Example usage for org.dom4j Node clone

List of usage examples for org.dom4j Node clone


In this page you can find the example usage for org.dom4j Node clone.


Object clone();

Source Link


clone will return a deep clone or if this node is read-only then clone will return the same instance.


From source file:edu.scripps.fl.pubchem.xml.PubChemXMLDoc.java

License:Apache License

public void organizeXMLDoc(Document doc) {
    Element parent = (Element) doc.selectSingleNode(rootString);
    String[] nodesOrder = { name, description, protocol, comment, xref, results, revision, target,
            activityOutcome, dr, grantNumber, projectCategory, isPanel, panelInfo, categorizedComment };
    for (String nodeString : nodesOrder) {
        Node node = parent.selectSingleNode(nodeString);
        if (node != null) {
            Node clone = (Node) node.clone();
            node.detach();//from  www  .j av  a2  s. c  o m
    parent = (Element) doc.selectSingleNode(dbTracking);
    String[] secondNodesOrder = { "PC-DBTracking_name", "PC-DBTracking_source-id", "PC-DBTracking_date" };
    for (String nodeString : secondNodesOrder) {
        Node node = parent.selectSingleNode(nodeString);
        if (node != null) {
            Node clone = (Node) node.clone();


From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.processor.xmlmodule.AdaptLinkModule.java

License:Open Source License

public Element traverse(Element element, Resource resource) throws ProcessorException {
    GaleContext gale = GaleContext.of(resource);
    CacheSession<EntityValue> session = gale.openUmSession();
    try {//from ww  w .  j av a  2 s  . c om
        // initialization
        processor.traverseChildren(element, resource);
        boolean useParent = !(element.getName().equals("a"));
        Element a = (useParent ? element.getParent() : element);
        String href = a.attributeValue("href");
        URI uri = URIs.of(href);
        String anchorid = uri.getFragment();
        href = URIs.builder().uri(uri).fragment(null).build().toString();

        // possibly add content to the link, based on previous processing
        Node n = resource.getTyped(Node.class, "nl.tue.gale.ae.processor.xmlmodule.AdaptLinkModule.content");
        if (n != null) {
            n = (Node) n.clone();

        // should we adapt the class attribute or hide the link
        boolean adapt = (!"false".equals(a.attributeValue("adapt")));
        a.addAttribute("adapt", null);

        // should the link be removed or hidden
        if (adapt) {
            String removeexpr = (String) gale.cfgm().getObject("gale://gale.tue.nl/config/link#remove",
            if (removeexpr != null) {
                boolean remove = false;
                try {
                    remove = (Boolean) gale.eval(session, removeexpr);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.debug(e, e);
                if (remove) {
                    GaleUtil.replaceNode(a, null);
                    return null;

            String hideexpr = (String) gale.cfgm().getObject("gale://gale.tue.nl/config/link#hide", resource);
            if (hideexpr != null) {
                boolean hide = false;
                try {
                    hide = (Boolean) gale.eval(session, hideexpr);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.debug(e, e);
                if (hide) {
                    GaleUtil.replaceNode(a, DocumentFactory.getInstance().createText(a.getText()));
                    return null;

        // determine and set css class
        if (adapt) {
            EntityValue ev = session.get(session.resolve("#link.class"));
            String cssclass = (ev != null ? ev.getValue().toString() : null);
            if (cssclass == null) {
                String classexpr = (String) gale.cfgm().getObject("gale://gale.tue.nl/config/link#classexpr",
                try {
                    cssclass = gale.eval(session, classexpr).toString();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.debug(e, e);
                    cssclass = "unknown";
            a.addAttribute("class", cssclass);

        // add possible exec code
        String exec = element.attributeValue("exec");
        String query = URIs.of(href).getQuery();
        if (exec != null) {
            String guid = GaleUtil.newGUID();
            storeInSession(gale, guid, exec);
            Map<String, String> params = GaleUtil.getQueryParameters(query);
            params.put("plugin", "exec");
            params.put("guid", guid);
            query = GaleUtil.getQueryString(params);

        // add proper link to concept
        String conceptName = (href.startsWith("?") ? gale.concept().getUriString()
                : Concept.getConceptURI(session.getBaseUri()).toString());
        uri = URIs.of(gale.gsb().getConceptManager().getConceptLink(URIs.of(conceptName), gale.req(), query));

        // Added by Vinicius Ramos to log the currentView: "?view=" + gale.currentView()
        a.addAttribute("href", uri.toString() + (anchorid != null ? "#" + anchorid : "")
                + (uri.toString().contains("?") ? "" : "?view=" + gale.currentView()));
        a.setQName(DocumentFactory.getInstance().createQName(a.getName(), "", GaleUtil.xhtmlns));
        if (useParent)

