Java tutorial
/* This file is part of GALE (Generic Adaptation Language and Engine). GALE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GALE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with GALE. If not, see <>. */ /** * * Last modified: $Date$ * In revision: $Revision$ * Modified by: $Author: vramos $ * * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Eindhoven University of Technology. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software is proprietary information of the Eindhoven University * of Technology. It may be used according to the GNU LGPL license. */ package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import nl.tue.gale.common.GaleUtil; import nl.tue.gale.common.UrlEncodedQueryString; import nl.tue.gale.common.uri.URI; import nl.tue.gale.common.uri.URIs; import; import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; public class MCModule extends AbstractModule { private static final String xhtmlns = ""; private List<String> mimeToHandle = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "text/xhtml" }); public List<String> getMimeToHandle() { return mimeToHandle; } public void setMimeToHandle(List<String> mimeToHandle) { this.mimeToHandle = mimeToHandle; } private String plugin = "mc"; public void setPlugin(String plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } public Element traverse(Element element, Resource resource) throws ProcessorException { try { GaleContext gale = GaleContext.of(resource); Element resultElement = element.element("result"); if (resultElement != null) element.remove(resultElement); processor.traverseChildren(element, resource); if (resultElement != null) element.add(resultElement); Test test = readTest(element); boolean eval = (Boolean) gale.eval(test.expr); if (!eval) { GaleUtil.replaceNode(element, DocumentFactory.getInstance().createText((test.alt == null ? "" : test.alt))); return null; } test.create(); String guid = GaleUtil.newGUID(); gale.req().getSession().setAttribute(guid, test); String url = GaleUtil.getRequestURL(gale.req()); UrlEncodedQueryString qs = UrlEncodedQueryString.parse(URIs.of(url)); if ("true".equals(qs.get("frame"))) { qs.remove("frame"); qs.append("framewait", "true"); } qs.append("plugin", plugin); qs.append("guid", guid); url = qs.apply(URIs.of(url)).toString(); Node n = resource.getTyped(Node.class, ""); Element result = test.toXHTML(url, n); return (Element) GaleUtil.replaceNode(element, result); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return (Element) GaleUtil.replaceNode(element, GaleUtil.createErrorElement("[" + e.getMessage() + "]")); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Test readTest(Element element) { Test result = (new Test()).setTitle(element.attributeValue("title")) .setAction(element.attributeValue("action")) .setReal_knowledge_expr(element.attributeValue("realKnowledgeExpr")) .setExpr(element.attributeValue("expr")).setAsk(new Integer(element.attributeValue("ask"))) .setResult(element.element("result")).setAlt(element.attributeValue("alt")) .setVerbose(new Boolean(element.attributeValue("verbose"))); for (Element q : (List<Element>) element.elements("question")) result.getQuestions().add(readQuestion(q)); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Question readQuestion(Element element) { Element q = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("span", xhtmlns); for (Node n : (List<Node>) element.content()) { boolean b = true; if (n instanceof Element) if (((Element) n).getName().equals("answer") || ((Element) n).getName().equals("concept_relation")) b = false; if (b) q.add((Node) n.clone()); } Question result = (new Question()).setQuestion(q).setCount(new Integer(element.attributeValue("answers"))) .setRight(new Integer(element.attributeValue("right"))); //Check if the question has an ID. if (element.attributeValue("id") != null && !"".equals(element.attributeValue("id"))) result.setId(new Integer(element.attributeValue("id"))); if ("checkbox".equals(element.attributeValue("type"))) result.setType(1); for (Element a : (List<Element>) element.elements("answer")) result.getAnswers().add(readAnswer(a)); /* * Created by: Vinicius Ramos * DATE: Sept 13th 2012 * * READ the concepts in XHTML */ int v = 0; //Read in xml file all the concepts related to the question for (Element c : (List<Element>) element.elements("concept_relation")) { result.getConcepts().add(c.getText()); } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Answer readAnswer(Element element) { Element a = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("span", xhtmlns); for (Node n : (List<Node>) element.content()) { boolean b = true; if (n instanceof Element) if (((Element) n).getName().equals("explain")) b = false; if (b) a.add((Node) n.clone()); } Answer result = (new Answer()).setAnswer(a).setExplain(element.element("explain")) .setCorrect(new Boolean(element.attributeValue("correct"))); //Check if the answer has an ID. if (element.attributeValue("id") != null && !"".equals(element.attributeValue("id"))) result.setId(new Integer(element.attributeValue("id"))); return result; } public static class Test { private List<Question> questions = new LinkedList<Question>(); private String title = null; private String action = null; private String real_knowledge_expr = null; private String expr = null; private String alt = null; private Element result = null; private int ask = 1; private boolean verbose = true; /* * ADD a new element Concepts. */ public List<Question> getQuestions() { return questions; } public Test setQuestions(List<Question> questions) { this.questions = questions; return this; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public Test setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; return this; } public String getAction() { return action; } public