List of usage examples for org.dom4j Node selectNodes
List<Node> selectNodes(String xpathExpression);
evaluates an XPath expression and returns the result as a List
of Node
instances or String
instances depending on the XPath expression.
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License:Open Source License
private static List<Element> addVideos(Node presentationNode) { List<Node> videos = presentationNode.selectNodes("//videoplaylist/video"); ArrayList<String> refers = new ArrayList<String>(videos.size()); List<Element> vids = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (Iterator<Node> iter = videos.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element video = (Element); String refer = video.selectSingleNode("@referid") == null ? "" : video.selectSingleNode("@referid").getText(); logger.debug("getting video " + refer); if (!refer.equals("") && !refers.contains(refer)) { refers.add(refer);/*from www .ja v a2s. c om*/ Document videoXml = cache.get(refer); if (videoXml == null) { videoXml = FSXMLRequestHandler.instance().getNodeProperties(refer, false); cache.put(refer, videoXml); } if (videoXml != null) { Element vid = (Element) videoXml.selectSingleNode("fsxml/video").detach(); vid.addAttribute("fullid", refer); //System.out.println("U="+vid.asXML()); vids.add(vid); } } } return vids; }
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License:Open Source License
private void addVideos(Node presentationNode) { List<Node> videos = presentationNode.selectNodes("//videoplaylist/video"); for (Iterator<Node> iter = videos.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element video = (Element); String refer = video.selectSingleNode("@referid") == null ? "" : video.selectSingleNode("@referid").getText(); if (refer != "") { Document videoXml = FSXMLRequestHandler.instance().getNodeProperties(refer, false); if (videoXml != null) { Node vid = videoXml.selectSingleNode("fsxml/video").detach(); fsxml.add(vid);/*from w ww .ja va 2 s . c o m*/ } } } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Move resource specified by the input parameters. * /*w w w. j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ * @param input input parameters * @param uri local directory * @return status/error message */ private String move(Properties input, String uri) { String res = null; // get input parameters String source = input.getProperty("source"); String destination = input.getProperty("destination"); String params = input.getProperty("params"); logger.debug("source: " + source + ", destination: " + destination + ", params: " + params); // determine optional parameters boolean override = false; if (params != null) { override = params.contains("-o"); } // check input parameters if (source == null || destination == null) { return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "No source or destination", "Please provide the SOURCE and DESTINATION input parameters", ""); } // resolve uris String sourceUri = URIParser.resolveLocalUri(source, uri); if (sourceUri.lastIndexOf("/") == sourceUri.length() - 1) { sourceUri = sourceUri.substring(0, sourceUri.lastIndexOf("/")); } String destinationUri = URIParser.resolveLocalUri(destination, uri); if (destinationUri.lastIndexOf("/") == destinationUri.length() - 1) { destinationUri = destinationUri.substring(0, destinationUri.lastIndexOf("/")); } logger.debug("ABSOLUTE URIS -- source: " + sourceUri + ", destination: " + destinationUri); // check if uri is an uri of type id String typeSource = URIParser.getResourceTypeFromUri(sourceUri); String cpDest = URIParser.getCurrentUriPart(destinationUri); if (!URIParser.isResourceId(sourceUri)) { return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Invalid source specified, only id nodes permitted.", "Invalid source specified, only id nodes permitted.", ""); } String docStr = null; String refer = null; // get properties of source Document doc = getPropertiesOfUri(sourceUri, -1); logger.debug("document being created: " + doc.asXML()); // exception for first node Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Node first = root.selectSingleNode("//" + typeSource); refer = first.valueOf("@referid"); List<Node> children = first.selectNodes("child::*"); for (Iterator<Node> iter = children.