        // add possible icons
        if (adapt) {
            List<String> iconList = (List<String>) gale.cfgm()
                    .getObject("gale://gale.tue.nl/config/link#iconlist", resource);
            Element span = null;
            for (String iconExpr : iconList) {
                try {
                    String icon = (String) gale.eval(session, iconExpr);
                    if (icon == null || "".equals(icon))
                    boolean pre = false;
                    if (icon.startsWith("pre:")) {
                        icon = icon.substring(4);
                        pre = true;
                    URI iconUri = URIs.of(icon);
                    if (iconUri.isAbsolute()) {
                        // absolute uri
                        if (iconUri.getScheme().equals("gale")) {
                            icon = GaleUtil.getContextURL(gale.req()) + "/"
                                    + GaleUtil.getServletName(gale.req()) + "/${home}" + iconUri.getPath();
                    } else {
                        // relative uri

                    if (span == null) {
                        span = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("span", GaleUtil.xhtmlns);
                        a.getParent().content().add(a.getParent().content().indexOf(a), span);
                    Element img = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("img", GaleUtil.xhtmlns);
                    img.addAttribute("src", icon);
                    img.addAttribute("align", "bottom");
                    img.addAttribute("alt", "");
                    if (pre)
                        span.content().add(0, img);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.debug(e, e);
        return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.debug(e, e);
        return (Element) GaleUtil.replaceNode(element, GaleUtil.createErrorElement("[" + e.getMessage() + "]"));
    } finally {

From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.processor.xmlmodule.MCModule.java

License:Open Source License

private Question readQuestion(Element element) {
    Element q = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("span", xhtmlns);
    for (Node n : (List<Node>) element.content()) {
        boolean b = true;
        if (n instanceof Element)
            if (((Element) n).getName().equals("answer") || ((Element) n).getName().equals("concept_relation"))
                b = false;//from www. j av a 2s.  c om
        if (b)
            q.add((Node) n.clone());
    Question result = (new Question()).setQuestion(q).setCount(new Integer(element.attributeValue("answers")))
            .setRight(new Integer(element.attributeValue("right")));
    //Check if the question has an ID.
    if (element.attributeValue("id") != null && !"".equals(element.attributeValue("id")))
        result.setId(new Integer(element.attributeValue("id")));
    if ("checkbox".equals(element.attributeValue("type")))
    for (Element a : (List<Element>) element.elements("answer"))

     * Created by: Vinicius Ramos
     * DATE: Sept 13th 2012
     * READ the concepts in XHTML
    int v = 0;
    //Read in xml file all the concepts related to the question
    for (Element c : (List<Element>) element.elements("concept_relation")) {

    return result;

From source file:nl.tue.gale.ae.processor.xmlmodule.MCModule.java

License:Open Source License

private Answer readAnswer(Element element) {
    Element a = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("span", xhtmlns);
    for (Node n : (List<Node>) element.content()) {
        boolean b = true;
        if (n instanceof Element)
            if (((Element) n).getName().equals("explain"))
                b = false;//from   w  w w  .  j a  v a 2s.c  o  m
        if (b)
            a.add((Node) n.clone());
    Answer result = (new Answer()).setAnswer(a).setExplain(element.element("explain"))
            .setCorrect(new Boolean(element.attributeValue("correct")));
    //Check if the answer has an ID.
    if (element.attributeValue("id") != null && !"".equals(element.attributeValue("id")))
        result.setId(new Integer(element.attributeValue("id")));

    return result;

From source file:org.collectionspace.chain.util.xtmpl.XTmplDocument.java

License:Educational Community License

public void setTexts(String key, String[] texts) {
    Node basis = document.selectSingleNode(attach.get(key));
    Element parent = basis.getParent();
    int pos = parent.indexOf(basis);
    List<Node> nodes = (List<Node>) parent.content();
    List<Node> after = new ArrayList(nodes.subList(pos + 1, nodes.size()));
    basis.detach();/*from  w w  w .  java2s. co m*/
    if (texts.length > 0) {
        for (Node n : after)
        for (String text : texts) {
            Node renewed = (Node) basis.clone();
        for (Node n : after)

From source file:org.danann.cernunnos.runtime.SerializeGrammarTask.java

License:Apache License

private static Node serializeEntry(Entry e, DocumentFactory fac) {

    // Assertions...
    if (e == null) {
        String msg = "Argument 'e [Entry]' cannot be null.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    }// w w w  .j  a  va  2  s  .  com
    if (fac == null) {
        String msg = "Argument 'fac' cannot be null.";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    Element rslt = fac.createElement("entry");
    rslt.addAttribute("type", e.getType().name());

    // Name.
    Element name = fac.createElement("name");

    // Deprecation.
    if (e.isDeprecated()) {
        Element dep = fac.createElement("deprecation");
        dep.addAttribute("version", e.getDeprecation().getVersion());
        for (Element n : e.getDeprecation().getDescription()) {
            dep.add((Element) n.clone());

    // Description.
    Element desc = e.getDescription() != null ? (Element) e.getDescription().clone()
            : fac.createElement("description");

    // Formula.
    rslt.add(serializeFormula(e.getFormula(), e.getMappings(), fac));

