.xml documents.
            + "/string[@name='index-location']";

     * Xpath for the boolean telling if the deduplicator is enabled in order.xml documents.
    public static final String DEDUPLICATOR_ENABLED = DEDUPLICATOR_XPATH + "/boolean[@name='enabled']";

    /** Xpath for the 'disk-path' in the order.xml . */
    public static final String DISK_PATH_XPATH = "//crawl-order/controller" + "/string[@name='disk-path']";
    /** Xpath for the arcfile 'prefix' in the order.xml . */
    public static final String ARCHIVEFILE_PREFIX_XPATH = "//crawl-order/controller"
            + "/map[@name='write-processors']" + "/newObject/string[@name='prefix']";
    /** Xpath for the ARCs dir in the order.xml. */
    public static final String ARCSDIR_XPATH = "//crawl-order/controller" + "/map[@name='write-processors']"
            + "/newObject[@name='Archiver']/stringList[@name='path']/string";

    public static final String WARCWRITERPROCESSOR_XPATH = "//crawl-order/controller"
            + "/map[@name='write-processors']" + "/newObject[@name='WARCArchiver']";

    public static final String ARCWRITERPROCESSOR_XPATH = "//crawl-order/controller"
            + "/map[@name='write-processors']" + "/newObject[@name='Archiver']";

    /** Xpath for the WARCs dir in the order.xml. */
    public static final String WARCSDIR_XPATH = WARCWRITERPROCESSOR_XPATH + "/stringList[@name='path']/string";

    /** Xpath for the 'seedsfile' in the order.xml. */
    public static final String SEEDS_FILE_XPATH = "//crawl-order/controller" + "/newObject[@name='scope']"
            + "/string[@name='seedsfile']";

    public static final String ARCS_ENABLED_XPATH = ARCWRITERPROCESSOR_XPATH + "/boolean[@name='enabled']";

    /** Xpath for the WARCs dir in the order.xml. */
    public static final String WARCS_ENABLED_XPATH = WARCWRITERPROCESSOR_XPATH + "/boolean[@name='enabled']";

            + "/boolean[@name='write-requests']";
            + "/boolean[@name='write-metadata']";
            + "/boolean[@name='skip-identical-digests']";
            + "/boolean[@name='write-revisit-for-identical-digests']";
            + "/boolean[@name='write-revisit-for-not-modified']";

    /** Xpath for the WARC metadata in the order.xml. */
    public static final String METADATA_ITEMS_XPATH = WARCWRITERPROCESSOR_XPATH + "/map[@name='metadata-items']";

     * Map from required xpaths to a regular expression describing legal content for the path text.
    private static final Map<String, Pattern> requiredXpaths = new HashMap<String, Pattern>();

     * A regular expression that matches a whole number, possibly negative, and with optional whitespace around it.
    private static final String WHOLE_NUMBER_REGEXP = "\\s*-?[0-9]+\\s*";
     * A regular expression that matches everything. Except newlines, unless DOTALL is given to Pattern.compile().
    private static final String EVERYTHING_REGEXP = ".*";

    // These two regexps are copied from
    // org.archive.crawler.datamodel.CrawlOrder because they're private there.

     * A regular expression that matches Heritrix' specs for the user-agent field in order.xml. It should be used with
     * DOTALL. An example match is "Org (ourCrawler, see + for details) harvest".
    private static final String USER_AGENT_REGEXP = "\\S+.*\\(.*\\+http(s)?://\\S+\\.\\S+.*\\).*";
     * A regular expression that matches Heritrix' specs for the from field. This should be a valid email address.
    private static final String FROM_REGEXP = "\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+";

     * Xpath to check, that all templates have the max-time-sec attribute.
    public static final String MAXTIMESEC_PATH_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/long[@name='max-time-sec']";

    static {
        requiredXpaths.put(GROUP_MAX_FETCH_SUCCESS_XPATH, Pattern.compile(WHOLE_NUMBER_REGEXP));
        requiredXpaths.put(QUEUE_TOTAL_BUDGET_XPATH, Pattern.compile(WHOLE_NUMBER_REGEXP));
        requiredXpaths.put(GROUP_MAX_ALL_KB_XPATH, Pattern.compile(WHOLE_NUMBER_REGEXP));