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Node node =; docStr += node.asXML(); } docStr = "<fsxml>" + docStr + "</fsxml>"; logger.debug("document being created after first node exception: " + docStr); // check if dest ends with 'properties' String newResourceUri = null; if (cpDest.equals(FSXMLHelper.XML_PROPERTIES)) { logger.debug("putting to " + destinationUri); res = rHandler.handlePUT(destinationUri, docStr); newResourceUri = URIParser.getParentUri(destinationUri); } else if (URIParser.isResourceId(destinationUri)) { destinationUri += "/" + FSXMLHelper.XML_PROPERTIES; logger.debug("putting to " + destinationUri); res = rHandler.handlePUT(destinationUri, docStr); newResourceUri = URIParser.getParentUri(destinationUri); } else { logger.debug("posting to " + destinationUri); res = rHandler.handlePOST(destinationUri, docStr); try { if (FSXMLParser.getErrorMessageFromXml(res) == null) { Document respDoc = DocumentHelper.parseText(res); newResourceUri = respDoc.valueOf("//uri"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("", e); } } // add refer of first node if (refer != null && !refer.equals("")) { logger.debug("adding refer for first node (" + refer + ")"); boolean ok = rHandler.saveAttributes(newResourceUri, "<fsxml><attributes><referid>" + refer + "</referid></attributes></fsxml>", "PUT"); logger.debug("attributes added: " + ok); } else { logger.debug("not need for adding refer id"); } // check if copy was successful and remove original String vError = FSXMLParser.getErrorMessageFromXml(res); if (vError != null) { logger.error("copy before moving was unsuccessful."); } else { logger.debug("copy before moving was successful."); FSXMLRequestHandler.instance().deleteNodeProperties(sourceUri, true); } logger.debug("response: " + res); return res; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * // w ww. j a va2 s . c om * ? * * @param task * @param doc */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void buildParseStrategy(Task task, Document doc) throws Exception { ParseStrategy parseStrategy = new ParseStrategy(task); task.setParseStrategy(parseStrategy); // Field??? List<Node> fieldRuleNodes = doc.selectNodes("//Config/ParseStrategy/FieldRule"); for (Node fieldRuleNode : fieldRuleNodes) { FieldRule fieldRule = new FieldRule(task); fieldRule.configWithParameters(getParaMap(fieldRuleNode)); parseStrategy.addFieldRule(fieldRule); // ??? Node contentRuleNode = fieldRuleNode.selectSingleNode("contentExtractRule"); String contentRuleClass = contentRuleNode.selectSingleNode("@class").getText().trim(); AbstractContentExtractRule contentRule = (AbstractContentExtractRule) Class.forName(contentRuleClass) .getConstructor(Task.class).newInstance(task); contentRule.configWithParameters(getParaMap(contentRuleNode)); fieldRule.setContentRule(contentRule); // ?s List<Node> processRuleNodes = fieldRuleNode.selectNodes("processRule"); for (Node processRuleNode : processRuleNodes) { String processRuleClass = processRuleNode.selectSingleNode("@class").getText().trim(); AbstractProcessRule processRule = (AbstractProcessRule) Class.forName(processRuleClass) .getConstructor(Task.class).newInstance(task); processRule.configWithParameters(getParaMap(processRuleNode)); fieldRule.addProcessRule(processRule); } // s List<Node> filterNodes = fieldRuleNode.selectNodes("filterRule"); for (Node filterNode : filterNodes) { // ??? String filterClass = filterNode.selectSingleNode("@class").getText().trim(); AbstractFilterRule filterRule = (AbstractFilterRule) Class.forName(filterClass) .getConstructor(Task.class).newInstance(task); // ??? filterRule.configWithParameters(getParaMap(filterNode)); fieldRule.addFilter(filterRule); } } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * // ww w .j a v a 2s .c o m * ? * * @param task * @param doc * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void buildCrawlStrategy(Task task, Document doc) throws Exception { CrawlStrategy crawlStrategy = new CrawlStrategy(task); task.setCrawlStrategy(crawlStrategy); // String priorityString = doc.selectSingleNode("//Config/CrawlStrategy/priority").getText().trim(); crawlStrategy.setPriority(StringUtils.parseInt(priorityString, 0)); // ? String siteEncoding = doc.selectSingleNode("//Config/CrawlStrategy/siteEncoding").getText().trim(); crawlStrategy.setSiteEncoding(siteEncoding); // ? String maxCrawlDepthString = doc.selectSingleNode("//Config/CrawlStrategy/maxCrawlDepth").getText().trim(); int maxCrawlDepth = StringUtils.parseInt(maxCrawlDepthString, Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (maxCrawlDepth <= 0) { maxCrawlDepth = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } crawlStrategy.setMaxCrawlDepth(maxCrawlDepth); // ??? Node seedRuleNode = doc.selectSingleNode("//Config/CrawlStrategy/seedGenerateRule"); String seedRuleClass = seedRuleNode.selectSingleNode("@class").getText().trim(); // ??? AbstractSeedGenerateRule seedRule = (AbstractSeedGenerateRule) Class.forName(seedRuleClass) .getConstructor(Task.class).newInstance(task); seedRule.configWithParameters(getParaMap(seedRuleNode)); crawlStrategy.setSeedRule(seedRule); // ? ConcurrentControlRule concurrentRule = new ConcurrentControlRule(task); crawlStrategy.setConcurrentRule(concurrentRule); Node controlRuleNode = doc.selectSingleNode("//Config/CrawlStrategy/concurrentControlRule"); concurrentRule.configWithParameters(getParaMap(controlRuleNode)); // ? List<Node> crawlRuleNodes = doc.selectNodes("//Config/CrawlStrategy/crawlRule"); for (Node crawlRuleNode : crawlRuleNodes) { CrawlRule crawlRule = new CrawlRule(task); // ??? crawlRule.configWithParameters(getParaMap(crawlRuleNode)); // crawlStrategy.addCrawlRule(crawlRule); // url??? List<Node> urlExtractNodes = crawlRuleNode.selectNodes("urlExtractRule"); for (Node urlExtractNode : urlExtractNodes) { UrlExtractRule urlExtractRule = new UrlExtractRule(task); // ??? urlExtractRule.configWithParameters(getParaMap(urlExtractNode)); crawlRule.addUrlExtractRule(urlExtractRule); // ?s List<Node> processNodes = urlExtractNode.selectNodes("processRule"); for (Node processNode : processNodes) { // ??? String processClass = processNode.selectSingleNode("@class").getText().trim(); AbstractProcessRule processRule = (AbstractProcessRule) Class.forName(processClass) .getConstructor(Task.class).newInstance(task); // ??? processRule.configWithParameters(getParaMap(processNode)); urlExtractRule.addProcessRule(processRule); } // s List<Node> filterNodes = urlExtractNode.selectNodes("filterRule"); for (Node filterNode : filterNodes) { // ??? String filterClass = filterNode.selectSingleNode("@class").getText().trim(); AbstractFilterRule filterRule = (AbstractFilterRule) Class.forName(filterClass) .getConstructor(Task.class).newInstance(task); // ??? filterRule.configWithParameters(getParaMap(filterNode)); urlExtractRule.addFilter(filterRule); } } // http? Node httpParaNode = crawlRuleNode.selectSingleNode("httpRequest"); Map<String, String> paraMap = getParaMap(httpParaNode); crawlRule.setHttpReqParameters(paraMap); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * /*from ww w . j av a 2 s. com*/ * ???node??Map * * @param node * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Map<String, String> getParaMap(Node node) { Map<String, String> paraMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); if (node != null) { List<Node> paraNodes = node.selectNodes("parameter"); for (Node paraNode : paraNodes) { String key = paraNode.selectSingleNode("@key").getText().trim(); String value = paraNode.getText().trim(); Node valueNode = paraNode.selectSingleNode("@value"); if (valueNode != null) { value = paraNode.selectSingleNode("@value").getText().trim(); } paraMap.put(key, value); } } return paraMap; }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override/* w ww . ja v a 2s . c om*/ public List<CommonData> apply(CommonData in) { List<CommonData> fields = new ArrayList<CommonData>(); String xml = in.getBaseField("src"); try { Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml); List<Node> baseNodes = doc.selectNodes(baseNodeXpath); for (int i = 0; i < baseNodes.size(); i++) { Node baseNode = baseNodes.get(i); CommonData fieldData = new CommonData(); // ??xpathField for (Entry<String, String> entry : attrXpathMap.entrySet()) { String attr = entry.getKey(); String xpath = entry.getValue(); // ?xml? List<Node> valueNodes = baseNode.selectNodes(xpath); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (Node valueNode : valueNodes) { String tmpValue = valueNode.getText(); if (!StringUtils.isEmptyString(tmpValue)) { builder.append(tmpValue).append(MULTI_VALUE_SPLITER); } } if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.setLength(builder.length() - 1); } String value = builder.toString(); if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(attr)) { fieldData.setId(value); } else { fieldData.setBaseField(attr, value); } } // Field? fields.add(fieldData); if (!isMultiMatch) { // ?????? break; } } // end of for each baseNode } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("[XpathMatchRuleError] - ", e); } return fields; }
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License:Apache License
/** {@inheritDoc} */ protected Node postProcess(MavenProject subProject, Node contentNode, int column) throws MojoExecutionException { List rows = contentNode.selectNodes("tr"); int count = 0; for (Iterator it = rows.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Node row = (Element); List cells = row.selectNodes("td"); if (!cells.isEmpty() && (cells.size() > 1)) { String text = ((Element) cells.get(1)).getText(); count += Integer.parseInt(text); }/* w w w .ja v a 2s . com*/ } return DocumentHelper.createText(String.valueOf(count)); }
