List of usage examples for org.dom4j Node detach
Node detach();
Removes this node from its parent if there is one.
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License:Educational Community License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void setTexts(String key, String[] texts) { Node basis = document.selectSingleNode(attach.get(key)); Element parent = basis.getParent(); int pos = parent.indexOf(basis); List<Node> nodes = (List<Node>) parent.content(); List<Node> after = new ArrayList(nodes.subList(pos + 1, nodes.size())); basis.detach(); if (texts.length > 0) { for (Node n : after) n.detach();/* w ww . j a v a 2 s .c om*/ for (String text : texts) { Node renewed = (Node) basis.clone(); renewed.setText(text); parent.add(renewed); } for (Node n : after) parent.add(n); } }
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License:Educational Community License
public Document getDocument() { if (squash_empty && !stripped) { for (String path : attach.values()) { Node n = document.selectSingleNode(path); if (n == null || !(n instanceof Element)) continue; if (!("".equals(((Element) n).getText()))) continue; // Empty! n.detach(); }/*from w ww. j a v a2 s. c om*/ stripped = true; } return document; }
From source
License:Open Source License
public boolean convertXML(String classplanXml, String classplanId) throws Exception { boolean updateInfo = false; Document classplanDoc;// w w w. java2 s . c o m classplanDoc = StringUtil.convertString2Document(classplanXml); Node suggestedreading = classplanDoc.selectSingleNode("//suggestedreading"); if (suggestedreading != null) { // Create a new Segment for assessment String studySegId = insertSegment(classplanId, SUGGESTEDSTUDY, SUGGESTED_STUDY); if (!((Element) suggestedreading).getData().toString().equals("")) { String data = ((Element) suggestedreading).getData().toString(); data = data.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace(""", "\"").replace("'", "'"); data = "<suggestedreading>" + data + "</suggestedreading>"; Document anchorTagsInSS = StringUtil.convertString2Document(data); // StringUtil.convertString2Document("<ul><li><a href=\"\"></a></li></ul>"); List<Node> atSS = anchorTagsInSS.selectNodes("//a"); Map<String, String> suggestedStudyMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Node node : atSS) { Element newele = (Element) node; suggestedStudyMap.put(newele.getText(), newele.attributeValue(HREF)); insertResource(classplanId, studySegId, ResourceType.Type.RESOURCE.getType(), newele.attributeValue(HREF), newele.getText()); } } // Delete the suggested study node from info element suggestedreading.detach(); updateInfo = true; } Node homework = classplanDoc.selectSingleNode("//homework"); if (homework != null) { // create a new segment for homework String homeworkSegId = insertSegment(classplanId, "homework", "Homework"); if (!((Element) homework).getData().toString().equals("")) { String data = ((Element) homework).getData().toString(); data = data.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace(""", "\"").replace("'", "'"); data = "<homework>" + data + "</homework>"; Document anchorTagsInhomework = StringUtil.convertString2Document(data); // StringUtil.convertString2Document("<ul><li><a href=\"\"></a></li></ul>"); List<Node> ath = anchorTagsInhomework.selectNodes("//a"); Map<String, String> homwworkMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Node node : ath) { Element newele = (Element) node; homwworkMap.put(newele.getText(), newele.attributeValue(HREF)); insertResource(classplanId, homeworkSegId, ResourceType.Type.RESOURCE.getType(), newele.attributeValue(HREF), newele.getText()); } } // Delete the homework node from info element homework.detach(); updateInfo = true; } Node assessment = classplanDoc.selectSingleNode("//assessment"); if (assessment != null) { // Create a new Segment for assessment String assessmentSegId = insertSegment(classplanId, ASSESSMENT, ASSESSMENTS); if (!((Element) assessment).getData().toString().equals("")) { String data = ((Element) assessment).getData().toString(); data = data.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace(""", "\"").replace("'", "'"); data = "<assessment>" + data + "</assessment>"; Document anchorTagsInassessment = StringUtil.convertString2Document(data); // StringUtil.convertString2Document("<ul><li><a href=\"\"></a></li></ul>"); List<Node> ata = anchorTagsInassessment.selectNodes("//a"); Map<String, String> assesmentMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Node node : ata) { Element newele = (Element) node; assesmentMap.put(newele.getText(), newele.attributeValue(HREF)); insertResource(classplanId, assessmentSegId, ResourceType.Type.RESOURCE.getType(), newele.attributeValue(HREF), newele.getText()); } } // Delete the assessment node from info element assessment.detach(); updateInfo = true; } if (updateInfo) { // FIXME // this.getClassplanRepository().updateClasplanInfoXml(classplanDoc.selectSingleNode("//info").asXML() // , classplanId); System.out.println("Success: " + classplanId); } return false; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Parse the response file and write the parsed values to their * appropriate file./*from w w w .j ava 2 s .com*/ * * @param inputStream representing harvested xml response * * @throws DocumentException thrown if parsing error occurred * @throws IOException thrown */ private void parseResponseFile(ByteArrayInputStream inputStream) throws DocumentException, IOException { // create a DOM4J tree, reading a Document from the given File SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); reader.setEncoding("UTF-8"); Document document =; document.setXMLEncoding("UTF-8"); // get all resource Elements List<Node> resourceEntities = (metadataRepeatingElementsXpath.get(resourceEntityRepeatingElementName)) .selectNodes(document); // iterate over resource Elements for (Node resourceEntity : resourceEntities) { // Detatch resource Element and create new Document with it DefaultDocument doc1 = new DefaultDocument(); doc1.setRootElement((Element) resourceEntity.detach()); // get all resource contact Elements List<Node> resourceContacts = (metadataRepeatingElementsXpath.get(contactEntityRepeatingElementName)) .selectNodes(doc1); // iterate over contact Elements for (Node resourceContact : resourceContacts) { // Detatch relatedEntity Element and create new Document with it DefaultDocument doc2 = new DefaultDocument(); doc2.setRootElement((Element) resourceContact.detach()); // write hasContact elements-of-interest to file fileUtils.writeValuesToFile(resourceContactsBW, metadataResourceContactElementsOfInterest.values(), doc2, namespaceMap, String.valueOf(getLineNumber())); } // write relatedEntity elements-of-interest to file fileUtils.writeValuesToFile(resourcesBW, metadataElementsOfInterest.values(), doc1, namespaceMap, String.valueOf(getLineNumber())); setLineNumber(getLineNumber() + 1); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Parse the response file and write the parsed values to their * appropriate file.//from w ww . j a va2 s. co m * * @param stream file representing harvested xml response as ByteArrayInputStream * * @throws DocumentException thrown if parsing errors occur * @throws IOException thrown */ private void parseResponseFile(ByteArrayInputStream stream) throws DocumentException, IOException { // create a DOM4J tree, reading a Document from the given File SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); reader.setEncoding("UTF-8"); Document document =; document.setXMLEncoding("UTF-8"); // get all relatedEntity Elements List<Node> relatedEntities = (metadataRepeatingElementsXpath.get(RELATEDENTITY_REPEATING_ELEMENT_NAME)) .selectNodes(document); // iterate over dataset Elements for (Node relatedEntity : relatedEntities) { // Detatch relatedEntity Element and create new Document with it DefaultDocument doc1 = new DefaultDocument(); doc1.setRootElement((Element) relatedEntity.detach()); // get all hasContact Elements List<Node> hasContacts = (metadataRepeatingElementsXpath.get(HASCONTACT_REPEATING_ELEMENT_NAME)) .selectNodes(doc1); // iterate over hasContact Elements for (Node hasContact : hasContacts) { // Detatch relatedEntity Element and create new Document with it DefaultDocument doc2 = new DefaultDocument(); doc2.setRootElement((Element) hasContact.detach()); // write hasContact elements-of-interest to file fileUtils.writeValuesToFile(hasContactBW, harvestedHasContactElementsOfInterest.values(), doc2, namespaceMap, String.valueOf(getLineNumber())); } // write relatedEntity elements-of-interest to file fileUtils.writeValuesToFile(relatedEntityBW, harvestedRelatedEntityElementsOfInterest.values(), doc1, namespaceMap, String.valueOf(getLineNumber())); setLineNumber(getLineNumber() + 1); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Creates a new Message based on the node that is passed in * * @param node To copy or detach/*from w w w. j a v a 2s .com*/ * @param detach If the node may be detached from the parent document * @return A new message */ public XMLMessage build(Node node, boolean detach) { Document document = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument(); if (detach) { document.add(node.detach()); } else { Node cloned = (Node) node.clone(); document.add(cloned); } return new XMLMessage(document); }
From source
License:Apache License
private static void detachNodes(final String xPath, final Document doc) { final List xpathres = doc.selectNodes(xPath); for (final Iterator iter = xpathres.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final Node element = (Node); element.detach(); }// w ww . jav a 2 s .com }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Remove and return an attribute from the document, given it's key. * <p>//from w ww.j a va2s . c om * If the node isn't found, then no action is taken. * @param key corresponding to the object being searched for. * @return The Object which has been removed, or null if not found. * @throws RecordException if the operation cannot be completed. */ public Object remove(Object key) throws RecordException { Object value = null; Node node = document.selectSingleNode(key.toString()); if (node instanceof Element) { Element element = (Element) node; value = Dom4jUtils.getTypedValue(element, valueTypeAttributeName, !element.elements().isEmpty()); // remove only works if the node is a child, otherwise we need to use // the detatch() call // document.remove(node); node.detach(); } else { //Don't know how to proceed. //ToDo: Perhaps we should allow it anyway. throw new RecordException("selected node is not an Element instance: " + node.toString()); } return value; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Initializes the map of XML update actions.