        // Required that we use DecidingScope
        // requiredXpaths.put(DECIDINGSCOPE_XPATH,
        // Pattern.compile(EVERYTHING_REGEXP));

        // Required that we have a rules map used to add crawlertraps
        requiredXpaths.put(DECIDERULES_MAP_XPATH, Pattern.compile(EVERYTHING_REGEXP, Pattern.DOTALL));

        requiredXpaths.put(HERITRIX_USER_AGENT_XPATH, Pattern.compile(USER_AGENT_REGEXP, Pattern.DOTALL));
        requiredXpaths.put(HERITRIX_FROM_XPATH, Pattern.compile(FROM_REGEXP));

        // max-time-sec attribute needed, so we can't override it set
        // a timelimit on broad crawls.
        requiredXpaths.put(MAXTIMESEC_PATH_XPATH, Pattern.compile(WHOLE_NUMBER_REGEXP));

     * Constructor for HeritrixTemplate class.
     * @param doc the order.xml
     * @param verify If true, verifies if the given dom4j Document contains the elements required by our software.
     * @throws ArgumentNotValid if doc is null, or verify is true and doc does not obey the constraints required by our
     * software.
    public H1HeritrixTemplate(Document doc, boolean verify) {
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(doc, "Document doc");
        String xpath;
        Node node;
        Pattern pattern;
        Matcher matcher;
        if (verify) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, Pattern> required : requiredXpaths.entrySet()) {
                xpath = required.getKey();
                node = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath);
                ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(node != null, "Template error: Missing node: " + xpath
                        + ". The template looks like this: " + doc.asXML());

                pattern = required.getValue();
                matcher = pattern.matcher(node.getText().trim());

                        "Template error: Value '" + node.getText() + "' of node '" + xpath
                                + "' does not match required regexp '" + pattern
                                + "'. The template looks like this: " + doc.asXML());
            verified = true;
            // Required that Heritrix write its ARC/WARC files to the correct dir
            // relative to the crawldir. This dir is defined by the constant:
            // dk.netarkivet.common.Constants.ARCDIRECTORY_NAME.
            // dk.netarkivet.common.Constants.WARCDIRECTORY_NAME.
            int validArchivePaths = 0;
            node = doc.selectSingleNode(ARC_ARCHIVER_PATH_XPATH);
            if (node != null) {
                pattern = Pattern.compile(dk.netarkivet.common.Constants.ARCDIRECTORY_NAME);
                matcher = pattern.matcher(node.getText().trim());
                        "Template error: Value '" + node.getText() + "' of node '" + ARC_ARCHIVER_PATH_XPATH
                                + "' does not match required regexp '" + pattern + "'");
            node = doc.selectSingleNode(WARC_ARCHIVER_PATH_XPATH);
            if (node != null) {
                pattern = Pattern.compile(dk.netarkivet.common.Constants.WARCDIRECTORY_NAME);
                matcher = pattern.matcher(node.getText().trim());
                        "Template error: Value '" + node.getText() + "' of node '" + WARC_ARCHIVER_PATH_XPATH
                                + "' does not match required regexp '" + pattern + "'");
            ArgumentNotValid.checkTrue(validArchivePaths > 0,
                    "Template error: " + "An ARC or WARC writer processor seems to be missing");
        this.template = (Document) doc.clone();

     * Alternate constructor, which always verifies the given document.
     * @param doc
    public H1HeritrixTemplate(Document doc) {
        this(doc, true);

    public H1HeritrixTemplate(long template_id, String templateAsString) throws DocumentException {
        ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(templateAsString, "String template");
        this.template_id = template_id;
        this.template = XmlUtils.documentFromString(templateAsString);

      * return the template.
      * @return the template
    public Document getTemplate() {
        return (Document) template.clone();

     * Has Template been verified?
     * @return true, if verified on construction, otherwise false
    public boolean isVerified() {
        return verified;

     * Return HeritrixTemplate as XML.
     * @return HeritrixTemplate as XML
    public String getXML() {
        return template.asXML();

     * Method to add a list of crawler traps with a given element name. It is used both to add per-domain traps and
     * global traps.
     * @param elementName The name of the added element.
     * @param crawlerTraps A list of crawler trap regular expressions to add to this job.
    public static void editOrderXMLAddCrawlerTraps(Document orderXMLdoc, String elementName,
            List<String> crawlerTraps) {
        if (crawlerTraps.size() == 0) {

        // Get the node to update
        // If there is an acceptIfPrerequisite decideRule in the template, crawler traps should be
        // placed before (cf. issue NAS-2205)
        // If no such rule exists then we append the crawler traps as to the existing decideRuleds.