Test setAction(String action) { this.action = action; return this; } public String getReal_knowledge_expr() { return real_knowledge_expr; } public Test setReal_knowledge_expr(String real_knowledge_expr) { this.real_knowledge_expr = real_knowledge_expr; return this; } public String getExpr() { return expr; } public Test setExpr(String expr) { this.expr = expr; return this; } public String getAlt() { return alt; } public Test setAlt(String alt) { this.alt = alt; return this; } public Element getResult() { return result; } public Test setResult(Element result) { this.result = result; return this; } public int getAsk() { return ask; } public Test setAsk(int ask) { this.ask = ask; return this; } public boolean isVerbose() { return verbose; } public Test setVerbose(boolean verbose) { this.verbose = verbose; return this; } public void create() { List<Question> result = new LinkedList<Question>(); while (result.size() < ask) result.add(questions.remove((int) Math.floor(Math.random() * questions.size()))); for (Question q : result) q.create(); questions = result; } // ${->(parent)[0]#knowledge?persistent} public Element toXHTML(String action, Node n) { DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); Element result = df.createElement("span", xhtmlns); Element h1 = df.createElement("h1", xhtmlns); h1.addText(title); result.add(h1); Element form = df.createElement("form", xhtmlns).addAttribute("method", "POST").addAttribute("action", action); result.add(form); // possibly add content to the form, based on previous processing if (n != null) { n = (Node) n.clone(); form.add(n); } Element ol = df.createElement("ol", xhtmlns); for (Question q : questions) { Element li = df.createElement("li", xhtmlns); li.add(q.toXHTML(questions.indexOf(q))); ol.add(li); } form.add(ol); Element hr = df.createElement("hr", xhtmlns); form.add(hr); Element input = df.createElement("input", xhtmlns).addAttribute("type", "SUBMIT").addAttribute("value", "Evaluate this test"); form.add(input); input = df.createElement("input", xhtmlns).addAttribute("type", "RESET").addAttribute("value", "Wipe answers to try again"); form.add(input); return result; } } public static class Question { private List<Answer> answers = new LinkedList<Answer>(); private List<String> concepts = new LinkedList<String>(); private Element question = null; private int count = 1; private int right = 1; private int type = -1; private int id = -1; public List<Answer> getAnswers() { return answers; } public Question setAnswers(List<Answer> answers) { this.answers = answers; return this; } public List<String> getConcepts() { return concepts; } public Question setConcepts(List<String> concepts) { this.concepts = concepts; return this; } public Element getQuestion() { return question; } public Question setQuestion(Element question) { this.question = question; return this; } public int getCount() { return count; } public Question setCount(int count) { this.count = count; return this; } public int getRight() { return right; } public Question setRight(int right) { this.right = right; return this; } public boolean getRadio() { return (type == -1 ? right == 1 : type == 0); } public int getType() { return type; } public Question setType(int type) { this.type = type; return this; } public int getId() { return id; } public Question setId(int id) { = id; return this; } public void create() { int rcount = 0; int rlcount = 0; for (Answer a : answers) if (a.correct) rlcount++; List<Answer> result = new LinkedList<Answer>(); while (result.size() < count) { boolean takeright = (Math.random() < (right - rcount) / (((int) Math.floor(Math.random() * (count - result.size()))) + 1)); if (takeright) { int chosen = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * rlcount); Answer found = null; int i = 0; for (Answer a : answers) if (a.correct) { if (i == chosen) found = a; i++; } result.add(found); answers.remove(found); rcount++; rlcount--; } else { int chosen = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * (answers.size() - rlcount)); Answer found = null; int i = 0; for (Answer a : answers) if (!a.correct) { if (i == chosen) found = a; i++; } result.add(found); answers.remove(found); } } answers = result; } public Element toXHTML(int index) { DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); Element result = df.createElement("span", xhtmlns); question.detach(); result.add(question); Element br = df.createElement("br", xhtmlns); result.add(br); for (Answer a : answers) { result.add(a.toXHTML(index, answers.indexOf(a), getRadio())); br = df.createElement("br", xhtmlns); result.add(br); } br = df.createElement("br", xhtmlns); result.add(br); return result; } } public static class Answer { private Element answer = null; private Element explain = null; private boolean correct = true; private int id = -1; public int getId() { return id; } public Answer setId(int id) { = id; return this; } public Element getAnswer() { return answer; } public Answer setAnswer(Element answer) { this.answer = answer; return this; } public Element getExplain() { return explain; } public Answer setExplain(Element explain) { this.explain = explain; return this; } public boolean isCorrect() { return correct; } public Answer setCorrect(boolean correct) { this.correct = correct; return this; } public Element toXHTML(int qindex, int aindex, boolean radio) { DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); Element result = df.createElement("input", xhtmlns).addAttribute("type", (radio ? "RADIO" : "CHECKBOX")) .addAttribute("name", "q_" + qindex + (radio ? "" : "_" + aindex)) .addAttribute("value", (radio ? "a_" + aindex : "true")); answer.detach(); result.add(answer); return result; } } /* * Create a new class Concept to print the suggestions. Maybe I have to implement something in MCPlugin. */ }