<p> *///from w w w. java2s . c o m private void initActions() { m_actions = new LinkedHashMap<String, CmsXmlUpdateAction>(); StringBuffer xp; CmsXmlUpdateAction action0 = new CmsXmlUpdateAction() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public boolean executeUpdate(Document doc, String xpath, boolean forReal) { Node node = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); org.dom4j.Element parent = node.getParent(); int position = parent.indexOf(node); parent.remove(node); try { parent.elements().add(position, createElementFromXml(" <documenttypes> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>generic</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes/>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>*</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>html</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>text/html</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype>\n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>image</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes/>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>image</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>jsp</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes/>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>jsp</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>pdf</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>application/pdf</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>binary</resourcetype>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype>\n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>rtf</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>text/rtf</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>application/rtf</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>binary</resourcetype>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>text</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>text/html</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>text/plain</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>xmlcontent</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes/>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>*</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype>\n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>containerpage</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>text/html</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>containerpage</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>xmlpage</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>text/html</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>xmlpage</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype>\n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>xmlcontent-galleries</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes/>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>xmlcontent-galleries</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>xmlpage-galleries</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes />\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>xmlpage-galleries</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>msoffice-ole2</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>application/</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>application/msword</mimetype> \n" + " <mimetype>application/</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>binary</resourcetype>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>msoffice-ooxml</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes> \n" + " <mimetype>application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>binary</resourcetype>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype> \n" + " <documenttype>\n" + " <name>openoffice</name>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <mimetypes>\n" + " <mimetype>application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text</mimetype>\n" + " <mimetype>application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet</mimetype>\n" + " </mimetypes>\n" + " <resourcetypes>\n" + " <resourcetype>binary</resourcetype>\n" + " <resourcetype>plain</resourcetype>\n" + " </resourcetypes>\n" + " </documenttype>\n" + " </documenttypes>\n")); } catch (DocumentException e) { System.out.println("failed to update document types."); } return true; } }; m_actions.put(buildXpathForDoctypes(), action0); // //============================================================================================================= // CmsXmlUpdateAction action1 = new CmsXmlUpdateAction() { @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") @Override public boolean executeUpdate(Document doc, String xpath, boolean forReal) { Node node = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node == null) { createAnalyzer(doc, xpath, CmsGallerySearchAnalyzer.class, "all"); return true; } return false; } }; xp = new StringBuffer(256); xp.append(getCommonPath()); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_ANALYZERS); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_ANALYZER); xp.append("["); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_CLASS); xp.append("='").append(CmsGallerySearchAnalyzer.class.getName()).append("']"); m_actions.put(xp.toString(), action1); // //============================================================================================================= // CmsXmlUpdateAction action2 = new CmsXmlUpdateAction() { @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") @Override public boolean executeUpdate(Document doc, String xpath, boolean forReal) { Node node = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node != null) { node.detach(); } createIndex(doc, xpath, CmsGallerySearchIndex.class, CmsGallerySearchIndex.GALLERY_INDEX_NAME, "offline", "Offline", "all", "gallery_fields", new String[] { "gallery_source", "gallery_modules_source" }); return true; } }; xp = new StringBuffer(256); xp.append(getCommonPath()); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_INDEXES); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_INDEX); xp.append("["); xp.append(I_CmsXmlConfiguration.N_NAME); xp.append("='").append(CmsGallerySearchIndex.GALLERY_INDEX_NAME).append("']"); m_actions.put(xp.toString(), action2); // //============================================================================================================= // CmsXmlUpdateAction