        Node rulesMapNode = orderXMLdoc.selectSingleNode(DECIDERULES_MAP_XPATH);
        if (rulesMapNode == null || !(rulesMapNode instanceof Element)) {
            throw new IllegalState("Unable to update order.xml document. It does not have the right form to add"
                    + "crawler trap deciderules.");

        Element rulesMap = (Element) rulesMapNode;

        // Create the root node and append it top existing rules
        Element decideRule = rulesMap.addElement("newObject");

        // If an acceptiIfPrerequisite node exists, detach and insert before it
        Node acceptIfPrerequisiteNode = orderXMLdoc.selectSingleNode(DECIDERULES_ACCEPT_IF_PREREQUISITE_XPATH);
        if (acceptIfPrerequisiteNode != null) {
            List<Node> elements = rulesMap.elements();
            int insertPosition = elements.indexOf(acceptIfPrerequisiteNode);
            elements.add(insertPosition, decideRule);
        } else {

        // Add all regexps in the list to a single MatchesListRegExpDecideRule
        decideRule.addAttribute("name", elementName);
        decideRule.addAttribute("class", Heritrix1Constants.MATCHESLISTREGEXPDECIDERULE_CLASSNAME);

        Element decision = decideRule.addElement("string");
        decision.addAttribute("name", "decision");

        Element listlogic = decideRule.addElement("string");
        listlogic.addAttribute("name", "list-logic");

        Element regexpList = decideRule.addElement("stringList");
        regexpList.addAttribute("name", "regexp-list");
        for (String trap : crawlerTraps) {

     * Updates the order.xml to include a MatchesListRegExpDecideRule for each crawlertrap associated with for the given
     * DomainConfiguration.
     * <p>
     * The added nodes have the form
     * <p>
     * <newObject name="" class="org.archive.crawler.deciderules.MatchesListRegExpDecideRule"> <string
     * name="decision">REJECT</string> <string name="list-logic">OR</string> <stringList name="regexp-list">
     * <string>theFirstRegexp</string> <string>theSecondRegexp</string> </stringList> </newObject>
     * @param cfg The DomainConfiguration for which to generate crawler trap deciderules
     * @throws IllegalState If unable to update order.xml due to wrong order.xml format
    public static void editOrderXMLAddPerDomainCrawlerTraps(Document orderXmlDoc, DomainConfiguration cfg) {
    // Get the regexps to exclude
    List<String> crawlerTraps = cfg.getCrawlertraps();
    String elementName = cfg.getDomainName();
    H1HeritrixTemplate.editOrderXMLAddCrawlerTraps(orderXmlDoc, elementName, crawlerTraps);

    private static void setIfFound(Document doc, String Xpath, String param, String value) {
        if (doc.selectSingleNode(Xpath) != null) {
            XmlUtils.setNode(doc, Xpath, value);
        } else {
            log.warn("Could not replace setting value of '" + param + "' in template. Xpath not found: " + Xpath);

     * Auxiliary method to modify the orderXMLdoc Document with respect to setting the maximum number of objects to be
     * retrieved per domain. This method updates 'group-max-fetch-success' element of the QuotaEnforcer pre-fetch
     * processor node ( with the value of the argument forceMaxObjectsPerDomain
     * @param orderXMLdoc
     * @param forceMaxObjectsPerDomain The maximum number of objects to retrieve per domain, or 0 for no limit.
     * @throws PermissionDenied If unable to replace the frontier node of the orderXMLdoc Document
     * @throws IOFailure If the group-max-fetch-success element is not found in the orderXml. TODO The
     * group-max-fetch-success check should also be performed in TemplateDAO.create, TemplateDAO.update
    public static void editOrderXML_maxObjectsPerDomain(Document orderXMLdoc, long forceMaxObjectsPerDomain,
            boolean maxObjectsIsSetByQuotaEnforcer) {

