Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


* Copyright (c) 2012 Noterik B.V.
* This file is part of smithers, related to the Noterik Springfield project.
* Smithers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Smithers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Smithers.  If not, see <>.
package com.noterik.bart.fs.fscommand;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.Node;

import com.noterik.bart.fs.fsxml.FSXMLRequestHandler;

 * Responsible for moving resources.
 * <fsxml mimetype="application/fscommand" id="move">
 *       <properties>
 *          <source> source uri </source>
 *          <destination> destination uri </destination>
 *          <params></params>
 *       </properties>
 * </fsxml>
 * parameters:
 * - o override TODO
 * @author Derk Crezee <>
 * @copyright Copyright: Noterik B.V. 2009
 * @package com.noterik.bart.fs.fscommand
 * @access private
 * @version $Id:,v 1.7 2011-08-15 12:49:19 derk Exp $
public class MoveCommand implements Command {

    /** the CopyingCommand's log4j Logger */
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MoveCommand.class);

    /** request handler */
    private static FSXMLRequestHandler rHandler = FSXMLRequestHandler.instance();

     * Execute the copying command.
    public String execute(String uri, String xml) {
        logger.debug("input xml (move): " + xml);

        // get input parameters and run command
        Properties input = getInputParameters(xml);
        if (input != null) {
            return move(input, uri);

        // error message
        return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "No input found",
                "Please call this command as follows: mv [OPTION] SOURCE DESTINATION",

     * Move resource specified by the input parameters.
     * @param input      input parameters
     * @param uri      local directory
     * @return         status/error message
    private String move(Properties input, String uri) {
        String res = null;

        // get input parameters
        String source = input.getProperty("source");
        String destination = input.getProperty("destination");
        String params = input.getProperty("params");
        logger.debug("source: " + source + ", destination: " + destination + ", params: " + params);

        // determine optional parameters
        boolean override = false;
        if (params != null) {
            override = params.contains("-o");

        // check input parameters
        if (source == null || destination == null) {
            return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "No source or destination",
                    "Please provide the SOURCE and DESTINATION input parameters",

        // resolve uris
        String sourceUri = URIParser.resolveLocalUri(source, uri);
        if (sourceUri.lastIndexOf("/") == sourceUri.length() - 1) {
            sourceUri = sourceUri.substring(0, sourceUri.lastIndexOf("/"));
        String destinationUri = URIParser.resolveLocalUri(destination, uri);
        if (destinationUri.lastIndexOf("/") == destinationUri.length() - 1) {
            destinationUri = destinationUri.substring(0, destinationUri.lastIndexOf("/"));
        logger.debug("ABSOLUTE URIS -- source: " + sourceUri + ", destination: " + destinationUri);

        // check if uri is an uri of type id
        String typeSource = URIParser.getResourceTypeFromUri(sourceUri);
        String cpDest = URIParser.getCurrentUriPart(destinationUri);
        if (!URIParser.isResourceId(sourceUri)) {
            return FSXMLBuilder.getErrorMessage("500", "Invalid source specified, only id nodes permitted.",
                    "Invalid source specified, only id nodes permitted.", "");

        String docStr = null;
        String refer = null;

        // get properties of source   
        Document doc = getPropertiesOfUri(sourceUri, -1);
        logger.debug("document being created: " + doc.asXML());

        // exception for first node
        Element root = doc.getRootElement();
        Node first = root.selectSingleNode("//" + typeSource);
        refer = first.valueOf("@referid");
        List<Node> children = first.selectNodes("child::*");
        for (Iterator<Node> iter = children.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            Node node =;
            docStr += node.asXML();
        docStr = "<fsxml>" + docStr + "</fsxml>";
        logger.debug("document being created after first node exception: " + docStr);