action3 = new CmsXmlUpdateAction() { @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") @Override public boolean executeUpdate(Document doc, String xpath, boolean forReal) { Node node = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node != null) { return false; } // create doc type createIndexSource(doc, xpath, "gallery_source", CmsVfsIndexer.class, new String[] { "/sites/", "/shared/", "/system/galleries/" }, new String[] { "xmlpage-galleries", "xmlcontent-galleries", "jsp", "text", "pdf", "rtf", "html", "image", "generic", "openoffice", "msoffice-ole2", "msoffice-ooxml" }); return true; } }; xp = new StringBuffer(256); xp.append(getCommonPath()); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_INDEXSOURCES); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_INDEXSOURCE); xp.append("["); xp.append(I_CmsXmlConfiguration.N_NAME); xp.append("='gallery_source']"); m_actions.put(xp.toString(), action3); // //============================================================================================================= // CmsXmlUpdateAction action4 = new CmsXmlUpdateAction() { @Override public boolean executeUpdate(Document document, String xpath, boolean forReal) { Node node = document.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node != null) { node.detach(); } // create field config CmsSearchFieldConfiguration fieldConf = new CmsSearchFieldConfiguration(); fieldConf.setName("gallery_fields"); fieldConf.setDescription("The standard OpenCms search index field configuration."); CmsSearchField field = new CmsSearchField(); // <field name="content" store="compress" index="true" excerpt="true"> field.setName("content"); field.setStored("compress"); field.setIndexed("true"); field.setInExcerpt("true"); field.setDisplayNameForConfiguration("%(key.field.content)"); // <mapping type="content" /> CmsSearchFieldMapping mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("content"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="title-key" store="true" index="untokenized" boost="0.0"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("title-key"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); field.setBoost("0.0"); // <mapping type="property">Title</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("property"); mapping.setParam("Title"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="title" store="false" index="true"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("title"); field.setStored("false"); field.setIndexed("true"); field.setDisplayNameForConfiguration("%(key.field.title)"); // <mapping type="property">Title</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("property"); mapping.setParam("Title"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="description" store="true" index="true"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("description"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("true"); field.setDisplayNameForConfiguration("%(key.field.description)"); // <mapping type="property">Description</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("property"); mapping.setParam("Description"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="meta" store="false" index="true"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("meta"); field.setStored("false"); field.setIndexed("true"); // <mapping type="property">Title</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("property"); mapping.setParam("Title"); field.addMapping(mapping); // <mapping type="property">Description</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("property"); mapping.setParam("Description"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_dateExpired" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_dateExpired"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">dateExpired</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("dateExpired"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_dateReleased" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_dateReleased"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">dateReleased</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("dateReleased"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_length" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_length"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">length</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("length"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_state" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_state"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">state</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("state"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_structureId" store="true" index="false"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_structureId"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">structureId</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("structureId"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_userCreated" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_userCreated"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">userCreated</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("userCreated"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_userLastModified" store="true" index="untokenized"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_userLastModified"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("untokenized"); // <mapping type="attribute">userLastModified</mapping> mapping = new CmsSearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("attribute"); mapping.setParam("userLastModified"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="res_locales" store="true" index="true" analyzer="WhitespaceAnalyzer"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("res_locales"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("true"); try { field.setAnalyzer("WhitespaceAnalyzer"); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore e.printStackTrace(); } // <mapping type="dynamic" class="">res_locales</mapping> mapping = new CmsGallerySearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("dynamic"); mapping.setParam("res_locales"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="additional_info" store="true" index="false"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("additional_info"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("false"); // <mapping type="dynamic" class="">additional_info</mapping> mapping = new CmsGallerySearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("dynamic"); mapping.setParam("additional_info"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); // <field name="container_types" store="true" index="true" analyzer="WhitespaceAnalyzer"> field = new CmsSearchField(); field.setName("container_types"); field.setStored("true"); field.setIndexed("true"); try { field.setAnalyzer("WhitespaceAnalyzer"); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore e.printStackTrace(); } // <mapping type="dynamic" class="">container_types</mapping> mapping = new CmsGallerySearchFieldMapping(); mapping.setType("dynamic"); mapping.setParam("container_types"); field.addMapping(mapping); fieldConf.addField(field); createFieldConfig(document, xpath, fieldConf, CmsGallerySearchFieldConfiguration.class); return true; } }; xp = new StringBuffer(256); xp.append(getCommonPath()); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_FIELDCONFIGURATIONS); xp.append("/"); xp.append(CmsSearchConfiguration.N_FIELDCONFIGURATION); xp.append("["); xp.append(I_CmsXmlConfiguration.N_NAME); xp.append("='gallery_fields']"); m_actions.put(xp.toString(), action4); // //============================================================================================================= // m_actions.put("/opencms/search/indexsources", new CmsIndexSourceTypeUpdateAction()); // use dummy check [1=1] to make the xpaths unique m_actions.put("/opencms/search/indexsources[1=1]", new CmsAddGalleryModuleIndexSourceAction()); m_actions.put(buildXpathForIndexedDocumentType("source1", "containerpage"), createIndexedTypeAction("containerpage")); //============================================================================================================= String analyzerEnPath = "/opencms/search/analyzers/analyzer[class='org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer'][locale='en']"; m_actions.put(analyzerEnPath, new ElementReplaceAction(analyzerEnPath, "<analyzer>\n" + " <class>org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.EnglishAnalyzer</class>\n" + " <locale>en</locale>\n" + " </analyzer>")); String analyzerItPath = "/opencms/search/analyzers/analyzer[class='org.apache.lucene.analysis.snowball.SnowballAnalyzer'][stemmer='Italian']"; m_actions.put(analyzerItPath, new ElementReplaceAction(analyzerItPath, "<analyzer>\n" + " <class></class>\n" + " <locale>it</locale>\n" + " </analyzer>")); m_actions.put( "/opencms/search/indexsources/indexsource[name='gallery_source']/resources['systemgalleries'='systemgalleries']", new CmsAddIndexSourceResourceAction()); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Processes a document node and extracts the values of the node according to the provided XML * content definition.<p> /* w ww.j a v a 2 s . com*/ * * @param root the root node element to process * @param rootPath the Xpath of the root node in the document * @param locale the locale * @param definition the XML content definition to use for processing the values */ protected void processSchemaNode(Element root, String rootPath, Locale locale, CmsXmlContentDefinition definition) { // iterate all XML nodes List<Node> content = CmsXmlGenericWrapper.content(root); for (int i = content.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Node node = content.get(i); if (!(node instanceof Element)) { // this node is not an element, so it must be a white space text node, remove it node.detach(); } else { // node must be an element Element element = (Element) node; String name = element.getName(); int xpathIndex = CmsXmlUtils.getXpathIndexInt(element.getUniquePath(root)); // build the Xpath expression for the current node String path; if (rootPath != null) { StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(rootPath.length() + name.length() + 6); b.append(rootPath); b.append('/'); b.append(CmsXmlUtils.createXpathElement(name, xpathIndex)); path = b.toString(); } else { path = CmsXmlUtils.createXpathElement(name, xpathIndex); } // create a XML content value element I_CmsXmlSchemaType schemaType = definition.getSchemaType(name); if (schemaType != null) { // directly add simple type to schema I_CmsXmlContentValue value = schemaType.createValue(this, element, locale); addBookmark(path, locale, true, value); if (!schemaType.isSimpleType()) { // recurse for nested schema CmsXmlNestedContentDefinition nestedSchema = (CmsXmlNestedContentDefinition) schemaType; processSchemaNode(element, path, locale, nestedSchema.getNestedContentDefinition()); } } else { // unknown XML node name according to schema if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_XMLCONTENT_INVALID_ELEM_2, name, definition.getSchemaLocation())); } } } } }