        String xpath = (maxObjectsIsSetByQuotaEnforcer ? GROUP_MAX_FETCH_SUCCESS_XPATH : QUEUE_TOTAL_BUDGET_XPATH);

        Node orderXmlNode = orderXMLdoc.selectSingleNode(xpath);
        if (orderXmlNode != null) {
        } else {
            throw new IOFailure("Unable to locate " + xpath + " element in order.xml: " + orderXMLdoc.asXML());

     * Activates or deactivate the quota-enforcer, depending on budget definition. Object limit can be defined either by
     * using the queue-total-budget property or the quota enforcer. Which is chosen is set by the argument
     * maxObjectsIsSetByQuotaEnforcer}'s value. So quota enforcer is set as follows:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Object limit is not set by quota enforcer, disabled only if there is no byte limit.</li>
     * <li>Object limit is set by quota enforcer, so it should be enabled whether a byte or object limit is set.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param orderXMLdoc the template to modify
     * @param maxObjectsIsSetByQuotaEnforcer Decides whether the maxObjectsIsSetByQuotaEnforcer or not.
     * @param forceMaxBytesPerDomain The number of max bytes per domain enforced (can be no limit)
     * @param forceMaxObjectsPerDomain The number of max objects per domain enforced (can be no limit)
    public static void editOrderXML_configureQuotaEnforcer(Document orderXMLdoc,
            boolean maxObjectsIsSetByQuotaEnforcer, long forceMaxBytesPerDomain, long forceMaxObjectsPerDomain) {

        boolean quotaEnabled = true;

        if (!maxObjectsIsSetByQuotaEnforcer) {
            // Object limit is not set by quota enforcer, so it should be disabled only
            // if there is no byte limit.
            quotaEnabled = forceMaxBytesPerDomain != Constants.HERITRIX_MAXBYTES_INFINITY;

        } else {
            // Object limit is set by quota enforcer, so it should be enabled whether
            // a byte or object limit is set.
            quotaEnabled = forceMaxObjectsPerDomain != Constants.HERITRIX_MAXOBJECTS_INFINITY
                    || forceMaxBytesPerDomain != Constants.HERITRIX_MAXBYTES_INFINITY;

        String xpath = QUOTA_ENFORCER_ENABLED_XPATH;
        Node qeNode = orderXMLdoc.selectSingleNode(xpath);
        if (qeNode != null) {
        } else {
            throw new IOFailure("Unable to locate " + xpath + " element in order.xml: " + orderXMLdoc.asXML());

    // Always return true
    public boolean isValid() {
        return true;

    public void configureQuotaEnforcer(boolean maxObjectsIsSetByQuotaEnforcer, long forceMaxBytesPerDomain,
            long forceMaxObjectsPerDomain) {
        Document orderXMLdoc = this.template;
        boolean quotaEnabled = true;

        if (!maxObjectsIsSetByQuotaEnforcer) {
            // Object limit is not set by quota enforcer, so it should be disabled only
            // if there is no byte limit.
            quotaEnabled = forceMaxBytesPerDomain != Constants.HERITRIX_MAXBYTES_INFINITY;

        } else {
            // Object limit is set by quota enforcer, so it should be enabled whether
            // a byte or object limit is set.
            quotaEnabled = forceMaxObjectsPerDomain != Constants.HERITRIX_MAXOBJECTS_INFINITY
                    || forceMaxBytesPerDomain != Constants.HERITRIX_MAXBYTES_INFINITY;

        String xpath = QUOTA_ENFORCER_ENABLED_XPATH;
        Node qeNode = orderXMLdoc.selectSingleNode(xpath);
        if (qeNode != null) {
        } else {
            throw new IOFailure("Unable to locate " + xpath + " element in order.xml: " + orderXMLdoc.asXML());