From source
License:Apache License
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public List findNodes(Node node, String xpath) throws MojoExecutionException { return node.selectNodes(xpath); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Constructor of this class. Basically, it loads up all the data from the * given XML file and puts them in the appropriate variables. * /*from w w w. j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param ctype * The type of this component. * @param xmlfile * The XML file used to load up data into this class. */ public ComponentXMLData(ComponentType ctype, File xmlfile) { // monitor if loading encounters errors or not loadedSuccessfully = true; // set the type of this component this.componentType = ctype; // sets the source of this class setSourceXMLFile(xmlfile); // load the XML file Document doc =, true); try { // Load configuration section Node nd = doc.selectSingleNode("/icomponent/config"); if (nd == null) { System.out.println("No config tag found - Excluding component at "); // configuration tag is required loadedSuccessfully = false; } else { List<?> npops = nd.selectNodes(".//entry"); Iterator<?> it = npops.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element el = (Element); String key = el.valueOf("./@key"); String value = el.valueOf("./@value"); if (key.equals("classdir")) { // get root class directory setClassDir(value); } else if (key.equals("classname")) { // get root class name setClassName(value); } else if (key.equals("name")) { // get component name setName(value); } else if (key.equals("description")) { // get description setDescription(value); } else if (key.equals("author")) { // get author setAuthor(value); } else if (key.equals("version")) { // get version setVersion(value); } else if (key.equals("image")) { // get reference image path setImageLocation(value); } else if (key.equals("tags")) { // read all tags ArrayList<String> keywordlist = new ArrayList<String>(); Scanner sc = new Scanner(value); sc.useDelimiter(","); while (sc.hasNext()) keywordlist.add(; setKeywords(keywordlist); sc.close(); } else if (key.equals("isBulkRepresentation")) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(value)) { this.componentType = ComponentType.FREVO_BULKREPRESENTATION; } } } // Load class file String classdir = getClassDir(); String dir = FrevoMain.getInstallDirectory() + File.separator + "Components" + File.separator + FrevoMain.getComponentTypeAsString(ctype) + "s" + File.separator + classdir + File.separator; try { // Create a new class loader with the directory ComponentClassLoader cl = new ComponentClassLoader(dir); // Load in the class Class<?> loadedclass = cl.loadClass(getClassName(), true); setComponentClass(loadedclass.asSubclass(AbstractComponent.class)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Class not found: " + getClassName()); // root class is required loadedSuccessfully = false; } catch (Exception e) { // for anything else System.err.println("Class unavailable to load: " + getName()); loadedSuccessfully = false; } } // Load properties section Node nd2 = doc.selectSingleNode("/icomponent/properties"); if (nd2 == null) { System.out.println("No properties tag found for component " + getName()); } else { List<?> npops = nd2.selectNodes(".//propentry"); Iterator<?> it = npops.iterator(); // create hashmap for the properties Hashtable<String, XMLFieldEntry> proptable = new Hashtable<String, XMLFieldEntry>(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element el = (Element); String key = el.valueOf("./@key"); XMLFieldType type = XMLFieldType.valueOf(el.valueOf("./@type")); String value = el.valueOf("./@value"); String description = el.valueOf("./@description"); if (!FrevoMain.checkType(type, value)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Value \"" + value + "\" for Key \"" + key + "\" is not of type " + type + "!"); if (type.equals(XMLFieldType.ENUM)) { String enumName = el.valueOf("./@enumName"); proptable.put(key, new XMLFieldEntry(value, type, enumName, description)); } else { proptable.put(key, new XMLFieldEntry(value, type, description)); } } // Add hashmap to the object setProperties(proptable); } } catch (OutOfMemoryError mem) { System.err.println("Could not import! (Out of memory)"); loadedSuccessfully = false; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println("IllegalArgumentException\n" + e.getMessage()); loadedSuccessfully = false; } }