        // check if dest ends with 'properties'
        String newResourceUri = null;
        if (cpDest.equals(FSXMLHelper.XML_PROPERTIES)) {
            logger.debug("putting to " + destinationUri);
            res = rHandler.handlePUT(destinationUri, docStr);
            newResourceUri = URIParser.getParentUri(destinationUri);
        } else if (URIParser.isResourceId(destinationUri)) {
            destinationUri += "/" + FSXMLHelper.XML_PROPERTIES;
            logger.debug("putting to " + destinationUri);
            res = rHandler.handlePUT(destinationUri, docStr);
            newResourceUri = URIParser.getParentUri(destinationUri);
        } else {
            logger.debug("posting to " + destinationUri);
            res = rHandler.handlePOST(destinationUri, docStr);
            try {
                if (FSXMLParser.getErrorMessageFromXml(res) == null) {
                    Document respDoc = DocumentHelper.parseText(res);
                    newResourceUri = respDoc.valueOf("//uri");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("", e);

        // add refer of first node
        if (refer != null && !refer.equals("")) {
            logger.debug("adding refer for first node (" + refer + ")");
            boolean ok = rHandler.saveAttributes(newResourceUri,
                    "<fsxml><attributes><referid>" + refer + "</referid></attributes></fsxml>", "PUT");
            logger.debug("attributes added: " + ok);
        } else {
            logger.debug("not need for adding refer id");

        // check if copy was successful and remove original
        String vError = FSXMLParser.getErrorMessageFromXml(res);
        if (vError != null) {
            logger.error("copy before moving was unsuccessful.");
        } else {
            logger.debug("copy before moving was successful.");
            FSXMLRequestHandler.instance().deleteNodeProperties(sourceUri, true);

        logger.debug("response: " + res);
        return res;

     * Returns the input parameters.
     * @param xml   The xml specifying the commands parameters.
     * @return      The input parameters.
    private Properties getInputParameters(String xml) {
        Properties props = new Properties();
        Document doc = XMLHelper.asDocument(xml);
        if (doc == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            Node n = doc.selectSingleNode("./fsxml/properties/source");
            if (n != null && n instanceof Element) {
                props.put("source", ((Element) n).getText());
            n = doc.selectSingleNode("./fsxml/properties/destination");
            if (n != null && n instanceof Element) {
                props.put("destination", ((Element) n).getText());
            n = doc.selectSingleNode("./fsxml/properties/params");
            if (n != null && n instanceof Element) {
                props.put("params", ((Element) n).getText());
        return props;

     * @param uri
     * @return
    private Document getPropertiesOfUri(String uri, int depth) {
        // refactor uri
        String cp = URIParser.getCurrentUriPart(uri);
        if (cp.equals(FSXMLHelper.XML_PROPERTIES)) {
            uri = URIParser.getParentUri(uri);

        // get complete
        Document pDoc = null;
        if (depth == -1) {
            pDoc = rHandler.getNodeProperties(uri, true);
        } else {
            pDoc = rHandler.getNodeProperties(uri, depth, true);

        // loop through xml and check referid's
        List<Node> rNodes = pDoc.selectNodes("//@referid");
        logger.debug("rNodes: " + rNodes);
        for (Iterator<Node> iter = rNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            // get referid attribute and parent node
            Node node =;
            String referid = node.getText();
            Element parent = node.getParent();
            logger.debug("parent: " + parent.asXML() + ", refer: " + referid);

            // get properties of referid
            Document rDoc = rHandler.getNodeProperties(referid, 0, false);
            logger.debug("rDoc: " + rDoc.asXML());
            Node properties = rDoc.selectSingleNode("//properties");
            List<Node> pNodes = properties.selectNodes("child::*");
            logger.debug("pNodes: " + pNodes);
            for (Iterator<Node> iter2 = pNodes.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) {
                // select the same property elements that are in parent element and refer properties
                Node prop =;
                List<Node> parentPNodes = parent.selectNodes("properties/child::*");
                for (Node parentPropNode : parentPNodes) {
                    if (parentPropNode.getName().equals(prop.getName())
                            && parentPropNode.getText().equals(prop.getText())) {
                        logger.debug("removing: " + parentPropNode.asXML());

        return pDoc;

    public ManualEntry man() {
        return null;