     * Auxiliary method to modify the orderXMLdoc Document with respect to setting the maximum number of bytes to
     * retrieve per domain. This method updates 'group-max-all-kb' element of the 'QuotaEnforcer' node, which again is a
     * subelement of 'pre-fetch-processors' node. with the value of the argument forceMaxBytesPerDomain
     * @param forceMaxBytesPerDomain The maximum number of byte to retrieve per domain, or -1 for no limit. Note that
     * the number is divided by 1024 before being inserted into the orderXml, as Heritrix expects KB.
     * @throws PermissionDenied If unable to replace the QuotaEnforcer node of the orderXMLdoc Document
     * @throws IOFailure If the group-max-all-kb element cannot be found. TODO This group-max-all-kb check also be
     * performed in TemplateDAO.create, TemplateDAO.update
    public void setMaxBytesPerDomain(Long forceMaxBytesPerDomain) {
        // get and set the group-max-all-kb Node of the orderXMLdoc:
        String xpath = GROUP_MAX_ALL_KB_XPATH;
        Node groupMaxSuccessKbNode = template.selectSingleNode(xpath);
        if (groupMaxSuccessKbNode != null) {
            if (forceMaxBytesPerDomain == 0) {
            } else if (forceMaxBytesPerDomain != Constants.HERITRIX_MAXBYTES_INFINITY) {
                // Divide by 1024 since Heritrix uses KB rather than bytes,
                // and add 1 to avoid to low limit due to rounding.
                        Long.toString((forceMaxBytesPerDomain / Constants.BYTES_PER_HERITRIX_BYTELIMIT_UNIT) + 1));
            } else {
        } else {
            throw new IOFailure("Unable to locate QuotaEnforcer object in order.xml: " + template.asXML());

    public Long getMaxBytesPerDomain() {
        return null;

    public void setMaxObjectsPerDomain(Long maxobjectsL) {


    public Long getMaxObjectsPerDomain() {
        return null;

      * Return true if the templatefile has deduplication enabled.
      * @return True if Deduplicator is enabled.
    public boolean IsDeduplicationEnabled() {
        Node xpathNode = template.selectSingleNode(DEDUPLICATOR_ENABLED);
        return xpathNode != null && xpathNode.getText().trim().equals("true");

    public void setArchiveFormat(String archiveFormat) {
        Document orderXML = this.template;
        boolean arcMode = false;
        boolean warcMode = false;

        //System.out.println("Document: " + template.asXML()); 

        if ("arc".equalsIgnoreCase(archiveFormat)) {
            arcMode = true;
            log.debug("ARC format selected to be used by Heritrix");
        } else if ("warc".equalsIgnoreCase(archiveFormat)) {
            warcMode = true;
            log.debug("WARC format selected to be used by Heritrix");
        } else {
            throw new ArgumentNotValid("Configuration of '" + HarvesterSettings.HERITRIX_ARCHIVE_FORMAT
                    + "' is invalid! Unrecognized format '" + archiveFormat + "'.");

        if (arcMode) {
            // enable ARC writing in Heritrix and disable WARC writing if needed.
            if (orderXML.selectSingleNode(ARCSDIR_XPATH) != null
                    && orderXML.selectSingleNode(ARCS_ENABLED_XPATH) != null) {
                XmlUtils.setNode(orderXML, ARCSDIR_XPATH, dk.netarkivet.common.Constants.ARCDIRECTORY_NAME);
                XmlUtils.setNode(orderXML, ARCS_ENABLED_XPATH, "true");
                if (orderXML.selectSingleNode(WARCS_ENABLED_XPATH) != null) {
                    XmlUtils.setNode(orderXML, WARCS_ENABLED_XPATH, "false");
            } else {
                throw new IllegalState("Unable to choose ARC as Heritrix archive format because "
                        + " one of the following xpaths are invalid in the given order.xml: " + ARCSDIR_XPATH + ","
                        + ARCS_ENABLED_XPATH);
        } else if (warcMode) { // WARCmode
            // enable ARC writing in Heritrix and disable WARC writing if needed.
            if (orderXML.selectSingleNode(WARCSDIR_XPATH) != null
                    && orderXML.selectSingleNode(WARCS_ENABLED_XPATH) != null) {
                XmlUtils.setNode(orderXML, WARCSDIR_XPATH, dk.netarkivet.common.Constants.WARCDIRECTORY_NAME);
                XmlUtils.setNode(orderXML, WARCS_ENABLED_XPATH, "true");
                if (orderXML.selectSingleNode(ARCS_ENABLED_XPATH) != null) {
                    XmlUtils.setNode(orderXML, ARCS_ENABLED_XPATH, "false");