    // Examples.
    for (Node x : e.getExamples()) {
        rslt.add((Node) x.clone());

    return rslt;


From source file:org.firesoa.common.jxpath.model.dom4j.Dom4JNodePointer.java

License:Open Source License

public void setValue(Object value) {
    if (value == null)
        value = "";//null??
    if ((node instanceof org.dom4j.CharacterData || node instanceof Attribute || node instanceof DocumentType
            || node instanceof Entity || node instanceof ProcessingInstruction)) {
        String string = (String) TypeUtils.convert(value, String.class);
        if (string != null && !string.equals("")) {
            ((Node) node).setText(string);
        } else {/*  w w w . j a v a 2  s.  c  o m*/
            ((Node) node).getParent().remove((Node) node);
    } else if (node instanceof Document) {
        Document theOriginalDoc = (Document) node;
        Element theOrigialRoot = theOriginalDoc.getRootElement();

        if (value instanceof Document) {//?document

            Document valueDoc = (Document) value;
            Element valueRoot = valueDoc.getRootElement();

            if (theOrigialRoot == null || valueRoot == null
                    || theOrigialRoot.getQName().equals(valueRoot.getQName())) {


                List content = valueDoc.content();
                if (content != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < content.size(); i++) {
                        Node dom4jNode = (Node) content.get(i);
                        Node newDom4jNode = (Node) dom4jNode.clone();
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Can NOT assign " + valueRoot.getQName() + " to " + theOrigialRoot.getQName());


        } else if (value instanceof Element) {
            Element valueElem = (Element) value;
            if (valueElem.getQName().equals(theOrigialRoot.getQName())) {
                Element newValueElem = (Element) valueElem.clone();
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Can NOT assign " + valueElem.getQName() + " to " + theOrigialRoot.getQName());
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Can NOT assign " + value + " to " + theOrigialRoot.getQName());

        //         else if (value instanceof Comment){
        //            Comment cmmt = (Comment)((Comment)value).clone();
        //            theOriginalDoc.add(cmmt);
        //         }else if (value instanceof ProcessingInstruction){
        //            ProcessingInstruction instru = (ProcessingInstruction)((ProcessingInstruction)value).clone();
        //            theOriginalDoc.add(instru);
        //         }

    } else if (node instanceof Element) {
        Element originalElem = ((Element) node);

        if (value != null && value instanceof Element) {
            Element valueElm = (Element) value;
            if (originalElem.getQName().equals(valueElm.getQName())) {
                List content = valueElm.content();
                if (content != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < content.size(); i++) {
                        Node dom4jNode = (Node) content.get(i);
                        Node newDom4jNode = (Node) dom4jNode.clone();
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Can NOT assign " + valueElm.getQName() + " to " + originalElem.getQName());

        } else if (value != null && value instanceof Text) {
            Text txt = (Text) ((Text) value).clone();
        } else if (value != null && value instanceof CDATA) {
            CDATA cdata = (CDATA) ((CDATA) value).clone();
        } else if (value != null && value instanceof java.util.Date) {
            SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            String dateStr = format.format((java.util.Date) value);
        } else {
            String string = (String) TypeUtils.convert(value, String.class);



From source file:org.gbif.portal.util.mhf.message.impl.xml.XMLMessageFactory.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates a new Message based on the node that is passed in
 * @param node   To copy or detach//from   w  w  w  .  j  ava2s .  c o m
 * @param detach If the node may be detached from the parent document
 * @return A new message
public XMLMessage build(Node node, boolean detach) {
    Document document = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument();
    if (detach) {
    } else {
        Node cloned = (Node) node.clone();
    return new XMLMessage(document);

From source file:org.intalio.tempo.workflow.fds.tools.SoapTools.java

License:Open Source License

public static Document unwrapMessage(Document soapEnvelope) throws InvalidInputFormatException {
    if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
    Document result = DocumentHelper.createDocument();
    Node node = null;
    synchronized (path) {
        node = path.selectSingleNode(soapEnvelope);
    }//ww w . ja  v  a  2s . c o  m
    result.add((Node) node.clone());
    return result;

From source file:org.jin.dic.data.pub.ldoce.v5.Convert2Html.java

License:Open Source License

private static void addChildren(Element s, Element d) {
    Element span = DocumentHelper.createElement("span");
    d.add(span);/*from  w  ww  .ja  v  a 2  s . c o  m*/
    if (!s.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("base")) {
        String c;
        if (s.getName().equals("span")) {
            c = s.attributeValue("class");
            if (c == null || c.length() == 0) {
                c = null;
            } else {
                c = getClass(s);
        } else {
            c = getClass(s);
        if (c != null && c.length() > 0)
            span.addAttribute("class", c);
    Iterator i = s.nodeIterator();
    Node node;
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        node = (Node) i.next();
        if (node instanceof Element)
            addChildren((Element) node, span);
            span.add((Node) node.clone());