                // Update the WARCWriterProcessorSettings with settings values
                setIfFound(orderXML, WARCS_SKIP_IDENTICAL_DIGESTS_XPATH,

                setIfFound(orderXML, WARCS_WRITE_METADATA_XPATH, HarvesterSettings.HERITRIX_WARC_WRITE_METADATA,

                setIfFound(orderXML, WARCS_WRITE_REQUESTS_XPATH, HarvesterSettings.HERITRIX_WARC_WRITE_REQUESTS,


            } else {
                throw new IllegalState("Unable to choose WARC as Heritrix archive format because "
                        + " one of the following xpaths are invalid in the given order.xml: " + WARCSDIR_XPATH + ","
                        + WARCS_ENABLED_XPATH + ". order.xml: " + orderXML.asXML());

        } else {
            throw new IllegalState(
                    "Unknown state: " + "Should have selected either ARC or WARC as heritrix archive format");

    public void setMaxJobRunningTime(Long maxJobRunningTimeSecondsL) {
        // get and set the "max-time-sec" node of the orderXMLdoc
        String xpath = MAXTIMESEC_PATH_XPATH;
        Node groupMaxTimeSecNode = template.selectSingleNode(xpath);
        if (groupMaxTimeSecNode != null) {
            String currentMaxTimeSec = groupMaxTimeSecNode.getText();
            log.trace("Value of groupMaxTimeSecNode changed from " + currentMaxTimeSec + " to "
                    + maxJobRunningTimeSecondsL);
        } else {
            throw new IOFailure("Unable to locate xpath '" + xpath + "' in the order.xml: " + template.asXML());

    public void writeTemplate(OutputStream os) throws IOException, ArgumentNotValid {
        XMLWriter writer;
        try {
            writer = new XMLWriter(os);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            String errMsg = "The encoding of this template is unsupported by this environment";
            log.error(errMsg, e);
            throw new ArgumentNotValid(errMsg, e);

     * Only available for H1 templates.    
     * @return the template as a String.
    public String getText() {
        return this.template.getText();

    public void insertCrawlerTraps(String elementName, List<String> crawlerTraps) {
        if (crawlerTraps.size() == 0) {

        //System.out.println("Calling insertCrawlerTraps(String elementName, List<String> crawlerTraps) ");
        // Get the node to update
        // If there is an acceptIfPrerequisite decideRule in the template, crawler traps should be
        // placed before (cf. issue NAS-2205)
        // If no such rule exists then we append the crawler traps as to the existing decideRuleds.

        Node rulesMapNode = template.selectSingleNode(DECIDERULES_MAP_XPATH);
        if (rulesMapNode == null || !(rulesMapNode instanceof Element)) {
            throw new IllegalState("Unable to update order.xml document. It does not have the right form to add"
                    + "crawler trap deciderules.");

        Element rulesMap = (Element) rulesMapNode;

        // Create the root node and append it top existing rules
        Element decideRule = rulesMap.addElement("newObject");

        // If an acceptiIfPrerequisite node exists, detach and insert before it
        Node acceptIfPrerequisiteNode = template.selectSingleNode(DECIDERULES_ACCEPT_IF_PREREQUISITE_XPATH);
        if (acceptIfPrerequisiteNode != null) {
            List<Node> elements = rulesMap.elements();
            int insertPosition = elements.indexOf(acceptIfPrerequisiteNode);
            elements.add(insertPosition, decideRule);
        } else {

        // Add all regexps in the list to a single MatchesListRegExpDecideRule
        decideRule.addAttribute("name", elementName);
        decideRule.addAttribute("class", Heritrix1Constants.MATCHESLISTREGEXPDECIDERULE_CLASSNAME);

        Element decision = decideRule.addElement("string");
        decision.addAttribute("name", "decision");

        Element listlogic = decideRule.addElement("string");
        listlogic.addAttribute("name", "list-logic");

        Element regexpList = decideRule.addElement("stringList");
        regexpList.addAttribute("name", "regexp-list");
        for (String trap : crawlerTraps) {


    public boolean hasContent() {
        return this.template.hasContent();

    public void writeToFile(File orderXmlFile) {
        XmlUtils.writeXmlToFile(this.template, orderXmlFile);

    public void setRecoverlogNode(File recoverlogGzFile) {
        final String RECOVERLOG_PATH_XPATH = "/crawl-order/controller/string[@name='recover-path']";
        Node orderXmlNode = template.selectSingleNode(RECOVERLOG_PATH_XPATH);
        if (orderXmlNode != null) {
            log.debug("The Heritrix recover path now refers to '{}'.", recoverlogGzFile.getAbsolutePath());
        } else {
            throw new IOFailure("Unable to locate the '" + RECOVERLOG_PATH_XPATH + "' element in order.xml: "
                    + template.asXML());

    public void setDeduplicationIndexLocation(String absolutePath) {
        XmlUtils.setNode(template, DEDUPLICATOR_INDEX_LOCATION_XPATH, absolutePath);

    public void setSeedsFilePath(String absolutePath) {
        XmlUtils.setNode(template, SEEDS_FILE_XPATH, absolutePath);

    public void setArchiveFilePrefix(String archiveFilePrefix) {
        XmlUtils.setNodes(template, ARCHIVEFILE_PREFIX_XPATH, archiveFilePrefix);

    public void setDiskPath(String absolutePath) {
        XmlUtils.setNode(template, DISK_PATH_XPATH, absolutePath);

    public void removeDeduplicatorIfPresent() {
        Node xpathNode = template.selectSingleNode(DEDUPLICATOR_XPATH);
        if (xpathNode != null) {

    public void insertWarcInfoMetadata(Job ajob, String origHarvestdefinitionName, String scheduleName,
            String performer) {

        Node WARCWRITERNODE = template.selectSingleNode(WARCWRITERPROCESSOR_XPATH);
        if (WARCWRITERNODE == null) {
            throw new IOFailure("Unable to locate the '" + WARCWRITERPROCESSOR_XPATH + "' element in order.xml: "
                    + template.asXML());

        Element warcwriterElement = (Element) WARCWRITERNODE;
        Element metadataMap = warcwriterElement.addElement("map");
        metadataMap.addAttribute("name", "metadata-items");

        Element metadataItem = null;

        metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
        metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_VERSION);

        metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
        metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_JOBID);
        metadataItem.addText("" + ajob.getJobID());

        metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
        metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_CHANNEL);

        metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
        metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_HARVESTNUM);
        metadataItem.addText("" + ajob.getHarvestNum());

        metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
        metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_ORIGHARVESTDEFINITIONID);
        metadataItem.addText("" + ajob.getOrigHarvestDefinitionID());

        metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
        metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_MAXBYTESPERDOMAIN);
        metadataItem.addText("" + ajob.getMaxBytesPerDomain());

        metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
        metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_MAXOBJECTSPERDOMAIN);
        metadataItem.addText("" + ajob.getMaxObjectsPerDomain());

        metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
        metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_ORDERXMLNAME);

        metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
        metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_ORIGHARVESTDEFINITIONNAME);

        /* optional schedule-name, only for selective harvests. */
        if (scheduleName != null) {
            metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
            metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_SCHEDULENAME);

        metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
        metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_HARVESTFILENAMEPREFIX);

        metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
        metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_JOBSUBMITDATE);
        metadataItem.addText("" + ajob.getSubmittedDate());

        /* optional HARVESTINFO_PERFORMER */
        if (performer != null) {
            metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
            metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_PERFORMER);

        /* optional HARVESTINFO_AUDIENCE */
        if (ajob.getHarvestAudience() != null) {
            metadataItem = metadataMap.addElement("string");
            metadataItem.addAttribute("name", HARVESTINFO_AUDIENCE);

    public void insertAttributes(List<AttributeAndType> attributesAndTypes) {
        // Unsupported for Heritrix 1 templates at this point.
        log.warn("No attribute insertion is done for H1 templates");

    public void writeTemplate(JspWriter out) throws IOFailure {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IOFailure("Unable to write to JspWriter", e);

